2012-05-17 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* util/pandora_manage.pl: Added --create_network_module_from_component option to CLI passing component and target agent names git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@6308 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2012-05-17 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* util/pandora_manage.pl: Added --create_network_module_from_component
option to CLI passing component and target agent names
2012-05-16 Dario Rodriguez <dario.rodriguez@artica.es>
* util/pandora_xml_stress.conf: Fixed a wrong default configuration file
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ sub help_screen{
help_screen_line('--delete_data', '-m <module_name> <agent_name> | -a <agent_name> | -g <group_name>', 'Delete historic data of a module, the modules of an agent or the modules of the agents of a group');
help_screen_line('--update_module', '<module_name> <agent_name> <field_to_change> <new_value>', 'Update a module field');
help_screen_line('--get_agents_module_current_data', '<module_name>', 'Get the agent and current data of all the modules with a given name');
help_screen_line('--create_network_module_from_component', '<agent_name> <component_name>', 'Create a new network module from a network component');
print "ALERTS:\n\n" unless $param ne '';
help_screen_line('--create_template_module', '<template_name> <module_name> <agent_name>', 'Add alert template to module');
help_screen_line('--delete_template_module', '<template_name> <module_name> <agent_name>', 'Delete alert template from module');
@ -979,6 +980,41 @@ sub cli_create_data_module($) {
# Create network module from component.
# Related option: --create_network_module_from_component
sub cli_create_network_module_from_component() {
my ($agent_name, $component_name) = @ARGV[2..3];
my $agent_id = get_agent_id($dbh,$agent_name);
my $addr = get_agent_address($dbh,$agent_id);
my $nc_id = pandora_get_network_component_id($dbh,$component_name);
exist_check($nc_id,'network component',$component_name);
my $module_exists = get_agent_module_id($dbh, $component_name, $agent_id);
non_exist_check($module_exists, 'module name', $component_name);
# Get network component data
my $component = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tnetwork_component wHERE id_nc = ?', $nc_id);
# Create the module
my $module_id = db_insert ($dbh, 'id_agente_modulo', 'INSERT INTO tagente_modulo (id_agente, id_tipo_modulo, descripcion, nombre, max, min, module_interval, tcp_port, tcp_send, tcp_rcv, snmp_community, snmp_oid, ip_target, id_module_group, flag, disabled, plugin_user, plugin_pass, plugin_parameter, max_timeout, id_modulo, min_warning, max_warning, str_warning, min_critical, max_critical, str_critical, min_ff_event, id_plugin, post_process)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
$agent_id, $component->{'type'}, $component->{'description'}, safe_input($component->{'name'}), $component->{'max'}, $component->{'min'}, $component->{'module_interval'}, $component->{'tcp_port'}, $component->{'tcp_send'}, $component->{'tcp_rcv'}, $component->{'snmp_community'},
$component->{'snmp_oid'}, $addr, $component->{'id_module_group'}, $component->{'plugin_user'}, $component->{'plugin_pass'}, $component->{'plugin_parameter'}, $component->{'max_timeout'}, $component->{'id_modulo'}, $component->{'min_warning'}, $component->{'max_warning'}, $component->{'str_warning'}, $component->{'min_critical'}, $component->{'max_critical'}, $component->{'str_critical'}, $component->{'min_ff_event'}, $component->{'id_plugin'}, $component->{'post_process'});
# An entry in tagente_estado is necessary for the module to work
db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO tagente_estado (`id_agente_modulo`, `id_agente`, `last_try`, current_interval) VALUES (?, ?, \'1970-01-01 00:00:00\', ?)', $module_id, $agent_id, $component->{'module_interval'});
logger($conf, 'Creating module ' . $component->{'name'} . " for agent $agent_name from network component '" . $component->{'name'} . "'.", 10);
# Create network module.
# Related option: --create_network_module
@ -3156,6 +3192,18 @@ sub pandora_get_user_id($$) {
return defined ($user_id) ? $user_id : -1;
# Return network component id given the name
sub pandora_get_network_component_id($$) {
my ($dbh,$name) = @_;
my $nc_id = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT id_nc FROM tnetwork_component WHERE name = ?',safe_input($name));
return defined ($nc_id) ? $nc_id : -1;
@ -3426,6 +3474,10 @@ sub pandora_manage_main ($$$) {
param_check($ltotal, 0);
elsif ($param eq '--create_network_module_from_component') {
param_check($ltotal, 2);
else {
print "[ERROR] Invalid option '$param'.\n\n";
$param = '';
Reference in New Issue