2011-06-03 SanchO Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* pandora_inventory_change.pl pandora_inventory_change.README: New remote plugin to check changes in inventory, using a direct database check (only MySQL supported). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@4402 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
2011-06-03 SanchO Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* pandora_inventory_change.pl
pandora_inventory_change.README: New remote plugin to check changes
in inventory, using a direct database check (only MySQL supported).
2011-06-02 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm: Do not include BADXML files when
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Pandora FMS Inventory Change detector for Pandora FMS
This is a small remote plugin used in Pandora FMS 3.0 or higher to check if a inventory module has changed. It connects to Pandora FMS database and checks if inventory data for a given module in a given agent has changed.
Returns 0 if fails and 1 if it's the same, so this remote module should be configured using a generic_proc (generic Boolean) module type. Parameters accepted are two:
-m <module_name>
-a <agent_name>
This is an example call to the plugin:
pandora_inventory_change.pl -a almendra -m Cisco_Device_Configuration
It stores in /tmp a file with the MD5 hash for the whole inventory data for each agent module:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32 jun 3 16:14 /tmp/inv_almendra_Cisco_Device_Configuration
Witch contains a MD5 hash of the configuration:
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Inventory Change detector Plugin for Pandora FMS 3.0
# (c) Sancho Lerena 2011, slerena@gmail.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use DBI;
my %pa_config;
my $temporal_hashdir = "/tmp";
my $cfg_file = "/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf";
my $servername = "";
my $agentname = "";
my $modulename = "";
my $servertype = 0;
my $timeout = 10;
my $queuedmodules = 0;
my $module_result;
my $sql_query;
# -- Subroutine / Functions ------------------------------------
sub die_return {
print "0";
exit 1;
sub die_return_timeout {
print "0";
exit -1;
sub help {
print "\nPandora FMS Inventory Change detector for Pandora FMS\n\n";
print "Syntax: \n\n\t ./pandora_inventory_change.pl [-c /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf] -a agent_name -m module_name [ -q ] \n\n";
print "\t -c It's optional, by default read Pandora FMS config file at /etc/pandora\n\n";
print "Sample usage:\n\n\t ./pandora_inventory_change.pl -a myagent -m Cisco_Config\n\n";
sub clean_blank {
my $input = $_[0];
$input =~ s/\s//g;
return $input;
sub load_config {
my $cfgfile = $_[0];
my $pa_config = $_[1];
my $buffer_line;
my @command_line;
my $tbuf;
# Collect items from config file and put in an array
open (CFG, "$cfgfile") or die "Cannot open $cfgfile. Aborting \n\n";
while (<CFG>){
$buffer_line = $_;
if ($buffer_line =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/){ # begins with letters
if ($buffer_line =~ m/([\w\-\_\.]+)\s([0-9\w\-\_\.\/\?\&\=\)\(\_\-\!\*\@\#\%\$\~\"\']+)/){
push @command_line, $buffer_line;
close (CFG);
# Process this array with commandline like options
# Process input parameters
my @args = @command_line;
my $parametro;
my $ltotal=$#args;
my $ax;
# Has read setup file ok ?
if ( $ltotal == 0 ) {
print "[ERROR] No valid setup tokens readed in $cfgfile";
for ($ax=0;$ax<=$ltotal;$ax++){
$parametro = $args[$ax];
if ($parametro =~ m/^incomingdir\s(.*)/i) {
$tbuf= clean_blank($1);
if ($tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/){
$pa_config->{"incomingdir"} =$pa_config->{"basepath"}.$1;
} else {
$pa_config->{"incomingdir"} = $tbuf;
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^log_file\s(.*)/i) {
$tbuf= clean_blank($1);
if ($tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/){
$pa_config->{"logfile"} = $pa_config->{"basepath"}.$1;
} else {
$pa_config->{"logfile"} = $tbuf;
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^errorlog_file\s(.*)/i) {
$tbuf= clean_blank($1);
if ($tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/){
$pa_config->{"errorlogfile"} = $pa_config->{"basepath"}.$1;
} else {
$pa_config->{"errorlogfile"} = $tbuf;
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbname\s(.*)/i) {
$pa_config->{'dbname'}= clean_blank($1);
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbuser\s(.*)/i) {
$pa_config->{'dbuser'}= clean_blank($1);
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbpass\s(.*)/i) {
$pa_config->{'dbpass'}= clean_blank($1);
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbhost\s(.*)/i) {
$pa_config->{'dbhost'}= clean_blank($1);
} # end of loop for parameter #
sub simple_sql ($$){
my $dbh = $_[0];
my $sql_query = $_[1];
my $value = "";
my $idag = $dbh->prepare($sql_query);
$idag ->execute;
my @datarow;
if ($idag->rows != 0) {
@datarow = $idag->fetchrow_array();
$value = $datarow[0];
return $value;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main code -------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($#ARGV == -1){
"" => sub { help() },
"h" => sub { help() },
"help" => sub { help() },
"c=s" => \$cfg_file,
"a=s" => \$agentname,
"m=s" => \$modulename
load_config ($cfg_file, \%pa_config);
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die_return_timeout(); };
eval {
# Connect to MySQL
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:".$pa_config{'dbname'}.":".$pa_config{"dbhost"}.":3306", $pa_config{"dbuser"}, $pa_config{"dbpass"}, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
return undef unless defined ($dbh);
my $sql_query = "SELECT md5(data) FROM tagente, tmodule_inventory, tagent_module_inventory
WHERE tagente.nombre = '$agentname' AND tagente.id_agente = tagent_module_inventory.id_agente
AND tmodule_inventory.name = '$modulename';";
my $result = simple_sql ($dbh, $sql_query);
# No valid data
if ($result eq ""){
my $full_filename = $temporal_hashdir . "/inv_".$agentname."_".$modulename;
if ( ! -f $full_filename){
open (FX, ">$full_filename");
print FX $result;
close (FX);
print "1\n";
} else {
open (FX, "$full_filename");
my $old_value = <FX>;
close (FX);
if ($old_value eq $result){
print "1\n";
} else {
open (FX, ">$full_filename");
print FX $result;
close (FX);
print "0\n";
if ($@){
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# End main code ---------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference in New Issue