Merge branch 'ent-11001-15457-tips-solo-en-espanol' into 'develop'

Ent 11001 15457 tips solo en espanol

See merge request artica/pandorafms!5772
This commit is contained in:
Matias Didier 2023-05-31 13:21:06 +00:00
commit ea3ea61f88
3 changed files with 150 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,67 @@
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'You know reports of Availability?','They are very useful as they tell you how long (%) a check has been in different states over a period of time, say a week. It offers complete raw data of what has been done in enough detail to convince a vendor or customer.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'informe_disponibiliad.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Did you know that you can monitor websites?','In a simple way through standard or transactional HTTP checks through centralized WUX transactions, or decentralized with the UX agent plugin.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'monitorizar_web.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Did you know that each user can have their own Time Zone?','Different time zones can be established for each user, so that it interprets the data taking into account the time difference. Pandora FMS can also have servers and agents in different time zones. All over the world!','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'usuario_zona_horaria.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Does your network lose packets?','You can measure the packet loss in your network using an agent and a free plugin called “Packet Loss”. This is especially useful on Wi-Fi networks or networks shared with many users. We wrote an article on our blog talking about it, check it out','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'tu_red_pierde_paquetes.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Console Internal Audit','The console logs all relevant activities of each user connected to the console. This includes the application of configurations, validation of events and alerts, connection and disconnection, and hundreds of other operations. Security in Pandora FMS has always been one of the design characteristics of its architecture.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'auditoria.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Two-factor authentication','It is possible to activate (and force its use to all users) a double authentication system (using Google Auth) so that any user authenticates in addition to a password, with a single-use token system, giving the system much more security.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'politica_de_pass.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Visual consoles: heat maps','The console allows a series of data to be integrated into a personalized background, which, depending on their value, is represented with one color or another, in real time. The applications are endless, it just depends on your imagination.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'mapa_de_calor.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Network links in the visual console','There is a visual console element called “Network link” that allows to visually show the union of two network interfaces, their status and the upload/download traffic, in a very visual way.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'enlaces_consola_visual.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Google Sheet ','Do you know that you can get the value of a cell from a Google Sheet spreadsheet? We use the API to request the data through a remote plugin. It's perfect for building business dashboards, getting real-time alerts, and creating your own custom reports.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'google_sheets.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Availability graphs','Similar to availability reports, but much more visual, they offer detailed status of a monitor over time. They can be grouped with another module to offer final data taking into account the high availability of a service. They are perfect for use in reports to suppliers and/or customers.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'graficas_disponibilidad.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Full resolution graphics','Pandora FMS and other tools, when they have to display a graph, obtain the data from the data source and then “simplify” the graph, since if the data series has 10,000 elements and the graph is only 300 pixels wide, they cannot fit all of them. , so those 10,000 points are “simplified” into only 300. However, when simplifying, “detail” is lost in the graph, and of course we cannot “zoom in”. Pandora FMS graphs allow you to display and use all the data in a graph, which we call "TIP" that shows all the overlapping points and also allows you not to lose resolution when zooming.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'dark mode','Do you know that there is a dark mode in Pandora FMS? An administrator can activate it at a global level from the visual configuration options or any user at an individual level, in the user options.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Remote monitoring of SNMP devices','Network devices such as switches, APs, routers, and firewalls can be remotely monitored using the SNMP protocol. It is enough to know your IP, the SNMP community and launch an SNMP wizard from the console.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'monitorizar_snmp.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Monitoring JMX (Tomcat, Websphere, Weblogic, Jboss, Apache Kafka, Jetty, GlassFish…)','There is an Enterprise plugin that is used to monitor any JMX technology. It can be used locally (as a local plugin) or remotely with the plugin server.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'monitorizar_con_jmx.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Monitor routes from one IP to another','There is a special plugin that is used to visually monitor the routes from one IP to another in a visual and dynamic way, as it changes over time.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'monitorizar_desde_ip.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'planned stops','It is possible to define, at the agent level and at the module level, periods in which the alerts and/or the collected data are ignored. It is perfect for planning service stops or disconnection of monitored systems. It also affects SLA reporting, preventing those time intervals from being taken into account.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'paradas_planificadas.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Customize alert emails','Did you know that Pandora alert emails can be customized? You only have to edit the default HTML code of the email type alert actions.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'personalizar_los_emails.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'password policy','The Pandora FMS console has a credential policy management system, to reinforce local security (in addition to allowing external authentication against LDAP, Active Directory or SAML). Through this system we can force password changes every X days, save a history of passwords used or prevent the use of certain passwords, among other actions.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Automatic agent provision system','The agent self-provisioning system allows an agent recently entered into the system to automatically apply changes to their configuration (such as moving them from group, assigning them certain values in custom fields) and of course applying certain monitoring policies. It is one of the most powerful functionalities, aimed at managing very large system parks.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Automatic agent provision system','The agent self-provisioning system allows an agent recently entered into the system to automatically apply changes to their configuration (such as moving them from group, assigning them certain values in custom fields) and of course applying certain monitoring policies. It is one of the most powerful functionalities, aimed at managing very large system parks.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Automatic agent provision system','The agent self-provisioning system allows an agent recently entered into the system to automatically apply changes to their configuration (such as moving them from group, assigning them certain values in custom fields) and of course applying certain monitoring policies. It is one of the most powerful functionalities, aimed at managing very large system parks.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'ARP tables','Do you know that there is an inventory module to get the ARP tables from your windows servers? It is easy to install and can give you very detailed information about your equipment.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Using custom icons in visual consoles','Thanks to the custom icons, you can create highly customized views, such as the one in the image, which represents racks with the types of servers in the order they are placed within the rack. Perfect for a technician to know exactly what machine is failing. It couldn't be more visual, hence the name.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'iconos_personalizados.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Use Telegram with Pandora FMS','Perfect to receive alerts with embedded graphics and thus customize the reception of notices individually or in a common channel with more people.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'telegram_con_pandora.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Zoom on data graphs','Do you know that Pandora FMS allows you to zoom in on a part of the graph. With that you will expand the information of the graph. If you are looking at a graph for a month and you zoom in, you will be able to see the data for that interval. If you use a graph with full resolution data (we call them TIP graphs) you will be able to see the detail of each piece of data, even if your graph has thousands of samples.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'zoom_en_graficas.png','images/tips/');
ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_component` ADD COLUMN `target_ip` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
UPDATE `tnetwork_component`
@ -18,4 +80,4 @@ ADD COLUMN `metaconsole_data_section` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `me
ALTER TABLE `tusuario`
ADD COLUMN `metaconsole_default_event_filter` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `default_event_filter`;

View File

@ -270,14 +270,28 @@ class TipsWindow
$sql .= sprintf(' AND id_profile IN (%s)', $idProfilesFilter);
$sql .= sprintf(' AND id_lang = "%s"', $language);
$sql .= ' ORDER BY CASE WHEN id_lang = "'.$language.'" THEN id_lang END DESC, RAND()';
$tip = db_get_row_sql($sql);
$check_tips = db_get_row_sql('SELECT count(*) AS tips FROM twelcome_tip WHERE id_lang = "'.$language.'"')['tips'];
if (empty($tip) === false) {
$tip['files'] = $this->getFilesFromTip($tip['id']);
$tip['title'] = io_safe_output($tip['title']);
$tip['text'] = io_safe_output($tip['text']);
$tip['url'] = io_safe_output($tip['url']);
} else if ($check_tips === '0') {
$language = 'en_GB';
$sql = 'SELECT id, title, text, url
FROM twelcome_tip
WHERE enable = "1" AND id_lang = "'.$language.'"';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY CASE WHEN id_lang = "'.$language.'" THEN id_lang END DESC, RAND()';
$tip = db_get_row_sql($sql);
$tip['files'] = $this->getFilesFromTip($tip['id']);
$tip['title'] = io_safe_output($tip['title']);
$tip['text'] = io_safe_output($tip['text']);
$tip['url'] = io_safe_output($tip['url']);
@ -311,6 +325,15 @@ class TipsWindow
global $config;
$profilesUser = users_get_user_profile($config['id_user']);
$idProfilesFilter = '0';
$userInfo = users_get_user_by_id($config['id_user']);
$language = ($userInfo['language'] !== 'default') ? $userInfo['language'] : $config['language'];
$check_tips = db_get_row_sql('SELECT count(*) AS tips FROM twelcome_tip WHERE id_lang = "'.$language.'"')['tips'];
if ($check_tips === '0') {
$language = 'en_GB';
foreach ($profilesUser as $key => $profile) {
$idProfilesFilter .= ','.$profile['id_perfil'];
@ -320,9 +343,9 @@ class TipsWindow
WHERE enable = "1" ';
$sql .= sprintf(' AND id_profile IN (%s)', $idProfilesFilter);
$sql .= sprintf(' AND id_lang = "%s"', $language);
$sql .= ' ORDER BY CASE WHEN id_lang = "'.$config['language'].'" THEN id_lang END DESC, RAND()';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY CASE WHEN id_lang = "'.$language.'" THEN id_lang END DESC, RAND()';
return db_get_sql($sql);

View File

@ -2570,4 +2570,64 @@ INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`, `filename`, `path`) VALUES
(20, 'zoom_en_graficas.png', 'images/tips/'),
(22, 'politica_de_pass.png', 'images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'You know reports of Availability?','They are very useful as they tell you how long (%) a check has been in different states over a period of time, say a week. It offers complete raw data of what has been done in enough detail to convince a vendor or customer.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'informe_disponibiliad.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Did you know that you can monitor websites?','In a simple way through standard or transactional HTTP checks through centralized WUX transactions, or decentralized with the UX agent plugin.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'monitorizar_web.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Did you know that each user can have their own Time Zone?','Different time zones can be established for each user, so that it interprets the data taking into account the time difference. Pandora FMS can also have servers and agents in different time zones. All over the world!','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'usuario_zona_horaria.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Does your network lose packets?','You can measure the packet loss in your network using an agent and a free plugin called “Packet Loss”. This is especially useful on Wi-Fi networks or networks shared with many users. We wrote an article on our blog talking about it, check it out','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'tu_red_pierde_paquetes.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Console Internal Audit','The console logs all relevant activities of each user connected to the console. This includes the application of configurations, validation of events and alerts, connection and disconnection, and hundreds of other operations. Security in Pandora FMS has always been one of the design characteristics of its architecture.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'auditoria.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Two-factor authentication','It is possible to activate (and force its use to all users) a double authentication system (using Google Auth) so that any user authenticates in addition to a password, with a single-use token system, giving the system much more security.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'politica_de_pass.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Visual consoles: heat maps','The console allows a series of data to be integrated into a personalized background, which, depending on their value, is represented with one color or another, in real time. The applications are endless, it just depends on your imagination.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'mapa_de_calor.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Network links in the visual console','There is a visual console element called “Network link” that allows to visually show the union of two network interfaces, their status and the upload/download traffic, in a very visual way.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'enlaces_consola_visual.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Google Sheet ','Do you know that you can get the value of a cell from a Google Sheet spreadsheet? We use the API to request the data through a remote plugin. It's perfect for building business dashboards, getting real-time alerts, and creating your own custom reports.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'google_sheets.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Availability graphs','Similar to availability reports, but much more visual, they offer detailed status of a monitor over time. They can be grouped with another module to offer final data taking into account the high availability of a service. They are perfect for use in reports to suppliers and/or customers.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'graficas_disponibilidad.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Full resolution graphics','Pandora FMS and other tools, when they have to display a graph, obtain the data from the data source and then “simplify” the graph, since if the data series has 10,000 elements and the graph is only 300 pixels wide, they cannot fit all of them. , so those 10,000 points are “simplified” into only 300. However, when simplifying, “detail” is lost in the graph, and of course we cannot “zoom in”. Pandora FMS graphs allow you to display and use all the data in a graph, which we call "TIP" that shows all the overlapping points and also allows you not to lose resolution when zooming.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'dark mode','Do you know that there is a dark mode in Pandora FMS? An administrator can activate it at a global level from the visual configuration options or any user at an individual level, in the user options.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Remote monitoring of SNMP devices','Network devices such as switches, APs, routers, and firewalls can be remotely monitored using the SNMP protocol. It is enough to know your IP, the SNMP community and launch an SNMP wizard from the console.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'monitorizar_snmp.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Monitoring JMX (Tomcat, Websphere, Weblogic, Jboss, Apache Kafka, Jetty, GlassFish…)','There is an Enterprise plugin that is used to monitor any JMX technology. It can be used locally (as a local plugin) or remotely with the plugin server.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'monitorizar_con_jmx.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Monitor routes from one IP to another','There is a special plugin that is used to visually monitor the routes from one IP to another in a visual and dynamic way, as it changes over time.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'monitorizar_desde_ip.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'planned stops','It is possible to define, at the agent level and at the module level, periods in which the alerts and/or the collected data are ignored. It is perfect for planning service stops or disconnection of monitored systems. It also affects SLA reporting, preventing those time intervals from being taken into account.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'paradas_planificadas.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Customize alert emails','Did you know that Pandora alert emails can be customized? You only have to edit the default HTML code of the email type alert actions.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'personalizar_los_emails.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'password policy','The Pandora FMS console has a credential policy management system, to reinforce local security (in addition to allowing external authentication against LDAP, Active Directory or SAML). Through this system we can force password changes every X days, save a history of passwords used or prevent the use of certain passwords, among other actions.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Automatic agent provision system','The agent self-provisioning system allows an agent recently entered into the system to automatically apply changes to their configuration (such as moving them from group, assigning them certain values in custom fields) and of course applying certain monitoring policies. It is one of the most powerful functionalities, aimed at managing very large system parks.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Automatic agent provision system','The agent self-provisioning system allows an agent recently entered into the system to automatically apply changes to their configuration (such as moving them from group, assigning them certain values in custom fields) and of course applying certain monitoring policies. It is one of the most powerful functionalities, aimed at managing very large system parks.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Automatic agent provision system','The agent self-provisioning system allows an agent recently entered into the system to automatically apply changes to their configuration (such as moving them from group, assigning them certain values in custom fields) and of course applying certain monitoring policies. It is one of the most powerful functionalities, aimed at managing very large system parks.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'ARP tables','Do you know that there is an inventory module to get the ARP tables from your windows servers? It is easy to install and can give you very detailed information about your equipment.','',1);
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Using custom icons in visual consoles','Thanks to the custom icons, you can create highly customized views, such as the one in the image, which represents racks with the types of servers in the order they are placed within the rack. Perfect for a technician to know exactly what machine is failing. It couldn't be more visual, hence the name.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'iconos_personalizados.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Use Telegram with Pandora FMS','Perfect to receive alerts with embedded graphics and thus customize the reception of notices individually or in a common channel with more people.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'telegram_con_pandora.png','images/tips/');
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip` (`id_lang`,`id_profile`,`title`,`text`,`url`,`enable`) VALUES ('en_GB',0,'Zoom on data graphs','Do you know that Pandora FMS allows you to zoom in on a part of the graph. With that you will expand the information of the graph. If you are looking at a graph for a month and you zoom in, you will be able to see the data for that interval. If you use a graph with full resolution data (we call them TIP graphs) you will be able to see the detail of each piece of data, even if your graph has thousands of samples.','',1);
SELECT @last_id := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `twelcome_tip_file` (`twelcome_tip_file`,`filename`,`path`) VALUES (@last_id,'zoom_en_graficas.png','images/tips/');