$content['id_agent_module'], ] ); $items_label['module_name'] = $modules[$content['id_agent_module']]['nombre']; $items_label['module_description'] = $modules[$content['id_agent_module']]['descripcion']; if (is_array($content['id_agent']) && count($content['id_agent']) != 1 ) { $content['style']['name_label'] = str_replace( '_agent_', count($content['id_agent']).__(' agents'), $content['style']['name_label'] ); } if (is_array($content['id_agent_module']) && count($content['id_agent_module']) != 1 ) { $content['style']['name_label'] = str_replace( '_module_', count($content['id_agent_module']).__(' modules'), $content['style']['name_label'] ); } if ($metaconsole_on) { // Restore db connection. metaconsole_restore_db(); } $content['name'] = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, $content['style']['name_label'] ); } switch (reporting_get_type($content)) { case 'simple_graph': $report['contents'][] = reporting_simple_graph( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart ); break; case 'event_report_log': $report['contents'][] = reporting_log( $report, $content ); break; case 'increment': $report['contents'][] = reporting_increment( $report, $content ); break; case 'general': $report['contents'][] = io_safe_output( reporting_general( $report, $content ) ); break; case 'availability': $report['contents'][] = io_safe_output( reporting_availability( $report, $content, $date, $time ) ); break; case 'availability_graph': $report['contents'][] = io_safe_output( reporting_availability_graph( $report, $content, $pdf ) ); break; case 'sql': $report['contents'][] = reporting_sql( $report, $content ); break; case 'custom_graph': $report['contents'][] = reporting_custom_graph( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, 'custom_graph', $pdf ); break; case 'automatic_graph': $report['contents'][] = reporting_custom_graph( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, 'automatic_graph', $pdf ); break; case 'text': $report['contents'][] = reporting_text( $report, $content ); break; case 'url': $report['contents'][] = reporting_url( $report, $content, $type ); break; case 'max_value': $report['contents'][] = reporting_value( $report, $content, 'max', $pdf ); break; case 'avg_value': $report['contents'][] = reporting_value( $report, $content, 'avg', $pdf ); break; case 'min_value': $report['contents'][] = reporting_value( $report, $content, 'min', $pdf ); break; case 'sumatory': $report['contents'][] = reporting_value( $report, $content, 'sum', $pdf ); break; case 'historical_data': $report['contents'][] = reporting_historical_data( $report, $content ); break; case 'MTTR': $report['contents'][] = reporting_value( $report, $content, 'MTTR', $pdf ); break; case 'MTBF': $report['contents'][] = reporting_value( $report, $content, 'MTBF', $pdf ); break; case 'TTO': $report['contents'][] = reporting_value( $report, $content, 'TTO', $pdf ); break; case 'TTRT': $report['contents'][] = reporting_value( $report, $content, 'TTRT', $pdf ); break; case 'agent_configuration': $report['contents'][] = io_safe_output( reporting_agent_configuration( $report, $content ) ); break; case 'projection_graph': $report['contents'][] = reporting_projection_graph( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, $pdf ); break; case 'prediction_date': $report['contents'][] = reporting_prediction_date( $report, $content ); break; case 'simple_baseline_graph': $report['contents'][] = reporting_simple_baseline_graph( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart ); break; case 'netflow_area': $report['contents'][] = reporting_netflow( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, 'netflow_area', $pdf ); break; break; case 'netflow_data': $report['contents'][] = reporting_netflow( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, 'netflow_data', $pdf ); break; case 'netflow_summary': $report['contents'][] = reporting_netflow( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, 'netflow_summary', $pdf ); break; case 'monitor_report': $report['contents'][] = reporting_monitor_report( $report, $content ); break; case 'sql_graph_vbar': $report['contents'][] = reporting_sql_graph( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, 'sql_graph_vbar' ); break; case 'sql_graph_hbar': $report['contents'][] = reporting_sql_graph( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, 'sql_graph_hbar' ); break; case 'sql_graph_pie': $report['contents'][] = reporting_sql_graph( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, 'sql_graph_pie' ); break; case 'alert_report_module': $report['contents'][] = reporting_alert_report_module( $report, $content ); break; case 'alert_report_agent': $report['contents'][] = reporting_alert_report_agent( $report, $content ); break; case 'alert_report_group': $report['contents'][] = reporting_alert_report_group( $report, $content ); break; case 'network_interfaces_report': $report['contents'][] = reporting_network_interfaces_report( $report, $content, $type, $pdf ); break; case 'group_configuration': $report['contents'][] = reporting_group_configuration( $report, $content ); break; case 'database_serialized': $report['contents'][] = reporting_database_serialized( $report, $content ); break; case 'group_report': $report['contents'][] = reporting_group_report( $report, $content ); break; case 'exception': $report['contents'][] = reporting_exception( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart ); break; case 'agent_module': $report['contents'][] = reporting_agent_module( $report, $content ); break; case 'inventory': $report['contents'][] = reporting_inventory( $report, $content, $type ); break; case 'inventory_changes': $report['contents'][] = reporting_inventory_changes( $report, $content, $type ); break; case 'agent_detailed_event': case 'event_report_agent': $report_control = io_safe_output( reporting_event_report_agent( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart ) ); if ($report_control['total_events'] == 0 && $content['hide_no_data'] == 1) { continue; } $report['contents'][] = $report_control; break; case 'event_report_module': $report_control = reporting_event_report_module( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, $pdf ); if ($report_control['total_events'] == 0 && $content['hide_no_data'] == 1) { continue; } $report['contents'][] = $report_control; break; case 'event_report_group': $report_control = reporting_event_report_group( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart ); if ($report_control['total_events'] == 0 && $content['hide_no_data'] == 1) { continue; } $report['contents'][] = $report_control; break; case 'top_n': $report['contents'][] = reporting_event_top_n( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart ); break; case 'SLA': $report['contents'][] = reporting_SLA( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart ); break; case 'SLA_monthly': $report['contents'][] = reporting_enterprise_sla_monthly_refactoriced( $report, $content ); break; case 'SLA_weekly': $report['contents'][] = reporting_enterprise_sla_weekly( $report, $content ); break; case 'SLA_hourly': $report['contents'][] = reporting_enterprise_sla_hourly( $report, $content ); break; case 'SLA_services': $report['contents'][] = reporting_enterprise_sla_services_refactoriced( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, $pdf ); break; case 'module_histogram_graph': $report['contents'][] = reporting_enterprise_module_histogram_graph( $report, $content, $pdf ); break; case 'nt_top_n': $report['contents'][] = reporting_nt_top_n_report( $report, $content, $pdf ); break; default: // Default. break; } $index_content++; } return reporting_check_structure_report($report); } function reporting_SLA( $report, $content, $type='dinamic', $force_width_chart=null, $force_height_chart=null ) { global $config; $return = []; $return['type'] = 'SLA'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('S.L.A.'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); // Get chart. reporting_set_conf_charts( $width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl ); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } $return['id_rc'] = $content['id_rc']; $edge_interval = 10; if (empty($content['subitems'])) { $slas = db_get_all_rows_field_filter( 'treport_content_sla_combined', 'id_report_content', $content['id_rc'] ); } else { $slas = $content['subitems']; } if (empty($slas)) { $return['failed'] = __('There are no SLAs defined'); } else { include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_planned_downtimes.php'; $metaconsole_on = is_metaconsole(); // checking if needed to show graph or table. if ($content['show_graph'] == 0 || $content['show_graph'] == 1) { $show_table = 1; } else { $show_table = 0; } if ($content['show_graph'] == 1 || $content['show_graph'] == 2) { $show_graphs = 1; } else { $show_graphs = 0; } $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false, true, false, false); $sla_failed = false; $total_SLA = 0; $total_result_SLA = 'ok'; $sla_showed = []; $sla_showed_values = []; foreach ($slas as $sla) { $server_name = $sla['server_name']; // Metaconsole connection. if ($metaconsole_on && $server_name != '') { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (!metaconsole_load_external_db($connection)) { continue; } } if (modules_is_disable_agent($sla['id_agent_module']) || modules_is_not_init($sla['id_agent_module']) ) { if ($metaconsole_on) { // Restore db connection. metaconsole_restore_db(); } continue; } // Controller min and max == 0 then dinamic min and max critical. $dinamic_text = 0; if ($sla['sla_min'] == 0 && $sla['sla_max'] == 0) { $sla['sla_min'] = null; $sla['sla_max'] = null; $dinamic_text = __('Dynamic'); } // Controller inverse interval. $inverse_interval = 0; if ((isset($sla['sla_max'])) && (isset($sla['sla_min']))) { if ($sla['sla_max'] < $sla['sla_min']) { $content_sla_max = $sla['sla_max']; $sla['sla_max'] = $sla['sla_min']; $sla['sla_min'] = $content_sla_max; $inverse_interval = 1; $dinamic_text = __('Inverse'); } } // For graph slice for module-interval, if not slice=0. if ($show_graphs) { $module_interval = modules_get_interval( $sla['id_agent_module'] ); $slice = ($content['period'] / $module_interval); } else { $slice = 1; } // Call functions sla. $sla_array = []; $sla_array = reporting_advanced_sla( $sla['id_agent_module'], ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']), $report['datetime'], $sla['sla_min'], $sla['sla_max'], $inverse_interval, [ '1' => $content['sunday'], '2' => $content['monday'], '3' => $content['tuesday'], '4' => $content['wednesday'], '5' => $content['thursday'], '6' => $content['friday'], '7' => $content['saturday'], ], $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'], $slice ); if ($metaconsole_on) { // Restore db connection. metaconsole_restore_db(); } $server_name = $sla['server_name']; // Metaconsole connection. if ($metaconsole_on && $server_name != '') { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_connect($connection) != NOERR) { continue; } } if ($show_graphs) { $planned_downtimes = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals( $sla['id_agent_module'], ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']), $report['datetime'] ); if ((is_array($planned_downtimes)) && (count($planned_downtimes) > 0) ) { // Sort retrieved planned downtimes. usort( $planned_downtimes, function ($a, $b) { $a = intval($a['date_from']); $b = intval($b['date_from']); if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? (-1) : 1; } ); // Compress (overlapped) planned downtimes. $npd = count($planned_downtimes); for ($i = 0; $i < $npd; $i++) { if (isset($planned_downtimes[($i + 1)])) { if ($planned_downtimes[$i]['date_to'] >= $planned_downtimes[($i + 1)]['date_from']) { // Merge. $planned_downtimes[$i]['date_to'] = $planned_downtimes[($i + 1)]['date_to']; array_splice($planned_downtimes, ($i + 1), 1); $npd--; } } } } else { $planned_downtimes = null; } } $data = []; $data['agent'] = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias( $sla['id_agent_module'] ) ); $data['module'] = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name( $sla['id_agent_module'] ) ); $data['max'] = $sla['sla_max']; $data['min'] = $sla['sla_min']; $data['sla_limit'] = $sla['sla_limit']; $data['dinamic_text'] = $dinamic_text; if (isset($sla_array[0])) { $data['time_total'] = 0; $data['time_ok'] = 0; $data['time_error'] = 0; $data['time_unknown'] = 0; $data['time_not_init'] = 0; $data['time_downtime'] = 0; $data['checks_total'] = 0; $data['checks_ok'] = 0; $data['checks_error'] = 0; $data['checks_unknown'] = 0; $data['checks_not_init'] = 0; $raw_graph = []; $i = 0; foreach ($sla_array as $value_sla) { $data['time_total'] += $value_sla['time_total']; $data['time_ok'] += $value_sla['time_ok']; $data['time_error'] += $value_sla['time_error']; $data['time_unknown'] += $value_sla['time_unknown']; $data['time_downtime'] += $value_sla['time_downtime']; $data['time_not_init'] += $value_sla['time_not_init']; $data['checks_total'] += $value_sla['checks_total']; $data['checks_ok'] += $value_sla['checks_ok']; $data['checks_error'] += $value_sla['checks_error']; $data['checks_unknown'] += $value_sla['checks_unknown']; $data['checks_not_init'] += $value_sla['checks_not_init']; // Generate raw data for graph. if ($value_sla['time_total'] != 0) { if ($value_sla['time_error'] > 0) { // ERR. $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 3; } else if ($value_sla['time_unknown'] > 0) { // UNKNOWN. $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 4; } else if ($value_sla['time_not_init'] == $value_sla['time_total'] ) { // NOT INIT. $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 6; } else { $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 1; } } else { $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 7; } $raw_graph[$i]['utimestamp'] = ( $value_sla['date_to'] - $value_sla['date_from']); if (isset($planned_downtimes)) { foreach ($planned_downtimes as $pd) { if (($value_sla['date_from'] >= $pd['date_from']) && ($value_sla['date_to'] <= $pd['date_to']) ) { $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 5; // In scheduled downtime. break; } } } $i++; } $data['sla_value'] = reporting_sla_get_compliance_from_array( $data ); $data['sla_fixed'] = sla_truncate( $data['sla_value'], $config['graph_precision'] ); } else { // Show only table not divider in slice for defect slice=1. $data['time_total'] = $sla_array['time_total']; $data['time_ok'] = $sla_array['time_ok']; $data['time_error'] = $sla_array['time_error']; $data['time_unknown'] = $sla_array['time_unknown']; $data['time_downtime'] = $sla_array['time_downtime']; $data['time_not_init'] = $sla_array['time_not_init']; $data['checks_total'] = $sla_array['checks_total']; $data['checks_ok'] = $sla_array['checks_ok']; $data['checks_error'] = $sla_array['checks_error']; $data['checks_unknown'] = $sla_array['checks_unknown']; $data['checks_not_init'] = $sla_array['checks_not_init']; $data['sla_value'] = $sla_array['SLA']; $data['sla_fixed'] = $sla_array['sla_fixed']; } // Checks whether or not it meets the SLA. if ($data['sla_value'] >= $sla['sla_limit']) { $data['sla_status'] = 1; $sla_failed = false; } else { $sla_failed = true; $data['sla_status'] = 0; } // Do not show right modules if 'only_display_wrong' is active. if ($content['only_display_wrong'] && $sla_failed == false) { continue; } // Find order. $data['order'] = $data['sla_value']; if ($show_table) { $return['data'][] = $data; } // Slice graphs calculation. if ($show_graphs) { $data_init = -1; $acum = 0; $sum = 0; $array_result = []; $i = 0; foreach ($raw_graph as $key => $value) { if ($data_init == -1) { $data_init = $value['data']; $acum = $value['utimestamp']; $sum = $value['data']; } else { if ($data_init == $value['data']) { $acum = ($acum + $value['utimestamp']); $sum = ($sum + $value['real_data']); } else { $array_result[$i]['data'] = $data_init; $array_result[$i]['utimestamp'] = $acum; $array_result[$i]['real_data'] = $sum; $i++; $data_init = $value['data']; $acum = $value['utimestamp']; $sum = $value['real_data']; } } } $array_result[$i]['data'] = $data_init; $array_result[$i]['utimestamp'] = $acum; $array_result[$i]['real_data'] = $sum; $dataslice = []; $dataslice['agent'] = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias( $sla['id_agent_module'] ) ); $dataslice['module'] = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name( $sla['id_agent_module'] ) ); $dataslice['sla_value'] = $data['sla_value']; $dataslice['order'] = $data['sla_value']; $dataslice['chart'] = graph_sla_slicebar( $sla['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $sla['sla_min'], $sla['sla_max'], $report['datetime'], $content, $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'], 100, 70, $urlImage, $ttl, $array_result, false ); $return['charts'][] = $dataslice; } if ($metaconsole_on) { // Restore db connection. metaconsole_restore_db(); } } if ($content['top_n'] == 2) { // SLA items sorted descending. arsort($return['data']['']); } else if ($content['top_n'] == 1) { // SLA items sorted ascending. asort($sla_showed_values); } // Order data for ascending or descending. if ($content['top_n'] != 0) { switch ($content['top_n']) { case 1: // Order tables. $temp = []; foreach ($return['data'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $return['data'] = $temp; // Order graphs. $temp = []; foreach ($return['charts'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $return['charts'] = $temp; break; case 2: // Order tables. $temp = []; foreach ($return['data'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $return['data'] = $temp; // Order graph. $temp = []; foreach ($return['charts'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $return['charts'] = $temp; break; default: // Default. break; } } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_event_top_n( $report, $content, $type='dinamic', $force_width_chart=null, $force_height_chart=null ) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'top_n'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Top N'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $top_n = $content['top_n']; switch ($top_n) { case REPORT_TOP_N_MAX: $type_top_n = __('Max'); break; case REPORT_TOP_N_MIN: $type_top_n = __('Min'); break; case REPORT_TOP_N_AVG: default: // If nothing is selected then it will be shown the average data. $type_top_n = __('Avg'); break; } $return['subtitle'] = __('Top %d', $content['top_n_value']).' - '.$type_top_n; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $order_uptodown = $content['order_uptodown']; $top_n_value = $content['top_n_value']; $show_graph = $content['show_graph']; $return['top_n'] = $content['top_n_value']; if (empty($content['subitems'])) { // Get all the related data. $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT id_agent_module, server_name FROM treport_content_item WHERE id_report_content = %d', $content['id_rc'] ); $tops = db_process_sql($sql); } else { $tops = $content['subitems']; } // Get chart. reporting_set_conf_charts( $width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl ); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } if (empty($tops)) { $return['failed'] = __('There are no Agent/Modules defined'); } else { $data_top = []; foreach ($tops as $key => $row) { // Metaconsole connection. $server_name = $row['server_name']; if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { // ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } $ag_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($row['id_agent_module']); $mod_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name($row['id_agent_module']); $unit = db_get_value( 'unit', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $row['id_agent_module'] ); switch ($top_n) { case REPORT_TOP_N_MAX: $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max($row['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case REPORT_TOP_N_MIN: $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min($row['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case REPORT_TOP_N_AVG: default: // If nothing is selected then it will be shown the average data. $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average($row['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; } // If the returned value from modules_get_agentmodule_data_max/min/avg is false it won't be stored. if ($value !== false) { $data_top[$key] = $value; $id_agent_module[$key] = $row['id_agent_module']; $agent_name[$key] = $ag_name; $module_name[$key] = $mod_name; $units[$key] = $unit; } // Restore dbconnection. if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } if (empty($data_top)) { $return['failed'] = __('Insuficient data'); } else { $data_return = []; // Order to show. switch ($order_uptodown) { // Descending. case 1: array_multisort($data_top, SORT_DESC, $agent_name, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $units, SORT_ASC); break; // Ascending. case 2: array_multisort($data_top, SORT_ASC, $agent_name, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $units, SORT_ASC); break; // By agent name or without selection. case 0: case 3: array_multisort($agent_name, SORT_ASC, $data_top, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $units, SORT_ASC); break; default: // Default. break; } array_splice($data_top, $top_n_value); array_splice($agent_name, $top_n_value); array_splice($module_name, $top_n_value); array_splice($id_agent_module, $top_n_value); array_splice($units, $top_n_value); $data_top_values = []; $data_top_values['data_top'] = $data_top; $data_top_values['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $data_top_values['module_name'] = $module_name; $data_top_values['id_agent_module'] = $id_agent_module; $data_top_values['units'] = $units; // Define truncate size depends the graph width. $truncate_size = ($width / (4 * ($config['font_size'])) - 1); if ($order_uptodown == 1 || $order_uptodown == 2) { $i = 0; $data_pie_graph = []; $data_hbar = []; foreach ($data_top as $dt) { $item_name = ''; $item_name = ui_print_truncate_text($agent_name[$i], $truncate_size, false, true, false, '...').' - '.ui_print_truncate_text($module_name[$i], $truncate_size, false, true, false, '...'); $item_name_key_pie = $item_name; $exist_key = true; while ($exist_key) { if (isset($data_pie_graph[$item_name_key_pie])) { $item_name_key_pie .= ' '; } else { $exist_key = false; } } $item_name_key_hbar = $item_name; $exist_key = true; while ($exist_key) { if (isset($data_hbar[$item_name_key_hbar])) { $item_name_key_hbar = ' '.$item_name_key_hbar; } else { $exist_key = false; } } $data_hbar[$item_name]['g'] = $dt; $data_pie_graph[$item_name] = $dt; if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) { $data = []; $data['agent'] = $agent_name[$i]; $data['module'] = $module_name[$i]; $data['value'] = $dt; $data['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($dt, 2).' '.$units[$i]; $data_return[] = $data; } $i++; if ($i >= $top_n_value) { break; } } } else if ($order_uptodown == 0 || $order_uptodown == 3) { $i = 0; $data_pie_graph = []; $data_hbar = []; foreach ($agent_name as $an) { $item_name = ''; $item_name = ui_print_truncate_text( $agent_name[$i], $truncate_size, false, true, false, '...' ).' - '.ui_print_truncate_text( $module_name[$i], $truncate_size, false, true, false, '...' ); $item_name_key_pie = $item_name; $exist_key = true; while ($exist_key) { if (isset($data_pie_graph[$item_name_key_pie])) { $item_name_key_pie .= ' '; } else { $exist_key = false; } } $item_name_key_hbar = $item_name; $exist_key = true; while ($exist_key) { if (isset($data_hbar[$item_name_key_hbar])) { $item_name_key_hbar = ' '.$item_name_key_hbar; } else { $exist_key = false; } } $data_pie_graph[$item_name] = $data_top[$i]; $data_hbar[$item_name]['g'] = $data_top[$i]; if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) { $data = []; $data['agent'] = $an; $data['module'] = $module_name[$i]; $data['value'] = $data_top[$i]; $data['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($data_top[$i], 2).' '.$units[$i]; $data_return[] = $data; } $i++; if ($i >= $top_n_value) { break; } } } $return['charts']['bars'] = null; $return['charts']['pie'] = null; if ($show_graph != REPORT_TOP_N_ONLY_TABLE) { arsort($data_pie_graph); $return['charts']['pie'] = pie_graph( $data_pie_graph, $width, $height, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, true, false, false).'/', ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); // Display bars graph. $return['charts']['bars'] = hbar_graph( $data_hbar, $width, (count($data_hbar) * 50), [], [], '', '', false, false, $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], true, $ttl, $config['homeurl'], 'white', 'black' ); } $return['resume'] = null; if ($content['show_resume'] && count($data_top_values) > 0) { // Get the very first not null value. $i = 0; do { $min = $data_top_values['data_top'][$i]; $i++; } while ($min === false && $i < count($data_top_values)); $max = $min; $avg = 0; $i = 0; foreach ($data_top_values['data_top'] as $key => $dtv) { if ($dtv < $min) { $min = $dtv; } if ($dtv > $max) { $max = $dtv; } $avg += $dtv; $i++; } $avg = ($avg / $i); $return['resume']['min']['value'] = $min; $return['resume']['min']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($min, 2); $return['resume']['avg']['value'] = $avg; $return['resume']['avg']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($avg, 2); $return['resume']['max']['value'] = $max; $return['resume']['max']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($max, 2); } $return['data'] = $data_return; } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_event_report_group( $report, $content, $type='dinamic', $force_width_chart=null, $force_height_chart=null ) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'event_report_group'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Event Report Group'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $history = false; if ($config['history_event_enabled']) { $history = true; } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); if (!empty($content['style']['event_filter_search'])) { $return['subtitle'] .= ' ('.$content['style']['event_filter_search'].')'; } $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['show_extended_events'] = $content['show_extended_events']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $event_filter = $content['style']; $return['show_summary_group'] = $event_filter['show_summary_group']; // Filter. $show_summary_group = $event_filter['show_summary_group']; $filter_event_severity = json_decode($event_filter['filter_event_severity'], true); $filter_event_type = json_decode($event_filter['filter_event_type'], true); $filter_event_status = json_decode($event_filter['filter_event_status'], true); $filter_event_filter_search = $event_filter['event_filter_search']; // Graphs. $event_graph_by_agent = $event_filter['event_graph_by_agent']; $event_graph_by_user_validator = $event_filter['event_graph_by_user_validator']; $event_graph_by_criticity = $event_filter['event_graph_by_criticity']; $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = $event_filter['event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated']; $data = events_get_agent( false, $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $history, $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $content['id_group'], true ); if (empty($data)) { $return['failed'] = __('No events'); } else { $return['data'] = array_reverse($data); } reporting_set_conf_charts( $width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl ); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } $return['chart']['by_agent'] = null; $return['chart']['by_user_validator'] = null; $return['chart']['by_criticity'] = null; $return['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = null; $server_name = $content['server_name']; if (is_metaconsole() && $server_name != '') { $metaconsole_dbtable = true; } else { $metaconsole_dbtable = false; } if ($event_graph_by_agent) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_by_agent( $content['id_group'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $return['chart']['by_agent'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); } if ($event_graph_by_user_validator) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated_by_user( ['id_group' => $content['id_group']], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $return['chart']['by_user_validator'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); } if ($event_graph_by_criticity) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_by_criticity( ['id_group' => $content['id_group']], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph); $return['chart']['by_criticity'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl, false, $colors ); } if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated( ['id_group' => $content['id_group']], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $return['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } // total_events. if ($return['data'] != '') { $return['total_events'] = count($return['data']); } else { $return['total_events'] = 0; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Events for module reports. * * @param array $report Report info. * @param array $content Content info. * @param string $type Type retun report. * @param integer $force_width_chart Width chart. * @param integer $force_height_chart Height chart. * @param integer $pdf If pdf report. * * @return array */ function reporting_event_report_module( $report, $content, $type='dinamic', $force_width_chart=null, $force_height_chart=null, $pdf=0 ) { global $config; if ($pdf) { $ttl = 2; } else { $ttl = 1; } $return['type'] = 'event_report_module'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Event Report Module'); } $id_server = false; if (is_metaconsole()) { $id_server = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); metaconsole_connect(null, $id_server); } $id_agent = agents_get_module_id( $content['id_agent_module'] ); $id_agent_module = $content['id_agent_module']; $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = agents_get_alias($id_agent); $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $id_agent_module ); $module_description = modules_get_agentmodule_descripcion( $id_agent_module ); $items_label = [ 'type' => $content['type'], 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module, 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, 'module_name' => $module_name, 'module_description' => $module_description, ]; $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_alias.' - '.io_safe_output($module_name); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($return['label'] != '') { $return['label'] = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, $return['label'] ); } if (is_metaconsole()) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['show_extended_events'] = $content['show_extended_events']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $event_filter = $content['style']; $return['show_summary_group'] = $event_filter['show_summary_group']; // Filter. $show_summary_group = $event_filter['show_summary_group']; $filter_event_severity = json_decode( $event_filter['filter_event_severity'], true ); $filter_event_type = json_decode( $event_filter['filter_event_type'], true ); $filter_event_status = json_decode( $event_filter['filter_event_status'], true ); $filter_event_filter_search = $event_filter['event_filter_search']; // Graphs. $event_graph_by_user_validator = $event_filter['event_graph_by_user_validator']; $event_graph_by_criticity = $event_filter['event_graph_by_criticity']; $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = $event_filter['event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated']; $server_name = $content['server_name']; if (is_metaconsole() && $server_name != '') { $metaconsole_dbtable = true; } else { $metaconsole_dbtable = false; } // Data events. $data = reporting_get_module_detailed_event( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $force_width_chart, $event_graph_by_user_validator, $event_graph_by_criticity, $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated, $ttl, $id_server, $metaconsole_dbtable ); if (empty($data)) { $return['failed'] = __('No events'); } else { $return['data'] = array_reverse($data); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } // Total_events. if ($return['data'][0]['data'] != '') { $return['total_events'] = count($return['data'][0]['data']); } else { $return['total_events'] = 0; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_inventory_changes($report, $content, $type) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'inventory_changes'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Inventory Changes'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = agents_get_alias($content['id_agent']); $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $es = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); $id_agent = $es['id_agents']; $module_name = $es['inventory_modules']; switch ($type) { case 'data': $inventory_changes = inventory_get_changes( $id_agent, $module_name, ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']), $report['datetime'], 'csv' ); break; default: $inventory_changes = inventory_get_changes( $id_agent, $module_name, ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']), $report['datetime'], 'array' ); break; } $return['data'] = []; if ($inventory_changes == ERR_NODATA) { $return['failed'] = __('No changes found.'); } else { $return['data'] = $inventory_changes; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_inventory($report, $content, $type) { global $config; $es = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); $return['type'] = 'inventory'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Inventory'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $es = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); $id_agent = $es['id_agents']; $module_name = $es['inventory_modules']; if (empty($module_name)) { $module_name = [0 => 0]; } $date = $es['date']; $description = $content['description']; switch ($type) { case 'data': $inventory_data = inventory_get_data( (array) $id_agent, (array) $module_name, $date, '', false, 'csv' ); break; default: $inventory_data = inventory_get_data( (array) $id_agent, (array) $module_name, $date, '', false, 'hash' ); break; } if ($inventory_data == ERR_NODATA) { $return['failed'] = __('No data found.'); } else { $return['data'] = $inventory_data; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_agent_module($report, $content) { global $config; $agents_and_modules = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); $agents = []; $agents = $agents_and_modules['id_agents']; $modules = $agents_and_modules['module']; $id_group = $content['id_group']; $id_module_group = $content['id_module_group']; $return['type'] = 'agent_module'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Agent/Modules'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $group_name = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); if ($content['id_module_group'] == 0) { $module_group_name = __('All'); } else { $module_group_name = db_get_value( 'name', 'tmodule_group', 'id_mg', $content['id_module_group'] ); } $return['subtitle'] = $group_name.' - '.$module_group_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return['data'] = []; $modules_by_name = []; $cont = 0; foreach ($modules as $modul_id) { $modules_by_name[$cont]['name'] = io_safe_output(modules_get_agentmodule_name($modul_id)); $modules_by_name[$cont]['id'] = $modul_id; $cont ++; } if ($modules_by_name == false || $agents == false) { $return['failed'] = __('There are no agents with modules'); } else { foreach ($agents as $agent) { $row = []; $row['agent_status'][$agent] = agents_get_status($agent); $row['agent_name'] = io_safe_output(agents_get_alias($agent)); $agent_modules = agents_get_modules($agent); $row['modules'] = []; foreach ($modules_by_name as $module) { if (array_key_exists($module['id'], $agent_modules)) { $row['modules'][$module['name']] = modules_get_agentmodule_status($module['id']); } else { if (!array_key_exists($module['name'], $row['modules'])) { $row['modules'][$module['name']] = null; } } } $return['data'][] = $row; } } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_exception( $report, $content, $type='dinamic', $force_width_chart=null, $force_height_chart=null ) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'exception'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Exception'); } $order_uptodown = $content['order_uptodown']; $exception_condition_value = $content['exception_condition_value']; $show_graph = $content['show_graph']; $formated_exception_value = $exception_condition_value; if (is_numeric($exception_condition_value)) { $formated_exception_value = format_for_graph( $exception_condition_value, 2 ); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $exception_condition = $content['exception_condition']; switch ($exception_condition) { case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_EVERYTHING: $return['subtitle'] = __('Exception - Everything'); $return['subtype'] = __('Everything'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_GE: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf( __('Exception - Modules over or equal to %s'), $formated_exception_value ); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules over or equal to %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_LE: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf( __('Exception - Modules under or equal to %s'), $formated_exception_value ); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules under or equal to %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_L: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf( __('Exception - Modules under %s'), $formated_exception_value ); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules under %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_G: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf( __('Exception - Modules over %s'), $formated_exception_value ); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules over %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_E: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf( __('Exception - Equal to %s'), $formated_exception_value ); $return['subtype'] = __('Equal to %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NE: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf( __('Exception - Not equal to %s'), $formated_exception_value ); $return['subtype'] = __('Not equal to %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_OK: $return['subtitle'] = __('Exception - Modules at normal status'); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules at normal status'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NOT_OK: $return['subtitle'] = __('Exception - Modules at critical or warning status'); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules at critical or warning status'); break; default: // Default. break; } $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['data'] = []; $return['chart'] = []; $return['resume'] = []; if (empty($content['subitems'])) { // Get all the related data. $sql = sprintf( ' SELECT id_agent_module, server_name, operation FROM treport_content_item WHERE id_report_content = %d', $content['id_rc'] ); $exceptions = db_process_sql($sql); } else { $exceptions = $content['subitems']; } if ($exceptions === false) { $return['failed'] = __('There are no Agent/Modules defined'); } else { // Get the very first not null value. $i = 0; do { // Metaconsole connection. $server_name = $exceptions[$i]['server_name']; if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { // ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } if ($content['period'] == 0) { $min = modules_get_last_value($exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module']); } else { switch ($exceptions[$i]['operation']) { case 'avg': $min = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average( $exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module'], $content['period'] ); break; case 'max': $min = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max( $exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module'], $content['period'] ); break; case 'min': $min = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min( $exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module'], $content['period'] ); break; default: // Default. break; } } $i++; // Restore dbconnection. if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } while ($min === false && $i < count($exceptions)); $max = $min; $avg = 0; $items = []; $i = 0; foreach ($exceptions as $exc) { // Metaconsole connection. $server_name = $exc['server_name']; if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { // ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } $ag_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name($exc['id_agent_module']); $ag_alias = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($exc['id_agent_module']); $mod_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name($exc['id_agent_module']); $unit = db_get_value('unit', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $exc['id_agent_module']); if ($content['period'] == 0) { $value = modules_get_last_value($exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module']); } else { switch ($exc['operation']) { case 'avg': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average($exc['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case 'max': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max($exc['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case 'min': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min($exc['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; } } if ($value !== false) { if ($value > $max) { $max = $value; } if ($value < $min) { $min = $value; } $avg += $value; // Skips switch ($exception_condition) { case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_EVERYTHING: break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_GE: if ($value < $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_LE: if ($value > $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_L: if ($value > $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_G: if ($value < $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_E: if ($value != $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NE: if ($value == $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_OK: if (modules_get_agentmodule_status($exc['id_agent_module']) != 0) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NOT_OK: if (modules_get_agentmodule_status($exc['id_agent_module']) == 0) { continue 2; } break; } $item = []; $item['value'] = $value; $item['module_id'] = $exc['id_agent_module']; $item['module'] = $mod_name; $item['agent'] = $ag_alias; $item['unit'] = $unit; if ($exc['operation'] == 'avg') { $item['operation'] = 'rate'; } else { $item['operation'] = $exc['operation']; } $items[] = $item; $i++; } // Restore dbconnection if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } if ($i == 0) { switch ($exception_condition) { case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_EVERYTHING: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules under those conditions.'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_GE: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules over or equal to %s.', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_LE: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules less or equal to %s.', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_L: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules less %s.', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_G: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules over %s.', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_E: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules equal to %s', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NE: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules not equal to %s', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_OK: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules normal status'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NOT_OK: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules at critial or warning status'); break; } } else { $avg = ($avg / $i); // Sort the items $sort_number = function ($a, $b, $sort=SORT_ASC) { if ($a == $b) { return 0; } else if ($a > $b) { return ($sort === SORT_ASC) ? 1 : -1; } else { return ($sort === SORT_ASC) ? -1 : 1; } }; $sort_string = function ($a, $b, $sort=SORT_ASC) { if ($sort === SORT_ASC) { return strcasecmp($a, $b); } else { return strcasecmp($b, $a); } }; usort( $items, function ($a, $b) use ($order_uptodown, $sort_number, $sort_string) { switch ($order_uptodown) { case 1: case 2: if ($a['value'] == $b['value']) { if ($a['agent'] == $b['agent']) { if ($a['module'] == $b['module']) { return $sort_number($a['module_id'], $b['module_id']); } return $sort_string($a['module'], $b['module']); } return $sort_string($a['agent'], $b['agent']); } return $sort_number($a['value'], $b['value'], ($order_uptodown == 1) ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC); // Order by agent name or without selection case 0: case 3: if ($a['agent'] == $b['agent']) { if ($a['value'] == $b['value']) { if ($a['module'] == $b['module']) { return $sort_number($a['module_id'], $b['module_id']); } return $sort_string($a['module'], $b['module']); } return $sort_number($a['value'], $b['value']); } return $sort_string($a['agent'], $b['agent']); } } ); $data_pie_graph = []; $data_hbar = []; foreach ($items as $key => $item) { if ($show_graph == 1 || $show_graph == 2) { // TODO: Find a better way to show the graphs $data_hbar[$item['agent'].' - '.$item['operation']]['g'] = $item['value']; $data_pie_graph[$item['agent'].' - '.$item['operation']] = $item['value']; } if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) { $data = []; $data['agent'] = $item['agent']; $data['module'] = $item['module']; $data['operation'] = __($item['operation']); $data['value'] = $item['value']; $data['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($item['value'], 2).' '.$item['unit']; $return['data'][] = $data; } } if ($show_graph == 1 || $show_graph == 2) { reporting_set_conf_charts( $width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl ); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } $return['chart']['pie'] = pie_graph( $data_pie_graph, 600, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); $params = [ 'chart_data' => $data_hbar, 'width' => 600, 'height' => (25 * count($data_hbar)), 'color' => [], 'legend' => [], 'long_index' => [], 'no_data_image' => ui_get_full_url('images/image_problem_area_small.png', false, false, false), 'xaxisname' => '', 'yaxisname' => '', 'water_mark' => ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'font' => '', 'font_size' => '', 'unit' => '', 'ttl' => $ttl, 'homeurl' => ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), 'backgroundColor' => 'white', ]; $return['chart']['hbar'] = call_user_func_array( 'hbar_graph', $params ); } if ($content['show_resume'] && $i > 0) { $return['resume']['min']['value'] = $min; $return['resume']['min']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($min, 2); $return['resume']['max']['value'] = $max; $return['resume']['max']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($max, 2); $return['resume']['avg']['value'] = $avg; $return['resume']['avg']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($avg, 2); } } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_group_report($report, $content) { global $config; $metaconsole_on = ($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && is_metaconsole(); $return['type'] = 'group_report'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Group Report'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['data'] = []; $events = events_get_agent( false, $content['period'], $report['datetime'], false, true, false, false, false, false, $content['id_group'], true ); if (empty($events)) { $events = []; } $return['data']['count_events'] = count($events); $return['data']['group_stats'] = reporting_get_group_stats($content['id_group']); if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Create data report event agent. * * @param array $report Data report. * @param array $content Content report. * @param string $type Type report. * @param integer $force_width_chart Force width. * @param integer $force_height_chart Force height. * * @return array Data. */ function reporting_event_report_agent( $report, $content, $type='dinamic', $force_width_chart=null, $force_height_chart=null ) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'event_report_agent'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Event Report Agent'); } $history = false; if ($config['history_event_enabled']) { $history = true; } $id_server = false; if (is_metaconsole()) { $id_server = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); metaconsole_connect(null, $id_server); } $id_agent = $content['id_agent']; $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = agents_get_alias($id_agent); $items_label = [ 'type' => $return['type'], 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, ]; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } $label = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($label != '') { $label = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, $label ); } $return['label'] = $label; $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = io_safe_output($agent_alias); $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['show_summary_group'] = $content['style']['show_summary_group']; $return['show_extended_events'] = $content['show_extended_events']; $style = $content['style']; // Filter. $show_summary_group = $style['show_summary_group']; $filter_event_severity = json_decode($style['filter_event_severity'], true); $filter_event_type = json_decode($style['filter_event_type'], true); $filter_event_status = json_decode($style['filter_event_status'], true); $filter_event_filter_search = $style['event_filter_search']; // Graph. $event_graph_by_user_validator = $style['event_graph_by_user_validator']; $event_graph_by_criticity = $style['event_graph_by_criticity']; $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = $style['event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated']; $return['data'] = reporting_get_agents_detailed_event( $content['id_agent'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], true, true, $history, $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search ); reporting_set_conf_charts( $width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl ); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } $return['chart']['by_user_validator'] = null; $return['chart']['by_criticity'] = null; $return['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = null; $server_name = $content['server_name']; if (is_metaconsole() && $server_name != '') { $metaconsole_dbtable = true; } else { $metaconsole_dbtable = false; } if ($event_graph_by_user_validator) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated_by_user( ['id_agent' => $content['id_agent']], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $return['chart']['by_user_validator'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); } if ($event_graph_by_criticity) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_by_criticity( ['id_agent' => $content['id_agent']], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph); $return['chart']['by_criticity'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl, false, $colors ); } if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated( ['id_agent' => $content['id_agent']], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $return['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); } // Total events. if ($return['data'] != '') { $return['total_events'] = count($return['data']); } else { $return['total_events'] = 0; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Show historical data. * * @param array $report Data report. * @param array $content Content report. * * @return array */ function reporting_historical_data($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'historical_data'; $period = $content['period']; $date_limit = ($report['datetime'] - $period); if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Historical data'); } $id_agent = agents_get_module_id( $content['id_agent_module'] ); $id_agent_module = $content['id_agent_module']; $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = io_safe_output(agents_get_alias($id_agent)); $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name( $id_agent_module ) ); $module_description = modules_get_agentmodule_descripcion( $id_agent_module ); $items_label = [ 'type' => $return['type'], 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module, 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, 'module_name' => $module_name, 'module_description' => $module_description, ]; $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_alias.' - '.$module_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($return['label'] != '') { $return['label'] = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, $return['label'] ); } $return['keys'] = [ __('Date'), __('Data'), ]; $module_type = db_get_value_filter( 'id_tipo_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', ['id_agente_modulo' => $content['id_agent_module']] ); $result = []; switch ($module_type) { case 3: case 17: case 23: case 33: $result = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE id_agente_modulo ='.$content['id_agent_module'].' AND utimestamp >'.$date_limit.' AND utimestamp <='.$report['datetime'], true ); break; default: $result = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo ='.$content['id_agent_module'].' AND utimestamp >'.$date_limit.' AND utimestamp <='.$report['datetime'], true ); break; } $data = []; foreach ($result as $row) { $data[] = [ __('Date') => date($config['date_format'], $row['utimestamp']), __('Data') => $row['datos'], ]; } $return['data'] = $data; return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Show data serialized. * * @param array $report Data report. * @param array $content Content report. * * @return array */ function reporting_database_serialized($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'database_serialized'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Database Serialized'); } if (is_metaconsole()) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $id_agent = agents_get_module_id( $content['id_agent_module'] ); $id_agent_module = $content['id_agent_module']; $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = agents_get_alias($id_agent); $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $id_agent_module ); $module_description = modules_get_agentmodule_descripcion( $id_agent_module ); $items_label = [ 'type' => $return['type'], 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module, 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, 'module_name' => $module_name, 'module_description' => $module_description, ]; $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_alias.' - '.$module_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $keys = []; if (isset($content['header_definition']) && ($content['header_definition'] != '')) { $keys = explode('|', $content['header_definition']); } $return['keys'] = $keys; $return['agent_name'] = $agent_alias; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($return['label'] != '') { $return['label'] = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, $return['label'] ); } $datelimit = ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']); $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); // This query gets information from the default and the historic database. $result = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$content['id_agent_module'].' AND utimestamp > '.$datelimit.' AND utimestamp <= '.$report['datetime'], $search_in_history_db ); // Adds string data if there is no numeric data. if ((count($result) < 0) || (!$result)) { // This query gets information from the default and the historic database. $result = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$content['id_agent_module'].' AND utimestamp > '.$datelimit.' AND utimestamp <= '.$report['datetime'], $search_in_history_db ); } if ($result === false) { $result = []; } $data = []; foreach ($result as $row) { $date = date($config['date_format'], $row['utimestamp']); $serialized_data = $row['datos']; // Cut line by line. if (empty($content['line_separator']) || empty($serialized_data) ) { $rowsUnserialize = [$row['datos']]; } else { $rowsUnserialize = explode( $content['line_separator'], $serialized_data ); } foreach ($rowsUnserialize as $rowUnser) { $row = []; $row['date'] = $date; $row['data'] = []; if (empty($content['column_separator'])) { if (empty($keys)) { $row['data'][][] = $rowUnser; } else { $row['data'][][$keys[0]] = $rowUnser; } } else { $columnsUnserialize = explode( $content['column_separator'], $rowUnser ); $i = 0; $temp_row = []; foreach ($columnsUnserialize as $cell) { if (isset($keys[$i])) { $temp_row[$keys[$i]] = $cell; } else { $temp_row[] = $cell; } $i++; } $row['data'][] = $temp_row; } $data[] = $row; } } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } $return['data'] = $data; return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_group_configuration($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'group_configuration'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Group configuration'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $group_name = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $group_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['id_group'] = $content['id_group']; if ($content['id_group'] == 0) { switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': $sql = 'SELECT * FROM tagente;'; break; case 'oracle': $sql = 'SELECT * FROM tagente'; break; } } else { $sql = ' SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo='.$content['id_group']; } $agents_list = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($agents_list === false) { $agents_list = []; } $return['data'] = []; foreach ($agents_list as $agent) { $content_agent = $content; $content_agent['id_agent'] = $agent['id_agente']; // Restore the connection to metaconsole // because into the function reporting_agent_configuration // connect to metaconsole. if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } $agent_report = reporting_agent_configuration( $report, $content_agent ); $return['data'][] = $agent_report['data']; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_network_interfaces_report($report, $content, $type='dinamic', $pdf=0) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'network_interfaces_report'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Network interfaces report'); } if (isset($content['style']['fullscale'])) { $fullscale = (bool) $content['style']['fullscale']; } $group_name = groups_get_name($content['id_group']); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $group_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_custom_graphs.php'; $filter = [ 'id_grupo' => $content['id_group'], 'disabled' => 0, ]; $return['failed'] = null; $return['data'] = []; if ($config['metaconsole']) { $server_names = metaconsole_get_connection_names(); if (isset($server_names) && is_array($server_names)) { foreach ($server_names as $key => $value) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($value); $connection = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); if (metaconsole_connect($connection) != NOERR) { continue; } else { $network_interfaces_by_agents = agents_get_network_interfaces(false, $filter); $return = agents_get_network_interfaces_array( $network_interfaces_by_agents, $return, $type, $content, $report, $fullscale, $pdf ); metaconsole_restore_db(); } } } } else { $network_interfaces_by_agents = agents_get_network_interfaces(false, $filter); $return = agents_get_network_interfaces_array( $network_interfaces_by_agents, $return, $type, $content, $report, $fullscale, $pdf, $id_meta ); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function agents_get_network_interfaces_array( $network_interfaces_by_agents, $return, $type, $content, $report, $fullscale, $pdf, $id_meta ) { if (empty($network_interfaces_by_agents)) { $return['failed'] = __('The group has no agents or none of the agents has any network interface'); $return['data'] = []; } else { foreach ($network_interfaces_by_agents as $agent_id => $agent) { $row_data = []; $row_data['agent'] = $agent['name']; $row_data['interfaces'] = []; foreach ($agent['interfaces'] as $interface_name => $interface) { $row_interface = []; $row_interface['name'] = $interface_name; $row_interface['ip'] = $interface['ip']; $row_interface['mac'] = $interface['mac']; $row_interface['status'] = $interface['status_image']; $row_interface['chart'] = null; $width = null; $params = [ 'period' => $content['period'], 'width' => $width, 'unit_name' => array_fill(0, count($interface['traffic']), __('bytes/s')), 'date' => $report['datetime'], 'only_image' => $pdf, 'homeurl' => $config['homeurl'], 'fullscale' => $fullscale, 'server_id' => $id_meta, 'height' => $config['graph_image_height'], ]; $params_combined = [ 'labels' => array_keys($interface['traffic']), 'modules_series' => array_values($interface['traffic']), ]; switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': if (!empty($interface['traffic'])) { $row_interface['chart'] = graphic_combined_module( array_values($interface['traffic']), $params, $params_combined ); } break; case 'data': if (!empty($interface['traffic'])) { $params['return_data'] = true; $row_interface['chart'] = graphic_combined_module( array_values($interface['traffic']), $params, $params_combined ); } break; } $row_data['interfaces'][] = $row_interface; } $return['data'][] = $row_data; } } return $return; } /** * reporting alert get fired */ function reporting_alert_get_fired($id_agent_module, $id_alert_template_module, $period, $datetime) { $fired = []; $firedTimes = get_module_alert_fired( $id_agent_module, $id_alert_template_module, $period, $datetime ); if (!is_numeric($datetime)) { $datetime = time_w_fixed_tz($datetime); } if (empty($datetime)) { $datetime = get_system_time(); } $datelimit = ($datetime - $period); $empty = '----------------------------'; if (empty($firedTimes)) { $firedTimes = []; $firedTimes[0]['timestamp'] = $empty; } foreach ($firedTimes as $fireTime) { if ($fireTime['utimestamp'] > $datelimit && $fireTime['utimestamp'] <= $datetime) { $fired[] = $fireTime['timestamp']; } else { $fired[] = $empty; } } return $fired; } /** * Reporting alert report group */ function reporting_alert_report_group($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'alert_report_group'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Alert Report Group'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $group_name = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $group_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); if ($content['id_group'] == 0) { $agent_modules = db_get_all_rows_sql( ' SELECT distinct(id_agent_module) FROM talert_template_modules WHERE disabled = 0 AND id_agent_module IN ( SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo)' ); } else { $agent_modules = db_get_all_rows_sql( ' SELECT distinct(id_agent_module) FROM talert_template_modules WHERE disabled = 0 AND id_agent_module IN ( SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente IN ( SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = '.$content['id_group'].'))' ); } if (empty($alerts)) { $alerts = []; } $data = []; foreach ($agent_modules as $agent_module) { $data_row = []; $data_row['agent'] = io_safe_output( agents_get_alias( agents_get_agent_id_by_module_id($agent_module['id_agent_module']) ) ); $data_row['module'] = db_get_value_filter( 'nombre', 'tagente_modulo', ['id_agente_modulo' => $agent_module['id_agent_module']] ); // Alerts over $id_agent_module $alerts = alerts_get_effective_alert_actions($agent_module['id_agent_module']); if ($alerts === false) { continue; } $ntemplates = 0; foreach ($alerts as $template => $actions) { $datetime = (int) $report['datetime']; if (!is_numeric($datetime)) { $datetime = time_w_fixed_tz($datetime); } if (empty($datetime)) { $datetime = get_system_time(); } $period = (int) $content['period']; $datelimit = ($datetime - $period); $data_action = []; $data_action['actions'] = []; $naction = 0; if (isset($actions['custom'])) { foreach ($actions['custom'] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]['name'] = $action['name']; $fired = $action['fired']; if ($fired == 0 || ($fired <= $datelimit || $fired > $datetime)) { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } else if (isset($actions['default'])) { foreach ($actions['default'] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]['name'] = $action['name']; $fired = $action['fired']; if ($fired == 0 || ($fired <= $datelimit || $fired > $datetime)) { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } else if (isset($actions['unavailable'])) { foreach ($actions['unavailable'] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]['name'] = $action['name']; $fired = $action['fired']; if ($fired == 0 || ($fired <= $datelimit || $fired > $datetime)) { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } $module_actions = []; $module_actions['template'] = $template; $module_actions['template_fired'] = reporting_alert_get_fired( $agent_module['id_agent_module'], $actions['id'], (int) $content['period'], (int) $report['datetime'] ); $module_actions['actions'] = $data_action; $data_row['alerts'][$ntemplates] = $module_actions; $ntemplates++; } if ($ntemplates > 0) { $data[] = $data_row; } } $return['data'] = $data; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Report alert agent. * * @param array $report Info report. * @param array $content Content report. * * @return array */ function reporting_alert_report_agent($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'alert_report_agent'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Alert Report Agent'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $id_agent = $content['id_agent']; $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = agents_get_alias($id_agent); $items_label = [ 'type' => $return['type'], 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module, 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, ]; $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_alias; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($return['label'] != '') { $return['label'] = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, $return['label'] ); } $module_list = agents_get_modules($content['id_agent']); $data = []; foreach ($module_list as $id => $module_name) { $data_row = []; $data_row['agent'] = $agent_alias; $data_row['module'] = $module_name; // Alerts over $id_agent_module. $alerts = alerts_get_effective_alert_actions($id); if ($alerts === false) { continue; } $ntemplates = 0; foreach ($alerts as $template => $actions) { $datetime = (int) $report['datetime']; if (!is_numeric($datetime)) { $datetime = time_w_fixed_tz($datetime); } if (empty($datetime)) { $datetime = get_system_time(); } $period = (int) $content['period']; $datelimit = ($datetime - $period); $data_action = []; $data_action['actions'] = []; $naction = 0; if (isset($actions['custom'])) { foreach ($actions['custom'] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]['name'] = $action['name']; $fired = $action['fired']; if ($fired == 0 || ($fired <= $datelimit || $fired > $datetime)) { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } else if (isset($actions['default'])) { foreach ($actions['default'] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]['name'] = $action['name']; $fired = $action['fired']; if ($fired == 0 || ($fired <= $datelimit || $fired > $datetime)) { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } else if (isset($actions['unavailable'])) { foreach ($actions['unavailable'] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]['name'] = $action['name']; $fired = $action['fired']; if ($fired == 0 || ($fired <= $datelimit || $fired > $datetime)) { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } $module_actions = []; $module_actions['template'] = $template; $module_actions['template_fired'] = reporting_alert_get_fired( $id, $actions['id'], (int) $content['period'], (int) $report['datetime'] ); $module_actions['actions'] = $data_action; $data_row['alerts'][$ntemplates] = $module_actions; $ntemplates++; } if ($ntemplates > 0) { $data[] = $data_row; } } $return['data'] = $data; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Alert report module. * * @param array $report Info report. * @param array $content Content report. * * @return array */ function reporting_alert_report_module($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'alert_report_module'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Alert Report Module'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $id_agent = agents_get_module_id( $content['id_agent_module'] ); $id_agent_module = $content['id_agent_module']; $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = agents_get_alias($id_agent); $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $id_agent_module ); $module_description = modules_get_agentmodule_descripcion( $id_agent_module ); $items_label = [ 'type' => $return['type'], 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module, 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, 'module_name' => $module_name, 'module_description' => $module_description, ]; $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_alias.' - '.$module_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($return['label'] != '') { $return['label'] = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, $return['label'] ); } $data_row = []; $data_row['agent'] = io_safe_output($agent_alias); $data_row['module'] = db_get_value_filter( 'nombre', 'tagente_modulo', ['id_agente_modulo' => $content['id_agent_module']] ); // Alerts over $id_agent_module. $alerts = alerts_get_effective_alert_actions($content['id_agent_module']); $ntemplates = 0; foreach ($alerts as $template => $actions) { $datetime = (int) $report['datetime']; if (!is_numeric($datetime)) { $datetime = time_w_fixed_tz($datetime); } if (empty($datetime)) { $datetime = get_system_time(); } $period = (int) $content['period']; $datelimit = ($datetime - $period); $data_action = []; $data_action['actions'] = []; $naction = 0; if (isset($actions['custom'])) { foreach ($actions['custom'] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]['name'] = $action['name']; $fired = $action['fired']; if ($fired == 0 || ($fired <= $datelimit || $fired > $datetime)) { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } else if (isset($actions['default'])) { foreach ($actions['default'] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]['name'] = $action['name']; $fired = $action['fired']; if ($fired == 0 || ($fired <= $datelimit || $fired > $datetime)) { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } else if (isset($actions['unavailable'])) { foreach ($actions['unavailable'] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]['name'] = $action['name']; $fired = $action['fired']; if ($fired == 0 || ($fired <= $datelimit || $fired > $datetime)) { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } $module_actions = []; $module_actions['template'] = $template; $module_actions['template_fired'] = reporting_alert_get_fired( $content['id_agent_module'], $actions['id'], (int) $content['period'], (int) $report['datetime'] ); $module_actions['actions'] = $data_action; $data_row['alerts'][$ntemplates] = $module_actions; $ntemplates++; } if ($ntemplates > 0) { $data[] = $data_row; } $return['data'] = $data; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_sql_graph( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, $type_sql_graph ) { global $config; switch ($type_sql_graph) { case 'sql_graph_hbar': $return['type'] = 'sql_graph_hbar'; break; case 'sql_graph_vbar': $return['type'] = 'sql_graph_vbar'; break; case 'sql_graph_pie': $return['type'] = 'sql_graph_pie'; break; } if (empty($content['name'])) { switch ($type_sql_graph) { case 'sql_graph_vbar': $content['name'] = __('SQL Graph Vertical Bars'); break; case 'sql_graph_hbar': $content['name'] = __('SQL Graph Horizontal Bars'); break; case 'sql_graph_pie': $content['name'] = __('SQL Graph Pie'); break; } } // Get chart. reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text(); switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': $return['chart'] = graph_custom_sql_graph( $content['id_rc'], $width, $height, $content['type'], true, ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), $ttl, $content['top_n_value'] ); break; case 'data': break; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Monitor report module. * * @param array $report Info report. * @param array $content Content report. * * @return array */ function reporting_monitor_report($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'monitor_report'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Monitor Report'); } if (is_metaconsole()) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $id_agent = agents_get_module_id( $content['id_agent_module'] ); $id_agent_module = $content['id_agent_module']; $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = agents_get_alias($id_agent); $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $id_agent_module ); $module_description = modules_get_agentmodule_descripcion( $id_agent_module ); $items_label = [ 'type' => $return['type'], 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module, 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, 'module_name' => $module_name, 'module_description' => $module_description, ]; $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_alias.' - '.$module_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($return['label'] != '') { $return['label'] = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, $return['label'] ); } $return['agent_name'] = $agent_alias; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; // All values (except id module and report time) by default. $report = reporting_advanced_sla( $content['id_agent_module'], ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']), $report['datetime'] ); if ($report['time_total'] === $report['time_unknown'] || empty($content['id_agent_module']) ) { $return['data']['unknown'] = 1; } else { $return['data']['ok']['value'] = $report['SLA']; $return['data']['ok']['formated_value'] = $report['SLA_fixed']; $return['data']['fail']['value'] = (100 - $return['data']['ok']['value']); $return['data']['fail']['formated_value'] = (100 - $return['data']['ok']['formated_value']); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Generates the data structure to build a netflow report. * * @param array $report Global report info. * @param array $content Report item info. * @param string $type Report type (static, dynamic, data). * @param integer $force_width_chart Fixed width chart. * @param integer $force_height_chart Fixed height chart. * @param string $type_netflow One of netflow_area, netflow_data, * netflow_summary. * @param boolean $pdf True if a pdf report is generating. * * @return array Report item structure. */ function reporting_netflow( $report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, $type_netflow=null, $pdf=false ) { global $config; switch ($type_netflow) { case 'netflow_area': $return['type'] = 'netflow_area'; break; case 'netflow_data': $return['type'] = 'netflow_data'; break; case 'netflow_summary': $return['type'] = 'netflow_summary'; break; default: $return['type'] = 'unknown'; break; } if (empty($content['name'])) { switch ($type_netflow) { case 'netflow_area': $content['name'] = __('Netflow Area'); break; case 'netflow_summary': $content['name'] = __('Netflow Summary'); break; case 'netflow_data': $content['name'] = __('Netflow Data'); break; default: $content['name'] = __('Unknown report'); break; } } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); // Get chart. reporting_set_conf_charts( $width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl ); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } // Get item filters. $filter = db_get_row_sql( "SELECT * FROM tnetflow_filter WHERE id_sg = '".(int) $content['text']."'", false, true ); switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': $return['chart'] = netflow_draw_item( ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']), $report['datetime'], $content['top_n'], $type_netflow, $filter, $content['top_n_value'], $content['server_name'], $pdf ? 'PDF' : 'HTML' ); break; case 'data': default: // Nothing to do. break; } $return['subtitle'] = netflow_generate_subtitle_report( $filter['aggregate'], $content['top_n'], $type_netflow ); return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_prediction_date($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'prediction_date'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Prediction Date'); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module']) ); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($content['id_agent_module']) ); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name.' - '.$module_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; $intervals_text = explode(';', $content['text']); $max_interval = $intervals_text[0]; $min_interval = $intervals_text[1]; $value = forecast_prediction_date($content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $max_interval, $min_interval); if ($value === false) { $return['data']['value'] = __('Unknown'); } else { $return['data']['value'] = date('d M Y H:i:s', $value); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_projection_graph( $report, $content, $type='dinamic', $force_width_chart=null, $force_height_chart=null, $pdf=false ) { global $config; if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return['type'] = 'projection_graph'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Projection Graph'); } $module_name = io_safe_output(modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output(modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name.' - '.$module_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; set_time_limit(500); switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': $params = [ 'period' => $content['period'], 'width' => $width, 'date' => $report['datetime'], 'unit' => '', 'only_image' => $pdf, 'homeurl' => ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/', 'ttl' => $ttl, 'server_id' => $id_meta, 'height' => $config['graph_image_height'], ]; $params_combined = [ 'projection' => $content['top_n_value'], ]; $return['chart'] = graphic_combined_module( [$content['id_agent_module']], $params, $params_combined ); break; case 'data': $return['data'] = forecast_projection_graph( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $content['top_n_value'], false, false, true ); break; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_agent_configuration($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'agent_configuration'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Agent configuration'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $sql = ' SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_agente='.$content['id_agent']; $agent_data = db_get_row_sql($sql); $agent_configuration = []; $agent_configuration['name'] = $agent_data['alias']; $agent_configuration['group'] = groups_get_name($agent_data['id_grupo']); $agent_configuration['group_icon'] = ui_print_group_icon($agent_data['id_grupo'], true, '', '', false); $agent_configuration['os'] = os_get_name($agent_data['id_os']); $agent_configuration['os_icon'] = ui_print_os_icon($agent_data['id_os'], true, true); $agent_configuration['address'] = $agent_data['direccion']; $agent_configuration['description'] = $agent_data['comentarios']; $agent_configuration['enabled'] = (int) !$agent_data['disabled']; $agent_configuration['group'] = $report['group']; $modules = agents_get_modules($content['id_agent']); $agent_configuration['modules'] = []; // Agent's modules if (!empty($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $id_agent_module => $module) { $sql = " SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agent_module"; $module_db = db_get_row_sql($sql); $data_module = []; $data_module['name'] = $module_db['nombre']; if ($module_db['disabled']) { $data_module['name'] .= ' ('.__('Disabled').')'; } $data_module['type_icon'] = ui_print_moduletype_icon($module_db['id_tipo_modulo'], true); $data_module['type'] = modules_get_type_name($module_db['id_tipo_modulo']); $data_module['max_warning'] = $module_db['max_warning']; $data_module['min_warning'] = $module_db['min_warning']; $data_module['max_critical'] = $module_db['max_critical']; $data_module['min_critical'] = $module_db['min_critical']; $data_module['threshold'] = $module_db['module_ff_interval']; $data_module['description'] = $module_db['descripcion']; if (($module_db['module_interval'] == 0) || ($module_db['module_interval'] == '') ) { $data_module['interval'] = db_get_value( 'intervalo', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $content['id_agent'] ); } else { $data_module['interval'] = $module_db['module_interval']; } $data_module['unit'] = $module_db['unit']; $module_status = db_get_row( 'tagente_estado', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_agent_module ); modules_get_status( $id_agent_module, $module_status['estado'], $module_status['datos'], $status, $title ); $data_module['status_icon'] = ui_print_status_image($status, $title, true); $data_module['status'] = $title; $sql_tag = " SELECT name FROM ttag WHERE id_tag IN ( SELECT id_tag FROM ttag_module WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agent_module)"; $tags = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_tag); if ($tags === false) { $data_module['tags'] = []; } else { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $data_module['tags'][] = $tag['name']; } } $agent_configuration['modules'][] = $data_module; } } $return['data'] = $agent_configuration; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_value($report, $content, $type, $pdf=false) { global $config; $return = []; switch ($type) { case 'max': $return['type'] = 'max_value'; break; case 'min': $return['type'] = 'min_value'; break; case 'avg': $return['type'] = 'avg_value'; break; case 'sum': $return['type'] = 'sumatory'; break; case 'MTTR': $return['type'] = 'MTTR'; break; case 'MTBF': $return['type'] = 'MTBF'; break; case 'TTO': $return['type'] = 'TTO'; break; case 'TTRT': $return['type'] = 'TTRT'; break; } if (empty($content['name'])) { switch ($type) { case 'max': $content['name'] = __('Max. Value'); break; case 'min': $content['name'] = __('Min. Value'); break; case 'avg': $content['name'] = __('AVG. Value'); break; case 'sum': $content['name'] = __('Summatory'); break; case 'MTTR': $content['name'] = __('MTTR'); break; case 'MTBF': $content['name'] = __('MTBF'); break; case 'TTO': $content['name'] = __('TTO'); break; case 'TTRT': $content['name'] = __('TTRT'); break; } } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module']) ); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($content['id_agent_module']) ); $unit = db_get_value( 'unit', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $content['id_agent_module'] ); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name.' - '.$module_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return['agents'] = [$content['id_agent']]; $return['id_agent'] = $content['id_agent']; $return['id_agent_module'] = $content['id_agent_module']; $return['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; if ($pdf) { $only_image = 1; } $params = [ 'agent_module_id' => $content['id_agent_module'], 'period' => $content['period'], 'width' => '600px', 'pure' => false, 'date' => $report['datetime'], 'only_image' => $only_image, 'homeurl' => ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), 'ttl' => 1, 'type_graph' => $config['type_module_charts'], 'time_interval' => $content['lapse'], 'server_id' => $id_meta, 'height' => $config['graph_image_height'], 'fullscale' => true, ]; switch ($type) { case 'max': case 'min': case 'avg': if ($content['lapse_calc'] == 0) { switch ($type) { case 'max': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'] ); break; case 'min': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'] ); break; case 'avg': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'] ); break; } if (!$config['simple_module_value']) { $formated_value = $value; } else { $formated_value = format_for_graph($value, $config['graph_precision']).' '.$unit; } } else { $return['visual_format'] = $content['visual_format']; switch ($type) { case 'max': $params['force_interval'] = 'max_only'; $value = format_for_graph(reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max($content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime']), $config['graph_precision']).' '.$unit; break; case 'min': $params['force_interval'] = 'min_only'; $value = format_for_graph(reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min($content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime']), $config['graph_precision']).' '.$unit; break; case 'avg': $params['force_interval'] = 'avg_only'; $value = format_for_graph(reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average($content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime']), $config['graph_precision']).' '.$unit; break; } $return['data'][] = [ __('Agent') => $agent_name, __('Module') => $module_name, __('Maximun') => $value, ]; if ($content['visual_format'] != 1) { $graph = grafico_modulo_sparse($params); $return['data'][] = ['value' => $graph]; } if ($content['visual_format'] != 2) { $time_begin = db_get_row_sql('select utimestamp from tagente_datos where id_agente_modulo ='.$content['id_agent_module'], true); for ($i = $report['datetime']; $i > ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']); $i -= $content['lapse']) { $row = []; $row[__('Lapse')] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', ($i - $content['lapse'] + 1)).' to '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $i); if ($i > $time_begin['utimestamp']) { switch ($type) { case 'max': $row[__('Maximun')] = format_for_graph(reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max($content['id_agent_module'], $content['lapse'], $i), $config['graph_precision']).' '.$unit; break; case 'min': $row[__('Maximun')] = format_for_graph(reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min($content['id_agent_module'], $content['lapse'], $i), $config['graph_precision']).' '.$unit; break; case 'avg': $row[__('Maximun')] = format_for_graph(reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average($content['id_agent_module'], $content['lapse'], $i), $config['graph_precision']).' '.$unit; break; } } else { $row[__('Maximun')] = 'N/A'; } $return['data'][] = $row; } } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } break; case 'sum': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_sum( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $content['uncompressed_module'] ); if (!$config['simple_module_value']) { $formated_value = $value; } else { $formated_value = format_for_graph($value, $config['graph_precision']).' '.$unit; } break; case 'MTTR': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_mttr( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'] ); $formated_value = null; break; case 'MTBF': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_mtbf( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'] ); $formated_value = null; break; case 'TTO': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_tto( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'] ); if ($value == 0) { $formated_value = null; } else { $formated_value = human_time_description_raw($value); } break; case 'TTRT': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_ttr( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'] ); if ($value == 0) { $formated_value = null; } else { $formated_value = human_time_description_raw($value); } break; } $return['data'] = [ 'value' => $value, 'formated_value' => $formated_value, ]; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_url($report, $content, $type='dinamic') { global $config; $return = []; $return['type'] = 'url'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Url'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text(); $return['url'] = $content['external_source']; switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': $return['data'] = null; break; case 'data': case 'static': $curlObj = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_URL, $content['external_source']); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $output = curl_exec($curlObj); curl_close($curlObj); $return['data'] = $output; break; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_text($report, $content) { global $config; $return = []; $return['type'] = 'text'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Text'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text(); $return['data'] = html_entity_decode($content['text']); return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_sql($report, $content) { global $config; $return = []; $return['type'] = 'sql'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('SQL'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text(); if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server( $content['server_name'] ); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } if ($content['treport_custom_sql_id'] != 0) { switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $sql = io_safe_output( db_get_value_filter( '`sql`', 'treport_custom_sql', ['id' => $content['treport_custom_sql_id']] ) ); break; case 'postgresql': $sql = io_safe_output( db_get_value_filter( '"sql"', 'treport_custom_sql', ['id' => $content['treport_custom_sql_id']] ) ); break; case 'oracle': $sql = io_safe_output( db_get_value_filter( 'sql', 'treport_custom_sql', ['id' => $content['treport_custom_sql_id']] ) ); break; } } else { $sql = io_safe_output($content['external_source']); } // Check if exist sql macro $sql = reporting_sql_macro($report, $sql); // Do a security check on SQL coming from the user. $sql = check_sql($sql); $return['sql'] = $sql; $return['correct'] = 1; $return['error'] = ''; $return['data'] = []; if ($sql != '') { $header = []; if ($content['header_definition'] != '') { $header = explode('|', $content['header_definition']); $return['header'] = $header; } if ($content['id_rc'] != null) { $historical_db = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT historical_db from treport_content where id_rc ='.$content['id_rc'] ); } else { $historical_db = $content['historical_db']; } $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql, $historical_db); if ($result !== false) { foreach ($result as $row) { $data_row = []; $i = 0; foreach ($row as $dbkey => $field) { if (isset($header[$i])) { $key = $header[$i]; } else { $key = $dbkey; } $data_row[$key] = $field; $i++; } $return['data'][] = $data_row; } } } else { $return['correct'] = 0; $return['error'] = __('Illegal query: Due security restrictions, there are some tokens or words you cannot use: *, delete, drop, alter, modify, password, pass, insert or update.'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } // // Truncates a value // // Returns the truncated value // function sla_truncate($num, $accurancy=2) { if (!isset($accurancy)) { $accurancy = 2; } $mult = pow(10, $accurancy); return (floor($num * $mult) / $mult); } /** * SLA check value. * * @param integer $value Value. * @param integer $min Treshold min SLA. * @param boolean $max Treshold max SLA. * @param boolean $inverse_interval Treshold inverse SLA. * * @return boolean Returns the interval in downtime (false if no matches). */ function sla_check_value($value, $min, $max, $inverse_interval=0) { if (!isset($inverse_interval)) { $inverse_interval = 0; } if ((!isset($max)) && (!isset($min))) { // Disabled thresholds. return true; } if ($max == $min) { // Equal. if ($value == $max) { return ($inverse_interval == 0) ? true : false; } return ($inverse_interval == 0) ? false : true; } if (!isset($max)) { // Greater or equal than min. if ($value >= $min) { return ($inverse_interval == 0) ? true : false; } return ($inverse_interval == 0) ? false : true; } if (!isset($min)) { // Smaller or equal than max. if ($value <= $max) { return ($inverse_interval == 0) ? true : false; } return ($inverse_interval == 0) ? false : true; } if (($value >= $min) && ($value <= $max)) { return ($inverse_interval == 0) ? true : false; } return ($inverse_interval == 0) ? false : true; } /** * SLA downtime worktime. * * Check (if needed) if the range specified by wt_start and wt_end is downtime. * * Only used for inclusive downtimes calculation (from sla_fixed_worktime). * * @param integer $wt_start Start of the range. * @param integer $wt_end End of the range. * @param boolean $inclusive_downtimes Boolean. * @param array $planned_downtimes Array with the planned downtimes (ordered and merged). * * @return integer Returns the interval in downtime (false if no matches). */ function sla_downtime_worktime( $wt_start, $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes=1, $planned_downtimes=null ) { if ((!isset($planned_downtimes)) || (!is_array($planned_downtimes))) { return false; } if ((!isset($wt_start)) || (!isset($wt_end)) || ($wt_start > $wt_end)) { return false; } if ($inclusive_downtimes != 1) { return false; } $rt = false; foreach ($planned_downtimes as $pd) { if (($wt_start >= $pd['date_from']) && ($wt_start <= $pd['date_to']) && ($wt_end >= $pd['date_from']) && ($wt_end <= $pd['date_to']) ) { // ..[..start..end..].. $rt = ($wt_end - $wt_start); break; } else if (($wt_start < $pd['date_from']) && ($wt_end > $pd['date_from']) && ($wt_end < $pd['date_to']) ) { // ..start..[..end..].. $rt = ($wt_end - $pd['date_from']); break; } else if (($wt_start >= $pd['date_from']) && ($wt_start < $pd['date_to']) && ($wt_end > $pd['date_to']) ) { // ..[..start..]..end.. $rt = ($pd['date_to'] - $wt_start); break; } else if (($wt_start >= $pd['date_to']) && ($wt_end >= $pd['date_to']) ) { // ..[..]..start..end.. } else { // ..start..end..[..].. } } return $rt; } /** * SLA fixed worktime * * Check (if needed) if the range specified by wt_start and wt_end is a valid * range or not. * * As worktime is order (older ... newer) the idx works as flag to identify * last range checked, in order to improve the algorythm performance. * * @param integer $wt_start Start of the range. * @param integer $wt_end End of the range. * @param array $worktime Hash containing the valid intervals. * @param array $planned_downtimes Array with the planned downtimes (ordered and merged). * @param integer $inclusive_downtimes In downtime as OK (1) or ignored (0). * @param integer $idx Last ranges checked. * * @return array */ function sla_fixed_worktime( $wt_start, $wt_end, $worktime=null, $planned_downtimes=null, $inclusive_downtimes=1, $idx=0 ) { $return = []; // Accept all ranges by default. $return['wt_valid'] = 1; $return['interval'] = ($wt_end - $wt_start); if ((!isset($wt_start)) || (!isset($wt_end)) || ($wt_start > $wt_end) || ($wt_start > time()) ) { $return['wt_valid'] = 0; $return['interval'] = 0; } // No exclusions defined, entire worktime is valid. if ((!isset($worktime) || (!is_array($worktime)))) { $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime( $wt_start, $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes ); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return['wt_in_downtime'] = 1; $return['downtime_interval'] = $time_in_downtime; $return['interval'] -= $time_in_downtime; } return $return; } // Check exceptions. $total = count($worktime); $return['idx'] = $idx; if (!(($idx <= $total) && ($idx >= 0))) { $idx = 0; } $start_fixed = 0; for ($i = $idx; $i < $total; $i++) { $wt = $worktime[$i]; if ($start_fixed == 1) { // Intervals greater than 1 DAY. if ($wt_end < $wt['date_from']) { // Case G: ..end..[..].. $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime( $wt_start, $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes ); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return['wt_in_downtime'] = 1; $return['downtime_interval'] = $time_in_downtime; $return['interval'] -= $time_in_downtime; } // Ignore older worktimes $return['idx'] = $i; return $return; } if (($wt_end >= $wt['date_from']) && ($wt_end <= $wt['date_to']) ) { // Case H: ..[..end..].. // add last slice. $return['interval'] += ($wt_end - $wt['date_from']); $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime( $wt['date_from'], $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes ); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return['wt_in_downtime'] = 1; $return['downtime_interval'] = $time_in_downtime; $return['interval'] -= $time_in_downtime; } return $return; } if (($wt_end > $wt['date_from']) && ($wt_end > $wt['date_to']) ) { // Case H: ..[..]..end.. // Add current slice and continue checking. $return['interval'] += ($wt['date_to'] - $wt['date_from']); $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime( $wt['date_from'], $wt['date_to'], $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes ); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return['wt_in_downtime'] = 1; $return['downtime_interval'] = $time_in_downtime; $return['interval'] -= $time_in_downtime; } } } else { if (($wt_start < $wt['date_from']) && ($wt_end < $wt['date_from']) ) { // Case A: ..start..end..[...]...... $return['wt_valid'] = 0; $return['idx'] = $i; return $return; } if (($wt_start <= $wt['date_from']) && ($wt_end >= $wt['date_from']) && ($wt_end < $wt['date_to']) ) { // Case B: ...start..[..end..]...... $return['wt_valid'] = 1; $return['interval'] = ($wt_end - $wt['date_from']); $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime( $wt['date_from'], $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes ); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return['wt_in_downtime'] = 1; $return['downtime_interval'] = $time_in_downtime; $return['interval'] -= $time_in_downtime; } return $return; } if (($wt_start >= $wt['date_from']) && ($wt_start <= $wt['date_to']) && ($wt_end >= $wt['date_from']) && ($wt_end <= $wt['date_to']) ) { // Case C: ...[..start..end..]...... $return['wt_valid'] = 1; $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime( $wt_start, $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes ); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return['wt_in_downtime'] = 1; $return['downtime_interval'] = $time_in_downtime; $return['interval'] -= $time_in_downtime; } return $return; } if (($wt_start >= $wt['date_from']) && ($wt_start < $wt['date_to']) && ($wt_end > $wt['date_to']) ) { // Case D: ...[..start..]...end..... $return['interval'] = ($wt['date_to'] - $wt_start); $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime( $wt_start, $wt['date_to'], $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes ); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return['wt_in_downtime'] = 1; $return['downtime_interval'] = $time_in_downtime; $return['interval'] -= $time_in_downtime; } $return['wt_valid'] = 1; $start_fixed = 1; // We must check if 'end' is greater than the next valid // worktime range start time unless is the last one. if (($i + 1) == $total) { // If there's no more worktime ranges // to check return the accumulated. return $return; } } if (($wt_start < $wt['date_from']) && ($wt_end > $wt['date_to']) ) { // Case E: ...start...[...]...end... $return['wt_valid'] = 1; $return['interval'] = ($wt['date_to'] - $wt['date_from']); $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime( $wt['date_from'], $wt['date_to'], $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes ); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return['wt_in_downtime'] = 1; $return['downtime_interval'] = $time_in_downtime; $return['interval'] -= $time_in_downtime; } if (($wt_end - $wt_start) < SECONDS_1DAY) { // Interval is less than 1 day. return $return; } else { // Interval greater than 1 day, split valid worktimes. $start_fixed = 1; } } if (($wt_start > $wt['date_to']) && ($wt_end > $wt['date_to']) ) { // Case F: ...[....]..start...end... // Invalid, check next worktime hole. $return['wt_valid'] = 0; // And remove current one. $return['idx'] = ($i + 1); } } } $return['wt_valid'] = 0; return $return; } /** * Advanced SLA result with summary * * @param integer $id_agent_module Id_agent_module. * @param integer $time_from Time start. * @param integer $time_to Time end. * @param integer $min_value Minimum value for OK status. * @param integer $max_value Maximum value for OK status. * @param integer $inverse_interval Inverse interval (range) for OK status. * @param array $daysWeek Days of active work times (M-T-W-T-V-S-S). * @param integer $timeFrom Start of work time, in each day. * @param integer $timeTo End of work time, in each day. * @param integer $slices Number of reports (time division). * @param integer $inclusive_downtimes In downtime as OK (1) or ignored (0). * * @return array Returns a hash with the calculated data. */ function reporting_advanced_sla( $id_agent_module, $time_from=null, $time_to=null, $min_value=null, $max_value=null, $inverse_interval=0, $daysWeek=null, $timeFrom=null, $timeTo=null, $slices=1, $inclusive_downtimes=1 ) { // In content: // Example: [time_from, time_to] => Worktime // week's days => flags to manage workdays. if (!isset($id_agent_module)) { return false; } if ($slices < 1) { $slices = 1; } if ((!isset($min_value)) && (!isset($max_value))) { // Infer availability range based on the critical thresholds. $agentmodule_info = modules_get_agentmodule($id_agent_module); // Take in mind: the "inverse" critical threshold. $min_value = $agentmodule_info['min_critical']; $max_value = $agentmodule_info['max_critical']; $inverse_interval = ($agentmodule_info['critical_inverse'] == 0) ? 1 : 0; if ((!isset($min_value)) || ($min_value == 0)) { $min_value = null; } if ((!isset($max_value)) || ($max_value == 0)) { $max_value = null; } if ((!(isset($max_value))) && (!(isset($min_value)))) { $max_value = null; $min_value = null; } if ((!isset($min_value)) && (!isset($max_value))) { if (($agentmodule_info['id_tipo_modulo'] == '2') // Generic_proc. || ($agentmodule_info['id_tipo_modulo'] == '6') // Remote_icmp_proc. || ($agentmodule_info['id_tipo_modulo'] == '9') // Remote_tcp_proc. || ($agentmodule_info['id_tipo_modulo'] == '18') // Remote_snmp_proc. || ($agentmodule_info['id_tipo_modulo'] == '21') // Async_proc. || ($agentmodule_info['id_tipo_modulo'] == '31') ) { // Web_proc // boolean values are OK if they're different from 0. $max_value = 0; $min_value = 0; $inverse_interval = 1; } else if ($agentmodule_info['id_tipo_modulo'] == '100') { $max_value = 0.9; $min_value = 0; } } } // By default show last day. $datetime_to = time(); $datetime_from = ($datetime_to - SECONDS_1DAY); // Or apply specified range. if ((isset($time_to) && isset($time_from)) && ($time_to > $time_from)) { $datetime_to = $time_to; $datetime_from = $time_from; } if (!isset($time_to)) { $datetime_to = $time_to; } if (!isset($time_from)) { $datetime_from = $time_from; } $uncompressed_data = db_uncompress_module_data( $id_agent_module, $datetime_from, $datetime_to ); if (is_array($uncompressed_data)) { $n_pools = count($uncompressed_data); if ($n_pools == 0) { return false; } } $planned_downtimes = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals( $id_agent_module, $datetime_from, $datetime_to ); if ((is_array($planned_downtimes)) && (count($planned_downtimes) > 0)) { // Sort retrieved planned downtimes. usort( $planned_downtimes, function ($a, $b) { $a = intval($a['date_from']); $b = intval($b['date_from']); if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? (-1) : 1; } ); // Compress (overlapped) planned downtimes. $npd = count($planned_downtimes); for ($i = 0; $i < $npd; $i++) { if (isset($planned_downtimes[($i + 1)])) { if ($planned_downtimes[$i]['date_to'] >= $planned_downtimes[($i + 1)]['date_from']) { // Merge. $planned_downtimes[$i]['date_to'] = $planned_downtimes[($i + 1)]['date_to']; array_splice($planned_downtimes, ($i + 1), 1); $npd--; } } } } else { $planned_downtimes = null; } // Structure retrieved: schema: // // uncompressed_data => // pool_id (int) // utimestamp (start of current slice) // data // array // utimestamp // datos. // Build exceptions. $worktime = null; if (((isset($daysWeek)) && (isset($timeFrom)) && (isset($timeTo))) || (is_array($planned_downtimes)) ) { $n = 0; if (!isset($daysWeek)) { // Init. $daysWeek = [ '1' => 1, // Sunday. '2' => 1, // Monday. '3' => 1, // Tuesday. '4' => 1, // Wednesday. '5' => 1, // Thursday. '6' => 1, // Friday. '7' => 1, // Saturday. ]; } foreach ($daysWeek as $day) { if ($day == 1) { $n++; } } if (($n == count($daysWeek)) && ($timeFrom == $timeTo)) { // Ignore custom ranges. $worktime = null; } else { // Get only first day. $date_start = strtotime(date('Y/m/d', $datetime_from)); $date_end = strtotime(date('Y/m/d', $datetime_to)); $t_day = $date_start; $i = 0; $worktime = []; if ($timeFrom == $timeTo) { $timeFrom = '00:00:00'; $timeTo = '00:00:00'; } if (!isset($timeFrom)) { $timeFrom = '00:00:00'; } if (!isset($timeTo)) { $timeTo = '00:00:00'; } // TimeFrom (seconds). sscanf($timeFrom, '%d:%d:%d', $hours, $minutes, $seconds); $secondsFrom = ($hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds); // TimeTo (seconds). sscanf($timeTo, '%d:%d:%d', $hours, $minutes, $seconds); $secondsTo = ($hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds); // Apply planned downtime exceptions (fix matrix). while ($t_day <= $date_end) { if ($daysWeek[(date('w', $t_day) + 1)] == 1) { $wt_start = strtotime( date('Y/m/d H:i:s', ($t_day + $secondsFrom)) ); $wt_end = strtotime( date('Y/m/d H:i:s', ($t_day + $secondsTo)) ); if ($timeFrom == $timeTo) { $wt_end += SECONDS_1DAY; } // Check if in planned downtime if exclusive downtimes. if (($inclusive_downtimes == 0) && (is_array($planned_downtimes)) ) { $start_fixed = 0; $n_planned_downtimes = count($planned_downtimes); $i_planned_downtimes = 0; $last_pd = end($planned_downtimes); if ($wt_start > $last_pd['date_to']) { // There's no more planned downtimes, // accept remaining range. $worktime[$i] = []; $worktime[$i]['date_from'] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]['date_to'] = $wt_end; $i++; } else { for ($i_planned_downtimes = 0; $i_planned_downtimes < $n_planned_downtimes; $i_planned_downtimes++) { $pd = $planned_downtimes[$i_planned_downtimes]; if ($start_fixed == 1) { // Interval greater than found planned downtime. if ($wt_end < $pd['date_from']) { $worktime[$i] = []; // Wt_start already fixed. $worktime[$i]['date_from'] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]['date_to'] = $wt_end; $i++; break; } if (( $wt_end >= $pd['date_from'] ) && ( $wt_end <= $pd['date_to'] ) ) { $worktime[$i] = []; // Wt_start already fixed. $worktime[$i]['date_from'] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]['date_to'] = $pd['date_from']; $i++; break; } if ($wt_end > $pd['date_to']) { $worktime[$i] = []; // Wt_start already fixed. $worktime[$i]['date_from'] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]['date_to'] = $pd['date_from']; $i++; $start_fixed = 0; // Search following planned downtimes, // we're still on work time!. $wt_start = $pd['date_from']; } } if (( $wt_start < $pd['date_from']) && ( $wt_end < $pd['date_from']) ) { // Out of planned downtime: Add worktime. $worktime[$i] = []; $worktime[$i]['date_from'] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]['date_to'] = $wt_end; $i++; break; } if (( $wt_start < $pd['date_from']) && ( $wt_end <= $pd['date_to']) ) { // Not all worktime in downtime. $worktime[$i] = []; $worktime[$i]['date_from'] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]['date_to'] = $pd['date_from']; $i++; break; } if (( $wt_start >= $pd['date_from']) && ( $wt_end <= $pd['date_to']) ) { // All worktime in downtime, ignore. break; } if (( $wt_start >= $pd['date_from']) && ( $wt_start <= $pd['date_to']) && ( $wt_end > $pd['date_to']) ) { // Begin of the worktime in downtime, adjust. // Search for end of worktime. $wt_start = $pd['date_to']; $start_fixed = 1; } if (( $wt_start < $pd['date_from']) && ( $wt_end > $pd['date_to']) ) { // Begin of the worktime in downtime, adjust. // Search for end of worktime. $worktime[$i] = []; $worktime[$i]['date_from'] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]['date_to'] = $pd['date_from']; $i++; $wt_start = $pd['date_to']; $start_fixed = 1; } if (($start_fixed == 1) && (($i_planned_downtimes + 1) == $n_planned_downtimes) ) { // There's no more planned downtimes, // accept remaining range. $worktime[$i] = []; $worktime[$i]['date_from'] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]['date_to'] = $wt_end; $i++; break; } } } } else { // No planned downtimes scheduled. $worktime[$i] = []; $worktime[$i]['date_from'] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]['date_to'] = $wt_end; $i++; } } $t_day = strtotime(' + 1 days', $t_day); } } } // DEBUG // print "
Umcompressed data debug:\n"; // foreach ($uncompressed_data as $k => $caja) { // print "caja: $k\t" . $caja["utimestamp"] . "\n"; // foreach ($caja["data"] as $dato) { // print "\t" . $dato["utimestamp"] . "\t" . $dato["datos"] . "\t" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s",$dato["utimestamp"]) . "\t" . $dato["obs"] . "\n"; // } // } // print ""; // Initialization. $global_return = []; $wt_check['idx'] = 0; $last_pool_id = 0; $last_item_id = 0; // Support to slices. $global_datetime_from = $datetime_from; $global_datetime_to = $datetime_to; $range = (($datetime_to - $datetime_from) / $slices); // Analysis begins. for ($count = 0; $count < $slices; $count++) { // Use strtotime based on local timezone to avoid datetime conversions. $datetime_from = strtotime( ' + '.($count * $range).' seconds', $global_datetime_from ); $datetime_to = strtotime( ' + '.(($count + 1) * $range).' seconds', $global_datetime_from ); if ((!isset($datetime_from)) || ($datetime_from === false)) { $datetime_from = ($global_datetime_from + ($count * $range)); } if ((!isset($datetime_to)) || ($datetime_to === false)) { $datetime_to = ($global_datetime_from + (($count + 1) * $range)); } $return = []; // Timing. $time_total = 0; $time_in_ok = 0; $time_in_error = 0; $time_in_unknown = 0; $time_in_not_init = 0; $time_in_down = 0; $time_out = 0; // Checks. $bad_checks = 0; $ok_checks = 0; $not_init_checks = 0; $unknown_checks = 0; $total_checks = 0; if (is_array($uncompressed_data)) { $n_pools = count($uncompressed_data); for ($pool_index = $last_pool_id; $pool_index < $n_pools; $pool_index++) { $pool = $uncompressed_data[$pool_index]; // Check limits. if (isset($uncompressed_data[($pool_index + 1)])) { $next_pool = $uncompressed_data[($pool_index + 1)]; } else { $next_pool = null; } if (isset($next_pool)) { $pool['next_utimestamp'] = $next_pool['utimestamp']; } else { $pool['next_utimestamp'] = $global_datetime_to; } // Update last pool checked: avoid repetition. $last_pool_id = $pool_index; if ($datetime_from > $pool['utimestamp']) { // Skip pool. continue; } // Test if need to acquire current pool. if ((($datetime_from <= $pool['utimestamp']) && ($datetime_to >= $pool['next_utimestamp'])) || ($datetime_to > $pool['utimestamp']) ) { // Acquire pool to this slice. $nitems_in_pool = count($pool['data']); for ($i = 0; $i < $nitems_in_pool; $i++) { $current_data = $pool['data'][$i]; if (($i + 1) >= $nitems_in_pool) { // If pool exceded, check next pool timestamp. $next_data = $next_pool; } else { // Pool not exceded, check next item. $next_data = $pool['data'][($i + 1)]; } if (isset($next_data['utimestamp'])) { // Check next mark time in current pool. $next_timestamp = $next_data['utimestamp']; } else { // Check last time -> datetime_to. if (!isset($next_pool)) { $next_timestamp = $global_datetime_to; } else { $next_timestamp = $datetime_to; } } // Effective time limits for current data. $wt_start = $current_data['utimestamp']; $wt_end = $next_timestamp; // Remove time spent not in planning // (and in planned downtime if needed). $wt_check = sla_fixed_worktime( $wt_start, $wt_end, $worktime, $planned_downtimes, $inclusive_downtimes, $wt_check['idx'] ); $time_interval = $wt_check['interval']; if (($wt_check['wt_valid'] == 1)) { $time_total += $time_interval; if ($time_interval > 0) { $total_checks++; if ((isset($current_data['datos'])) && ($current_data['datos'] !== false) ) { // Not unknown nor not init values. if (sla_check_value( $current_data['datos'], $min_value, $max_value, $inverse_interval ) ) { $ok_checks++; $time_in_ok += $time_interval; } else { $bad_checks++; $time_in_error += $time_interval; } } else { if ($current_data['datos'] === null) { $time_in_unknown += $time_interval; $unknown_checks++; } else if ($current_data['datos'] === false) { $time_in_not_init += $time_interval; $not_init_checks++; } } } if ($inclusive_downtimes == 1) { if ($wt_check['wt_in_downtime']) { // Add downtime interval as // OK in inclusion mode. $total_checks++; $ok_checks++; $time_total += $wt_check['downtime_interval']; $time_in_down += $wt_check['downtime_interval']; } } } else { $time_out += $time_interval; if ($wt_check['wt_in_downtime']) { $time_out += $wt_check['downtime_interval']; } // Ignore worktime, is in an invalid period: // scheduled downtimes in exclusion mode // not 24x7 sla's. } } } else { break; } } } else { // If monitor in not-init status => no data to show. $time_in_not_init = ($datetime_to - $datetime_from); $time_total += $time_in_not_init; $not_init_checks++; } // Timing. $return['time_total'] = $time_total; $return['time_ok'] = $time_in_ok; $return['time_error'] = $time_in_error; $return['time_unknown'] = $time_in_unknown; $return['time_not_init'] = $time_in_not_init; $return['time_downtime'] = $time_in_down; $return['time_out'] = $time_out; // Checks. $return['checks_total'] = $total_checks; $return['checks_ok'] = $ok_checks; $return['checks_error'] = $bad_checks; $return['checks_unknown'] = $unknown_checks; $return['checks_not_init'] = $not_init_checks; // SLA. $return['SLA'] = reporting_sla_get_compliance_from_array($return); $return['sla_fixed'] = sla_truncate( $return['SLA'], $config['graph_precision'] ); // Time ranges. $return['date_from'] = $datetime_from; $return['date_to'] = $datetime_to; if ($slices > 1) { array_push($global_return, $return); } } if ($slices > 1) { return $global_return; } return $return; } /** * reporting_availability * * Generates a structure the report. */ function reporting_availability($report, $content, $date=false, $time=false) { global $config; $return = []; $return['type'] = 'availability'; $return['subtype'] = $content['group_by_agent']; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Availability'); } if ($date) { $datetime_to = strtotime($date.' '.$time); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text( $report, $content ); $return['id_rc'] = $content['id_rc']; if ($content['show_graph']) { $return['kind_availability'] = 'address'; } else { $return['kind_availability'] = 'module'; } if (empty($content['subitems'])) { $sql = sprintf( ' SELECT id_agent_module, server_name, operation FROM treport_content_item WHERE id_report_content = %d', $content['id_rc'] ); $items = db_process_sql($sql); } else { $items = $content['subitems']; } $data = []; $avg = 0; $min = null; $min_text = ''; $max = null; $max_text = ''; $count = 0; $style = io_safe_output($content['style']); if ($style['hide_notinit_agents']) { $aux_id_agents = $agents; $i = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $utimestamp = db_get_value('utimestamp', 'tagente_datos', 'id_agente_modulo', $item['id_agent_module'], true); if (($utimestamp === false) || (intval($utimestamp) > intval($datetime_to))) { unset($items[$i]); } $i++; } } if (!empty($items)) { foreach ($items as $item) { // aaMetaconsole connection $server_name = $item['server_name']; if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { // ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } if (modules_is_disable_agent($item['id_agent_module']) || modules_is_not_init($item['id_agent_module']) ) { // Restore dbconnection if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } continue; } $row = []; $text = ''; $row['data'] = reporting_advanced_sla( $item['id_agent_module'], ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']), $report['datetime'], null, // min_value -> dynamic null, // max_value -> dynamic null, // inverse_interval -> dynamic [ '1' => $content['sunday'], '2' => $content['monday'], '3' => $content['tuesday'], '4' => $content['wednesday'], '5' => $content['thursday'], '6' => $content['friday'], '7' => $content['saturday'], ], $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'] ); // HACK it is saved in show_graph field. // Show interfaces instead the modules if ($content['show_graph']) { $text = $row['data']['availability_item'] = agents_get_address( modules_get_agentmodule_agent($item['id_agent_module']) ); if (empty($text)) { $text = $row['data']['availability_item'] = __('No Address'); } } else { $text = $row['data']['availability_item'] = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $item['id_agent_module'] ); } $row['data']['agent'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias( $item['id_agent_module'] ); $text = $row['data']['agent'].' ('.$text.')'; // Restore dbconnection if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } // find order $row['data']['order'] = $row['data']['SLA']; $percent_ok = $row['data']['SLA']; $avg = ((($avg * $count) + $percent_ok) / ($count + 1)); if (is_null($min)) { $min = $percent_ok; $min_text = $text; } else { if ($min > $percent_ok) { $min = $percent_ok; $min_text = $text; } } if (is_null($max)) { $max = $percent_ok; $max_text = $text; } else { if ($max < $percent_ok) { $max = $percent_ok; $max_text = $text; } } $data[] = $row['data']; $count++; } switch ($content['order_uptodown']) { case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_AGENT_NAME: $temp = []; foreach ($data as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if (strcmp($row['data']['agent'], $t_row['agent']) < 0) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $data = $temp; break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_ASCENDING: $temp = []; foreach ($data as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['data']['SLA'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $data = $temp; break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_DESCENDING: $temp = []; foreach ($data as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['data']['SLA'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $data = $temp; break; } } $return['data'] = $data; $return['resume'] = []; $return['resume']['resume'] = $content['show_resume']; $return['resume']['min_text'] = $min_text; $return['resume']['min'] = $min; $return['resume']['avg'] = $avg; $return['resume']['max_text'] = $max_text; $return['resume']['max'] = $max; $return['fields'] = []; $return['fields']['total_time'] = $content['total_time']; $return['fields']['time_failed'] = $content['time_failed']; $return['fields']['time_in_ok_status'] = $content['time_in_ok_status']; $return['fields']['time_in_unknown_status'] = $content['time_in_unknown_status']; $return['fields']['time_of_not_initialized_module'] = $content['time_of_not_initialized_module']; $return['fields']['time_of_downtime'] = $content['time_of_downtime']; $return['fields']['total_checks'] = $content['total_checks']; $return['fields']['checks_failed'] = $content['checks_failed']; $return['fields']['checks_in_ok_status'] = $content['checks_in_ok_status']; $return['fields']['unknown_checks'] = $content['unknown_checks']; $return['fields']['agent_max_value'] = $content['agent_max_value']; $return['fields']['agent_min_value'] = $content['agent_min_value']; return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Reporting_availability_graph. * * @param array $report Info report. * @param array $content Content data. * @param boolean $pdf Output type PDF. * * @return array Generates a structure the report. */ function reporting_availability_graph($report, $content, $pdf=false) { global $config; $return = []; $return['type'] = 'availability_graph'; $ttl = 1; if ($pdf) { $ttl = 2; } if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Availability'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['failover_type'] = $content['failover_type']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); // Get chart. reporting_set_conf_charts( $width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl ); $return['id_rc'] = $content['id_rc']; $edge_interval = 10; if (empty($content['subitems'])) { $slas = io_safe_output( db_get_all_rows_field_filter( 'treport_content_sla_combined', 'id_report_content', $content['id_rc'] ) ); } else { $slas = $content['subitems']; } if (empty($slas)) { $return['failed'] = __('There are no SLAs defined'); } else { include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_planned_downtimes.php'; $metaconsole_on = is_metaconsole(); $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false, true, false, false); $sla_failed = false; $total_SLA = 0; $total_result_SLA = 'ok'; $sla_showed = []; $sla_showed_values = []; $priority_mode = $content['style']['priority_mode']; foreach ($slas as $sla) { $server_name = $sla['server_name']; // Metaconsole connection. if ($metaconsole_on && $server_name != '') { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_connect($connection) != NOERR) { continue; } } if ($content['failover_mode']) { $sla_failover = []; $sla_failover['primary'] = $sla; if (isset($sla['id_agent_module_failover']) === true && $sla['id_agent_module_failover'] != 0 ) { $sla_failover['failover'] = $sla; $sla_failover['failover']['id_agent_module'] = $sla['id_agent_module_failover']; } else { $sql_relations = sprintf( 'SELECT module_b FROM tmodule_relationship WHERE module_a = %d AND type = "failover"', $sla['id_agent_module'] ); $relations = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_relations); if (isset($relations) === true && is_array($relations) === true ) { foreach ($relations as $key => $value) { $sla_failover['failover_'.$key] = $sla; $sla_failover['failover_'.$key]['id_agent_module'] = $value['module_b']; } } } // For graph slice for module-interval, if not slice=0. $module_interval = modules_get_interval($sla['id_agent_module']); $slice = ($content['period'] / $module_interval); $data_combined = []; foreach ($sla_failover as $k_sla => $v_sla) { $sla_array = data_db_uncompress_module( $v_sla, $content, $report['datetime'], $slice ); if ($content['failover_type'] == REPORT_FAILOVER_TYPE_NORMAL) { $return = prepare_data_for_paint( $v_sla, $sla_array, $content, $report['datetime'], $return, $k_sla, $pdf ); } $data_combined[] = $sla_array; } if (isset($data_combined) === true && is_array($data_combined) === true && count($data_combined) > 0 ) { $count_failover = count($data_combined); $data_a = $data_combined[0]; for ($i = 1; $count_failover > $i; $i++) { $data_a = array_map( function ($primary, $failover) { $return_map = []; if ($primary['date_from'] === $failover['date_from'] && $primary['date_to'] === $failover['date_to'] ) { if ($primary['time_ok'] < $failover['time_ok']) { $primary['time_total'] = $failover['time_total']; $primary['time_ok'] = $failover['time_ok']; $primary['time_error'] = $failover['time_error']; $primary['time_unknown'] = $failover['time_unknown']; $primary['time_not_init'] = $failover['time_not_init']; $primary['time_downtime'] = $failover['time_downtime']; $primary['time_out'] = $failover['time_out']; $primary['checks_total'] = $failover['checks_total']; $primary['checks_ok'] = $failover['checks_ok']; $primary['checks_error'] = $failover['checks_error']; $primary['checks_unknown'] = $failover['checks_unknown']; $primary['checks_not_init'] = $failover['checks_not_init']; $primary['SLA'] = $failover['SLA']; $primary['sla_fixed'] = $failover['sla_fixed']; } $return_map = $primary; } return $return_map; }, $data_a, $data_combined[($i)] ); } $return = prepare_data_for_paint( $sla, $data_a, $content, $report['datetime'], $return, 'result', $pdf ); } } else { $sla_array = data_db_uncompress_module( $sla, $content, $report['datetime'] ); $return = prepare_data_for_paint( $sla, $sla_array, $content, $report['datetime'], $return, '', $pdf ); } if ($metaconsole_on) { // Restore db connection. metaconsole_restore_db(); } } // SLA items sorted descending. if ($content['top_n'] == 2) { arsort($return['data']['']); } else if ($content['top_n'] == 1) { // SLA items sorted ascending. asort($sla_showed_values); } // Order data for ascending or descending. if ($content['top_n'] != 0) { switch ($content['top_n']) { case 1: // Order tables. $temp = []; foreach ($return['data'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $return['data'] = $temp; // Order graphs. $temp = []; foreach ($return['charts'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $return['charts'] = $temp; break; case 2: // Order tables. $temp = []; foreach ($return['data'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $return['data'] = $temp; // Order graph. $temp = []; foreach ($return['charts'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, [$row]); } $return['charts'] = $temp; break; default: // If not posible. break; } } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Return data db uncompress for module. * * @param array $sla Data neccesary for db_uncompress. * @param array $content Conetent report. * @param array $datetime Date. * @param integer $slice Defined slice. * * @return array */ function data_db_uncompress_module($sla, $content, $datetime, $slice=0) { // Controller min and max == 0 then dinamic min and max critical. $dinamic_text = 0; if ($sla['sla_min'] == 0 && $sla['sla_max'] == 0) { $sla['sla_min'] = null; $sla['sla_max'] = null; $dinamic_text = __('Dynamic'); } // Controller inverse interval. $inverse_interval = 0; if ((isset($sla['sla_max'])) && (isset($sla['sla_min']))) { if ($sla['sla_max'] < $sla['sla_min']) { $content_sla_max = $sla['sla_max']; $sla['sla_max'] = $sla['sla_min']; $sla['sla_min'] = $content_sla_max; $inverse_interval = 1; $dinamic_text = __('Inverse'); } } if ($slice === 0) { // For graph slice for module-interval, if not slice=0. $module_interval = modules_get_interval($sla['id_agent_module']); $slice = ($content['period'] / $module_interval); } // Call functions sla. $sla_array = []; $sla_array = reporting_advanced_sla( $sla['id_agent_module'], ($datetime - $content['period']), $datetime, $sla['sla_min'], $sla['sla_max'], $inverse_interval, [ '1' => $content['sunday'], '2' => $content['monday'], '3' => $content['tuesday'], '4' => $content['wednesday'], '5' => $content['thursday'], '6' => $content['friday'], '7' => $content['saturday'], ], $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'], $slice ); return $sla_array; } /** * Return array planned downtimes. * * @param integer $id_agent_module Id module. * @param integer $datetime Date utimestamp. * @param integer $period Period utimestamp. * * @return array */ function reporting_get_planned_downtimes_sla($id_agent_module, $datetime, $period) { $planned_downtimes = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals( $id_agent_module, ($datetime - $period), $datetime ); if ((is_array($planned_downtimes)) && (count($planned_downtimes) > 0) ) { // Sort retrieved planned downtimes. usort( $planned_downtimes, function ($a, $b) { $a = intval($a['date_from']); $b = intval($b['date_from']); if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? (-1) : 1; } ); // Compress (overlapped) planned downtimes. $npd = count($planned_downtimes); for ($i = 0; $i < $npd; $i++) { if (isset($planned_downtimes[($i + 1)])) { if ($planned_downtimes[$i]['date_to'] >= $planned_downtimes[($i + 1)]['date_from']) { // Merge. $planned_downtimes[$i]['date_to'] = $planned_downtimes[($i + 1)]['date_to']; array_splice($planned_downtimes, ($i + 1), 1); $npd--; } } } } else { $planned_downtimes = []; } return $planned_downtimes; } /** * Prepare data for Paint in report. * * @param array $sla Data Module to sla. * @param array $sla_array Data uncompressed. * @param array $content Content report data. * @param integer $datetime Date. * @param array $return Array return. * @param string $failover Type primary, failover, Result. * @param boolean $pdf Chart pdf mode. * * @return array Return modify. */ function prepare_data_for_paint( $sla, $sla_array, $content, $datetime, $return, $failover='', $pdf=false ) { $data = []; $alias_agent = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias( $sla['id_agent_module'] ); $name_module = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $sla['id_agent_module'] ); $data['agent'] = $alias_agent; $data['module'] = $name_module; $data['max'] = $sla['sla_max']; $data['min'] = $sla['sla_min']; $data['sla_limit'] = $sla['sla_limit']; $data['dinamic_text'] = $dinamic_text; $data['failover'] = $failover; if (isset($sla_array[0])) { $data['time_total'] = 0; $data['time_ok'] = 0; $data['time_error'] = 0; $data['time_unknown'] = 0; $data['time_not_init'] = 0; $data['time_downtime'] = 0; $data['checks_total'] = 0; $data['checks_ok'] = 0; $data['checks_error'] = 0; $data['checks_unknown'] = 0; $data['checks_not_init'] = 0; $raw_graph = []; $i = 0; foreach ($sla_array as $value_sla) { $data['time_total'] += $value_sla['time_total']; $data['time_ok'] += $value_sla['time_ok']; $data['time_error'] += $value_sla['time_error']; $data['time_unknown'] += $value_sla['time_unknown']; $data['time_downtime'] += $value_sla['time_downtime']; $data['time_not_init'] += $value_sla['time_not_init']; $data['checks_total'] += $value_sla['checks_total']; $data['checks_ok'] += $value_sla['checks_ok']; $data['checks_error'] += $value_sla['checks_error']; $data['checks_unknown'] += $value_sla['checks_unknown']; $data['checks_not_init'] += $value_sla['checks_not_init']; // Generate raw data for graph. $period = reporting_sla_get_status_period( $value_sla, $priority_mode ); $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = reporting_translate_sla_status_for_graph( $period ); $raw_graph[$i]['utimestamp'] = ($value_sla['date_to'] - $value_sla['date_from']); $i++; } $data['sla_value'] = reporting_sla_get_compliance_from_array( $data ); $data['sla_fixed'] = sla_truncate( $data['sla_value'], $config['graph_precision'] ); } else { // Show only table not divider in slice for defect slice=1. $data['time_total'] = $sla_array['time_total']; $data['time_ok'] = $sla_array['time_ok']; $data['time_error'] = $sla_array['time_error']; $data['time_unknown'] = $sla_array['time_unknown']; $data['time_downtime'] = $sla_array['time_downtime']; $data['time_not_init'] = $sla_array['time_not_init']; $data['checks_total'] = $sla_array['checks_total']; $data['checks_ok'] = $sla_array['checks_ok']; $data['checks_error'] = $sla_array['checks_error']; $data['checks_unknown'] = $sla_array['checks_unknown']; $data['checks_not_init'] = $sla_array['checks_not_init']; $data['sla_value'] = $sla_array['SLA']; } // Checks whether or not it meets the SLA. if ($data['sla_value'] >= $sla['sla_limit']) { $data['sla_status'] = 1; $sla_failed = false; } else { $sla_failed = true; $data['sla_status'] = 0; } // Do not show right modules if 'only_display_wrong' is active. if ($content['only_display_wrong'] && $sla_failed == false) { return $return; } // Find order. $data['order'] = $data['sla_value']; $return['data'][] = $data; $data_init = -1; $acum = 0; $sum = 0; $array_result = []; $i = 0; foreach ($raw_graph as $key => $value) { if ($data_init == -1) { $data_init = $value['data']; $acum = $value['utimestamp']; $sum = $value['data']; } else { if ($data_init == $value['data']) { $acum = ($acum + $value['utimestamp']); $sum = ($sum + $value['real_data']); } else { $array_result[$i]['data'] = $data_init; $array_result[$i]['utimestamp'] = $acum; $array_result[$i]['real_data'] = $sum; $i++; $data_init = $value['data']; $acum = $value['utimestamp']; $sum = $value['real_data']; } } } $array_result[$i]['data'] = $data_init; $array_result[$i]['utimestamp'] = $acum; $array_result[$i]['real_data'] = $sum; // Slice graphs calculation. $dataslice = []; $dataslice['agent'] = $alias_agent; $dataslice['module'] = $name_module; $dataslice['order'] = $data['sla_value']; $dataslice['checks_total'] = $data['checks_total']; $dataslice['checks_ok'] = $data['checks_ok']; $dataslice['time_total'] = $data['time_total']; $dataslice['time_not_init'] = $data['time_not_init']; $dataslice['sla_status'] = $data['sla_status']; $dataslice['sla_value'] = $data['sla_value']; $height = 80; if ($failover !== '' && $failover !== 'result') { $height = 50; } $dataslice['chart'] = graph_sla_slicebar( $sla['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $sla['sla_min'], $sla['sla_max'], $datetime, $content, $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'], 100, $height, $urlImage, ($pdf) ? 2 : 0, $array_result, false ); $return['charts'][] = $dataslice; return $return; } /** * reporting_increment * * Generates a structure the report. */ function reporting_increment($report, $content) { global $config; $return = []; $return['type'] = 'increment'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Increment'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['id_agent_module'] = $content['id_agent_module']; $return['id_agent'] = $content['id_agent']; $id_agent_module = $content['id_agent_module']; $period = (int) $content['period']; $return['from'] = (time() - $period); $return['to'] = time(); $return['data'] = []; if (is_metaconsole()) { $sql1 = 'SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$id_agent_module.' AND utimestamp <= '.(time() - $period).' ORDER BY utimestamp DESC'; $sql2 = 'SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$id_agent_module.' ORDER BY utimestamp DESC'; $servers = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tmetaconsole_setup WHERE disabled = 0' ); if ($servers === false) { $servers = []; } $result = []; $count_modules = 0; foreach ($servers as $server) { // If connection was good then retrieve all data server if (metaconsole_connect($server) == NOERR) { $connection = true; } else { $connection = false; } $old_data = db_get_value_sql($sql1); $last_data = db_get_value_sql($sql2); } } else { $old_data = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$id_agent_module.' AND utimestamp <= '.(time() - $period).' ORDER BY utimestamp DESC' ); $last_data = db_get_value_sql('SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$id_agent_module.' ORDER BY utimestamp DESC'); } if (!is_metaconsole()) { } if ($old_data === false || $last_data === false) { $return['data']['message'] = __('The monitor have no data in this range of dates or monitor type is not numeric'); $return['data']['error'] = true; } else if (is_numeric($old_data) && is_numeric($last_data)) { $return['data']['old'] = $old_data; $return['data']['now'] = $last_data; $increment = ($old_data - $last_data); if ($increment < 0) { $return['data']['inc'] = 'positive'; $return['data']['inc_data'] = ($last_data - $old_data); } else if ($increment == 0) { $return['data']['inc'] = 'neutral'; $return['data']['inc_data'] = 0; } else { $return['data']['inc'] = 'negative'; $return['data']['inc_data'] = ($old_data - $last_data); } } else { $return['data']['message'] = __('The monitor type is not numeric'); $return['data']['error'] = true; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * reporting_general * * Generates a structure the report. */ function reporting_general($report, $content) { global $config; $return = []; $return['type'] = 'general'; $return['subtype'] = $content['group_by_agent']; $return['resume'] = $content['show_resume']; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('General'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text( $report, $content ); $return['data'] = []; $return['avg_value'] = 0; $return['min'] = []; $return['min']['value'] = null; $return['min']['formated_value'] = null; $return['min']['agent'] = null; $return['min']['module'] = null; $return['max'] = []; $return['max']['value'] = null; $return['max']['formated_value'] = null; $return['max']['agent'] = null; $return['max']['module'] = null; $return['show_in_same_row'] = $content['style']['show_in_same_row']; if (empty($content['subitems'])) { $generals = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'treport_content_item', ['id_report_content' => $content['id_rc']] ); } else { $generals = $content['subitems']; } if (empty($generals)) { $generals = []; } $i = 0; $index = 0; $is_string = []; foreach ($generals as $row) { // Metaconsole connection $server_name = $row['server_name']; if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { // ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } if (modules_is_disable_agent($row['id_agent_module']) || modules_is_not_init($row['id_agent_module']) ) { if (is_metaconsole()) { // Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); } continue; } $mod_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name($row['id_agent_module']); $ag_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($row['id_agent_module']); $name_agent = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name($row['id_agent_module']); $type_mod = modules_get_last_value($row['id_agent_module']); $is_string[$index] = modules_is_string($row['id_agent_module']); $unit = db_get_value( 'unit', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $row['id_agent_module'] ); $id_module_type = db_get_value('id_tipo_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', 'nombre', $mod_name); if ($content['period'] == 0) { $data_res[$index] = modules_get_last_value($row['id_agent_module']); } else { if (is_numeric($type_mod) && !$is_string[$index]) { switch ($row['operation']) { case 'sum': $data_res[$index] = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_sum( $row['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'] ); break; case 'max': $data_res[$index] = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max( $row['id_agent_module'], $content['period'] ); break; case 'min': $data_res[$index] = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min( $row['id_agent_module'], $content['period'] ); break; case 'avg': default: $data_res[$index] = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average( $row['id_agent_module'], $content['period'] ); break; } } else { $data_res[$index] = $type_mod; } } switch ($content['group_by_agent']) { case REPORT_GENERAL_NOT_GROUP_BY_AGENT: $id_agent_module[$index] = $row['id_agent_module']; $agent_name[$index] = $ag_name; $module_name[$index] = $mod_name; $units[$index] = $unit; $id_module_types[$index] = $id_module_type; $operations[$index] = $row['operation']; break; case REPORT_GENERAL_GROUP_BY_AGENT: $id_module_types[$index] = $id_module_type; if ($id_module_types[$index] == 2 || $id_module_types[$index] == 6 || $id_module_types[$index] == 9 || $id_module_types[$index] == 18) { $data_res[$index] = round($data_res[$index], 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN); } if ($id_module_types[$index] == 2 || $id_module_types[$index] == 6 || $id_module_types[$index] == 9 || $id_module_types[$index] == 18) { if ($data_res[$index] == 1) { $data_res[$index] = 'Up'; } else if ($data_res[$index] == 0) { $data_res[$index] = 'Down'; } } if ($data_res[$index] === false) { $return['data'][$name_agent][$mod_name] = null; } else { if (!is_numeric($data_res[$index])) { $return['data'][$name_agent][$mod_name] = $data_res[$index]; } else { $return['data'][$name_agent][$mod_name] = format_for_graph($data_res[$index], 2).' '.$unit; } } break; } // Calculate the avg, min and max if (is_numeric($data_res[$index]) && !$is_string[$index]) { $change_min = false; if (is_null($return['min']['value'])) { $change_min = true; } else { if ($return['min']['value'] > $data_res[$index]) { $change_min = true; } } if ($change_min) { $return['min']['value'] = $data_res[$index]; $return['min']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($data_res[$index], 2).' '.$unit; $return['min']['agent'] = $ag_name; $return['min']['module'] = $mod_name; } $change_max = false; if (is_null($return['max']['value'])) { $change_max = true; } else { if ($return['max']['value'] < $data_res[$index]) { $change_max = true; } } if ($change_max) { $return['max']['value'] = $data_res[$index]; $return['max']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($data_res[$index], 2).' '.$unit; $return['max']['agent'] = $ag_name; $return['max']['module'] = $mod_name; } if ($i == 0) { $return['avg_value'] = $data_res[$index]; } else { $return['avg_value'] = ((($return['avg_value'] * $i) / ($i + 1)) + ($data_res[$index] / ($i + 1))); } } $index++; $i++; // Restore dbconnection if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && is_metaconsole()) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } switch ($content['group_by_agent']) { case REPORT_GENERAL_NOT_GROUP_BY_AGENT: switch ($content['order_uptodown']) { case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_AGENT_NAME: array_multisort( $agent_name, SORT_ASC, $data_res, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $operations, SORT_ASC ); break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_ASCENDING: array_multisort( $data_res, SORT_ASC, $agent_name, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $operations, SORT_ASC ); break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_DESCENDING: array_multisort( $data_res, SORT_DESC, $agent_name, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $operations, SORT_ASC ); break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_UNSORT: break; } $i = 0; foreach ($data_res as $d) { $data = []; $data['agent'] = $agent_name[$i]; $data['module'] = $module_name[$i]; $data['id_agent_module'] = $id_agent_module[$i]; $data['id_agent'] = agents_get_agent_id_by_module_id($id_agent_module[$i]); $data['id_module_type'] = $id_module_types[$i]; $data['operator'] = ''; if ($content['period'] != 0) { switch ($operations[$i]) { case 'sum': $data['operator'] = __('Summatory'); break; case 'min': $data['operator'] = __('Minimum'); break; case 'max': $data['operator'] = __('Maximum'); break; case 'avg': default: $data['operator'] = __('Rate'); break; } } if ($d === false) { $data['value'] = null; } else { switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': break; case 'oracle': if (preg_match('/[0-9]+,[0-9]E+[+-][0-9]+/', $d)) { $d = oracle_format_float_to_php($d); } break; } if (!is_numeric($d) || $is_string[$i]) { $data['value'] = $d; // to see the chains on the table $data['formated_value'] = $d; } else { $data['value'] = $d; $data['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($d, 2).' '.$units[$i]; } } $return['data'][] = $data; $i++; } break; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_custom_graph( $report, $content, $type='dinamic', $force_width_chart=null, $force_height_chart=null, $type_report='custom_graph', $pdf=false ) { global $config; $modules = []; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_graph.php'; if ($type_report == 'custom_graph') { if (is_metaconsole()) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR) { return false; } } } $graph = db_get_row('tgraph', 'id_graph', $content['id_gs']); $return = []; $return['type'] = 'custom_graph'; if (empty($content['name'])) { if ($type_report == 'custom_graph') { $content['name'] = __('Custom graph'); } else if ($type_report == 'automatic_graph') { $content['name'] = __('Automatic combined graph'); } else { $content['name'] = ''; } } if ($type_report == 'custom_graph') { $graphs = db_get_all_rows_field_filter('tgraph', 'id_graph', $content['id_gs']); $id_graph = $content['id_gs']; } else if ($type_report == 'automatic_graph') { $graphs[0]['stacked'] = ''; $graphs[0]['summatory_series'] = ''; $graphs[0]['average_series'] = ''; $graphs[0]['modules_series'] = ''; $graphs[0]['fullscale'] = $content['style']['fullscale']; $modules = $content['id_agent_module']; if (is_metaconsole()) { $module_source = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT id_agent_module, id_server FROM tgraph_source WHERE id_graph = '.$content['id_gs'] ); if (isset($module_source) && is_array($module_source)) { $modules = []; foreach ($module_source as $key => $value) { $modules[$key]['module'] = $value['id_agent_module']; $modules[$key]['server'] = $value['id_server']; } } } $id_graph = 0; } else { $content['name'] = __('Simple graph'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = io_safe_output($graph['name']); $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text( $report, $content ); $return['chart'] = ''; $width = null; switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': $params = [ 'period' => $content['period'], 'width' => $width, 'date' => $report['datetime'], 'only_image' => $pdf, 'homeurl' => ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), 'ttl' => $ttl, 'percentil' => $graphs[0]['percentil'], 'fullscale' => $graphs[0]['fullscale'], 'server_id' => $id_meta, 'height' => $config['graph_image_height'], ]; $params_combined = [ 'stacked' => $graphs[0]['stacked'], 'summatory' => $graphs[0]['summatory_series'], 'average' => $graphs[0]['average_series'], 'modules_series' => $graphs[0]['modules_series'], 'id_graph' => $id_graph, 'type_report' => $type_report, 'labels' => $content['style']['label'], ]; $return['chart'] = graphic_combined_module( $modules, $params, $params_combined ); break; } if ($type_report == 'custom_graph') { if (is_metaconsole()) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * Simple graph report. * * @param array $report Info report. * @param array $content Content report. * @param string $type Type report. * @param integer $force_width_chart Width chart. * @param integer $force_height_chart Height chart. * * @return array */ function reporting_simple_graph( $report, $content, $type='dinamic', $force_width_chart=null, $force_height_chart=null ) { global $config; $return = []; $return['type'] = 'simple_graph'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Simple graph'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content['server_name']); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $id_agent = agents_get_module_id( $content['id_agent_module'] ); $id_agent_module = $content['id_agent_module']; $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = agents_get_alias($id_agent); $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $id_agent_module ); $module_description = modules_get_agentmodule_descripcion( $id_agent_module ); $items_label = [ 'type' => $return['type'], 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module, 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, 'module_name' => $module_name, 'module_description' => $module_description, ]; $label = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($label != '') { $label = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, $label ); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_alias.' - '.$module_name; $return['agent_name'] = $agent_alias; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; $return['description'] = $content['description']; $return['date'] = reporting_get_date_text( $report, $content ); if (isset($content['style']['fullscale'])) { $fullscale = (bool) $content['style']['fullscale']; } $return['chart'] = ''; // Get chart. reporting_set_conf_charts( $width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl ); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': // HACK it is saved in show_graph field. $time_compare_overlapped = false; if ($content['show_graph']) { $time_compare_overlapped = 'overlapped'; } $params = [ 'agent_module_id' => $content['id_agent_module'], 'period' => $content['period'], 'title' => $label, 'pure' => false, 'date' => $report['datetime'], 'only_image' => $only_image, 'homeurl' => ui_get_full_url( false, false, false, false ), 'ttl' => $ttl, 'compare' => $time_compare_overlapped, 'show_unknown' => true, 'percentil' => ($content['style']['percentil'] == 1) ? $config['percentil'] : null, 'fullscale' => $fullscale, 'server_id' => $id_meta, 'height' => $config['graph_image_height'], ]; $return['chart'] = grafico_modulo_sparse($params); break; case 'data': $data = modules_get_agentmodule_data( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report['datetime'] ); $return['chart'] = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $return['chart'][$d['utimestamp']] = $d['data']; } break; default: // Not Possible. break; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_get_date_text($report=null, $content=null) { global $config; $return = []; $return['date'] = null; $return['period'] = null; $return['from'] = null; $return['to'] = null; if (!empty($report) && !empty($content)) { if ($content['period'] == 0) { $es = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); if ($es['date'] == 0) { $return['period'] = 0; } else { $return['date'] = $es['date']; } } else { $return['period'] = $content['period']; $return['from'] = ($report['datetime'] - $content['period']); $return['to'] = $report['datetime']; } } return $return; } /** * Check the common items exits */ function reporting_check_structure_report($return) { if (!isset($return['group_name'])) { $return['group_name'] = ''; } if (!isset($return['title'])) { $return['title'] = ''; } if (!isset($return['datetime'])) { $return['datetime'] = ''; } if (!isset($return['period'])) { $return['period'] = ''; } return $return; } /** * Check the common items exits */ function reporting_check_structure_content($report) { if (!isset($report['title'])) { $report['title'] = ''; } if (!isset($report['subtitle'])) { $report['subtitle'] = ''; } if (!isset($report['description'])) { $report['description'] = ''; } if (!isset($report['date'])) { $report['date']['date'] = ''; $report['date']['period'] = ''; $report['date']['from'] = ''; $report['date']['to'] = ''; } if (!isset($report['fields'])) { $return['fields']['total_time'] = ''; $return['fields']['time_failed'] = ''; $return['fields']['time_in_ok_status'] = ''; $return['fields']['time_in_unknown_status'] = ''; $return['fields']['time_of_not_initialized_module'] = ''; $return['fields']['time_of_downtime'] = ''; $return['fields']['total_checks'] = ''; $return['fields']['checks_failed'] = ''; $return['fields']['checks_in_ok_status'] = ''; $return['fields']['unknown_checks'] = ''; $return['fields']['agent_max_value'] = ''; $return['fields']['agent_min_value'] = ''; } return $report; } function reporting_set_conf_charts( &$width, &$height, &$only_image, $type, $content, &$ttl ) { switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': $only_image = false; $width = 900; $height = isset($content['style']['dyn_height']) ? $content['style']['dyn_height'] : 230; $ttl = 1; break; case 'static': $ttl = 2; $only_image = true; if ($content['style']['show_in_landscape']) { $height = 1100; $width = 1700; } else { $height = 360; $width = 780; } break; case 'data': break; } } // // // // MAYBE MOVE THE NEXT FUNCTIONS TO A FILE NAMED AS FUNCTION_REPORTING.UTILS.PHP // // // // /** * Get a detailed report of summarized events per agent * * It construct a table object with all the grouped events happened in an agent * during a period of time. * * @param mixed Module id to get the report from. * @param int Period of time (in seconds) to get the report. * @param int Beginning date (unixtime) of the report * @param bool Flag to return or echo the report table (echo by default). * @param bool Flag to return the html or table object, by default html. * * @return mixed A table object (XHTML) or object table is false the html. */ function reporting_get_module_detailed_event( $id_modules, $period=0, $date=0, $show_summary_group=false, $filter_event_severity=false, $filter_event_type=false, $filter_event_status=false, $filter_event_filter_search=false, $force_width_chart=false, $event_graph_by_user_validator=false, $event_graph_by_criticity=false, $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated=false, $ttl=1, $id_server=false, $metaconsole_dbtable=false ) { global $config; $id_modules = (array) safe_int($id_modules, 1); if (!is_numeric($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } if (empty($date)) { $date = get_system_time(); } $history = false; if ($config['history_event_enabled']) { $history = true; } $events = []; foreach ($id_modules as $id_module) { $event['data'] = events_get_agent( false, (int) $period, (int) $date, $history, $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, false, false, $id_module, true, $id_server ); // total_events if (isset($event['data'])) { $event['total_events'] = count($event['data']); } else { $event['total_events'] = 0; } // graphs if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } if ($event_graph_by_user_validator) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated_by_user( ['id_agentmodule' => $id_module], $period, $date, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $event['chart']['by_user_validator'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); } if ($event_graph_by_criticity) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_by_criticity( ['id_agentmodule' => $id_module], $period, $date, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph); $event['chart']['by_criticity'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl, false, $colors ); } if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated( ['id_agentmodule' => $id_module], $period, $date, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $metaconsole_dbtable ); $event['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = pie_graph( $data_graph, 500, 150, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false).'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); } if (!empty($event)) { array_push($events, $event); } } return $events; } /** * Get a detailed report of summarized events per agent * * It construct a table object with all the grouped events happened in an agent * during a period of time. * * @param mixed Agent id(s) to get the report from. * @param int Period of time (in seconds) to get the report. * @param int Beginning date (unixtime) of the report * @param bool Flag to return or echo the report table (echo by default). * * @return A table object (XHTML) */ function reporting_get_agents_detailed_event( $id_agents, $period=0, $date=0, $return=false, $only_data=false, $history=false, $show_summary_group=false, $filter_event_severity=false, $filter_event_type=false, $filter_event_status=false, $filter_event_filter_search=false ) { global $config; if ($only_data) { $return_data = []; } $id_agents = (array) safe_int($id_agents, 1); if (!is_numeric($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } if (empty($date)) { $date = get_system_time(); } $events = []; foreach ($id_agents as $id_agent) { $event = events_get_agent( $id_agent, (int) $period, (int) $date, $history, $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, false, false ); if (empty($event)) { $event = []; } if ($only_data) { $nevents = count($event); for ($i = ($nevents - 1); $i >= 0; $i--) { $e = $event[$i]; if ($show_summary_group) { $return_data[] = [ 'status' => $e['estado'], 'count' => $e['event_rep'], 'name' => $e['evento'], 'type' => $e['event_type'], 'criticity' => $e['criticity'], 'validated_by' => $e['id_usuario'], 'timestamp' => $e['timestamp_rep'], 'id_evento' => $e['id_evento'], ]; } else { $return_data[] = [ 'status' => $e['estado'], 'name' => $e['evento'], 'type' => $e['event_type'], 'criticity' => $e['criticity'], 'validated_by' => $e['id_usuario'], 'timestamp' => $e['timestamp'], 'id_evento' => $e['id_evento'], ]; } } } else { if (!empty($event)) { array_push($events, $event); } } } if ($only_data) { return $return_data; } if ($events) { $note = ''; if (count($events) >= 1000) { $note .= '* '.__('Maximum of events shown').' (1000)
'; $result_pdf .= $title; $result_pdf .= ' | '; $result_pdf .= ' | |
'; $result_pdf .= $description; $result_pdf .= ' |