Merge branch 'ent-1718-module_crontab-Agente-software' into 'develop'

Ent 1718 module crontab agente software

See merge request artica/pandorafms!1311
This commit is contained in:
vgilc 2018-02-26 10:21:46 +01:00
commit ccc17c79ac
10 changed files with 859 additions and 257 deletions

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@ -510,8 +510,6 @@ sub parse_conf_modules($) {
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_crontab\s+(((\*|(\d+(-\d+){0,1}))\s*){5}).*$/) {
$module->{'cron'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_cron_interval\s+(\d+).*$/) {
$module->{'cron_interval'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_end\s*$/) {
next unless ($module->{'name'} ne '') and ($module->{'func'} != 0);

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use IO::Socket;
use Sys::Syslog;
use Time::Local;
# Agent XML data
my $Xml;
@ -515,10 +516,11 @@ sub parse_conf_modules($) {
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_crontab\s+(((\*|(\d+(-\d+){0,1}))\s*){5}).*$/) {
$module->{'cron'} = $1;
chomp ($module->{'cron'});
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_cron_interval\s+(\d+).*$/) {
$module->{'cron_interval'} = $1;
my $cron_text = $1;
chomp ($cron_text);
if (cron_check_syntax($cron_text)) {
$module->{'cron'} = $cron_text;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_end\s*$/) {
$module_begin = 0;
@ -1632,8 +1634,8 @@ sub guess_os_version ($) {
# Execute the given module.
sub exec_module ($) {
my $module = shift;
sub exec_module {
my ($module, $interval) = @_;
# Need something to execute
if ($module->{'func'} == 0) {
@ -1648,7 +1650,7 @@ sub exec_module ($) {
# Check module cron
if (check_module_cron ($module) != 1) {
if (check_module_cron ($module, $interval) != 1) {
$ThreadSem->up () if (defined ($ThreadSem) && $Conf{'agent_threads'} > 1);
@ -2044,85 +2046,339 @@ sub evaluate_module_intensive_conditions ($$) {
return 1;
# Get the number of seconds left to the next execution of the given cron entry.
sub cron_next_execution {
my ($cron, $interval) = @_;
# Check cron conf format
if ($cron !~ /^((\*|(\d+(-\d+){0,1}))\s*){5}$/) {
return $interval;
# Get day of the week and month from cron config
my ($mday, $wday) = (split (/\s/, $cron))[2, 4];
# Get current time and day of the week
my $cur_time = time();
my $cur_wday = (localtime ($cur_time))[6];
# Any day of the week
if ($wday eq '*') {
my $nex_time = cron_next_execution_date ($cron, $cur_time, $interval);
return $nex_time - time();
# A range?
else {
$wday = cron_get_closest_in_range ($cur_wday, $wday);
# A specific day of the week
my $count = 0;
my $nex_time = $cur_time;
do {
$nex_time = cron_next_execution_date ($cron, $nex_time, $interval);
my $nex_time_wd = $nex_time;
my ($nex_mon, $nex_wday) = (localtime ($nex_time_wd))[4, 6];
my $nex_mon_wd;
do {
# Check the day of the week
if ($nex_wday == $wday) {
return $nex_time_wd - time();
# Move to the next day of the month
$nex_time_wd += 86400;
($nex_mon_wd, $nex_wday) = (localtime ($nex_time_wd))[4, 6];
} while ($mday eq '*' && $nex_mon_wd == $nex_mon);
} while ($count < 60);
# Something went wrong, default to 5 minutes
return $interval;
# Get the number of seconds left to the next execution of the given cron entry.
sub cron_check_syntax ($) {
my ($cron) = @_;
return 0 if !defined ($cron);
return ($cron =~ m/^(\d|\*|-)+ (\d|\*|-)+ (\d|\*|-)+ (\d|\*|-)+ (\d|\*|-)+$/);
# Get the next execution date for the given cron entry in seconds since epoch.
sub cron_next_execution_date {
my ($cron, $cur_time, $interval) = @_;
# Get cron configuration
my ($min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $wday) = split (/\s/, $cron);
# Months start from 0
if($mon ne '*') {
my ($mon_down, $mon_up) = cron_get_interval ($mon);
if (defined($mon_up)) {
$mon = ($mon_down - 1) . "-" . ($mon_up - 1);
} else {
$mon = $mon_down - 1;
# Get current time
if (! defined ($cur_time)) {
$cur_time = time();
# Check if current time + interval is on cron too
my $nex_time = $cur_time + $interval;
my ($cur_min, $cur_hour, $cur_mday, $cur_mon, $cur_year)
= (localtime ($nex_time))[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
my @cron_array = ($min, $hour, $mday, $mon);
my @curr_time_array = ($cur_min, $cur_hour, $cur_mday, $cur_mon);
return ($nex_time) if cron_is_in_cron(\@cron_array, \@curr_time_array) == 1;
# Get first next date candidate from next cron configuration
# Initialize some vars
my @nex_time_array = @curr_time_array;
# Update minutes
my ($min_down, undef) = cron_get_interval ($min);
$nex_time_array[0] = ($min_down eq '*') ? 0 : $min_down;
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time >= $cur_time) {
return $nex_time if cron_is_in_cron(\@cron_array, \@nex_time_array);
# Check if next hour is in cron
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time == 0) {
#Update the month day if overflow
$nex_time_array[1] = 0;
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time == 0) {
#Update the month if overflow
$nex_time_array[2] = 1;
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time == 0) {
#Update the year if overflow
$nex_time_array[3] = 0;
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
#Check the hour
return $nex_time if cron_is_in_cron(\@cron_array, \@nex_time_array);
#Update the hour if fails
my ($hour_down, undef) = cron_get_interval ($hour);
$nex_time_array[1] = ($hour_down eq '*') ? 0 : $hour_down;
# When an overflow is passed check the hour update again
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time >= $cur_time) {
return $nex_time if cron_is_in_cron(\@cron_array, \@nex_time_array);
# Check if next day is in cron
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time == 0) {
#Update the month if overflow
$nex_time_array[2] = 1;
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time == 0) {
#Update the year if overflow
$nex_time_array[3] = 0;
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
#Check the day
return $nex_time if cron_is_in_cron(\@cron_array, \@nex_time_array);
#Update the day if fails
my ($mday_down, undef) = cron_get_interval ($mday);
$nex_time_array[2] = ($mday_down eq '*') ? 1 : $mday_down;
# When an overflow is passed check the day update in the next execution
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time >= $cur_time) {
return $nex_time if cron_is_in_cron(\@cron_array, \@nex_time_array);
# Check if next month is in cron
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time == 0) {
#Update the year if overflow
$nex_time_array[3] = 0;
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
#Check the month
return $nex_time if cron_is_in_cron(\@cron_array, \@nex_time_array);
#Update the month if fails
my ($mon_down, undef) = cron_get_interval ($mon);
$nex_time_array[3] = ($mon_down eq '*') ? 0 : $mon_down;
# When an overflow is passed check the month update in the next execution
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year);
if ($nex_time >= $cur_time) {
return $nex_time if cron_is_in_cron(\@cron_array, \@nex_time_array);
#Update the year if fails
$nex_time = cron_valid_date(@nex_time_array, $cur_year + 1);
return $nex_time;
# Returns if a date is in a cron. Recursive.
# Needs the cron like an array reference and
# current time in cron format to works properly
sub cron_is_in_cron {
my ($elems_cron, $elems_curr_time) = @_;
my @deref_elems_cron = @$elems_cron;
my @deref_elems_curr_time = @$elems_curr_time;
my $elem_cron = shift(@deref_elems_cron);
my $elem_curr_time = shift (@deref_elems_curr_time);
#If there is no elements means that is in cron
return 1 unless (defined($elem_cron) || defined($elem_curr_time));
# Go to last element if current is a wild card
if ($elem_cron ne '*') {
my ($down, $up) = cron_get_interval($elem_cron);
# Check if there is no a range
return 0 if (!defined($up) && ($down != $elem_curr_time));
# Check if there is on the range
if (defined($up)) {
if ($down < $up) {
return 0 if ($elem_curr_time < $down || $elem_curr_time > $up);
} else {
return 0 if ($elem_curr_time > $down || $elem_curr_time < $up);
return cron_is_in_cron(\@deref_elems_cron, \@deref_elems_curr_time);
# Returns the interval of a cron element. If there is not a range,
# returns an array with the first element in the first place of array
# and the second place undefined.
sub cron_get_interval {
my ($element) = @_;
# Not a range
if ($element !~ /(\d+)\-(\d+)/) {
return ($element, undef);
return ($1, $2);
# Returns the closest number to the target inside the given range (including
# the target itself).
sub cron_get_closest_in_range ($$) {
my ($target, $range) = @_;
# Not a range
if ($range !~ /(\d+)\-(\d+)/) {
return $range;
# Search the closes number to the target in the given range
my $range_start = $1;
my $range_end = $2;
# Outside the range
if ($target <= $range_start || $target > $range_end) {
return $range_start;
# Inside the range
return $target;
# Check if a date is valid to get timelocal
sub cron_valid_date {
my ($min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year) = @_;
my $utime;
eval {
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {};
$utime = timelocal(0, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year);
if ($@) {
return 0;
return $utime;
# Checks the module's cron string. Returns 1 if the module should be run, 0 if
# not.
sub check_module_cron ($) {
my $module = shift;
sub check_module_cron {
my ($module, $main_interval) = @_;
# No cron string defined
return 1 unless ($module->{'cron'} ne '');
my $now = time();
# Check if the module was already executed
return 0 unless (time() >= $module->{'cron_utimestamp'});
return 0 unless ($now >= $module->{'cron_utimestamp'});
# Get cron configuration
my @cron_params = split (/\s/, $module->{'cron'});
my $interval = $main_interval * $module->{'interval'};
# Get current time
my $current_time = time();
my @time = localtime($current_time);
my $time_to_next_execution = cron_next_execution(
# Minutes, hours, day of the month, month and day of the week
my @time_params = @time[1, 2, 3, 4, 6];
# Fix month (localtime retuns 0..11 and we need 1..12)
$time_params[3] += 1;
$module->{'cron_utimestamp'} = $now + $time_to_next_execution;
$module->{'cron_interval'} = $time_to_next_execution;
# Check cron parameters
for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
# Wildcard
next if ($cron_params[$i] eq '*');
# Get interval
my ($bottom, $top) = split (/-/, $cron_params[$i]);
$top = $bottom unless defined ($top);
# Check if next execution will overflow the cron (only minutes overflow)
# If overflow, execute the module
my $overflow_cron = 0;
if ($i == 0) {
my $start_cron_seconds = $bottom*60;
my $current_exec_seconds = $time_params[$i]*60;
my $next_exec_seconds = $time_params[$i]*60 + $module->{'interval'}*$Conf{'interval'};
if ($current_exec_seconds > $start_cron_seconds && $current_exec_seconds > $next_exec_seconds) {
$start_cron_seconds += 3600;
if (($current_exec_seconds <= $start_cron_seconds) && ($start_cron_seconds <= $next_exec_seconds)) {
$overflow_cron = 1
# Check interval
if ($bottom <= $top) {
return 0 if (($time_params[$i] < $bottom || $time_params[$i] > $top) && !$overflow_cron);
} else {
return 0 if (($time_params[$i] < $bottom && $time_params[$i] > $top) && !$overflow_cron);
if ($Conf{'debug'} eq '1') {
log_message ('debug', "Cron for module $module->{'name'} will be executed next time at timestamp: $module->{'cron_utimestamp'}.");
# Do not check in the next minute, hour, day or month.
my $offset = 0;
if ($module->{'cron_interval'} >= 0) {
$offset = $module->{'cron_interval'};
} elsif($cron_params[0] ne '*') {
# 1 minute
$offset = 60;
} elsif($cron_params[1] ne '*') {
# 1 hour
$offset = 3600;
} elsif($cron_params[2] ne '*' || $cron_params[4] ne '*') {
# 1 day
$offset = 86400;
} elsif($cron_params[3] ne '*') {
# 31 days
$offset = 2678400;
# On first execution checking if cron is valid is required
return 1 unless ($module->{'cron_utimestamp'} == 0);
$module->{'cron_utimestamp'} = $current_time + $offset;
return 1;
# Check if current timestamp is a valid cron date
my $next_execution = cron_next_execution_date(
$now - $interval,
return 1 if ($next_execution == $now);
return 0;
@ -2222,8 +2478,9 @@ sub write_module_xml ($@) {
# Module Alert template
$Xml .= " <alert_template>" . $module->{'alert_template'} . "</alert_template>\n" if (defined ($module->{'alert_template'}));
# Module Alert template
# Module Crontab
$Xml .= " <crontab>" . $module->{'cron'} . "</crontab>\n" if (defined ($module->{'cron'}) and ($module->{'cron'} ne ""));
$Xml .= " <cron_interval>" . $module->{'cron_interval'} . "</cron_interval>\n" if (defined ($module->{'cron'}) and (defined ($module->{'cron_interval'})));
# FF threshold configuration
$Xml .= " <min_ff_event_normal>" . $module->{'min_ff_event_normal'} . "</min_ff_event_normal>\n" if (defined ($module->{'min_ff_event_normal'}));
@ -2461,7 +2718,6 @@ sub init_module ($) {
$module->{'conditions'} = [];
$module->{'cron'} = '';
$module->{'cron_utimestamp'} = 0;
$module->{'cron_interval'} = -1;
$module->{'precondition'} = [];
$module->{'is_intensive'} = 0;
$module->{'intensive_conditions'} = [];
@ -2770,7 +3026,7 @@ while (1) {
# Execute the module in a separate thread
if (defined ($ThreadSem) && $Conf{'agent_threads'} > 1) {
$ThreadSem->down ();
my $thr = threads->create (\&exec_module, $module);
my $thr = threads->create (\&exec_module, $module, $Conf{'interval'});
if (! defined ($thr)) {
$ThreadSem->up ();
} else {
@ -2778,7 +3034,7 @@ while (1) {
# Execute the module
} else {
exec_module($module, $Conf{'interval'});

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
bin_PROGRAMS = PandoraAgent
PandoraAgent_SOURCES = misc/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ udp_server/ windows/ windows/ misc/md5.c misc/ windows/wmi/disphelper.c ssh/libssh2/channel.c ssh/libssh2/mac.c ssh/libssh2/session.c ssh/libssh2/comp.c ssh/libssh2/misc.c ssh/libssh2/sftp.c ssh/libssh2/crypt.c ssh/libssh2/packet.c ssh/libssh2/userauth.c ssh/libssh2/hostkey.c ssh/libssh2/publickey.c ssh/libssh2/kex.c ssh/libssh2/scp.c ssh/ ssh/ ftp/ ftp/ debug_new.cpp
PandoraAgent_SOURCES = misc/ misc/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ udp_server/ windows/ windows/ misc/md5.c misc/ windows/wmi/disphelper.c ssh/libssh2/channel.c ssh/libssh2/mac.c ssh/libssh2/session.c ssh/libssh2/comp.c ssh/libssh2/misc.c ssh/libssh2/sftp.c ssh/libssh2/crypt.c ssh/libssh2/packet.c ssh/libssh2/userauth.c ssh/libssh2/hostkey.c ssh/libssh2/publickey.c ssh/libssh2/kex.c ssh/libssh2/scp.c ssh/ ssh/ ftp/ ftp/ debug_new.cpp
PandoraAgent_CXXFLAGS=-g -O0
PandoraAgent_SOURCES = misc/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ udp_server/ windows/ windows/ misc/md5.c misc/ windows/wmi/disphelper.c ssh/libssh2/channel.c ssh/libssh2/mac.c ssh/libssh2/session.c ssh/libssh2/comp.c ssh/libssh2/misc.c ssh/libssh2/sftp.c ssh/libssh2/crypt.c ssh/libssh2/packet.c ssh/libssh2/userauth.c ssh/libssh2/hostkey.c ssh/libssh2/publickey.c ssh/libssh2/kex.c ssh/libssh2/scp.c ssh/ ssh/ ftp/ ftp/
PandoraAgent_SOURCES = misc/ misc/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ modules/ udp_server/ windows/ windows/ misc/md5.c misc/ windows/wmi/disphelper.c ssh/libssh2/channel.c ssh/libssh2/mac.c ssh/libssh2/session.c ssh/libssh2/comp.c ssh/libssh2/misc.c ssh/libssh2/sftp.c ssh/libssh2/crypt.c ssh/libssh2/packet.c ssh/libssh2/userauth.c ssh/libssh2/hostkey.c ssh/libssh2/publickey.c ssh/libssh2/kex.c ssh/libssh2/scp.c ssh/ ssh/ ftp/ ftp/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
/* Pandora cron manager for Win32.
Copyright (C) 2018 Artica ST.
Written by Fermin Hernandez.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "cron.h"
#include "../pandora.h"
* @brief Constructor of cron class
* @param cron_string String with cron format (
Cron::Cron (string cron_string) {
char cron_params[5][256], bottom[256], top[256];
// Check if cron string is the default or empty
if ( == 0 ||"") == 0
) {
this->isSet = false;
// Parse the cron string
if (sscanf (cron_string.c_str (), "%255s %255s %255s %255s %255s", cron_params[0], cron_params[1], cron_params[2], cron_params[3], cron_params[4]) != 5) {
Pandora::pandoraDebug ("Invalid cron string: %s", cron_string.c_str ());
this->isSet = false;
this->cronString = CRON_DEFAULT_STRING;
this->cronString = cron_string;
// Fill the cron structure
this->utimestamp = 0;
this->cronInterval = 0;
this->isSet = true;
// Months in cron are from 1 to 12. For date, are required from 0 to 11.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// Wildcard
if (cron_params[i][0] == '*') {
this->params[i][CRDOWN] = CR_WILDCARD_VALUE;
this->params[i][1] = CR_WILDCARD_VALUE;
// Interval
} else if (sscanf (cron_params[i], "%255[^-]-%255s", bottom, top) == 2) {
// Check if there is an interval with two equal values
if (strcmp(bottom, top) == 0) {
this->params[i][CRDOWN] = (i != 3)
? atoi (cron_params[i])
: atoi (cron_params[i]) - 1;
this->params[i][CRUP] = CR_WILDCARD_VALUE;
} else {
this->params[i][CRDOWN] = (i != 3) ? atoi (bottom) : atoi (bottom) - 1;
this->params[i][CRUP] = (i != 3) ? atoi (top) : atoi (top) -1;
// Single value
} else {
this->params[i][CRDOWN] = (i != 3)
? atoi (cron_params[i])
: atoi (cron_params[i]) - 1;
this->params[i][CRUP] = CR_WILDCARD_VALUE;
* @brief Getter of isSet property
bool Cron::getIsSet () { return this->isSet; }
* @brief Getter of cronString property
string Cron::getCronString() { return this->cronString; }
* @brief Getter of cronInterval property casting in string
string Cron::getCronIntervalStr() {
stringstream ss;
ss << this->cronInterval;
return ss.str();
* @brief Given a date, return if is inside a cron string or not
* @param date Date to check
* @return true If is inside cron
* @return false If is outside cron
bool Cron::isInCron(time_t date) {
struct tm * timeinfo = localtime(&date);
// Convert the tm struct to an array
int date_array[4] = {
// Check all positions faliures
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (!isBetweenParams(date_array[i], i)) return false;
// If no failures, date is inside cron.
return true;
* @brief Check if a value is in a position of cron
* @param value Value to check
* @param position Position in cron to make the check
* @return If position is in cron
bool Cron::isBetweenParams(int value, int position) {
if (!isWildCard(position)) {
if (isSingleValue(position)) {
if (this->params[position][CRDOWN] != value) return false;
} else {
if (isNormalInterval(position)) {
if (
value < this->params[position][CRDOWN] ||
value > this->params[position][CRUP]
) {
return false;
} else {
if (
value < this->params[position][CRDOWN] &&
value > this->params[position][CRUP]
) {
return false;
return true;
* @brief Check if a cron position is a wildcard
* @param position Position inside the param array
* @return true if is a wildcard
bool Cron::isWildCard(int position) {
return this->params[position][CRDOWN] == CR_WILDCARD_VALUE;
* @brief Check if a cron position is a single value
* @param position Position inside the param array
* @return true if is a single value
bool Cron::isSingleValue(int position) {
return this->params[position][CRUP] == CR_WILDCARD_VALUE;
* @brief Check if a cron position is an interval with down lower than up
* @param position Position inside the param array
* @return true if is a normal interval
* @return false if is an inverse interval
bool Cron::isNormalInterval (int position) {
// Wildcard and single value will be treated like normal interval
if (
this->params[position][CRDOWN] == CR_WILDCARD_VALUE ||
this->params[position][CRUP] == CR_WILDCARD_VALUE
) {
return true;
return (this->params[position][CRUP] >= this->params[position][CRDOWN]);
* @brief Get the reset value on a cron position
* @param position
* @return int Reset value
int Cron::getResetValue (int position) {
int default_value = 0;
// Days start in 1
if (position == 2) default_value = 1;
return isWildCard(position)
? default_value
: this->params[position][CRDOWN];
* @brief Check if cron module should be executed at a given time
* @param date
* @return true if should execute
* @return false if should not execute
bool Cron::shouldExecuteAt (time_t date) {
return this->utimestamp < date;
* @brief Check if a module should be executed when utimestamp is not calculated yet
* @param date Current date
* @return true It is not first time and current date fit in cron
* @return false Don't execute first time
bool Cron::shouldExecuteAtFirst (time_t date) {
// Return true if it is not first
if (this->utimestamp != 0) return true;
// Check current date in cron
return isInCron(date);
* @brief Update the cron utimestamp
* @param date Timestamp "from" to update cron utimestamp
* @param interval Module interval
void Cron::update (time_t date, int interval) {
time_t next_time = getNextExecutionFrom(date, interval);
// Check the day of the week
struct tm * timeinfo = localtime(&next_time);
int count = 0; // Avoid infinite loops
while ((!isBetweenParams(timeinfo->tm_wday, 4)) && (count++ < CR_MAX_ITERS)){
next_time = getNextExecutionFrom(next_time + CR_SECONDS_ONE_DAY, 0);
timeinfo = localtime(&next_time);
if (count >= CR_MAX_ITERS) {
"Module with cron %s will be executed at timestamp: %d, but it can be incorrect",
// Security about values
if (next_time < date) {
this->utimestamp = date + interval;
this->cronInterval = interval;
Pandora::pandoraLog("Cron update fails in Module with cron %s", this->cronString.c_str());
// Save the data
this->utimestamp = next_time;
this->cronInterval = next_time - date;
"Module with cron %s will be executed at timestamp: %d.",
* @brief Get next execution date given a certain date.
* @param date Date when start the search for a new date
* @param interval Module interval
* @return time_t Timestamp when module should be executed next time
* @remarks It does not look for day of the week
time_t Cron::getNextExecutionFrom(time_t date, int interval) {
time_t nex_time = date + interval;
if (isInCron(nex_time)) {
return nex_time;
// Copy tm struct values to an empty struct to avoid conflicts
struct tm * timeinfo_first = localtime(&nex_time);
struct tm * timeinfo = new tm();
timeinfo->tm_sec = 0;
timeinfo->tm_min = timeinfo_first->tm_min;
timeinfo->tm_hour = timeinfo_first->tm_hour;
timeinfo->tm_mday = timeinfo_first->tm_mday;
timeinfo->tm_mon = timeinfo_first->tm_mon;
timeinfo->tm_year = timeinfo_first->tm_year;
// Update minutes
timeinfo->tm_min = getResetValue(0);
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
if (nex_time >= date && isInCron(nex_time)) {
return nex_time;
if (nex_time == CRINVALID_DATE) {
// Update the month day if overflow
timeinfo->tm_hour = 0;
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
if (nex_time == CRINVALID_DATE) {
// Update the month if overflow
timeinfo->tm_mday = 1;
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
if (nex_time == CRINVALID_DATE) {
// Update the year if overflow
timeinfo->tm_mon = 0;
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
// Check the hour
if (isInCron(nex_time)) {
return nex_time;
// Update hour if fails
timeinfo->tm_hour = getResetValue(1);
// When an overflow is passed check the hour update again
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
if (nex_time >= date && isInCron(nex_time)) {
return nex_time;
// Check if next day is in cron
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
if (nex_time == CRINVALID_DATE) {
// Update the month if overflow
timeinfo->tm_mday = 1;
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
if (nex_time == CRINVALID_DATE) {
// Update the year if overflow
timeinfo->tm_mon = 0;
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
// Check the day
if (isInCron(nex_time)){
return nex_time;
// Update the day if fails
timeinfo->tm_mday = getResetValue(2);
// When an overflow is passed check the day update in the next execution
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
if (nex_time >= date && isInCron(nex_time)) {
return nex_time;
// Check if next month is in cron
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
if (nex_time == CRINVALID_DATE) {
// Update the year if overflow
timeinfo->tm_mon = 0;
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
// Check the month
if (isInCron(nex_time)) {
return nex_time;
// Update the month if fails
timeinfo->tm_mon = getResetValue(3);
// When an overflow is passed check the month update in the next execution
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
if (nex_time >= date) {
return nex_time;
// Update the year if fails
nex_time = mktime(timeinfo);
return nex_time;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* Pandora cron manager for Win32.
Copyright (C) 2018 Artica ST.
Written by Fermin Hernandez.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _CRON_PANDORA_H_
#define _CRON_PANDORA_H_
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
const string CRON_DEFAULT_STRING = "* * * * *";
const int CR_WILDCARD_VALUE = -1;
const int CRDOWN = 0;
const int CRUP = 1;
const int CRINVALID_DATE = -1;
const int CR_SECONDS_ONE_DAY = 86400;
const int CR_MAX_ITERS = 60;
class Cron {
// Properties
time_t utimestamp;
* @brief Stored cron values array
* First index: minutes, hours, months, days, month
* Second index: bottom, top
* Wildcard (*): Bottom and top are -1
* Single value: Bottom is set and top is -1
* Interval: Bottom and top are set
int params[5][2];
bool isSet;
string cronString;
time_t cronInterval;
// Methods
time_t getNextExecutionFrom(time_t date, int interval);
bool isInCron(time_t date);
bool isBetweenParams(int value, int position);
bool isWildCard(int position);
bool isSingleValue(int position);
bool isNormalInterval(int position);
int getResetValue(int position);
// Constructor
Cron(string cron_string);
// Getter & setters
bool getIsSet();
string getCronString();
string getCronIntervalStr();
// Other methods
void update(time_t date, int interval);
bool shouldExecuteAt(time_t date);
bool shouldExecuteAtFirst(time_t date);

View File

@ -740,10 +740,14 @@ Pandora_Module::getXml () {
/* Module Crontab */
if (this->module_crontab != "") {
if (this->cron->getIsSet()) {
module_xml += "\t<crontab>";
module_xml += this->module_crontab;
module_xml += this->cron->getCronString();
module_xml += "</crontab>\n";
module_xml += "\t<cron_interval><![CDATA[";
module_xml += this->cron->getCronIntervalStr();
module_xml += "]]></cron_interval>\n";
/* Write module data */
@ -1565,156 +1569,29 @@ Pandora_Module::evaluateIntensiveConditions () {
* @return 1 if the module should run, 0 if not.
Pandora_Module::checkCron (int module_interval, int agent_interval) {
int i, time_params[5];
time_t current_time, offset;
struct tm *time_struct;
Cron *cron = this->cron;
Pandora_Module::checkCron (int interval) {
// No cron
if (cron == NULL) {
return 1;
// Execute always if cron is not configured
if (!this->cron->getIsSet()) return true;
// Get current time
current_time = time (NULL);
time_t now = time(NULL);
if (!this->cron->shouldExecuteAt(now)) return false;
// Check if the module was already executed
if (current_time <= cron->utimestamp) {
return 0;
// Break current time
time_struct = localtime(&current_time);
if (time_struct == NULL) {
return 1;
time_params[0] = time_struct->tm_min;
time_params[1] = time_struct->tm_hour;
time_params[2] = time_struct->tm_mday;
time_params[3] = time_struct->tm_mon;
time_params[4] = time_struct->tm_wday;
// Check if should execute this module at first before update cron params
bool execute = this->cron->shouldExecuteAtFirst(now);
// Fix month (localtime retuns 0..11 and we need 1..12)
time_params[3] += 1;
// Check cron parameters
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// Wildcard
if (cron->params[i][0] < 0) {
// Check if next execution will overflow the cron (only minutes overflow)
// If overflow, execute the module
bool overflow_cron = false;
if (i == 0) {
int start_cron_seconds = cron->params[i][0]*60;
int current_exec_seconds = time_params[i]*60;
int next_exec_seconds = time_params[i]*60 + module_interval*agent_interval;
if (current_exec_seconds > start_cron_seconds && current_exec_seconds > next_exec_seconds) {
start_cron_seconds += 3600;
if ((current_exec_seconds <= start_cron_seconds) && (start_cron_seconds <= next_exec_seconds)) {
overflow_cron = true;
// Check interval
if (cron->params[i][0] <= cron->params[i][1]) {
if ((time_params[i] < cron->params[i][0] || time_params[i] > cron->params[i][1]) && !overflow_cron) {
return 0;
} else {
if ((time_params[i] < cron->params[i][0] && time_params[i] > cron->params[i][1]) && !overflow_cron) {
return 0;
this->cron->update(now, interval);
// Do not check in the next minute, hour, day or month.
offset = 0;
if (cron->interval >= 0) {
offset = cron->interval;
} else if(cron->params[0][0] >= 0) {
// 1 minute
offset = 60;
} else if(cron->params[1][0] >= 0) {
// 1 hour
offset = 3600;
} else if(cron->params[2][0] >=0 || cron->params[4][0] >= 0) {
// 1 day
offset = 86400;
} else if(cron->params[3][0] >= 0) {
// 31 days
offset = 2678400;
cron->utimestamp = current_time + offset;
return 1;
return execute;
* Sets the module cron from a string.
* @return 1 if the module should run, 0 if not.
Pandora_Module::setCron (string cron_string) {
int i, value;
char cron_params[5][256], bottom[256], top[256];
/* Create the new cron if necessary */
if (this->cron == NULL) {
this->cron = new Cron ();
/* Parse the cron string */
if (sscanf (cron_string.c_str (), "%255s %255s %255s %255s %255s", cron_params[0], cron_params[1], cron_params[2], cron_params[3], cron_params[4]) != 5) {
pandoraDebug ("Invalid cron string: %s", cron_string.c_str ());
/* Fill the cron structure */
this->cron->utimestamp = 0;
this->cron->interval = -1;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
/* Wildcard */
if (cron_params[i][0] == '*') {
this->cron->params[i][0] = -1;
/* Interval */
} else if (sscanf (cron_params[i], "%255[^-]-%255s", bottom, top) == 2) {
value = atoi (bottom);
this->cron->params[i][0] = value;
value = atoi (top);
this->cron->params[i][1] = value;
/* Single value */
} else {
value = atoi (cron_params[i]);
this->cron->params[i][0] = value;
this->cron->params[i][1] = value;
* Sets the interval of the module cron.
* @param interval Module cron interval in seconds.
Pandora_Module::setCronInterval (int interval) {
if (this->cron == NULL) {
this->cron = new Cron ();
this->cron->interval = interval;
this->cron = new Cron(cron_string);

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#define __PANDORA_MODULE_H__
#include "../pandora.h"
#include "../misc/cron.h"
#include "pandora_data.h"
#include "boost/regex.h"
#include <list>
@ -108,15 +109,6 @@ namespace Pandora_Modules {
regex_t regexp;
} Condition;
* Defines the structure that holds the module cron.
typedef struct {
time_t utimestamp;
int interval;
int params[5][2];
} Cron;
const string module_exec_str = "module_exec";
const string module_proc_str = "module_proc";
const string module_service_str = "module_service";
@ -298,9 +290,8 @@ namespace Pandora_Modules {
void addIntensiveCondition (string intensivecondition);
int evaluatePreconditions ();
void evaluateConditions ();
int checkCron (int module_interval, int agent_interval);
bool checkCron (int interval);
void setCron (string cron_string);
void setCronInterval (int interval);
int evaluateCondition (string string_value, double double_value, Condition *condition);
int evaluateIntensiveConditions ();
int hasOutput ();

View File

@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ using namespace Pandora_Strutils;
#define TOKEN_SAVE ("module_save ")
#define TOKEN_CONDITION ("module_condition ")
#define TOKEN_CRONTAB ("module_crontab ")
#define TOKEN_CRONINTERVAL ("module_cron_interval ")
#define TOKEN_PRECONDITION ("module_precondition ")
#define TOKEN_NOSEEKEOF ("module_noseekeof ")
#define TOKEN_PING ("module_ping ")
@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ Pandora_Module_Factory::getModuleFromDefinition (string definition) {
string module_perfcounter, module_tcpcheck;
string module_port, module_timeout, module_regexp;
string module_plugin, module_save, module_condition, module_precondition;
string module_crontab, module_cron_interval, module_post_process;
string module_crontab, module_post_process;
string module_min_critical, module_max_critical, module_min_warning, module_max_warning;
string module_disabled, module_min_ff_event, module_noseekeof;
string module_ping, module_ping_count, module_ping_timeout;
@ -222,7 +221,6 @@ Pandora_Module_Factory::getModuleFromDefinition (string definition) {
module_save = "";
module_condition = "";
module_crontab = "";
module_cron_interval = "";
module_post_process = "";
module_precondition = "";
module_min_critical = "";
@ -423,9 +421,6 @@ Pandora_Module_Factory::getModuleFromDefinition (string definition) {
if (module_crontab == "") {
module_crontab = parseLine (line, TOKEN_CRONTAB);
if (module_cron_interval == "") {
module_cron_interval = parseLine (line, TOKEN_CRONINTERVAL);
if (module_noseekeof == "") {
module_noseekeof = parseLine (line, TOKEN_NOSEEKEOF);
@ -904,13 +899,6 @@ Pandora_Module_Factory::getModuleFromDefinition (string definition) {
if (module_cron_interval != "") {
pos_macro = module_cron_interval.find(macro_name);
if (pos_macro != string::npos){
module_cron_interval.replace(pos_macro, macro_name.size(), macro_value);
if (module_noseekeof != "") {
pos_macro = module_noseekeof.find(macro_name);
if (pos_macro != string::npos){
@ -1319,14 +1307,7 @@ Pandora_Module_Factory::getModuleFromDefinition (string definition) {
/* Module cron */
if (module_crontab != "") {
module->setCron (module_crontab);
/* Set the cron interval */
if (module_cron_interval != "") {
module->setCronInterval (atoi (module_cron_interval.c_str ()));
module->setCron (module_crontab);
/* Plugins do not have a module type */
if (module_plugin == "") {

View File

@ -1884,8 +1884,8 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run_broker (string config) {
/* Check preconditions */
if (module->checkCron (module->getInterval (), atoi (conf->getValue ("interval").c_str())) == 0) {
/* Check cron */
if (!module->checkCron (module->getInterval () * atoi (conf->getValue ("interval").c_str()))) {
pandoraDebug ("Cron not matched for module %s", module->getName ().c_str ());
module->setNoOutput ();
this->broker_modules->goNext ();
@ -2012,8 +2012,8 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run (int forced_run) {
/* Check preconditions */
if (module->checkCron (module->getInterval (), atoi (conf->getValue ("interval").c_str())) == 0) {
/* Check cron */
if (!module->checkCron (module->getInterval () * atoi (conf->getValue ("interval").c_str()))) {
pandoraDebug ("Cron not matched for module %s", module->getName ().c_str ());
module->setNoOutput ();
this->modules->goNext ();

View File

@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$$) {
'unknown_instructions' => '', 'tags' => '', 'critical_inverse' => 0, 'warning_inverse' => 0, 'quiet' => 0,
'module_ff_interval' => 0, 'alert_template' => '', 'crontab' => '', 'min_ff_event_normal' => 0,
'min_ff_event_warning' => 0, 'min_ff_event_critical' => 0, 'ff_timeout' => 0, 'each_ff' => 0, 'module_parent' => 0,
'module_parent_unlink' => 0};
'module_parent_unlink' => 0, 'cron_interval' => 0};
# Other tags will be saved here
$module_conf->{'extended_info'} = '';
@ -644,8 +644,12 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$$) {
delete $module_conf->{'name'};
# Calculate the module interval in seconds
$module_conf->{'module_interval'} = 1 unless defined ($module_conf->{'module_interval'});
$module_conf->{'module_interval'} *= $interval if (defined ($module_conf->{'module_interval'}));
if (defined($module_conf->{'cron_interval'})) {
$module_conf->{'module_interval'} = 1 unless defined ($module_conf->{'module_interval'});
$module_conf->{'module_interval'} *= $interval if (defined ($module_conf->{'module_interval'}));
} else {
$module_conf->{'module_interval'} = $module_conf->{'cron_interval'};
# Allow , as a decimal separator
$module_conf->{'post_process'} =~ s/,/./ if (defined ($module_conf->{'post_process'}));