diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm
index 267f31276e..1a92f16988 100644
--- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm
+++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm
@@ -1201,8 +1201,10 @@ sub pandora_planned_downtime_disabled_once_stop($$) {
# Stop executed downtimes (enable agents and disable_agents_alerts)
my @downtimes = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT *
FROM tplanned_downtime
- WHERE type_downtime != "quiet" AND type_execution="once"
- AND executed = 1 AND date_to <= ?', $utimestamp);
+ WHERE type_downtime != ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING. 'quiet' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING. '
+ AND type_execution = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING. 'once' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING. '
+ AND executed = 1
+ AND date_to <= ?', $utimestamp);
foreach my $downtime (@downtimes) {
@@ -1234,7 +1236,8 @@ sub pandora_planned_downtime_disabled_once_start($$) {
# Start pending downtimes (disable agents and disable_agents_alerts)
my @downtimes = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT *
FROM tplanned_downtime
- WHERE type_downtime != "quiet" AND type_execution="once"
+ WHERE type_downtime != ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'quiet' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
+ AND type_execution = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'once' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
AND executed = 0 AND date_from <= ?
AND date_to >= ?', $utimestamp, $utimestamp);
@@ -1431,7 +1434,8 @@ sub pandora_planned_downtime_quiet_once_stop($$) {
# Stop pending downtimes
my @downtimes = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT *
FROM tplanned_downtime
- WHERE type_downtime = "quiet" AND type_execution="once"
+ WHERE type_downtime = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'quiet' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
+ AND type_execution = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING. 'once' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
AND executed = 1 AND date_to <= ?', $utimestamp);
foreach my $downtime (@downtimes) {
@@ -1471,7 +1475,8 @@ sub pandora_planned_downtime_quiet_once_start($$) {
# Start pending downtimes
my @downtimes = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT *
FROM tplanned_downtime
- WHERE type_downtime = "quiet" AND type_execution="once"
+ WHERE type_downtime = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'quiet' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
+ AND type_execution = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'once' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
AND executed = 0 AND date_from <= ?
AND date_to >= ?', $utimestamp, $utimestamp);
@@ -1525,7 +1530,7 @@ sub pandora_planned_downtime_monthly_start($$) {
# Start pending downtimes
my @downtimes = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT *
FROM tplanned_downtime
- WHERE type_periodicity="monthly"
+ WHERE type_periodicity = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'monthly' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
AND executed = 0
AND periodically_day_from <= ?
AND periodically_day_to >= ?',
@@ -1627,9 +1632,9 @@ sub pandora_planned_downtime_monthly_stop($$) {
# Start pending downtimes
my @downtimes = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT *
FROM tplanned_downtime
- WHERE type_periodicity = "monthly"
+ WHERE type_periodicity = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'monthly' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
AND executed = 1
- AND type_execution <> "once"');
+ AND type_execution <> ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'once' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING);
foreach my $downtime (@downtimes) {
#Convert to identical type.
@@ -1703,18 +1708,18 @@ sub pandora_planned_downtime_weekly_start($$) {
# Start pending downtimes
my @downtimes = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT *
FROM tplanned_downtime
- WHERE type_periodicity="weekly"
+ WHERE type_periodicity = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'weekly' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
AND executed = 0');
foreach my $downtime (@downtimes) {
my $across_date = $downtime->{'periodically_time_from'} gt $downtime->{'periodically_time_to'} ? 1 : 0 ;
$found = 0;
if ($across_date && ($time lt $downtime->{'periodically_time_to'})) {
- $number_day_week--;
- $number_day_week = 6 if ($number_day_week == -1);
- }
+ $number_day_week--;
+ $number_day_week = 6 if ($number_day_week == -1);
+ }
if (($number_day_week == 1) &&
($downtime->{'monday'})) {
$found = 1;
@@ -1825,8 +1830,8 @@ sub pandora_planned_downtime_weekly_stop($$) {
# Start pending downtimes
my @downtimes = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT *
FROM tplanned_downtime
- WHERE type_periodicity = "weekly"
- AND type_execution <> "once"
+ WHERE type_periodicity = ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'weekly' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
+ AND type_execution <> ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . 'once' . $RDBMS_QUOTE_STRING . '
AND executed = 1');
foreach my $downtime (@downtimes) {
@@ -2145,7 +2150,7 @@ sub pandora_update_gis_data ($$$$$$$$$) {
Create a template module.
sub pandora_create_template_module ($$$$;$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $id_agent_module, $id_alert_template, $id_policy_alerts, $disabled, $standby) = @_;
@@ -2154,16 +2159,27 @@ sub pandora_create_template_module ($$$$;$$$) {
$standby = 0 unless defined $standby;
my $module_name = get_module_name($dbh, $id_agent_module);
- return db_insert ($dbh, 'id', "INSERT INTO talert_template_modules (`id_agent_module`, `id_alert_template`, `id_policy_alerts`, `disabled`, `standby`, `last_reference`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $id_agent_module, $id_alert_template, $id_policy_alerts, $disabled, $standby, time);
+ return db_insert ($dbh,
+ 'id',
+ "INSERT INTO talert_template_modules(
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "id_agent_module" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ",
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "id_alert_template" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ",
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "id_policy_alerts" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ",
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "disabled" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ",
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "standby" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ",
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "last_reference" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ")
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ $id_agent_module, $id_alert_template, $id_policy_alerts, $disabled, $standby, time);
=head2 C<< pandora_update_template_module(I<$pa_config>, I<$dbh>, I<$id_alert>, I<$id_policy_alerts>, I<$disabled>, I<$standby>) >>
Update a template module.
sub pandora_update_template_module ($$$;$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $id_alert, $id_policy_alerts, $disabled, $standby) = @_;
@@ -2172,16 +2188,22 @@ sub pandora_update_template_module ($$$;$$$) {
$disabled = 0 unless defined $disabled;
$standby = 0 unless defined $standby;
- db_do ($dbh, "UPDATE talert_template_modules SET `id_policy_alerts` = ?, `disabled` = ?, `standby` = ? WHERE id = ?", $id_policy_alerts, $disabled, $standby, $id_alert);
+ db_do ($dbh,
+ "UPDATE talert_template_modules
+ SET " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "id_policy_alerts" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . " = ?,
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "disabled" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . " = ?,
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "standby" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . " = ?
+ WHERE id = ?",
+ $id_policy_alerts, $disabled, $standby, $id_alert);
=head2 C<< pandora_create_template_module_action(I<$pa_config>, I<$parameters>, I<$dbh>) >>
Create a template action.
sub pandora_create_template_module_action ($$$) {
my ($pa_config, $parameters, $dbh) = @_;
@@ -2192,26 +2214,26 @@ sub pandora_create_template_module_action ($$$) {
return $action_id;
=head2 C<< pandora_delete_all_template_module_actions(I<$dbh>, I<$template_module_id>) >>
Delete all actions of policy template module.
sub pandora_delete_all_template_module_actions ($$) {
my ($dbh, $template_module_id) = @_;
return db_do ($dbh, 'DELETE FROM talert_template_module_actions WHERE id_alert_template_module = ?', $template_module_id);
=head2 C<< pandora_update_agent_address(I<$pa_config>, I<$agent_id>, I<$address>, I<$dbh>) >>
Update the address of an agent.
sub pandora_update_agent_address ($$$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $agent_id, $agent_name, $address, $dbh) = @_;
@@ -2306,9 +2328,13 @@ sub pandora_create_module ($$$$$$$$$$) {
$status = 0;
- my $module_id = db_insert($dbh, 'id_agente_modulo', 'INSERT INTO tagente_modulo (id_agente, id_tipo_modulo, nombre, max, min, post_process, descripcion, module_interval, id_modulo)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1)', $agent_id, $module_type_id, safe_input($module_name), $max, $min, $post_process, $description, $interval);
- db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO tagente_estado (id_agente_modulo, id_agente, estado, last_status, last_known_status, last_try) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, \'1970-01-01 00:00:00\')', $module_id, $agent_id, $status, $status, $status);
+ my $module_id = db_insert($dbh, 'id_agente_modulo',
+ 'INSERT INTO tagente_modulo (id_agente, id_tipo_modulo, nombre, max, min, post_process, descripcion, module_interval, id_modulo)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1)',
+ $agent_id, $module_type_id, safe_input($module_name), $max, $min, $post_process, $description, $interval);
+ db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO tagente_estado (id_agente_modulo, id_agente, estado, last_status, last_known_status, last_try)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, \'1970-01-01 00:00:00\')',
+ $module_id, $agent_id, $status, $status, $status);
# Update the module status count. When the module is created disabled dont do it
pandora_mark_agent_for_module_update ($dbh, $agent_id);
@@ -2514,8 +2540,16 @@ sub pandora_create_module_tags ($$$$) {
foreach my $tag_name (split (',', $serialized_tags)) {
- my $tag_id = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id_tag FROM ttag WHERE name = ?", $tag_name);
- db_insert ($dbh, 'id_tag', "INSERT INTO ttag_module (`id_tag`, `id_agente_modulo`) VALUES (?, ?)", $tag_id, $id_agent_module);
+ my $tag_id = get_db_value ($dbh,
+ "SELECT id_tag FROM ttag WHERE name = ?", $tag_name);
+ db_insert ($dbh,
+ 'id_tag',
+ "INSERT INTO ttag_module(
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "id_tag" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ",
+ " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "id_agente_modulo" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ")
+ VALUES (?, ?)",
+ $tag_id, $id_agent_module);
@@ -3987,33 +4021,46 @@ sub pandora_self_monitoring ($$) {
AND estado = 3");
$agents_unknown = 0 if (!defined($agents_unknown));
my $queued_modules = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT SUM(queued_modules) FROM tserver WHERE name = '".$pa_config->{"servername"}."'");
- if (!defined($queued_modules)){
+ if (!defined($queued_modules)) {
$queued_modules = 0;
- my $dbmaintance = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'db_maintance' AND value > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400");
+ my $dbmaintance;
+ if ($RDBMS eq 'postgresql') {
+ $dbmaintance = get_db_value ($dbh,
+ FROM tconfig
+ WHERE token = 'db_maintance'
+ AND NULLIF(value, '')::int > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400");
+ }
+ else {
+ $dbmaintance = get_db_value ($dbh,
+ FROM tconfig
+ WHERE token = 'db_maintance' AND value > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400");
+ }
$xml_output .=" ";
$xml_output .=" Database Maintenance";
$xml_output .=" generic_proc";
$xml_output .=" $dbmaintance";
$xml_output .=" ";
$xml_output .=" ";
$xml_output .=" Queued_Modules";
$xml_output .=" generic_data";
$xml_output .=" $queued_modules";
$xml_output .=" ";
$xml_output .=" ";
$xml_output .=" Agents_Unknown";
$xml_output .=" generic_data";
$xml_output .=" $agents_unknown";
$xml_output .=" ";
$xml_output .=" ";
$xml_output .=" System_Load_AVG";
$xml_output .=" generic_data";
diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm
index c5f93dc692..1a8ddc2b94 100644
--- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm
+++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm
@@ -86,14 +86,18 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
# Relational database management system in use
our $RDBMS = '';
-# Character used to quote reserved words in the current RDBMS
+# For fields, character used to quote reserved words in the current RDBMS
our $RDBMS_QUOTE = '';
+# For strings, Character used to quote in the current RDBMS
## Connect to the DB.
@@ -103,7 +107,8 @@ sub db_connect ($$$$$$) {
if ($rdbms eq 'mysql') {
$RDBMS = 'mysql';
# Connect to MySQL
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db_name:$db_host:$db_port", $db_user, $db_pass, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
return undef unless defined ($dbh);
@@ -119,15 +124,18 @@ sub db_connect ($$$$$$) {
elsif ($rdbms eq 'postgresql') {
$RDBMS = 'postgresql';
# Connect to PostgreSQL
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host;port=$db_port", $db_user, $db_pass, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
return undef unless defined ($dbh);
return $dbh;
- } elsif ($rdbms eq 'oracle') {
+ }
+ elsif ($rdbms eq 'oracle') {
$RDBMS = 'oracle';
# Connect to Oracle
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Oracle:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host;port=$db_port;sid=pandora", $db_user, $db_pass, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
@@ -641,6 +649,7 @@ sub db_insert ($$$;@) {
my ($dbh, $index, $query, @values) = @_;
my $insert_id = undef;
if ($RDBMS eq 'mysql') {
$dbh->do($query, undef, @values);
@@ -684,9 +693,9 @@ sub get_alert_template_module_id ($$$) {
return defined ($rc) ? $rc : -1;
## SQL insert. Returns the ID of the inserted row.
sub db_process_insert($$$$;@) {
my ($dbh, $index, $table, $parameters, @values) = @_;
@@ -711,9 +720,13 @@ sub db_process_insert($$$$;@) {
$wildcards = '('.$wildcards.')';
- my $columns_string = join('`,`',@columns_array);
+ my $columns_string = join($RDBMS_QUOTE . ',' . $RDBMS_QUOTE,
+ @columns_array);
+ my $res = db_insert ($dbh,
+ $index,
+ "INSERT INTO $table (" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . $columns_string . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ") VALUES " . $wildcards, @values_array);
- my $res = db_insert ($dbh, $index, "INSERT INTO $table (`".$columns_string."`) VALUES ".$wildcards, @values_array);
return $res;
@@ -740,7 +753,8 @@ sub db_process_update($$$$$;@) {
if ($i > 0 && $i <= $#values_array) {
$fields = $fields.',';
- $fields = $fields." `$columns_array[$i]` = ?";
+ $fields = $fields .
+ " " . $RDBMS_QUOTE . "$columns_array[$i]" . $RDBMS_QUOTE . " = ?";
push(@values_array, $where_value);
@@ -752,28 +766,30 @@ sub db_process_update($$$$$;@) {
return $res;
# Add the given address to taddress.
sub add_address ($$) {
my ($dbh, $ip_address) = @_;
return db_insert ($dbh, 'id_a', 'INSERT INTO taddress (ip) VALUES (?)', $ip_address);
# Assign the new address to the agent
sub add_new_address_agent ($$$) {
my ($dbh, $addr_id, $agent_id) = @_;
- db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO taddress_agent (`id_a`, `id_agent`)
+ db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO taddress_agent (' .
+ $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'id_a' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ', ' .
+ $RDBMS_QUOTE. 'id_agent' . $RDBMS_QUOTE. ')
VALUES (?, ?)', $addr_id, $agent_id);
# Return the ID of the given address, -1 if it does not exist.
sub get_addr_id ($$) {
my ($dbh, $addr) = @_;
@@ -825,9 +841,9 @@ sub is_agent_address ($$$) {
return (defined ($id_ag)) ? $id_ag : 0;
## Quote the given string.
sub db_string ($) {
my $string = shift;
@@ -856,7 +872,10 @@ sub db_text ($) {
sub get_alert_template_name ($$) {
my ($dbh, $alert_id) = @_;
- return get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT name FROM talert_templates, talert_template_modules WHERE talert_templates.id = talert_template_modules.id_alert_template AND talert_template_modules.id = ?", $alert_id);
+ return get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT name
+ FROM talert_templates, talert_template_modules
+ WHERE talert_templates.id = talert_template_modules.id_alert_template
+ AND talert_template_modules.id = ?", $alert_id);
@@ -906,18 +925,18 @@ sub get_priority_name ($) {
sub db_update_get_values ($) {
my ($set_ref) = @_;
my $set = '';
my @values;
while (my ($key, $value) = each (%{$set_ref})) {
- # Not value for the given column
- next if (! defined ($value));
- $set .= "$key = ?,";
- push (@values, $value);
+ # Not value for the given column
+ next if (! defined ($value));
+ $set .= "$key = ?,";
+ push (@values, $value);
# Remove the last ,
chop ($set);
@@ -929,34 +948,34 @@ sub db_update_get_values ($) {
sub db_insert_get_values ($) {
my ($insert_ref) = @_;
my $columns = '(';
my @values;
while (my ($key, $value) = each (%{$insert_ref})) {
- # Not value for the given column
- next if (! defined ($value));
- $columns .= $PandoraFMS::DB::RDBMS_QUOTE . "$key" . $PandoraFMS::DB::RDBMS_QUOTE . ",";
- push (@values, $value);
+ # Not value for the given column
+ next if (! defined ($value));
+ $columns .= $PandoraFMS::DB::RDBMS_QUOTE . "$key" . $PandoraFMS::DB::RDBMS_QUOTE . ",";
+ push (@values, $value);
# Remove the last , and close the parentheses
chop ($columns);
$columns .= ')';
- # No columns
+ # No columns
if ($columns eq '()') {
# Add placeholders for the values
$columns .= ' VALUES (' . ("?," x ($#values + 1));
# Remove the last , and close the parentheses
chop ($columns);
$columns .= ')';
return ($columns, \@values);
@@ -973,7 +992,7 @@ sub db_get_lock($$;$) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT GET_LOCK(?, ?)');
$sth->execute($lock_name, $lock_timeout);
my ($lock) = $sth->fetchrow;
# Something went wrong
return 0 if (! defined ($lock));
diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm
index 73c24a0f06..f88437d0b6 100644
--- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm
+++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/DataServer.pm
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$) {
'str_warning' => '', 'str_critical' => '', 'critical_instructions' => '', 'warning_instructions' => '',
'unknown_instructions' => '', 'tags' => '', 'critical_inverse' => 0, 'warning_inverse' => 0, 'quiet' => 0,
'module_ff_interval' => 0};
# Other tags will be saved here
$module_conf->{'extended_info'} = '';
@@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$) {
} else {
$module_conf->{'extended_info'} .= "$tag: " . get_tag_value ($data, $tag, '') . '
- }
+ }
# Description XML tag and column name don't match
$module_conf->{'descripcion'} = $module_conf->{'description'};
$module_conf->{'descripcion'} = '' unless defined ($module_conf->{'descripcion'});
@@ -549,14 +549,14 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$) {
# Name XML tag and column name don't match
$module_conf->{'nombre'} = safe_input($module_name);
delete $module_conf->{'name'};
# Calculate the module interval in seconds
$module_conf->{'module_interval'} = 1 unless defined ($module_conf->{'module_interval'});
$module_conf->{'module_interval'} *= $interval if (defined ($module_conf->{'module_interval'}));
# Allow , as a decimal separator
$module_conf->{'post_process'} =~ s/,/./ if (defined ($module_conf->{'post_process'}));
# Get module data or create it if it does not exist
$ModuleSem->down ();
my $module = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = ? AND ' . db_text ('nombre') . ' = ?', $agent->{'id_agente'}, safe_input($module_name));
@@ -568,14 +568,14 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$) {
$ModuleSem->up ();
# Is the agent learning?
if ($agent->{'modo'} ne '1') {
logger($pa_config, "Learning mode disabled. Skipping module '$module_name' agent '$agent_name'.", 10);
$ModuleSem->up ();
# Get the module type
$module_conf->{'id_tipo_modulo'} = get_module_id ($dbh, $module_type);
if ($module_conf->{'id_tipo_modulo'} <= 0) {
@@ -583,16 +583,16 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$) {
$ModuleSem->up ();
# The group name has to be translated to a group ID
if (defined $module_conf->{'module_group'}) {
$module_conf->{'id_module_group'} = get_module_group_id ($dbh, $module_conf->{'module_group'});
delete $module_conf->{'module_group'};
$module_conf->{'id_modulo'} = 1;
$module_conf->{'id_agente'} = $agent->{'id_agente'};
my $module_tags = undef;
if(defined ($module_conf->{'tags'})) {
$module_tags = $module_conf->{'tags'};
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$) {
# Create the module
my $module_id = pandora_create_module_from_hash ($pa_config, $module_conf, $dbh);
$module = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = ? AND ' . db_text('nombre') . ' = ?', $agent->{'id_agente'}, safe_input($module_name));
if (! defined ($module)) {
logger($pa_config, "Could not create module '$module_name' for agent '$agent_name'.", 3);
@@ -626,7 +626,8 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$) {
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
# Control NULL columns
$module->{'descripcion'} = '' unless defined ($module->{'descripcion'});
$module->{'extended_info'} = '' unless defined ($module->{'extended_info'});
@@ -649,15 +650,15 @@ sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$) {
if ($agent->{'modo'} eq '1' && $policy_linked == 0) {
update_module_configuration ($pa_config, $dbh, $module, $module_conf);
$ModuleSem->up ();
# Module disabled!
if ($module->{'disabled'} eq '1') {
logger($pa_config, "Skipping disabled module '$module_name' agent '$agent_name'.", 10);
# Parse the timestamp and process the module
if ($timestamp !~ /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ &&
$timestamp !~ /(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/) {
diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GIS.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GIS.pm
index 9376b2402d..809e8cb3df 100644
--- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GIS.pm
+++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/GIS.pm
@@ -146,12 +146,24 @@ B: I if there is not information available or a B with:
sub get_reverse_geoip_sql($$$) {
my ($pa_config,$ip_addr, $dbh) = @_;
- my $id_range = get_db_value($dbh, 'SELECT `id_range` FROM tgis_reverse_geoip_ranges WHERE INET_ATON(?) >= `first_IP_decimal` AND INET_ATON(?) <= `last_IP_decimal` LIMIT 1', $ip_addr, $ip_addr);
- if (defined($id_range)) {
- logger($pa_config,"Range id of '$ip_addr' is '$id_range'", 8);
- my $region_info = get_db_single_row($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tgis_reverse_geoip_info WHERE `id_range` = ?',$id_range);
- logger($pa_config, "region info of id_range '$id_range' is: country:".$region_info->{'country_name'}." region:".$region_info->{'region'}." city:".$region_info->{'city'}." longitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}." latitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}, 8);
+ my $id_range = get_db_value($dbh,
+ 'SELECT ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'id_range' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . '
+ FROM tgis_reverse_geoip_ranges
+ WHERE INET_ATON(?) >= ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'first_IP_decimal' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . '
+ AND INET_ATON(?) <= ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'last_IP_decimal ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . '
+ LIMIT 1', $ip_addr, $ip_addr);
+ if (defined($id_range)) {
+ logger($pa_config,"Range id of '$ip_addr' is '$id_range'", 8);
+ my $region_info = get_db_single_row($dbh,
+ FROM tgis_reverse_geoip_info
+ WHERE ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'id_range ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ' = ?',
+ $id_range);
+ logger($pa_config, "region info of id_range '$id_range' is: country:".$region_info->{'country_name'}." region:".$region_info->{'region'}." city:".$region_info->{'city'}." longitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}." latitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}, 8);
return $region_info;
return undef;
diff --git a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/ReconServer.pm b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/ReconServer.pm
index 8ef3f07dc3..2221c3a54c 100644
--- a/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/ReconServer.pm
+++ b/pandora_server/lib/PandoraFMS/ReconServer.pm
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ sub data_consumer ($$) {
# End of GIS code -----------------------------
- else {
+ else {
# Create a new agent
$agent_id = pandora_create_agent ($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'},
$host_name, $addr, $task->{'id_group'},
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ sub data_consumer ($$) {
logger($pa_config, "Error creating agent '$host_name'.", 3);
# Add the new address if it does not exist
my $addr_id = get_addr_id ($dbh, $addr);
$addr_id = add_address ($dbh, $addr) unless ($addr_id > 0);
@@ -282,14 +282,15 @@ sub data_consumer ($$) {
logger($pa_config, "Could not add address '$addr' for host '$host_name'.", 3);
# Assign the new address to the agent
my $agent_addr_id = get_agent_addr_id ($dbh, $addr_id, $agent_id);
if ($agent_addr_id <= 0) {
- db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO taddress_agent (`id_a`, `id_agent`)
- VALUES (?, ?)', $addr_id, $agent_id);
+ db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO taddress_agent (' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'id_a' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ', ' .
+ $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'id_agent' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ')
+ VALUES (?, ?)', $addr_id, $agent_id);
# Create network profile modules for the agent
create_network_profile_modules ($pa_config, $dbh, $agent_id, $task->{'id_network_profile'}, $addr, $task->{'snmp_community'});
@@ -309,9 +310,9 @@ sub data_consumer ($$) {
$text .= "\n\nThis is the list of IP addresses found: \n\n$added_hosts";
pandora_create_incident ($pa_config, $dbh, "[RECON] New hosts detected", $text, 0, 0, 'Pandora FMS Recon Server', $task->{'id_group'});
logger($pa_config, "Finished recon task for net " . $task->{'subnet'} . ".", 10);
# Mark recon task as done
update_recon_task ($dbh, $task_id, -1);
@@ -388,12 +389,13 @@ sub get_host_parent {
if ($os_detect == 1) {
$id_os = guess_os ($pa_config, $dbh, $host_addr);
# Create the host
my $agent_id = pandora_create_agent ($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $host_name, $host_addr, $group, $parent_id, $id_os, '', 300, $dbh);
$agent_id = 0 unless defined ($parent_id);
- db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO taddress_agent (`id_a`, `id_agent`)
- VALUES (?, ?)', $addr_id, $agent_id);
+ db_do ($dbh, 'INSERT INTO taddress_agent (' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'id_a' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ',' .
+ $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'id_agent' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ')
+ VALUES (?, ?)', $addr_id, $agent_id);
# Move to the next host
$parent_id = $agent_id;
@@ -417,9 +419,9 @@ sub tcp_scan ($$$) {
# Guess OS using xprobe2.
sub guess_os {
- my ($pa_config, $dbh, $host) = @_;
- # Use xprobe2 if available
+ my ($pa_config, $dbh, $host) = @_;
+ # Use xprobe2 if available
my $xprobe = $pa_config->{'xprobe2'};
if (-e $xprobe){
my $output = `$xprobe $host 2>$DEVNULL | grep 'Running OS' | head -1`;