2009-03-23 Esteban Sanchez <estebans@artica.es>
* godmode/agentes/massive_edit_modules.php: The module selection is now done using cascade selects instead of having a confusing tree on the select. * godmode/alerts/alert_list.php: Fixed a bug when getting the latest module value. * godmode/alerts/alert_templates.php: Fixed an error that didn't allow deletion on some cases. Added an option to duplicate a template easily. * godmode/alerts/configure_alert_template.php: Added template duplication support. Fixed a mismatch on field1, field2 and field3 which required to have a default action to be updated. This values are not loaded anymore from default action. * godmode/db/db_purge.php: Many styles correction. Use pandora functions for the bottom table. * include/functions_alerts.php: Added duplicate_alert_template(). * include/functions_db.php: Added a parameter to get_agent_modules() to enable or disable the return of indexed values. * operation/agentes/sla_view.php: Style correction. * operation/agentes/ver_agente.php: Added support for indexed flag on get_agent_modules_json AJAX operation. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@1553 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
2009-03-23 Esteban Sanchez <estebans@artica.es>
* godmode/agentes/massive_edit_modules.php: The module selection is
now done using cascade selects instead of having a confusing tree on
the select.
* godmode/alerts/alert_list.php: Fixed a bug when getting the latest
module value.
* godmode/alerts/alert_templates.php: Fixed an error that didn't allow
deletion on some cases. Added an option to duplicate a template
* godmode/alerts/configure_alert_template.php: Added template
duplication support. Fixed a mismatch on field1, field2 and field3
which required to have a default action to be updated. This values are
not loaded anymore from default action.
* godmode/db/db_purge.php: Many styles correction. Use pandora
functions for the bottom table.
* include/functions_alerts.php: Added duplicate_alert_template().
* include/functions_db.php: Added a parameter to get_agent_modules()
to enable or disable the return of indexed values.
* operation/agentes/sla_view.php: Style correction.
* operation/agentes/ver_agente.php: Added support for indexed flag on
get_agent_modules_json AJAX operation.
2009-03-20 Evi Vanoost <vanooste@rcbi.rochester.edu>
* include/functions_incidents.php: Style change
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ function process_manage_edit ($module_name) {
$values[$field] = $value;
$modules = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tagente_modulo',
array ('id_agente' => $agents,
'nombre' => $module_name),
@ -66,6 +65,7 @@ function process_manage_edit ($module_name) {
process_sql ('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1');
$module_type = (int) get_parameter ('module_type');
$module_name = (string) get_parameter ('module_name');
$update = (bool) get_parameter_post ('update');
@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ if ($update) {
process_manage_edit ($module_name);
$table->id = 'delete_table';
$table->width = '95%';
$table->data = array ();
@ -82,45 +81,52 @@ $table->style = array ();
$table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold; vertical-align:top';
$table->style[2] = 'font-weight: bold';
$table->rowstyle = array ();
$table->rowstyle['edit1'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['edit2'] = 'display: none';
$table->size = array ();
$table->size[0] = '15%';
$table->size[1] = '85%'; /* Fixed using javascript */
$table->size[1] = '35%'; /* Fixed using javascript */
$table->size[2] = '15%';
$table->size[3] = '35%';
$table->colspan = array ();
$table->colspan[0][1] = '3';
if (! $module_type) {
$table->rowstyle['edit1'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['edit2'] = 'display: none';
$agents = get_group_agents (array_keys (get_user_groups ()), false, "none");
$all_modules = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tagente_modulo',
array ('id_agente' => array_keys ($agents),
'group' => 'nombre',
'order' => 'id_tipo_modulo,nombre'),
array ('DISTINCT(nombre)', 'id_tipo_modulo'));
$module_types = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tagente_modulo,ttipo_modulo',
array ('tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo = ttipo_modulo.id_tipo',
'id_agente' => array_keys ($agents),
'disabled' => 0,
'order' => 'ttipo_modulo.nombre'),
array ('DISTINCT(id_tipo)',
'CONCAT(ttipo_modulo.descripcion," (",ttipo_modulo.nombre,")") AS description'));
if ($all_modules === false)
$all_modules = array ();
if ($module_types === false)
$module_types = array ();
$modules = array ();
$latest_type = -1;
$i = -1;
$prefix = str_repeat (' ', 3);
foreach ($all_modules as $module) {
if ($latest_type != $module['id_tipo_modulo']) {
$modules[$i--] = get_moduletype_description ($module['id_tipo_modulo']);
$latest_type = $module['id_tipo_modulo'];
$modules[$module['nombre']] = $prefix.$module['nombre'];
$types = '';
foreach ($module_types as $type) {
$types[$type['id_tipo']] = $type['description'];
$table->data = array ();
$table->data[0][0] = __('Module');
$table->data[0][0] .= '<span id="agent_loading" class="invisible">';
$table->data[0][0] = __('Module type');
$table->data[0][0] .= '<span id="module_loading" class="invisible">';
$table->data[0][0] .= '<img src="images/spinner.gif" />';
$table->data[0][0] .= '</span>';
$table->data[0][1] = print_select ($modules,
'module_name', 0, false, __('Select'), 0, true, false, false);
$table->data[0][1] = print_select ($types,
'module_type', $module_type, false, __('Select'), 0, true, false, false);
$modules = array ();
if ($module_type != '') {
$names = get_agent_modules (array_keys ($agents),
array ('id_tipo_modulo' => $module_type), false);
foreach ($names as $name) {
$modules[$name['nombre']] = $name['nombre'];
$table->data[0][2] = __('Module name');
$table->data[0][3] = print_select ($modules, 'module_name',
$module_name, false, __('Select'), 0, true, false, false);
$table->data['edit1'][0] = __('Warning status');
$table->data['edit1'][1] = '<em>'.__('Min.').'</em>';
@ -156,6 +162,30 @@ require_jquery_file ('pandora.controls');
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
$(document).ready (function () {
$("#module_type").change (function () {
$("#module_loading").show ();
$("tr#delete_table-edit1, tr#delete_table-edit2").hide ();
$("#module_name").attr ("disabled", "disabled")
$("#module_name option[value!=0]").remove ();
jQuery.post ("ajax.php",
{"page" : "operation/agentes/ver_agente",
"get_agent_modules_json" : 1,
"filter" : "id_tipo_modulo="+this.value,
"fields" : "DISTINCT(nombre)",
"indexed" : 0
function (data, status) {
jQuery.each (data, function (id, value) {
option = $("<option></option>").attr ("value", value["nombre"]).html (value["nombre"]);
$("#module_name").append (option);
$("#module_loading").hide ();
$("#module_name").removeAttr ("disabled");
$("#module_name").change (function () {
if (this.value <= 0) {
$("td#delete_table-0-1").css ("width", "85%");
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ $(document).ready (function () {
jQuery.post ("ajax.php",
{"page" : "operation/agentes/estado_agente",
"get_agent_module_last_value" : 1,
"id_agent_module" : 1
"id_agent_module" : this.value
function (data, status) {
if (data === false) {
@ -124,13 +124,6 @@ if ($update_template) {
if ($delete_template) {
$id = get_parameter ('id');
// Templates below 4 are special and cannot be deleted
if ($id < 4) {
audit_db ($config['id_user'], $REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation",
"Trying to access Alert Management");
require ("general/noaccess.php");
$result = delete_alert_template ($id);
@ -144,12 +137,12 @@ $table->head = array ();
$table->head[0] = __('Name');
$table->head[1] = __('Description');
$table->head[2] = __('Type');
$table->head[3] = __('Delete');
$table->head[3] = __('Op.');
$table->style = array ();
$table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold';
$table->size = array ();
$table->size[2] = '10%';
$table->size[3] = '40px';
$table->size[3] = '50px';
$table->align = array ();
$table->align[3] = 'center';
@ -165,9 +158,17 @@ foreach ($templates as $template) {
$data[1] = $template['description'];
$data[2] = get_alert_templates_type_name ($template['type']);
$data[3] = '<a href="index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/alerts/alert_templates&delete_template=1&id='.$template['id'].'"
onClick="if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\')) return false;">'.
'<img src="images/cross.png"></a>';
$data[3] = '<form method="post" action="index.php?sec=galertas&sec2=godmode/alerts/configure_alert_template" style="display: inline; float: left">';
$data[3] .= print_input_hidden ('duplicate_template', 1, true);
$data[3] .= print_input_hidden ('source_id', $template['id'], true);
$data[3] .= print_input_image ('dup', 'images/copy.png', 1, '', true, array ('title' => __('Duplicate')));
$data[3] .= '</form> ';
$data[3] .= '<form method="post" style="display: inline; float: right" onsubmit="if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\')) return false;">';
$data[3] .= print_input_hidden ('delete_template', 1, true);
$data[3] .= print_input_hidden ('id', $template['id'], true);
$data[3] .= print_input_image ('del', 'images/cross.png', 1, '', true, array ('title' => __('Delete')));
$data[3] .= '</form> ';
array_push ($table->data, $data);
@ -29,6 +29,19 @@ if (! give_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "LM")) {
$duplicate_template = (bool) get_parameter ('duplicate_template');
$id = (int) get_parameter ('id');
if ($duplicate_template) {
$source_id = (int) get_parameter ('source_id');
$id = duplicate_alert_template ($source_id);
print_error_message ($id,
__('Successfully created from %s', get_alert_template_name ($source_id)),
__('Could not be created'));
function print_alert_template_steps ($step, $id) {
echo '<ol class="steps">';
@ -138,9 +151,6 @@ function update_template ($step) {
$default_action = (int) get_parameter ('default_action');
if (empty ($default_action)) {
$default_action = NULL;
$field1 = '';
$field2 = '';
$field3 = '';
$values = array ('monday' => $monday,
@ -163,9 +173,6 @@ function update_template ($step) {
if ($default_action) {
$values['id_alert_action'] = $default_action;
$values['field1'] = $field1;
$values['field2'] = $field2;
$values['field3'] = $field3;
$result = update_alert_template ($id, $values);
@ -173,7 +180,7 @@ function update_template ($step) {
$recovery_notify = (bool) get_parameter ('recovery_notify');
$field2_recovery = (string) get_parameter ('field2_recovery');
$field3_recovery = (string) get_parameter ('field3_recovery');
print_r ($_POST);
$result = update_alert_template ($id,
array ('recovery_notify' => $recovery_notify,
'field2_recovery' => $field2_recovery,
@ -185,8 +192,6 @@ function update_template ($step) {
return $result;
$id = (int) get_parameter ('id');
/* We set here the number of steps */
define ('LAST_STEP', 3);
@ -313,20 +318,12 @@ if ($step == 2) {
$threshold_selected = -1;
if ($default_action == 0) {
$table->rowstyle = array ();
$table->rowstyle['field1'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['field2'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['field3'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['preview'] = 'display: none';
$table->colspan = array ();
$table->colspan[0][1] = 3;
$table->colspan[4][1] = 3;
$table->colspan['field1'][1] = 3;
$table->colspan['field2'][1] = 3;
$table->colspan['field3'][1] = 3;
$table->colspan['preview'][1] = 3;
$table->data[0][0] = __('Days of week');
$table->data[0][1] = __('Mon');
@ -366,11 +363,6 @@ if ($step == 2) {
$table->data[3][3] = print_input_text ('max_alerts', $max_alerts, '',
5, 7, true);
$table->data[4][0] = __('Default action');
$table->data[4][1] = print_select_from_sql ('SELECT id, name FROM talert_actions ORDER BY name',
'default_action', $default_action, '', __('None'), 0,
true, false, false);
$table->data['field1'][0] = __('Field 1');
$table->data['field1'][1] = print_input_text ('field1', $field1, '', 35, 255, true);
@ -380,9 +372,10 @@ if ($step == 2) {
$table->data['field3'][0] = __('Field 3');
$table->data['field3'][1] = print_textarea ('field3', 30, 30, $field3, '', true);
$table->data['preview'][0] = __('Command preview');
$table->data['preview'][1] = print_textarea ('command_preview', 30, 30,
'', 'disabled="disabled"', true);
$table->data[4][0] = __('Default action');
$table->data[4][1] = print_select_from_sql ('SELECT id, name FROM talert_actions ORDER BY name',
'default_action', $default_action, '', __('None'), 0,
true, false, false);
} else if ($step == 3) {
/* Alert recover */
if (! $recovery_notify) {
@ -659,38 +652,6 @@ $(document).ready (function () {
$("#template-threshold-other_input").hide ();
$("#default_action").change (function () {
if (this.value != 0) {
values = Array ();
values.push ({name: "page",
value: "godmode/alerts/alert_actions"});
values.push ({name: "get_alert_action",
value: "1"});
values.push ({name: "id",
value: this.value});
jQuery.get ("ajax.php",
function (data) {
$("#text-field1").attr ("value", data["field1"]);
$("#text-field2").attr ("value", data["field2"]);
$("#text-field3").attr ("value", data["field3"]);
original_command = html_entity_decode (data["command"]["command"]);
render_command_preview ();
$("#template-field1, #template-field2, #template-field3, #template-example")
.show ();
} else {
$("#template-field1, #template-field2, #template-field3").hide ();
$("#text-field1").keyup (render_command_preview);
$("#text-field2").keyup (render_command_preview);
$("#text-field3").keyup (render_command_preview);
<?php elseif ($step == 3): ?>
$("#recovery_notify").change (function () {
if (this.value == 1) {
@ -30,11 +30,7 @@ if (! give_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "DM")) {
//id_agent = -1: None selected; id_agent = 0: All
if (isset ($_POST["agent"])){
$id_agent = (int) get_parameter_post ("agent", -1); //Default to none selected
} else {
$id_agent = -1;
$id_agent = (int) get_parameter_post ("agent", -1);
echo '<h2>'.__('Database Maintenance').' > '.__('Database purge').'</h2>
<img src="reporting/fgraph.php?tipo=db_agente_purge&id='.$id_agent.'" />
@ -48,19 +44,19 @@ $time["all"] = get_system_time ();
$time["1day"] = $time["all"]-86400;
// 3 days ago
$time["3day"] = $time["all"]-(86400*3);
$time["3day"] = $time["all"] - 259200;
// 1 week ago
$time["1week"] = $time["all"]-(86400*7);
$time["1week"] = $time["all"] - 604800;
// 2 weeks ago
$time["2week"] = $time["all"]-(86400*14);
$time["2week"] = $time["all"] - 1209600;
// 1 month ago
$time["1month"] = $time["all"]-(86400*30);
$time["1month"] = $time["all"] - 2592000;
// Three months ago
$time["3month"] = $time["all"]-(86400*90);
$time["3month"] = $time["all"] - 7776000;
//Init data
$data["1day"] = 0;
@ -71,12 +67,10 @@ $data["1month"] = 0;
$data["3month"] = 0;
$data["total"] = 0;
# ======================================
# Purge data using dates
// Purge data using dates
if (isset($_POST["purgedb"])) {
$from_date = get_parameter_post ("date_purge", 0); //0: No time selected
$from_date = get_parameter_post ("date_purge", 0);
if ($id_agent > 0) {
echo __('Purge task launched for agent')." ".get_agent_name ($id_agent)." :: ".__('Data older than')." ".human_time_description ($from_date);
echo "<h3>".__('Please be patient. This operation can take a long time depending on the amount of modules.')."</h3>";
@ -143,13 +137,15 @@ print_help_tip (__("Click here to get the data from the agent specified in the s
echo '</noscript><br />';
if ($id_agent > 0) {
$title = __('Information on agent').' '.get_agent_name ($id_agent).' '.__('in the database');
$title = __('Information on agent %s in the database', get_agent_name ($id_agent));
} else {
$title = __('Information on all agents').' '.__('in the database');
$title = __('Information on all agents in the database');
echo "<h3>".$title."</h3>";
flush (); //Flush before we do some SQL stuff
echo '<h3>'.$title.'</h3>';
//Flush before we do some SQL stuff
flush ();
if ($id_agent > 0) { //If the agent is not All or Not selected
$modules = get_agent_modules ($id_agent);
$query = sprintf ("AND id_agente_modulo IN(%s)", implode (",", array_keys ($modules)));
@ -181,43 +177,47 @@ $data["1month"] += get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_stri
$data["3month"] += get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3month"], $query));
$data["total"] += get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE 1=1 %s", $query));
if (isset ($table)) {
unset ($table); //since $table is an object, we make sure it's gone first
$table->width = 300;
$table->width = '50%';
$table->border = 0;
$table->class = "databox";
$table->cellspacing = 4;
$table->cellpadding = 4;
$table->data[0] = array (__('Packets less than three months old'), $data["3month"]);
$table->data[1] = array (__('Packets less than one month old'), $data["1month"]);
$table->data[2] = array (__('Packets less than two weeks old'), $data["2week"]);
$table->data[3] = array (__('Packets less than one week old'), $data["1week"]);
$table->data[4] = array (__('Packets less than three days old'), $data["3day"]);
$table->data[5] = array (__('Packets less than one day old'), $data["1day"]);
$table->data[6] = array ('<b>'.__('Total number of packets').'</b>', '<b>'.$data["total"].'</b>');
$table->data[0][0] = __('Packets less than three months old');
$table->data[0][1] = $data["3month"];
$table->data[1][0] = __('Packets less than one month old');
$table->data[1][1] = $data["1month"];
$table->data[2][0] = __('Packets less than two weeks old');
$table->data[2][1] = $data["2week"];
$table->data[3][0] = __('Packets less than one week old');
$table->data[3][1] = $data["1week"];
$table->data[4][0] = __('Packets less than three days old');
$table->data[4][1] = $data["3day"];
$table->data[5][0] = __('Packets less than one day old');
$table->data[5][1] = $data["1day"];
$table->data[6][0] = '<strong>'.__('Total number of packets').'</strong>';
$table->data[6][1] = '<strong>'.$data["total"].'</strong>';
print_table ($table);
echo '<br />';
echo '<h3>'.__('Purge data').'</h3>
<table width="300" border="0" class="databox" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4">
<select name="date_purge" width="255px">
<option value="'.$time["3month"].'">'.__('Purge data over 3 months').'</option>
<option value="'.$time["1month"].'">'.__('Purge data over 1 month').'</option>
<option value="'.$time["2week"].'">'.__('Purge data over 2 weeks').'</option>
<option value="'.$time["1week"].'">'.__('Purge data over 1 week').'</option>
<option value="'.$time["3day"].'">'.__('Purge data over 3 days').'</option>
<option value="'.$time["1day"].'">'.__('Purge data over 1 day').'</option>
<option value="'.$time["all"].'">'.__('All data until now').'</option>
<input class="sub wand" type="submit" name="purgedb" value="'.__('Do it!').'" onClick="if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\')) return false;" />
echo '<h3>'.__('Purge data').'</h3>';
$table->data = array ();
$times = array ();
$times[$time["3month"]] = __('Purge data over 3 months');
$times[$time["1month"]] = __('Purge data over 1 month');
$times[$time["2week"]] = __('Purge data over 2 weeks');
$times[$time["1week"]] = __('Purge data over 1 week');
$times[$time["3day"]] = __('Purge data over 3 days');
$times[$time["1day"]] = __('Purge data over 1 day');
$times[$time["all"]] = __('All data until now');
$table->data[0][0] = print_select ($times, 'date_purge', '', '', '', '',
true, false, false);
$table->data[0][1] = print_submit_button (__('Purge'), "purgedb", false,
'class="sub wand"', true);
print_table ($table);
echo '</form>';
@ -523,6 +523,24 @@ function get_alert_template_threshold_values () {
return $times;
function duplicate_alert_template ($id_alert_template) {
$template = get_alert_template ($id_alert_template);
if ($template === false)
return false;
$name = __('Copy of').' '.$template['name'];
$type = $template['type'];
$size = count ($template) / 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
unset ($template[$i]);
unset ($template['name']);
unset ($template['id']);
unset ($template['type']);
return create_alert_template ($name, $type, $template);
function clean_alert_agent_module_values ($values, $set_empty = true) {
$retvalues = array ();
@ -333,7 +333,10 @@ function get_agentmodule ($id_agentmodule) {
* @param mixed Aditional filters to the modules. It can be an indexed array
* (keys would be the field name and value the expected value, and would be
* joined with an AND operator) or a string, including any SQL clause (without
* the WHERE keyword). Example:
* the WHERE keyword).
* @param bool Wheter to return the modules indexed by the id_agente_modulo or
* not. Default is indexed.
* Example:
Both are similars:
$modules = get_agent_modules ($id_agent, false, array ('disabled' => 0));
@ -347,7 +350,7 @@ $modules = get_agent_modules ($id_agent, '*', 'disabled = 0 AND history_data = 0
* @return array An array with all modules in the agent.
* If multiple rows are selected, they will be in an array
function get_agent_modules ($id_agent, $details = false, $filter = false) {
function get_agent_modules ($id_agent, $details = false, $filter = false, $indexed = true) {
$id_agent = safe_int ($id_agent, 1);
$where = '';
@ -383,7 +386,7 @@ function get_agent_modules ($id_agent, $details = false, $filter = false) {
FROM tagente_modulo
ORDER BY nombre',
$details != '*' ? 'id_agente_modulo,' : '',
($details != '*' && $indexed) ? 'id_agente_modulo,' : '',
implode (",", (array) $details),
$result = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
@ -392,13 +395,16 @@ function get_agent_modules ($id_agent, $details = false, $filter = false) {
return array ();
if (! $indexed)
return $result;
$modules = array ();
foreach ($result as $row) {
foreach ($result as $module) {
if (is_array ($details) || $details == '*') {
//Just stack the information in array by ID
$modules[$row['id_agente_modulo']] = $row;
$modules[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $module;
} else {
$modules[$row['id_agente_modulo']] = $row[$details];
$modules[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $module[$details];
return $modules;
@ -550,7 +556,7 @@ function dame_nombre_pluginid ($id_plugin) {
* @return string The name of the given type.
function giveme_module_type ($id_type) {
function get_module_type_name ($id_type) {
return (string) get_db_value ('nombre', 'ttipo_modulo', 'id_tipo', (int) $id_type);
@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ if (! give_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "AR") && ! give_acl ($config['id_user'],
echo "<h2>".__('SLA view')."</h2>";
$id_agent = get_parameter ("id_agente", 0);
$interval = get_agent_interval ($id_agent);
$modules = get_agent_modules ($id_agent, '*', array ('disabled' => 0, 'history_data' => 1, 'delete_pending' => 0));
$modules = get_agent_modules ($id_agent, '*',
array ('disabled' => 0, 'history_data' => 1, 'delete_pending' => 0));
$offset = get_parameter ("offset", 0);
// Get all module from agent
@ -41,10 +41,15 @@ if (is_ajax ()) {
$id_agent = (int) get_parameter ('id_agent');
$filter = (string) get_parameter ('filter');
$fields = (string) get_parameter ('fields');
$indexed = (bool) get_parameter ('indexed', true);
$agent_modules = get_agent_modules ($id_agent,
/* Get all agents if no agent was given */
if ($id_agent == 0)
$id_agent = array_keys (get_group_agents (array_keys (get_user_groups ()), false, "none"));
$agent_modules = get_agent_modules ($id_agent,
($fields != '' ? explode (',', $fields) : "*"),
($filter != '' ? $filter : false));
($filter != '' ? $filter : false), $indexed);
echo json_encode ($agent_modules);
exit ();
Reference in New Issue