fixed bug in monitoring event creation

This commit is contained in: 2022-01-14 09:05:50 +01:00
parent 4899d68ec2
commit f9bb085dad
1 changed files with 33 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -982,14 +982,17 @@ sub pandora_execute_alert ($$$$$$$$$;$$) {
$threshold = $action->{'action_threshold'} if (defined ($action->{'action_threshold'}) && $action->{'action_threshold'} > 0);
$threshold = $action->{'module_action_threshold'} if (defined ($action->{'module_action_threshold'}) && $action->{'module_action_threshold'} > 0);
if (time () >= ($action->{'last_execution'} + $threshold)) {
my $monitoring_event_custom_data = '';
push(@{$custom_data->{'actions'}}, safe_output($action->{'action_name'}));
# Does the action generate an event?
if (safe_output($action->{'name'}) eq "Monitoring Event") {
$event_generated = 1;
$monitoring_event_custom_data = $custom_data;
pandora_execute_action ($pa_config, $data, $agent, $alert, $alert_mode, $action, $module, $dbh, $timestamp, $extra_macros);
push(@{$custom_data->{'actions'}}, safe_output($action->{'action_name'}));
pandora_execute_action ($pa_config, $data, $agent, $alert, $alert_mode, $action, $module, $dbh, $timestamp, $extra_macros, $monitoring_event_custom_data);
} else {
if (defined ($module)) {
logger ($pa_config, "Skipping action " . safe_output($action->{'name'}) . " for alert '" . safe_output($alert->{'name'}) . "' module '" . safe_output($module->{'nombre'}) . "'.", 10);
@ -1082,9 +1085,9 @@ Execute the given action.
sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$$) {
my ($pa_config, $data, $agent, $alert,
$alert_mode, $action, $module, $dbh, $timestamp, $extra_macros) = @_;
$alert_mode, $action, $module, $dbh, $timestamp, $extra_macros, $custom_data) = @_;
logger($pa_config, "Executing action '" . safe_output($action->{'name'}) . "' for alert '". safe_output($alert->{'name'}) . "' agent '" . (defined ($agent) ? safe_output($agent->{'nombre'}) : 'N/A') . "'.", 10);
@ -1642,25 +1645,30 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
if ((! defined($alert->{'disable_event'})) || (defined($alert->{'disable_event'}) && $alert->{'disable_event'} == 0)) {
(defined ($agent) ? $agent->{'id_grupo'} : 0),
(defined ($fullagent) ? $fullagent->{'id_agente'} : 0),
? defined($alert->{'id_template_module'})
? $alert->{'id_template_module'}
: $alert->{'id'}
: 0),
(defined($alert) ? $alert->{'id_agent_module'} : 0),
(defined ($agent) ? $agent->{'id_grupo'} : 0),
(defined ($fullagent) ? $fullagent->{'id_agente'} : 0),
? defined($alert->{'id_template_module'})
? $alert->{'id_template_module'}
: $alert->{'id'}
: 0),
(defined($alert) ? $alert->{'id_agent_module'} : 0),
p_encode_json($pa_config, $custom_data)
# Validate event (field1: agent name; field2: module name)
} elsif ($clean_name eq "Validate Event") {