Modified to prefer '1' to enable server_ssl (to conform to the document).

('yes' is still working for it)
This commit is contained in:
Hirofumi Kosaka 2016-08-03 19:24:56 +09:00
parent d33a955caf
commit e636cac097
1 changed files with 9 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ my %DefaultConf = (
'transfer_timeout' => 30,
'server_user' => 'pandora',
'server_pwd' => '',
'server_ssl' => 'no',
'server_ssl' => '0',
'server_opts' => '',
'delayed_startup' => 0,
'pandora_nice' => 10,
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ my %DefaultConf = (
'secondary_transfer_timeout' => 30,
'secondary_server_user' => 'pandora',
'secondary_server_pwd' => '',
'secondary_server_ssl' => 'no',
'secondary_server_ssl' => '0',
'secondary_server_opts' => '',
'autotime' => 0,
'temporal_min_size' => 1,
@ -831,16 +831,20 @@ sub read_config (;$) {
log_message ('log', 'Thread is disabled.');
# Accept 'yes' for backward compatibility
$Conf{'server_ssl'} = '1' if ($Conf{'server_ssl'} eq 'yes');
$Conf{'secondary_server_ssl'} = '1' if ($Conf{'secondary_server_ssl'} eq 'yes');
# Set tentacle client options
if ($Conf{'transfer_mode'} eq 'tentacle') {
$Conf{'server_opts'} = '-x \'' . $Conf{'server_pwd'} . '\' ' . $Conf{'server_opts'} if ($Conf{'server_pwd'} ne '');
$Conf{'server_opts'} = '-c ' . $Conf{'server_opts'} if ($Conf{'server_ssl'} eq 'yes');
$Conf{'server_opts'} = '-c ' . $Conf{'server_opts'} if ($Conf{'server_ssl'} eq '1');
# Set tentacle client options for secondary server
if ($Conf{'secondary_transfer_mode'} eq 'tentacle') {
$Conf{'secondary_server_opts'} = '-x \'' . $Conf{'secondary_server_pwd'} . '\' ' . $Conf{'secondary_server_opts'} if ($Conf{'secondary_server_pwd'} ne '');
$Conf{'secondary_server_opts'} = '-c ' . $Conf{'secondary_server_opts'} if ($Conf{'secondary_server_ssl'} eq 'yes');
$Conf{'secondary_server_opts'} = '-c ' . $Conf{'secondary_server_opts'} if ($Conf{'secondary_server_ssl'} eq '1');
@ -1099,7 +1103,7 @@ sub launch_tentacle_proxy () {
#Execute tentacle server as a daemon
my $new_process = "tentacle_server -b ".$Conf{'server_ip'}." -g ".$Conf{'server_port'}." -c ".$Conf{'proxy_max_connection'}." -t ".$Conf{'proxy_timeout'};
$new_process .= ' -C' if ($Conf{'server_ssl'} eq 'yes');
$new_process .= ' -C' if ($Conf{'server_ssl'} eq '1');
log_message ('setup', 'Proxy mode enabled');
exec ($new_process);