diff --git a/pandora_console/ChangeLog b/pandora_console/ChangeLog
index 36c04b89b8..12370f1368 100644
--- a/pandora_console/ChangeLog
+++ b/pandora_console/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2008-06-20  Esteban Sanchez  <estebans@artica.es>
+	* functions_db.php: Fixed get_agents_in_group() to handle "All" group
+	properly and make it capable to get disabled agents or not. Style
+	correction. Fixed a typo in agent_add_address().
+	* godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php: Use get_agents_in_group()
+	to get the agents in the group of the report, specially group "All".
+	Added agent and module column to report content list when applies.
 2008-06-20  Esteban Sanchez  <estebans@artica.es>
 	* include/functions_reporting.php: Deleted reference to localhost. Align 
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php b/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php
index bf9fc0b4c5..e0741c7c8c 100644
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php
+++ b/pandora_console/godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php
@@ -190,6 +190,13 @@ if ($id_report) {
 	$report_id_group = $report['id_group'];
+$all_agents = get_agents_in_group ($report_id_group);
+$agents = array ();
+foreach ($all_agents as $agent) {
+	$agents[$agent['id_agente']] = $agent['nombre'];
+asort ($agents);
 if ($edit_sla_report_content) {
 	/* Edit SLA report form */
 	$add_sla = (bool) get_parameter ('add_sla');
@@ -280,9 +287,8 @@ if ($edit_sla_report_content) {
 	$table->size[0] = '150px';
 	$table->head = array ();
 	$table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold';
-	$sql = sprintf ('SELECT id_agente, nombre FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = %d ORDER BY nombre', $report_id_group);
 	$table->data[0][0] = lang_string ('agent');
-	$table->data[0][1] = print_select_from_sql ($sql, 'id_agent', 0, '', '--', 0, true);
+	$table->data[0][1] = print_select ($agents, 'id_agent', 0, '', '--', 0, true);
 	$table->data[1][0] = lang_string ('module');
 	$table->data[1][1] = print_select (array (), 'id_module', 0, '', '--', 0, true);
 	$table->data[2][0] = lang_string ('sla_min');
@@ -387,8 +393,7 @@ if ($edit_sla_report_content) {
 		$table->data[1][1] = print_select ($periods, 'period', 0, '', '--', 0, true);
 		$table->data[2][0] = lang_string ('source_agent');
-		$sql = sprintf ('SELECT id_agente, nombre FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = %d ORDER BY nombre', $report_id_group);
-		$table->data[2][1] = print_select_from_sql ($sql, 'id_agent', $id_agent, '', '--', 0, true);
+		$table->data[2][1] = print_select ($agents, 'id_agent', $id_agent, '', '--', 0, true);
 		$table->data[3][0] = lang_string ('module');
 		$modules = array ();
@@ -421,15 +426,16 @@ if ($edit_sla_report_content) {
 		$table->rowstyle = array ();
 		$table->head[0] = lang_string ('order');
 		$table->head[1] = lang_string ('type');
-		$table->head[2] = lang_string ('module');
-		$table->head[3] = lang_string ('period');
-		$table->head[4] = lang_string ('Options');
+		$table->head[2] = lang_string ('agent');
+		$table->head[3] = lang_string ('module');
+		$table->head[4] = lang_string ('period');
+		$table->head[5] = lang_string ('Options');
 		$table->align = array ();
 		$table->align[0] = 'center';
-		$table->align[4] = 'center';
+		$table->align[5] = 'center';
 		if ($report_id_user == $config['id_user']) {
-			$table->align[5] = 'center';
-			$table->head[5] = lang_string ('delete');
+			$table->align[6] = 'center';
+			$table->head[6] = lang_string ('delete');
@@ -454,15 +460,18 @@ if ($edit_sla_report_content) {
 			$data[1] = get_report_name ($report_content['type']);
 			$data[2] = '--';
-			if (get_report_type_data_source ($report_content['type']) == 'module')
-				$data[2] = get_db_value ('descripcion', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $report_content['id_agent_module']);
-			$data[3] = human_time_description ($report_content['period']);
-			$data[4] = '';
+			$data[3] = '--';
+			if (get_report_type_data_source ($report_content['type']) == 'module') {
+				$data[2] = dame_nombre_agente_agentemodulo ($report_content['id_agent_module']);
+				$data[3] = get_db_value ('descripcion', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $report_content['id_agent_module']);
+			}
+			$data[4] = human_time_description ($report_content['period']);
+			$data[5] = '';
 			if ($report_content['type'] == 'SLA') {
-				$data[4] = '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/reporting_builder&id_report='.$id_report.'&edit_sla_report_content=1&id_report_content='.$report_content['id_rc'].'"><img src="images/setup.png"></a>';
+				$data[5] = '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/reporting_builder&id_report='.$id_report.'&edit_sla_report_content=1&id_report_content='.$report_content['id_rc'].'"><img src="images/setup.png"></a>';
 			if ($report_id_user == $config['id_user']) {
-				$data[5] = '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/reporting_builder&id_report='.$id_report.'&delete_report_content=1&id_report_content='.$report_content['id_rc'].'"><img src="images/cross.png"></a>';
+				$data[6] = '<a href="index.php?sec=greporting&sec2=godmode/reporting/reporting_builder&id_report='.$id_report.'&delete_report_content=1&id_report_content='.$report_content['id_rc'].'"><img src="images/cross.png"></a>';
 			array_push ($table->data, $data);
@@ -534,7 +543,7 @@ function agent_changed () {
 		jQuery.ajax ({
 			data: inputs.join ("&"),
 			type: 'GET',
-			url: action="ajax.php",
+			url: "ajax.php",
 			timeout: 10000,
 			dataType: 'json',
 			success: function (data) {
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_db.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_db.php
index bb23997c59..88716f1d6e 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_db.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_db.php
@@ -214,12 +214,25 @@ function give_disabled_group ($id_group) {
  * Get all the agents in a group.
- * @param $id_group Group id
+ * @param id_group Group id
+ * @param disabled Add disabled agents to agents. Default: False.
  * @return An array with all agents in the group.
-function get_agents_in_group ($id_group) {
-	return get_db_all_rows_field_filter ('tagente', 'id_grupo', (int) $id_group);
+function get_agents_in_group ($id_group, $disabled = false) {
+	echo "GROUP: ".$id_group;
+	/* 'All' group must return all agents */
+	if ($id_group == 1) {
+		if ($disabled)
+			return get_db_all_rows_in_table ('tagente');
+		return get_db_all_rows_field_filter ('tagente', 'disabled', 0);
+	}
+	if ($disabled)
+		return get_db_all_rows_field_filter ('tagente', 'id_grupo', (int) $id_group);
+	$sql = sprintf ('SELECT * FROM tagente 
+			WHERE id_grupo = %d AND disabled = 0',
+			$id_group);
+	return get_db_all_rows_sqlfree ($sql);
@@ -942,22 +955,26 @@ function show_icon_type ($id_type) {
  * @param int Server type id
  * @return string Fully formatted  IMG HTML tag with icon
 function show_server_type ($id){ 
-    global $config;
-    switch ($id) {
-        case 1: return '<img src="images/data.png" title="Pandora FMS Data server">';
-                break;
-        case 2: return '<img src="images/network.png" title="Pandora FMS Network server">';
-                break;
-        case 4: return '<img src="images/plugin.png" title="Pandora FMS Plugin server">';
-                break;
-        case 5: return '<img src="images/chart_bar.png" title="Pandora FMS Prediction server">';
-                break;
-        case 6: return '<img src="images/wmi.png" title="Pandora FMS WMI server">';
-                break;
-        default: return "--";
-    }
+	global $config;
+	switch ($id) {
+	case 1:
+		return '<img src="images/data.png" title="Pandora FMS Data server">';
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		return '<img src="images/network.png" title="Pandora FMS Network server">';
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		return '<img src="images/plugin.png" title="Pandora FMS Plugin server">';
+		break;
+	case 5:
+		return '<img src="images/chart_bar.png" title="Pandora FMS Prediction server">';
+		break;
+	case 6:
+		return '<img src="images/wmi.png" title="Pandora FMS WMI server">';
+		break;
+	default: return "--";
+	}
@@ -1023,7 +1040,7 @@ function agent_add_address ($id_agent, $ip_address) {
 		WHERE taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a
 		AND ip = '$ip_address'
 		AND id_agent = $id_agent";
-	$current_address = get_db_sql_row ($sql);
+	$current_address = get_db_row_sql ($sql);
 	if ($current_address)