'; html_print_input_hidden ('update_config', 1); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEHAVIOUR CONFIGURATION //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $table_behaviour = new stdClass(); $table_behaviour->width = '100%'; $table_behaviour->class = "databox filters"; $table_behaviour->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold;'; $table_behaviour->size[0] = '50%'; $table_behaviour->data = array (); $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Block size for pagination'); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('block_size', $config["global_block_size"], '', 5, 5, true); $row++; $values = array (); $values[5] = human_time_description_raw (5); $values[30] = human_time_description_raw (30); $values[SECONDS_1MINUTE] = human_time_description_raw(SECONDS_1MINUTE); $values[SECONDS_2MINUTES] = human_time_description_raw(SECONDS_2MINUTES); $values[SECONDS_5MINUTES] = human_time_description_raw(SECONDS_5MINUTES); $values[SECONDS_10MINUTES] = human_time_description_raw(SECONDS_10MINUTES); $values[SECONDS_30MINUTES] = human_time_description_raw(SECONDS_30MINUTES); $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Default interval for refresh on Visual Console') . ui_print_help_tip(__('This interval will affect to Visual Console pages'), true); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_select ($values, 'vc_refr', $config["vc_refr"], '', 'N/A', 0, true, false, false); $row++; $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Paginated module view'); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('paginate_module', 1, $config['paginate_module'], true); $row++; $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Display data of proc modules in other format'); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('render_proc', 1, $config['render_proc'], true); $row++; $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Display text proc modules have state is ok'); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('render_proc_ok', $config["render_proc_ok"], '', 25, 25, true); $row++; $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Display text when proc modules have state critical'); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('render_proc_fail', $config["render_proc_fail"], '', 25, 25, true); $row++; //Daniel maya 02/06/2016 Display menu with click --INI $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Click to display lateral menus'). ui_print_help_tip(__('When enabled, the lateral menus are shown when left clicking them, instead of hovering over them'), true); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('click_display', 1, $config['click_display'], true); $row++; //Daniel maya 02/06/2016 Display menu with click --END if (enterprise_installed()) { $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Service label font size'); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('service_label_font_size', $config["service_label_font_size"], '', 5, 5, true); $row++; $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Space between items in Service maps') . ui_print_help_tip(__('It must be bigger than 80'), true); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('service_item_padding_size', $config["service_item_padding_size"], '', 5, 5, true, false, false, "onChange=\"change_servicetree_nodes_padding()\""); $row++; } $table_behaviour->data[$row][0] = __('Classic menu mode'). ui_print_help_tip(__('Text menu options always visible, don\'t hide'), true); $table_behaviour->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('classic_menu', 1, $config['classic_menu'], true); $row++; echo "
"; echo "" . __('Behaviour configuration') . ""; html_print_table ($table_behaviour); echo "
"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // STYLE CONFIGURATION //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $table_styles = new stdClass(); $table_styles->width = '100%'; $table_styles->class = "databox filters"; $table_styles->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold;'; $table_styles->size[0] = '50%'; $table_styles->data = array (); $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Style template'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select(themes_get_css(), 'style', $config["style"].'.css', '', '', '', true); $row++; $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Status icon set'); $iconsets["default"] = __('Colors'); $iconsets["faces"] = __('Faces'); $iconsets["color_text"] = __('Colors and text'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select($iconsets, 'status_images_set', $config["status_images_set"], '', '', '', true); $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'status_set_preview', false, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true); $row++; $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Login background') . ui_print_help_tip(__('You can place your custom images into the folder images/backgrounds/'), true); $backgrounds_list_jpg = list_files("images/backgrounds", "jpg", 1, 0); $backgrounds_list_gif = list_files("images/backgrounds", "gif", 1, 0); $backgrounds_list_png = list_files("images/backgrounds", "png", 1, 0); $backgrounds_list = array_merge($backgrounds_list_jpg, $backgrounds_list_png); $backgrounds_list = array_merge($backgrounds_list, $backgrounds_list_gif); asort($backgrounds_list); if(!enterprise_installed()){ $open=true; } // Custom favicon $files = list_files('images/custom_favicon', "ico", 1, 0); $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom favicon'); $table_styles->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('You can place your favicon into the folder images/custom_favicon/. This file should be in .ico format with a size of 16x16.'), true); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( $files, 'custom_favicon', $config["custom_favicon"], 'setup_visuals_change_favicon();', __('Default'), '', true, false, true, '', false, 'width:240px' ); $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= "   " . html_print_image( ui_get_favicon(), true, array('id' => 'favicon_preview') ); $row++; $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom background logo'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select ($backgrounds_list, 'login_background', $config["login_background"], '', __('Default'), '', true,false,true,'',false,'width:240px'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'login_background_preview', false, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true); $row++; $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom logo (header)') . ui_print_help_icon("custom_logo", true); if(enterprise_installed()){ $ent_files = list_files('enterprise/images/custom_logo', "png", 1, 0); $open_files = list_files('images/custom_logo', "png", 1, 0); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( array_merge($ent_files, $open_files), 'custom_logo', $config["custom_logo"], '', '', '',true,false,true,'',$open,'width:240px'); } else{ $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( list_files('images/custom_logo', "png", 1, 0), 'custom_logo', $config["custom_logo"], '', '', '',true,false,true,'',$open,'width:240px'); } $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'custom_logo_preview', $open, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true,false,$open,'visualmodal'); $row++; $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom logo (header white background)'); if(enterprise_installed()){ $ent_files = list_files('enterprise/images/custom_logo', "png", 1, 0); $open_files = list_files('images/custom_logo', "png", 1, 0); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( array_merge($open_files, $ent_files), 'custom_logo_white_bg', $config["custom_logo_white_bg"], '', '', '',true,false,true,'',$open,'width:240px'); } else{ $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( list_files('images/custom_logo', "png", 1, 0), 'custom_logo_white_bg', $config["custom_logo_white_bg"], '', '', '',true,false,true,'',$open,'width:240px'); } $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'custom_logo_white_bg_preview', $open, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true,false,$open,'visualmodal'); $row++; $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom logo (login)') . ui_print_help_icon("custom_logo", true); if(enterprise_installed()) { $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( list_files('enterprise/images/custom_logo_login', "png", 1, 0), 'custom_logo_login', $config["custom_logo_login"], '', '', '',true,false,true,'',$open,'width:240px'); } else { $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( "", 'custom_logo_login', $config["custom_logo_login"], '', '', '',true,false,true,'',$open,'width:240px'); } $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'custom_logo_login_preview', $open, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true,false,$open,'visualmodal'); $row++; //Splash login if(enterprise_installed()) { $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom Splash (login)'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( list_files('enterprise/images/custom_splash_login', "png", 1, 0), 'custom_splash_login', $config["custom_splash_login"], '', '', '',true,false,true,'',$open,'width:240px'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'custom_splash_login_preview', $open, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true,false,$open,'visualmodal'); $row++; } if(enterprise_installed()){ // Get all the custom logos $files = list_files('enterprise/images/custom_general_logos', "png", 1, 0); // Custom docs icon $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom documentation logo'); $table_styles->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('You can place your custom logos into the folder enterprise/images/custom_general_logos/'), true); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( $files, 'custom_docs_logo', $config["custom_docs_logo"], '', __('None'), '', true, false, true, '', false, 'width:240px' ); $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'custom_docs_logo_preview', $open, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true,false,$open,'visualmodal'); $row++; // Custom support icon $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom support logo'); $table_styles->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('You can place your custom logos into the folder enterprise/images/custom_general_logos/'), true); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( $files, 'custom_support_logo', $config["custom_support_logo"], '', __('None'), '', true, false, true, '', false, 'width:240px' ); $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'custom_support_logo_preview', $open, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true,false,$open,'visualmodal'); $row++; // Custom center networkmap icon $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom networkmap center logo'); $table_styles->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('You can place your custom logos into the folder enterprise/images/custom_general_logos/'), true); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( $files, 'custom_network_center_logo', $config["custom_network_center_logo"], '', __('Default'), '', true, false, true, '', false, 'width:240px' ); $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'custom_network_center_logo_preview', $open, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true,false,$open,'visualmodal'); $row++; // Custom center mobile console icon $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Custom mobile console icon'); $table_styles->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('You can place your custom logos into the folder enterprise/images/custom_general_logos/'), true); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_select( $files, 'custom_mobile_console_logo', $config["custom_mobile_console_logo"], '', __('Default'), '', true, false, true, '', false, 'width:240px' ); $table_styles->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'custom_mobile_console_logo_preview', $open, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true,false,$open,'visualmodal'); $row++; } //login title1 if(enterprise_installed()) { $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Title 1 (login)'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('custom_title1_login', $config["custom_title1_login"], '', 50, 50, true); $row++; } //login text2 if(enterprise_installed()) { $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Title 2 (login)'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('custom_title2_login', $config["custom_title2_login"], '', 50, 50, true); $row++; } if(enterprise_installed()) { $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Docs URL (login)'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('custom_docs_url', $config["custom_docs_url"], '', 50, 50, true); $row++; } if(enterprise_installed()) { $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Support URL (login)'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('custom_support_url', $config["custom_support_url"], '', 50, 50, true); $row++; } if(enterprise_installed()) { $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Product name'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text('rb_product_name', get_product_name(), '', 30, 255, true); $row++; } if(enterprise_installed()) { $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Copyright notice'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text('rb_copyright_notice', get_copyright_notice(), '', 30, 255, true); $row++; } if (enterprise_installed()){ $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Disable logo in graphs'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('fixed_graph', 1, $config['fixed_graph'], true); $row++; } /* Hello there! :) We added some of what seems to be "buggy" messages to the openSource version recently. This is not to force open-source users to move to the enterprise version, this is just to inform people using Pandora FMS open source that it requires skilled people to maintain and keep it running smoothly without professional support. This does not imply open-source version is limited in any way. If you check the recently added code, it contains only warnings and messages, no limitations except one: we removed the option to add custom logo in header. In the Update Manager section, it warns about the 'danger’ of applying automated updates without a proper backup, remembering in the process that the Enterprise version comes with a human-tested package. Maintaining an OpenSource version with more than 500 agents is not so easy, that's why someone using a Pandora with 8000 agents should consider asking for support. It's not a joke, we know of many setups with a huge number of agents, and we hate to hear that “its becoming unstable and slow” :( You can of course remove the warnings, that's why we include the source and do not use any kind of trick. And that's why we added here this comment, to let you know this does not reflect any change in our opensource mentality of does the last 14 years. */ $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Disable helps'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('disable_help', 1, $config['disable_help'], true); $row++; $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Fixed header'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('fixed_header', 1, $config['fixed_header'], true); $row++; $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Fixed menu'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('fixed_menu', 1, $config['fixed_menu'], true); $row++; // For 5.1 Autohidden menu feature $table_styles->data['autohidden'][0] = __('Autohidden menu'); $table_styles->data['autohidden'][1] = html_print_checkbox('autohidden_menu', 1, $config['autohidden_menu'], true); $table_styles->data[$row][0] = __('Visual effects and animation'); $table_styles->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('visual_animation', 1, $config['visual_animation'], true); echo "
"; echo "" . __('Style configuration') . ""; html_print_table ($table_styles); echo "
"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // GIS CONFIGURATION //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $table_gis = new stdClass(); $table_gis->width = '100%'; $table_gis->class = "databox filters"; $table_gis->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold;'; $table_gis->size[0] = '50%'; $table_gis->data = array (); $table_gis->data[$row][0] = __('GIS Labels') . ui_print_help_tip(__('This enabling this, you get a label with agent name in GIS maps. If you have lots of agents in the map, will be unreadable. Disabled by default.'), true); $table_gis->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('gis_label', 1, $config['gis_label'], true); $row++; $listIcons = gis_get_array_list_icons(); $arraySelectIcon = array(); foreach ($listIcons as $index => $value) $arraySelectIcon[$index] = $index; $table_gis->data[$row][0] = __('Default icon in GIS') . ui_print_help_tip(__('Agent icon for GIS Maps. If set to "none", group icon will be used'), true); $table_gis->data[$row][1] = html_print_select($arraySelectIcon, "gis_default_icon", $config["gis_default_icon"], "", __('Agent icon group'), '', true); $table_gis->data[$row][1] .= " " . html_print_button(__("View"), 'gis_icon_preview', false, '', 'class="sub camera logo_preview"', true); $row++; echo "
"; echo "" . __('GIS configuration') . ""; html_print_table ($table_gis); echo "
"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // FONT AND TEXT CONFIGURATION //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $table_font = new stdClass(); $table_font->width = '100%'; $table_font->class = "databox filters"; $table_font->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold;'; $table_font->size[0] = '50%'; $table_font->data = array (); $table_font->data[$row][0] = __('Font path'); $fonts = load_fonts(); $table_font->data[$row][1] = html_print_select($fonts, 'fontpath', io_safe_output($config["fontpath"]), '', '', 0, true); $row++; $table_font->data[$row][0] = __('Font size'); $font_size_array = array( 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10, 11 => 11, 12 => 12, 13 => 13, 14 => 14, 15 => 15); $table_font->data[$row][1] = html_print_select($font_size_array, 'font_size', $config["font_size"], '', '', 0, true); $row++; $table_font->data[$row][0] = __('Agent size text') . ui_print_help_tip(__('When the agent name has a lot of characters, it is needed to truncate it into N characters in some sections in %s Console', get_product_name()), true); $table_font->data[$row][1] = __('Small:') . html_print_input_text ('agent_size_text_small', $config["agent_size_text_small"], '', 3, 3, true); $table_font->data[$row][1] .= ' ' . __('Normal:') . html_print_input_text ('agent_size_text_medium', $config["agent_size_text_medium"], '', 3, 3, true); $row++; $table_font->data[$row][0] = __('Module size text') . ui_print_help_tip(__('When the module name has a lot of characters, it is needed to truncate it into N characters in some sections in %s Console', get_product_name()), true); $table_font->data[$row][1] = __('Small:') . html_print_input_text ('module_size_text_small', $config["module_size_text_small"], '', 3, 3, true); $table_font->data[$row][1] .= ' ' . __('Normal:') . html_print_input_text ('module_size_text_medium', $config["module_size_text_medium"], '', 3, 3, true); $row++; $table_font->data[$row][0] = __('Description size text') . ui_print_help_tip(__('If the description name has a lot of characters, in some places in %s Console it is necessary to truncate it to N characters.', get_product_name()), true); $table_font->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('description_size_text', $config["description_size_text"], '', 3, 3, true); $row++; $table_font->data[$row][0] = __('Item title size text') . ui_print_help_tip(__('When the item title name has a lot of characters, it is needed to truncate it into N characters in some sections in %s Console.', get_product_name()), true); $table_font->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text('item_title_size_text', $config["item_title_size_text"], '', 3, 3, true); $row++; $table_font->data[$row][0] = __('Show unit along with value in reports') . ui_print_help_tip(__('This enabling this, max, min and avg values will be shown with units.'), true); $table_font->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('simple_module_value', 1, $config['simple_module_value'], true); $row++; echo "
"; echo "" . __('Font and Text configuration') . ""; html_print_table ($table_font); echo "
"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CHARS CONFIGURATION //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $table_chars = new stdClass(); $table_chars->width = '100%'; $table_chars->class = "databox filters"; $table_chars->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold;'; $table_chars->size[0] = '50%'; $table_chars->data = array (); $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #1'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color1', $config["graph_color1"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #2'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color2', $config["graph_color2"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #3'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color3', $config["graph_color3"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #4'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color4', $config["graph_color4"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #5'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color5', $config["graph_color5"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #6'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color6', $config["graph_color6"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #7'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color7', $config["graph_color7"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #8'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color8', $config["graph_color8"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #9'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color9', $config["graph_color9"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph color #10'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_color10', $config["graph_color10"], '', 8, 8, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Value to interface graphics'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('interface_unit', $config["interface_unit"], '', 20, 20, true); $row++; $disabled_graph_precision = false; if (!enterprise_installed()) { $disabled_graph_precision = true; } $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Data precision'); $table_chars->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('Number of decimals shown. It must be a number between 0 and 5, except in graphs.'), true); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_precision', $config["graph_precision"], '', 5, 5, true, $disabled_graph_precision, false, "onChange=\"change_precision()\""); $row++; if (!isset($config["short_module_graph_data"])) $config["short_module_graph_data"] = true; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Data precision in graphs'); $table_chars->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('Number of decimals shown. If the field is empty, it will show all the decimals'), true); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('short_module_graph_data', $config["short_module_graph_data"], '', 5, 5, true, $disabled_graph_precision, false, "onChange=\"change_precision()\""); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Default line thickness for the Custom Graph.'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('custom_graph_width', $config["custom_graph_width"], '', 5, 5, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Use round corners'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('round_corner', 1, $config['round_corner'], true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Type of module charts'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = __('Area').' ' . html_print_radio_button ('type_module_charts', 'area', '', $config["type_module_charts"] == 'area', true).'  '; $table_chars->data[$row][1] .= __('Line').' ' . html_print_radio_button ('type_module_charts', 'line', '', $config["type_module_charts"] != 'area', true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Type of interface charts'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = __('Area').' ' . html_print_radio_button ('type_interface_charts', 'area', '', $config["type_interface_charts"] == 'area', true).'  '; $table_chars->data[$row][1] .= __('Line').' ' . html_print_radio_button ('type_interface_charts', 'line', '', $config["type_interface_charts"] != 'area', true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Percentile'); $table_chars->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('Show percentile 95 in graphs'), true); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('percentil', $config['percentil'], '', 20, 20, true); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph TIP view:'); $table_chars->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('This option may cause performance issues'), true); $options_full_escale = array(); $options_full_escale[0] = __('None'); $options_full_escale[1] = __('All'); $options_full_escale[2] = __('On Boolean graphs'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_select($options_full_escale, 'full_scale_option', $config["full_scale_option"], '', '', 0, true, false, false); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Show only average'); $table_chars->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('If enabled, the module graphs will only show the average value, otherwise it will show three sets of data showing maximums, averages and minimums.'), true); $options_soft_graphs = array(); $options_soft_graphs[0] = __('Standard mode'); $options_soft_graphs[1] = __('Classic mode'); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_select($options_soft_graphs, 'type_mode_graph', $config["type_mode_graph"], '', '', 0, true, false, false); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Zoom graphs:'); $options_zoom_graphs = array(); $options_zoom_graphs[1] = 'x1'; $options_zoom_graphs[2] = 'x2'; $options_zoom_graphs[3] = 'x3'; $options_zoom_graphs[4] = 'x4'; $options_zoom_graphs[5] = 'x5'; $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_select($options_zoom_graphs, 'zoom_graph', $config["zoom_graph"], '', '', 0, true, false, false); $row++; $table_chars->data[$row][0] = __('Graph image height'); $table_chars->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip( __('This is the height in pixels of the module graph or custom graph in the reports (both: HTML and PDF)'), true ); $table_chars->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graph_image_height', $config['graph_image_height'], '', 20, 20, true); $row++; /* $table_font->data[$row][0] = __('Font path'); $fonts = load_fonts(); $table_font->data[$row][1] = html_print_select($fonts, 'fontpath', io_safe_output($config["fontpath"]), '', '', 0, true); $row++; */ echo "
"; echo "" . __('Charts configuration') . ""; html_print_table ($table_chars); echo "
"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Visual Consoles //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $table_vc = new stdClass(); $table_vc->width = '100%'; $table_vc->class = "databox filters"; $table_vc->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold'; $table_vc->size[0] = '50%'; $table_vc->data = array (); $vc_favourite_view_array[0] = __('Classic view'); $vc_favourite_view_array[1] = __('View of favorites'); $table_vc->data[$row][0] = __('Type of view of visual consoles') . ui_print_help_tip(__('Allows you to directly display the list of favorite visual consoles'), true); $table_vc->data[$row][1] = html_print_select($vc_favourite_view_array, 'vc_favourite_view', $config["vc_favourite_view"], '', '', 0, true); $row++; $table_vc->data[$row][0] = __('Number of favorite visual consoles to show in the menu') . ui_print_help_tip(__('If the number is 0 it will not show the pull-down menu and maximum 25 favorite consoles'), true); $table_vc->data[$row][1] = ""; $row++; if (empty($config["vc_line_thickness"])) $config["vc_line_thickness"] = 2; $table_vc->data[$row][0] = __('Default line thickness for the Visual Console') . ui_print_help_tip(__('This interval will affect to the lines between elements on the Visual Console'), true); $table_vc->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('vc_line_thickness', $config["vc_line_thickness"], '', 5, 5, true); echo "
"; echo "" . __('Visual consoles configuration') . ""; html_print_table ($table_vc); echo "
"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Services //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $table_ser = new stdClass(); $table_ser->width = '100%'; $table_ser->class = "databox filters"; $table_ser->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold'; $table_ser->size[0] = '50%'; $table_ser->data = array (); $table_ser->data['number'][0] = __('Number of favorite services to show in the menu') . ui_print_help_tip(__('If the number is 0 it will not show the pull-down menu and maximum 25 favorite services'), true); $table_ser->data['number'][1] = ""; echo "
"; echo "" . __('Services configuration') . ""; html_print_table ($table_ser); echo "
"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // OTHER CONFIGURATION //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $table_other = new stdClass(); $table_other->width = '100%'; $table_other->class = "databox filters"; $table_other->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold;'; $table_other->size[0] = '50%'; $table_other->data = array (); // Enrique (27/01/2017) New feature: Show report info on top of reports $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Show report info with description') . ui_print_help_tip( __('Custom report description info. It will be applied to all reports and templates by default.'), true); $table_other->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('custom_report_info', 1, $config['custom_report_info'], true); $row++; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Juanma (07/05/2014) New feature: Table for custom front page for reports $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Custom report front page') . ui_print_help_tip( __('Custom report front page. It will be applied to all reports and templates by default.'), true); $table_other->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('custom_report_front', 1, $config['custom_report_front'], true); $row++; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $dirItems = scandir($config['homedir'] . '/images/custom_logo'); foreach ($dirItems as $entryDir) { if (strstr($entryDir, '.jpg') !== false || strstr($entryDir, '.png') !== false) { $customLogos['images/custom_logo/' . $entryDir] = $entryDir; } } $_fonts = array(); $dirFonts = scandir(_MPDF_TTFONTPATH); foreach ($dirFonts as $entryDir) { if (strstr($entryDir, '.ttf') !== false) { $_fonts[$entryDir] = $entryDir; } } // Font $table_other->data['custom_report_front-font'][0] = __('Custom report front') . ' - ' . __('Font family'); $table_other->data['custom_report_front-font'][1] = html_print_select ($_fonts, 'custom_report_front_font', $config['custom_report_front_font'], false, __('Default'), '', true); // Logo $table_other->data['custom_report_front-logo'][0] = __('Custom report front') . ' - ' . __('Custom logo') . ui_print_help_tip( __("The dir of custom logos is in your www Console in 'images/custom_logo'. You can upload more files (ONLY JPEG AND PNG) in upload tool in console."), true); $table_other->data['custom_report_front-logo'][1] = html_print_select( $customLogos, 'custom_report_front_logo', io_safe_output($config['custom_report_front_logo']), 'showPreview()', __('Default'), '', true); // Preview $table_other->data['custom_report_front-preview'][0] = __('Custom report front') . ' - ' . 'Preview'; if (empty($config['custom_report_front_logo'])) { $config['custom_report_front_logo'] = 'images/pandora_logo_white.jpg'; } $table_other->data['custom_report_front-preview'][1] = '' . html_print_image ($config['custom_report_front_logo'], true) . ''; // Header $table_other->data['custom_report_front-header'][0] = __('Custom report front') . ' - ' . __('Header'); $table_other->data['custom_report_front-header'][1] = html_print_textarea('custom_report_front_header', 5, 15, $config['custom_report_front_header'], 'style="width: 38em;"', true); // First page $table_other->data['custom_report_front-first_page'][0] = __('Custom report front') . ' - ' . __('First page'); $custom_report_front_firstpage = str_replace('(_URLIMAGE_)', ui_get_full_url(false, true, false, false), $config['custom_report_front_firstpage']); $table_other->data['custom_report_front-first_page'][1] = html_print_textarea('custom_report_front_firstpage', 15, 15, $custom_report_front_firstpage, 'style="width: 38em; height: 20em;"', true); // Footer $table_other->data['custom_report_front-footer'][0] = __('Custom report front') . ' - ' . __('Footer'); $table_other->data['custom_report_front-footer'][1] = html_print_textarea('custom_report_front_footer', 5, 15, $config['custom_report_front_footer'], 'style="width: 38em;"', true); $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Show QR Code icon in the header'); $table_other->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('show_qr_code_header', 1, $config['show_qr_code_header'], true); $row++; $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Custom graphviz directory') . ui_print_help_tip (__("Custom directory where the graphviz binaries are stored."), true); $table_other->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('graphviz_bin_dir', $config["graphviz_bin_dir"], '', 50, 255, true); $row++; $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Networkmap max width'); $table_other->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('networkmap_max_width', $config["networkmap_max_width"], '', 10, 20, true); $row++; $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Show only the group name'); $table_other->data[$row][0] .= ui_print_help_tip( __('Show the group name instead the group icon.'), true); $table_other->data[$row][1] = html_print_checkbox('show_group_name', 1, $config['show_group_name'], true); $row++; $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Date format string') . ui_print_help_icon("date_format", true); $table_other->data[$row][1] = ''.__('Example').' '.date ($config["date_format"]); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_input_text ('date_format', $config["date_format"], '', 30, 100, true); $row++; if ($config['prominent_time'] == 'comparation') { $timestamp = false; $comparation = true; } else if ($config['prominent_time'] == 'timestamp') { $timestamp = true; $comparation = false; } $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Timestamp or time comparation') . ui_print_help_icon ("time_stamp-comparation", true); $table_other->data[$row][1] = __('Comparation in rollover') . ' '; $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_radio_button ('prominent_time', "comparation", '', $comparation, true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= '
'.__('Timestamp in rollover').' '; $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_radio_button ('prominent_time', "timestamp", '', $timestamp, true); $row++; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUSTOM VALUES POST PROCESS //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Custom values post process'); $table_other->data[$row][1] = ""; $table_other->data[$row][1] .= __('Value') . ': ' . html_print_input_text ('custom_value', '', '', 25, 50, true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= ' ' . __('Text') . ': ' . html_print_input_text ('custom_text', '', '', 25, 50, true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= " "; $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_input_hidden( 'custom_value_add', '', true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_button (__('Add'), 'custom_value_add_btn', false, "", 'class="sub next"', true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= '

'; $table_other->data[$row][1] .= __('Delete custom values') . ': '; $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_select( post_process_get_custom_values(), 'custom_values', "", "", '', '', true); $count_custom_postprocess = post_process_get_custom_values(); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_button (__('Delete'), 'custom_values_del_btn', empty($count_custom_postprocess), "", 'class="sub cancel"', true); // This hidden field will be filled from jQuery before submit $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_input_hidden( 'custom_value_to_delete', '', true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= "
"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUSTOM INTERVAL VALUES //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $row++; $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('Interval values'); $units = array( 1 => __('seconds'), SECONDS_1MINUTE => __('minutes'), SECONDS_1HOUR => __('hours'), SECONDS_1DAY => __('days'), SECONDS_1MONTH => __('months'), SECONDS_1YEAR => __('years')); $table_other->data[$row][1] = __('Add new custom value to intervals') . ': '; $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_input_text ('interval_value', '', '', 5, 5, true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_select ($units, 'interval_unit', 1, "", '', '', true, false, false); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_button (__('Add'), 'interval_add_btn', false, "", 'class="sub next"', true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= '

'; $table_other->data[$row][1] .= __('Delete interval') . ': '; $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_select (get_periods(false, false), 'intervals', "", "", '', '', true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_button (__('Delete'), 'interval_del_btn', empty($config["interval_values"]), "", 'class="sub cancel"', true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_input_hidden ('interval_values', $config["interval_values"], true); // This hidden field will be filled from jQuery before submit $table_other->data[$row][1] .= html_print_input_hidden ('interval_to_delete', '', true); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- $row++; $common_dividers = array( ";" => ";", "," => ",", "|" => "|"); $table_other->data[$row][0] = __('CSV divider'); if ($config['csv_divider'] != ";" && $config['csv_divider'] != "," && $config['csv_divider'] != "|") { $table_other->data[$row][1] = html_print_input_text ('csv_divider', $config['csv_divider'], "", 20, 255, true); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= '' . html_print_image('images/default_list.png', true, array('id' => 'select')) . ""; } else { $table_other->data[$row][1] = html_print_select ($common_dividers, 'csv_divider', $config['csv_divider'], "", '', '', true, false, false); $table_other->data[$row][1] .= '' . html_print_image('images/pencil.png', true, array('id' => 'pencil')) . ""; } $row++; echo "
"; echo "" . __('Other configuration') . ""; html_print_table ($table_other); echo "
"; echo '
'; html_print_submit_button (__('Update'), 'update_button', false, 'class="sub upd"'); echo '
'; echo ''; ui_require_css_file ("color-picker"); ui_require_jquery_file ("colorpicker"); function load_fonts() { global $config; $home = str_replace('\\', '/', $config['homedir'] ); $dir = scandir($home. '/include/fonts/'); $fonts = array(); foreach ($dir as $file) { if (strstr($file, '.ttf') !== false) { $fonts[$home . '/include/fonts/' . $file] = $file; } } return $fonts; } ui_require_javascript_file('tiny_mce', 'include/javascript/tiny_mce/'); ui_require_javascript_file('pandora'); ?>