Great improvements on the data retrieving

This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Gallardo Escobar 2015-01-22 16:56:44 +01:00
parent e812c55264
commit fe67eec2e0
2 changed files with 387 additions and 137 deletions

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ class Tree {
$this->strictACL = (bool) db_get_value("strict_acl", "tusuario", "id_user", $config['id_user']);
$this->acltags = tags_get_user_module_and_tags($config['id_user'], 'AR');
@ -57,6 +58,14 @@ class Tree {
$this->filter = $filter;
public function isStrict () {
return $this->strictACL;
public function setStrict ($value) {
$this->strictACL = (bool) $value;
protected function getAgentStatusFilter ($status) {
$agent_status_filter = "";
switch ($this->filter['statusAgent']) {
@ -149,7 +158,8 @@ class Tree {
// Agent status filter
$agent_status_filter = "";
if (!empty($this->filter['statusAgent'])) {
if (isset($this->filter['statusAgent'])
&& $this->filter['statusAgent'] != AGENT_STATUS_ALL) {
$agent_status_filter = $this->getAgentStatusFilter($this->filter['statusAgent']);
@ -171,7 +181,9 @@ class Tree {
// Module status filter
$module_status_filter = "";
if (!empty($this->filter['statusModule'])) {
if (isset($this->filter['statusModule'])
&& $this->filter['statusModule'] != -1) {
switch ($this->filter['statusModule']) {
@ -227,123 +239,229 @@ class Tree {
switch ($rootType) {
case 'group':
if ($rootID == -1)
return array();
// if ($rootID == -1)
// return array();
// ACL Groups
if (isset($this->userGroups) && $this->userGroups === false)
return array();
// if (isset($this->userGroups) && $this->userGroups === false)
// return array();
if (!empty($this->userGroups) && $rootID != -1) {
if (!isset($this->userGroups[$rootID]))
return array();
// if (!empty($this->userGroups) && $rootID != -1) {
// if (!isset($this->userGroups[$rootID]))
// return array();
// }
// TODO: Check ACL
$group_filter = "AND ta.id_grupo = $rootID";
// ACL Group
$group_acl = "";
if (!empty($this->userGroups)) {
$user_groups_str = implode(",", array_keys($this->userGroups));
$group_acl = " AND ta.id_grupo IN ($user_groups_str) ";
else {
$group_acl = "AND ta.id_grupo = -1";
switch ($type) {
// Get the agents of a group
case 'group':
$columns = 'ta.id_agente, ta.nombre, ta.fired_count,
ta.normal_count, ta.warning_count, ta.critical_count,
ta.unknown_count, ta.notinit_count, ta.total_count';
$order_fields = 'ta.nombre ASC, ta.id_agente ASC';
if (empty($rootID) || $rootID == -1) {
$columns = 'tg.id_grupo AS id, tg.nombre AS name, tg.parent, tg.icon, COUNT(ta.id_agente) AS num_agents';
$order_fields = 'tg.nombre ASC, tg.id_grupo ASC';
$sql = "SELECT $columns
FROM tagente AS ta
WHERE ta.disabled = 0
ORDER BY $order_fields";
// Add the agent counters to the columns
$agent_table = "SELECT tac.id_agente
FROM tagente AS tac
WHERE tac.disabled = 0
AND tac.id_os = tos.id_os";
//$counter_columns = $this->getAgentCounterColumnsSql($agent_table);
if (!empty($counter_columns))
$columns .= ", $counter_columns";
// WARNING: THE AGENTS JOIN ARE NOT FILTERING BY tg.id_grupo = ta.id_grupo
$sql = "SELECT $columns
FROM tgrupo AS tg
LEFT JOIN tagente AS ta
LEFT JOIN tagente_modulo AS tam
ON tam.disabled = 0
AND ta.id_agente = tam.id_agente
ON ta.disabled = 0
AND tg.id_grupo = ta.id_grupo
GROUP BY tg.id_grupo
ORDER BY $order_fields";
else {
$columns = 'ta.id_agente AS id, ta.nombre AS name, ta.fired_count,
ta.normal_count, ta.warning_count, ta.critical_count,
ta.unknown_count, ta.notinit_count, ta.total_count';
$order_fields = 'ta.nombre ASC, ta.id_agente ASC';
$sql = "SELECT $columns
FROM tagente AS ta
LEFT JOIN tagente_modulo AS tam
ON tam.disabled = 0
AND ta.id_agente = tam.id_agente
WHERE ta.disabled = 0
AND ta.id_grupo = $rootID
GROUP BY ta.id_agente
ORDER BY $order_fields";
// Get the modules of an agent
case 'agent':
$columns = 'tam.id_agente_modulo, tam.nombre,
$columns = 'tam.id_agente_modulo AS id, tam.nombre AS name,
tam.id_tipo_modulo, tam.id_modulo, tae.estado, tae.datos';
$order_fields = 'tam.nombre ASC, tam.id_agente_modulo ASC';
$agent_filter = "AND tam.id_agente = $parent";
$sql = "SELECT $columns
FROM tagente_modulo AS tam
INNER JOIN tagente AS ta
ON ta.disabled = 0
AND tam.id_agente = ta.id_agente
AND ta.id_grupo = $rootID
WHERE tam.disabled = 0
AND tam.id_agente = $parent
GROUP BY tam.id_agente_modulo
ORDER BY $order_fields";
case 'tag':
if ($rootID == -1)
return array();
// if ($rootID == -1)
// return array();
$groups_clause = "";
if (!empty($this->acltags)) {
$i = 0;
$groups = array();
foreach ($this->acltags as $group_id => $tags) {
if (!empty($tags)) {
$tags_arr = explode(',', $tags);
// $groups_clause = "";
// if (!empty($this->acltags)) {
// $i = 0;
// $groups = array();
// foreach ($this->acltags as $group_id => $tags) {
// if (!empty($tags)) {
// $tags_arr = explode(',', $tags);
if (in_array($id_tag, $tags_arr))
$groups[] = $group_id;
if (!empty($groups)) {
$groups_str = implode(",", $groups);
$groups_clause = " AND ta.id_grupo IN ($groups_str)";
// if (in_array($id_tag, $tags_arr))
// $groups[] = $group_id;
// }
// }
// if (!empty($groups)) {
// $groups_str = implode(",", $groups);
// $groups_clause = " AND ta.id_grupo IN ($groups_str)";
// }
// }
// ACL Group
$group_acl = "";
if (!empty($this->userGroups)) {
$user_groups_str = implode(",", array_keys($this->userGroups));
$group_acl = " AND ta.id_grupo IN ($user_groups_str) ";
else {
$group_acl = "AND ta.id_grupo = -1";
$tag_filter = " AND ttm.id_tag = $rootID";
$tag_join = "INNER JOIN ttag_module AS ttm
ON tam.id_agente_modulo = ttm.id_agente_modulo
switch ($type) {
// Get the agents of a tag
case 'tag':
$columns = 'ta.id_agente, ta.nombre, ta.fired_count,
ta.normal_count, ta.warning_count, ta.critical_count,
ta.unknown_count, ta.notinit_count, ta.total_count';
$order_fields = 'ta.nombre ASC, ta.id_agente ASC';
if (empty($rootID) || $rootID == -1) {
$columns = 'tt.id_tag AS id, AS name';
$order_fields = ' ASC, tt.id_tag ASC';
$sql = "SELECT $columns
FROM tagente AS ta
INNER JOIN tagente_modulo AS tam
ON tam.disabled = 0
AND ta.id_agente = tam.id_agente
WHERE ta.disabled = 0
ORDER BY $order_fields";
// Add the agent counters to the columns
$agent_table = "SELECT tac.id_agente
FROM tagente AS tac
WHERE tac.disabled = 0
AND tac.id_os = tos.id_os";
//$counter_columns = $this->getAgentCounterColumnsSql($agent_table);
if (!empty($counter_columns))
$columns .= ", $counter_columns";
$sql = "SELECT $columns
FROM ttag AS tt
INNER JOIN ttag_module AS ttm
ON tt.id_tag = ttm.id_tag
INNER JOIN tagente_modulo AS tam
ON tam.disabled = 0
AND ttm.id_agente_modulo = tam.id_agente_modulo
INNER JOIN tagente AS ta
ON ta.disabled = 0
AND tam.id_agente = ta.id_agente
GROUP BY tt.id_tag
ORDER BY $order_fields";
else {
$columns = 'ta.id_agente AS id, ta.nombre AS name, ta.fired_count,
ta.normal_count, ta.warning_count, ta.critical_count,
ta.unknown_count, ta.notinit_count, ta.total_count';
$order_fields = 'ta.nombre ASC, ta.id_agente ASC';
$sql = "SELECT $columns
FROM tagente AS ta
INNER JOIN tagente_modulo AS tam
ON tam.disabled = 0
AND ta.id_agente = tam.id_agente
INNER JOIN ttag_module AS ttm
ON tam.id_agente_modulo = ttm.id_agente_modulo
AND ttm.id_tag = $rootID
WHERE ta.disabled = 0
GROUP BY ta.id_agente
ORDER BY $order_fields";
// Get the modules of an agent
case 'agent':
$columns = 'tam.id_agente_modulo, tam.nombre,
$columns = 'tam.id_agente_modulo AS id, tam.nombre AS name,
tam.id_tipo_modulo, tam.id_modulo, tae.estado, tae.datos';
$order_fields = 'tam.nombre ASC, tam.id_agente_modulo ASC';
$agent_filter = "AND tam.id_agente = $parent";
$sql = "SELECT $columns
FROM tagente_modulo AS tam
INNER JOIN ttag_module AS ttm
ON tam.id_agente_modulo = ttm.id_agente_modulo
AND ttm.id_tag = $rootID
INNER JOIN tagente AS ta
ON ta.disabled = 0
AND tam.id_agente = ta.id_agente
WHERE tam.disabled = 0
AND tam.id_agente = $parent
GROUP BY tam.id_agente_modulo
ORDER BY $order_fields";
@ -363,7 +481,7 @@ class Tree {
// Get the agents of an os
case 'os':
if (empty($rootID) || $rootID == -1) {
$columns = 'DISTINCT(tos.id_os),, tos.icon_name AS os_icon';
$columns = 'tos.id_os AS id, AS name, tos.icon_name AS os_icon';
$order_fields = 'tos.icon_name ASC, tos.id_os ASC';
// Add the agent counters to the columns
@ -389,10 +507,11 @@ class Tree {
GROUP BY tos.id_os
ORDER BY $order_fields";
else {
$columns = 'DISTINCT(ta.id_agente), ta.nombre, ta.fired_count,
$columns = 'ta.id_agente AS id, ta.nombre AS name, ta.fired_count,
ta.normal_count, ta.warning_count, ta.critical_count,
ta.unknown_count, ta.notinit_count, ta.total_count';
$order_fields = 'ta.nombre ASC, ta.id_agente ASC';
@ -407,12 +526,13 @@ class Tree {
GROUP BY ta.id_agente
ORDER BY $order_fields";
// Get the modules of an agent
case 'agent':
$columns = 'DISTINCT(tam.id_agente_modulo), tam.nombre,
$columns = 'tam.id_agente_modulo AS id, tam.nombre AS name,
tam.id_tipo_modulo, tam.id_modulo, tae.estado, tae.datos';
$order_fields = 'tam.nombre ASC, tam.id_agente_modulo ASC';
@ -432,6 +552,7 @@ class Tree {
WHERE tam.disabled = 0
GROUP BY tam.id_agente_modulo
ORDER BY $order_fields";
@ -451,7 +572,7 @@ class Tree {
// Get the agents of a module group
case 'module_group':
if (empty($rootID) || $rootID == -1) {
$columns = 'DISTINCT(tmg.id_mg),';
$columns = 'tmg.id_mg AS id, AS name';
$order_fields = ' ASC, tmg.id_mg ASC';
// Add the agent counters to the columns
@ -484,10 +605,11 @@ class Tree {
GROUP BY tmg.id_mg
ORDER BY $order_fields";
else {
$columns = 'DISTINCT(ta.id_agente), ta.nombre, ta.fired_count,
$columns = 'ta.id_agente AS id, ta.nombre AS name, ta.fired_count,
ta.normal_count, ta.warning_count, ta.critical_count,
ta.unknown_count, ta.notinit_count, ta.total_count';
$order_fields = 'ta.nombre ASC, ta.id_agente ASC';
@ -506,12 +628,13 @@ class Tree {
GROUP BY ta.id_agente
ORDER BY $order_fields";
// Get the modules of an agent
case 'agent':
$columns = 'DISTINCT(tam.id_agente_modulo), tam.nombre,
$columns = 'tam.id_agente_modulo AS id, tam.nombre AS name,
tam.id_tipo_modulo, tam.id_modulo, tae.estado, tae.datos';
$order_fields = 'tam.nombre ASC, tam.id_agente_modulo ASC';
@ -531,6 +654,7 @@ class Tree {
GROUP BY tam.id_agente_modulo
ORDER BY $order_fields";
@ -550,24 +674,23 @@ class Tree {
// Get the agents of a module
case 'module':
if (empty($rootID) || $rootID == -1) {
$columns = 'DISTINCT(tam.nombre)';
$columns = 'tam.nombre AS name';
$order_fields = 'tam.nombre ASC';
// Add the agent counters to the columns
$agent_table = "SELECT tac.id_agente
FROM tagente AS tac
INNER JOIN tagente_modulo AS tamc
$agent_table = "SELECT ta.id_agente
FROM tagente AS ta
INNER JOIN tagente_modulo AS tam
ON tam.disabled = 0
AND tac.id_agente = tamc.id_agente
AND ta.id_agente = tam.id_agente
AND tam.nombre = name
AND tamc.nombre = tam.nombre
WHERE ta.disabled = 0
ORDER BY $order_fields";
//$counter_columns = $this->getAgentCounterColumnsSql($agent_table);
if (!empty($counter_columns))
$columns .= ", $counter_columns";
@ -586,7 +709,7 @@ class Tree {
ORDER BY $order_fields";
else {
$columns = 'ta.id_agente, ta.nombre, ta.fired_count,
$columns = 'ta.id_agente AS id, ta.nombre AS name, ta.fired_count,
ta.normal_count, ta.warning_count, ta.critical_count,
ta.unknown_count, ta.notinit_count, ta.total_count';
$order_fields = 'ta.nombre ASC, ta.id_agente ASC';
@ -615,12 +738,13 @@ class Tree {
GROUP BY ta.id_agente
ORDER BY $order_fields";
// Get the modules of an agent
case 'agent':
$columns = 'tam.id_agente_modulo, tam.nombre,
$columns = 'tam.id_agente_modulo AS id, tam.nombre AS name,
tam.id_tipo_modulo, tam.id_modulo, tae.estado, tae.datos';
$order_fields = 'tam.nombre ASC, tam.id_agente_modulo ASC';
@ -659,6 +783,7 @@ class Tree {
GROUP BY tam.id_agente_modulo
ORDER BY $order_fields";
@ -711,8 +836,8 @@ class Tree {
global $config;
$module['type'] = 'module';
$module['id'] = (int) $module['id_agente_modulo'];
$module['name'] = $module['nombre'];
$module['id'] = (int) $module['id'];
$module['name'] = $module['name'];
$module['id_module_type'] = (int) $module['id_tipo_modulo'];
$module['server_type'] = (int) $module['id_modulo'];
$module['status'] = $module['estado'];
@ -815,8 +940,8 @@ class Tree {
protected function processAgent (&$agent, $modulesFilter = array(), $searchChildren = true) {
$agent['type'] = 'agent';
$agent['id'] = (int) $agent['id_agente'];
$agent['name'] = $agent['nombre'];
$agent['id'] = (int) $agent['id'];
$agent['name'] = $agent['name'];
$agent['rootID'] = $this->rootID;
$agent['rootType'] = $this->rootType;
@ -1149,18 +1274,143 @@ class Tree {
private function getDataGroup() {
global $config;
// Get the parent
if (empty($this->id))
$parent = 0;
$parent = $this->id;
if (! defined ('METACONSOLE')) {
// Groups
if ($this->id == -1) {
// Return all the children groups
function __searchChildrenB(&$groups, $id, $server_id = false) {
$children = array();
foreach ($groups as $key => $group) {
if (isset($group['parent']) && $group['parent'] == $id) {
$children_aux = __getProcessedItemB($key, $groups, $server_id);
if (!empty($children_aux))
$children[] = $children_aux;
return $children;
function __getProcessedItemB($itemKey, &$items, $server_id = false) {
if (!isset($items[$itemKey])) {
return false;
else {
$item = $items[$itemKey];
$processed_item = array();
$processed_item['id'] = $item['id'];
$processed_item['rootID'] = $item['id'];
$processed_item['name'] = $item['name'];
$processed_item['agentsNum'] = $item['num_agents'];
$processed_item['searchChildren'] = 1;
if (defined ('METACONSOLE') && $server_id) {
$processed_item['server_id'] = $server_id;
if (isset($item['_is_tag_']) && $item['_is_tag_']) {
$processed_item['type'] = 'tag';
$processed_item['rootType'] = 'tag';
else {
$processed_item['type'] = 'group';
$processed_item['rootType'] = 'group';
$processed_item['parentID'] = $item['parent'];
if (!empty($item['icon']))
$processed_item['icon'] = $item['icon'].".png";
$processed_item['icon'] = "without_group.png";
// $counters = array();
// if (isset($item['_agents_unknown_']))
// $counters['unknown'] = $item['_agents_unknown_'];
// if (isset($item['_agents_critical_']))
// $counters['critical'] = $item['_agents_critical_'];
// if (isset($item['_agents_warning_']))
// $counters['warning'] = $item['_agents_warning_'];
// if (isset($item['_agents_not_init_']))
// $counters['not_init'] = $item['_agents_not_init_'];
// if (isset($item['_agents_ok_']))
// $counters['ok'] = $item['_agents_ok_'];
// if (isset($item['_total_agents_']))
// $counters['total'] = $item['_total_agents_'];
// if (isset($item['_monitors_alerts_fired_']))
// $counters['alerts'] = $item['_monitors_alerts_fired_'];
$children = __searchChildrenB($items, $item['id'], $server_id);
if (!empty($children)) {
$processed_item['children'] = $children;
foreach ($children as $key => $child) {
if (isset($child['counters'])) {
foreach ($child['counters'] as $type => $value) {
if (isset($counters[$type]))
$counters[$type] += $value;
if (isset($child['agentsNum']))
$processed_item['agentsNum'] += $child['agentsNum'];
if (!empty($counters))
$processed_item['counters'] = $counters;
if (empty($processed_item['agentsNum']))
$processed_item = array();
return $processed_item;
$items = $this->getItems();
// Build the group hierarchy
$processed_items = array();
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
if (empty($item['parent'])) {
$processed_item = __getProcessedItemB($key, $items);
if (!empty($processed_item) && !empty($processed_item['agentsNum']))
$processed_items[] = $processed_item;
// foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
// $processed_item = array();
// $processed_item['id'] = $item['id_grupo'];
// $processed_item['name'] = $item['nombre'];
// $processed_item['type'] = $this->type;
// $processed_item['rootID'] = $item['id_grupo'];
// $processed_item['rootType'] = $this->rootType;
// $processed_item['searchChildren'] = 1;
// $processed_items[] = $processed_item;
// }
// Agents
else {
$items = $this->getItems();
$processed_items = $items;
$this->tree = $processed_items;
function cmpSortNames($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a["name"], $b["name"]);
// Get all groups
if (empty($parent)) {
if ($this->id == -1) {
// Return all the children groups
@ -1285,8 +1535,10 @@ class Tree {
// The 'id' parameter will be stored as 'server_id' => 'id'
$resultItem['id'] = array();
$resultItem['id'][$child['server_id']] = $child['id'];
// $resultItem['id'] = array();
// $resultItem['id'][$child['server_id']] = $child['id'];
$resultItem['rootID'] = array();
$resultItem['rootID'][$child['server_id']] = $child['rootID'];
// Initialize counters if any of it don't exist
if (!isset($resultItem['counters']))
@ -1319,7 +1571,8 @@ class Tree {
// Match with the name
if ($child['name'] == $child2['name'] && $child['type'] == $child2['type']) {
// Add the matched ids
$resultItem['id'][$child2['server_id']] = $child2['id'];
// $resultItem['id'][$child2['server_id']] = $child2['id'];
$resultItem['rootID'][$child2['server_id']] = $child2['rootID'];
// Add the matched counters
if (isset($child2['counters']) && !child2($item['counters'])) {
@ -1361,27 +1614,23 @@ class Tree {
// Get the group agents
else {
if (! defined ('METACONSOLE')) {
$this->tree = $this->getAgents($parent, $this->type);
$items = $this->getItems();
else {
$agents = array();
foreach ($parent as $server_id => $group_id) {
$server = metaconsole_get_servers($server_id);
$rootIDs = $this->rootID;
if (!empty($server)) {
if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR)
$agents += $this->tree = $this->getAgents($group_id, $this->type, $server_id);
$items = array();
foreach ($rootIDs as $serverID => $rootID) {
$this->rootID = $rootID;
$items += $this->getItems($serverID);
if (!empty($agents))
usort($agents, "cmpSortNames");
$this->tree = $agents;
$this->rootID = $rootIDs;
if (!empty($items))
usort($items, "cmpSortNames");
$this->tree = $items;
@ -1406,10 +1655,10 @@ class Tree {
'_articapandora_'.ord('!').'_pandoraartica_'), io_safe_output($item['nombre']));
'_articapandora_'.ord('!').'_pandoraartica_'), io_safe_output($item['name']));
$processed_item['id'] = $name;
$processed_item['name'] = $item['nombre'];
$processed_item['name'] = $item['name'];
$processed_item['type'] = $this->type;
$processed_item['rootID'] = $name;
$processed_item['rootType'] = $this->rootType;
@ -1437,10 +1686,10 @@ class Tree {
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
$processed_item = array();
$processed_item['id'] = $item['id_mg'];
$processed_item['id'] = $item['id'];
$processed_item['name'] = $item['name'];
$processed_item['type'] = $this->type;
$processed_item['rootID'] = $item['id_mg'];
$processed_item['rootID'] = $item['id'];
$processed_item['rootType'] = $this->rootType;
$processed_item['searchChildren'] = 1;
@ -1462,17 +1711,17 @@ class Tree {
$items = $this->getItems();
$processed_items = array();
// Module groups
// OS
if ($this->id == -1) {
$processed_items = array();
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
$processed_item = array();
$processed_item['id'] = $item['id_os'];
$processed_item['id'] = $item['id'];
$processed_item['name'] = $item['name'];
$processed_item['icon'] = $item['os_icon'];
$processed_item['type'] = $this->type;
$processed_item['rootID'] = $item['id_os'];
$processed_item['rootID'] = $item['id'];
$processed_item['rootType'] = $this->rootType;
$processed_item['searchChildren'] = 1;
@ -1492,16 +1741,16 @@ class Tree {
$items = $this->getItems();
$processed_items = array();
// Module groups
// Tags
if ($this->id == -1) {
$processed_items = array();
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
$processed_item = array();
$processed_item['id'] = $item['id_tag'];
$processed_item['name'] = $item['nombre'];
$processed_item['id'] = $item['id'];
$processed_item['name'] = $item['name'];
$processed_item['type'] = $this->type;
$processed_item['rootID'] = $item['id_tag'];
$processed_item['rootID'] = $item['id'];
$processed_item['rootType'] = $this->rootType;
$processed_item['searchChildren'] = 1;
@ -1513,7 +1762,7 @@ class Tree {
$processed_items = $items;
$this->tree = $processed_items;
// if (! defined ('METACONSOLE')) {

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ TreeController = {
elements.forEach(function(element, index) {
element.jqObject = _processNode($group, element);
}, $group);
@ -417,9 +417,9 @@ TreeController = {
// Load the status counters
var hasCounters = _processNodeCounters($content, element.counters, element.type);
if ((element.type == "group" || element.type == "tag")
&& (controller.shouldHaveCounters && !hasCounters))
// if ((element.type == "group" || element.type == "tag")
// && (controller.shouldHaveCounters && !hasCounters))
// return;
// If exist the detail container, show the data
if (typeof controller.detailRecipient != 'undefined' && controller.detailRecipient.length > 0) {
@ -570,6 +570,7 @@ TreeController = {
else if (controller.tree.length == 0) {
controller.recipient.html("<div>" + controller.emptyMessage + "</div>");
@ -598,7 +599,7 @@ TreeController = {
if (typeof data.detailRecipient != 'undefined' && data.detailRecipient.length > 0) {
this.detailRecipient = data.detailRecipient;
if (typeof data.tree != 'undefined' && data.tree.length > 0) {
if (typeof data.tree != 'undefined') {
this.tree = data.tree;
if (typeof data.emptyMessage != 'undefined' && data.emptyMessage.length > 0) {