Net scan improvements

This commit is contained in:
Enrique Martin 2024-02-02 14:41:28 +01:00
parent e546278a01
commit f7dbd8f3b2
5 changed files with 365 additions and 213 deletions

View File

@ -56,5 +56,27 @@ ADD COLUMN `id_agent_data` int not null default 0 AFTER `script_type`;
ALTER TABLE `tusuario` CHANGE COLUMN `metaconsole_data_section` `metaconsole_data_section` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ;
ALTER TABLE `tmensajes` ADD COLUMN `icon_notification` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `url`;
-- Create SNMPv3 credentials for recon tasks and update them
SET @creds_name = 'Recon-SNMP-creds-';
INSERT IGNORE INTO `tcredential_store` (`identifier`, `id_group`, `product`, `extra_1`)
CONCAT(@creds_name,`id_rt`) AS `identifier`,
'SNMP' AS `product`,
) AS `extra1`
FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `snmp_version` = 3 AND `snmp_enabled` = 1
UPDATE `trecon_task` SET `auth_strings` = IF(`auth_strings` = '',`auth_strings`,CONCAT(@creds_name,`id_rt`,',',`auth_strings`)) WHERE `snmp_version` = 3 AND `snmp_enabled` = 1;

View File

@ -450,6 +450,26 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
if (isset($this->task['id_rt']) === false) {
// Create.
$default_templates = [
io_safe_input('Linux System'),
io_safe_input('Windows System'),
io_safe_input('Windows Hardware'),
io_safe_input('Network Management')
$default_templates_ids = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT id_np
FROM tnetwork_profile
WHERE name IN ('.implode(',', array_map(function($template) {
return "'" . $template . "'";
}, $default_templates)).')
ORDER BY name');
if($default_templates_ids !== false) {
$this->task['id_network_profile'] = implode(',',
array_column($default_templates_ids, 'id_np'),
$this->task['id_rt'] = db_process_sql_insert(
@ -1100,12 +1120,9 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
'arguments' => [
'name' => 'id_network_profile[]',
'type' => 'select_from_sql',
'sql' => 'SELECT tn.id_np,
FROM tnetwork_profile tn
LEFT JOIN `tnetwork_profile_pen` tp
ON tp.id_np = tn.id_np
WHERE tp.id_np IS NULL
'sql' => 'SELECT id_np, name
FROM tnetwork_profile
ORDER BY name',
'return' => true,
'selected' => explode(
@ -1273,114 +1290,88 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
// SNMP Options pack v3.
$form['inputs'][] = [
'hidden' => 1,
'block_id' => 'snmp_options_v3',
'class' => 'indented',
'block_content' => [
'label' => '<b>'.__('Context').'</b>',
'arguments' => [
'name' => 'snmp_context',
'type' => 'text',
'value' => $this->task['snmp_community'],
'size' => 15,
'return' => true,
$show_snmp_auth = false;
if (isset($this->task['snmp_enabled']) && $this->task['snmp_enabled'] > 0
&& isset($this->task['snmp_version']) && $this->task['snmp_version'] == 3
) {
$show_snmp_auth = true;
'label' => '<b>'.__('Auth user').'</b>',
'arguments' => [
'name' => 'snmp_auth_user',
'type' => 'text',
'value' => $this->task['snmp_auth_user'],
'size' => 15,
'return' => true,
'label' => '<b>'.__('Security level').'</b>',
'arguments' => [
'name' => 'snmp_security_level',
'type' => 'select',
'fields' => [
'noAuthNoPriv' => __('Not auth and not privacy method'),
'authNoPriv' => __('Auth and not privacy method'),
'authPriv' => __('Auth and privacy method'),
'selected' => $this->task['snmp_security_level'],
'size' => 15,
'return' => true,
'label' => '<b>'.__('Auth method').'</b>',
'arguments' => [
'name' => 'snmp_auth_method',
'type' => 'select',
'fields' => [
'MD5' => __('MD5'),
'SHA' => __('SHA'),
'selected' => $this->task['snmp_auth_method'],
'size' => 15,
'return' => true,
'label' => '<b>'.__('Auth password').'</b>'.ui_print_help_tip(
'The pass length must be eight character minimum.'
'arguments' => [
'name' => 'snmp_auth_pass',
'type' => 'password',
'value' => $this->task['snmp_auth_pass'],
'size' => 15,
'return' => true,
'label' => '<b>'.__('Privacy method').'</b>',
'arguments' => [
'name' => 'snmp_privacy_method',
'type' => 'select',
'fields' => [
'DES' => __('DES'),
'AES' => __('AES'),
'selected' => $this->task['snmp_privacy_method'],
'size' => 15,
'return' => true,
'label' => '<b>'.__('Privacy pass').'</b>'.ui_print_help_tip(
'The pass length must be eight character minimum.'
'arguments' => [
'name' => 'snmp_privacy_pass',
'type' => 'password',
'value' => $this->task['snmp_privacy_pass'],
'size' => 15,
'return' => true,
include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/class/CredentialStore.class.php';
$all_snmp_keys = CredentialStore::getAll(
'tg.nombre as `group`',
['product' => 'SNMP']
if (is_array($all_snmp_keys) === true) {
// Improve usage and decode output.
$snmp_available_keys = array_reduce(
function ($carry, $item) {
$item['extra_1'] = io_output_password($item['extra_1']);
$extra1 = json_decode($item['extra_1'], true);
if($extra1 !== null && $extra1['version'] == 3) {
$carry[$item['identifier']] = $item['identifier'];
return $carry;
if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'UM')) {
$link_to_cs = '<a class="ext_link" href="'.ui_get_full_url(
).'" >';
$link_to_cs .= __('No credentials available').', ';
$link_to_cs .= strtolower(__('Manage credentials')).'</a>';
} else {
$link_to_cs = __('No credentials available');
if (count($snmp_available_keys) > 0) {
$form['inputs'][] = [
'block_id' => 'auth_block_snmp',
'class' => 'indented',
'hidden' => !$show_snmp_auth,
'block_content' => [
'label' => __('Credentials to try with'),
'arguments' => [
'type' => 'select',
'name' => 'auth_strings[]',
'fields' => $snmp_available_keys,
'selected' => explode(
'multiple' => true,
'class' => 'select_multiple',
} else {
$form['inputs'][] = [
'block_id' => 'auth_block_snmp',
'class' => 'indented',
'hidden' => !$show_snmp_auth,
'block_content' => [
'label' => __('Credentials'),
'extra' => $link_to_cs,
// Input: Enforce os detection.
$form['inputs'][] = [
@ -1453,14 +1444,12 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
$show_auth = false;
if ((isset($this->task['wmi_enabled']) && $this->task['wmi_enabled'] > 0)
|| (isset($this->task['rcmd_enabled']) && $this->task['rcmd_enabled'] > 0)
) {
if (isset($this->task['wmi_enabled']) && $this->task['wmi_enabled'] > 0) {
$show_auth = true;
include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/class/CredentialStore.class.php';
$available_keys = CredentialStore::getKeys('WMI');
$wmi_available_keys = CredentialStore::getKeys('WMI');
if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'UM')) {
$link_to_cs = '<a class="ext_link" href="'.ui_get_full_url(
@ -1471,9 +1460,9 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
$link_to_cs = __('No credentials available');
if (count($available_keys) > 0) {
if (count($wmi_available_keys) > 0) {
$form['inputs'][] = [
'block_id' => 'auth_block',
'block_id' => 'auth_block_wmi',
'class' => 'indented',
'hidden' => !$show_auth,
'block_content' => [
@ -1482,7 +1471,7 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
'arguments' => [
'type' => 'select',
'name' => 'auth_strings[]',
'fields' => CredentialStore::getKeys('WMI'),
'fields' => $wmi_available_keys,
'selected' => explode(
@ -1496,7 +1485,7 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
} else {
$form['inputs'][] = [
'block_id' => 'auth_block',
'block_id' => 'auth_block_wmi',
'class' => 'indented',
'hidden' => !$show_auth,
'block_content' => [
@ -1520,11 +1509,11 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
function SNMPExtraShow(target) {
if (document.getElementsByName("snmp_enabled")[0].checked) {
if (target == 3) {
} else {
@ -1554,7 +1543,7 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
// Disable snmp dependant checks
if (document.getElementsByName("parent_recursion")[0].checked)
@ -1572,13 +1561,17 @@ class HostDevices extends Wizard
function toggleAuth() {
if (document.getElementsByName("wmi_enabled")[0].checked
|| (typeof document.getElementsByName("rcmd_enabled")[0] != "undefined"
&& document.getElementsByName("rcmd_enabled")[0].checked)
) {
if (document.getElementsByName("wmi_enabled")[0].checked) {
} else {
if (typeof document.getElementsByName("rcmd_enabled")[0] != "undefined"
&& document.getElementsByName("rcmd_enabled")[0].checked) {
} else {

View File

@ -1118,6 +1118,30 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_interface_modules($$) {
return unless ($self->is_snmp_discovered($device));
my $community = $self->get_community($device);
my $snmp3_creds = undef;
if(defined($self->{'snmp3_auth_key'}{$device})) {
$snmp3_creds = $self->snmp3_credentials($self->{'snmp3_auth_key'}{$device});
my $snmp3_params = {
'custom_string_1' => '',
'custom_string_2' => '',
'custom_string_3' => '',
'plugin_parameter' => '',
'plugin_user' => '',
'plugin_pass' => ''
if(defined($snmp3_creds)) {
$community = $snmp3_creds->{'community'};
$snmp3_params = {
'custom_string_1' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_auth_pass'}
my @output = $self->snmp_get_value_array($device, $PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFINDEX);
foreach my $if_index (@output) {
next unless ($if_index =~ /^[0-9]+$/);
@ -1153,12 +1177,12 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_interface_modules($$) {
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'custom_string_1' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFOPERSTATUS.$if_index",
'unit' => ''
@ -1183,12 +1207,12 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_interface_modules($$) {
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'custom_string_1' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFHCINOCTECTS.$if_index",
'unit' => safe_input('bytes/s')
@ -1210,12 +1234,12 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_interface_modules($$) {
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'custom_string_1' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFINOCTECTS.$if_index",
'unit' => safe_input('bytes/s')
@ -1241,12 +1265,12 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_interface_modules($$) {
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'custom_string_1' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFHCOUTOCTECTS.$if_index",
'unit' => safe_input('bytes/s')
@ -1268,12 +1292,12 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_interface_modules($$) {
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'task_data'}{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'custom_string_1' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFOUTOCTECTS.$if_index",
'unit' => safe_input('bytes/s')
@ -1305,19 +1329,19 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_interface_modules($$) {
# Interface index filter.
$macros->{'5'}->{'value'} = $if_index;
# SecurityName.
$macros->{'6'}->{'value'} = $self->{'task_data'}->{'snmp_auth_user'};
$macros->{'6'}->{'value'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_user'};
# SecurityContext.
$macros->{'7'}->{'value'} = $community;
# SecurityLevel.
$macros->{'8'}->{'value'} = $self->{'task_data'}->{'snmp_security_level'};
$macros->{'8'}->{'value'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_security_level'};
# AuthProtocol.
$macros->{'9'}->{'value'} = $self->{'task_data'}->{'snmp_auth_method'};
$macros->{'9'}->{'value'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_method'};
# AuthKey.
$macros->{'10'}->{'value'} = $self->{'task_data'}->{'snmp_auth_pass'};
$macros->{'10'}->{'value'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_pass'};
# PrivProtocol.
$macros->{'11'}->{'value'} = $self->{'task_data'}->{'snmp_privacy_method'};
$macros->{'11'}->{'value'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_method'};
# PrivKey.
$macros->{'12'}->{'value'} = $self->{'task_data'}->{'snmp_privacy_pass'};
$macros->{'12'}->{'value'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_pass'};
# Hash identifier.
$macros->{'13'}->{'value'} = PandoraFMS::Tools::generate_agent_name_hash($if_name, $device);
# Get input usage.
@ -1429,6 +1453,7 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_wmi_modules {
'ip_target' => $target,
'snmp_oid' => "SELECT LoadPercentage FROM Win32_Processor WHERE DeviceId=\'$cpu\'",
'tcp_send' => $creds->{'extra_1'},
'plugin_user' => $creds->{'username'},
'plugin_pass' => $creds->{'password'},
'tcp_port' => 1,
@ -1449,6 +1474,7 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_wmi_modules {
'ip_target' => $target,
'snmp_oid' => "SELECT FreePhysicalMemory, TotalVisibleMemorySize FROM Win32_OperatingSystem",
'tcp_send' => $creds->{'extra_1'},
'plugin_user' => $creds->{'username'},
'plugin_pass' => $creds->{'password'},
'tcp_port' => 0,
@ -1469,6 +1495,7 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_wmi_modules {
'ip_target' => $target,
'snmp_oid' => "SELECT FreeSpace FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DeviceID='$unit'",
'tcp_send' => $creds->{'extra_1'},
'plugin_user' => $creds->{'username'},
'plugin_pass' => $creds->{'password'},
'tcp_port' => 1,
@ -1510,14 +1537,7 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_network_profile_modules($$) {
# 1. Retrieve template info.
my $template = get_nc_profile_advanced($self->{'dbh'}, $t_id);
# 2. Verify Private Enterprise Number matches (PEN)
if (defined($template->{'pen'})) {
my @pens = split(',', $template->{'pen'});
next unless (is_in_array(\@pens, $self->get_pen($device)));
# 3. Retrieve module list from target template.
# 2. Retrieve module list from target template.
my @np_components = get_db_rows(
'SELECT * FROM tnetwork_profile_component WHERE id_np = ?',
@ -1525,7 +1545,7 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_network_profile_modules($$) {
foreach my $np_component (@np_components) {
# 4. Register each module (candidate). 'add_module' will test them.
# 3. Register each module (candidate). 'add_module' will test them.
my $component = get_db_single_row(
'SELECT * FROM tnetwork_component WHERE id_nc = ?',
@ -1543,18 +1563,45 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_network_profile_modules($$) {
$component->{'name'} = safe_output($component->{'name'});
if ($component->{'type'} >= 15 && $component->{'type'} <= 18) {
$component->{'snmp_community'} = safe_output($self->get_community($device));
# SNMP Modules
if ($self->is_snmp_discovered($device) && $component->{'type'} >= 15 && $component->{'type'} <= 18) {
my $snmp3_creds = undef;
my $community = safe_output($self->get_community($device));
if(defined($self->{'snmp3_auth_key'}{$device})) {
$snmp3_creds = $self->snmp3_credentials($self->{'snmp3_auth_key'}{$device});
my $snmp3_params = {
'custom_string_1' => '',
'custom_string_2' => '',
'custom_string_3' => '',
'plugin_parameter' => '',
'plugin_user' => '',
'plugin_pass' => ''
if(defined($snmp3_creds)) {
$community = $snmp3_creds->{'community'};
$snmp3_params = {
'custom_string_1' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $snmp3_creds->{'snmp_auth_pass'}
$component->{'snmp_community'} = $community;
$component->{'tcp_send'} = $self->{'snmp_version'};
$component->{'custom_string_1'} = $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'};
$component->{'custom_string_2'} = $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'};
$component->{'custom_string_3'} = $self->{'snmp_security_level'};
$component->{'plugin_parameter'} = $self->{'snmp_auth_method'};
$component->{'plugin_user'} = $self->{'snmp_auth_user'};
$component->{'plugin_pass'} = $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'};
$component->{'custom_string_1'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_method'};
$component->{'custom_string_2'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_privacy_pass'};
$component->{'custom_string_3'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_security_level'};
$component->{'plugin_parameter'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_method'};
$component->{'plugin_user'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_user'};
$component->{'plugin_pass'} = $snmp3_params->{'snmp_auth_pass'};
if ($component->{'type'} >= 34 && $component->{'type'} <= 37) {
# RCMD Modules
if ($self->rcmd_responds($device) && $component->{'type'} >= 34 && $component->{'type'} <= 37) {
# Update module credentials.
$component->{'custom_string_1'} = $self->rcmd_credentials_key($device);
$component->{'custom_string_2'} = pandora_get_os_by_id(
@ -1563,9 +1610,18 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_network_profile_modules($$) {
# WMI Modules
if ($self->wmi_responds($device) && $component->{'id_modulo'} == 6) {
my $key = $self->wmi_credentials_key($device);
my $creds = $self->call('get_credentials', $key);
$component->{'tcp_send'} = $creds->{'extra_1'};
$component->{'plugin_user'} = $creds->{'username'};
$component->{'plugin_pass'} = $creds->{'password'};
$component->{'__module_component'} = 1;
# 3. Try to register module into monitoring list.
# 4. Try to register module into monitoring list.
$self->call('add_module', $device, $component);
@ -1576,13 +1632,23 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_network_profile_modules($$) {
# Retrieve a key from credential store.
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::get_credentials {
my ($self, $key_index) = @_;
my ($self, $key_index, $product) = @_;
return credential_store_get_key(
my $cred = credential_store_get_key(
if(defined($product)) {
if($product eq $cred->{'product'}) {
return $cred;
} else {
return undef;
return $cred;

View File

@ -1352,10 +1352,9 @@ sub snmp_responds_v122c($$) {
sub snmp_responds_v3($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($device, ".0");
if ($? == 0) {
if ($self->snmp3_credentials_calculation($device)) {
return 1;
@ -1363,6 +1362,81 @@ sub snmp_responds_v3($$) {
return 0;
# Get SNMP3 credentials info in HASH
sub snmp3_credentials {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
my $cred = $self->call('get_credentials', $key, 'SNMP');
return undef if !defined($cred);
return undef if ref($cred) ne 'HASH';
my $extra1 = {};
eval {
local $SIG{__DIE__};
$extra1 = p_decode_json($self->{'pa_config'}, $cred->{'extra_1'});
if ($@) {
$self->call('message', "[".$key."] Credentials ERROR JSON: $@", 10);
return undef;
return undef if $extra1->{'version'} ne '3';
return {
'snmp_security_level' => $extra1->{'securityLevelV3'},
'snmp_privacy_method' => $extra1->{'privacyMethodV3'},
'snmp_privacy_pass' => $extra1->{'privacyPassV3'},
'snmp_auth_method' => $extra1->{'authMethodV3'},
'snmp_auth_user' => $extra1->{'authUserV3'},
'snmp_auth_pass' => $extra1->{'authPassV3'},
'community' => $extra1->{'community'}
# Calculate WMI credentials for target, 1 if calculated, undef if cannot
# connect to target. Credentials could be empty (-N)
sub snmp3_credentials_calculation {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
# Test all credentials selected.
foreach my $key_index (@{$self->{'auth_strings_array'}}) {
my $cred = snmp3_credentials($key_index);
next if !defined($cred);
next if ref($cred) ne 'HASH';
my $auth = '';
if ($cred->{'community'}) { # Context
$auth .= " -N \'$cred->{'community'}\' ";
$auth .= " -l$cred->{'snmp_security_level'} ";
if ($cred->{'snmp_security_level'} ne "noAuthNoPriv") {
$auth .= " -u$cred->{'snmp_auth_user'} -a $cred->{'snmp_auth_method'} -A \'$cred->{'snmp_auth_pass'}\' ";
if ($cred->{'snmp_security_level'} eq "authPriv") {
$auth .= " -x$cred->{'snmp_privacy_method'} -X \'$cred->{'snmp_privacy_pass'}\' ";
$self->{'snmp3_auth'}{$target} = $auth;
$self->{'snmp3_auth_key'}{$target} = $key_index;
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($target, ".0");
if ($? == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Parse the local ARP cache.
@ -2198,16 +2272,7 @@ sub snmp_get_command {
my $command = "snmpwalk -M$DEVNULL -r$self->{'snmp_checks'} -t$self->{'snmp_timeout'} -v$self->{'snmp_version'} -On -Oe ";
if ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq "3") {
if ($self->{'community'}) { # Context
$command .= " -N \'$self->{'community'}\' ";
$command .= " -l$self->{'snmp_security_level'} ";
if ($self->{'snmp_security_level'} ne "noAuthNoPriv") {
$command .= " -u$self->{'snmp_auth_user'} -a $self->{'snmp_auth_method'} -A \'$self->{'snmp_auth_pass'}\' ";
if ($self->{'snmp_security_level'} eq "authPriv") {
$command .= " -x$self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} -X \'$self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'}\' ";
$command .= " $self->{'snmp3_auth'}{$device} ";
} else {
$command .= " -c\'$community\'$vlan ";
@ -2353,7 +2418,8 @@ sub wmi_credentials_calculation {
# Test all credentials selected.
foreach my $key_index (@{$self->{'auth_strings_array'}}) {
my $cred = $self->call('get_credentials', $key_index);
my $cred = $self->call('get_credentials', $key_index, 'WMI');
next if !defined($cred);
next if ref($cred) ne 'HASH';
my $auth = $cred->{'username'}.'%'.$cred->{'password'};
@ -2431,7 +2497,8 @@ sub rcmd_credentials_calculation {
# Test all credentials selected.
foreach my $key_index (@{$self->{'auth_strings_array'}}) {
my $cred = $self->call('get_credentials', $key_index);
my $cred = $self->call('get_credentials', $key_index, 'CUSTOM');
next if !defined($cred);
next if ref($cred) ne 'HASH';

View File

@ -716,19 +716,23 @@ sub credential_store_get_key($$$) {
my $sql = 'SELECT * FROM tcredential_store WHERE identifier = ?';
my $key = PandoraFMS::DB::get_db_single_row($dbh, $sql, $identifier);
return {
'username' => PandoraFMS::Core::pandora_output_password(
'password' => PandoraFMS::Core::pandora_output_password(
'extra_1' => $key->{'extra_1'},
'extra_2' => $key->{'extra_2'},
if(defined($key)) {
return {
'product' => $key->{'product'},
'username' => PandoraFMS::Core::pandora_output_password(
'password' => PandoraFMS::Core::pandora_output_password(
'extra_1' => $key->{'extra_1'},
'extra_2' => $key->{'extra_2'},
return undef;