#13572 change GetNextExecutionCron internal function

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Jonathan 2024-05-08 13:45:57 +02:00
parent 33f87bde8d
commit fc3edbc662
1 changed files with 29 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -1000,112 +1000,43 @@ function cron_list_table()
function GetNextExecutionCron($cron)
// Parseamos el formato cron.
// Split cron.
$cronsplit = preg_split('/\s+/', $cron);
$current_date = new DateTime();
// Extract the current hour and minute.
$current_hour = (int) $current_date->format('H');
$current_minute = (int) $current_date->format('i');
// Set dates to use.
$current_day = new DateTime();
$next_execution = new DateTime();
// If the current time has already passed, we increment the date to the next day.
if ($current_hour > $cronsplit[1] || ($current_hour == $cronsplit[1] && $current_minute >= $cronsplit[0])) {
$current_date->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
// Monthly schedule.
if ($cronsplit[2] !== '*') {
$next_execution->setDate($current_day->format('Y'), $current_day->format('m'), $cronsplit[2]);
$next_execution->setTime($cronsplit[1], $cronsplit[0]);
if ($next_execution->format('Y-m-d H:m') <= $current_day->format('Y-m-d H:m')) {
$next_execution->setDate($current_day->format('Y'), ($current_day->format('m') + 1), $cronsplit[2]);
return $next_execution;
// Calculamos la próxima ejecución basada en el formato cron.
$next_minute = $current_date->format('i');
$next_hour = $current_date->format('H');
$next_day = $current_date->format('d');
$next_month = $current_date->format('m');
$next_day_week = $current_date->format('w');
// Weekly schedule.
if ($cronsplit[4] !== '*') {
$next_execution->setISODate($current_day->format('Y'), $current_day->format('W'), $cronsplit[4]);
$next_execution->setTime($cronsplit[1], $cronsplit[0]);
if ($next_execution->format('Y-m-d H:m') <= $current_day->format('Y-m-d H:m')) {
$next_execution->setISODate($current_day->format('Y'), ($current_day->format('W') + 1), $cronsplit[4]);
// Minutes.
$minutes = cronToArray($cronsplit[0], 0, 59);
$next_minute = check_next_value($minutes, $next_minute);
return $next_execution;
// Hours.
$hours = cronToArray($cronsplit[1], 0, 23);
$next_hour = check_next_value($hours, $next_hour);
// Daily schedule.
if ($cronsplit[2] === '*' && $cronsplit[3] === '*' && $cronsplit[4] === '*') {
$next_execution->setTime($cronsplit[1], $cronsplit[0]);
if ($next_execution->format('Y-m-d H:m') <= $current_day->format('Y-m-d H:m')) {
$next_execution->setDate($current_day->format('Y'), $current_day->format('m'), ($current_day->format('d') + 1));
// Day of month.
$day_month = cronToArray($cronsplit[2], 1, 31);
$next_day = check_next_value($day_month, $next_day);
// Month.
$month = cronToArray($cronsplit[3], 1, 12);
$next_month = check_next_value($month, $next_month);
// Day of week.
$week_day = cronToArray($cronsplit[4], 0, 6);
$next_day_week = check_next_value($week_day, $next_day_week);
// Next execution.
$next_execution = new DateTime();
$next_execution->setTime($next_hour, $next_minute);
$next_execution->setDate($current_date->format('Y'), $next_month, $next_day);
// If the next execution falls on a day of the week other than the current one, we adjust the date.
while ($next_execution->format('w') != $next_day_week) {
$next_execution->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
return $next_execution;
return $next_execution;
* Split cron into array for checks.
* @param integer $cron
* @param mixed $min
* @param mixed $max
* @return void
function cronToArray($cron, $min, $max)
$values = [];
if ($cron == '*') {
for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
$values[] = $i;
} else {
$$elements = explode(',', $cron);
foreach ($$elements as $$element) {
if (strpos($$element, '/') !== false) {
$division = explode('/', $$element);
$start = $division[0];
$count = $division[1];
for ($i = $start; $i <= $max; $i += $count) {
if ($i >= $min && $i <= $max) {
$values[] = $i;
} else {
$values[] = $$element;
return $values;
* Check if the next value is valid.
* @param array $valores Values.
* @param interger $actual Value.
* @return integer Return the value.
function check_next_value($valores, $actual)
foreach ($valores as $valor) {
if ($valor >= $actual) {
return $valor;
return $valores[0];