diff --git a/pandora_console/extensions/net_tools.php b/pandora_console/extensions/net_tools.php
index e6ec05977b..ba66cae68e 100644
--- a/pandora_console/extensions/net_tools.php
+++ b/pandora_console/extensions/net_tools.php
@@ -1,26 +1,60 @@
".__('The agent hasn\'t got IP').'';
- return;
- }
- echo "
- ";
- echo '
- echo "
- $operation = get_parameter('operation', 0);
- $community = get_parameter('community', 'public');
- $ip = get_parameter('select_ips');
if (!validate_address($ip)) {
- ui_print_error_message(__('The ip or dns name entered cannot be resolved'));
+ ui_print_error_message(__('The ip or dns name entered cannot be resolved'));
} else {
switch ($operation) {
case 1:
@@ -175,7 +147,7 @@ function main_net_tools()
} else {
echo '
'.__('Traceroute to ').$ip.'
echo '
- echo system("$traceroute $ip");
+ echo system($traceroute.' '.$ip);
echo '
@@ -187,7 +159,7 @@ function main_net_tools()
} else {
echo '
'.__('Ping to %s', $ip).'
echo '
- echo system("$ping -c 5 $ip");
+ echo system($ping.' -c 5 '.$ip);
echo '
@@ -199,7 +171,7 @@ function main_net_tools()
} else {
echo '
'.__('Basic TCP Scan on ').$ip.'
echo '
- echo system("$nmap -F $ip");
+ echo system($nmap.' -F '.$ip);
echo '
@@ -212,7 +184,7 @@ function main_net_tools()
ui_print_error_message(__('Dig executable does not exist.'));
} else {
echo '
- echo system("dig $ip");
+ echo system('dig '.$ip);
echo '
@@ -221,51 +193,227 @@ function main_net_tools()
ui_print_error_message(__('Whois executable does not exist.'));
} else {
echo '
- echo system("whois $ip");
+ echo system('whois '.$ip);
echo '
case 3:
+ $snmp_obj = [
+ 'ip_target' => $ip,
+ 'snmp_version' => $snmp_version,
+ 'snmp_community' => $community,
+ 'format' => '-Oqn',
+ ];
+ $snmp_obj['base_oid'] = '.';
+ $result = get_h_snmpwalk($snmp_obj);
echo '
'.__('SNMP information for ').$ip.'
- $snmpget = whereis_the_command('snmpget');
- if (empty($snmpget)) {
- ui_print_error_message(__('SNMPget executable does not exist.'));
+ echo '
+ echo '
+ if (empty($result)) {
+ ui_print_error_message(__('Target unreachable.'));
+ break;
} else {
- echo ''.__('Uptime').'
- echo '';
- echo exec("$snmpget -Ounv -v1 -c $community $ip . ");
- echo '
- echo ''.__('Device info').'
- echo '';
- echo system("$snmpget -Ounv -v1 -c $community $ip . ");
- echo '
- echo 'Interface Information
- echo '
- echo ''.__('Interface');
- echo ' | '.__('Status');
- $int_max = exec("$snmpget -Oqunv -v1 -c $community $ip . ");
- for ($ax = 0; $ax < $int_max; $ax++) {
- $interface = exec("$snmpget -Oqunv -v1 -c $community $ip .$ax ");
- $estado = exec("$snmpget -Oqunv -v1 -c $community $ip .$ax ");
- echo " |
$interface | $estado";
- }
- echo ' |
+ echo array_pop($result);
+ echo '';
+ echo '
'.__('Device info').'
+ echo '
+ $snmp_obj['base_oid'] = '.';
+ $result = get_h_snmpwalk($snmp_obj);
+ if (empty($result)) {
+ ui_print_error_message(__('Target unreachable.'));
+ break;
+ } else {
+ echo array_pop($result);
+ }
+ echo '
+ echo '
Interface Information
+ $table = new StdClass();
+ $table->class = 'databox';
+ $table->head = [];
+ $table->head[] = __('Interface');
+ $table->head[] = __('Status');
+ $i = 0;
+ $base_oid = '.';
+ $idx_oids = '.1';
+ $names_oids = '.2';
+ $status_oids = '.8';
+ $snmp_obj['base_oid'] = $base_oid.$idx_oids;
+ $idx = get_h_snmpwalk($snmp_obj);
+ $snmp_obj['base_oid'] = $base_oid.$names_oids;
+ $names = get_h_snmpwalk($snmp_obj);
+ $snmp_obj['base_oid'] = $base_oid.$status_oids;
+ $statuses = get_h_snmpwalk($snmp_obj);
+ foreach ($idx as $k => $v) {
+ $index = str_replace($base_oid.$idx_oids, '', $k);
+ $name = $names[$base_oid.$names_oids.$index];
+ $status = $statuses[$base_oid.$status_oids.$index];
+ $table->data[$i][0] = $name;
+ $table->data[$i++][1] = $status;
+ }
+ html_print_table($table);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Ignore.
+ * Main function.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+function main_net_tools()
+ $operation = get_parameter('operation', 0);
+ $community = get_parameter('community', 'public');
+ $ip = get_parameter('select_ips');
+ $snmp_version = get_parameter('select_version');
+ // Show form.
+ $id_agente = get_parameter('id_agente', 0);
+ $principal_ip = db_get_sql(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT direccion FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = %d',
+ $id_agente
+ )
+ );
+ $list_address = db_get_all_rows_sql(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT id_a FROM taddress_agent WHERE id_agent = %d',
+ $id_agente
+ )
+ );
+ foreach ($list_address as $address) {
+ $ids[] = join(',', $address);
+ }
+ $ips = db_get_all_rows_sql(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT ip FROM taddress WHERE id_a IN (%s)',
+ join($ids)
+ )
+ );
+ if ($ips == '') {
+ echo "
".__('The agent hasn\'t got IP').'
+ return;
+ }
+ // Javascript.
+ ?>
+ ';
+ echo "
+ if ($operation) {
+ // Execute form.
+ net_tools_execute($operation, $ip, $community, $snmp_version);
+ }
echo '
+ * Add option.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
function godmode_net_tools()
global $config;
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions.php b/pandora_console/include/functions.php
index fea9131e09..9232854317 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions.php
@@ -1836,6 +1836,52 @@ function array_key_to_offset($array, $key)
+ * Undocumented function
+ *
+ * @param array $arguments Following format:
+ * [
+ * 'ip_target'
+ * 'snmp_version'
+ * 'snmp_community'
+ * 'snmp3_auth_user'
+ * 'snmp3_security_level'
+ * 'snmp3_auth_method'
+ * 'snmp3_auth_pass'
+ * 'snmp3_privacy_method'
+ * 'snmp3_privacy_pass'
+ * 'quick_print'
+ * 'base_oid'
+ * 'snmp_port'
+ * 'server_to_exec'
+ * 'extra_arguments'
+ * 'format'
+ * ]
+ *
+ * @return array SNMP result.
+ */
+function get_h_snmpwalk(array $arguments)
+ return get_snmpwalk(
+ $arguments['ip_target'],
+ $arguments['snmp_version'],
+ isset($arguments['snmp_community']) ? $arguments['snmp_community'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['snmp3_auth_user']) ? $arguments['snmp3_auth_user'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['snmp3_security_level']) ? $arguments['snmp3_security_level'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['snmp3_auth_method']) ? $arguments['snmp3_auth_method'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['snmp3_auth_pass']) ? $arguments['snmp3_auth_pass'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['snmp3_privacy_method']) ? $arguments['snmp3_privacy_method'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['snmp3_privacy_pass']) ? $arguments['snmp3_privacy_pass'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['quick_print']) ? $arguments['quick_print'] : 0,
+ isset($arguments['base_oid']) ? $arguments['base_oid'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['snmp_port']) ? $arguments['snmp_port'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['server_to_exec']) ? $arguments['server_to_exec'] : 0,
+ isset($arguments['extra_arguments']) ? $arguments['extra_arguments'] : '',
+ isset($arguments['format']) ? $arguments['format'] : '-Oa'
+ );
* Make a snmpwalk and return it.
@@ -1956,11 +2002,16 @@ function get_snmpwalk(
exec($command_str, $output, $rc);
- // Parse the output of snmpwalk
+ // Parse the output of snmpwalk.
$snmpwalk = [];
foreach ($output as $line) {
- // Separate the OID from the value
- $full_oid = explode(' = ', $line);
+ // Separate the OID from the value.
+ if (strpos($format, 'q') === false) {
+ $full_oid = explode(' = ', $line, 2);
+ } else {
+ $full_oid = explode(' ', $line, 2);
+ }
if (isset($full_oid[1])) {
$snmpwalk[$full_oid[0]] = $full_oid[1];