2010-10-25 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>

* include/javascript/tiny_mce/plugins/media/editor_plugin_src.js,
	include/javascript/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_src.js: delete unpacked source code of

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@3462 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
mdtrooper 2010-10-25 16:45:20 +00:00
parent 560f9ded4a
commit e8e4f65153
39 changed files with 42 additions and 21758 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,45 @@
2010-10-25 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* include/javascript/tiny_mce/plugins/media/editor_plugin_src.js,
include/javascript/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_src.js: delete unpacked source code of
2010-10-25 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* include/javascript/jquery.pandora.controls.js,

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.AdvancedHRPlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceAdvancedHr', function() {
file : url + '/rule.htm',
width : 250 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advhr.delta_width', 0)),
height : 160 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advhr.delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('advhr', {
title : 'advhr.advhr_desc',
cmd : 'mceAdvancedHr'
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) {
cm.setActive('advhr', n.nodeName == 'HR');
ed.onClick.add(function(ed, e) {
e = e.target;
if (e.nodeName === 'HR')
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Advanced HR',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/advhr',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('advhr', tinymce.plugins.AdvancedHRPlugin);

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.AdvancedImagePlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceAdvImage', function() {
// Internal image object like a flash placeholder
if (ed.dom.getAttrib(ed.selection.getNode(), 'class').indexOf('mceItem') != -1)
file : url + '/image.htm',
width : 480 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advimage.delta_width', 0)),
height : 385 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advimage.delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('image', {
title : 'advimage.image_desc',
cmd : 'mceAdvImage'
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Advanced image',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/advimage',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('advimage', tinymce.plugins.AdvancedImagePlugin);

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.AdvancedLinkPlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
this.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceAdvLink', function() {
var se = ed.selection;
// No selection and not in link
if (se.isCollapsed() && !ed.dom.getParent(se.getNode(), 'A'))
file : url + '/link.htm',
width : 480 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advlink.delta_width', 0)),
height : 400 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advlink.delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('link', {
title : 'advlink.link_desc',
cmd : 'mceAdvLink'
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+k', 'advlink.advlink_desc', 'mceAdvLink');
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n, co) {
cm.setDisabled('link', co && n.nodeName != 'A');
cm.setActive('link', n.nodeName == 'A' && !n.name);
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Advanced link',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/advlink',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('advlink', tinymce.plugins.AdvancedLinkPlugin);

View File

@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var each = tinymce.each;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.AdvListPlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
function buildFormats(str) {
var formats = [];
each(str.split(/,/), function(type) {
title : 'advlist.' + (type == 'default' ? 'def' : type.replace(/-/g, '_')),
styles : {
listStyleType : type == 'default' ? '' : type
return formats;
// Setup number formats from config or default
t.numlist = ed.getParam("advlist_number_styles") || buildFormats("default,lower-alpha,lower-greek,lower-roman,upper-alpha,upper-roman");
t.bullist = ed.getParam("advlist_bullet_styles") || buildFormats("default,circle,disc,square");
createControl: function(name, cm) {
var t = this, btn, format;
if (name == 'numlist' || name == 'bullist') {
// Default to first item if it's a default item
if (t[name][0].title == 'advlist.def')
format = t[name][0];
function hasFormat(node, format) {
var state = true;
each(format.styles, function(value, name) {
// Format doesn't match
if (t.editor.dom.getStyle(node, name) != value) {
state = false;
return false;
return state;
function applyListFormat() {
var list, ed = t.editor, dom = ed.dom, sel = ed.selection;
// Check for existing list element
list = dom.getParent(sel.getNode(), 'ol,ul');
// Switch/add list type if needed
if (!list || list.nodeName == (name == 'bullist' ? 'OL' : 'UL') || hasFormat(list, format))
ed.execCommand(name == 'bullist' ? 'InsertUnorderedList' : 'InsertOrderedList');
// Append styles to new list element
if (format) {
list = dom.getParent(sel.getNode(), 'ol,ul');
if (list) {
dom.setStyles(list, format.styles);
btn = cm.createSplitButton(name, {
title : 'advanced.' + name + '_desc',
'class' : 'mce_' + name,
onclick : function() {
btn.onRenderMenu.add(function(btn, menu) {
menu.onShowMenu.add(function() {
var dom = t.editor.dom, list = dom.getParent(t.editor.selection.getNode(), 'ol,ul'), fmtList;
if (list || format) {
fmtList = t[name];
// Unselect existing items
each(menu.items, function(item) {
var state = true;
if (list && !item.isDisabled()) {
each(fmtList, function(fmt) {
if (fmt.id == item.id) {
if (!hasFormat(list, fmt)) {
state = false;
return false;
if (state)
// Select the current format
if (!list)
menu.add({id : t.editor.dom.uniqueId(), title : 'advlist.types', 'class' : 'mceMenuItemTitle'}).setDisabled(1);
each(t[name], function(item) {
item.id = t.editor.dom.uniqueId();
menu.add({id : item.id, title : item.title, onclick : function() {
format = item;
return btn;
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Advanced lists',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/advlist',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('advlist', tinymce.plugins.AdvListPlugin);

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
* Auto Resize
* This plugin automatically resizes the content area to fit its content height.
* It will retain a minimum height, which is the height of the content area when
* it's initialized.
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.AutoResizePlugin', {
* Initializes the plugin, this will be executed after the plugin has been created.
* This call is done before the editor instance has finished it's initialization so use the onInit event
* of the editor instance to intercept that event.
* @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance that the plugin is initialized in.
* @param {string} url Absolute URL to where the plugin is located.
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
if (ed.getParam('fullscreen_is_enabled'))
* This method gets executed each time the editor needs to resize.
function resize() {
var d = ed.getDoc(), b = d.body, de = d.documentElement, DOM = tinymce.DOM, resizeHeight = t.autoresize_min_height, myHeight;
// Get height differently depending on the browser used
myHeight = tinymce.isIE ? b.scrollHeight : de.offsetHeight;
// Don't make it smaller than the minimum height
if (myHeight > t.autoresize_min_height)
resizeHeight = myHeight;
// Resize content element
DOM.setStyle(DOM.get(ed.id + '_ifr'), 'height', resizeHeight + 'px');
// if we're throbbing, we'll re-throb to match the new size
if (t.throbbing) {
t.editor = ed;
// Define minimum height
t.autoresize_min_height = ed.getElement().offsetHeight;
// Things to do when the editor is ready
ed.onInit.add(function(ed, l) {
// Show throbber until content area is resized properly
t.throbbing = true;
// Hide scrollbars
ed.getBody().style.overflowY = "hidden";
// Add appropriate listeners for resizing content area
ed.onLoadContent.add(function(ed, l) {
// Because the content area resizes when its content CSS loads,
// and we can't easily add a listener to its onload event,
// we'll just trigger a resize after a short loading period
setTimeout(function() {
// Disable throbber
t.throbbing = false;
}, 1250);
// Register the command so that it can be invoked by using tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceExample');
ed.addCommand('mceAutoResize', resize);
* Returns information about the plugin as a name/value array.
* The current keys are longname, author, authorurl, infourl and version.
* @return {Object} Name/value array containing information about the plugin.
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Auto Resize',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/autoresize',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('autoresize', tinymce.plugins.AutoResizePlugin);

View File

@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
* Adds auto-save capability to the TinyMCE text editor to rescue content
* inadvertently lost. This plugin was originally developed by Speednet
* and that project can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/tinyautosave/
* The plugin attempts to use the most advanced features available in the current browser to save
* as much content as possible. There are a total of four different methods used to autosave the
* content. In order of preference, they are:
* 1. localStorage - A new feature of HTML 5, localStorage can store megabytes of data per domain
* on the client computer. Data stored in the localStorage area has no expiration date, so we must
* manage expiring the data ourselves. localStorage is fully supported by IE8, and it is supposed
* to be working in Firefox 3 and Safari 3.2, but in reality is is flaky in those browsers. As
* HTML 5 gets wider support, the AutoSave plugin will use it automatically. In Windows Vista/7,
* localStorage is stored in the following folder:
* C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore\[tempFolder]
* 2. sessionStorage - A new feature of HTML 5, sessionStorage works similarly to localStorage,
* except it is designed to expire after a certain amount of time. Because the specification
* around expiration date/time is very loosely-described, it is preferrable to use locaStorage and
* manage the expiration ourselves. sessionStorage has similar storage characteristics to
* localStorage, although it seems to have better support by Firefox 3 at the moment. (That will
* certainly change as Firefox continues getting better at HTML 5 adoption.)
* 3. UserData - A very under-exploited feature of Microsoft Internet Explorer, UserData is a
* way to store up to 128K of data per "document", or up to 1MB of data per domain, on the client
* computer. The feature is available for IE 5+, which makes it available for every version of IE
* supported by TinyMCE. The content is persistent across browser restarts and expires on the
* date/time specified, just like a cookie. However, the data is not cleared when the user clears
* cookies on the browser, which makes it well-suited for rescuing autosaved content. UserData,
* like other Microsoft IE browser technologies, is implemented as a behavior attached to a
* specific DOM object, so in this case we attach the behavior to the same DOM element that the
* TinyMCE editor instance is attached to.
(function(tinymce) {
// Setup constants to help the compressor to reduce script size
var PLUGIN_NAME = 'autosave',
RESTORE_DRAFT = 'restoredraft',
TRUE = true,
Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher;
* This plugin adds auto-save capability to the TinyMCE text editor to rescue content
* inadvertently lost. By using localStorage.
* @class tinymce.plugins.AutoSave
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.AutoSave', {
* Initializes the plugin, this will be executed after the plugin has been created.
* This call is done before the editor instance has finished it's initialization so use the onInit event
* of the editor instance to intercept that event.
* @method init
* @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance that the plugin is initialized in.
* @param {string} url Absolute URL to where the plugin is located.
init : function(ed, url) {
var self = this, settings = ed.settings;
self.editor = ed;
// Parses the specified time string into a milisecond number 10m, 10s etc.
function parseTime(time) {
var multipels = {
s : 1000,
m : 60000
time = /^(\d+)([ms]?)$/.exec('' + time);
return (time[2] ? multipels[time[2]] : 1) * parseInt(time);
// Default config
ask_before_unload : TRUE,
interval : '30s',
retention : '20m',
minlength : 50
}, function(value, key) {
key = PLUGIN_NAME + '_' + key;
if (settings[key] === undefined)
settings[key] = value;
// Parse times
settings.autosave_interval = parseTime(settings.autosave_interval);
settings.autosave_retention = parseTime(settings.autosave_retention);
// Register restore button
ed.addButton(RESTORE_DRAFT, {
title : PLUGIN_NAME + ".restore_content",
onclick : function() {
if (ed.getContent().replace(/\s|&nbsp;|<\/?p[^>]*>|<br[^>]*>/gi, "").length > 0) {
// Show confirm dialog if the editor isn't empty
PLUGIN_NAME + ".warning_message",
function(ok) {
if (ok)
} else
// Enable/disable restoredraft button depending on if there is a draft stored or not
ed.onNodeChange.add(function() {
var controlManager = ed.controlManager;
if (controlManager.get(RESTORE_DRAFT))
controlManager.setDisabled(RESTORE_DRAFT, !self.hasDraft());
ed.onInit.add(function() {
// Check if the user added the restore button, then setup auto storage logic
if (ed.controlManager.get(RESTORE_DRAFT)) {
// Setup storage engine
// Auto save contents each interval time
setInterval(function() {
}, settings.autosave_interval);
* This event gets fired when a draft is stored to local storage.
* @event onStoreDraft
* @param {tinymce.plugins.AutoSave} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
* @param {Object} draft Draft object containing the HTML contents of the editor.
self.onStoreDraft = new Dispatcher(self);
* This event gets fired when a draft is restored from local storage.
* @event onStoreDraft
* @param {tinymce.plugins.AutoSave} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
* @param {Object} draft Draft object containing the HTML contents of the editor.
self.onRestoreDraft = new Dispatcher(self);
* This event gets fired when a draft removed/expired.
* @event onRemoveDraft
* @param {tinymce.plugins.AutoSave} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
* @param {Object} draft Draft object containing the HTML contents of the editor.
self.onRemoveDraft = new Dispatcher(self);
// Add ask before unload dialog only add one unload handler
if (!unloadHandlerAdded) {
window.onbeforeunload = tinymce.plugins.AutoSave._beforeUnloadHandler;
unloadHandlerAdded = TRUE;
* Returns information about the plugin as a name/value array.
* The current keys are longname, author, authorurl, infourl and version.
* @method getInfo
* @return {Object} Name/value array containing information about the plugin.
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Auto save',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/autosave',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
* Returns an expiration date UTC string.
* @method getExpDate
* @return {String} Expiration date UTC string.
getExpDate : function() {
return new Date(
new Date().getTime() + this.editor.settings.autosave_retention
* This method will setup the storage engine. If the browser has support for it.
* @method setupStorage
setupStorage : function(ed) {
var self = this, testKey = PLUGIN_NAME + '_test', testVal = "OK";
self.key = PLUGIN_NAME + ed.id;
// Loop though each storage engine type until we find one that works
function() {
// Try HTML5 Local Storage
if (localStorage) {
localStorage.setItem(testKey, testVal);
if (localStorage.getItem(testKey) === testVal) {
return localStorage;
function() {
// Try HTML5 Session Storage
if (sessionStorage) {
sessionStorage.setItem(testKey, testVal);
if (sessionStorage.getItem(testKey) === testVal) {
return sessionStorage;
function() {
// Try IE userData
if (tinymce.isIE) {
ed.getElement().style.behavior = "url('#default#userData')";
// Fake localStorage on old IE
return {
autoExpires : TRUE,
setItem : function(key, value) {
var userDataElement = ed.getElement();
userDataElement.setAttribute(key, value);
userDataElement.expires = self.getExpDate();
getItem : function(key) {
var userDataElement = ed.getElement();
return userDataElement.getAttribute(key);
removeItem : function(key) {
], function(setup) {
// Try executing each function to find a suitable storage engine
try {
self.storage = setup();
if (self.storage)
return false;
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
* This method will store the current contents in the the storage engine.
* @method storeDraft
storeDraft : function() {
var self = this, storage = self.storage, editor = self.editor, expires, content;
// Is the contents dirty
if (storage) {
// If there is no existing key and the contents hasn't been changed since
// it's original value then there is no point in saving a draft
if (!storage.getItem(self.key) && !editor.isDirty())
// Store contents if the contents if longer than the minlength of characters
content = editor.getContent();
if (content.length > editor.settings.autosave_minlength) {
expires = self.getExpDate();
// Store expiration date if needed IE userData has auto expire built in
if (!self.storage.autoExpires)
self.storage.setItem(self.key + "_expires", expires);
self.storage.setItem(self.key, content);
self.onStoreDraft.dispatch(self, {
expires : expires,
content : content
* This method will restore the contents from the storage engine back to the editor.
* @method restoreDraft
restoreDraft : function() {
var self = this, storage = self.storage;
if (storage) {
content = storage.getItem(self.key);
if (content) {
self.onRestoreDraft.dispatch(self, {
content : content
* This method will return true/false if there is a local storage draft available.
* @method hasDraft
* @return {boolean} true/false state if there is a local draft.
hasDraft : function() {
var self = this, storage = self.storage, expDate, exists;
if (storage) {
// Does the item exist at all
exists = !!storage.getItem(self.key);
if (exists) {
// Storage needs autoexpire
if (!self.storage.autoExpires) {
expDate = new Date(storage.getItem(self.key + "_expires"));
// Contents hasn't expired
if (new Date().getTime() < expDate.getTime())
return TRUE;
// Remove it if it has
} else
return TRUE;
return false;
* Removes the currently stored draft.
* @method removeDraft
removeDraft : function() {
var self = this, storage = self.storage, key = self.key, content;
if (storage) {
// Get current contents and remove the existing draft
content = storage.getItem(key);
storage.removeItem(key + "_expires");
// Dispatch remove event if we had any contents
if (content) {
self.onRemoveDraft.dispatch(self, {
content : content
"static" : {
// Internal unload handler will be called before the page is unloaded
_beforeUnloadHandler : function(e) {
var msg;
tinymce.each(tinyMCE.editors, function(ed) {
// Store a draft for each editor instance
if (ed.plugins.autosave)
// Never ask in fullscreen mode
if (ed.getParam("fullscreen_is_enabled"))
// Setup a return message if the editor is dirty
if (!msg && ed.isDirty() && ed.getParam("autosave_ask_before_unload"))
msg = ed.getLang("autosave.unload_msg");
return msg;
tinymce.PluginManager.add('autosave', tinymce.plugins.AutoSave);

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.BBCodePlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this, dialect = ed.getParam('bbcode_dialect', 'punbb').toLowerCase();
ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
o.content = t['_' + dialect + '_bbcode2html'](o.content);
ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
if (o.set)
o.content = t['_' + dialect + '_bbcode2html'](o.content);
if (o.get)
o.content = t['_' + dialect + '_html2bbcode'](o.content);
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'BBCode Plugin',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/bbcode',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Private methods
// HTML -> BBCode in PunBB dialect
_punbb_html2bbcode : function(s) {
s = tinymce.trim(s);
function rep(re, str) {
s = s.replace(re, str);
// example: <strong> to [b]
rep(/<span style=\"color: ?(.*?);\">(.*?)<\/span>/gi,"[color=$1]$2[/color]");
rep(/<span style=\"font-size:(.*?);\">(.*?)<\/span>/gi,"[size=$1]$2[/size]");
rep(/<span class=\"codeStyle\">(.*?)<\/span>/gi,"[code]$1[/code]");
rep(/<span class=\"quoteStyle\">(.*?)<\/span>/gi,"[quote]$1[/quote]");
rep(/<strong class=\"codeStyle\">(.*?)<\/strong>/gi,"[code][b]$1[/b][/code]");
rep(/<strong class=\"quoteStyle\">(.*?)<\/strong>/gi,"[quote][b]$1[/b][/quote]");
rep(/<em class=\"codeStyle\">(.*?)<\/em>/gi,"[code][i]$1[/i][/code]");
rep(/<em class=\"quoteStyle\">(.*?)<\/em>/gi,"[quote][i]$1[/i][/quote]");
rep(/<u class=\"codeStyle\">(.*?)<\/u>/gi,"[code][u]$1[/u][/code]");
rep(/<u class=\"quoteStyle\">(.*?)<\/u>/gi,"[quote][u]$1[/u][/quote]");
rep(/<span style=\"text-decoration: ?underline;\">(.*?)<\/span>/gi,"[u]$1[/u]");
rep(/<br \/>/gi,"\n");
rep(/&nbsp;/gi," ");
return s;
// BBCode -> HTML from PunBB dialect
_punbb_bbcode2html : function(s) {
s = tinymce.trim(s);
function rep(re, str) {
s = s.replace(re, str);
// example: [b] to <strong>
rep(/\n/gi,"<br />");
rep(/\[url=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/gi,"<a href=\"$1\">$2</a>");
rep(/\[url\](.*?)\[\/url\]/gi,"<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>");
rep(/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/gi,"<img src=\"$1\" />");
rep(/\[color=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color\]/gi,"<font color=\"$1\">$2</font>");
rep(/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/gi,"<span class=\"codeStyle\">$1</span>&nbsp;");
rep(/\[quote.*?\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/gi,"<span class=\"quoteStyle\">$1</span>&nbsp;");
return s;
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('bbcode', tinymce.plugins.BBCodePlugin);

View File

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, DOM = tinymce.DOM;
* This plugin a context menu to TinyMCE editor instances.
* @class tinymce.plugins.ContextMenu
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.ContextMenu', {
* Initializes the plugin, this will be executed after the plugin has been created.
* This call is done before the editor instance has finished it's initialization so use the onInit event
* of the editor instance to intercept that event.
* @method init
* @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance that the plugin is initialized in.
* @param {string} url Absolute URL to where the plugin is located.
init : function(ed) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
* This event gets fired when the context menu is shown.
* @event onContextMenu
* @param {tinymce.plugins.ContextMenu} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
* @param {tinymce.ui.DropMenu} menu Drop down menu to fill with more items if needed.
t.onContextMenu = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(this);
ed.onContextMenu.add(function(ed, e) {
if (!e.ctrlKey) {
t._getMenu(ed).showMenu(e.clientX, e.clientY);
Event.add(ed.getDoc(), 'click', hide);
function hide() {
if (t._menu) {
Event.remove(ed.getDoc(), 'click', hide);
* Returns information about the plugin as a name/value array.
* The current keys are longname, author, authorurl, infourl and version.
* @method getInfo
* @return {Object} Name/value array containing information about the plugin.
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Contextmenu',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/contextmenu',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
_getMenu : function(ed) {
var t = this, m = t._menu, se = ed.selection, col = se.isCollapsed(), el = se.getNode() || ed.getBody(), am, p1, p2;
if (m) {
p1 = DOM.getPos(ed.getContentAreaContainer());
p2 = DOM.getPos(ed.getContainer());
m = ed.controlManager.createDropMenu('contextmenu', {
offset_x : p1.x + ed.getParam('contextmenu_offset_x', 0),
offset_y : p1.y + ed.getParam('contextmenu_offset_y', 0),
constrain : 1
t._menu = m;
m.add({title : 'advanced.cut_desc', icon : 'cut', cmd : 'Cut'}).setDisabled(col);
m.add({title : 'advanced.copy_desc', icon : 'copy', cmd : 'Copy'}).setDisabled(col);
m.add({title : 'advanced.paste_desc', icon : 'paste', cmd : 'Paste'});
if ((el.nodeName == 'A' && !ed.dom.getAttrib(el, 'name')) || !col) {
m.add({title : 'advanced.link_desc', icon : 'link', cmd : ed.plugins.advlink ? 'mceAdvLink' : 'mceLink', ui : true});
m.add({title : 'advanced.unlink_desc', icon : 'unlink', cmd : 'UnLink'});
m.add({title : 'advanced.image_desc', icon : 'image', cmd : ed.plugins.advimage ? 'mceAdvImage' : 'mceImage', ui : true});
am = m.addMenu({title : 'contextmenu.align'});
am.add({title : 'contextmenu.left', icon : 'justifyleft', cmd : 'JustifyLeft'});
am.add({title : 'contextmenu.center', icon : 'justifycenter', cmd : 'JustifyCenter'});
am.add({title : 'contextmenu.right', icon : 'justifyright', cmd : 'JustifyRight'});
am.add({title : 'contextmenu.full', icon : 'justifyfull', cmd : 'JustifyFull'});
t.onContextMenu.dispatch(t, m, el, col);
return m;
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('contextmenu', tinymce.plugins.ContextMenu);

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Directionality', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
ed.addCommand('mceDirectionLTR', function() {
var e = ed.dom.getParent(ed.selection.getNode(), ed.dom.isBlock);
if (e) {
if (ed.dom.getAttrib(e, "dir") != "ltr")
ed.dom.setAttrib(e, "dir", "ltr");
ed.dom.setAttrib(e, "dir", "");
ed.addCommand('mceDirectionRTL', function() {
var e = ed.dom.getParent(ed.selection.getNode(), ed.dom.isBlock);
if (e) {
if (ed.dom.getAttrib(e, "dir") != "rtl")
ed.dom.setAttrib(e, "dir", "rtl");
ed.dom.setAttrib(e, "dir", "");
ed.addButton('ltr', {title : 'directionality.ltr_desc', cmd : 'mceDirectionLTR'});
ed.addButton('rtl', {title : 'directionality.rtl_desc', cmd : 'mceDirectionRTL'});
ed.onNodeChange.add(t._nodeChange, t);
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Directionality',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/directionality',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Private methods
_nodeChange : function(ed, cm, n) {
var dom = ed.dom, dir;
n = dom.getParent(n, dom.isBlock);
if (!n) {
cm.setDisabled('ltr', 1);
cm.setDisabled('rtl', 1);
dir = dom.getAttrib(n, 'dir');
cm.setActive('ltr', dir == "ltr");
cm.setDisabled('ltr', 0);
cm.setActive('rtl', dir == "rtl");
cm.setDisabled('rtl', 0);
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('directionality', tinymce.plugins.Directionality);

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function(tinymce) {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.EmotionsPlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceEmotion', function() {
file : url + '/emotions.htm',
width : 250 + parseInt(ed.getLang('emotions.delta_width', 0)),
height : 160 + parseInt(ed.getLang('emotions.delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('emotions', {title : 'emotions.emotions_desc', cmd : 'mceEmotion'});
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Emotions',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/emotions',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('emotions', tinymce.plugins.EmotionsPlugin);

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
// Load plugin specific language pack
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.ExamplePlugin', {
* Initializes the plugin, this will be executed after the plugin has been created.
* This call is done before the editor instance has finished it's initialization so use the onInit event
* of the editor instance to intercept that event.
* @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance that the plugin is initialized in.
* @param {string} url Absolute URL to where the plugin is located.
init : function(ed, url) {
// Register the command so that it can be invoked by using tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceExample');
ed.addCommand('mceExample', function() {
file : url + '/dialog.htm',
width : 320 + parseInt(ed.getLang('example.delta_width', 0)),
height : 120 + parseInt(ed.getLang('example.delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url, // Plugin absolute URL
some_custom_arg : 'custom arg' // Custom argument
// Register example button
ed.addButton('example', {
title : 'example.desc',
cmd : 'mceExample',
image : url + '/img/example.gif'
// Add a node change handler, selects the button in the UI when a image is selected
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) {
cm.setActive('example', n.nodeName == 'IMG');
* Creates control instances based in the incomming name. This method is normally not
* needed since the addButton method of the tinymce.Editor class is a more easy way of adding buttons
* but you sometimes need to create more complex controls like listboxes, split buttons etc then this
* method can be used to create those.
* @param {String} n Name of the control to create.
* @param {tinymce.ControlManager} cm Control manager to use inorder to create new control.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} New control instance or null if no control was created.
createControl : function(n, cm) {
return null;
* Returns information about the plugin as a name/value array.
* The current keys are longname, author, authorurl, infourl and version.
* @return {Object} Name/value array containing information about the plugin.
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Example plugin',
author : 'Some author',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/example',
version : "1.0"
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('example', tinymce.plugins.ExamplePlugin);

View File

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.FullPagePlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceFullPageProperties', function() {
file : url + '/fullpage.htm',
width : 430 + parseInt(ed.getLang('fullpage.delta_width', 0)),
height : 495 + parseInt(ed.getLang('fullpage.delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url,
head_html : t.head
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('fullpage', {title : 'fullpage.desc', cmd : 'mceFullPageProperties'});
ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(t._setContent, t);
ed.onSetContent.add(t._setBodyAttribs, t);
ed.onGetContent.add(t._getContent, t);
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Fullpage',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/fullpage',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Private plugin internal methods
_setBodyAttribs : function(ed, o) {
var bdattr, i, len, kv, k, v, t, attr = this.head.match(/body(.*?)>/i);
if (attr && attr[1]) {
bdattr = attr[1].match(/\s*(\w+\s*=\s*".*?"|\w+\s*=\s*'.*?'|\w+\s*=\s*\w+|\w+)\s*/g);
if (bdattr) {
for(i = 0, len = bdattr.length; i < len; i++) {
kv = bdattr[i].split('=');
k = kv[0].replace(/\s/,'');
v = kv[1];
if (v) {
v = v.replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,'');
t = v.match(/^["'](.*)["']$/);
if (t)
v = t[1];
} else
v = k;
ed.dom.setAttrib(ed.getBody(), 'style', v);
_createSerializer : function() {
return new tinymce.dom.Serializer({
dom : this.editor.dom,
apply_source_formatting : true
_setContent : function(ed, o) {
var t = this, sp, ep, c = o.content, v, st = '';
if (o.source_view && ed.getParam('fullpage_hide_in_source_view'))
// Parse out head, body and footer
c = c.replace(/<(\/?)BODY/gi, '<$1body');
sp = c.indexOf('<body');
if (sp != -1) {
sp = c.indexOf('>', sp);
t.head = c.substring(0, sp + 1);
ep = c.indexOf('</body', sp);
if (ep == -1)
ep = c.indexOf('</body', ep);
o.content = c.substring(sp + 1, ep);
t.foot = c.substring(ep);
function low(s) {
return s.replace(/<\/?[A-Z]+/g, function(a) {
return a.toLowerCase();
t.head = low(t.head);
t.foot = low(t.foot);
} else {
t.head = '';
if (ed.getParam('fullpage_default_xml_pi'))
t.head += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' + ed.getParam('fullpage_default_encoding', 'ISO-8859-1') + '" ?>\n';
t.head += ed.getParam('fullpage_default_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">');
t.head += '\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>' + ed.getParam('fullpage_default_title', 'Untitled document') + '</title>\n';
if (v = ed.getParam('fullpage_default_encoding'))
t.head += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="' + v + '" />\n';
if (v = ed.getParam('fullpage_default_font_family'))
st += 'font-family: ' + v + ';';
if (v = ed.getParam('fullpage_default_font_size'))
st += 'font-size: ' + v + ';';
if (v = ed.getParam('fullpage_default_text_color'))
st += 'color: ' + v + ';';
t.head += '</head>\n<body' + (st ? ' style="' + st + '"' : '') + '>\n';
t.foot = '\n</body>\n</html>';
_getContent : function(ed, o) {
var t = this;
if (!o.source_view || !ed.getParam('fullpage_hide_in_source_view'))
o.content = tinymce.trim(t.head) + '\n' + tinymce.trim(o.content) + '\n' + tinymce.trim(t.foot);
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('fullpage', tinymce.plugins.FullPagePlugin);

View File

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var DOM = tinymce.DOM;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.FullScreenPlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this, s = {}, vp;
t.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceFullScreen', function() {
var win, de = DOM.doc.documentElement;
if (ed.getParam('fullscreen_is_enabled')) {
if (ed.getParam('fullscreen_new_window'))
closeFullscreen(); // Call to close in new window
else {
DOM.win.setTimeout(function() {
tinymce.dom.Event.remove(DOM.win, 'resize', t.resizeFunc);
tinyMCE.get(ed.getParam('fullscreen_editor_id')).setContent(ed.getContent({format : 'raw'}), {format : 'raw'});
de.style.overflow = ed.getParam('fullscreen_html_overflow');
DOM.setStyle(DOM.doc.body, 'overflow', ed.getParam('fullscreen_overflow'));
DOM.win.scrollTo(ed.getParam('fullscreen_scrollx'), ed.getParam('fullscreen_scrolly'));
tinyMCE.settings = tinyMCE.oldSettings; // Restore old settings
}, 10);
if (ed.getParam('fullscreen_new_window')) {
win = DOM.win.open(url + "/fullscreen.htm", "mceFullScreenPopup", "fullscreen=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,left=0,top=0,width=" + screen.availWidth + ",height=" + screen.availHeight);
try {
win.resizeTo(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
} else {
tinyMCE.oldSettings = tinyMCE.settings; // Store old settings
s.fullscreen_overflow = DOM.getStyle(DOM.doc.body, 'overflow', 1) || 'auto';
s.fullscreen_html_overflow = DOM.getStyle(de, 'overflow', 1);
vp = DOM.getViewPort();
s.fullscreen_scrollx = vp.x;
s.fullscreen_scrolly = vp.y;
// Fixes an Opera bug where the scrollbars doesn't reappear
if (tinymce.isOpera && s.fullscreen_overflow == 'visible')
s.fullscreen_overflow = 'auto';
// Fixes an IE bug where horizontal scrollbars would appear
if (tinymce.isIE && s.fullscreen_overflow == 'scroll')
s.fullscreen_overflow = 'auto';
// Fixes an IE bug where the scrollbars doesn't reappear
if (tinymce.isIE && (s.fullscreen_html_overflow == 'visible' || s.fullscreen_html_overflow == 'scroll'))
s.fullscreen_html_overflow = 'auto';
if (s.fullscreen_overflow == '0px')
s.fullscreen_overflow = '';
DOM.setStyle(DOM.doc.body, 'overflow', 'hidden');
de.style.overflow = 'hidden'; //Fix for IE6/7
vp = DOM.getViewPort();
DOM.win.scrollTo(0, 0);
if (tinymce.isIE)
vp.h -= 1;
n = DOM.add(DOM.doc.body, 'div', {id : 'mce_fullscreen_container', style : 'position:' + (tinymce.isIE6 || (tinymce.isIE && !DOM.boxModel) ? 'absolute' : 'fixed') + ';top:0;left:0;width:' + vp.w + 'px;height:' + vp.h + 'px;z-index:200000;'});
DOM.add(n, 'div', {id : 'mce_fullscreen'});
tinymce.each(ed.settings, function(v, n) {
s[n] = v;
s.id = 'mce_fullscreen';
s.width = n.clientWidth;
s.height = n.clientHeight - 15;
s.fullscreen_is_enabled = true;
s.fullscreen_editor_id = ed.id;
s.theme_advanced_resizing = false;
s.save_onsavecallback = function() {
ed.setContent(tinyMCE.get(s.id).getContent({format : 'raw'}), {format : 'raw'});
tinymce.each(ed.getParam('fullscreen_settings'), function(v, k) {
s[k] = v;
if (s.theme_advanced_toolbar_location === 'external')
s.theme_advanced_toolbar_location = 'top';
t.fullscreenEditor = new tinymce.Editor('mce_fullscreen', s);
t.fullscreenEditor.onInit.add(function() {
t.fullscreenElement = new tinymce.dom.Element('mce_fullscreen_container');
//document.body.overflow = 'hidden';
t.resizeFunc = tinymce.dom.Event.add(DOM.win, 'resize', function() {
var vp = tinymce.DOM.getViewPort();
t.fullscreenEditor.theme.resizeTo(vp.w, vp.h);
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('fullscreen', {title : 'fullscreen.desc', cmd : 'mceFullScreen'});
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm) {
cm.setActive('fullscreen', ed.getParam('fullscreen_is_enabled'));
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Fullscreen',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/fullscreen',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('fullscreen', tinymce.plugins.FullScreenPlugin);

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.IESpell', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this, sp;
if (!tinymce.isIE)
t.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceIESpell', function() {
try {
sp = new ActiveXObject("ieSpell.ieSpellExtension");
} catch (e) {
if (e.number == -2146827859) {
ed.windowManager.confirm(ed.getLang("iespell.download"), function(s) {
if (s)
window.open('http://www.iespell.com/download.php', 'ieSpellDownload', '');
} else
ed.windowManager.alert("Error Loading ieSpell: Exception " + e.number);
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('iespell', {title : 'iespell.iespell_desc', cmd : 'mceIESpell'});
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'IESpell (IE Only)',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/iespell',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('iespell', tinymce.plugins.IESpell);

View File

@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Element = tinymce.dom.Element, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, is = tinymce.is;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.InlinePopups', {
init : function(ed, url) {
// Replace window manager
ed.onBeforeRenderUI.add(function() {
ed.windowManager = new tinymce.InlineWindowManager(ed);
DOM.loadCSS(url + '/skins/' + (ed.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2') + "/window.css");
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'InlinePopups',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/inlinepopups',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
tinymce.create('tinymce.InlineWindowManager:tinymce.WindowManager', {
InlineWindowManager : function(ed) {
var t = this;
t.zIndex = 300000;
t.count = 0;
t.windows = {};
open : function(f, p) {
var t = this, id, opt = '', ed = t.editor, dw = 0, dh = 0, vp, po, mdf, clf, we, w, u;
f = f || {};
p = p || {};
// Run native windows
if (!f.inline)
return t.parent(f, p);
// Only store selection if the type is a normal window
if (!f.type)
t.bookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);
id = DOM.uniqueId();
vp = DOM.getViewPort();
f.width = parseInt(f.width || 320);
f.height = parseInt(f.height || 240) + (tinymce.isIE ? 8 : 0);
f.min_width = parseInt(f.min_width || 150);
f.min_height = parseInt(f.min_height || 100);
f.max_width = parseInt(f.max_width || 2000);
f.max_height = parseInt(f.max_height || 2000);
f.left = f.left || Math.round(Math.max(vp.x, vp.x + (vp.w / 2.0) - (f.width / 2.0)));
f.top = f.top || Math.round(Math.max(vp.y, vp.y + (vp.h / 2.0) - (f.height / 2.0)));
f.movable = f.resizable = true;
p.mce_width = f.width;
p.mce_height = f.height;
p.mce_inline = true;
p.mce_window_id = id;
p.mce_auto_focus = f.auto_focus;
// Transpose
// po = DOM.getPos(ed.getContainer());
// f.left -= po.x;
// f.top -= po.y;
t.features = f;
t.params = p;
t.onOpen.dispatch(t, f, p);
if (f.type) {
opt += ' mceModal';
if (f.type)
opt += ' mce' + f.type.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + f.type.substring(1);
f.resizable = false;
if (f.statusbar)
opt += ' mceStatusbar';
if (f.resizable)
opt += ' mceResizable';
if (f.minimizable)
opt += ' mceMinimizable';
if (f.maximizable)
opt += ' mceMaximizable';
if (f.movable)
opt += ' mceMovable';
// Create DOM objects
['div', {id : id, 'class' : ed.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2', style : 'width:100px;height:100px'},
['div', {id : id + '_wrapper', 'class' : 'mceWrapper' + opt},
['div', {id : id + '_top', 'class' : 'mceTop'},
['div', {'class' : 'mceLeft'}],
['div', {'class' : 'mceCenter'}],
['div', {'class' : 'mceRight'}],
['span', {id : id + '_title'}, f.title || '']
['div', {id : id + '_middle', 'class' : 'mceMiddle'},
['div', {id : id + '_left', 'class' : 'mceLeft'}],
['span', {id : id + '_content'}],
['div', {id : id + '_right', 'class' : 'mceRight'}]
['div', {id : id + '_bottom', 'class' : 'mceBottom'},
['div', {'class' : 'mceLeft'}],
['div', {'class' : 'mceCenter'}],
['div', {'class' : 'mceRight'}],
['span', {id : id + '_status'}, 'Content']
['a', {'class' : 'mceMove', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
['a', {'class' : 'mceMin', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
['a', {'class' : 'mceMax', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
['a', {'class' : 'mceMed', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
['a', {'class' : 'mceClose', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}],
['a', {id : id + '_resize_n', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeN', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
['a', {id : id + '_resize_s', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeS', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
['a', {id : id + '_resize_w', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeW', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
['a', {id : id + '_resize_e', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeE', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
['a', {id : id + '_resize_nw', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeNW', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
['a', {id : id + '_resize_ne', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeNE', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
['a', {id : id + '_resize_sw', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeSW', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}],
['a', {id : id + '_resize_se', 'class' : 'mceResize mceResizeSE', tabindex : '-1', href : 'javascript:;'}]
DOM.setStyles(id, {top : -10000, left : -10000});
// Fix gecko rendering bug, where the editors iframe messed with window contents
if (tinymce.isGecko)
DOM.setStyle(id, 'overflow', 'auto');
// Measure borders
if (!f.type) {
dw += DOM.get(id + '_left').clientWidth;
dw += DOM.get(id + '_right').clientWidth;
dh += DOM.get(id + '_top').clientHeight;
dh += DOM.get(id + '_bottom').clientHeight;
// Resize window
DOM.setStyles(id, {top : f.top, left : f.left, width : f.width + dw, height : f.height + dh});
u = f.url || f.file;
if (u) {
if (tinymce.relaxedDomain)
u += (u.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'mce_rdomain=' + tinymce.relaxedDomain;
u = tinymce._addVer(u);
if (!f.type) {
DOM.add(id + '_content', 'iframe', {id : id + '_ifr', src : 'javascript:""', frameBorder : 0, style : 'border:0;width:10px;height:10px'});
DOM.setStyles(id + '_ifr', {width : f.width, height : f.height});
DOM.setAttrib(id + '_ifr', 'src', u);
} else {
DOM.add(id + '_wrapper', 'a', {id : id + '_ok', 'class' : 'mceButton mceOk', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}, 'Ok');
if (f.type == 'confirm')
DOM.add(id + '_wrapper', 'a', {'class' : 'mceButton mceCancel', href : 'javascript:;', onmousedown : 'return false;'}, 'Cancel');
DOM.add(id + '_middle', 'div', {'class' : 'mceIcon'});
DOM.setHTML(id + '_content', f.content.replace('\n', '<br />'));
// Register events
mdf = Event.add(id, 'mousedown', function(e) {
var n = e.target, w, vp;
w = t.windows[id];
if (n.nodeName == 'A' || n.nodeName == 'a') {
if (n.className == 'mceMax') {
w.oldPos = w.element.getXY();
w.oldSize = w.element.getSize();
vp = DOM.getViewPort();
// Reduce viewport size to avoid scrollbars
vp.w -= 2;
vp.h -= 2;
w.element.moveTo(vp.x, vp.y);
w.element.resizeTo(vp.w, vp.h);
DOM.setStyles(id + '_ifr', {width : vp.w - w.deltaWidth, height : vp.h - w.deltaHeight});
DOM.addClass(id + '_wrapper', 'mceMaximized');
} else if (n.className == 'mceMed') {
// Reset to old size
w.element.moveTo(w.oldPos.x, w.oldPos.y);
w.element.resizeTo(w.oldSize.w, w.oldSize.h);
w.iframeElement.resizeTo(w.oldSize.w - w.deltaWidth, w.oldSize.h - w.deltaHeight);
DOM.removeClass(id + '_wrapper', 'mceMaximized');
} else if (n.className == 'mceMove')
return t._startDrag(id, e, n.className);
else if (DOM.hasClass(n, 'mceResize'))
return t._startDrag(id, e, n.className.substring(13));
clf = Event.add(id, 'click', function(e) {
var n = e.target;
if (n.nodeName == 'A' || n.nodeName == 'a') {
switch (n.className) {
case 'mceClose':
t.close(null, id);
return Event.cancel(e);
case 'mceButton mceOk':
case 'mceButton mceCancel':
f.button_func(n.className == 'mceButton mceOk');
return Event.cancel(e);
// Add window
w = t.windows[id] = {
id : id,
mousedown_func : mdf,
click_func : clf,
element : new Element(id, {blocker : 1, container : ed.getContainer()}),
iframeElement : new Element(id + '_ifr'),
features : f,
deltaWidth : dw,
deltaHeight : dh
w.iframeElement.on('focus', function() {
// Setup blocker
if (t.count == 0 && t.editor.getParam('dialog_type', 'modal') == 'modal') {
DOM.add(DOM.doc.body, 'div', {
id : 'mceModalBlocker',
'class' : (t.editor.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2') + '_modalBlocker',
style : {zIndex : t.zIndex - 1}
DOM.show('mceModalBlocker'); // Reduces flicker in IE
} else
DOM.setStyle('mceModalBlocker', 'z-index', t.zIndex - 1);
if (tinymce.isIE6 || /Firefox\/2\./.test(navigator.userAgent) || (tinymce.isIE && !DOM.boxModel))
DOM.setStyles('mceModalBlocker', {position : 'absolute', left : vp.x, top : vp.y, width : vp.w - 2, height : vp.h - 2});
t._fixIELayout(id, 1);
// Focus ok button
if (DOM.get(id + '_ok'))
DOM.get(id + '_ok').focus();
return w;
focus : function(id) {
var t = this, w;
if (w = t.windows[id]) {
w.zIndex = this.zIndex++;
w.element.setStyle('zIndex', w.zIndex);
id = id + '_wrapper';
DOM.removeClass(t.lastId, 'mceFocus');
DOM.addClass(id, 'mceFocus');
t.lastId = id;
_addAll : function(te, ne) {
var i, n, t = this, dom = tinymce.DOM;
if (is(ne, 'string'))
else if (ne.length) {
te = te.appendChild(dom.create(ne[0], ne[1]));
for (i=2; i<ne.length; i++)
t._addAll(te, ne[i]);
_startDrag : function(id, se, ac) {
var t = this, mu, mm, d = DOM.doc, eb, w = t.windows[id], we = w.element, sp = we.getXY(), p, sz, ph, cp, vp, sx, sy, sex, sey, dx, dy, dw, dh;
// Get positons and sizes
// cp = DOM.getPos(t.editor.getContainer());
cp = {x : 0, y : 0};
vp = DOM.getViewPort();
// Reduce viewport size to avoid scrollbars while dragging
vp.w -= 2;
vp.h -= 2;
sex = se.screenX;
sey = se.screenY;
dx = dy = dw = dh = 0;
// Handle mouse up
mu = Event.add(d, 'mouseup', function(e) {
Event.remove(d, 'mouseup', mu);
Event.remove(d, 'mousemove', mm);
if (eb)
we.moveBy(dx, dy);
we.resizeBy(dw, dh);
sz = we.getSize();
DOM.setStyles(id + '_ifr', {width : sz.w - w.deltaWidth, height : sz.h - w.deltaHeight});
t._fixIELayout(id, 1);
return Event.cancel(e);
if (ac != 'Move')
function startMove() {
if (eb)
t._fixIELayout(id, 0);
// Setup event blocker
DOM.add(d.body, 'div', {
id : 'mceEventBlocker',
'class' : 'mceEventBlocker ' + (t.editor.settings.inlinepopups_skin || 'clearlooks2'),
style : {zIndex : t.zIndex + 1}
if (tinymce.isIE6 || (tinymce.isIE && !DOM.boxModel))
DOM.setStyles('mceEventBlocker', {position : 'absolute', left : vp.x, top : vp.y, width : vp.w - 2, height : vp.h - 2});
eb = new Element('mceEventBlocker');
// Setup placeholder
p = we.getXY();
sz = we.getSize();
sx = cp.x + p.x - vp.x;
sy = cp.y + p.y - vp.y;
DOM.add(eb.get(), 'div', {id : 'mcePlaceHolder', 'class' : 'mcePlaceHolder', style : {left : sx, top : sy, width : sz.w, height : sz.h}});
ph = new Element('mcePlaceHolder');
// Handle mouse move/drag
mm = Event.add(d, 'mousemove', function(e) {
var x, y, v;
x = e.screenX - sex;
y = e.screenY - sey;
switch (ac) {
case 'ResizeW':
dx = x;
dw = 0 - x;
case 'ResizeE':
dw = x;
case 'ResizeN':
case 'ResizeNW':
case 'ResizeNE':
if (ac == "ResizeNW") {
dx = x;
dw = 0 - x;
} else if (ac == "ResizeNE")
dw = x;
dy = y;
dh = 0 - y;
case 'ResizeS':
case 'ResizeSW':
case 'ResizeSE':
if (ac == "ResizeSW") {
dx = x;
dw = 0 - x;
} else if (ac == "ResizeSE")
dw = x;
dh = y;
case 'mceMove':
dx = x;
dy = y;
// Boundary check
if (dw < (v = w.features.min_width - sz.w)) {
if (dx !== 0)
dx += dw - v;
dw = v;
if (dh < (v = w.features.min_height - sz.h)) {
if (dy !== 0)
dy += dh - v;
dh = v;
dw = Math.min(dw, w.features.max_width - sz.w);
dh = Math.min(dh, w.features.max_height - sz.h);
dx = Math.max(dx, vp.x - (sx + vp.x));
dy = Math.max(dy, vp.y - (sy + vp.y));
dx = Math.min(dx, (vp.w + vp.x) - (sx + sz.w + vp.x));
dy = Math.min(dy, (vp.h + vp.y) - (sy + sz.h + vp.y));
// Move if needed
if (dx + dy !== 0) {
if (sx + dx < 0)
dx = 0;
if (sy + dy < 0)
dy = 0;
ph.moveTo(sx + dx, sy + dy);
// Resize if needed
if (dw + dh !== 0)
ph.resizeTo(sz.w + dw, sz.h + dh);
return Event.cancel(e);
return Event.cancel(se);
resizeBy : function(dw, dh, id) {
var w = this.windows[id];
if (w) {
w.element.resizeBy(dw, dh);
w.iframeElement.resizeBy(dw, dh);
close : function(win, id) {
var t = this, w, d = DOM.doc, ix = 0, fw, id;
id = t._findId(id || win);
// Probably not inline
if (!t.windows[id]) {
if (t.count == 0)
if (w = t.windows[id]) {
Event.remove(d, 'mousedown', w.mousedownFunc);
Event.remove(d, 'click', w.clickFunc);
Event.clear(id + '_ifr');
DOM.setAttrib(id + '_ifr', 'src', 'javascript:""'); // Prevent leak
delete t.windows[id];
// Find front most window and focus that
each (t.windows, function(w) {
if (w.zIndex > ix) {
fw = w;
ix = w.zIndex;
if (fw)
setTitle : function(w, ti) {
var e;
w = this._findId(w);
if (e = DOM.get(w + '_title'))
e.innerHTML = DOM.encode(ti);
alert : function(txt, cb, s) {
var t = this, w;
w = t.open({
title : t,
type : 'alert',
button_func : function(s) {
if (cb)
cb.call(s || t, s);
t.close(null, w.id);
content : DOM.encode(t.editor.getLang(txt, txt)),
inline : 1,
width : 400,
height : 130
confirm : function(txt, cb, s) {
var t = this, w;
w = t.open({
title : t,
type : 'confirm',
button_func : function(s) {
if (cb)
cb.call(s || t, s);
t.close(null, w.id);
content : DOM.encode(t.editor.getLang(txt, txt)),
inline : 1,
width : 400,
height : 130
// Internal functions
_findId : function(w) {
var t = this;
if (typeof(w) == 'string')
return w;
each(t.windows, function(wo) {
var ifr = DOM.get(wo.id + '_ifr');
if (ifr && w == ifr.contentWindow) {
w = wo.id;
return false;
return w;
_fixIELayout : function(id, s) {
var w, img;
if (!tinymce.isIE6)
// Fixes the bug where hover flickers and does odd things in IE6
each(['n','s','w','e','nw','ne','sw','se'], function(v) {
var e = DOM.get(id + '_resize_' + v);
DOM.setStyles(e, {
width : s ? e.clientWidth : '',
height : s ? e.clientHeight : '',
cursor : DOM.getStyle(e, 'cursor', 1)
DOM.setStyle(id + "_bottom", 'bottom', '-1px');
e = 0;
// Fixes graphics glitch
if (w = this.windows[id]) {
// Fixes rendering bug after resize
// Forced a repaint of the window
//DOM.get(id).style.filter = '';
// IE has a bug where images used in CSS won't get loaded
// sometimes when the cache in the browser is disabled
// This fix tries to solve it by loading the images using the image object
each(DOM.select('div,a', id), function(e, i) {
if (e.currentStyle.backgroundImage != 'none') {
img = new Image();
img.src = e.currentStyle.backgroundImage.replace(/url\(\"(.+)\"\)/, '$1');
DOM.get(id).style.filter = '';
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('inlinepopups', tinymce.plugins.InlinePopups);

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.InsertDateTime', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
ed.addCommand('mceInsertDate', function() {
var str = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("plugin_insertdate_dateFormat", ed.getLang('insertdatetime.date_fmt')));
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, str);
ed.addCommand('mceInsertTime', function() {
var str = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("plugin_insertdate_timeFormat", ed.getLang('insertdatetime.time_fmt')));
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, str);
ed.addButton('insertdate', {title : 'insertdatetime.insertdate_desc', cmd : 'mceInsertDate'});
ed.addButton('inserttime', {title : 'insertdatetime.inserttime_desc', cmd : 'mceInsertTime'});
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Insert date/time',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/insertdatetime',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Private methods
_getDateTime : function(d, fmt) {
var ed = this.editor;
function addZeros(value, len) {
value = "" + value;
if (value.length < len) {
for (var i=0; i<(len-value.length); i++)
value = "0" + value;
return value;
fmt = fmt.replace("%D", "%m/%d/%y");
fmt = fmt.replace("%r", "%I:%M:%S %p");
fmt = fmt.replace("%Y", "" + d.getFullYear());
fmt = fmt.replace("%y", "" + d.getYear());
fmt = fmt.replace("%m", addZeros(d.getMonth()+1, 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%d", addZeros(d.getDate(), 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%H", "" + addZeros(d.getHours(), 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%M", "" + addZeros(d.getMinutes(), 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%S", "" + addZeros(d.getSeconds(), 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%I", "" + ((d.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1));
fmt = fmt.replace("%p", "" + (d.getHours() < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"));
fmt = fmt.replace("%B", "" + ed.getLang("insertdatetime.months_long").split(',')[d.getMonth()]);
fmt = fmt.replace("%b", "" + ed.getLang("insertdatetime.months_short").split(',')[d.getMonth()]);
fmt = fmt.replace("%A", "" + ed.getLang("insertdatetime.day_long").split(',')[d.getDay()]);
fmt = fmt.replace("%a", "" + ed.getLang("insertdatetime.day_short").split(',')[d.getDay()]);
fmt = fmt.replace("%%", "%");
return fmt;
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('insertdatetime', tinymce.plugins.InsertDateTime);

View File

@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Layer', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceInsertLayer', t._insertLayer, t);
ed.addCommand('mceMoveForward', function() {
ed.addCommand('mceMoveBackward', function() {
ed.addCommand('mceMakeAbsolute', function() {
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('moveforward', {title : 'layer.forward_desc', cmd : 'mceMoveForward'});
ed.addButton('movebackward', {title : 'layer.backward_desc', cmd : 'mceMoveBackward'});
ed.addButton('absolute', {title : 'layer.absolute_desc', cmd : 'mceMakeAbsolute'});
ed.addButton('insertlayer', {title : 'layer.insertlayer_desc', cmd : 'mceInsertLayer'});
ed.onInit.add(function() {
if (tinymce.isIE)
ed.getDoc().execCommand('2D-Position', false, true);
ed.onNodeChange.add(t._nodeChange, t);
ed.onVisualAid.add(t._visualAid, t);
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Layer',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/layer',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Private methods
_nodeChange : function(ed, cm, n) {
var le, p;
le = this._getParentLayer(n);
p = ed.dom.getParent(n, 'DIV,P,IMG');
if (!p) {
cm.setDisabled('absolute', 1);
cm.setDisabled('moveforward', 1);
cm.setDisabled('movebackward', 1);
} else {
cm.setDisabled('absolute', 0);
cm.setDisabled('moveforward', !le);
cm.setDisabled('movebackward', !le);
cm.setActive('absolute', le && le.style.position.toLowerCase() == "absolute");
// Private methods
_visualAid : function(ed, e, s) {
var dom = ed.dom;
tinymce.each(dom.select('div,p', e), function(e) {
if (/^(absolute|relative|static)$/i.test(e.style.position)) {
if (s)
dom.addClass(e, 'mceItemVisualAid');
dom.removeClass(e, 'mceItemVisualAid');
_move : function(d) {
var ed = this.editor, i, z = [], le = this._getParentLayer(ed.selection.getNode()), ci = -1, fi = -1, nl;
nl = [];
tinymce.walk(ed.getBody(), function(n) {
if (n.nodeType == 1 && /^(absolute|relative|static)$/i.test(n.style.position))
}, 'childNodes');
// Find z-indexes
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
z[i] = nl[i].style.zIndex ? parseInt(nl[i].style.zIndex) : 0;
if (ci < 0 && nl[i] == le)
ci = i;
if (d < 0) {
// Move back
// Try find a lower one
for (i=0; i<z.length; i++) {
if (z[i] < z[ci]) {
fi = i;
if (fi > -1) {
nl[ci].style.zIndex = z[fi];
nl[fi].style.zIndex = z[ci];
} else {
if (z[ci] > 0)
nl[ci].style.zIndex = z[ci] - 1;
} else {
// Move forward
// Try find a higher one
for (i=0; i<z.length; i++) {
if (z[i] > z[ci]) {
fi = i;
if (fi > -1) {
nl[ci].style.zIndex = z[fi];
nl[fi].style.zIndex = z[ci];
} else
nl[ci].style.zIndex = z[ci] + 1;
_getParentLayer : function(n) {
return this.editor.dom.getParent(n, function(n) {
return n.nodeType == 1 && /^(absolute|relative|static)$/i.test(n.style.position);
_insertLayer : function() {
var ed = this.editor, p = ed.dom.getPos(ed.dom.getParent(ed.selection.getNode(), '*'));
ed.dom.add(ed.getBody(), 'div', {
style : {
position : 'absolute',
left : p.x,
top : (p.y > 20 ? p.y : 20),
width : 100,
height : 100
'class' : 'mceItemVisualAid'
}, ed.selection.getContent() || ed.getLang('layer.content'));
_toggleAbsolute : function() {
var ed = this.editor, le = this._getParentLayer(ed.selection.getNode());
if (!le)
le = ed.dom.getParent(ed.selection.getNode(), 'DIV,P,IMG');
if (le) {
if (le.style.position.toLowerCase() == "absolute") {
ed.dom.setStyles(le, {
position : '',
left : '',
top : '',
width : '',
height : ''
ed.dom.removeClass(le, 'mceItemVisualAid');
} else {
if (le.style.left == "")
le.style.left = 20 + 'px';
if (le.style.top == "")
le.style.top = 20 + 'px';
if (le.style.width == "")
le.style.width = le.width ? (le.width + 'px') : '100px';
if (le.style.height == "")
le.style.height = le.height ? (le.height + 'px') : '100px';
le.style.position = "absolute";
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('layer', tinymce.plugins.Layer);

View File

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
* This plugin will force TinyMCE to produce deprecated legacy output such as font elements, u elements, align
* attributes and so forth. There are a few cases where these old items might be needed for example in email applications or with Flash
* However you should NOT use this plugin if you are building some system that produces web contents such as a CMS. All these elements are
* not apart of the newer specifications for HTML and XHTML.
(function(tinymce) {
// Override inline_styles setting to force TinyMCE to produce deprecated contents
tinymce.onAddEditor.addToTop(function(tinymce, editor) {
editor.settings.inline_styles = false;
// Create the legacy ouput plugin
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.LegacyOutput', {
init : function(editor) {
editor.onInit.add(function() {
var alignElements = 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img',
fontSizes = tinymce.explode(editor.settings.font_size_style_values),
serializer = editor.serializer;
// Override some internal formats to produce legacy elements and attributes
// Change alignment formats to use the deprecated align attribute
alignleft : {selector : alignElements, attributes : {align : 'left'}},
aligncenter : {selector : alignElements, attributes : {align : 'center'}},
alignright : {selector : alignElements, attributes : {align : 'right'}},
alignfull : {selector : alignElements, attributes : {align : 'full'}},
// Change the basic formatting elements to use deprecated element types
bold : {inline : 'b'},
italic : {inline : 'i'},
underline : {inline : 'u'},
strikethrough : {inline : 'strike'},
// Change font size and font family to use the deprecated font element
fontname : {inline : 'font', attributes : {face : '%value'}},
fontsize : {
inline : 'font',
attributes : {
size : function(vars) {
return tinymce.inArray(fontSizes, vars.value) + 1;
// Setup font elements for colors as well
forecolor : {inline : 'font', styles : {color : '%value'}},
hilitecolor : {inline : 'font', styles : {backgroundColor : '%value'}},
// Force parsing of the serializer rules
// Check that deprecated elements are allowed if not add them
tinymce.each('b,i,u,strike'.split(','), function(name) {
var rule = serializer.rules[name];
if (!rule)
// Add font element if it's missing
if (!serializer.rules["font"])
// Add the missing and depreacted align attribute for the serialization engine
tinymce.each(alignElements.split(','), function(name) {
var rule = serializer.rules[name], found;
if (rule) {
tinymce.each(rule.attribs, function(name, attr) {
if (attr.name == 'align') {
found = true;
return false;
if (!found)
rule.attribs.push({name : 'align'});
// Listen for the onNodeChange event so that we can do special logic for the font size and font name drop boxes
editor.onNodeChange.add(function(editor, control_manager) {
var control, fontElm, fontName, fontSize;
// Find font element get it's name and size
fontElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'font');
if (fontElm) {
fontName = fontElm.face;
fontSize = fontElm.size;
// Select/unselect the font name in droplist
if (control = control_manager.get('fontselect')) {
control.select(function(value) {
return value == fontName;
// Select/unselect the font size in droplist
if (control = control_manager.get('fontsizeselect')) {
control.select(function(value) {
var index = tinymce.inArray(fontSizes, value.fontSize);
return index + 1 == fontSize;
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'LegacyOutput',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/legacyoutput',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('legacyoutput', tinymce.plugins.LegacyOutput);

View File

@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var each = tinymce.each;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.MediaPlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
t.url = url;
function isMediaElm(n) {
return /^(mceItemFlash|mceItemShockWave|mceItemWindowsMedia|mceItemQuickTime|mceItemRealMedia)$/.test(n.className);
ed.onPreInit.add(function() {
// Force in _value parameter this extra parameter is required for older Opera versions
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceMedia', function() {
file : url + '/media.htm',
width : 430 + parseInt(ed.getLang('media.delta_width', 0)),
height : 470 + parseInt(ed.getLang('media.delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('media', {title : 'media.desc', cmd : 'mceMedia'});
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) {
cm.setActive('media', n.nodeName == 'IMG' && isMediaElm(n));
ed.onInit.add(function() {
var lo = {
mceItemFlash : 'flash',
mceItemShockWave : 'shockwave',
mceItemWindowsMedia : 'windowsmedia',
mceItemQuickTime : 'quicktime',
mceItemRealMedia : 'realmedia'
ed.selection.onSetContent.add(function() {
ed.selection.onBeforeSetContent.add(t._objectsToSpans, t);
if (ed.settings.content_css !== false)
ed.dom.loadCSS(url + "/css/content.css");
if (ed.theme && ed.theme.onResolveName) {
ed.theme.onResolveName.add(function(th, o) {
if (o.name == 'img') {
each(lo, function(v, k) {
if (ed.dom.hasClass(o.node, k)) {
o.name = v;
o.title = ed.dom.getAttrib(o.node, 'title');
return false;
if (ed && ed.plugins.contextmenu) {
ed.plugins.contextmenu.onContextMenu.add(function(th, m, e) {
if (e.nodeName == 'IMG' && /mceItem(Flash|ShockWave|WindowsMedia|QuickTime|RealMedia)/.test(e.className)) {
m.add({title : 'media.edit', icon : 'media', cmd : 'mceMedia'});
ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(t._objectsToSpans, t);
ed.onSetContent.add(function() {
ed.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
var dom = ed.dom;
if (o.set) {
each(dom.select('IMG', o.node), function(n) {
var p;
if (isMediaElm(n)) {
p = t._parse(n.title);
dom.setAttrib(n, 'width', dom.getAttrib(n, 'width', p.width || 100));
dom.setAttrib(n, 'height', dom.getAttrib(n, 'height', p.height || 100));
if (o.get) {
each(dom.select('IMG', o.node), function(n) {
var ci, cb, mt;
if (ed.getParam('media_use_script')) {
if (isMediaElm(n))
n.className = n.className.replace(/mceItem/g, 'mceTemp');
switch (n.className) {
case 'mceItemFlash':
ci = 'd27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000';
cb = 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0';
mt = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
case 'mceItemShockWave':
ci = '166b1bca-3f9c-11cf-8075-444553540000';
cb = 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/director/sw.cab#version=8,5,1,0';
mt = 'application/x-director';
case 'mceItemWindowsMedia':
ci = ed.getParam('media_wmp6_compatible') ? '05589fa1-c356-11ce-bf01-00aa0055595a' : '6bf52a52-394a-11d3-b153-00c04f79faa6';
cb = 'http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=5,1,52,701';
mt = 'application/x-mplayer2';
case 'mceItemQuickTime':
ci = '02bf25d5-8c17-4b23-bc80-d3488abddc6b';
cb = 'http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab#version=6,0,2,0';
mt = 'video/quicktime';
case 'mceItemRealMedia':
ci = 'cfcdaa03-8be4-11cf-b84b-0020afbbccfa';
cb = 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0';
mt = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin';
if (ci) {
classid : ci,
codebase : cb,
type : mt
}, n), n);
ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
o.content = o.content.replace(/_mce_value=/g, 'value=');
function getAttr(s, n) {
n = new RegExp(n + '=\"([^\"]+)\"', 'g').exec(s);
return n ? ed.dom.decode(n[1]) : '';
ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
if (ed.getParam('media_use_script')) {
o.content = o.content.replace(/<img[^>]+>/g, function(im) {
var cl = getAttr(im, 'class');
if (/^(mceTempFlash|mceTempShockWave|mceTempWindowsMedia|mceTempQuickTime|mceTempRealMedia)$/.test(cl)) {
at = t._parse(getAttr(im, 'title'));
at.width = getAttr(im, 'width');
at.height = getAttr(im, 'height');
im = '<script type="text/javascript">write' + cl.substring(7) + '({' + t._serialize(at) + '});</script>';
return im;
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Media',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/media',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Private methods
_objectsToSpans : function(ed, o) {
var t = this, h = o.content;
h = h.replace(/<script[^>]*>\s*write(Flash|ShockWave|WindowsMedia|QuickTime|RealMedia)\(\{([^\)]*)\}\);\s*<\/script>/gi, function(a, b, c) {
var o = t._parse(c);
return '<img class="mceItem' + b + '" title="' + ed.dom.encode(c) + '" src="' + t.url + '/img/trans.gif" width="' + o.width + '" height="' + o.height + '" />'
h = h.replace(/<object([^>]*)>/gi, '<span class="mceItemObject" $1>');
h = h.replace(/<embed([^>]*)\/?>/gi, '<span class="mceItemEmbed" $1></span>');
h = h.replace(/<embed([^>]*)>/gi, '<span class="mceItemEmbed" $1>');
h = h.replace(/<\/(object)([^>]*)>/gi, '</span>');
h = h.replace(/<\/embed>/gi, '');
h = h.replace(/<param([^>]*)>/gi, function(a, b) {return '<span ' + b.replace(/value=/gi, '_mce_value=') + ' class="mceItemParam"></span>'});
h = h.replace(/\/ class=\"mceItemParam\"><\/span>/gi, 'class="mceItemParam"></span>');
o.content = h;
_buildObj : function(o, n) {
var ob, ed = this.editor, dom = ed.dom, p = this._parse(n.title), stc;
stc = ed.getParam('media_strict', true) && o.type == 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
p.width = o.width = dom.getAttrib(n, 'width') || 100;
p.height = o.height = dom.getAttrib(n, 'height') || 100;
if (p.src)
p.src = ed.convertURL(p.src, 'src', n);
if (stc) {
ob = dom.create('span', {
id : p.id,
_mce_name : 'object',
type : 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
data : p.src,
style : dom.getAttrib(n, 'style'),
width : o.width,
height : o.height
} else {
ob = dom.create('span', {
id : p.id,
_mce_name : 'object',
classid : "clsid:" + o.classid,
style : dom.getAttrib(n, 'style'),
codebase : o.codebase,
width : o.width,
height : o.height
each (p, function(v, k) {
if (!/^(width|height|codebase|classid|id|_cx|_cy)$/.test(k)) {
// Use url instead of src in IE for Windows media
if (o.type == 'application/x-mplayer2' && k == 'src' && !p.url)
k = 'url';
if (v)
dom.add(ob, 'span', {_mce_name : 'param', name : k, '_mce_value' : v});
if (!stc)
dom.add(ob, 'span', tinymce.extend({_mce_name : 'embed', type : o.type, style : dom.getAttrib(n, 'style')}, p));
return ob;
_spansToImgs : function(p) {
var t = this, dom = t.editor.dom, im, ci;
each(dom.select('span', p), function(n) {
// Convert object into image
if (dom.getAttrib(n, 'class') == 'mceItemObject') {
ci = dom.getAttrib(n, "classid").toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '');
switch (ci) {
case 'clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemFlash', n), n);
case 'clsid:166b1bca-3f9c-11cf-8075-444553540000':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemShockWave', n), n);
case 'clsid:6bf52a52-394a-11d3-b153-00c04f79faa6':
case 'clsid:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95':
case 'clsid:05589fa1-c356-11ce-bf01-00aa0055595a':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemWindowsMedia', n), n);
case 'clsid:02bf25d5-8c17-4b23-bc80-d3488abddc6b':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemQuickTime', n), n);
case 'clsid:cfcdaa03-8be4-11cf-b84b-0020afbbccfa':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemRealMedia', n), n);
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemFlash', n), n);
// Convert embed into image
if (dom.getAttrib(n, 'class') == 'mceItemEmbed') {
switch (dom.getAttrib(n, 'type')) {
case 'application/x-shockwave-flash':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemFlash', n), n);
case 'application/x-director':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemShockWave', n), n);
case 'application/x-mplayer2':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemWindowsMedia', n), n);
case 'video/quicktime':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemQuickTime', n), n);
case 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin':
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemRealMedia', n), n);
dom.replace(t._createImg('mceItemFlash', n), n);
_createImg : function(cl, n) {
var im, dom = this.editor.dom, pa = {}, ti = '', args;
args = ['id', 'name', 'width', 'height', 'bgcolor', 'align', 'flashvars', 'src', 'wmode', 'allowfullscreen', 'quality', 'data'];
// Create image
im = dom.create('img', {
src : this.url + '/img/trans.gif',
width : dom.getAttrib(n, 'width') || 100,
height : dom.getAttrib(n, 'height') || 100,
style : dom.getAttrib(n, 'style'),
'class' : cl
// Setup base parameters
each(args, function(na) {
var v = dom.getAttrib(n, na);
if (v)
pa[na] = v;
// Add optional parameters
each(dom.select('span', n), function(n) {
if (dom.hasClass(n, 'mceItemParam'))
pa[dom.getAttrib(n, 'name')] = dom.getAttrib(n, '_mce_value');
// Use src not movie
if (pa.movie) {
pa.src = pa.movie;
delete pa.movie;
// No src try data
if (!pa.src) {
pa.src = pa.data;
delete pa.data;
// Merge with embed args
n = dom.select('.mceItemEmbed', n)[0];
if (n) {
each(args, function(na) {
var v = dom.getAttrib(n, na);
if (v && !pa[na])
pa[na] = v;
delete pa.width;
delete pa.height;
im.title = this._serialize(pa);
return im;
_parse : function(s) {
return tinymce.util.JSON.parse('{' + s + '}');
_serialize : function(o) {
return tinymce.util.JSON.serialize(o).replace(/[{}]/g, '');
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('media', tinymce.plugins.MediaPlugin);

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Nonbreaking', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceNonBreaking', function() {
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, (ed.plugins.visualchars && ed.plugins.visualchars.state) ? '<span class="mceItemHidden mceVisualNbsp">&middot;</span>' : '&nbsp;');
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('nonbreaking', {title : 'nonbreaking.nonbreaking_desc', cmd : 'mceNonBreaking'});
if (ed.getParam('nonbreaking_force_tab')) {
ed.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, e) {
if (tinymce.isIE && e.keyCode == 9) {
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Nonbreaking space',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/nonbreaking',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Private methods
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('nonbreaking', tinymce.plugins.Nonbreaking);

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var Event = tinymce.dom.Event;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.NonEditablePlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this, editClass, nonEditClass;
t.editor = ed;
editClass = ed.getParam("noneditable_editable_class", "mceEditable");
nonEditClass = ed.getParam("noneditable_noneditable_class", "mceNonEditable");
ed.onNodeChange.addToTop(function(ed, cm, n) {
var sc, ec;
// Block if start or end is inside a non editable element
sc = ed.dom.getParent(ed.selection.getStart(), function(n) {
return ed.dom.hasClass(n, nonEditClass);
ec = ed.dom.getParent(ed.selection.getEnd(), function(n) {
return ed.dom.hasClass(n, nonEditClass);
// Block or unblock
if (sc || ec) {
return false;
} else
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Non editable elements',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/noneditable',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
_block : function(ed, e) {
var k = e.keyCode;
// Don't block arrow keys, pg up/down, and F1-F12
if ((k > 32 && k < 41) || (k > 111 && k < 124))
return Event.cancel(e);
_setDisabled : function(s) {
var t = this, ed = t.editor;
tinymce.each(ed.controlManager.controls, function(c) {
if (s !== t.disabled) {
if (s) {
} else {
t.disabled = s;
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('noneditable', tinymce.plugins.NonEditablePlugin);

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.PageBreakPlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var pb = '<img src="' + url + '/img/trans.gif" class="mcePageBreak mceItemNoResize" />', cls = 'mcePageBreak', sep = ed.getParam('pagebreak_separator', '<!-- pagebreak -->'), pbRE;
pbRE = new RegExp(sep.replace(/[\?\.\*\[\]\(\)\{\}\+\^\$\:]/g, function(a) {return '\\' + a;}), 'g');
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mcePageBreak', function() {
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', 0, pb);
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('pagebreak', {title : 'pagebreak.desc', cmd : cls});
ed.onInit.add(function() {
if (ed.settings.content_css !== false)
ed.dom.loadCSS(url + "/css/content.css");
if (ed.theme.onResolveName) {
ed.theme.onResolveName.add(function(th, o) {
if (o.node.nodeName == 'IMG' && ed.dom.hasClass(o.node, cls))
o.name = 'pagebreak';
ed.onClick.add(function(ed, e) {
e = e.target;
if (e.nodeName === 'IMG' && ed.dom.hasClass(e, cls))
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) {
cm.setActive('pagebreak', n.nodeName === 'IMG' && ed.dom.hasClass(n, cls));
ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
o.content = o.content.replace(pbRE, pb);
ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
if (o.get)
o.content = o.content.replace(/<img[^>]+>/g, function(im) {
if (im.indexOf('class="mcePageBreak') !== -1)
im = sep;
return im;
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'PageBreak',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/pagebreak',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('pagebreak', tinymce.plugins.PageBreakPlugin);

View File

@ -1,929 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var each = tinymce.each,
entities = null,
defs = {
paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true,
paste_block_drop : false,
paste_retain_style_properties : "none",
paste_strip_class_attributes : "mso",
paste_remove_spans : false,
paste_remove_styles : false,
paste_remove_styles_if_webkit : true,
paste_convert_middot_lists : true,
paste_convert_headers_to_strong : false,
paste_dialog_width : "450",
paste_dialog_height : "400",
paste_text_use_dialog : false,
paste_text_sticky : false,
paste_text_notifyalways : false,
paste_text_linebreaktype : "p",
paste_text_replacements : [
[/\u2026/g, "..."],
[/[\x93\x94\u201c\u201d]/g, '"'],
[/[\x60\x91\x92\u2018\u2019]/g, "'"]
function getParam(ed, name) {
return ed.getParam(name, defs[name]);
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.PastePlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
t.url = url;
// Setup plugin events
t.onPreProcess = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);
t.onPostProcess = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);
// Register default handlers
// Register optional preprocess handler
t.onPreProcess.add(function(pl, o) {
ed.execCallback('paste_preprocess', pl, o);
// Register optional postprocess
t.onPostProcess.add(function(pl, o) {
ed.execCallback('paste_postprocess', pl, o);
// Initialize plain text flag
ed.pasteAsPlainText = false;
// This function executes the process handlers and inserts the contents
// force_rich overrides plain text mode set by user, important for pasting with execCommand
function process(o, force_rich) {
var dom = ed.dom;
// Execute pre process handlers
t.onPreProcess.dispatch(t, o);
// Create DOM structure
o.node = dom.create('div', 0, o.content);
// Execute post process handlers
t.onPostProcess.dispatch(t, o);
// Serialize content
o.content = ed.serializer.serialize(o.node, {getInner : 1});
// Plain text option active?
if ((!force_rich) && (ed.pasteAsPlainText)) {
t._insertPlainText(ed, dom, o.content);
if (!getParam(ed, "paste_text_sticky")) {
ed.pasteAsPlainText = false;
ed.controlManager.setActive("pastetext", false);
} else if (/<(p|h[1-6]|ul|ol)/.test(o.content)) {
// Handle insertion of contents containing block elements separately
t._insertBlockContent(ed, dom, o.content);
} else {
// Add command for external usage
ed.addCommand('mceInsertClipboardContent', function(u, o) {
process(o, true);
if (!getParam(ed, "paste_text_use_dialog")) {
ed.addCommand('mcePasteText', function(u, v) {
var cookie = tinymce.util.Cookie;
ed.pasteAsPlainText = !ed.pasteAsPlainText;
ed.controlManager.setActive('pastetext', ed.pasteAsPlainText);
if ((ed.pasteAsPlainText) && (!cookie.get("tinymcePasteText"))) {
if (getParam(ed, "paste_text_sticky")) {
ed.windowManager.alert("Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode. After you paste something you will be returned to regular paste mode.");
} else {
ed.windowManager.alert("Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode.");
if (!getParam(ed, "paste_text_notifyalways")) {
cookie.set("tinymcePasteText", "1", new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + 1, 12, 31))
ed.addButton('pastetext', {title: 'paste.paste_text_desc', cmd: 'mcePasteText'});
ed.addButton('selectall', {title: 'paste.selectall_desc', cmd: 'selectall'});
// This function grabs the contents from the clipboard by adding a
// hidden div and placing the caret inside it and after the browser paste
// is done it grabs that contents and processes that
function grabContent(e) {
var n, or, rng, sel = ed.selection, dom = ed.dom, body = ed.getBody(), posY;
if (dom.get('_mcePaste'))
// Create container to paste into
n = dom.add(body, 'div', {id : '_mcePaste', 'class' : 'mcePaste'}, '\uFEFF');
// If contentEditable mode we need to find out the position of the closest element
if (body != ed.getDoc().body)
posY = dom.getPos(ed.selection.getStart(), body).y;
posY = body.scrollTop;
// Styles needs to be applied after the element is added to the document since WebKit will otherwise remove all styles
dom.setStyles(n, {
position : 'absolute',
left : -10000,
top : posY,
width : 1,
height : 1,
overflow : 'hidden'
if (tinymce.isIE) {
// Select the container
rng = dom.doc.body.createTextRange();
// Remove container
// Check if the contents was changed, if it wasn't then clipboard extraction failed probably due
// to IE security settings so we pass the junk though better than nothing right
if (n.innerHTML === '\uFEFF') {
// Process contents
process({content : n.innerHTML});
// Block the real paste event
return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e);
} else {
function block(e) {
// Block mousedown and click to prevent selection change
dom.bind(ed.getDoc(), 'mousedown', block);
dom.bind(ed.getDoc(), 'keydown', block);
or = ed.selection.getRng();
// Move caret into hidden div
n = n.firstChild;
rng = ed.getDoc().createRange();
rng.setStart(n, 0);
rng.setEnd(n, 1);
// Wait a while and grab the pasted contents
window.setTimeout(function() {
var h = '', nl = dom.select('div.mcePaste');
// WebKit will split the div into multiple ones so this will loop through then all and join them to get the whole HTML string
each(nl, function(n) {
// WebKit duplicates the divs so we need to remove them
each(dom.select('div.mcePaste', n), function(n) {
dom.remove(n, 1);
// Contents in WebKit is sometimes wrapped in a apple style span so we need to grab it from that one
h += (dom.select('> span.Apple-style-span div', n)[0] || dom.select('> span.Apple-style-span', n)[0] || n).innerHTML;
// Remove the nodes
each(nl, function(n) {
// Restore the old selection
if (or)
process({content : h});
// Unblock events ones we got the contents
dom.unbind(ed.getDoc(), 'mousedown', block);
dom.unbind(ed.getDoc(), 'keydown', block);
}, 0);
// Check if we should use the new auto process method
if (getParam(ed, "paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste")) {
// Is it's Opera or older FF use key handler
if (tinymce.isOpera || /Firefox\/2/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
ed.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, e) {
if (((tinymce.isMac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 86) || (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 45))
} else {
// Grab contents on paste event on Gecko and WebKit
ed.onPaste.addToTop(function(ed, e) {
return grabContent(e);
// Block all drag/drop events
if (getParam(ed, "paste_block_drop")) {
ed.onInit.add(function() {
ed.dom.bind(ed.getBody(), ['dragend', 'dragover', 'draggesture', 'dragdrop', 'drop', 'drag'], function(e) {
return false;
// Add legacy support
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Paste text/word',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/paste',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
_preProcess : function(pl, o) {
//console.log('Before preprocess:' + o.content);
var ed = this.editor,
h = o.content,
grep = tinymce.grep,
explode = tinymce.explode,
trim = tinymce.trim,
len, stripClass;
function process(items) {
each(items, function(v) {
// Remove or replace
if (v.constructor == RegExp)
h = h.replace(v, '');
h = h.replace(v[0], v[1]);
// Detect Word content and process it more aggressive
if (/class="?Mso|style="[^"]*\bmso-|w:WordDocument/i.test(h) || o.wordContent) {
o.wordContent = true; // Mark the pasted contents as word specific content
//console.log('Word contents detected.');
// Process away some basic content
/^\s*(&nbsp;)+/gi, // &nbsp; entities at the start of contents
/(&nbsp;|<br[^>]*>)+\s*$/gi // &nbsp; entities at the end of contents
if (getParam(ed, "paste_convert_headers_to_strong")) {
h = h.replace(/<p [^>]*class="?MsoHeading"?[^>]*>(.*?)<\/p>/gi, "<p><strong>$1</strong></p>");
if (getParam(ed, "paste_convert_middot_lists")) {
[/<!--\[if !supportLists\]-->/gi, '$&__MCE_ITEM__'], // Convert supportLists to a list item marker
[/(<span[^>]+(?:mso-list:|:\s*symbol)[^>]+>)/gi, '$1__MCE_ITEM__'] // Convert mso-list and symbol spans to item markers
// Word comments like conditional comments etc
// Remove comments, scripts (e.g., msoShowComment), XML tag, VML content, MS Office namespaced tags, and a few other tags
// Convert <s> into <strike> for line-though
[/<(\/?)s>/gi, "<$1strike>"],
// Replace nsbp entites to char since it's easier to handle
[/&nbsp;/gi, "\u00a0"]
// Remove bad attributes, with or without quotes, ensuring that attribute text is really inside a tag.
// If JavaScript had a RegExp look-behind, we could have integrated this with the last process() array and got rid of the loop. But alas, it does not, so we cannot.
do {
len = h.length;
h = h.replace(/(<[a-z][^>]*\s)(?:id|name|language|type|on\w+|\w+:\w+)=(?:"[^"]*"|\w+)\s?/gi, "$1");
} while (len != h.length);
// Remove all spans if no styles is to be retained
if (getParam(ed, "paste_retain_style_properties").replace(/^none$/i, "").length == 0) {
h = h.replace(/<\/?span[^>]*>/gi, "");
} else {
// We're keeping styles, so at least clean them up.
// CSS Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa155477.aspx
// Convert <span style="mso-spacerun:yes">___</span> to string of alternating breaking/non-breaking spaces of same length
function(str, spaces) {
return (spaces.length > 0)? spaces.replace(/./, " ").slice(Math.floor(spaces.length/2)).split("").join("\u00a0") : "";
// Examine all styles: delete junk, transform some, and keep the rest
function(str, tag, style) {
var n = [],
i = 0,
s = explode(trim(style).replace(/&quot;/gi, "'"), ";");
// Examine each style definition within the tag's style attribute
each(s, function(v) {
var name, value,
parts = explode(v, ":");
function ensureUnits(v) {
return v + ((v !== "0") && (/\d$/.test(v)))? "px" : "";
if (parts.length == 2) {
name = parts[0].toLowerCase();
value = parts[1].toLowerCase();
// Translate certain MS Office styles into their CSS equivalents
switch (name) {
case "mso-padding-alt":
case "mso-padding-top-alt":
case "mso-padding-right-alt":
case "mso-padding-bottom-alt":
case "mso-padding-left-alt":
case "mso-margin-alt":
case "mso-margin-top-alt":
case "mso-margin-right-alt":
case "mso-margin-bottom-alt":
case "mso-margin-left-alt":
case "mso-table-layout-alt":
case "mso-height":
case "mso-width":
case "mso-vertical-align-alt":
n[i++] = name.replace(/^mso-|-alt$/g, "") + ":" + ensureUnits(value);
case "horiz-align":
n[i++] = "text-align:" + value;
case "vert-align":
n[i++] = "vertical-align:" + value;
case "font-color":
case "mso-foreground":
n[i++] = "color:" + value;
case "mso-background":
case "mso-highlight":
n[i++] = "background:" + value;
case "mso-default-height":
n[i++] = "min-height:" + ensureUnits(value);
case "mso-default-width":
n[i++] = "min-width:" + ensureUnits(value);
case "mso-padding-between-alt":
n[i++] = "border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:" + ensureUnits(value);
case "text-line-through":
if ((value == "single") || (value == "double")) {
n[i++] = "text-decoration:line-through";
case "mso-zero-height":
if (value == "yes") {
n[i++] = "display:none";
// Eliminate all MS Office style definitions that have no CSS equivalent by examining the first characters in the name
if (/^(mso|column|font-emph|lang|layout|line-break|list-image|nav|panose|punct|row|ruby|sep|size|src|tab-|table-border|text-(?!align|decor|indent|trans)|top-bar|version|vnd|word-break)/.test(name)) {
// If it reached this point, it must be a valid CSS style
n[i++] = name + ":" + parts[1]; // Lower-case name, but keep value case
// If style attribute contained any valid styles the re-write it; otherwise delete style attribute.
if (i > 0) {
return tag + ' style="' + n.join(';') + '"';
} else {
return tag;
// Replace headers with <strong>
if (getParam(ed, "paste_convert_headers_to_strong")) {
[/<h[1-6][^>]*>/gi, "<p><strong>"],
[/<\/h[1-6][^>]*>/gi, "</strong></p>"]
// Class attribute options are: leave all as-is ("none"), remove all ("all"), or remove only those starting with mso ("mso").
// Note:- paste_strip_class_attributes: "none", verify_css_classes: true is also a good variation.
stripClass = getParam(ed, "paste_strip_class_attributes");
if (stripClass !== "none") {
function removeClasses(match, g1) {
if (stripClass === "all")
return '';
var cls = grep(explode(g1.replace(/^(["'])(.*)\1$/, "$2"), " "),
function(v) {
return (/^(?!mso)/i.test(v));
return cls.length ? ' class="' + cls.join(" ") + '"' : '';
h = h.replace(/ class="([^"]+)"/gi, removeClasses);
h = h.replace(/ class=(\w+)/gi, removeClasses);
// Remove spans option
if (getParam(ed, "paste_remove_spans")) {
h = h.replace(/<\/?span[^>]*>/gi, "");
//console.log('After preprocess:' + h);
o.content = h;
* Various post process items.
_postProcess : function(pl, o) {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, dom = ed.dom, styleProps;
if (o.wordContent) {
// Remove named anchors or TOC links
each(dom.select('a', o.node), function(a) {
if (!a.href || a.href.indexOf('#_Toc') != -1)
dom.remove(a, 1);
if (getParam(ed, "paste_convert_middot_lists")) {
t._convertLists(pl, o);
// Process styles
styleProps = getParam(ed, "paste_retain_style_properties"); // retained properties
// Process only if a string was specified and not equal to "all" or "*"
if ((tinymce.is(styleProps, "string")) && (styleProps !== "all") && (styleProps !== "*")) {
styleProps = tinymce.explode(styleProps.replace(/^none$/i, ""));
// Retains some style properties
each(dom.select('*', o.node), function(el) {
var newStyle = {}, npc = 0, i, sp, sv;
// Store a subset of the existing styles
if (styleProps) {
for (i = 0; i < styleProps.length; i++) {
sp = styleProps[i];
sv = dom.getStyle(el, sp);
if (sv) {
newStyle[sp] = sv;
// Remove all of the existing styles
dom.setAttrib(el, 'style', '');
if (styleProps && npc > 0)
dom.setStyles(el, newStyle); // Add back the stored subset of styles
else // Remove empty span tags that do not have class attributes
if (el.nodeName == 'SPAN' && !el.className)
dom.remove(el, true);
// Remove all style information or only specifically on WebKit to avoid the style bug on that browser
if (getParam(ed, "paste_remove_styles") || (getParam(ed, "paste_remove_styles_if_webkit") && tinymce.isWebKit)) {
each(dom.select('*[style]', o.node), function(el) {
} else {
if (tinymce.isWebKit) {
// We need to compress the styles on WebKit since if you paste <img border="0" /> it will become <img border="0" style="... lots of junk ..." />
// Removing the mce_style that contains the real value will force the Serializer engine to compress the styles
each(dom.select('*', o.node), function(el) {
* Converts the most common bullet and number formats in Office into a real semantic UL/LI list.
_convertLists : function(pl, o) {
var dom = pl.editor.dom, listElm, li, lastMargin = -1, margin, levels = [], lastType, html;
// Convert middot lists into real semantic lists
each(dom.select('p', o.node), function(p) {
var sib, val = '', type, html, idx, parents;
// Get text node value at beginning of paragraph
for (sib = p.firstChild; sib && sib.nodeType == 3; sib = sib.nextSibling)
val += sib.nodeValue;
val = p.innerHTML.replace(/<\/?\w+[^>]*>/gi, '').replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\u00a0');
// Detect unordered lists look for bullets
if (/^(__MCE_ITEM__)+[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8o]\s*\u00a0*/.test(val))
type = 'ul';
// Detect ordered lists 1., a. or ixv.
if (/^__MCE_ITEM__\s*\w+\.\s*\u00a0{2,}/.test(val))
type = 'ol';
// Check if node value matches the list pattern: o&nbsp;&nbsp;
if (type) {
margin = parseFloat(p.style.marginLeft || 0);
if (margin > lastMargin)
if (!listElm || type != lastType) {
listElm = dom.create(type);
dom.insertAfter(listElm, p);
} else {
// Nested list element
if (margin > lastMargin) {
listElm = li.appendChild(dom.create(type));
} else if (margin < lastMargin) {
// Find parent level based on margin value
idx = tinymce.inArray(levels, margin);
parents = dom.getParents(listElm.parentNode, type);
listElm = parents[parents.length - 1 - idx] || listElm;
// Remove middot or number spans if they exists
each(dom.select('span', p), function(span) {
var html = span.innerHTML.replace(/<\/?\w+[^>]*>/gi, '');
// Remove span with the middot or the number
if (type == 'ul' && /^[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8o]/.test(html))
else if (/^[\s\S]*\w+\.(&nbsp;|\u00a0)*\s*/.test(html))
html = p.innerHTML;
// Remove middot/list items
if (type == 'ul')
html = p.innerHTML.replace(/__MCE_ITEM__/g, '').replace(/^[\u2022\u00b7\u00a7\u00d8o]\s*(&nbsp;|\u00a0)+\s*/, '');
html = p.innerHTML.replace(/__MCE_ITEM__/g, '').replace(/^\s*\w+\.(&nbsp;|\u00a0)+\s*/, '');
// Create li and add paragraph data into the new li
li = listElm.appendChild(dom.create('li', 0, html));
lastMargin = margin;
lastType = type;
} else
listElm = lastMargin = 0; // End list element
// Remove any left over makers
html = o.node.innerHTML;
if (html.indexOf('__MCE_ITEM__') != -1)
o.node.innerHTML = html.replace(/__MCE_ITEM__/g, '');
* This method will split the current block parent and insert the contents inside the split position.
* This logic can be improved so text nodes at the start/end remain in the start/end block elements
_insertBlockContent : function(ed, dom, content) {
var parentBlock, marker, sel = ed.selection, last, elm, vp, y, elmHeight, markerId = 'mce_marker';
function select(n) {
var r;
if (tinymce.isIE) {
r = ed.getDoc().body.createTextRange();
} else {
sel.select(n, 1);
// Insert a marker for the caret position
this._insert('<span id="' + markerId + '">&nbsp;</span>', 1);
marker = dom.get(markerId);
parentBlock = dom.getParent(marker, 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,ul,ol,th,td');
// If it's a parent block but not a table cell
if (parentBlock && !/TD|TH/.test(parentBlock.nodeName)) {
// Split parent block
marker = dom.split(parentBlock, marker);
// Insert nodes before the marker
each(dom.create('div', 0, content).childNodes, function(n) {
last = marker.parentNode.insertBefore(n.cloneNode(true), marker);
// Move caret after marker
} else {
dom.setOuterHTML(marker, content);
sel.select(ed.getBody(), 1);
// Remove marker if it's left
while (elm = dom.get(markerId))
// Get element, position and height
elm = sel.getStart();
vp = dom.getViewPort(ed.getWin());
y = ed.dom.getPos(elm).y;
elmHeight = elm.clientHeight;
// Is element within viewport if not then scroll it into view
if (y < vp.y || y + elmHeight > vp.y + vp.h)
ed.getDoc().body.scrollTop = y < vp.y ? y : y - vp.h + 25;
* Inserts the specified contents at the caret position.
_insert : function(h, skip_undo) {
var ed = this.editor;
// First delete the contents seems to work better on WebKit
if (!ed.selection.isCollapsed())
ed.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false, null);
// It's better to use the insertHTML method on Gecko since it will combine paragraphs correctly before inserting the contents
ed.execCommand(tinymce.isGecko ? 'insertHTML' : 'mceInsertContent', false, h, {skip_undo : skip_undo});
* Instead of the old plain text method which tried to re-create a paste operation, the
* new approach adds a plain text mode toggle switch that changes the behavior of paste.
* This function is passed the same input that the regular paste plugin produces.
* It performs additional scrubbing and produces (and inserts) the plain text.
* This approach leverages all of the great existing functionality in the paste
* plugin, and requires minimal changes to add the new functionality.
* Speednet - June 2009
_insertPlainText : function(ed, dom, h) {
var i, len, pos, rpos, node, breakElms, before, after,
w = ed.getWin(),
d = ed.getDoc(),
sel = ed.selection,
is = tinymce.is,
inArray = tinymce.inArray,
linebr = getParam(ed, "paste_text_linebreaktype"),
rl = getParam(ed, "paste_text_replacements");
function process(items) {
each(items, function(v) {
if (v.constructor == RegExp)
h = h.replace(v, "");
h = h.replace(v[0], v[1]);
if ((typeof(h) === "string") && (h.length > 0)) {
if (!entities)
entities = ("34,quot,38,amp,39,apos,60,lt,62,gt," + ed.serializer.settings.entities).split(",");
// If HTML content with line-breaking tags, then remove all cr/lf chars because only tags will break a line
if (/<(?:p|br|h[1-6]|ul|ol|dl|table|t[rdh]|div|blockquote|fieldset|pre|address|center)[^>]*>/i.test(h)) {
} else {
// Otherwise just get rid of carriage returns (only need linefeeds)
[/<\/(?:p|h[1-6]|ul|ol|dl|table|div|blockquote|fieldset|pre|address|center)>/gi, "\n\n"], // Block tags get a blank line after them
[/<br[^>]*>|<\/tr>/gi, "\n"], // Single linebreak for <br /> tags and table rows
[/<\/t[dh]>\s*<t[dh][^>]*>/gi, "\t"], // Table cells get tabs betweem them
/<[a-z!\/?][^>]*>/gi, // Delete all remaining tags
[/&nbsp;/gi, " "], // Convert non-break spaces to regular spaces (remember, *plain text*)
// HTML entity
// Replace with actual character
function(e, s) {
if (s.charAt(0) === "#") {
return String.fromCharCode(s.slice(1));
else {
return ((e = inArray(entities, s)) > 0)? String.fromCharCode(entities[e-1]) : " ";
[/(?:(?!\n)\s)*(\n+)(?:(?!\n)\s)*/gi, "$1"], // Cool little RegExp deletes whitespace around linebreak chars.
[/\n{3,}/g, "\n\n"], // Max. 2 consecutive linebreaks
/^\s+|\s+$/g // Trim the front & back
h = dom.encode(h);
// Delete any highlighted text before pasting
if (!sel.isCollapsed()) {
d.execCommand("Delete", false, null);
// Perform default or custom replacements
if (is(rl, "array") || (is(rl, "array"))) {
else if (is(rl, "string")) {
process(new RegExp(rl, "gi"));
// Treat paragraphs as specified in the config
if (linebr == "none") {
[/\n+/g, " "]
else if (linebr == "br") {
[/\n/g, "<br />"]
else {
[/\n\n/g, "</p><p>"],
[/\n/g, "<br />"]
// This next piece of code handles the situation where we're pasting more than one paragraph of plain
// text, and we are pasting the content into the middle of a block node in the editor. The block
// node gets split at the selection point into "Para A" and "Para B" (for the purposes of explaining).
// The first paragraph of the pasted text is appended to "Para A", and the last paragraph of the
// pasted text is prepended to "Para B". Any other paragraphs of pasted text are placed between
// "Para A" and "Para B". This code solves a host of problems with the original plain text plugin and
// now handles styles correctly. (Pasting plain text into a styled paragraph is supposed to make the
// plain text take the same style as the existing paragraph.)
if ((pos = h.indexOf("</p><p>")) != -1) {
rpos = h.lastIndexOf("</p><p>");
node = sel.getNode();
breakElms = []; // Get list of elements to break
do {
if (node.nodeType == 1) {
// Don't break tables and break at body
if (node.nodeName == "TD" || node.nodeName == "BODY") {
breakElms[breakElms.length] = node;
} while (node = node.parentNode);
// Are we in the middle of a block node?
if (breakElms.length > 0) {
before = h.substring(0, pos);
after = "";
for (i=0, len=breakElms.length; i<len; i++) {
before += "</" + breakElms[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() + ">";
after += "<" + breakElms[breakElms.length-i-1].nodeName.toLowerCase() + ">";
if (pos == rpos) {
h = before + after + h.substring(pos+7);
else {
h = before + h.substring(pos+4, rpos+4) + after + h.substring(rpos+7);
// Insert content at the caret, plus add a marker for repositioning the caret
ed.execCommand("mceInsertRawHTML", false, h + '<span id="_plain_text_marker">&nbsp;</span>');
// Reposition the caret to the marker, which was placed immediately after the inserted content.
// Needs to be done asynchronously (in window.setTimeout) or else it doesn't work in all browsers.
// The second part of the code scrolls the content up if the caret is positioned off-screen.
// This is only necessary for WebKit browsers, but it doesn't hurt to use for all.
window.setTimeout(function() {
var marker = dom.get('_plain_text_marker'),
elm, vp, y, elmHeight;
sel.select(marker, false);
d.execCommand("Delete", false, null);
marker = null;
// Get element, position and height
elm = sel.getStart();
vp = dom.getViewPort(w);
y = dom.getPos(elm).y;
elmHeight = elm.clientHeight;
// Is element within viewport if not then scroll it into view
if ((y < vp.y) || (y + elmHeight > vp.y + vp.h)) {
d.body.scrollTop = y < vp.y ? y : y - vp.h + 25;
}, 0);
* This method will open the old style paste dialogs. Some users might want the old behavior but still use the new cleanup engine.
_legacySupport : function() {
var t = this, ed = t.editor;
// Register command(s) for backwards compatibility
ed.addCommand("mcePasteWord", function() {
file: t.url + "/pasteword.htm",
width: parseInt(getParam(ed, "paste_dialog_width")),
height: parseInt(getParam(ed, "paste_dialog_height")),
inline: 1
if (getParam(ed, "paste_text_use_dialog")) {
ed.addCommand("mcePasteText", function() {
file : t.url + "/pastetext.htm",
width: parseInt(getParam(ed, "paste_dialog_width")),
height: parseInt(getParam(ed, "paste_dialog_height")),
inline : 1
// Register button for backwards compatibility
ed.addButton("pasteword", {title : "paste.paste_word_desc", cmd : "mcePasteWord"});
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add("paste", tinymce.plugins.PastePlugin);

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Preview', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this, css = tinymce.explode(ed.settings.content_css);
t.editor = ed;
// Force absolute CSS urls
tinymce.each(css, function(u, k) {
css[k] = ed.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(u);
ed.addCommand('mcePreview', function() {
file : ed.getParam("plugin_preview_pageurl", url + "/preview.html"),
width : parseInt(ed.getParam("plugin_preview_width", "550")),
height : parseInt(ed.getParam("plugin_preview_height", "600")),
resizable : "yes",
scrollbars : "yes",
popup_css : css ? css.join(',') : ed.baseURI.toAbsolute("themes/" + ed.settings.theme + "/skins/" + ed.settings.skin + "/content.css"),
inline : ed.getParam("plugin_preview_inline", 1)
}, {
base : ed.documentBaseURI.getURI()
ed.addButton('preview', {title : 'preview.preview_desc', cmd : 'mcePreview'});
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Preview',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/preview',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('preview', tinymce.plugins.Preview);

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Print', {
init : function(ed, url) {
ed.addCommand('mcePrint', function() {
ed.addButton('print', {title : 'print.print_desc', cmd : 'mcePrint'});
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Print',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/print',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('print', tinymce.plugins.Print);

View File

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Save', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceSave', t._save, t);
ed.addCommand('mceCancel', t._cancel, t);
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('save', {title : 'save.save_desc', cmd : 'mceSave'});
ed.addButton('cancel', {title : 'save.cancel_desc', cmd : 'mceCancel'});
ed.onNodeChange.add(t._nodeChange, t);
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+s', ed.getLang('save.save_desc'), 'mceSave');
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Save',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/save',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Private methods
_nodeChange : function(ed, cm, n) {
var ed = this.editor;
if (ed.getParam('save_enablewhendirty')) {
cm.setDisabled('save', !ed.isDirty());
cm.setDisabled('cancel', !ed.isDirty());
// Private methods
_save : function() {
var ed = this.editor, formObj, os, i, elementId;
formObj = tinymce.DOM.get(ed.id).form || tinymce.DOM.getParent(ed.id, 'form');
if (ed.getParam("save_enablewhendirty") && !ed.isDirty())
// Use callback instead
if (os = ed.getParam("save_onsavecallback")) {
if (ed.execCallback('save_onsavecallback', ed)) {
ed.startContent = tinymce.trim(ed.getContent({format : 'raw'}));
if (formObj) {
ed.isNotDirty = true;
if (formObj.onsubmit == null || formObj.onsubmit() != false)
} else
ed.windowManager.alert("Error: No form element found.");
_cancel : function() {
var ed = this.editor, os, h = tinymce.trim(ed.startContent);
// Use callback instead
if (os = ed.getParam("save_oncancelcallback")) {
ed.execCallback('save_oncancelcallback', ed);
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('save', tinymce.plugins.Save);

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.SearchReplacePlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
function open(m) {
file : url + '/searchreplace.htm',
width : 420 + parseInt(ed.getLang('searchreplace.delta_width', 0)),
height : 170 + parseInt(ed.getLang('searchreplace.delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1,
auto_focus : 0
}, {
mode : m,
search_string : ed.selection.getContent({format : 'text'}),
plugin_url : url
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceSearch', function() {
ed.addCommand('mceReplace', function() {
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('search', {title : 'searchreplace.search_desc', cmd : 'mceSearch'});
ed.addButton('replace', {title : 'searchreplace.replace_desc', cmd : 'mceReplace'});
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+f', 'searchreplace.search_desc', 'mceSearch');
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Search/Replace',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/searchreplace',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('searchreplace', tinymce.plugins.SearchReplacePlugin);

View File

@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var JSONRequest = tinymce.util.JSONRequest, each = tinymce.each, DOM = tinymce.DOM;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.SpellcheckerPlugin', {
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Spellchecker',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/spellchecker',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this, cm;
t.url = url;
t.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceSpellCheck', function() {
if (!t.active) {
t._sendRPC('checkWords', [t.selectedLang, t._getWords()], function(r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
t.active = 1;
} else {
} else
ed.onInit.add(function() {
if (ed.settings.content_css !== false)
ed.dom.loadCSS(url + '/css/content.css');
ed.onClick.add(t._showMenu, t);
ed.onContextMenu.add(t._showMenu, t);
ed.onBeforeGetContent.add(function() {
if (t.active)
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm) {
cm.setActive('spellchecker', t.active);
ed.onSetContent.add(function() {
ed.onBeforeGetContent.add(function() {
ed.onBeforeExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd) {
if (cmd == 'mceFullScreen')
// Find selected language
t.languages = {};
each(ed.getParam('spellchecker_languages', '+English=en,Danish=da,Dutch=nl,Finnish=fi,French=fr,German=de,Italian=it,Polish=pl,Portuguese=pt,Spanish=es,Swedish=sv', 'hash'), function(v, k) {
if (k.indexOf('+') === 0) {
k = k.substring(1);
t.selectedLang = v;
t.languages[k] = v;
createControl : function(n, cm) {
var t = this, c, ed = t.editor;
if (n == 'spellchecker') {
c = cm.createSplitButton(n, {title : 'spellchecker.desc', cmd : 'mceSpellCheck', scope : t});
c.onRenderMenu.add(function(c, m) {
m.add({title : 'spellchecker.langs', 'class' : 'mceMenuItemTitle'}).setDisabled(1);
each(t.languages, function(v, k) {
var o = {icon : 1}, mi;
o.onclick = function() {
t.selectedItem = mi;
t.selectedLang = v;
o.title = k;
mi = m.add(o);
mi.setSelected(v == t.selectedLang);
if (v == t.selectedLang)
t.selectedItem = mi;
return c;
// Internal functions
_walk : function(n, f) {
var d = this.editor.getDoc(), w;
if (d.createTreeWalker) {
w = d.createTreeWalker(n, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
while ((n = w.nextNode()) != null)
f.call(this, n);
} else
tinymce.walk(n, f, 'childNodes');
_getSeparators : function() {
var re = '', i, str = this.editor.getParam('spellchecker_word_separator_chars', '\\s!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}§©«®±¶·¸»¼½¾¿×÷¤\u201d\u201c');
// Build word separator regexp
for (i=0; i<str.length; i++)
re += '\\' + str.charAt(i);
return re;
_getWords : function() {
var ed = this.editor, wl = [], tx = '', lo = {};
// Get area text
this._walk(ed.getBody(), function(n) {
if (n.nodeType == 3)
tx += n.nodeValue + ' ';
// Split words by separator
tx = tx.replace(new RegExp('([0-9]|[' + this._getSeparators() + '])', 'g'), ' ');
tx = tinymce.trim(tx.replace(/(\s+)/g, ' '));
// Build word array and remove duplicates
each(tx.split(' '), function(v) {
if (!lo[v]) {
lo[v] = 1;
return wl;
_removeWords : function(w) {
var ed = this.editor, dom = ed.dom, se = ed.selection, b = se.getBookmark();
each(dom.select('span').reverse(), function(n) {
if (n && (dom.hasClass(n, 'mceItemHiddenSpellWord') || dom.hasClass(n, 'mceItemHidden'))) {
if (!w || dom.decode(n.innerHTML) == w)
dom.remove(n, 1);
_markWords : function(wl) {
var r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, w = '', ed = this.editor, re = this._getSeparators(), dom = ed.dom, nl = [];
var se = ed.selection, b = se.getBookmark();
each(wl, function(v) {
w += (w ? '|' : '') + v;
r1 = new RegExp('([' + re + '])(' + w + ')([' + re + '])', 'g');
r2 = new RegExp('^(' + w + ')', 'g');
r3 = new RegExp('(' + w + ')([' + re + ']?)$', 'g');
r4 = new RegExp('^(' + w + ')([' + re + ']?)$', 'g');
r5 = new RegExp('(' + w + ')([' + re + '])', 'g');
// Collect all text nodes
this._walk(this.editor.getBody(), function(n) {
if (n.nodeType == 3) {
// Wrap incorrect words in spans
each(nl, function(n) {
var v;
if (n.nodeType == 3) {
v = n.nodeValue;
if (r1.test(v) || r2.test(v) || r3.test(v) || r4.test(v)) {
v = dom.encode(v);
v = v.replace(r5, '<span class="mceItemHiddenSpellWord">$1</span>$2');
v = v.replace(r3, '<span class="mceItemHiddenSpellWord">$1</span>$2');
dom.replace(dom.create('span', {'class' : 'mceItemHidden'}, v), n);
_showMenu : function(ed, e) {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, m = t._menu, p1, dom = ed.dom, vp = dom.getViewPort(ed.getWin());
if (!m) {
p1 = DOM.getPos(ed.getContentAreaContainer());
//p2 = DOM.getPos(ed.getContainer());
m = ed.controlManager.createDropMenu('spellcheckermenu', {
offset_x : p1.x,
offset_y : p1.y,
'class' : 'mceNoIcons'
t._menu = m;
if (dom.hasClass(e.target, 'mceItemHiddenSpellWord')) {
m.add({title : 'spellchecker.wait', 'class' : 'mceMenuItemTitle'}).setDisabled(1);
t._sendRPC('getSuggestions', [t.selectedLang, dom.decode(e.target.innerHTML)], function(r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
m.add({title : 'spellchecker.sug', 'class' : 'mceMenuItemTitle'}).setDisabled(1);
each(r, function(v) {
m.add({title : v, onclick : function() {
dom.replace(ed.getDoc().createTextNode(v), e.target);
} else
m.add({title : 'spellchecker.no_sug', 'class' : 'mceMenuItemTitle'}).setDisabled(1);
title : 'spellchecker.ignore_word',
onclick : function() {
dom.remove(e.target, 1);
title : 'spellchecker.ignore_words',
onclick : function() {
p1 = dom.getPos(e.target);
m.showMenu(p1.x, p1.y + e.target.offsetHeight - vp.y);
return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e);
} else
_checkDone : function() {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, dom = ed.dom, o;
each(dom.select('span'), function(n) {
if (n && dom.hasClass(n, 'mceItemHiddenSpellWord')) {
o = true;
return false;
if (!o)
_done : function() {
var t = this, la = t.active;
if (t.active) {
t.active = 0;
if (t._menu)
if (la)
_sendRPC : function(m, p, cb) {
var t = this, url = t.editor.getParam("spellchecker_rpc_url", "{backend}");
if (url == '{backend}') {
alert('Please specify: spellchecker_rpc_url');
url : url,
method : m,
params : p,
success : cb,
error : function(e, x) {
t.editor.windowManager.alert(e.errstr || ('Error response: ' + x.responseText));
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('spellchecker', tinymce.plugins.SpellcheckerPlugin);

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.StylePlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceStyleProps', function() {
file : url + '/props.htm',
width : 480 + parseInt(ed.getLang('style.delta_width', 0)),
height : 320 + parseInt(ed.getLang('style.delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url,
style_text : ed.selection.getNode().style.cssText
ed.addCommand('mceSetElementStyle', function(ui, v) {
if (e = ed.selection.getNode()) {
ed.dom.setAttrib(e, 'style', v);
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) {
cm.setDisabled('styleprops', n.nodeName === 'BODY');
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('styleprops', {title : 'style.desc', cmd : 'mceStyleProps'});
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Style',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/style',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('style', tinymce.plugins.StylePlugin);

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, explode = tinymce.explode;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TabFocusPlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
function tabCancel(ed, e) {
if (e.keyCode === 9)
return Event.cancel(e);
function tabHandler(ed, e) {
var x, i, f, el, v;
function find(d) {
f = DOM.getParent(ed.id, 'form');
el = f.elements;
if (f) {
each(el, function(e, i) {
if (e.id == ed.id) {
x = i;
return false;
if (d > 0) {
for (i = x + 1; i < el.length; i++) {
if (el[i].type != 'hidden')
return el[i];
} else {
for (i = x - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (el[i].type != 'hidden')
return el[i];
return null;
if (e.keyCode === 9) {
v = explode(ed.getParam('tab_focus', ed.getParam('tabfocus_elements', ':prev,:next')));
if (v.length == 1) {
v[1] = v[0];
v[0] = ':prev';
// Find element to focus
if (e.shiftKey) {
if (v[0] == ':prev')
el = find(-1);
el = DOM.get(v[0]);
} else {
if (v[1] == ':next')
el = find(1);
el = DOM.get(v[1]);
if (el) {
if (ed = tinymce.get(el.id || el.name))
window.setTimeout(function() {window.focus();el.focus();}, 10);
return Event.cancel(e);
if (tinymce.isGecko) {
} else
ed.onInit.add(function() {
each(DOM.select('a:first,a:last', ed.getContainer()), function(n) {
Event.add(n, 'focus', function() {ed.focus();});
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Tabfocus',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/tabfocus',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('tabfocus', tinymce.plugins.TabFocusPlugin);

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var each = tinymce.each;
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TemplatePlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceTemplate', function(ui) {
file : url + '/template.htm',
width : ed.getParam('template_popup_width', 750),
height : ed.getParam('template_popup_height', 600),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
ed.addCommand('mceInsertTemplate', t._insertTemplate, t);
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('template', {title : 'template.desc', cmd : 'mceTemplate'});
ed.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
var dom = ed.dom;
each(dom.select('div', o.node), function(e) {
if (dom.hasClass(e, 'mceTmpl')) {
each(dom.select('*', e), function(e) {
if (dom.hasClass(e, ed.getParam('template_mdate_classes', 'mdate').replace(/\s+/g, '|')))
e.innerHTML = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("template_mdate_format", ed.getLang("template.mdate_format")));
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Template plugin',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://www.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/template',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
_insertTemplate : function(ui, v) {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, h, el, dom = ed.dom, sel = ed.selection.getContent();
h = v.content;
each(t.editor.getParam('template_replace_values'), function(v, k) {
if (typeof(v) != 'function')
h = h.replace(new RegExp('\\{\\$' + k + '\\}', 'g'), v);
el = dom.create('div', null, h);
// Find template element within div
n = dom.select('.mceTmpl', el);
if (n && n.length > 0) {
el = dom.create('div', null);
function hasClass(n, c) {
return new RegExp('\\b' + c + '\\b', 'g').test(n.className);
each(dom.select('*', el), function(n) {
// Replace cdate
if (hasClass(n, ed.getParam('template_cdate_classes', 'cdate').replace(/\s+/g, '|')))
n.innerHTML = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("template_cdate_format", ed.getLang("template.cdate_format")));
// Replace mdate
if (hasClass(n, ed.getParam('template_mdate_classes', 'mdate').replace(/\s+/g, '|')))
n.innerHTML = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("template_mdate_format", ed.getLang("template.mdate_format")));
// Replace selection
if (hasClass(n, ed.getParam('template_selected_content_classes', 'selcontent').replace(/\s+/g, '|')))
n.innerHTML = sel;
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, el.innerHTML);
_replaceVals : function(e) {
var dom = this.editor.dom, vl = this.editor.getParam('template_replace_values');
each(dom.select('*', e), function(e) {
each(vl, function(v, k) {
if (dom.hasClass(e, k)) {
if (typeof(vl[k]) == 'function')
_getDateTime : function(d, fmt) {
if (!fmt)
return "";
function addZeros(value, len) {
var i;
value = "" + value;
if (value.length < len) {
for (i=0; i<(len-value.length); i++)
value = "0" + value;
return value;
fmt = fmt.replace("%D", "%m/%d/%y");
fmt = fmt.replace("%r", "%I:%M:%S %p");
fmt = fmt.replace("%Y", "" + d.getFullYear());
fmt = fmt.replace("%y", "" + d.getYear());
fmt = fmt.replace("%m", addZeros(d.getMonth()+1, 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%d", addZeros(d.getDate(), 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%H", "" + addZeros(d.getHours(), 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%M", "" + addZeros(d.getMinutes(), 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%S", "" + addZeros(d.getSeconds(), 2));
fmt = fmt.replace("%I", "" + ((d.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1));
fmt = fmt.replace("%p", "" + (d.getHours() < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"));
fmt = fmt.replace("%B", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_months_long").split(',')[d.getMonth()]);
fmt = fmt.replace("%b", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_months_short").split(',')[d.getMonth()]);
fmt = fmt.replace("%A", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_day_long").split(',')[d.getDay()]);
fmt = fmt.replace("%a", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_day_short").split(',')[d.getDay()]);
fmt = fmt.replace("%%", "%");
return fmt;
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('template', tinymce.plugins.TemplatePlugin);

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.VisualChars', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceVisualChars', t._toggleVisualChars, t);
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('visualchars', {title : 'visualchars.desc', cmd : 'mceVisualChars'});
ed.onBeforeGetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
if (t.state) {
t.state = true;
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Visual characters',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/visualchars',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Private methods
_toggleVisualChars : function() {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, nl, i, h, d = ed.getDoc(), b = ed.getBody(), nv, s = ed.selection, bo;
t.state = !t.state;
ed.controlManager.setActive('visualchars', t.state);
if (t.state) {
nl = [];
tinymce.walk(b, function(n) {
if (n.nodeType == 3 && n.nodeValue && n.nodeValue.indexOf('\u00a0') != -1)
}, 'childNodes');
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
nv = nl[i].nodeValue;
nv = nv.replace(/(\u00a0+)/g, '<span class="mceItemHidden mceVisualNbsp">$1</span>');
nv = nv.replace(/\u00a0/g, '\u00b7');
ed.dom.setOuterHTML(nl[i], nv, d);
} else {
nl = tinymce.grep(ed.dom.select('span', b), function(n) {
return ed.dom.hasClass(n, 'mceVisualNbsp');
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++)
ed.dom.setOuterHTML(nl[i], nl[i].innerHTML.replace(/(&middot;|\u00b7)/g, '&nbsp;'), d);
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('visualchars', tinymce.plugins.VisualChars);

View File

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.WordCount', {
block : 0,
id : null,
countre : null,
cleanre : null,
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this, last = 0;
t.countre = ed.getParam('wordcount_countregex', /\S\s+/g);
t.cleanre = ed.getParam('wordcount_cleanregex', /[0-9.(),;:!?%#$¿'"_+=\\/-]*/g);
t.id = ed.id + '-word-count';
ed.onPostRender.add(function(ed, cm) {
var row, id;
// Add it to the specified id or the theme advanced path
id = ed.getParam('wordcount_target_id');
if (!id) {
row = tinymce.DOM.get(ed.id + '_path_row');
if (row)
tinymce.DOM.add(row.parentNode, 'div', {'style': 'float: right'}, ed.getLang('wordcount.words', 'Words: ') + '<span id="' + t.id + '">0</span>');
} else
tinymce.DOM.add(id, 'span', {}, '<span id="' + t.id + '">0</span>');
ed.onInit.add(function(ed) {
ed.selection.onSetContent.add(function() {
ed.onSetContent.add(function(ed) {
ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
if (e.keyCode == last)
if (13 == e.keyCode || 8 == last || 46 == last)
last = e.keyCode;
_count : function(ed) {
var t = this, tc = 0;
// Keep multiple calls from happening at the same time
if (t.block)
t.block = 1;
setTimeout(function() {
var tx = ed.getContent({format : 'raw'});
if (tx) {
tx = tx.replace(/<.[^<>]*?>/g, ' ').replace(/&nbsp;|&#160;/gi, ' '); // remove html tags and space chars
tx = tx.replace(t.cleanre, ''); // remove numbers and punctuation
tx.replace(t.countre, function() {tc++;}); // count the words
tinymce.DOM.setHTML(t.id, tc.toString());
setTimeout(function() {t.block = 0;}, 2000);
}, 1);
getInfo: function() {
return {
longname : 'Word Count plugin',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/wordcount',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
tinymce.PluginManager.add('wordcount', tinymce.plugins.WordCount);

View File

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
* editor_plugin_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.XHTMLXtrasPlugin', {
init : function(ed, url) {
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mceCite', function() {
file : url + '/cite.htm',
width : 350 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.cite_delta_width', 0)),
height : 250 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.cite_delta_height', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
ed.addCommand('mceAcronym', function() {
file : url + '/acronym.htm',
width : 350 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.acronym_delta_width', 0)),
height : 250 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.acronym_delta_width', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
ed.addCommand('mceAbbr', function() {
file : url + '/abbr.htm',
width : 350 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.abbr_delta_width', 0)),
height : 250 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.abbr_delta_width', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
ed.addCommand('mceDel', function() {
file : url + '/del.htm',
width : 340 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.del_delta_width', 0)),
height : 310 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.del_delta_width', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
ed.addCommand('mceIns', function() {
file : url + '/ins.htm',
width : 340 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.ins_delta_width', 0)),
height : 310 + parseInt(ed.getLang('xhtmlxtras.ins_delta_width', 0)),
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
ed.addCommand('mceAttributes', function() {
file : url + '/attributes.htm',
width : 380,
height : 370,
inline : 1
}, {
plugin_url : url
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('cite', {title : 'xhtmlxtras.cite_desc', cmd : 'mceCite'});
ed.addButton('acronym', {title : 'xhtmlxtras.acronym_desc', cmd : 'mceAcronym'});
ed.addButton('abbr', {title : 'xhtmlxtras.abbr_desc', cmd : 'mceAbbr'});
ed.addButton('del', {title : 'xhtmlxtras.del_desc', cmd : 'mceDel'});
ed.addButton('ins', {title : 'xhtmlxtras.ins_desc', cmd : 'mceIns'});
ed.addButton('attribs', {title : 'xhtmlxtras.attribs_desc', cmd : 'mceAttributes'});
if (tinymce.isIE) {
function fix(ed, o) {
if (o.set) {
o.content = o.content.replace(/<abbr([^>]+)>/gi, '<html:abbr $1>');
o.content = o.content.replace(/<\/abbr>/gi, '</html:abbr>');
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n, co) {
n = ed.dom.getParent(n, 'CITE,ACRONYM,ABBR,DEL,INS');
cm.setDisabled('cite', co);
cm.setDisabled('acronym', co);
cm.setDisabled('abbr', co);
cm.setDisabled('del', co);
cm.setDisabled('ins', co);
cm.setDisabled('attribs', n && n.nodeName == 'BODY');
cm.setActive('cite', 0);
cm.setActive('acronym', 0);
cm.setActive('abbr', 0);
cm.setActive('del', 0);
cm.setActive('ins', 0);
// Activate all
if (n) {
do {
cm.setDisabled(n.nodeName.toLowerCase(), 0);
cm.setActive(n.nodeName.toLowerCase(), 1);
} while (n = n.parentNode);
ed.onPreInit.add(function() {
// Fixed IE issue where it can't handle these elements correctly
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'XHTML Xtras Plugin',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/xhtmlxtras',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('xhtmlxtras', tinymce.plugins.XHTMLXtrasPlugin);

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
* editor_template_src.js
* Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license
* Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing
(function() {
var DOM = tinymce.DOM;
// Tell it to load theme specific language pack(s)
tinymce.create('tinymce.themes.SimpleTheme', {
init : function(ed, url) {
var t = this, states = ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strikethrough', 'InsertUnorderedList', 'InsertOrderedList'], s = ed.settings;
t.editor = ed;
ed.onInit.add(function() {
ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm) {
tinymce.each(states, function(c) {
ed.dom.loadCSS(url + "/skins/" + s.skin + "/content.css");
DOM.loadCSS((s.editor_css ? ed.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(s.editor_css) : '') || url + "/skins/" + s.skin + "/ui.css");
renderUI : function(o) {
var t = this, n = o.targetNode, ic, tb, ed = t.editor, cf = ed.controlManager, sc;
n = DOM.insertAfter(DOM.create('span', {id : ed.id + '_container', 'class' : 'mceEditor ' + ed.settings.skin + 'SimpleSkin'}), n);
n = sc = DOM.add(n, 'table', {cellPadding : 0, cellSpacing : 0, 'class' : 'mceLayout'});
n = tb = DOM.add(n, 'tbody');
// Create iframe container
n = DOM.add(tb, 'tr');
n = ic = DOM.add(DOM.add(n, 'td'), 'div', {'class' : 'mceIframeContainer'});
// Create toolbar container
n = DOM.add(DOM.add(tb, 'tr', {'class' : 'last'}), 'td', {'class' : 'mceToolbar mceLast', align : 'center'});
// Create toolbar
tb = t.toolbar = cf.createToolbar("tools1");
tb.add(cf.createButton('bold', {title : 'simple.bold_desc', cmd : 'Bold'}));
tb.add(cf.createButton('italic', {title : 'simple.italic_desc', cmd : 'Italic'}));
tb.add(cf.createButton('underline', {title : 'simple.underline_desc', cmd : 'Underline'}));
tb.add(cf.createButton('strikethrough', {title : 'simple.striketrough_desc', cmd : 'Strikethrough'}));
tb.add(cf.createButton('undo', {title : 'simple.undo_desc', cmd : 'Undo'}));
tb.add(cf.createButton('redo', {title : 'simple.redo_desc', cmd : 'Redo'}));
tb.add(cf.createButton('cleanup', {title : 'simple.cleanup_desc', cmd : 'mceCleanup'}));
tb.add(cf.createButton('insertunorderedlist', {title : 'simple.bullist_desc', cmd : 'InsertUnorderedList'}));
tb.add(cf.createButton('insertorderedlist', {title : 'simple.numlist_desc', cmd : 'InsertOrderedList'}));
return {
iframeContainer : ic,
editorContainer : ed.id + '_container',
sizeContainer : sc,
deltaHeight : -20
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Simple theme',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',
version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
tinymce.ThemeManager.add('simple', tinymce.themes.SimpleTheme);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff