diff --git a/pandora_console/include/rest-api/models/VisualConsole/Items/DonutGraph.php b/pandora_console/include/rest-api/models/VisualConsole/Items/DonutGraph.php index 72471cc723..b2a2f58e60 100644 --- a/pandora_console/include/rest-api/models/VisualConsole/Items/DonutGraph.php +++ b/pandora_console/include/rest-api/models/VisualConsole/Items/DonutGraph.php @@ -153,10 +153,13 @@ final class DonutGraph extends Item if ($isString === true) { $graphData = \get_donut_module_data($moduleId); + $width = (int) $data['width'] > 0 ? (int) $data['width'] : 500; + $height = (int) $data['height'] > 0 ? (int) $data['height'] : 500; + $data['html'] = \d3_donut_graph( (int) $data['id'], - (int) $data['width'], - (int) $data['width'], + $width, + $height, $graphData, $legendBackGroundColor ); diff --git a/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.66fed557.min.js b/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.66fed557.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index f30a4bda45..0000000000 --- a/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.66fed557.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -!function(t){var e={};function r(n){if(e[n])return e[n].exports;var o=e[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=t,r.c=e,r.d=function(t,e,n){r.o(t,e)||Object.defineProperty(t,e,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(t){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(t,e){if(1&e&&(t=r(t)),8&e)return t;if(4&e&&"object"==typeof t&&t&&t.__esModule)return t;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t}),2&e&&"string"!=typeof t)for(var o in t)r.d(n,o,function(e){return t[e]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(t){var e=t&&t.__esModule?function(){return t.default}:function(){return t};return r.d(e,"a",e),e},r.o=function(t,e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e)},r.p="",r(r.s=2)}([function(t,e,r){},function(t,e,r){},function(t,e,r){"use strict";r.r(e);r(0);var n=function(){return(n=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r0&&!isNaN(parseInt(t))?parseInt(t):e}function i(t){return null==t||0===t.length}function s(t,e){return"string"==typeof t&&t.length>0?t:e}function a(t){return"boolean"==typeof t?t:"number"==typeof t?t>0:"string"==typeof t&&("1"===t||"true"===t)}function l(t,e,r){void 0===r&&(r=" "),"number"==typeof t&&(t=""+t),"number"==typeof r&&(r=""+r);var n=e-t.length;if(0===n)return t;if(n<0)return t.substr(Math.abs(n));if(n===r.length)return""+r+t;if(n0?r:null},function(t){var e=t.metaconsoleId,r=t.agentId,i=t.agentName,s={agentId:o(r,null),agentName:"string"==typeof i&&i.length>0?i:null};return null!=e?n({metaconsoleId:e},s):s}(t))}function p(t){var e=t.metaconsoleId,r=t.linkedLayoutId,i=t.linkedLayoutAgentId,s={linkedLayoutStatusType:"default"};switch(t.linkedLayoutStatusType){case"weight":var a=o(t.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight,null);if(null==a)throw new TypeError("invalid status calculation properties.");t.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight&&(s={linkedLayoutStatusType:"weight",linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight:a});break;case"service":var l=o(t.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold,null),u=o(t.linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold,null);if(null==l||null==u)throw new TypeError("invalid status calculation properties.");s={linkedLayoutStatusType:"service",linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold:l,linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold:u}}var c=n({linkedLayoutId:o(r,null),linkedLayoutAgentId:o(i,null)},s);return null!=e?n({metaconsoleId:e},c):c}function h(t,e){var r=t+": "+e+";";return["-webkit-"+r,"-moz-"+r,"-ms-"+r,"-o-"+r,""+r]}function f(t){return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(t)))}var d=function(){return function(){var t=this;this.listeners=[],this.listenersOncer=[],this.on=function(e){return t.listeners.push(e),{dispose:function(){return t.off(e)}}},this.once=function(e){t.listenersOncer.push(e)},this.off=function(e){var r=t.listeners.indexOf(e);r>-1&&t.listeners.splice(r,1)},this.emit=function(e){t.listeners.forEach(function(t){return t(e)}),t.listenersOncer.forEach(function(t){return t(e)}),t.listenersOncer=[]},this.pipe=function(e){return t.on(function(t){return e.emit(t)})}}}(),m=function(){return(m=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r0?t+"px":null,this.childElementRef.style.height=e>0?e+"px":null},t.prototype.resize=function(t,e){this.resizeElement(t,e),this.itemProps=m({},this.props,{width:t,height:e})},t.prototype.onClick=function(t){var e=this.clickEventManager.on(t);return this.disposables.push(e),e},t.prototype.onRemove=function(t){var e=this.removeEventManager.on(t);return this.disposables.push(e),e},t}(),w=(g=function(t,e){return(g=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(t,e){t.__proto__=e}||function(t,e){for(var r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(t[r]=e[r])})(t,e)},function(t,e){function r(){this.constructor=t}g(t,e),t.prototype=null===e?Object.create(e):(r.prototype=e.prototype,new r)}),A=function(){return(A=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r\n ",c.append(p),c},e.prototype.createDigitalClock=function(){var t=document.createElement("div");t.className="digital-clock";var e=this.getElementSize().width,r=6/this.props.clockTimezone.length,n=20*e/100,o=10*e/100,i=Math.min(20*r*e/100,e/100*10);if("datetime"===this.props.clockFormat){var s=document.createElement("span");s.className="date",s.textContent=this.getDigitalDate(),s.style.fontSize=o+"px",this.props.color&&(s.style.color=this.props.color),t.append(s)}var a=document.createElement("span");if(a.className="time",a.textContent=this.getDigitalTime(),a.style.fontSize=n+"px",this.props.color&&(a.style.color=this.props.color),t.append(a),this.props.showClockTimezone){var l=document.createElement("span");l.className="timezone",l.textContent=this.props.clockTimezone,l.style.fontSize=i+"px",this.props.color&&(l.style.color=this.props.color),t.append(l)}return t},e.prototype.getDate=function(){var t=new Date,e=60*this.props.clockTimezoneOffset*1e3,r=60*t.getTimezoneOffset()*1e3,n=t.getTime()+e+r;return new Date(n)},e.prototype.getDigitalDate=function(t){void 0===t&&(t=null);var e=t||this.getDate();return l(e.getDate(),2,0)+"/"+l(e.getMonth()+1,2,0)+"/"+l(e.getFullYear(),4,0)},e.prototype.getDigitalTime=function(t){void 0===t&&(t=null);var e=t||this.getDate();return l(e.getHours(),2,0)+":"+l(e.getMinutes(),2,0)+":"+l(e.getSeconds(),2,0)},e.prototype.getElementSize=function(t,e){switch(void 0===t&&(t=this.props.width),void 0===e&&(e=this.props.height),this.props.clockType){case"analogic":var r=100;return t>0&&e>0?r=Math.min(t,e):t>0?r=t:e>0&&(r=e),{width:r,height:r};case"digital":return t>0&&e>0?e=t/20?e=t/2:e>0?t=2*e:(t=100,e=50),{width:t,height:e};default:throw new Error("invalid clock type.")}},e.TICK_INTERVAL=1e3,e}(v),U=function(){var t=function(e,r){return(t=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(t,e){t.__proto__=e}||function(t,e){for(var r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(t[r]=e[r])})(e,r)};return function(e,r){function n(){this.constructor=e}t(e,r),e.prototype=null===r?Object.create(r):(n.prototype=r.prototype,new 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50)"),l.setAttribute("fill",t.progress),l.setAttribute("fill-opacity","1"),l.setAttribute("r",""+e/2),(a=document.createElementNS(gt,"text")).setAttribute("text-anchor","middle"),a.setAttribute("alignment-baseline","middle"),a.setAttribute("font-size","16"),a.setAttribute("font-family","arial"),a.setAttribute("font-weight","bold"),a.setAttribute("fill",t.text),"value"===this.props.valueType)if(this.props.unit&&this.props.unit.length>0){var u=document.createElementNS(gt,"tspan");u.setAttribute("x","0"),u.setAttribute("dy","1em"),u.textContent=""+this.props.value;var c=document.createElementNS(gt,"tspan");c.setAttribute("x","0"),c.setAttribute("dy","1em"),c.textContent=""+this.props.unit,a.append(u,c),a.setAttribute("transform","translate(50 33)")}else a.textContent=""+this.props.value,a.setAttribute("transform","translate(50 50)");else a.textContent=e+"%",a.setAttribute("transform","translate(50 50)");n.setAttribute("viewBox","0 0 100 100"),n.append(s,l,a)}return r.append(n),r},e.prototype.getProgress=function(){var t=this.props.minValue||0,e=this.props.maxValue||100,r=this.props.value||100;return r<=t?0:r>=e?100:(r-t)/(e-t)*100},e}(v),wt=function(){var t=function(e,r){return(t=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(t,e){t.__proto__=e}||function(t,e){for(var r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(t[r]=e[r])})(e,r)};return function(e,r){function n(){this.constructor=e}t(e,r),e.prototype=null===r?Object.create(r):(n.prototype=r.prototype,new n)}}(),At=function(){return(At=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r(value: any, defaultValue: T): number | T {\n if (typeof value === \"number\") return value;\n if (typeof value === \"string\" && value.length > 0 && !isNaN(parseInt(value)))\n return parseInt(value);\n else return defaultValue;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return a number or a default value from a raw value.\n * @param value Raw value from which we will try to extract a valid number.\n * @param defaultValue Default value to use if we cannot extract a valid number.\n * @return A valid number or the default value.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function parseFloatOr(value: any, defaultValue: T): number | T {\n if (typeof value === \"number\") return value;\n if (\n typeof value === \"string\" &&\n value.length > 0 &&\n !isNaN(parseFloat(value))\n )\n return parseFloat(value);\n else return defaultValue;\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if a string exists and it's not empty.\n * @param value Value to check.\n * @return The check result.\n */\nexport function stringIsEmpty(value?: string | null): boolean {\n return value == null || value.length === 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return a not empty string or a default value from a raw value.\n * @param value Raw value from which we will try to extract a non empty string.\n * @param defaultValue Default value to use if we cannot extract a non empty string.\n * @return A non empty string or the default value.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function notEmptyStringOr(value: any, defaultValue: T): string | T {\n return typeof value === \"string\" && value.length > 0 ? value : defaultValue;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return a boolean from a raw value.\n * @param value Raw value from which we will try to extract the boolean.\n * @return A valid boolean value. false by default.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function parseBoolean(value: any): boolean {\n if (typeof value === \"boolean\") return value;\n else if (typeof value === \"number\") return value > 0;\n else if (typeof value === \"string\") return value === \"1\" || value === \"true\";\n else return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * Pad the current string with another string (multiple times, if needed)\n * until the resulting string reaches the given length.\n * The padding is applied from the start (left) of the current string.\n * @param value Text that needs to be padded.\n * @param length Length of the returned text.\n * @param pad Text to add.\n * @return Padded text.\n */\nexport function padLeft(\n value: string | number,\n length: number,\n pad: string | number = \" \"\n): string {\n if (typeof value === \"number\") value = `${value}`;\n if (typeof pad === \"number\") pad = `${pad}`;\n\n const diffLength = length - value.length;\n if (diffLength === 0) return value;\n if (diffLength < 0) return value.substr(Math.abs(diffLength));\n\n if (diffLength === pad.length) return `${pad}${value}`;\n if (diffLength < pad.length) return `${pad.substring(0, diffLength)}${value}`;\n\n const repeatTimes = Math.floor(diffLength / pad.length);\n const restLength = diffLength - pad.length * repeatTimes;\n\n let newPad = \"\";\n for (let i = 0; i < repeatTimes; i++) newPad += pad;\n\n if (restLength === 0) return `${newPad}${value}`;\n return `${newPad}${pad.substring(0, restLength)}${value}`;\n}\n\n/* Decoders */\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the position.\n */\nexport function positionPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): Position {\n return {\n x: parseIntOr(data.x, 0),\n y: parseIntOr(data.y, 0)\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the size.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if the width and height are not valid numbers.\n */\nexport function sizePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): Size | never {\n if (\n data.width == null ||\n isNaN(parseInt(data.width)) ||\n data.height == null ||\n isNaN(parseInt(data.height))\n ) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid size.\");\n }\n\n return {\n width: parseInt(data.width),\n height: parseInt(data.height)\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the agent properties.\n */\nexport function agentPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): WithAgentProps {\n // Object destructuring: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n const { metaconsoleId, agentId: id, agentName: name } = data;\n\n const agentProps: WithAgentProps = {\n agentId: parseIntOr(id, null),\n agentName: typeof name === \"string\" && name.length > 0 ? name : null\n };\n\n return metaconsoleId != null\n ? {\n metaconsoleId,\n ...agentProps // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n }\n : agentProps;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the module and agent properties.\n */\nexport function modulePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): WithModuleProps {\n // Object destructuring: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n const { moduleId: id, moduleName: name } = data;\n\n return {\n moduleId: parseIntOr(id, null),\n moduleName: typeof name === \"string\" && name.length > 0 ? name : null,\n ...agentPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the linked visual console properties.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if the status calculation properties are invalid.\n */\nexport function linkedVCPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): LinkedVisualConsoleProps | never {\n // Object destructuring: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n const {\n metaconsoleId,\n linkedLayoutId: id,\n linkedLayoutAgentId: agentId\n } = data;\n\n let linkedLayoutStatusProps: LinkedVisualConsolePropsStatus = {\n linkedLayoutStatusType: \"default\"\n };\n switch (data.linkedLayoutStatusType) {\n case \"weight\": {\n const weight = parseIntOr(data.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight, null);\n if (weight == null)\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid status calculation properties.\");\n\n if (data.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight)\n linkedLayoutStatusProps = {\n linkedLayoutStatusType: \"weight\",\n linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight: weight\n };\n break;\n }\n case \"service\": {\n const warningThreshold = parseIntOr(\n data.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold,\n null\n );\n const criticalThreshold = parseIntOr(\n data.linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold,\n null\n );\n if (warningThreshold == null || criticalThreshold == null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid status calculation properties.\");\n }\n\n linkedLayoutStatusProps = {\n linkedLayoutStatusType: \"service\",\n linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold: warningThreshold,\n linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold: criticalThreshold\n };\n break;\n }\n }\n\n const linkedLayoutBaseProps = {\n linkedLayoutId: parseIntOr(id, null),\n linkedLayoutAgentId: parseIntOr(agentId, null),\n ...linkedLayoutStatusProps // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n };\n\n return metaconsoleId != null\n ? {\n metaconsoleId,\n ...linkedLayoutBaseProps // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n }\n : linkedLayoutBaseProps;\n}\n\n/**\n * To get a CSS rule with the most used prefixes.\n * @param ruleName Name of the CSS rule.\n * @param ruleValue Value of the CSS rule.\n * @return An array of rules with the prefixes applied.\n */\nexport function prefixedCssRules(\n ruleName: string,\n ruleValue: string\n): string[] {\n const rule = `${ruleName}: ${ruleValue};`;\n return [\n `-webkit-${rule}`,\n `-moz-${rule}`,\n `-ms-${rule}`,\n `-o-${rule}`,\n `${rule}`\n ];\n}\n\n/**\n * Decode a base64 string.\n * @param input Data encoded using base64.\n * @return Decoded data.\n */\nexport function decodeBase64(input: string): string {\n return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(input)));\n}\n","export interface Listener {\n (event: T): void;\n}\n\nexport interface Disposable {\n dispose: () => void;\n}\n\n/** passes through events as they happen. You will not get events from before you start listening */\nexport default class TypedEvent {\n private listeners: Listener[] = [];\n private listenersOncer: Listener[] = [];\n\n public on = (listener: Listener): Disposable => {\n this.listeners.push(listener);\n return {\n dispose: () => this.off(listener)\n };\n };\n\n public once = (listener: Listener): void => {\n this.listenersOncer.push(listener);\n };\n\n public off = (listener: Listener): void => {\n const callbackIndex = this.listeners.indexOf(listener);\n if (callbackIndex > -1) this.listeners.splice(callbackIndex, 1);\n };\n\n public emit = (event: T): void => {\n /** Update any general listeners */\n this.listeners.forEach(listener => listener(event));\n\n /** Clear the `once` queue */\n this.listenersOncer.forEach(listener => listener(event));\n this.listenersOncer = [];\n };\n\n public pipe = (te: TypedEvent): Disposable => this.on(e => te.emit(e));\n}\n","import { Position, Size, UnknownObject } from \"./types\";\nimport {\n sizePropsDecoder,\n positionPropsDecoder,\n parseIntOr,\n parseBoolean,\n notEmptyStringOr\n} from \"./lib\";\nimport TypedEvent, { Listener, Disposable } from \"./TypedEvent\";\n\n// Enum: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/enums.html.\nexport const enum ItemType {\n STATIC_GRAPH = 0,\n MODULE_GRAPH = 1,\n SIMPLE_VALUE = 2,\n PERCENTILE_BAR = 3,\n LABEL = 4,\n ICON = 5,\n SIMPLE_VALUE_MAX = 6,\n SIMPLE_VALUE_MIN = 7,\n SIMPLE_VALUE_AVG = 8,\n PERCENTILE_BUBBLE = 9,\n SERVICE = 10,\n GROUP_ITEM = 11,\n BOX_ITEM = 12,\n LINE_ITEM = 13,\n AUTO_SLA_GRAPH = 14,\n CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR = 15,\n CIRCULAR_INTERIOR_PROGRESS_BAR = 16,\n DONUT_GRAPH = 17,\n BARS_GRAPH = 18,\n CLOCK = 19,\n COLOR_CLOUD = 20\n}\n\n// Base item properties. This interface should be extended by the item implementations.\nexport interface ItemProps extends Position, Size {\n readonly id: number;\n readonly type: ItemType;\n label: string | null;\n labelPosition: \"up\" | \"right\" | \"down\" | \"left\";\n isLinkEnabled: boolean;\n link: string | null;\n isOnTop: boolean;\n parentId: number | null;\n aclGroupId: number | null;\n}\n\n// FIXME: Fix type compatibility.\nexport interface ItemClickEvent {\n // data: Props;\n data: UnknownObject;\n nativeEvent: Event;\n}\n\n// FIXME: Fix type compatibility.\nexport interface ItemRemoveEvent {\n // data: Props;\n data: UnknownObject;\n}\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw label positi9on value.\n * @param labelPosition Raw value.\n */\nconst parseLabelPosition = (\n labelPosition: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): ItemProps[\"labelPosition\"] => {\n switch (labelPosition) {\n case \"up\":\n case \"right\":\n case \"down\":\n case \"left\":\n return labelPosition;\n default:\n return \"down\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the item props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function itemBasePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): ItemProps | never {\n if (data.id == null || isNaN(parseInt(data.id))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid id.\");\n }\n if (data.type == null || isNaN(parseInt(data.type))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid type.\");\n }\n\n return {\n id: parseInt(data.id),\n type: parseInt(data.type),\n label: notEmptyStringOr(data.label, null),\n labelPosition: parseLabelPosition(data.labelPosition),\n isLinkEnabled: parseBoolean(data.isLinkEnabled),\n link: notEmptyStringOr(data.link, null),\n isOnTop: parseBoolean(data.isOnTop),\n parentId: parseIntOr(data.parentId, null),\n aclGroupId: parseIntOr(data.aclGroupId, null),\n ...sizePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...positionPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Base class of the visual console items. Should be extended to use its capabilities.\n */\nabstract class VisualConsoleItem {\n // Properties of the item.\n private itemProps: Props;\n // Reference to the DOM element which will contain the item.\n public elementRef: HTMLElement;\n public readonly labelElementRef: HTMLElement;\n // Reference to the DOM element which will contain the view of the item which extends this class.\n protected readonly childElementRef: HTMLElement;\n // Event manager for click events.\n private readonly clickEventManager = new TypedEvent>();\n // Event manager for remove events.\n private readonly removeEventManager = new TypedEvent<\n ItemRemoveEvent\n >();\n // List of references to clean the event listeners.\n private readonly disposables: Disposable[] = [];\n\n /**\n * To create a new element which will be inside the item box.\n * @return Item.\n */\n protected abstract createDomElement(): HTMLElement;\n\n public constructor(props: Props) {\n this.itemProps = props;\n\n /*\n * Get a HTMLElement which represents the container box\n * of the Visual Console item. This element will manage\n * all the common things like click events, show a border\n * when hovered, etc.\n */\n this.elementRef = this.createContainerDomElement();\n this.labelElementRef = this.createLabelDomElement();\n\n /*\n * Get a HTMLElement which represents the custom view\n * of the Visual Console item. This element will be\n * different depending on the item implementation.\n */\n this.childElementRef = this.createDomElement();\n\n // Insert the elements into the container.\n this.elementRef.append(this.childElementRef, this.labelElementRef);\n\n // Resize element.\n this.resizeElement(props.width, props.height);\n // Set label position.\n this.changeLabelPosition(props.labelPosition);\n }\n\n /**\n * To create a new box for the visual console item.\n * @return Item box.\n */\n private createContainerDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n let box;\n if (this.props.isLinkEnabled) {\n box = document.createElement(\"a\");\n box as HTMLAnchorElement;\n if (this.props.link) box.href = this.props.link;\n } else {\n box = document.createElement(\"div\");\n box as HTMLDivElement;\n }\n\n box.className = \"visual-console-item\";\n box.style.zIndex = this.props.isOnTop ? \"2\" : \"1\";\n box.style.left = `${this.props.x}px`;\n box.style.top = `${this.props.y}px`;\n box.onclick = e =>\n this.clickEventManager.emit({ data: this.props, nativeEvent: e });\n\n return box;\n }\n\n /**\n * To create a new label for the visual console item.\n * @return Item label.\n */\n protected createLabelDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"visual-console-item-label\";\n // Add the label if it exists.\n if (this.props.label && this.props.label.length) {\n element.innerHTML = this.props.label;\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * Public accessor of the `props` property.\n * @return Properties.\n */\n public get props(): Props {\n return { ...this.itemProps }; // Return a copy.\n }\n\n /**\n * Public setter of the `props` property.\n * If the new props are different enough than the\n * stored props, a render would be fired.\n * @param newProps\n */\n public set props(newProps: Props) {\n const prevProps = this.props;\n // Update the internal props.\n this.itemProps = newProps;\n\n // From this point, things which rely on this.props can access to the changes.\n\n // Check if we should re-render.\n if (this.shouldBeUpdated(prevProps, newProps)) this.render(prevProps);\n }\n\n /**\n * To compare the previous and the new props and returns a boolean value\n * in case the difference is meaningfull enough to perform DOM changes.\n *\n * Here, the only comparision is done by reference.\n *\n * Override this function to perform a different comparision depending on the item needs.\n *\n * @param prevProps\n * @param newProps\n * @return Whether the difference is meaningful enough to perform DOM changes or not.\n */\n protected shouldBeUpdated(prevProps: Props, newProps: Props): boolean {\n return prevProps !== newProps;\n }\n\n /**\n * To recreate or update the HTMLElement which represents the item into the DOM.\n * @param prevProps If exists it will be used to only perform DOM updates instead of a full replace.\n */\n public render(prevProps: Props | null = null): void {\n this.childElementRef.innerHTML = this.createDomElement().innerHTML;\n\n // Move box.\n if (!prevProps || this.positionChanged(prevProps, this.props)) {\n this.moveElement(this.props.x, this.props.y);\n }\n // Resize box.\n if (!prevProps || this.sizeChanged(prevProps, this.props)) {\n this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height);\n }\n // Change label.\n if (!prevProps || prevProps.label !== this.props.label) {\n this.labelElementRef.innerHTML = this.createLabelDomElement().innerHTML;\n }\n // Change link.\n if (\n prevProps &&\n (prevProps.isLinkEnabled !== this.props.isLinkEnabled ||\n (this.props.isLinkEnabled && prevProps.link !== this.props.link))\n ) {\n const container = this.createContainerDomElement();\n container.innerHTML = this.elementRef.innerHTML;\n\n if (this.elementRef.parentNode !== null) {\n this.elementRef.parentNode.replaceChild(container, this.elementRef);\n }\n\n // Changed the reference to the main element. It's ugly, but needed.\n this.elementRef = container;\n }\n // Change label position.\n if (!prevProps || prevProps.labelPosition !== this.props.labelPosition) {\n this.changeLabelPosition(this.props.labelPosition);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * To remove the event listeners and the elements from the DOM.\n */\n public remove(): void {\n // Call the remove event.\n this.removeEventManager.emit({ data: this.props });\n // Event listeners.\n this.disposables.forEach(disposable => {\n try {\n disposable.dispose();\n } catch (ignored) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty\n });\n // VisualConsoleItem DOM element.\n this.elementRef.remove();\n }\n\n /**\n * Compare the previous and the new position and return\n * a boolean value in case the position changed.\n * @param prevPosition\n * @param newPosition\n * @return Whether the position changed or not.\n */\n protected positionChanged(\n prevPosition: Position,\n newPosition: Position\n ): boolean {\n return prevPosition.x !== newPosition.x || prevPosition.y !== newPosition.y;\n }\n\n /**\n * Move the label around the item content.\n * @param position Label position.\n */\n protected changeLabelPosition(position: Props[\"labelPosition\"]): void {\n switch (position) {\n case \"up\":\n this.elementRef.style.flexDirection = \"column-reverse\";\n break;\n case \"left\":\n this.elementRef.style.flexDirection = \"row-reverse\";\n break;\n case \"right\":\n this.elementRef.style.flexDirection = \"row\";\n break;\n case \"down\":\n default:\n this.elementRef.style.flexDirection = \"column\";\n break;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Move the DOM container.\n * @param x Horizontal axis position.\n * @param y Vertical axis position.\n */\n protected moveElement(x: number, y: number): void {\n this.elementRef.style.left = `${x}px`;\n this.elementRef.style.top = `${y}px`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the position into the properties and move the DOM container.\n * @param x Horizontal axis position.\n * @param y Vertical axis position.\n */\n public move(x: number, y: number): void {\n this.moveElement(x, y);\n this.itemProps = {\n ...this.props, // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n x,\n y\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Compare the previous and the new size and return\n * a boolean value in case the size changed.\n * @param prevSize\n * @param newSize\n * @return Whether the size changed or not.\n */\n protected sizeChanged(prevSize: Size, newSize: Size): boolean {\n return (\n prevSize.width !== newSize.width || prevSize.height !== newSize.height\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Resize the DOM content container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n protected resizeElement(width: number, height: number): void {\n // The most valuable size is the content size.\n this.childElementRef.style.width = width > 0 ? `${width}px` : null;\n this.childElementRef.style.height = height > 0 ? `${height}px` : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the size into the properties and resize the DOM container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n public resize(width: number, height: number): void {\n this.resizeElement(width, height);\n this.itemProps = {\n ...this.props, // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n width,\n height\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * To add an event handler to the click of the linked visual console elements.\n * @param listener Function which is going to be executed when a linked console is clicked.\n */\n public onClick(listener: Listener>): Disposable {\n /*\n * The '.on' function returns a function which will clean the event\n * listener when executed. We store all the 'dispose' functions to\n * call them when the item should be cleared.\n */\n const disposable = this.clickEventManager.on(listener);\n this.disposables.push(disposable);\n\n return disposable;\n }\n\n /**\n * To add an event handler to the removal of the item.\n * @param listener Function which is going to be executed when a item is removed.\n */\n public onRemove(listener: Listener>): Disposable {\n /*\n * The '.on' function returns a function which will clean the event\n * listener when executed. We store all the 'dispose' functions to\n * call them when the item should be cleared.\n */\n const disposable = this.removeEventManager.on(listener);\n this.disposables.push(disposable);\n\n return disposable;\n }\n}\n\nexport default VisualConsoleItem;\n","import {\n WithModuleProps,\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject\n} from \"../types\";\n\nimport {\n modulePropsDecoder,\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n notEmptyStringOr\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type StaticGraphProps = {\n type: ItemType.STATIC_GRAPH;\n imageSrc: string; // URL?\n showLastValueTooltip: \"default\" | \"enabled\" | \"disabled\";\n statusImageSrc: string | null; // URL?\n lastValue: string | null;\n} & ItemProps &\n (WithModuleProps | LinkedVisualConsoleProps);\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw unknown value.\n * @param showLastValueTooltip Raw value.\n */\nconst parseShowLastValueTooltip = (\n showLastValueTooltip: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): StaticGraphProps[\"showLastValueTooltip\"] => {\n switch (showLastValueTooltip) {\n case \"default\":\n case \"enabled\":\n case \"disabled\":\n return showLastValueTooltip;\n default:\n return \"default\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the static graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function staticGraphPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): StaticGraphProps | never {\n if (typeof data.imageSrc !== \"string\" || data.imageSrc.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid image src.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.STATIC_GRAPH,\n imageSrc: data.imageSrc,\n showLastValueTooltip: parseShowLastValueTooltip(data.showLastValueTooltip),\n statusImageSrc: notEmptyStringOr(data.statusImageSrc, null),\n lastValue: notEmptyStringOr(data.lastValue, null),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class StaticGraph extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const img: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement(\"img\");\n img.className = \"static-graph\";\n img.src = this.props.statusImageSrc || this.props.imageSrc;\n\n // Show last value in a tooltip.\n if (\n this.props.lastValue !== null &&\n this.props.showLastValueTooltip !== \"disabled\"\n ) {\n img.className = \"static-graph image forced_title\";\n img.setAttribute(\"data-use_title_for_force_title\", \"1\");\n img.setAttribute(\"data-title\", this.props.lastValue);\n img.alt = this.props.lastValue;\n }\n\n return img;\n }\n}\n","import { LinkedVisualConsoleProps, UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport { linkedVCPropsDecoder } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type IconProps = {\n type: ItemType.ICON;\n imageSrc: string; // URL?\n} & ItemProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the icon props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function iconPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): IconProps | never {\n if (typeof data.imageSrc !== \"string\" || data.imageSrc.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid image src.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.ICON,\n imageSrc: data.imageSrc,\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Icon extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const img: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement(\"img\");\n img.className = \"icon\";\n img.src = this.props.imageSrc;\n\n return img;\n }\n}\n","import {\n WithModuleProps,\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject\n} from \"../types\";\nimport { modulePropsDecoder, linkedVCPropsDecoder } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { itemBasePropsDecoder, ItemType, ItemProps } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type ColorCloudProps = {\n type: ItemType.COLOR_CLOUD;\n color: string;\n // TODO: Add the rest of the color cloud values?\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the static graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function colorCloudPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): ColorCloudProps | never {\n // TODO: Validate the color.\n if (typeof data.color !== \"string\" || data.color.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid color.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.COLOR_CLOUD,\n color: data.color,\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nconst svgNS = \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\";\n\nexport default class ColorCloud extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const container: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n container.className = \"color-cloud\";\n\n // Add the SVG.\n container.append(this.createSvgElement());\n\n return container;\n }\n\n public createSvgElement(): SVGSVGElement {\n const gradientId = `grad_${this.props.id}`;\n // SVG container.\n const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"svg\");\n // Auto resize SVG using the view box magic: https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/\n svg.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 100 100\");\n\n // Defs.\n const defs = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"defs\");\n // Radial gradient.\n const radialGradient = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"radialGradient\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"id\", gradientId);\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"cx\", \"50%\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"cy\", \"50%\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"r\", \"50%\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"fx\", \"50%\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"fy\", \"50%\");\n // Stops.\n const stop0 = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"stop\");\n stop0.setAttribute(\"offset\", \"0%\");\n stop0.setAttribute(\n \"style\",\n `stop-color:${this.props.color};stop-opacity:0.9`\n );\n const stop100 = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"stop\");\n stop100.setAttribute(\"offset\", \"100%\");\n stop100.setAttribute(\n \"style\",\n `stop-color:${this.props.color};stop-opacity:0`\n );\n // Circle.\n const circle = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n circle.setAttribute(\"fill\", `url(#${gradientId})`);\n circle.setAttribute(\"cx\", \"50%\");\n circle.setAttribute(\"cy\", \"50%\");\n circle.setAttribute(\"r\", \"50%\");\n\n // Append elements.\n radialGradient.append(stop0, stop100);\n defs.append(radialGradient);\n svg.append(defs, circle);\n\n return svg;\n }\n}\n","import { LinkedVisualConsoleProps, UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport { linkedVCPropsDecoder, parseIntOr, notEmptyStringOr } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder, ItemType } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type GroupProps = {\n type: ItemType.GROUP_ITEM;\n imageSrc: string; // URL?\n groupId: number;\n statusImageSrc: string | null;\n} & ItemProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the group props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function groupPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): GroupProps | never {\n if (typeof data.imageSrc !== \"string\" || data.imageSrc.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid image src.\");\n }\n if (parseIntOr(data.groupId, null) === null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid group Id.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.GROUP_ITEM,\n imageSrc: data.imageSrc,\n groupId: parseInt(data.groupId),\n statusImageSrc: notEmptyStringOr(data.statusImageSrc, null),\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Group extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const img: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement(\"img\");\n img.className = \"group\";\n if (this.props.statusImageSrc != null) {\n img.src = this.props.statusImageSrc;\n }\n\n return img;\n }\n}\n","import \"./styles.css\";\n\nimport { LinkedVisualConsoleProps, UnknownObject, Size } from \"../../types\";\nimport {\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n parseIntOr,\n padLeft,\n parseBoolean,\n prefixedCssRules,\n notEmptyStringOr\n} from \"../../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder, ItemType } from \"../../Item\";\n\nexport type ClockProps = {\n type: ItemType.CLOCK;\n clockType: \"analogic\" | \"digital\";\n clockFormat: \"datetime\" | \"time\";\n clockTimezone: string;\n clockTimezoneOffset: number; // Offset of the timezone to UTC in seconds.\n showClockTimezone: boolean;\n color?: string | null;\n} & ItemProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw unknown value.\n * @param clockType Raw value.\n */\nconst parseClockType = (\n clockType: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): ClockProps[\"clockType\"] => {\n switch (clockType) {\n case \"analogic\":\n case \"digital\":\n return clockType;\n default:\n return \"analogic\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw unknown value.\n * @param clockFormat Raw value.\n */\nconst parseClockFormat = (\n clockFormat: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): ClockProps[\"clockFormat\"] => {\n switch (clockFormat) {\n case \"datetime\":\n case \"date\":\n case \"time\":\n return clockFormat;\n default:\n return \"datetime\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the clock props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function clockPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): ClockProps | never {\n if (\n typeof data.clockTimezone !== \"string\" ||\n data.clockTimezone.length === 0\n ) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid timezone.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.CLOCK,\n clockType: parseClockType(data.clockType),\n clockFormat: parseClockFormat(data.clockFormat),\n clockTimezone: data.clockTimezone,\n clockTimezoneOffset: parseIntOr(data.clockTimezoneOffset, 0),\n showClockTimezone: parseBoolean(data.showClockTimezone),\n color: notEmptyStringOr(data.color, null),\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Clock extends Item {\n public static readonly TICK_INTERVAL = 1000; // In ms.\n private intervalRef: number | null = null;\n\n public constructor(props: ClockProps) {\n // Call the superclass constructor.\n super(props);\n\n /* The item is already loaded and inserted into the DOM.\n * The class properties are now initialized.\n * Now you can modify the item, add event handlers, timers, etc.\n */\n\n /* The use of the arrow function is important here. startTick will\n * use the function passed as an argument to call the global setInterval\n * function. The interval, timeout or event functions, among other, are\n * called into another execution loop and using a different context.\n * The arrow functions, unlike the classic functions, doesn't create\n * their own context (this), so their context at execution time will be\n * use the current context at the declaration time.\n * http://es6-features.org/#Lexicalthis\n */\n this.startTick(\n () => {\n // Replace the old element with the updated date.\n this.childElementRef.innerHTML = this.createClock().innerHTML;\n },\n /* The analogic clock doesn't need to tick,\n * but it will be refreshed every 20 seconds\n * to avoid a desync caused by page freezes.\n */\n this.props.clockType === \"analogic\" ? 20000 : Clock.TICK_INTERVAL\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Wrap a window.clearInterval call.\n */\n private stopTick(): void {\n if (this.intervalRef !== null) {\n window.clearInterval(this.intervalRef);\n this.intervalRef = null;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Wrap a window.setInterval call.\n * @param handler Function to be called every time the interval\n * timer is reached.\n * @param interval Number in milliseconds for the interval timer.\n */\n private startTick(\n handler: TimerHandler,\n interval: number = Clock.TICK_INTERVAL\n ): void {\n this.stopTick();\n this.intervalRef = window.setInterval(handler, interval);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a element which contains the DOM representation of the item.\n * @return DOM Element.\n * @override\n */\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement | never {\n return this.createClock();\n }\n\n /**\n * To remove the event listeners and the elements from the DOM.\n * @override\n */\n public remove(): void {\n // Clear the interval.\n this.stopTick();\n // Call to the parent clean function.\n super.remove();\n }\n\n /**\n * @override Item.resizeElement\n * Resize the DOM content container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n protected resizeElement(width: number, height: number): void {\n const { width: newWidth, height: newHeight } = this.getElementSize(\n width,\n height\n ); // Destructuring assigment: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n super.resizeElement(newWidth, newHeight);\n // Re-render the item to force it calculate a new font size.\n if (this.props.clockType === \"digital\") {\n // Replace the old element with the updated date.\n this.childElementRef.innerHTML = this.createClock().innerHTML;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a element which contains a representation of a clock.\n * It choose between the clock types.\n * @return DOM Element.\n * @throws Error.\n */\n private createClock(): HTMLElement | never {\n switch (this.props.clockType) {\n case \"analogic\":\n return this.createAnalogicClock();\n case \"digital\":\n return this.createDigitalClock();\n default:\n throw new Error(\"invalid clock type.\");\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a element which contains a representation of an analogic clock.\n * @return DOM Element.\n */\n private createAnalogicClock(): HTMLElement {\n const svgNS = \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\";\n const colors = {\n watchFace: \"#FFFFF0\",\n watchFaceBorder: \"#242124\",\n mark: \"#242124\",\n handDark: \"#242124\",\n handLight: \"#525252\",\n secondHand: \"#DC143C\"\n };\n\n const { width, height } = this.getElementSize(); // Destructuring assigment: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n\n const div = document.createElement(\"div\");\n div.className = \"analogic-clock\";\n div.style.width = `${width}px`;\n div.style.height = `${height}px`;\n\n // SVG container.\n const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"svg\");\n // Auto resize SVG using the view box magic: https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/\n svg.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 100 100\");\n\n // Clock face.\n const clockFace = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n clockFace.setAttribute(\"class\", \"clockface\");\n const clockFaceBackground = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"cx\", \"50\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"cy\", \"50\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"r\", \"48\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.watchFace);\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.watchFaceBorder);\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"2\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n // Insert the clockface background into the clockface group.\n clockFace.append(clockFaceBackground);\n\n // Timezone complication.\n if (this.props.showClockTimezone) {\n const timezoneComplication = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"text\");\n timezoneComplication.setAttribute(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\");\n timezoneComplication.setAttribute(\"font-size\", \"8\");\n timezoneComplication.setAttribute(\n \"transform\",\n \"translate(30 50) rotate(90)\" // Rotate to counter the clock rotation.\n );\n timezoneComplication.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.mark);\n timezoneComplication.textContent = this.props.clockTimezone;\n clockFace.append(timezoneComplication);\n }\n\n // Marks group.\n const marksGroup = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n marksGroup.setAttribute(\"class\", \"marks\");\n // Build the 12 hours mark.\n const mainMarkGroup = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n mainMarkGroup.setAttribute(\"class\", \"mark\");\n mainMarkGroup.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n const mark1a = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"36\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.mark);\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"5\");\n const mark1b = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"36\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.watchFace);\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"1\");\n // Insert the 12 mark lines into their group.\n mainMarkGroup.append(mark1a, mark1b);\n // Insert the main mark into the marks group.\n marksGroup.append(mainMarkGroup);\n // Build the rest of the marks.\n for (let i = 1; i < 60; i++) {\n const mark = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.mark);\n mark.setAttribute(\"transform\", `translate(50 50) rotate(${i * 6})`);\n\n if (i % 5 === 0) {\n mark.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"38\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", i % 15 === 0 ? \"2\" : \"1\");\n } else {\n mark.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"42\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"0.5\");\n }\n\n // Insert the mark into the marks group.\n marksGroup.append(mark);\n }\n\n /* Clock hands */\n\n // Hour hand.\n const hourHand = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n hourHand.setAttribute(\"class\", \"hour-hand\");\n hourHand.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n // This will go back and will act like a border.\n const hourHandA = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"class\", \"hour-hand-a\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"30\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.handLight);\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"4\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n // This will go in front of the previous line.\n const hourHandB = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"class\", \"hour-hand-b\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"29.9\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.handDark);\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"3.1\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n // Append the elements to finish the hour hand.\n hourHand.append(hourHandA, hourHandB);\n\n // Minute hand.\n const minuteHand = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n minuteHand.setAttribute(\"class\", \"minute-hand\");\n minuteHand.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n // This will go back and will act like a border.\n const minuteHandA = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"class\", \"minute-hand-a\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"40\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.handLight);\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"2\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n // This will go in front of the previous line.\n const minuteHandB = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"class\", \"minute-hand-b\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"39.9\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.handDark);\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"1.5\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n const minuteHandPin = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n minuteHandPin.setAttribute(\"r\", \"3\");\n minuteHandPin.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.handDark);\n // Append the elements to finish the minute hand.\n minuteHand.append(minuteHandA, minuteHandB, minuteHandPin);\n\n // Second hand.\n const secondHand = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n secondHand.setAttribute(\"class\", \"second-hand\");\n secondHand.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n const secondHandBar = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.secondHand);\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"1\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n const secondHandPin = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n secondHandPin.setAttribute(\"r\", \"2\");\n secondHandPin.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.secondHand);\n // Append the elements to finish the second hand.\n secondHand.append(secondHandBar, secondHandPin);\n\n // Pin.\n const pin = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n pin.setAttribute(\"cx\", \"50\");\n pin.setAttribute(\"cy\", \"50\");\n pin.setAttribute(\"r\", \"0.3\");\n pin.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.handDark);\n\n // Get the hand angles.\n const date = this.getDate();\n const seconds = date.getSeconds();\n const minutes = date.getMinutes();\n const hours = date.getHours();\n const secAngle = (360 / 60) * seconds;\n const minuteAngle = (360 / 60) * minutes + (360 / 60) * (seconds / 60);\n const hourAngle = (360 / 12) * hours + (360 / 12) * (minutes / 60);\n // Set the clock time by moving the hands.\n hourHand.setAttribute(\"transform\", `translate(50 50) rotate(${hourAngle})`);\n minuteHand.setAttribute(\n \"transform\",\n `translate(50 50) rotate(${minuteAngle})`\n );\n secondHand.setAttribute(\n \"transform\",\n `translate(50 50) rotate(${secAngle})`\n );\n\n // Build the clock\n svg.append(clockFace, marksGroup, hourHand, minuteHand, secondHand, pin);\n // Rotate the clock to its normal position.\n svg.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"rotate(-90)\");\n\n /* Add the animation declaration to the container.\n * Since the animation keyframes need to know the\n * start angle, this angle is dynamic (current time),\n * and we can't edit keyframes through javascript\n * safely and with backwards compatibility, we need\n * to inject it.\n */\n div.innerHTML = `\n \n `;\n // Add the clock to the container\n div.append(svg);\n\n return div;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a element which contains a representation of a digital clock.\n * @return DOM Element.\n */\n private createDigitalClock(): HTMLElement {\n const element: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"digital-clock\";\n\n const { width } = this.getElementSize(); // Destructuring assigment: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n\n // Calculate font size to adapt the font to the item size.\n const baseTimeFontSize = 20; // Per 100px of width.\n const dateFontSizeMultiplier = 0.5;\n const tzFontSizeMultiplier = 6 / this.props.clockTimezone.length;\n const timeFontSize = (baseTimeFontSize * width) / 100;\n const dateFontSize =\n (baseTimeFontSize * dateFontSizeMultiplier * width) / 100;\n const tzFontSize = Math.min(\n (baseTimeFontSize * tzFontSizeMultiplier * width) / 100,\n (width / 100) * 10\n );\n\n // Date.\n if (this.props.clockFormat === \"datetime\") {\n const dateElem: HTMLSpanElement = document.createElement(\"span\");\n dateElem.className = \"date\";\n dateElem.textContent = this.getDigitalDate();\n dateElem.style.fontSize = `${dateFontSize}px`;\n if (this.props.color) dateElem.style.color = this.props.color;\n element.append(dateElem);\n }\n\n // Time.\n const timeElem: HTMLSpanElement = document.createElement(\"span\");\n timeElem.className = \"time\";\n timeElem.textContent = this.getDigitalTime();\n timeElem.style.fontSize = `${timeFontSize}px`;\n if (this.props.color) timeElem.style.color = this.props.color;\n element.append(timeElem);\n\n // Timezone name.\n if (this.props.showClockTimezone) {\n const tzElem: HTMLSpanElement = document.createElement(\"span\");\n tzElem.className = \"timezone\";\n tzElem.textContent = this.props.clockTimezone;\n tzElem.style.fontSize = `${tzFontSize}px`;\n if (this.props.color) tzElem.style.color = this.props.color;\n element.append(tzElem);\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * Generate the current date using the timezone offset stored into the properties.\n * @return The current date.\n */\n private getDate(): Date {\n const d = new Date();\n const targetTZOffset = this.props.clockTimezoneOffset * 60 * 1000; // In ms.\n const localTZOffset = d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; // In ms.\n const utimestamp = d.getTime() + targetTZOffset + localTZOffset;\n\n return new Date(utimestamp);\n }\n\n /**\n * Generate a date representation with the format 'd/m/Y'.\n * @example 24/02/2020.\n * @return Date representation.\n */\n public getDigitalDate(initialDate: Date | null = null): string {\n const date = initialDate || this.getDate();\n // Use getDate, getDay returns the week day.\n const day = padLeft(date.getDate(), 2, 0);\n // The getMonth function returns the month starting by 0.\n const month = padLeft(date.getMonth() + 1, 2, 0);\n const year = padLeft(date.getFullYear(), 4, 0);\n\n // Format: 'd/m/Y'.\n return `${day}/${month}/${year}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Generate a time representation with the format 'hh:mm:ss'.\n * @example 01:34:09.\n * @return Time representation.\n */\n public getDigitalTime(initialDate: Date | null = null): string {\n const date = initialDate || this.getDate();\n const hours = padLeft(date.getHours(), 2, 0);\n const minutes = padLeft(date.getMinutes(), 2, 0);\n const seconds = padLeft(date.getSeconds(), 2, 0);\n\n return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Generate a element size using the current size and the default values.\n * @return The size.\n */\n private getElementSize(\n width: number = this.props.width,\n height: number = this.props.height\n ): Size {\n switch (this.props.clockType) {\n case \"analogic\": {\n let diameter = 100; // Default value.\n\n if (width > 0 && height > 0) {\n diameter = Math.min(width, height);\n } else if (width > 0) {\n diameter = width;\n } else if (height > 0) {\n diameter = height;\n }\n\n return {\n width: diameter,\n height: diameter\n };\n }\n case \"digital\": {\n if (width > 0 && height > 0) {\n // The proportion of the clock should be (width = height / 2) aproximately.\n height = width / 2 < height ? width / 2 : height;\n } else if (width > 0) {\n height = width / 2;\n } else if (height > 0) {\n // The proportion of the clock should be (height * 2 = width) aproximately.\n width = height * 2;\n } else {\n width = 100; // Default value.\n height = 50; // Default value.\n }\n\n return {\n width,\n height\n };\n }\n default:\n throw new Error(\"invalid clock type.\");\n }\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport { parseIntOr, notEmptyStringOr } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\ninterface BoxProps extends ItemProps {\n // Overrided properties.\n readonly type: ItemType.BOX_ITEM;\n label: null;\n isLinkEnabled: false;\n parentId: null;\n aclGroupId: null;\n // Custom properties.\n borderWidth: number;\n borderColor: string | null;\n fillColor: string | null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the item props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function boxPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): BoxProps | never {\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.BOX_ITEM,\n label: null,\n isLinkEnabled: false,\n parentId: null,\n aclGroupId: null,\n // Custom properties.\n borderWidth: parseIntOr(data.borderWidth, 0),\n borderColor: notEmptyStringOr(data.borderColor, null),\n fillColor: notEmptyStringOr(data.fillColor, null)\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Box extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const box: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n box.className = \"box\";\n // To prevent this item to expand beyond its parent.\n box.style.boxSizing = \"border-box\";\n\n if (this.props.fillColor) {\n box.style.backgroundColor = this.props.fillColor;\n }\n\n // Border.\n if (this.props.borderWidth > 0) {\n box.style.borderStyle = \"solid\";\n // Control the max width to prevent this item to expand beyond its parent.\n const maxBorderWidth = Math.min(this.props.width, this.props.height) / 2;\n const borderWidth = Math.min(this.props.borderWidth, maxBorderWidth);\n box.style.borderWidth = `${borderWidth}px`;\n\n if (this.props.borderColor) {\n box.style.borderColor = this.props.borderColor;\n }\n }\n\n return box;\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject, Position, Size } from \"../types\";\nimport { parseIntOr, notEmptyStringOr } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\ninterface LineProps extends ItemProps {\n // Overrided properties.\n readonly type: ItemType.LINE_ITEM;\n label: null;\n isLinkEnabled: false;\n parentId: null;\n aclGroupId: null;\n // Custom properties.\n startPosition: Position;\n endPosition: Position;\n lineWidth: number;\n color: string | null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the item props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function linePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): LineProps | never {\n const props: LineProps = {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder({ ...data, width: 1, height: 1 }), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.LINE_ITEM,\n label: null,\n isLinkEnabled: false,\n parentId: null,\n aclGroupId: null,\n // Initialize Position & Size.\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n width: 0,\n height: 0,\n // Custom properties.\n startPosition: {\n x: parseIntOr(data.startX, 0),\n y: parseIntOr(data.startY, 0)\n },\n endPosition: {\n x: parseIntOr(data.endX, 0),\n y: parseIntOr(data.endY, 0)\n },\n lineWidth: parseIntOr(data.lineWidth || data.borderWidth, 1),\n color: notEmptyStringOr(data.borderColor || data.color, null)\n };\n\n /*\n * We need to enhance the props with the extracted size and position\n * of the box cause there are missing at the props update. A better\n * solution would be overriding the props setter to do it there, but\n * the language doesn't allow it while targetting ES5.\n * TODO: We need to figure out a more consistent solution.\n */\n\n return {\n ...props,\n // Enhance the props extracting the box size and position.\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define\n ...Line.extractBoxSizeAndPosition(props)\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Line extends Item {\n /**\n * @override\n */\n public constructor(props: LineProps) {\n /*\n * We need to override the constructor cause we need to obtain\n * the\n * box size and position from the start and finish points\n * of the line.\n */\n super({\n ...props,\n ...Line.extractBoxSizeAndPosition(props)\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * @override\n * To create the item's DOM representation.\n * @return Item.\n */\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"line\";\n\n const svgNS = \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\";\n // SVG container.\n const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"svg\");\n // Set SVG size.\n svg.setAttribute(\n \"width\",\n (this.props.width + this.props.lineWidth).toString()\n );\n svg.setAttribute(\n \"height\",\n (this.props.height + this.props.lineWidth).toString()\n );\n const line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n line.setAttribute(\n \"x1\",\n `${this.props.startPosition.x - this.props.x + this.props.lineWidth / 2}`\n );\n line.setAttribute(\n \"y1\",\n `${this.props.startPosition.y - this.props.y + this.props.lineWidth / 2}`\n );\n line.setAttribute(\n \"x2\",\n `${this.props.endPosition.x - this.props.x + this.props.lineWidth / 2}`\n );\n line.setAttribute(\n \"y2\",\n `${this.props.endPosition.y - this.props.y + this.props.lineWidth / 2}`\n );\n line.setAttribute(\"stroke\", this.props.color || \"black\");\n line.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", this.props.lineWidth.toString());\n\n svg.append(line);\n element.append(svg);\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * Extract the size and position of the box from\n * the start and the finish of the line.\n * @param props Item properties.\n */\n public static extractBoxSizeAndPosition(props: LineProps): Size & Position {\n return {\n width: Math.abs(props.startPosition.x - props.endPosition.x),\n height: Math.abs(props.startPosition.y - props.endPosition.y),\n x: Math.min(props.startPosition.x, props.endPosition.x),\n y: Math.min(props.startPosition.y, props.endPosition.y)\n };\n }\n}\n","import { LinkedVisualConsoleProps, UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport { linkedVCPropsDecoder } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type LabelProps = {\n type: ItemType.LABEL;\n} & ItemProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the label props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function labelPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): LabelProps | never {\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.LABEL,\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Label extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"label\";\n element.innerHTML = this.props.label || \"\";\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * @override Item.createLabelDomElement\n * Create a new label for the visual console item.\n * @return Item label.\n */\n public createLabelDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"visual-console-item-label\";\n // Always return an empty label.\n return element;\n }\n}\n","import {\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject,\n WithModuleProps\n} from \"../types\";\nimport { linkedVCPropsDecoder, parseIntOr, modulePropsDecoder } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type SimpleValueProps = {\n type: ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE;\n valueType: \"string\" | \"image\";\n value: string;\n} & (\n | {\n processValue: \"none\";\n }\n | {\n processValue: \"avg\" | \"max\" | \"min\";\n period: number;\n }) &\n ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw value type.\n * @param valueType Raw value.\n */\nconst parseValueType = (\n valueType: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): SimpleValueProps[\"valueType\"] => {\n switch (valueType) {\n case \"string\":\n case \"image\":\n return valueType;\n default:\n return \"string\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw process value.\n * @param processValue Raw value.\n */\nconst parseProcessValue = (\n processValue: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): SimpleValueProps[\"processValue\"] => {\n switch (processValue) {\n case \"none\":\n case \"avg\":\n case \"max\":\n case \"min\":\n return processValue;\n default:\n return \"none\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the simple value props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function simpleValuePropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): SimpleValueProps | never {\n if (typeof data.value !== \"string\" || data.value.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid value\");\n }\n\n const processValue = parseProcessValue(data.processValue);\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE,\n valueType: parseValueType(data.valueType),\n value: data.value,\n ...(processValue === \"none\"\n ? { processValue }\n : { processValue, period: parseIntOr(data.period, 0) }), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class SimpleValue extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"simple-value\";\n\n if (this.props.valueType === \"image\") {\n const img = document.createElement(\"img\");\n img.src = this.props.value;\n element.append(img);\n } else {\n // Add the value to the label and show it.\n let text = this.props.value;\n if (this.props.label) {\n text = this.props.label.replace(/\\(?_VALUE_\\)?/i, text);\n }\n\n element.innerHTML = text;\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * @override Item.createLabelDomElement\n * Create a new label for the visual console item.\n * @return Item label.\n */\n protected createLabelDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"visual-console-item-label\";\n // Always return an empty label.\n return element;\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject, WithModuleProps } from \"../types\";\nimport {\n modulePropsDecoder,\n parseIntOr,\n decodeBase64,\n stringIsEmpty\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type EventsHistoryProps = {\n type: ItemType.AUTO_SLA_GRAPH;\n maxTime: number | null;\n html: string;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the events history props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function eventsHistoryPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): EventsHistoryProps | never {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.html) && stringIsEmpty(data.encodedHtml)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing html content.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.AUTO_SLA_GRAPH,\n maxTime: parseIntOr(data.maxTime, null),\n html: !stringIsEmpty(data.html)\n ? data.html\n : decodeBase64(data.encodedHtml),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class EventsHistory extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n return element;\n }\n}\n","import {\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject,\n WithModuleProps\n} from \"../types\";\nimport {\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n modulePropsDecoder,\n notEmptyStringOr,\n parseIntOr,\n parseFloatOr\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type PercentileProps = {\n type: ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR;\n percentileType:\n | \"progress-bar\"\n | \"bubble\"\n | \"circular-progress-bar\"\n | \"circular-progress-bar-alt\";\n valueType: \"percent\" | \"value\";\n minValue: number | null;\n maxValue: number | null;\n color: string | null;\n labelColor: string | null;\n value: number | null;\n unit: string | null;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw type value.\n * @param type Raw value.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nfunction extractPercentileType(type: any): PercentileProps[\"percentileType\"] {\n switch (type) {\n case \"progress-bar\":\n case \"bubble\":\n case \"circular-progress-bar\":\n case \"circular-progress-bar-alt\":\n return type;\n default:\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR:\n return \"progress-bar\";\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BUBBLE:\n return \"bubble\";\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n return \"circular-progress-bar\";\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_INTERIOR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n return \"circular-progress-bar-alt\";\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw value type value.\n * @param type Raw value.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nfunction extractValueType(valueType: any): PercentileProps[\"valueType\"] {\n switch (valueType) {\n case \"percent\":\n case \"value\":\n return valueType;\n default:\n return \"percent\";\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the percentile props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function percentilePropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): PercentileProps | never {\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR,\n percentileType: extractPercentileType(data.percentileType || data.type),\n valueType: extractValueType(data.valueType),\n minValue: parseIntOr(data.minValue, null),\n maxValue: parseIntOr(data.maxValue, null),\n color: notEmptyStringOr(data.color, null),\n labelColor: notEmptyStringOr(data.labelColor, null),\n value: parseFloatOr(data.value, null),\n unit: notEmptyStringOr(data.unit, null),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nconst svgNS = \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\";\n\nexport default class Percentile extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const colors = {\n background: \"#000000\",\n progress: this.props.color || \"#F0F0F0\",\n text: this.props.labelColor || \"#444444\"\n };\n // Progress.\n const progress = this.getProgress();\n // Main element.\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n // SVG container.\n const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"svg\");\n\n switch (this.props.percentileType) {\n case \"progress-bar\":\n {\n const backgroundRect = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"rect\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.background);\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", \"0.5\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"width\", \"100\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"height\", \"20\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"rx\", \"5\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"ry\", \"5\");\n const progressRect = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"rect\");\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.progress);\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", \"1\");\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"width\", `${progress}`);\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"height\", \"20\");\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"rx\", \"5\");\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"ry\", \"5\");\n const text = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"text\");\n text.setAttribute(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\");\n text.setAttribute(\"alignment-baseline\", \"middle\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-size\", \"12\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-family\", \"arial\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-weight\", \"bold\");\n text.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 11)\");\n text.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.text);\n\n if (this.props.valueType === \"value\") {\n text.textContent = this.props.unit\n ? `${this.props.value} ${this.props.unit}`\n : `${this.props.value}`;\n } else {\n text.textContent = `${progress}%`;\n }\n\n // Auto resize SVG using the view box magic: https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/\n svg.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 100 20\");\n svg.append(backgroundRect, progressRect, text);\n }\n break;\n case \"bubble\":\n case \"circular-progress-bar\": // TODO: Add this chart.\n case \"circular-progress-bar-alt\": // TODO: Add this chart.\n {\n const backgroundCircle = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n backgroundCircle.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n backgroundCircle.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.background);\n backgroundCircle.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", \"0.5\");\n backgroundCircle.setAttribute(\"r\", \"50\");\n const progressCircle = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n progressCircle.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n progressCircle.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.progress);\n progressCircle.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", \"1\");\n progressCircle.setAttribute(\"r\", `${progress / 2}`);\n const text = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"text\");\n text.setAttribute(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\");\n text.setAttribute(\"alignment-baseline\", \"middle\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-size\", \"16\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-family\", \"arial\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-weight\", \"bold\");\n text.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.text);\n\n if (this.props.valueType === \"value\") {\n if (this.props.unit && this.props.unit.length > 0) {\n const value = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"tspan\");\n value.setAttribute(\"x\", \"0\");\n value.setAttribute(\"dy\", \"1em\");\n value.textContent = `${this.props.value}`;\n const unit = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"tspan\");\n unit.setAttribute(\"x\", \"0\");\n unit.setAttribute(\"dy\", \"1em\");\n unit.textContent = `${this.props.unit}`;\n text.append(value, unit);\n text.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 33)\");\n } else {\n text.textContent = `${this.props.value}`;\n text.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n }\n } else {\n text.textContent = `${progress}%`;\n text.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n }\n\n // Auto resize SVG using the view box magic: https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/\n svg.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 100 100\");\n svg.append(backgroundCircle, progressCircle, text);\n }\n break;\n }\n\n element.append(svg);\n\n return element;\n }\n\n private getProgress(): number {\n const minValue = this.props.minValue || 0;\n const maxValue = this.props.maxValue || 100;\n const value = this.props.value || 100;\n\n if (value <= minValue) return 0;\n else if (value >= maxValue) return 100;\n else return ((value - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue)) * 100;\n }\n}\n","import {\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject,\n WithModuleProps\n} from \"../types\";\nimport {\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n modulePropsDecoder,\n decodeBase64,\n stringIsEmpty\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type DonutGraphProps = {\n type: ItemType.DONUT_GRAPH;\n html: string;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the donut graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function donutGraphPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): DonutGraphProps | never {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.html) && stringIsEmpty(data.encodedHtml)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing html content.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.DONUT_GRAPH,\n html: !stringIsEmpty(data.html)\n ? data.html\n : decodeBase64(data.encodedHtml),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class DonutGraph extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n return element;\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject, WithModuleProps } from \"../types\";\nimport { modulePropsDecoder, decodeBase64, stringIsEmpty } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type BarsGraphProps = {\n type: ItemType.BARS_GRAPH;\n html: string;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the bars graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function barsGraphPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): BarsGraphProps | never {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.html) && stringIsEmpty(data.encodedHtml)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing html content.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.BARS_GRAPH,\n html: !stringIsEmpty(data.html)\n ? data.html\n : decodeBase64(data.encodedHtml),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class BarsGraph extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n return element;\n }\n}\n","import {\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject,\n WithModuleProps\n} from \"../types\";\nimport {\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n modulePropsDecoder,\n decodeBase64,\n stringIsEmpty\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type ModuleGraphProps = {\n type: ItemType.MODULE_GRAPH;\n html: string;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the module graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function moduleGraphPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): ModuleGraphProps | never {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.html) && stringIsEmpty(data.encodedHtml)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing html content.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.MODULE_GRAPH,\n html: !stringIsEmpty(data.html)\n ? data.html\n : decodeBase64(data.encodedHtml),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class ModuleGraph extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n return element;\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport {\n stringIsEmpty,\n notEmptyStringOr,\n decodeBase64,\n parseIntOr\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type ServiceProps = {\n type: ItemType.SERVICE;\n serviceId: number;\n imageSrc: string | null;\n statusImageSrc: string | null;\n encodedTitle: string | null;\n} & ItemProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the service props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function servicePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): ServiceProps | never {\n if (data.imageSrc !== null) {\n if (\n typeof data.statusImageSrc !== \"string\" ||\n data.imageSrc.statusImageSrc === 0\n ) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid status image src.\");\n }\n } else {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.encodedTitle)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing encode tittle content.\");\n }\n }\n\n if (parseIntOr(data.serviceId, null) === null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid service id.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.SERVICE,\n serviceId: data.serviceId,\n imageSrc: notEmptyStringOr(data.imageSrc, null),\n statusImageSrc: notEmptyStringOr(data.statusImageSrc, null),\n encodedTitle: notEmptyStringOr(data.encodedTitle, null)\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Service extends Item {\n public createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const img: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement(\"img\");\n if (this.props.statusImageSrc !== null) {\n img.className = \"icon\";\n img.src = this.props.statusImageSrc;\n } else {\n if (this.props.encodedTitle !== null) {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.innerHTML = decodeBase64(this.props.encodedTitle);\n return element;\n }\n }\n return img;\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject, Size } from \"./types\";\nimport {\n parseBoolean,\n sizePropsDecoder,\n parseIntOr,\n notEmptyStringOr\n} from \"./lib\";\nimport Item, {\n ItemType,\n ItemProps,\n ItemClickEvent,\n ItemRemoveEvent\n} from \"./Item\";\nimport StaticGraph, { staticGraphPropsDecoder } from \"./items/StaticGraph\";\nimport Icon, { iconPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Icon\";\nimport ColorCloud, { colorCloudPropsDecoder } from \"./items/ColorCloud\";\nimport Group, { groupPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Group\";\nimport Clock, { clockPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Clock\";\nimport Box, { boxPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Box\";\nimport Line, { linePropsDecoder } from \"./items/Line\";\nimport Label, { labelPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Label\";\nimport SimpleValue, { simpleValuePropsDecoder } from \"./items/SimpleValue\";\nimport EventsHistory, {\n eventsHistoryPropsDecoder\n} from \"./items/EventsHistory\";\nimport Percentile, { percentilePropsDecoder } from \"./items/Percentile\";\nimport TypedEvent, { Disposable, Listener } from \"./TypedEvent\";\nimport DonutGraph, { donutGraphPropsDecoder } from \"./items/DonutGraph\";\nimport BarsGraph, { barsGraphPropsDecoder } from \"./items/BarsGraph\";\nimport ModuleGraph, { moduleGraphPropsDecoder } from \"./items/ModuleGraph\";\nimport Service, { servicePropsDecoder } from \"./items/Service\";\n\n// TODO: Document.\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type\nfunction itemInstanceFrom(data: UnknownObject) {\n const type = parseIntOr(data.type, null);\n if (type == null) throw new TypeError(\"missing item type.\");\n\n switch (type as ItemType) {\n case ItemType.STATIC_GRAPH:\n return new StaticGraph(staticGraphPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.MODULE_GRAPH:\n return new ModuleGraph(moduleGraphPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_MAX:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_MIN:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_AVG:\n return new SimpleValue(simpleValuePropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR:\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BUBBLE:\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_INTERIOR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n return new Percentile(percentilePropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.LABEL:\n return new Label(labelPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.ICON:\n return new Icon(iconPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.SERVICE:\n return new Service(servicePropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.GROUP_ITEM:\n return new Group(groupPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.BOX_ITEM:\n return new Box(boxPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.LINE_ITEM:\n return new Line(linePropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.AUTO_SLA_GRAPH:\n return new EventsHistory(eventsHistoryPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.DONUT_GRAPH:\n return new DonutGraph(donutGraphPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.BARS_GRAPH:\n return new BarsGraph(barsGraphPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.CLOCK:\n return new Clock(clockPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.COLOR_CLOUD:\n return new ColorCloud(colorCloudPropsDecoder(data));\n default:\n throw new TypeError(\"item not found\");\n }\n}\n\n// TODO: Document.\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type\nfunction decodeProps(data: UnknownObject) {\n const type = parseIntOr(data.type, null);\n if (type == null) throw new TypeError(\"missing item type.\");\n\n switch (type as ItemType) {\n case ItemType.STATIC_GRAPH:\n return staticGraphPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.MODULE_GRAPH:\n return moduleGraphPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_MAX:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_MIN:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_AVG:\n return simpleValuePropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR:\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BUBBLE:\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_INTERIOR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n return percentilePropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.LABEL:\n return labelPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.ICON:\n return iconPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.SERVICE:\n return servicePropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.GROUP_ITEM:\n return groupPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.BOX_ITEM:\n return boxPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.LINE_ITEM:\n return linePropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.AUTO_SLA_GRAPH:\n return eventsHistoryPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.DONUT_GRAPH:\n return donutGraphPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.BARS_GRAPH:\n return barsGraphPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.CLOCK:\n return clockPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.COLOR_CLOUD:\n return colorCloudPropsDecoder(data);\n default:\n throw new TypeError(\"decoder not found\");\n }\n}\n\n// Base properties.\nexport interface VisualConsoleProps extends Size {\n readonly id: number;\n name: string;\n groupId: number;\n backgroundURL: string | null; // URL?\n backgroundColor: string | null;\n isFavorite: boolean;\n relationLineWidth: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the Visual Console props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function visualConsolePropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): VisualConsoleProps | never {\n // Object destructuring: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n const {\n id,\n name,\n groupId,\n backgroundURL,\n backgroundColor,\n isFavorite,\n relationLineWidth\n } = data;\n\n if (id == null || isNaN(parseInt(id))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid Id.\");\n }\n if (typeof name !== \"string\" || name.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid name.\");\n }\n if (groupId == null || isNaN(parseInt(groupId))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid group Id.\");\n }\n\n return {\n id: parseInt(id),\n name,\n groupId: parseInt(groupId),\n backgroundURL: notEmptyStringOr(backgroundURL, null),\n backgroundColor: notEmptyStringOr(backgroundColor, null),\n isFavorite: parseBoolean(isFavorite),\n relationLineWidth: parseIntOr(relationLineWidth, 0),\n ...sizePropsDecoder(data)\n };\n}\n\nexport default class VisualConsole {\n // Reference to the DOM element which will contain the items.\n private readonly containerRef: HTMLElement;\n // Properties.\n private _props: VisualConsoleProps;\n // Visual Console Item instances by their Id.\n private elementsById: {\n [key: number]: Item;\n } = {};\n // Visual Console Item Ids.\n private elementIds: ItemProps[\"id\"][] = [];\n // Dictionary which store the created lines.\n private relations: {\n [key: string]: Line;\n } = {};\n // Event manager for click events.\n private readonly clickEventManager = new TypedEvent<\n ItemClickEvent\n >();\n // List of references to clean the event listeners.\n private readonly disposables: Disposable[] = [];\n\n /**\n * React to a click on an element.\n * @param e Event object.\n */\n private handleElementClick: (e: ItemClickEvent) => void = e => {\n this.clickEventManager.emit(e);\n // console.log(`Clicked element #${e.data.id}`, e);\n };\n\n /**\n * Clear some element references.\n * @param e Event object.\n */\n private handleElementRemove: (e: ItemRemoveEvent) => void = e => {\n // Remove the element from the list and its relations.\n this.elementIds = this.elementIds.filter(id => id !== e.data.id);\n delete this.elementsById[e.data.id];\n this.clearRelations(e.data.id);\n };\n\n public constructor(\n container: HTMLElement,\n props: UnknownObject,\n items: UnknownObject[]\n ) {\n this.containerRef = container;\n this._props = visualConsolePropsDecoder(props);\n\n // Force the first render.\n this.render();\n\n // Sort by isOnTop, id ASC\n items = items.sort(function(a, b) {\n if (\n a.isOnTop == null ||\n b.isOnTop == null ||\n a.id == null ||\n b.id == null\n ) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n if (a.isOnTop && !b.isOnTop) return 1;\n else if (!a.isOnTop && b.isOnTop) return -1;\n else if (a.id < b.id) return 1;\n else return -1;\n });\n\n // Initialize the items.\n items.forEach(item => {\n try {\n const itemInstance = itemInstanceFrom(item);\n // Add the item to the list.\n this.elementsById[itemInstance.props.id] = itemInstance;\n this.elementIds.push(itemInstance.props.id);\n // Item event handlers.\n itemInstance.onClick(this.handleElementClick);\n itemInstance.onRemove(this.handleElementRemove);\n // Add the item to the DOM.\n this.containerRef.append(itemInstance.elementRef);\n } catch (error) {\n console.log(\"Error creating a new element:\", error.message);\n }\n });\n\n // Create lines.\n this.buildRelations();\n }\n\n /**\n * Public accessor of the `elements` property.\n * @return Properties.\n */\n public get elements(): Item[] {\n // Ensure the type cause Typescript doesn't know the filter removes null items.\n return this.elementIds\n .map(id => this.elementsById[id])\n .filter(_ => _ != null) as Item[];\n }\n\n /**\n * Public setter of the `elements` property.\n * @param items.\n */\n public updateElements(items: UnknownObject[]): void {\n const itemIds = items.map(item => item.id || null).filter(id => id != null);\n itemIds as number[]; // Tell the type system to rely on us.\n // Get the elements we should delete.\n const deletedIds: number[] = this.elementIds.filter(\n id => itemIds.indexOf(id) < 0\n );\n // Delete the elements.\n deletedIds.forEach(id => {\n if (this.elementsById[id] != null) {\n this.elementsById[id].remove();\n delete this.elementsById[id];\n }\n });\n // Replace the element ids.\n this.elementIds = itemIds;\n\n // Initialize the items.\n items.forEach(item => {\n if (item.id) {\n if (this.elementsById[item.id] == null) {\n // New item.\n try {\n const itemInstance = itemInstanceFrom(item);\n // Add the item to the list.\n this.elementsById[itemInstance.props.id] = itemInstance;\n // Item event handlers.\n itemInstance.onClick(this.handleElementClick);\n itemInstance.onRemove(this.handleElementRemove);\n // Add the item to the DOM.\n this.containerRef.append(itemInstance.elementRef);\n } catch (error) {\n console.log(\"Error creating a new element:\", error.message);\n }\n } else {\n // Update item.\n try {\n this.elementsById[item.id].props = decodeProps(item);\n } catch (error) {\n console.log(\"Error updating an element:\", error.message);\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Re-build relations.\n this.buildRelations();\n }\n\n /**\n * Public accessor of the `props` property.\n * @return Properties.\n */\n public get props(): VisualConsoleProps {\n return { ...this._props }; // Return a copy.\n }\n\n /**\n * Public setter of the `props` property.\n * If the new props are different enough than the\n * stored props, a render would be fired.\n * @param newProps\n */\n public set props(newProps: VisualConsoleProps) {\n const prevProps = this.props;\n // Update the internal props.\n this._props = newProps;\n\n // From this point, things which rely on this.props can access to the changes.\n\n // Re-render.\n this.render(prevProps);\n }\n\n /**\n * Recreate or update the HTMLElement which represents the Visual Console into the DOM.\n * @param prevProps If exists it will be used to only DOM updates instead of a full replace.\n */\n public render(prevProps: VisualConsoleProps | null = null): void {\n if (prevProps) {\n if (prevProps.backgroundURL !== this.props.backgroundURL) {\n this.containerRef.style.backgroundImage = `url(${\n this.props.backgroundURL\n })`;\n }\n if (prevProps.backgroundColor !== this.props.backgroundColor) {\n this.containerRef.style.backgroundColor = this.props.backgroundColor;\n }\n if (this.sizeChanged(prevProps, this.props)) {\n this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height);\n }\n } else {\n this.containerRef.style.backgroundImage = `url(${\n this.props.backgroundURL\n })`;\n this.containerRef.style.backgroundColor = this.props.backgroundColor;\n this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Compare the previous and the new size and return\n * a boolean value in case the size changed.\n * @param prevSize\n * @param newSize\n * @return Whether the size changed or not.\n */\n public sizeChanged(prevSize: Size, newSize: Size): boolean {\n return (\n prevSize.width !== newSize.width || prevSize.height !== newSize.height\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Resize the DOM container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n public resizeElement(width: number, height: number): void {\n this.containerRef.style.width = `${width}px`;\n this.containerRef.style.height = `${height}px`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the size into the properties and resize the DOM container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n public resize(width: number, height: number): void {\n this.props = {\n ...this.props, // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n width,\n height\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * To remove the event listeners and the elements from the DOM.\n */\n public remove(): void {\n this.disposables.forEach(d => d.dispose()); // Arrow function.\n this.elements.forEach(e => e.remove()); // Arrow function.\n this.elementsById = {};\n this.elementIds = [];\n // Clear relations.\n this.clearRelations();\n // Clean container.\n this.containerRef.innerHTML = \"\";\n }\n\n /**\n * Create line elements which connect the elements with their parents.\n */\n private buildRelations(): void {\n // Clear relations.\n this.clearRelations();\n // Add relations.\n this.elements.forEach(item => {\n if (item.props.parentId !== null) {\n const parent = this.elementsById[item.props.parentId];\n const child = this.elementsById[item.props.id];\n if (parent && child) this.addRelationLine(parent, child);\n }\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * @param itemId Optional identifier of a parent or child item.\n * Remove the line elements which connect the elements with their parents.\n */\n private clearRelations(itemId?: number): void {\n if (itemId != null) {\n for (let key in this.relations) {\n const ids = key.split(\"|\");\n const parentId = Number.parseInt(ids[0]);\n const childId = Number.parseInt(ids[1]);\n\n if (itemId === parentId || itemId === childId) {\n this.relations[key].remove();\n delete this.relations[key];\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (let key in this.relations) {\n this.relations[key].remove();\n delete this.relations[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Retrieve the line element which represent the relation between items.\n * @param parentId Identifier of the parent item.\n * @param childId Itentifier of the child item.\n * @return The line element or nothing.\n */\n private getRelationLine(parentId: number, childId: number): Line | null {\n const identifier = `${parentId}|${childId}`;\n return this.relations[identifier] || null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Add a new line item to represent a relation between the items.\n * @param parent Parent item.\n * @param child Child item.\n * @return Whether the line was added or not.\n */\n private addRelationLine(\n parent: Item,\n child: Item\n ): Line {\n const identifier = `${parent.props.id}|${child.props.id}`;\n if (this.relations[identifier] != null) {\n this.relations[identifier].remove();\n }\n\n // Get the items center.\n const startX = parent.props.x + parent.elementRef.clientWidth / 2;\n const startY =\n parent.props.y +\n (parent.elementRef.clientHeight - parent.labelElementRef.clientHeight) /\n 2;\n const endX = child.props.x + child.elementRef.clientWidth / 2;\n const endY =\n child.props.y +\n (child.elementRef.clientHeight - child.labelElementRef.clientHeight) / 2;\n\n const line = new Line(\n linePropsDecoder({\n id: 0,\n type: ItemType.LINE_ITEM,\n startX,\n startY,\n endX,\n endY,\n width: 0,\n height: 0,\n lineWidth: this.props.relationLineWidth,\n color: \"#CCCCCC\"\n })\n );\n // Save a reference to the line item.\n this.relations[identifier] = line;\n\n // Add the line to the DOM.\n line.elementRef.style.zIndex = \"0\";\n this.containerRef.append(line.elementRef);\n\n return line;\n }\n\n /**\n * Add an event handler to the click of the linked visual console elements.\n * @param listener Function which is going to be executed when a linked console is clicked.\n */\n public onClick(listener: Listener>): Disposable {\n /*\n * The '.on' function returns a function which will clean the event\n * listener when executed. We store all the 'dispose' functions to\n * call them when the item should be cleared.\n */\n const disposable = this.clickEventManager.on(listener);\n this.disposables.push(disposable);\n\n return disposable;\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Useful resources.\n * http://es6-features.org/\n * http://exploringjs.com/es6\n * https://www.typescriptlang.org/\n */\n\nimport \"./main.css\"; // CSS import.\nimport VisualConsole from \"./VisualConsole\";\n\n// Export the VisualConsole class to the global object.\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line\n(window as any).VisualConsole = VisualConsole;\n"],"sourceRoot":""} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.65e9c886.css b/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.959e6e64.css similarity index 97% rename from pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.65e9c886.css rename to pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.959e6e64.css index 6d4036b562..9193305466 100644 --- 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-{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///main.css","webpack:///styles.css"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;EACE,gBAAgB;EAChB,kBAAkB;EAClB,4BAA4B;EAC5B,wBAAwB;AAC1B;;AAEA;EACE,kBAAkB;EAClB,oBAAa;EAAb,oBAAa;EAAb,aAAa;EACb,2BAAuB;EAAvB,8BAAuB;MAAvB,2BAAuB;UAAvB,uBAAuB;EACvB,qBAAqB;EACrB,yBAAmB;MAAnB,sBAAmB;UAAnB,mBAAmB;AACrB;;ACbA;EACE,wBAAwB;EACxB,kCAA2B;AAC7B;;AAEA,kBAAkB;;AAElB;EACE,oBAAa;EAAb,oBAAa;EAAb,aAAa;EACb,4BAAsB;EAAtB,6BAAsB;MAAtB,0BAAsB;UAAtB,sBAAsB;EACtB,wBAAuB;MAAvB,qBAAuB;UAAvB,uBAAuB;EACvB,qBAAqB;EACrB,0BAAqB;MAArB,qBAAqB;EACrB,yBAAmB;MAAnB,sBAAmB;UAAnB,mBAAmB;AACrB;;AAEA;EACE,6DAA6D;EAC7D,eAAe;;EAEf,0BAA0B;EAC1B,mCAAmC;EACnC,kCAAkC;EAClC,kCAAkC;EAClC,wCAAwC;AAC1C;;AAEA;EACE,eAAe;AACjB;;AAEA;EACE,eAAe;AACjB;;AAEA,iBAAiB;;AAEjB;EACE,qDAA6C;UAA7C,6CAA6C;AAC/C;;AAEA;EACE,sDAA8C;UAA9C,8CAA8C;AAChD;;AAEA;EACE,oDAA4C;UAA5C,4CAA4C;AAC9C","file":"vc.main.65e9c886.css","sourcesContent":["#visual-console-container {\n margin: 0px auto;\n position: relative;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-size: contain;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item {\n position: absolute;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: initial;\n justify-items: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n","@font-face {\n font-family: Alarm Clock;\n src: url(./alarm-clock.ttf);\n}\n\n/* Digital clock */\n\n.visual-console-item .digital-clock {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n justify-content: center;\n justify-items: center;\n align-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .digital-clock > span {\n font-family: \"Alarm Clock\", \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace;\n font-size: 50px;\n\n /* To improve legibility */\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;\n text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01) 0 0 1px;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .digital-clock > span.date {\n font-size: 25px;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .digital-clock > span.timezone {\n font-size: 25px;\n}\n\n/* Analog clock */\n\n.visual-console-item .analogic-clock .hour-hand {\n animation: rotate-hour 43200s infinite linear;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .analogic-clock .minute-hand {\n animation: rotate-minute 3600s infinite linear;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .analogic-clock .second-hand {\n animation: rotate-second 60s infinite linear;\n}\n"],"sourceRoot":""} \ No newline at end of file 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no-repeat;\n background-size: contain;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item {\n position: absolute;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: initial;\n justify-items: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n","@font-face {\n font-family: Alarm Clock;\n src: url(./alarm-clock.ttf);\n}\n\n/* Digital clock */\n\n.visual-console-item .digital-clock {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n justify-content: center;\n justify-items: center;\n align-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .digital-clock > span {\n font-family: \"Alarm Clock\", \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace;\n font-size: 50px;\n\n /* To improve legibility */\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;\n text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01) 0 0 1px;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .digital-clock > span.date {\n font-size: 25px;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .digital-clock > span.timezone {\n font-size: 25px;\n}\n\n/* Analog clock */\n\n.visual-console-item .analogic-clock .hour-hand {\n animation: rotate-hour 43200s infinite linear;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .analogic-clock .minute-hand {\n animation: rotate-minute 3600s infinite linear;\n}\n\n.visual-console-item .analogic-clock .second-hand {\n animation: rotate-second 60s infinite linear;\n}\n"],"sourceRoot":""} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.b83910ec.min.js b/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.b83910ec.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4b346d125 --- /dev/null +++ b/pandora_console/include/visual-console-client/vc.main.b83910ec.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +!function(t){var e={};function r(n){if(e[n])return e[n].exports;var i=e[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[n].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,r),i.l=!0,i.exports}r.m=t,r.c=e,r.d=function(t,e,n){r.o(t,e)||Object.defineProperty(t,e,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(t){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(t,e){if(1&e&&(t=r(t)),8&e)return t;if(4&e&&"object"==typeof t&&t&&t.__esModule)return t;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t}),2&e&&"string"!=typeof t)for(var i in t)r.d(n,i,function(e){return t[e]}.bind(null,i));return n},r.n=function(t){var e=t&&t.__esModule?function(){return t.default}:function(){return t};return r.d(e,"a",e),e},r.o=function(t,e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e)},r.p="",r(r.s=9)}([function(t,e,r){"use strict";r.d(e,"h",function(){return i}),r.d(e,"g",function(){return o}),r.d(e,"l",function(){return s}),r.d(e,"d",function(){return a}),r.d(e,"f",function(){return l}),r.d(e,"e",function(){return c}),r.d(e,"i",function(){return u}),r.d(e,"k",function(){return p}),r.d(e,"c",function(){return h}),r.d(e,"b",function(){return f}),r.d(e,"j",function(){return d}),r.d(e,"a",function(){return _});var n=function(){return(n=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r0&&!isNaN(parseInt(t))?parseInt(t):e}function o(t,e){return"number"==typeof t?t:"string"==typeof t&&t.length>0&&!isNaN(parseFloat(t))?parseFloat(t):e}function s(t){return null==t||0===t.length}function a(t,e){return"string"==typeof t&&t.length>0?t:e}function l(t){return"boolean"==typeof t?t:"number"==typeof t?t>0:"string"==typeof t&&("1"===t||"true"===t)}function c(t,e,r){void 0===r&&(r=" "),"number"==typeof t&&(t=""+t),"number"==typeof r&&(r=""+r);var n=e-t.length;if(0===n)return t;if(n<0)return t.substr(Math.abs(n));if(n===r.length)return""+r+t;if(n0?r:null},function(t){var e=t.metaconsoleId,r=t.agentId,o=t.agentName,s={agentId:i(r,null),agentName:"string"==typeof o&&o.length>0?o:null};return null!=e?n({metaconsoleId:e},s):s}(t))}function f(t){var e=t.metaconsoleId,r=t.linkedLayoutId,o=t.linkedLayoutAgentId,s={linkedLayoutStatusType:"default"};switch(t.linkedLayoutStatusType){case"weight":var a=i(t.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight,null);if(null==a)throw new TypeError("invalid status calculation properties.");t.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight&&(s={linkedLayoutStatusType:"weight",linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight:a});break;case"service":var l=i(t.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold,null),c=i(t.linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold,null);if(null==l||null==c)throw new TypeError("invalid status calculation properties.");s={linkedLayoutStatusType:"service",linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold:l,linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold:c}}var u=n({linkedLayoutId:i(r,null),linkedLayoutAgentId:i(o,null)},s);return null!=e?n({metaconsoleId:e},u):u}function d(t,e){var r=t+": "+e+";";return["-webkit-"+r,"-moz-"+r,"-ms-"+r,"-o-"+r,""+r]}function _(t){return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(t)))}},function(t,e,r){"use strict";r.d(e,"b",function(){return a});var n=r(0),i=r(2),o=function(){return(o=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r0?t+"px":null,this.childElementRef.style.height=e>0?e+"px":null},t.prototype.resize=function(t,e){this.resizeElement(t,e),this.itemProps=o({},this.props,{width:t,height:e})},t.prototype.onClick=function(t){var e=this.clickEventManager.on(t);return this.disposables.push(e),e},t.prototype.onRemove=function(t){var e=this.removeEventManager.on(t);return this.disposables.push(e),e},t}();e.a=l},function(t,e,r){"use strict";var n=function(){return function(){var t=this;this.listeners=[],this.listenersOncer=[],this.on=function(e){return t.listeners.push(e),{dispose:function(){return t.off(e)}}},this.once=function(e){t.listenersOncer.push(e)},this.off=function(e){var r=t.listeners.indexOf(e);r>-1&&t.listeners.splice(r,1)},this.emit=function(e){t.listeners.forEach(function(t){return t(e)}),t.listenersOncer.forEach(function(t){return t(e)}),t.listenersOncer=[]},this.pipe=function(e){return t.on(function(t){return e.emit(t)})}}}();e.a=n},function(module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__){"use strict";__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__,"b",function(){return eventsHistoryPropsDecoder});var _lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__=__webpack_require__(0),_Item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__=__webpack_require__(1),__extends=(extendStatics=function(t,e){return(extendStatics=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(t,e){t.__proto__=e}||function(t,e){for(var r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(t[r]=e[r])})(t,e)},function(t,e){function r(){this.constructor=t}extendStatics(t,e),t.prototype=null===e?Object.create(e):(r.prototype=e.prototype,new r)}),extendStatics,__assign=function(){return(__assign=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r\n ",p.append(h),p},e.prototype.createDigitalClock=function(){var t=document.createElement("div");t.className="digital-clock";var e=this.getElementSize().width,r=6/this.props.clockTimezone.length,n=20*e/100,i=10*e/100,o=Math.min(20*r*e/100,e/100*10);if("datetime"===this.props.clockFormat){var s=document.createElement("span");s.className="date",s.textContent=this.getDigitalDate(),s.style.fontSize=i+"px",this.props.color&&(s.style.color=this.props.color),t.append(s)}var a=document.createElement("span");if(a.className="time",a.textContent=this.getDigitalTime(),a.style.fontSize=n+"px",this.props.color&&(a.style.color=this.props.color),t.append(a),this.props.showClockTimezone){var l=document.createElement("span");l.className="timezone",l.textContent=this.props.clockTimezone,l.style.fontSize=o+"px",this.props.color&&(l.style.color=this.props.color),t.append(l)}return t},e.prototype.getDate=function(){var t=new Date,e=60*this.props.clockTimezoneOffset*1e3,r=60*t.getTimezoneOffset()*1e3,n=t.getTime()+e+r;return new Date(n)},e.prototype.getDigitalDate=function(t){void 0===t&&(t=null);var e=t||this.getDate();return Object(i.e)(e.getDate(),2,0)+"/"+Object(i.e)(e.getMonth()+1,2,0)+"/"+Object(i.e)(e.getFullYear(),4,0)},e.prototype.getDigitalTime=function(t){void 0===t&&(t=null);var e=t||this.getDate();return Object(i.e)(e.getHours(),2,0)+":"+Object(i.e)(e.getMinutes(),2,0)+":"+Object(i.e)(e.getSeconds(),2,0)},e.prototype.getElementSize=function(t,e){switch(void 0===t&&(t=this.props.width),void 0===e&&(e=this.props.height),this.props.clockType){case"analogic":var r=100;return t>0&&e>0?r=Math.min(t,e):t>0?r=t:e>0&&(r=e),{width:r,height:r};case"digital":return t>0&&e>0?e=t/20?e=t/2:e>0?t=2*e:(t=100,e=50),{width:t,height:e};default:throw new Error("invalid clock type.")}},e.TICK_INTERVAL=1e3,e}(o.a),I=function(){var t=function(e,r){return(t=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(t,e){t.__proto__=e}||function(t,e){for(var r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(t[r]=e[r])})(e,r)};return function(e,r){function n(){this.constructor=e}t(e,r),e.prototype=null===r?Object.create(r):(n.prototype=r.prototype,new n)}}(),M=function(){return(M=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r0){t.style.borderStyle="solid";var e=Math.min(this.props.width,this.props.height)/2,r=Math.min(this.props.borderWidth,e);t.style.borderWidth=r+"px",this.props.borderColor&&(t.style.borderColor=this.props.borderColor)}return t},e}(o.a),S=function(){var t=function(e,r){return(t=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(t,e){t.__proto__=e}||function(t,e){for(var r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(t[r]=e[r])})(e,r)};return function(e,r){function n(){this.constructor=e}t(e,r),e.prototype=null===r?Object.create(r):(n.prototype=r.prototype,new n)}}(),C=function(){return(C=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r0){var c=document.createElementNS(et,"tspan");c.setAttribute("x","0"),c.setAttribute("dy","1em"),c.textContent=""+this.props.value;var u=document.createElementNS(et,"tspan");u.setAttribute("x","0"),u.setAttribute("dy","1em"),u.textContent=""+this.props.unit,a.append(c,u),a.setAttribute("transform","translate(50 33)")}else a.textContent=""+this.props.value,a.setAttribute("transform","translate(50 50)");else a.textContent=e+"%",a.setAttribute("transform","translate(50 50)");n.setAttribute("viewBox","0 0 100 100"),n.append(s,l,a)}return r.append(n),r},e.prototype.getProgress=function(){var t=this.props.minValue||0,e=this.props.maxValue||100,r=this.props.value||100;return r<=t?0:r>=e?100:(r-t)/(e-t)*100},e}(o.a),nt=r(2),it=r(4),ot=r(8),st=r(5),at=function(){var t=function(e,r){return(t=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(t,e){t.__proto__=e}||function(t,e){for(var r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(t[r]=e[r])})(e,r)};return function(e,r){function n(){this.constructor=e}t(e,r),e.prototype=null===r?Object.create(r):(n.prototype=r.prototype,new n)}}(),lt=function(){return(lt=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e,r=1,n=arguments.length;r(value: any, defaultValue: T): number | T {\n if (typeof value === \"number\") return value;\n if (typeof value === \"string\" && value.length > 0 && !isNaN(parseInt(value)))\n return parseInt(value);\n else return defaultValue;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return a number or a default value from a raw value.\n * @param value Raw value from which we will try to extract a valid number.\n * @param defaultValue Default value to use if we cannot extract a valid number.\n * @return A valid number or the default value.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function parseFloatOr(value: any, defaultValue: T): number | T {\n if (typeof value === \"number\") return value;\n if (\n typeof value === \"string\" &&\n value.length > 0 &&\n !isNaN(parseFloat(value))\n )\n return parseFloat(value);\n else return defaultValue;\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if a string exists and it's not empty.\n * @param value Value to check.\n * @return The check result.\n */\nexport function stringIsEmpty(value?: string | null): boolean {\n return value == null || value.length === 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return a not empty string or a default value from a raw value.\n * @param value Raw value from which we will try to extract a non empty string.\n * @param defaultValue Default value to use if we cannot extract a non empty string.\n * @return A non empty string or the default value.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function notEmptyStringOr(value: any, defaultValue: T): string | T {\n return typeof value === \"string\" && value.length > 0 ? value : defaultValue;\n}\n\n/**\n * Return a boolean from a raw value.\n * @param value Raw value from which we will try to extract the boolean.\n * @return A valid boolean value. false by default.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function parseBoolean(value: any): boolean {\n if (typeof value === \"boolean\") return value;\n else if (typeof value === \"number\") return value > 0;\n else if (typeof value === \"string\") return value === \"1\" || value === \"true\";\n else return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * Pad the current string with another string (multiple times, if needed)\n * until the resulting string reaches the given length.\n * The padding is applied from the start (left) of the current string.\n * @param value Text that needs to be padded.\n * @param length Length of the returned text.\n * @param pad Text to add.\n * @return Padded text.\n */\nexport function padLeft(\n value: string | number,\n length: number,\n pad: string | number = \" \"\n): string {\n if (typeof value === \"number\") value = `${value}`;\n if (typeof pad === \"number\") pad = `${pad}`;\n\n const diffLength = length - value.length;\n if (diffLength === 0) return value;\n if (diffLength < 0) return value.substr(Math.abs(diffLength));\n\n if (diffLength === pad.length) return `${pad}${value}`;\n if (diffLength < pad.length) return `${pad.substring(0, diffLength)}${value}`;\n\n const repeatTimes = Math.floor(diffLength / pad.length);\n const restLength = diffLength - pad.length * repeatTimes;\n\n let newPad = \"\";\n for (let i = 0; i < repeatTimes; i++) newPad += pad;\n\n if (restLength === 0) return `${newPad}${value}`;\n return `${newPad}${pad.substring(0, restLength)}${value}`;\n}\n\n/* Decoders */\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the position.\n */\nexport function positionPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): Position {\n return {\n x: parseIntOr(data.x, 0),\n y: parseIntOr(data.y, 0)\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the size.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if the width and height are not valid numbers.\n */\nexport function sizePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): Size | never {\n if (\n data.width == null ||\n isNaN(parseInt(data.width)) ||\n data.height == null ||\n isNaN(parseInt(data.height))\n ) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid size.\");\n }\n\n return {\n width: parseInt(data.width),\n height: parseInt(data.height)\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the agent properties.\n */\nexport function agentPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): WithAgentProps {\n // Object destructuring: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n const { metaconsoleId, agentId: id, agentName: name } = data;\n\n const agentProps: WithAgentProps = {\n agentId: parseIntOr(id, null),\n agentName: typeof name === \"string\" && name.length > 0 ? name : null\n };\n\n return metaconsoleId != null\n ? {\n metaconsoleId,\n ...agentProps // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n }\n : agentProps;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the module and agent properties.\n */\nexport function modulePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): WithModuleProps {\n // Object destructuring: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n const { moduleId: id, moduleName: name } = data;\n\n return {\n moduleId: parseIntOr(id, null),\n moduleName: typeof name === \"string\" && name.length > 0 ? name : null,\n ...agentPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the linked visual console properties.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if the status calculation properties are invalid.\n */\nexport function linkedVCPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): LinkedVisualConsoleProps | never {\n // Object destructuring: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n const {\n metaconsoleId,\n linkedLayoutId: id,\n linkedLayoutAgentId: agentId\n } = data;\n\n let linkedLayoutStatusProps: LinkedVisualConsolePropsStatus = {\n linkedLayoutStatusType: \"default\"\n };\n switch (data.linkedLayoutStatusType) {\n case \"weight\": {\n const weight = parseIntOr(data.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight, null);\n if (weight == null)\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid status calculation properties.\");\n\n if (data.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight)\n linkedLayoutStatusProps = {\n linkedLayoutStatusType: \"weight\",\n linkedLayoutStatusTypeWeight: weight\n };\n break;\n }\n case \"service\": {\n const warningThreshold = parseIntOr(\n data.linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold,\n null\n );\n const criticalThreshold = parseIntOr(\n data.linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold,\n null\n );\n if (warningThreshold == null || criticalThreshold == null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid status calculation properties.\");\n }\n\n linkedLayoutStatusProps = {\n linkedLayoutStatusType: \"service\",\n linkedLayoutStatusTypeWarningThreshold: warningThreshold,\n linkedLayoutStatusTypeCriticalThreshold: criticalThreshold\n };\n break;\n }\n }\n\n const linkedLayoutBaseProps = {\n linkedLayoutId: parseIntOr(id, null),\n linkedLayoutAgentId: parseIntOr(agentId, null),\n ...linkedLayoutStatusProps // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n };\n\n return metaconsoleId != null\n ? {\n metaconsoleId,\n ...linkedLayoutBaseProps // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n }\n : linkedLayoutBaseProps;\n}\n\n/**\n * To get a CSS rule with the most used prefixes.\n * @param ruleName Name of the CSS rule.\n * @param ruleValue Value of the CSS rule.\n * @return An array of rules with the prefixes applied.\n */\nexport function prefixedCssRules(\n ruleName: string,\n ruleValue: string\n): string[] {\n const rule = `${ruleName}: ${ruleValue};`;\n return [\n `-webkit-${rule}`,\n `-moz-${rule}`,\n `-ms-${rule}`,\n `-o-${rule}`,\n `${rule}`\n ];\n}\n\n/**\n * Decode a base64 string.\n * @param input Data encoded using base64.\n * @return Decoded data.\n */\nexport function decodeBase64(input: string): string {\n return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(input)));\n}\n","import { Position, Size, UnknownObject } from \"./types\";\nimport {\n sizePropsDecoder,\n positionPropsDecoder,\n parseIntOr,\n parseBoolean,\n notEmptyStringOr\n} from \"./lib\";\nimport TypedEvent, { Listener, Disposable } from \"./TypedEvent\";\n\n// Enum: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/enums.html.\nexport const enum ItemType {\n STATIC_GRAPH = 0,\n MODULE_GRAPH = 1,\n SIMPLE_VALUE = 2,\n PERCENTILE_BAR = 3,\n LABEL = 4,\n ICON = 5,\n SIMPLE_VALUE_MAX = 6,\n SIMPLE_VALUE_MIN = 7,\n SIMPLE_VALUE_AVG = 8,\n PERCENTILE_BUBBLE = 9,\n SERVICE = 10,\n GROUP_ITEM = 11,\n BOX_ITEM = 12,\n LINE_ITEM = 13,\n AUTO_SLA_GRAPH = 14,\n CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR = 15,\n CIRCULAR_INTERIOR_PROGRESS_BAR = 16,\n DONUT_GRAPH = 17,\n BARS_GRAPH = 18,\n CLOCK = 19,\n COLOR_CLOUD = 20\n}\n\n// Base item properties. This interface should be extended by the item implementations.\nexport interface ItemProps extends Position, Size {\n readonly id: number;\n readonly type: ItemType;\n label: string | null;\n labelPosition: \"up\" | \"right\" | \"down\" | \"left\";\n isLinkEnabled: boolean;\n link: string | null;\n isOnTop: boolean;\n parentId: number | null;\n aclGroupId: number | null;\n}\n\n// FIXME: Fix type compatibility.\nexport interface ItemClickEvent {\n // data: Props;\n data: UnknownObject;\n nativeEvent: Event;\n}\n\n// FIXME: Fix type compatibility.\nexport interface ItemRemoveEvent {\n // data: Props;\n data: UnknownObject;\n}\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw label positi9on value.\n * @param labelPosition Raw value.\n */\nconst parseLabelPosition = (\n labelPosition: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): ItemProps[\"labelPosition\"] => {\n switch (labelPosition) {\n case \"up\":\n case \"right\":\n case \"down\":\n case \"left\":\n return labelPosition;\n default:\n return \"down\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the item props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function itemBasePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): ItemProps | never {\n if (data.id == null || isNaN(parseInt(data.id))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid id.\");\n }\n if (data.type == null || isNaN(parseInt(data.type))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid type.\");\n }\n\n return {\n id: parseInt(data.id),\n type: parseInt(data.type),\n label: notEmptyStringOr(data.label, null),\n labelPosition: parseLabelPosition(data.labelPosition),\n isLinkEnabled: parseBoolean(data.isLinkEnabled),\n link: notEmptyStringOr(data.link, null),\n isOnTop: parseBoolean(data.isOnTop),\n parentId: parseIntOr(data.parentId, null),\n aclGroupId: parseIntOr(data.aclGroupId, null),\n ...sizePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...positionPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Base class of the visual console items. Should be extended to use its capabilities.\n */\nabstract class VisualConsoleItem {\n // Properties of the item.\n private itemProps: Props;\n // Reference to the DOM element which will contain the item.\n public elementRef: HTMLElement;\n public readonly labelElementRef: HTMLElement;\n // Reference to the DOM element which will contain the view of the item which extends this class.\n protected readonly childElementRef: HTMLElement;\n // Event manager for click events.\n private readonly clickEventManager = new TypedEvent>();\n // Event manager for remove events.\n private readonly removeEventManager = new TypedEvent<\n ItemRemoveEvent\n >();\n // List of references to clean the event listeners.\n private readonly disposables: Disposable[] = [];\n\n /**\n * To create a new element which will be inside the item box.\n * @return Item.\n */\n protected abstract createDomElement(): HTMLElement;\n\n public constructor(props: Props) {\n this.itemProps = props;\n\n /*\n * Get a HTMLElement which represents the container box\n * of the Visual Console item. This element will manage\n * all the common things like click events, show a border\n * when hovered, etc.\n */\n this.elementRef = this.createContainerDomElement();\n this.labelElementRef = this.createLabelDomElement();\n\n /*\n * Get a HTMLElement which represents the custom view\n * of the Visual Console item. This element will be\n * different depending on the item implementation.\n */\n this.childElementRef = this.createDomElement();\n\n // Insert the elements into the container.\n this.elementRef.append(this.childElementRef, this.labelElementRef);\n\n // Resize element.\n this.resizeElement(props.width, props.height);\n // Set label position.\n this.changeLabelPosition(props.labelPosition);\n }\n\n /**\n * To create a new box for the visual console item.\n * @return Item box.\n */\n private createContainerDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n let box;\n if (this.props.isLinkEnabled) {\n box = document.createElement(\"a\");\n box as HTMLAnchorElement;\n if (this.props.link) box.href = this.props.link;\n } else {\n box = document.createElement(\"div\");\n box as HTMLDivElement;\n }\n\n box.className = \"visual-console-item\";\n box.style.zIndex = this.props.isOnTop ? \"2\" : \"1\";\n box.style.left = `${this.props.x}px`;\n box.style.top = `${this.props.y}px`;\n box.onclick = e =>\n this.clickEventManager.emit({ data: this.props, nativeEvent: e });\n\n return box;\n }\n\n /**\n * To create a new label for the visual console item.\n * @return Item label.\n */\n protected createLabelDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"visual-console-item-label\";\n // Add the label if it exists.\n if (this.props.label && this.props.label.length) {\n element.innerHTML = this.props.label;\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * To update the content element.\n * @return Item.\n */\n protected updateDomElement(element: HTMLElement): void {\n element.innerHTML = this.createDomElement().innerHTML;\n }\n\n /**\n * Public accessor of the `props` property.\n * @return Properties.\n */\n public get props(): Props {\n return { ...this.itemProps }; // Return a copy.\n }\n\n /**\n * Public setter of the `props` property.\n * If the new props are different enough than the\n * stored props, a render would be fired.\n * @param newProps\n */\n public set props(newProps: Props) {\n const prevProps = this.props;\n // Update the internal props.\n this.itemProps = newProps;\n\n // From this point, things which rely on this.props can access to the changes.\n\n // Check if we should re-render.\n if (this.shouldBeUpdated(prevProps, newProps)) this.render(prevProps);\n }\n\n /**\n * To compare the previous and the new props and returns a boolean value\n * in case the difference is meaningfull enough to perform DOM changes.\n *\n * Here, the only comparision is done by reference.\n *\n * Override this function to perform a different comparision depending on the item needs.\n *\n * @param prevProps\n * @param newProps\n * @return Whether the difference is meaningful enough to perform DOM changes or not.\n */\n protected shouldBeUpdated(prevProps: Props, newProps: Props): boolean {\n return prevProps !== newProps;\n }\n\n /**\n * To recreate or update the HTMLElement which represents the item into the DOM.\n * @param prevProps If exists it will be used to only perform DOM updates instead of a full replace.\n */\n public render(prevProps: Props | null = null): void {\n this.updateDomElement(this.childElementRef);\n\n // Move box.\n if (!prevProps || this.positionChanged(prevProps, this.props)) {\n this.moveElement(this.props.x, this.props.y);\n }\n // Resize box.\n if (!prevProps || this.sizeChanged(prevProps, this.props)) {\n this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height);\n }\n // Change label.\n if (!prevProps || prevProps.label !== this.props.label) {\n this.labelElementRef.innerHTML = this.createLabelDomElement().innerHTML;\n }\n // Change link.\n if (\n prevProps &&\n (prevProps.isLinkEnabled !== this.props.isLinkEnabled ||\n (this.props.isLinkEnabled && prevProps.link !== this.props.link))\n ) {\n const container = this.createContainerDomElement();\n container.innerHTML = this.elementRef.innerHTML;\n\n if (this.elementRef.parentNode !== null) {\n this.elementRef.parentNode.replaceChild(container, this.elementRef);\n }\n\n // Changed the reference to the main element. It's ugly, but needed.\n this.elementRef = container;\n }\n // Change label position.\n if (!prevProps || prevProps.labelPosition !== this.props.labelPosition) {\n this.changeLabelPosition(this.props.labelPosition);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * To remove the event listeners and the elements from the DOM.\n */\n public remove(): void {\n // Call the remove event.\n this.removeEventManager.emit({ data: this.props });\n // Event listeners.\n this.disposables.forEach(disposable => {\n try {\n disposable.dispose();\n } catch (ignored) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty\n });\n // VisualConsoleItem DOM element.\n this.elementRef.remove();\n }\n\n /**\n * Compare the previous and the new position and return\n * a boolean value in case the position changed.\n * @param prevPosition\n * @param newPosition\n * @return Whether the position changed or not.\n */\n protected positionChanged(\n prevPosition: Position,\n newPosition: Position\n ): boolean {\n return prevPosition.x !== newPosition.x || prevPosition.y !== newPosition.y;\n }\n\n /**\n * Move the label around the item content.\n * @param position Label position.\n */\n protected changeLabelPosition(position: Props[\"labelPosition\"]): void {\n switch (position) {\n case \"up\":\n this.elementRef.style.flexDirection = \"column-reverse\";\n break;\n case \"left\":\n this.elementRef.style.flexDirection = \"row-reverse\";\n break;\n case \"right\":\n this.elementRef.style.flexDirection = \"row\";\n break;\n case \"down\":\n default:\n this.elementRef.style.flexDirection = \"column\";\n break;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Move the DOM container.\n * @param x Horizontal axis position.\n * @param y Vertical axis position.\n */\n protected moveElement(x: number, y: number): void {\n this.elementRef.style.left = `${x}px`;\n this.elementRef.style.top = `${y}px`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the position into the properties and move the DOM container.\n * @param x Horizontal axis position.\n * @param y Vertical axis position.\n */\n public move(x: number, y: number): void {\n this.moveElement(x, y);\n this.itemProps = {\n ...this.props, // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n x,\n y\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Compare the previous and the new size and return\n * a boolean value in case the size changed.\n * @param prevSize\n * @param newSize\n * @return Whether the size changed or not.\n */\n protected sizeChanged(prevSize: Size, newSize: Size): boolean {\n return (\n prevSize.width !== newSize.width || prevSize.height !== newSize.height\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Resize the DOM content container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n protected resizeElement(width: number, height: number): void {\n // The most valuable size is the content size.\n this.childElementRef.style.width = width > 0 ? `${width}px` : null;\n this.childElementRef.style.height = height > 0 ? `${height}px` : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the size into the properties and resize the DOM container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n public resize(width: number, height: number): void {\n this.resizeElement(width, height);\n this.itemProps = {\n ...this.props, // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n width,\n height\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * To add an event handler to the click of the linked visual console elements.\n * @param listener Function which is going to be executed when a linked console is clicked.\n */\n public onClick(listener: Listener>): Disposable {\n /*\n * The '.on' function returns a function which will clean the event\n * listener when executed. We store all the 'dispose' functions to\n * call them when the item should be cleared.\n */\n const disposable = this.clickEventManager.on(listener);\n this.disposables.push(disposable);\n\n return disposable;\n }\n\n /**\n * To add an event handler to the removal of the item.\n * @param listener Function which is going to be executed when a item is removed.\n */\n public onRemove(listener: Listener>): Disposable {\n /*\n * The '.on' function returns a function which will clean the event\n * listener when executed. We store all the 'dispose' functions to\n * call them when the item should be cleared.\n */\n const disposable = this.removeEventManager.on(listener);\n this.disposables.push(disposable);\n\n return disposable;\n }\n}\n\nexport default VisualConsoleItem;\n","export interface Listener {\n (event: T): void;\n}\n\nexport interface Disposable {\n dispose: () => void;\n}\n\n/** passes through events as they happen. You will not get events from before you start listening */\nexport default class TypedEvent {\n private listeners: Listener[] = [];\n private listenersOncer: Listener[] = [];\n\n public on = (listener: Listener): Disposable => {\n this.listeners.push(listener);\n return {\n dispose: () => this.off(listener)\n };\n };\n\n public once = (listener: Listener): void => {\n this.listenersOncer.push(listener);\n };\n\n public off = (listener: Listener): void => {\n const callbackIndex = this.listeners.indexOf(listener);\n if (callbackIndex > -1) this.listeners.splice(callbackIndex, 1);\n };\n\n public emit = (event: T): void => {\n /** Update any general listeners */\n this.listeners.forEach(listener => listener(event));\n\n /** Clear the `once` queue */\n this.listenersOncer.forEach(listener => listener(event));\n this.listenersOncer = [];\n };\n\n public pipe = (te: TypedEvent): Disposable => this.on(e => te.emit(e));\n}\n","import { UnknownObject, WithModuleProps } from \"../types\";\nimport {\n modulePropsDecoder,\n parseIntOr,\n decodeBase64,\n stringIsEmpty\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type EventsHistoryProps = {\n type: ItemType.AUTO_SLA_GRAPH;\n maxTime: number | null;\n html: string;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the events history props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function eventsHistoryPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): EventsHistoryProps | never {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.html) && stringIsEmpty(data.encodedHtml)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing html content.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.AUTO_SLA_GRAPH,\n maxTime: parseIntOr(data.maxTime, null),\n html: !stringIsEmpty(data.html)\n ? data.html\n : decodeBase64(data.encodedHtml),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class EventsHistory extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"events-history\";\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n // Hack to execute the JS after the HTML is added to the DOM.\n const scripts = element.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n if (scripts[i].src.length === 0) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n try {\n eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim());\n } catch (ignored) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty\n }, 0);\n }\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n protected updateDomElement(element: HTMLElement): void {\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n // Hack to execute the JS after the HTML is added to the DOM.\n const aux = document.createElement(\"div\");\n aux.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n const scripts = aux.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n if (scripts[i].src.length === 0) {\n eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim());\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","import {\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject,\n WithModuleProps\n} from \"../types\";\nimport {\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n modulePropsDecoder,\n decodeBase64,\n stringIsEmpty\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type DonutGraphProps = {\n type: ItemType.DONUT_GRAPH;\n html: string;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the donut graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function donutGraphPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): DonutGraphProps | never {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.html) && stringIsEmpty(data.encodedHtml)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing html content.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.DONUT_GRAPH,\n html: !stringIsEmpty(data.html)\n ? data.html\n : decodeBase64(data.encodedHtml),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class DonutGraph extends Item {\n /**\n * @override Item.resizeElement\n * Resize the DOM content container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n protected resizeElement(width: number, height: number): void {\n if (width <= 0) width = 200;\n if (height <= 0) height = 200;\n super.resizeElement(width, height);\n }\n\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"donut-graph\";\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n // Hack to execute the JS after the HTML is added to the DOM.\n const scripts = element.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (scripts[i].src.length === 0) eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim());\n }, 0);\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n protected updateDomElement(element: HTMLElement): void {\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n // Hack to execute the JS after the HTML is added to the DOM.\n const aux = document.createElement(\"div\");\n aux.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n const scripts = aux.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n if (scripts[i].src.length === 0) {\n eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim());\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","import {\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject,\n WithModuleProps\n} from \"../types\";\nimport {\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n modulePropsDecoder,\n decodeBase64,\n stringIsEmpty\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type ModuleGraphProps = {\n type: ItemType.MODULE_GRAPH;\n html: string;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the module graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function moduleGraphPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): ModuleGraphProps | never {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.html) && stringIsEmpty(data.encodedHtml)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing html content.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.MODULE_GRAPH,\n html: !stringIsEmpty(data.html)\n ? data.html\n : decodeBase64(data.encodedHtml),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class ModuleGraph extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"module-graph\";\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n // Remove the overview graph.\n const legendP = element.getElementsByTagName(\"p\");\n for (let i = 0; i < legendP.length; i++) {\n legendP[i].style.margin = \"0px\";\n }\n\n // Remove the overview graph.\n const overviewGraphs = element.getElementsByClassName(\"overview_graph\");\n for (let i = 0; i < overviewGraphs.length; i++) {\n overviewGraphs[i].remove();\n }\n\n // Hack to execute the JS after the HTML is added to the DOM.\n const scripts = element.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n if (scripts[i].src.length === 0) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n try {\n eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim());\n } catch (ignored) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty\n }, 0);\n }\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n protected updateDomElement(element: HTMLElement): void {\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n // Remove the overview graph.\n const legendP = element.getElementsByTagName(\"p\");\n for (let i = 0; i < legendP.length; i++) {\n legendP[i].style.margin = \"0px\";\n }\n\n // Remove the overview graph.\n const overviewGraphs = element.getElementsByClassName(\"overview_graph\");\n for (let i = 0; i < overviewGraphs.length; i++) {\n overviewGraphs[i].remove();\n }\n\n // Hack to execute the JS after the HTML is added to the DOM.\n const aux = document.createElement(\"div\");\n aux.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n const scripts = aux.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n if (scripts[i].src.length === 0) {\n eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim());\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject, WithModuleProps } from \"../types\";\nimport { modulePropsDecoder, decodeBase64, stringIsEmpty } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type BarsGraphProps = {\n type: ItemType.BARS_GRAPH;\n html: string;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the bars graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function barsGraphPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): BarsGraphProps | never {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.html) && stringIsEmpty(data.encodedHtml)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing html content.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.BARS_GRAPH,\n html: !stringIsEmpty(data.html)\n ? data.html\n : decodeBase64(data.encodedHtml),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class BarsGraph extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"bars-graph\";\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n // Hack to execute the JS after the HTML is added to the DOM.\n const scripts = element.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (scripts[i].src.length === 0) eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim());\n }, 0);\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n protected updateDomElement(element: HTMLElement): void {\n element.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n\n // Hack to execute the JS after the HTML is added to the DOM.\n const aux = document.createElement(\"div\");\n aux.innerHTML = this.props.html;\n const scripts = aux.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n if (scripts[i].src.length === 0) {\n eval(scripts[i].innerHTML.trim());\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","import {\n WithModuleProps,\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject\n} from \"../types\";\n\nimport {\n modulePropsDecoder,\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n notEmptyStringOr\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type StaticGraphProps = {\n type: ItemType.STATIC_GRAPH;\n imageSrc: string; // URL?\n showLastValueTooltip: \"default\" | \"enabled\" | \"disabled\";\n statusImageSrc: string | null; // URL?\n lastValue: string | null;\n} & ItemProps &\n (WithModuleProps | LinkedVisualConsoleProps);\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw unknown value.\n * @param showLastValueTooltip Raw value.\n */\nconst parseShowLastValueTooltip = (\n showLastValueTooltip: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): StaticGraphProps[\"showLastValueTooltip\"] => {\n switch (showLastValueTooltip) {\n case \"default\":\n case \"enabled\":\n case \"disabled\":\n return showLastValueTooltip;\n default:\n return \"default\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the static graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function staticGraphPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): StaticGraphProps | never {\n if (typeof data.imageSrc !== \"string\" || data.imageSrc.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid image src.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.STATIC_GRAPH,\n imageSrc: data.imageSrc,\n showLastValueTooltip: parseShowLastValueTooltip(data.showLastValueTooltip),\n statusImageSrc: notEmptyStringOr(data.statusImageSrc, null),\n lastValue: notEmptyStringOr(data.lastValue, null),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class StaticGraph extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const img: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement(\"img\");\n img.className = \"static-graph\";\n img.src = this.props.statusImageSrc || this.props.imageSrc;\n\n // Show last value in a tooltip.\n if (\n this.props.lastValue !== null &&\n this.props.showLastValueTooltip !== \"disabled\"\n ) {\n img.className = \"static-graph image forced_title\";\n img.setAttribute(\"data-use_title_for_force_title\", \"1\");\n img.setAttribute(\"data-title\", this.props.lastValue);\n img.alt = this.props.lastValue;\n }\n\n return img;\n }\n}\n","import { LinkedVisualConsoleProps, UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport { linkedVCPropsDecoder } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type IconProps = {\n type: ItemType.ICON;\n imageSrc: string; // URL?\n} & ItemProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the icon props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function iconPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): IconProps | never {\n if (typeof data.imageSrc !== \"string\" || data.imageSrc.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid image src.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.ICON,\n imageSrc: data.imageSrc,\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Icon extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const img: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement(\"img\");\n img.className = \"icon\";\n img.src = this.props.imageSrc;\n\n return img;\n }\n}\n","import {\n WithModuleProps,\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject\n} from \"../types\";\nimport { modulePropsDecoder, linkedVCPropsDecoder } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { itemBasePropsDecoder, ItemType, ItemProps } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type ColorCloudProps = {\n type: ItemType.COLOR_CLOUD;\n color: string;\n // TODO: Add the rest of the color cloud values?\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the static graph props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function colorCloudPropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): ColorCloudProps | never {\n // TODO: Validate the color.\n if (typeof data.color !== \"string\" || data.color.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid color.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.COLOR_CLOUD,\n color: data.color,\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nconst svgNS = \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\";\n\nexport default class ColorCloud extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const container: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n container.className = \"color-cloud\";\n\n // Add the SVG.\n container.append(this.createSvgElement());\n\n return container;\n }\n\n public createSvgElement(): SVGSVGElement {\n const gradientId = `grad_${this.props.id}`;\n // SVG container.\n const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"svg\");\n // Auto resize SVG using the view box magic: https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/\n svg.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 100 100\");\n\n // Defs.\n const defs = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"defs\");\n // Radial gradient.\n const radialGradient = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"radialGradient\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"id\", gradientId);\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"cx\", \"50%\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"cy\", \"50%\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"r\", \"50%\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"fx\", \"50%\");\n radialGradient.setAttribute(\"fy\", \"50%\");\n // Stops.\n const stop0 = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"stop\");\n stop0.setAttribute(\"offset\", \"0%\");\n stop0.setAttribute(\n \"style\",\n `stop-color:${this.props.color};stop-opacity:0.9`\n );\n const stop100 = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"stop\");\n stop100.setAttribute(\"offset\", \"100%\");\n stop100.setAttribute(\n \"style\",\n `stop-color:${this.props.color};stop-opacity:0`\n );\n // Circle.\n const circle = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n circle.setAttribute(\"fill\", `url(#${gradientId})`);\n circle.setAttribute(\"cx\", \"50%\");\n circle.setAttribute(\"cy\", \"50%\");\n circle.setAttribute(\"r\", \"50%\");\n\n // Append elements.\n radialGradient.append(stop0, stop100);\n defs.append(radialGradient);\n svg.append(defs, circle);\n\n return svg;\n }\n}\n","import { LinkedVisualConsoleProps, UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport { linkedVCPropsDecoder, parseIntOr, notEmptyStringOr } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder, ItemType } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type GroupProps = {\n type: ItemType.GROUP_ITEM;\n imageSrc: string; // URL?\n groupId: number;\n statusImageSrc: string | null;\n} & ItemProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the group props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function groupPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): GroupProps | never {\n if (typeof data.imageSrc !== \"string\" || data.imageSrc.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid image src.\");\n }\n if (parseIntOr(data.groupId, null) === null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid group Id.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.GROUP_ITEM,\n imageSrc: data.imageSrc,\n groupId: parseInt(data.groupId),\n statusImageSrc: notEmptyStringOr(data.statusImageSrc, null),\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Group extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const img: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement(\"img\");\n img.className = \"group\";\n if (this.props.statusImageSrc != null) {\n img.src = this.props.statusImageSrc;\n }\n\n return img;\n }\n}\n","import \"./styles.css\";\n\nimport { LinkedVisualConsoleProps, UnknownObject, Size } from \"../../types\";\nimport {\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n parseIntOr,\n padLeft,\n parseBoolean,\n prefixedCssRules,\n notEmptyStringOr\n} from \"../../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder, ItemType } from \"../../Item\";\n\nexport type ClockProps = {\n type: ItemType.CLOCK;\n clockType: \"analogic\" | \"digital\";\n clockFormat: \"datetime\" | \"time\";\n clockTimezone: string;\n clockTimezoneOffset: number; // Offset of the timezone to UTC in seconds.\n showClockTimezone: boolean;\n color?: string | null;\n} & ItemProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw unknown value.\n * @param clockType Raw value.\n */\nconst parseClockType = (\n clockType: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): ClockProps[\"clockType\"] => {\n switch (clockType) {\n case \"analogic\":\n case \"digital\":\n return clockType;\n default:\n return \"analogic\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw unknown value.\n * @param clockFormat Raw value.\n */\nconst parseClockFormat = (\n clockFormat: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): ClockProps[\"clockFormat\"] => {\n switch (clockFormat) {\n case \"datetime\":\n case \"date\":\n case \"time\":\n return clockFormat;\n default:\n return \"datetime\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the clock props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function clockPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): ClockProps | never {\n if (\n typeof data.clockTimezone !== \"string\" ||\n data.clockTimezone.length === 0\n ) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid timezone.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.CLOCK,\n clockType: parseClockType(data.clockType),\n clockFormat: parseClockFormat(data.clockFormat),\n clockTimezone: data.clockTimezone,\n clockTimezoneOffset: parseIntOr(data.clockTimezoneOffset, 0),\n showClockTimezone: parseBoolean(data.showClockTimezone),\n color: notEmptyStringOr(data.color, null),\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Clock extends Item {\n public static readonly TICK_INTERVAL = 1000; // In ms.\n private intervalRef: number | null = null;\n\n public constructor(props: ClockProps) {\n // Call the superclass constructor.\n super(props);\n\n /* The item is already loaded and inserted into the DOM.\n * The class properties are now initialized.\n * Now you can modify the item, add event handlers, timers, etc.\n */\n\n /* The use of the arrow function is important here. startTick will\n * use the function passed as an argument to call the global setInterval\n * function. The interval, timeout or event functions, among other, are\n * called into another execution loop and using a different context.\n * The arrow functions, unlike the classic functions, doesn't create\n * their own context (this), so their context at execution time will be\n * use the current context at the declaration time.\n * http://es6-features.org/#Lexicalthis\n */\n this.startTick(\n () => {\n // Replace the old element with the updated date.\n this.childElementRef.innerHTML = this.createClock().innerHTML;\n },\n /* The analogic clock doesn't need to tick,\n * but it will be refreshed every 20 seconds\n * to avoid a desync caused by page freezes.\n */\n this.props.clockType === \"analogic\" ? 20000 : Clock.TICK_INTERVAL\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Wrap a window.clearInterval call.\n */\n private stopTick(): void {\n if (this.intervalRef !== null) {\n window.clearInterval(this.intervalRef);\n this.intervalRef = null;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Wrap a window.setInterval call.\n * @param handler Function to be called every time the interval\n * timer is reached.\n * @param interval Number in milliseconds for the interval timer.\n */\n private startTick(\n handler: TimerHandler,\n interval: number = Clock.TICK_INTERVAL\n ): void {\n this.stopTick();\n this.intervalRef = window.setInterval(handler, interval);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a element which contains the DOM representation of the item.\n * @return DOM Element.\n * @override\n */\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement | never {\n return this.createClock();\n }\n\n /**\n * To remove the event listeners and the elements from the DOM.\n * @override\n */\n public remove(): void {\n // Clear the interval.\n this.stopTick();\n // Call to the parent clean function.\n super.remove();\n }\n\n /**\n * @override Item.resizeElement\n * Resize the DOM content container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n protected resizeElement(width: number, height: number): void {\n const { width: newWidth, height: newHeight } = this.getElementSize(\n width,\n height\n ); // Destructuring assigment: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n super.resizeElement(newWidth, newHeight);\n // Re-render the item to force it calculate a new font size.\n if (this.props.clockType === \"digital\") {\n // Replace the old element with the updated date.\n this.childElementRef.innerHTML = this.createClock().innerHTML;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a element which contains a representation of a clock.\n * It choose between the clock types.\n * @return DOM Element.\n * @throws Error.\n */\n private createClock(): HTMLElement | never {\n switch (this.props.clockType) {\n case \"analogic\":\n return this.createAnalogicClock();\n case \"digital\":\n return this.createDigitalClock();\n default:\n throw new Error(\"invalid clock type.\");\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a element which contains a representation of an analogic clock.\n * @return DOM Element.\n */\n private createAnalogicClock(): HTMLElement {\n const svgNS = \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\";\n const colors = {\n watchFace: \"#FFFFF0\",\n watchFaceBorder: \"#242124\",\n mark: \"#242124\",\n handDark: \"#242124\",\n handLight: \"#525252\",\n secondHand: \"#DC143C\"\n };\n\n const { width, height } = this.getElementSize(); // Destructuring assigment: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n\n const div = document.createElement(\"div\");\n div.className = \"analogic-clock\";\n div.style.width = `${width}px`;\n div.style.height = `${height}px`;\n\n // SVG container.\n const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"svg\");\n // Auto resize SVG using the view box magic: https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/\n svg.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 100 100\");\n\n // Clock face.\n const clockFace = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n clockFace.setAttribute(\"class\", \"clockface\");\n const clockFaceBackground = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"cx\", \"50\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"cy\", \"50\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"r\", \"48\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.watchFace);\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.watchFaceBorder);\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"2\");\n clockFaceBackground.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n // Insert the clockface background into the clockface group.\n clockFace.append(clockFaceBackground);\n\n // Timezone complication.\n if (this.props.showClockTimezone) {\n const timezoneComplication = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"text\");\n timezoneComplication.setAttribute(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\");\n timezoneComplication.setAttribute(\"font-size\", \"8\");\n timezoneComplication.setAttribute(\n \"transform\",\n \"translate(30 50) rotate(90)\" // Rotate to counter the clock rotation.\n );\n timezoneComplication.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.mark);\n timezoneComplication.textContent = this.props.clockTimezone;\n clockFace.append(timezoneComplication);\n }\n\n // Marks group.\n const marksGroup = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n marksGroup.setAttribute(\"class\", \"marks\");\n // Build the 12 hours mark.\n const mainMarkGroup = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n mainMarkGroup.setAttribute(\"class\", \"mark\");\n mainMarkGroup.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n const mark1a = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"36\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.mark);\n mark1a.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"5\");\n const mark1b = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"36\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.watchFace);\n mark1b.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"1\");\n // Insert the 12 mark lines into their group.\n mainMarkGroup.append(mark1a, mark1b);\n // Insert the main mark into the marks group.\n marksGroup.append(mainMarkGroup);\n // Build the rest of the marks.\n for (let i = 1; i < 60; i++) {\n const mark = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.mark);\n mark.setAttribute(\"transform\", `translate(50 50) rotate(${i * 6})`);\n\n if (i % 5 === 0) {\n mark.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"38\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", i % 15 === 0 ? \"2\" : \"1\");\n } else {\n mark.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"42\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n mark.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"0.5\");\n }\n\n // Insert the mark into the marks group.\n marksGroup.append(mark);\n }\n\n /* Clock hands */\n\n // Hour hand.\n const hourHand = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n hourHand.setAttribute(\"class\", \"hour-hand\");\n hourHand.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n // This will go back and will act like a border.\n const hourHandA = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"class\", \"hour-hand-a\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"30\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.handLight);\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"4\");\n hourHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n // This will go in front of the previous line.\n const hourHandB = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"class\", \"hour-hand-b\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"29.9\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.handDark);\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"3.1\");\n hourHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n // Append the elements to finish the hour hand.\n hourHand.append(hourHandA, hourHandB);\n\n // Minute hand.\n const minuteHand = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n minuteHand.setAttribute(\"class\", \"minute-hand\");\n minuteHand.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n // This will go back and will act like a border.\n const minuteHandA = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"class\", \"minute-hand-a\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"40\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.handLight);\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"2\");\n minuteHandA.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n // This will go in front of the previous line.\n const minuteHandB = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"class\", \"minute-hand-b\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"39.9\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.handDark);\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"1.5\");\n minuteHandB.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n const minuteHandPin = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n minuteHandPin.setAttribute(\"r\", \"3\");\n minuteHandPin.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.handDark);\n // Append the elements to finish the minute hand.\n minuteHand.append(minuteHandA, minuteHandB, minuteHandPin);\n\n // Second hand.\n const secondHand = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"g\");\n secondHand.setAttribute(\"class\", \"second-hand\");\n secondHand.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n const secondHandBar = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"x1\", \"0\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"y1\", \"0\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"x2\", \"46\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"y2\", \"0\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"stroke\", colors.secondHand);\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"1\");\n secondHandBar.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\");\n const secondHandPin = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n secondHandPin.setAttribute(\"r\", \"2\");\n secondHandPin.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.secondHand);\n // Append the elements to finish the second hand.\n secondHand.append(secondHandBar, secondHandPin);\n\n // Pin.\n const pin = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n pin.setAttribute(\"cx\", \"50\");\n pin.setAttribute(\"cy\", \"50\");\n pin.setAttribute(\"r\", \"0.3\");\n pin.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.handDark);\n\n // Get the hand angles.\n const date = this.getDate();\n const seconds = date.getSeconds();\n const minutes = date.getMinutes();\n const hours = date.getHours();\n const secAngle = (360 / 60) * seconds;\n const minuteAngle = (360 / 60) * minutes + (360 / 60) * (seconds / 60);\n const hourAngle = (360 / 12) * hours + (360 / 12) * (minutes / 60);\n // Set the clock time by moving the hands.\n hourHand.setAttribute(\"transform\", `translate(50 50) rotate(${hourAngle})`);\n minuteHand.setAttribute(\n \"transform\",\n `translate(50 50) rotate(${minuteAngle})`\n );\n secondHand.setAttribute(\n \"transform\",\n `translate(50 50) rotate(${secAngle})`\n );\n\n // Build the clock\n svg.append(clockFace, marksGroup, hourHand, minuteHand, secondHand, pin);\n // Rotate the clock to its normal position.\n svg.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"rotate(-90)\");\n\n /* Add the animation declaration to the container.\n * Since the animation keyframes need to know the\n * start angle, this angle is dynamic (current time),\n * and we can't edit keyframes through javascript\n * safely and with backwards compatibility, we need\n * to inject it.\n */\n div.innerHTML = `\n \n `;\n // Add the clock to the container\n div.append(svg);\n\n return div;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a element which contains a representation of a digital clock.\n * @return DOM Element.\n */\n private createDigitalClock(): HTMLElement {\n const element: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"digital-clock\";\n\n const { width } = this.getElementSize(); // Destructuring assigment: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n\n // Calculate font size to adapt the font to the item size.\n const baseTimeFontSize = 20; // Per 100px of width.\n const dateFontSizeMultiplier = 0.5;\n const tzFontSizeMultiplier = 6 / this.props.clockTimezone.length;\n const timeFontSize = (baseTimeFontSize * width) / 100;\n const dateFontSize =\n (baseTimeFontSize * dateFontSizeMultiplier * width) / 100;\n const tzFontSize = Math.min(\n (baseTimeFontSize * tzFontSizeMultiplier * width) / 100,\n (width / 100) * 10\n );\n\n // Date.\n if (this.props.clockFormat === \"datetime\") {\n const dateElem: HTMLSpanElement = document.createElement(\"span\");\n dateElem.className = \"date\";\n dateElem.textContent = this.getDigitalDate();\n dateElem.style.fontSize = `${dateFontSize}px`;\n if (this.props.color) dateElem.style.color = this.props.color;\n element.append(dateElem);\n }\n\n // Time.\n const timeElem: HTMLSpanElement = document.createElement(\"span\");\n timeElem.className = \"time\";\n timeElem.textContent = this.getDigitalTime();\n timeElem.style.fontSize = `${timeFontSize}px`;\n if (this.props.color) timeElem.style.color = this.props.color;\n element.append(timeElem);\n\n // Timezone name.\n if (this.props.showClockTimezone) {\n const tzElem: HTMLSpanElement = document.createElement(\"span\");\n tzElem.className = \"timezone\";\n tzElem.textContent = this.props.clockTimezone;\n tzElem.style.fontSize = `${tzFontSize}px`;\n if (this.props.color) tzElem.style.color = this.props.color;\n element.append(tzElem);\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * Generate the current date using the timezone offset stored into the properties.\n * @return The current date.\n */\n private getDate(): Date {\n const d = new Date();\n const targetTZOffset = this.props.clockTimezoneOffset * 60 * 1000; // In ms.\n const localTZOffset = d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; // In ms.\n const utimestamp = d.getTime() + targetTZOffset + localTZOffset;\n\n return new Date(utimestamp);\n }\n\n /**\n * Generate a date representation with the format 'd/m/Y'.\n * @example 24/02/2020.\n * @return Date representation.\n */\n public getDigitalDate(initialDate: Date | null = null): string {\n const date = initialDate || this.getDate();\n // Use getDate, getDay returns the week day.\n const day = padLeft(date.getDate(), 2, 0);\n // The getMonth function returns the month starting by 0.\n const month = padLeft(date.getMonth() + 1, 2, 0);\n const year = padLeft(date.getFullYear(), 4, 0);\n\n // Format: 'd/m/Y'.\n return `${day}/${month}/${year}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Generate a time representation with the format 'hh:mm:ss'.\n * @example 01:34:09.\n * @return Time representation.\n */\n public getDigitalTime(initialDate: Date | null = null): string {\n const date = initialDate || this.getDate();\n const hours = padLeft(date.getHours(), 2, 0);\n const minutes = padLeft(date.getMinutes(), 2, 0);\n const seconds = padLeft(date.getSeconds(), 2, 0);\n\n return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Generate a element size using the current size and the default values.\n * @return The size.\n */\n private getElementSize(\n width: number = this.props.width,\n height: number = this.props.height\n ): Size {\n switch (this.props.clockType) {\n case \"analogic\": {\n let diameter = 100; // Default value.\n\n if (width > 0 && height > 0) {\n diameter = Math.min(width, height);\n } else if (width > 0) {\n diameter = width;\n } else if (height > 0) {\n diameter = height;\n }\n\n return {\n width: diameter,\n height: diameter\n };\n }\n case \"digital\": {\n if (width > 0 && height > 0) {\n // The proportion of the clock should be (width = height / 2) aproximately.\n height = width / 2 < height ? width / 2 : height;\n } else if (width > 0) {\n height = width / 2;\n } else if (height > 0) {\n // The proportion of the clock should be (height * 2 = width) aproximately.\n width = height * 2;\n } else {\n width = 100; // Default value.\n height = 50; // Default value.\n }\n\n return {\n width,\n height\n };\n }\n default:\n throw new Error(\"invalid clock type.\");\n }\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport { parseIntOr, notEmptyStringOr } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\ninterface BoxProps extends ItemProps {\n // Overrided properties.\n readonly type: ItemType.BOX_ITEM;\n label: null;\n isLinkEnabled: false;\n parentId: null;\n aclGroupId: null;\n // Custom properties.\n borderWidth: number;\n borderColor: string | null;\n fillColor: string | null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the item props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function boxPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): BoxProps | never {\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.BOX_ITEM,\n label: null,\n isLinkEnabled: false,\n parentId: null,\n aclGroupId: null,\n // Custom properties.\n borderWidth: parseIntOr(data.borderWidth, 0),\n borderColor: notEmptyStringOr(data.borderColor, null),\n fillColor: notEmptyStringOr(data.fillColor, null)\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Box extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const box: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n box.className = \"box\";\n // To prevent this item to expand beyond its parent.\n box.style.boxSizing = \"border-box\";\n\n if (this.props.fillColor) {\n box.style.backgroundColor = this.props.fillColor;\n }\n\n // Border.\n if (this.props.borderWidth > 0) {\n box.style.borderStyle = \"solid\";\n // Control the max width to prevent this item to expand beyond its parent.\n const maxBorderWidth = Math.min(this.props.width, this.props.height) / 2;\n const borderWidth = Math.min(this.props.borderWidth, maxBorderWidth);\n box.style.borderWidth = `${borderWidth}px`;\n\n if (this.props.borderColor) {\n box.style.borderColor = this.props.borderColor;\n }\n }\n\n return box;\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject, Position, Size } from \"../types\";\nimport { parseIntOr, notEmptyStringOr } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\ninterface LineProps extends ItemProps {\n // Overrided properties.\n readonly type: ItemType.LINE_ITEM;\n label: null;\n isLinkEnabled: false;\n parentId: null;\n aclGroupId: null;\n // Custom properties.\n startPosition: Position;\n endPosition: Position;\n lineWidth: number;\n color: string | null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the item props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function linePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): LineProps | never {\n const props: LineProps = {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder({ ...data, width: 1, height: 1 }), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.LINE_ITEM,\n label: null,\n isLinkEnabled: false,\n parentId: null,\n aclGroupId: null,\n // Initialize Position & Size.\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n width: 0,\n height: 0,\n // Custom properties.\n startPosition: {\n x: parseIntOr(data.startX, 0),\n y: parseIntOr(data.startY, 0)\n },\n endPosition: {\n x: parseIntOr(data.endX, 0),\n y: parseIntOr(data.endY, 0)\n },\n lineWidth: parseIntOr(data.lineWidth || data.borderWidth, 1),\n color: notEmptyStringOr(data.borderColor || data.color, null)\n };\n\n /*\n * We need to enhance the props with the extracted size and position\n * of the box cause there are missing at the props update. A better\n * solution would be overriding the props setter to do it there, but\n * the language doesn't allow it while targetting ES5.\n * TODO: We need to figure out a more consistent solution.\n */\n\n return {\n ...props,\n // Enhance the props extracting the box size and position.\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define\n ...Line.extractBoxSizeAndPosition(props)\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Line extends Item {\n /**\n * @override\n */\n public constructor(props: LineProps) {\n /*\n * We need to override the constructor cause we need to obtain\n * the\n * box size and position from the start and finish points\n * of the line.\n */\n super({\n ...props,\n ...Line.extractBoxSizeAndPosition(props)\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * @override\n * To create the item's DOM representation.\n * @return Item.\n */\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"line\";\n\n const svgNS = \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\";\n // SVG container.\n const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"svg\");\n // Set SVG size.\n svg.setAttribute(\n \"width\",\n (this.props.width + this.props.lineWidth).toString()\n );\n svg.setAttribute(\n \"height\",\n (this.props.height + this.props.lineWidth).toString()\n );\n const line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"line\");\n line.setAttribute(\n \"x1\",\n `${this.props.startPosition.x - this.props.x + this.props.lineWidth / 2}`\n );\n line.setAttribute(\n \"y1\",\n `${this.props.startPosition.y - this.props.y + this.props.lineWidth / 2}`\n );\n line.setAttribute(\n \"x2\",\n `${this.props.endPosition.x - this.props.x + this.props.lineWidth / 2}`\n );\n line.setAttribute(\n \"y2\",\n `${this.props.endPosition.y - this.props.y + this.props.lineWidth / 2}`\n );\n line.setAttribute(\"stroke\", this.props.color || \"black\");\n line.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", this.props.lineWidth.toString());\n\n svg.append(line);\n element.append(svg);\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * Extract the size and position of the box from\n * the start and the finish of the line.\n * @param props Item properties.\n */\n public static extractBoxSizeAndPosition(props: LineProps): Size & Position {\n return {\n width: Math.abs(props.startPosition.x - props.endPosition.x),\n height: Math.abs(props.startPosition.y - props.endPosition.y),\n x: Math.min(props.startPosition.x, props.endPosition.x),\n y: Math.min(props.startPosition.y, props.endPosition.y)\n };\n }\n}\n","import { LinkedVisualConsoleProps, UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport { linkedVCPropsDecoder } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type LabelProps = {\n type: ItemType.LABEL;\n} & ItemProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the label props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function labelPropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): LabelProps | never {\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.LABEL,\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Label extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"label\";\n element.innerHTML = this.props.label || \"\";\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * @override Item.createLabelDomElement\n * Create a new label for the visual console item.\n * @return Item label.\n */\n public createLabelDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"visual-console-item-label\";\n // Always return an empty label.\n return element;\n }\n}\n","import {\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject,\n WithModuleProps\n} from \"../types\";\nimport { linkedVCPropsDecoder, parseIntOr, modulePropsDecoder } from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type SimpleValueProps = {\n type: ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE;\n valueType: \"string\" | \"image\";\n value: string;\n} & (\n | {\n processValue: \"none\";\n }\n | {\n processValue: \"avg\" | \"max\" | \"min\";\n period: number;\n }) &\n ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw value type.\n * @param valueType Raw value.\n */\nconst parseValueType = (\n valueType: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): SimpleValueProps[\"valueType\"] => {\n switch (valueType) {\n case \"string\":\n case \"image\":\n return valueType;\n default:\n return \"string\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw process value.\n * @param processValue Raw value.\n */\nconst parseProcessValue = (\n processValue: any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): SimpleValueProps[\"processValue\"] => {\n switch (processValue) {\n case \"none\":\n case \"avg\":\n case \"max\":\n case \"min\":\n return processValue;\n default:\n return \"none\";\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the simple value props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function simpleValuePropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): SimpleValueProps | never {\n if (typeof data.value !== \"string\" || data.value.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid value\");\n }\n\n const processValue = parseProcessValue(data.processValue);\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE,\n valueType: parseValueType(data.valueType),\n value: data.value,\n ...(processValue === \"none\"\n ? { processValue }\n : { processValue, period: parseIntOr(data.period, 0) }), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nexport default class SimpleValue extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"simple-value\";\n\n if (this.props.valueType === \"image\") {\n const img = document.createElement(\"img\");\n img.src = this.props.value;\n element.append(img);\n } else {\n // Add the value to the label and show it.\n let text = this.props.value;\n if (this.props.label) {\n text = this.props.label.replace(/\\(?_VALUE_\\)?/i, text);\n }\n\n element.innerHTML = text;\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n\n /**\n * @override Item.createLabelDomElement\n * Create a new label for the visual console item.\n * @return Item label.\n */\n protected createLabelDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.className = \"visual-console-item-label\";\n // Always return an empty label.\n return element;\n }\n}\n","import {\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps,\n UnknownObject,\n WithModuleProps\n} from \"../types\";\nimport {\n linkedVCPropsDecoder,\n modulePropsDecoder,\n notEmptyStringOr,\n parseIntOr,\n parseFloatOr\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type PercentileProps = {\n type: ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR;\n percentileType:\n | \"progress-bar\"\n | \"bubble\"\n | \"circular-progress-bar\"\n | \"circular-progress-bar-alt\";\n valueType: \"percent\" | \"value\";\n minValue: number | null;\n maxValue: number | null;\n color: string | null;\n labelColor: string | null;\n value: number | null;\n unit: string | null;\n} & ItemProps &\n WithModuleProps &\n LinkedVisualConsoleProps;\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw type value.\n * @param type Raw value.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nfunction extractPercentileType(type: any): PercentileProps[\"percentileType\"] {\n switch (type) {\n case \"progress-bar\":\n case \"bubble\":\n case \"circular-progress-bar\":\n case \"circular-progress-bar-alt\":\n return type;\n default:\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR:\n return \"progress-bar\";\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BUBBLE:\n return \"bubble\";\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n return \"circular-progress-bar\";\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_INTERIOR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n return \"circular-progress-bar-alt\";\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Extract a valid enum value from a raw value type value.\n * @param type Raw value.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nfunction extractValueType(valueType: any): PercentileProps[\"valueType\"] {\n switch (valueType) {\n case \"percent\":\n case \"value\":\n return valueType;\n default:\n return \"percent\";\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the percentile props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function percentilePropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): PercentileProps | never {\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR,\n percentileType: extractPercentileType(data.percentileType || data.type),\n valueType: extractValueType(data.valueType),\n minValue: parseIntOr(data.minValue, null),\n maxValue: parseIntOr(data.maxValue, null),\n color: notEmptyStringOr(data.color, null),\n labelColor: notEmptyStringOr(data.labelColor, null),\n value: parseFloatOr(data.value, null),\n unit: notEmptyStringOr(data.unit, null),\n ...modulePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n ...linkedVCPropsDecoder(data) // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n };\n}\n\nconst svgNS = \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\";\n\nexport default class Percentile extends Item {\n protected createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const colors = {\n background: \"#000000\",\n progress: this.props.color || \"#F0F0F0\",\n text: this.props.labelColor || \"#444444\"\n };\n // Progress.\n const progress = this.getProgress();\n // Main element.\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n // SVG container.\n const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"svg\");\n\n switch (this.props.percentileType) {\n case \"progress-bar\":\n {\n const backgroundRect = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"rect\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.background);\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", \"0.5\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"width\", \"100\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"height\", \"20\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"rx\", \"5\");\n backgroundRect.setAttribute(\"ry\", \"5\");\n const progressRect = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"rect\");\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.progress);\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", \"1\");\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"width\", `${progress}`);\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"height\", \"20\");\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"rx\", \"5\");\n progressRect.setAttribute(\"ry\", \"5\");\n const text = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"text\");\n text.setAttribute(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\");\n text.setAttribute(\"alignment-baseline\", \"middle\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-size\", \"12\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-family\", \"arial\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-weight\", \"bold\");\n text.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 11)\");\n text.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.text);\n\n if (this.props.valueType === \"value\") {\n text.textContent = this.props.unit\n ? `${this.props.value} ${this.props.unit}`\n : `${this.props.value}`;\n } else {\n text.textContent = `${progress}%`;\n }\n\n // Auto resize SVG using the view box magic: https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/\n svg.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 100 20\");\n svg.append(backgroundRect, progressRect, text);\n }\n break;\n case \"bubble\":\n case \"circular-progress-bar\": // TODO: Add this chart.\n case \"circular-progress-bar-alt\": // TODO: Add this chart.\n {\n const backgroundCircle = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n backgroundCircle.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n backgroundCircle.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.background);\n backgroundCircle.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", \"0.5\");\n backgroundCircle.setAttribute(\"r\", \"50\");\n const progressCircle = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"circle\");\n progressCircle.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n progressCircle.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.progress);\n progressCircle.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", \"1\");\n progressCircle.setAttribute(\"r\", `${progress / 2}`);\n const text = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"text\");\n text.setAttribute(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\");\n text.setAttribute(\"alignment-baseline\", \"middle\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-size\", \"16\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-family\", \"arial\");\n text.setAttribute(\"font-weight\", \"bold\");\n text.setAttribute(\"fill\", colors.text);\n\n if (this.props.valueType === \"value\") {\n if (this.props.unit && this.props.unit.length > 0) {\n const value = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"tspan\");\n value.setAttribute(\"x\", \"0\");\n value.setAttribute(\"dy\", \"1em\");\n value.textContent = `${this.props.value}`;\n const unit = document.createElementNS(svgNS, \"tspan\");\n unit.setAttribute(\"x\", \"0\");\n unit.setAttribute(\"dy\", \"1em\");\n unit.textContent = `${this.props.unit}`;\n text.append(value, unit);\n text.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 33)\");\n } else {\n text.textContent = `${this.props.value}`;\n text.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n }\n } else {\n text.textContent = `${progress}%`;\n text.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(50 50)\");\n }\n\n // Auto resize SVG using the view box magic: https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/\n svg.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 100 100\");\n svg.append(backgroundCircle, progressCircle, text);\n }\n break;\n }\n\n element.append(svg);\n\n return element;\n }\n\n private getProgress(): number {\n const minValue = this.props.minValue || 0;\n const maxValue = this.props.maxValue || 100;\n const value = this.props.value || 100;\n\n if (value <= minValue) return 0;\n else if (value >= maxValue) return 100;\n else return ((value - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue)) * 100;\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject } from \"../types\";\nimport {\n stringIsEmpty,\n notEmptyStringOr,\n decodeBase64,\n parseIntOr\n} from \"../lib\";\nimport Item, { ItemType, ItemProps, itemBasePropsDecoder } from \"../Item\";\n\nexport type ServiceProps = {\n type: ItemType.SERVICE;\n serviceId: number;\n imageSrc: string | null;\n statusImageSrc: string | null;\n encodedTitle: string | null;\n} & ItemProps;\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the service props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function servicePropsDecoder(data: UnknownObject): ServiceProps | never {\n if (data.imageSrc !== null) {\n if (\n typeof data.statusImageSrc !== \"string\" ||\n data.imageSrc.statusImageSrc === 0\n ) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid status image src.\");\n }\n } else {\n if (stringIsEmpty(data.encodedTitle)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"missing encode tittle content.\");\n }\n }\n\n if (parseIntOr(data.serviceId, null) === null) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid service id.\");\n }\n\n return {\n ...itemBasePropsDecoder(data), // Object spread. It will merge the properties of the two objects.\n type: ItemType.SERVICE,\n serviceId: data.serviceId,\n imageSrc: notEmptyStringOr(data.imageSrc, null),\n statusImageSrc: notEmptyStringOr(data.statusImageSrc, null),\n encodedTitle: notEmptyStringOr(data.encodedTitle, null)\n };\n}\n\nexport default class Service extends Item {\n public createDomElement(): HTMLElement {\n const img: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement(\"img\");\n if (this.props.statusImageSrc !== null) {\n img.className = \"icon\";\n img.src = this.props.statusImageSrc;\n } else {\n if (this.props.encodedTitle !== null) {\n const element = document.createElement(\"div\");\n element.innerHTML = decodeBase64(this.props.encodedTitle);\n return element;\n }\n }\n return img;\n }\n}\n","import { UnknownObject, Size } from \"./types\";\nimport {\n parseBoolean,\n sizePropsDecoder,\n parseIntOr,\n notEmptyStringOr\n} from \"./lib\";\nimport Item, {\n ItemType,\n ItemProps,\n ItemClickEvent,\n ItemRemoveEvent\n} from \"./Item\";\nimport StaticGraph, { staticGraphPropsDecoder } from \"./items/StaticGraph\";\nimport Icon, { iconPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Icon\";\nimport ColorCloud, { colorCloudPropsDecoder } from \"./items/ColorCloud\";\nimport Group, { groupPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Group\";\nimport Clock, { clockPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Clock\";\nimport Box, { boxPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Box\";\nimport Line, { linePropsDecoder } from \"./items/Line\";\nimport Label, { labelPropsDecoder } from \"./items/Label\";\nimport SimpleValue, { simpleValuePropsDecoder } from \"./items/SimpleValue\";\nimport EventsHistory, {\n eventsHistoryPropsDecoder\n} from \"./items/EventsHistory\";\nimport Percentile, { percentilePropsDecoder } from \"./items/Percentile\";\nimport TypedEvent, { Disposable, Listener } from \"./TypedEvent\";\nimport DonutGraph, { donutGraphPropsDecoder } from \"./items/DonutGraph\";\nimport BarsGraph, { barsGraphPropsDecoder } from \"./items/BarsGraph\";\nimport ModuleGraph, { moduleGraphPropsDecoder } from \"./items/ModuleGraph\";\nimport Service, { servicePropsDecoder } from \"./items/Service\";\n\n// TODO: Document.\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type\nfunction itemInstanceFrom(data: UnknownObject) {\n const type = parseIntOr(data.type, null);\n if (type == null) throw new TypeError(\"missing item type.\");\n\n switch (type as ItemType) {\n case ItemType.STATIC_GRAPH:\n return new StaticGraph(staticGraphPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.MODULE_GRAPH:\n return new ModuleGraph(moduleGraphPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_MAX:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_MIN:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_AVG:\n return new SimpleValue(simpleValuePropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR:\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BUBBLE:\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_INTERIOR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n return new Percentile(percentilePropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.LABEL:\n return new Label(labelPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.ICON:\n return new Icon(iconPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.SERVICE:\n return new Service(servicePropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.GROUP_ITEM:\n return new Group(groupPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.BOX_ITEM:\n return new Box(boxPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.LINE_ITEM:\n return new Line(linePropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.AUTO_SLA_GRAPH:\n return new EventsHistory(eventsHistoryPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.DONUT_GRAPH:\n return new DonutGraph(donutGraphPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.BARS_GRAPH:\n return new BarsGraph(barsGraphPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.CLOCK:\n return new Clock(clockPropsDecoder(data));\n case ItemType.COLOR_CLOUD:\n return new ColorCloud(colorCloudPropsDecoder(data));\n default:\n throw new TypeError(\"item not found\");\n }\n}\n\n// TODO: Document.\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type\nfunction decodeProps(data: UnknownObject) {\n const type = parseIntOr(data.type, null);\n if (type == null) throw new TypeError(\"missing item type.\");\n\n switch (type as ItemType) {\n case ItemType.STATIC_GRAPH:\n return staticGraphPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.MODULE_GRAPH:\n return moduleGraphPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_MAX:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_MIN:\n case ItemType.SIMPLE_VALUE_AVG:\n return simpleValuePropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BAR:\n case ItemType.PERCENTILE_BUBBLE:\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n case ItemType.CIRCULAR_INTERIOR_PROGRESS_BAR:\n return percentilePropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.LABEL:\n return labelPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.ICON:\n return iconPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.SERVICE:\n return servicePropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.GROUP_ITEM:\n return groupPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.BOX_ITEM:\n return boxPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.LINE_ITEM:\n return linePropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.AUTO_SLA_GRAPH:\n return eventsHistoryPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.DONUT_GRAPH:\n return donutGraphPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.BARS_GRAPH:\n return barsGraphPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.CLOCK:\n return clockPropsDecoder(data);\n case ItemType.COLOR_CLOUD:\n return colorCloudPropsDecoder(data);\n default:\n throw new TypeError(\"decoder not found\");\n }\n}\n\n// Base properties.\nexport interface VisualConsoleProps extends Size {\n readonly id: number;\n name: string;\n groupId: number;\n backgroundURL: string | null; // URL?\n backgroundColor: string | null;\n isFavorite: boolean;\n relationLineWidth: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a valid typed object from a raw object.\n * This will allow us to ensure the type safety.\n *\n * @param data Raw object.\n * @return An object representing the Visual Console props.\n * @throws Will throw a TypeError if some property\n * is missing from the raw object or have an invalid type.\n */\nexport function visualConsolePropsDecoder(\n data: UnknownObject\n): VisualConsoleProps | never {\n // Object destructuring: http://es6-features.org/#ObjectMatchingShorthandNotation\n const {\n id,\n name,\n groupId,\n backgroundURL,\n backgroundColor,\n isFavorite,\n relationLineWidth\n } = data;\n\n if (id == null || isNaN(parseInt(id))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid Id.\");\n }\n if (typeof name !== \"string\" || name.length === 0) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid name.\");\n }\n if (groupId == null || isNaN(parseInt(groupId))) {\n throw new TypeError(\"invalid group Id.\");\n }\n\n return {\n id: parseInt(id),\n name,\n groupId: parseInt(groupId),\n backgroundURL: notEmptyStringOr(backgroundURL, null),\n backgroundColor: notEmptyStringOr(backgroundColor, null),\n isFavorite: parseBoolean(isFavorite),\n relationLineWidth: parseIntOr(relationLineWidth, 0),\n ...sizePropsDecoder(data)\n };\n}\n\nexport default class VisualConsole {\n // Reference to the DOM element which will contain the items.\n private readonly containerRef: HTMLElement;\n // Properties.\n private _props: VisualConsoleProps;\n // Visual Console Item instances by their Id.\n private elementsById: {\n [key: number]: Item;\n } = {};\n // Visual Console Item Ids.\n private elementIds: ItemProps[\"id\"][] = [];\n // Dictionary which store the created lines.\n private relations: {\n [key: string]: Line;\n } = {};\n // Event manager for click events.\n private readonly clickEventManager = new TypedEvent<\n ItemClickEvent\n >();\n // List of references to clean the event listeners.\n private readonly disposables: Disposable[] = [];\n\n /**\n * React to a click on an element.\n * @param e Event object.\n */\n private handleElementClick: (e: ItemClickEvent) => void = e => {\n this.clickEventManager.emit(e);\n // console.log(`Clicked element #${e.data.id}`, e);\n };\n\n /**\n * Clear some element references.\n * @param e Event object.\n */\n private handleElementRemove: (e: ItemRemoveEvent) => void = e => {\n // Remove the element from the list and its relations.\n this.elementIds = this.elementIds.filter(id => id !== e.data.id);\n delete this.elementsById[e.data.id];\n this.clearRelations(e.data.id);\n };\n\n public constructor(\n container: HTMLElement,\n props: UnknownObject,\n items: UnknownObject[]\n ) {\n this.containerRef = container;\n this._props = visualConsolePropsDecoder(props);\n\n // Force the first render.\n this.render();\n\n // Sort by isOnTop, id ASC\n items = items.sort(function(a, b) {\n if (\n a.isOnTop == null ||\n b.isOnTop == null ||\n a.id == null ||\n b.id == null\n ) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n if (a.isOnTop && !b.isOnTop) return 1;\n else if (!a.isOnTop && b.isOnTop) return -1;\n else if (a.id < b.id) return 1;\n else return -1;\n });\n\n // Initialize the items.\n items.forEach(item => {\n try {\n const itemInstance = itemInstanceFrom(item);\n // Add the item to the list.\n this.elementsById[itemInstance.props.id] = itemInstance;\n this.elementIds.push(itemInstance.props.id);\n // Item event handlers.\n itemInstance.onClick(this.handleElementClick);\n itemInstance.onRemove(this.handleElementRemove);\n // Add the item to the DOM.\n this.containerRef.append(itemInstance.elementRef);\n } catch (error) {\n console.log(\"Error creating a new element:\", error.message);\n }\n });\n\n // Create lines.\n this.buildRelations();\n }\n\n /**\n * Public accessor of the `elements` property.\n * @return Properties.\n */\n public get elements(): Item[] {\n // Ensure the type cause Typescript doesn't know the filter removes null items.\n return this.elementIds\n .map(id => this.elementsById[id])\n .filter(_ => _ != null) as Item[];\n }\n\n /**\n * Public setter of the `elements` property.\n * @param items.\n */\n public updateElements(items: UnknownObject[]): void {\n const itemIds = items.map(item => item.id || null).filter(id => id != null);\n itemIds as number[]; // Tell the type system to rely on us.\n // Get the elements we should delete.\n const deletedIds: number[] = this.elementIds.filter(\n id => itemIds.indexOf(id) < 0\n );\n // Delete the elements.\n deletedIds.forEach(id => {\n if (this.elementsById[id] != null) {\n this.elementsById[id].remove();\n delete this.elementsById[id];\n }\n });\n // Replace the element ids.\n this.elementIds = itemIds;\n\n // Initialize the items.\n items.forEach(item => {\n if (item.id) {\n if (this.elementsById[item.id] == null) {\n // New item.\n try {\n const itemInstance = itemInstanceFrom(item);\n // Add the item to the list.\n this.elementsById[itemInstance.props.id] = itemInstance;\n // Item event handlers.\n itemInstance.onClick(this.handleElementClick);\n itemInstance.onRemove(this.handleElementRemove);\n // Add the item to the DOM.\n this.containerRef.append(itemInstance.elementRef);\n } catch (error) {\n console.log(\"Error creating a new element:\", error.message);\n }\n } else {\n // Update item.\n try {\n this.elementsById[item.id].props = decodeProps(item);\n } catch (error) {\n console.log(\"Error updating an element:\", error.message);\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Re-build relations.\n this.buildRelations();\n }\n\n /**\n * Public accessor of the `props` property.\n * @return Properties.\n */\n public get props(): VisualConsoleProps {\n return { ...this._props }; // Return a copy.\n }\n\n /**\n * Public setter of the `props` property.\n * If the new props are different enough than the\n * stored props, a render would be fired.\n * @param newProps\n */\n public set props(newProps: VisualConsoleProps) {\n const prevProps = this.props;\n // Update the internal props.\n this._props = newProps;\n\n // From this point, things which rely on this.props can access to the changes.\n\n // Re-render.\n this.render(prevProps);\n }\n\n /**\n * Recreate or update the HTMLElement which represents the Visual Console into the DOM.\n * @param prevProps If exists it will be used to only DOM updates instead of a full replace.\n */\n public render(prevProps: VisualConsoleProps | null = null): void {\n if (prevProps) {\n if (prevProps.backgroundURL !== this.props.backgroundURL) {\n this.containerRef.style.backgroundImage =\n this.props.backgroundURL !== null\n ? `url(${this.props.backgroundURL})`\n : null;\n }\n if (prevProps.backgroundColor !== this.props.backgroundColor) {\n this.containerRef.style.backgroundColor = this.props.backgroundColor;\n }\n if (this.sizeChanged(prevProps, this.props)) {\n this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height);\n }\n } else {\n this.containerRef.style.backgroundImage =\n this.props.backgroundURL !== null\n ? `url(${this.props.backgroundURL})`\n : null;\n\n this.containerRef.style.backgroundColor = this.props.backgroundColor;\n this.resizeElement(this.props.width, this.props.height);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Compare the previous and the new size and return\n * a boolean value in case the size changed.\n * @param prevSize\n * @param newSize\n * @return Whether the size changed or not.\n */\n public sizeChanged(prevSize: Size, newSize: Size): boolean {\n return (\n prevSize.width !== newSize.width || prevSize.height !== newSize.height\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Resize the DOM container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n public resizeElement(width: number, height: number): void {\n this.containerRef.style.width = `${width}px`;\n this.containerRef.style.height = `${height}px`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the size into the properties and resize the DOM container.\n * @param width\n * @param height\n */\n public resize(width: number, height: number): void {\n this.props = {\n ...this.props, // Object spread: http://es6-features.org/#SpreadOperator\n width,\n height\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * To remove the event listeners and the elements from the DOM.\n */\n public remove(): void {\n this.disposables.forEach(d => d.dispose()); // Arrow function.\n this.elements.forEach(e => e.remove()); // Arrow function.\n this.elementsById = {};\n this.elementIds = [];\n // Clear relations.\n this.clearRelations();\n // Clean container.\n this.containerRef.innerHTML = \"\";\n }\n\n /**\n * Create line elements which connect the elements with their parents.\n */\n private buildRelations(): void {\n // Clear relations.\n this.clearRelations();\n // Add relations.\n this.elements.forEach(item => {\n if (item.props.parentId !== null) {\n const parent = this.elementsById[item.props.parentId];\n const child = this.elementsById[item.props.id];\n if (parent && child) this.addRelationLine(parent, child);\n }\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * @param itemId Optional identifier of a parent or child item.\n * Remove the line elements which connect the elements with their parents.\n */\n private clearRelations(itemId?: number): void {\n if (itemId != null) {\n for (let key in this.relations) {\n const ids = key.split(\"|\");\n const parentId = Number.parseInt(ids[0]);\n const childId = Number.parseInt(ids[1]);\n\n if (itemId === parentId || itemId === childId) {\n this.relations[key].remove();\n delete this.relations[key];\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (let key in this.relations) {\n this.relations[key].remove();\n delete this.relations[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Retrieve the line element which represent the relation between items.\n * @param parentId Identifier of the parent item.\n * @param childId Itentifier of the child item.\n * @return The line element or nothing.\n */\n private getRelationLine(parentId: number, childId: number): Line | null {\n const identifier = `${parentId}|${childId}`;\n return this.relations[identifier] || null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Add a new line item to represent a relation between the items.\n * @param parent Parent item.\n * @param child Child item.\n * @return Whether the line was added or not.\n */\n private addRelationLine(\n parent: Item,\n child: Item\n ): Line {\n const identifier = `${parent.props.id}|${child.props.id}`;\n if (this.relations[identifier] != null) {\n this.relations[identifier].remove();\n }\n\n // Get the items center.\n const startX = parent.props.x + parent.elementRef.clientWidth / 2;\n const startY =\n parent.props.y +\n (parent.elementRef.clientHeight - parent.labelElementRef.clientHeight) /\n 2;\n const endX = child.props.x + child.elementRef.clientWidth / 2;\n const endY =\n child.props.y +\n (child.elementRef.clientHeight - child.labelElementRef.clientHeight) / 2;\n\n const line = new Line(\n linePropsDecoder({\n id: 0,\n type: ItemType.LINE_ITEM,\n startX,\n startY,\n endX,\n endY,\n width: 0,\n height: 0,\n lineWidth: this.props.relationLineWidth,\n color: \"#CCCCCC\"\n })\n );\n // Save a reference to the line item.\n this.relations[identifier] = line;\n\n // Add the line to the DOM.\n line.elementRef.style.zIndex = \"0\";\n this.containerRef.append(line.elementRef);\n\n return line;\n }\n\n /**\n * Add an event handler to the click of the linked visual console elements.\n * @param listener Function which is going to be executed when a linked console is clicked.\n */\n public onClick(listener: Listener>): Disposable {\n /*\n * The '.on' function returns a function which will clean the event\n * listener when executed. We store all the 'dispose' functions to\n * call them when the item should be cleared.\n */\n const disposable = this.clickEventManager.on(listener);\n this.disposables.push(disposable);\n\n return disposable;\n }\n}\n","/*\n * Useful resources.\n * http://es6-features.org/\n * http://exploringjs.com/es6\n * https://www.typescriptlang.org/\n */\n\nimport \"./main.css\"; // CSS import.\nimport VisualConsole from \"./VisualConsole\";\n\n// Export the VisualConsole class to the global object.\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line\n(window as any).VisualConsole = VisualConsole;\n"],"sourceRoot":""} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pandora_console/operation/visual_console/public_view.php b/pandora_console/operation/visual_console/public_view.php index d94472c631..f899ed2ea8 100644 --- a/pandora_console/operation/visual_console/public_view.php +++ b/pandora_console/operation/visual_console/public_view.php @@ -113,14 +113,16 @@ if (!users_can_manage_group_all('AR')) { $aclUserGroups = array_keys(users_get_groups(false, 'AR')); } +ui_require_javascript_file('pandora_visual_console'); +include_javascript_d3(); +visual_map_load_client_resources(); + // Load Visual Console Items. $visualConsoleItems = VisualConsole::getItemsFromDB( $visualConsoleId, $aclUserGroups ); -ui_require_javascript_file('pandora_visual_console'); -visual_map_load_client_resources(); ?>