$nombre_agente, 'alias' => $alias, 'alias_as_name' => $alias_as_name, 'direccion' => $direccion_agente, 'id_grupo' => $grupo, 'intervalo' => $intervalo, 'comentarios' => $comentarios, 'modo' => $modo, 'id_os' => $id_os, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'cascade_protection' => $cascade_protection, 'cascade_protection_module' => $cascade_protection_module, 'server_name' => $server_name, 'id_parent' => $id_parent, 'custom_id' => $custom_id, 'icon_path' => $icon_path, 'update_gis_data' => $update_gis_data, 'url_address' => $url_description, 'quiet' => $quiet, 'cps' => $cps, 'fixed_ip' => $fixed_ip, ] ); } else { $id_agente = false; } if ($id_agente !== false) { // Create custom fields for this agent. foreach ($field_values as $key => $value) { $update_custom = db_process_sql_insert( 'tagent_custom_data', [ 'id_field' => $key, 'id_agent' => $id_agente, 'description' => $value, ] ); } // Create address for this agent in taddress. if ($direccion_agente != '') { agents_add_address($id_agente, $direccion_agente); } $agent_created_ok = true; $info = '{"Name":"'.$nombre_agente.'", "IP":"'.$direccion_agente.'", "Group":"'.$grupo.'", "Interval":"'.$intervalo.'", "Comments":"'.$comentarios.'", "Mode":"'.$modo.'", "ID_parent:":"'.$id_parent.'", "Server":"'.$server_name.'", "ID os":"'.$id_os.'", "Disabled":"'.$disabled.'", "Custom ID":"'.$custom_id.'", "Cascade protection":"'.$cascade_protection.'", "Cascade protection module":"'.$cascade_protection_module.'", "Icon path":"'.$icon_path.'", "Update GIS data":"'.$update_gis_data.'", "Url description":"'.$url_description.'", "Quiet":"'.(int) $quiet.'", "Cps":"'.(int) $cps.'",}'; // Create the secondary groups. enterprise_hook( 'agents_update_secondary_groups', [ $id_agente, $secondary_groups, [], ] ); $unsafe_alias = io_safe_output($alias); db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_AGENT_MANAGEMENT, 'Created agent '.$unsafe_alias, false, true, $info ); } else { $id_agente = 0; $agent_creation_error = __('Could not be created'); if ($exists_alias) { $agent_creation_error = __('Could not be created, because name already exists'); } else if ($exists_ip) { $agent_creation_error = __('Could not be created, because IP already exists'); } } } } // Show tabs. $img_style = [ 'class' => 'top', 'width' => 16, ]; if ($id_agente) { // View tab. $viewtab['text'] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$id_agente, 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/enable.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('View'), 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ), ], true ); $viewtab['active'] = ($tab === 'view'); $viewtab['operation'] = 1; // Main tab. $maintab['text'] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=main&id_agente='.$id_agente, 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/configuration@svg.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('Setup'), 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ), ], true ); $maintab['active'] = ($tab === 'main'); // Module tab. $moduletab['text'] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=module&id_agente='.$id_agente, 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/modules@svg.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('Modules'), 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ), ], true ); $moduletab['active'] = ($tab === 'module'); // Alert tab. $alerttab['text'] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=alert&id_agente='.$id_agente, 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/add-alert.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('Alerts'), 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ), ], true ); $alerttab['active'] = ($tab === 'alert'); // Template tab. $templatetab['text'] = html_print_menu_button( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=template&id_agente='.$id_agente, 'image' => 'images/modules-group@svg.svg', 'title' => __('Module templates'), ], true ); $templatetab['active'] = ($tab === 'template'); // Policy tab. $policyTab['text'] = html_print_menu_button( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=policy&id_agente='.$id_agente, 'image' => 'images/policy@svg.svg', 'title' => __('Manage policy'), ], true ); $policyTab['active'] = ($tab === 'policy'); // Inventory. $inventorytab['text'] = ''.html_print_image( 'images/hardware-software-component@svg.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('Inventory'), 'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter', ] ).''; if ($tab == 'inventory') { $inventorytab['active'] = true; } else { $inventorytab['active'] = false; } $has_remote_conf = enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_has_remote_configuration', [$id_agente] ); if ($has_remote_conf === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $has_remote_conf = false; } if ($has_remote_conf === true) { // Plugins. $pluginstab = enterprise_hook('plugins_tab'); if ($pluginstab === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $pluginstab = ''; } } else { $pluginstab = ''; } // Collection. if ((int) $config['license_nms'] !== 1) { $collectiontab = enterprise_hook('collection_tab'); if ($collectiontab === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $collectiontab = ''; } } else { $collectiontab = ''; } // NetworkConfigManager tab. $ncm_tab = enterprise_hook('networkconfigmanager_tab'); if ($ncm_tab === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $ncm_tab = ''; } // Group tab. $grouptab['text'] = html_print_menu_button( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/modificar_agente&ag_group='.$group, 'image' => 'images/groups@svg.svg', 'title' => __('Group'), ], true ); $grouptab['active'] = false; $gistab = []; // TODO. OVERRIDE. $config['activate_gis'] = true; // GIS tab. if ((bool) $config['activate_gis'] === true) { $gistab['text'] = html_print_menu_button( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=gis&id_agente='.$id_agente, 'image' => 'images/poi@svg.svg', 'title' => __('GIS data'), ], true ); $gistab['active'] = ($tab === 'gis'); } // Agent wizard tab. $agent_wizard['text'] = html_print_menu_button( [ 'href' => 'javascript:', 'class' => 'agent_wizard_tab', 'image' => 'images/wizard@svg.svg', 'title' => __('Agent wizard'), ], true ); // Hidden subtab layer. $agent_wizard['sub_menu'] = ''; if ($tab == 'agent_wizard') { $agent_wizard['active'] = true; } else { $agent_wizard['active'] = false; } if (check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $all_groups, 'AW') === true) { if ($has_remote_conf !== false) { $agent_name = agents_get_name($id_agente); $agent_name = io_safe_output($agent_name); $agent_md5 = md5($agent_name, false); $remote_configuration_tab['text'] = html_print_menu_button( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=remote_configuration&id_agente='.$id_agente.'&disk_conf='.$agent_md5, 'image' => 'images/remote-configuration@svg.svg', 'title' => __('Remote configuration'), ], true ); $remote_configuration_tab['active'] = ($tab === 'remote_configuration'); $onheader = [ 'view' => $viewtab, 'separator' => '', 'main' => $maintab, 'remote_configuration' => $remote_configuration_tab, 'module' => $moduletab, 'ncm' => $ncm_tab, 'alert' => $alerttab, 'template' => $templatetab, 'inventory' => $inventorytab, 'pluginstab' => $pluginstab, 'policy' => (enterprise_installed() === true) ? $policyTab : '', 'collection' => $collectiontab, 'group' => $grouptab, 'gis' => $gistab, 'agent_wizard' => $agent_wizard, ]; } else { $onheader = [ 'view' => $viewtab, 'separator' => '', 'main' => $maintab, 'module' => $moduletab, 'ncm' => $ncm_tab, 'alert' => $alerttab, 'template' => $templatetab, 'inventory' => $inventorytab, 'pluginstab' => $pluginstab, 'policy' => (enterprise_installed() === true) ? $policyTab : '', 'collection' => $collectiontab, 'group' => $grouptab, 'gis' => $gistab, 'agent_wizard' => $agent_wizard, ]; } // Only if the agent has incidents associated show incidents tab. if ($total_incidents) { $onheader['incident'] = $incidenttab; } } else { $onheader = [ 'view' => $viewtab, 'separator' => '', 'module' => $moduletab, 'alert' => $alerttab, ]; } // Extensions tabs. foreach ($config['extensions'] as $extension) { if (isset($extension['extension_god_tab'])) { if (check_acl($config['id_user'], $group, $extension['extension_god_tab']['acl'])) { $image = $extension['extension_god_tab']['icon']; $name = $extension['extension_god_tab']['name']; $id = $extension['extension_god_tab']['id']; $id_extension = get_parameter('id_extension', ''); if ($id_extension == $id) { $active = true; } else { $active = false; } $url = 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=extension&id_agente='.$id_agente.'&id_extension='.$id; $extension_tab = [ 'text' => ''.html_print_image($image, true, [ 'title' => $name]).'', 'active' => $active, ]; $onheader = ($onheader + [$id => $extension_tab]); } } } $help_header = ''; $tab_name = ''; // This add information to the header. switch ($tab) { case 'main': $help_header = 'main_tab'; $tab_name = __('Setup'); break; case 'collection': $tab_name = __('Collection'); break; case 'ncm': $tab_name = __('Network config manager'); break; case 'inventory': $help_header = 'inventory_tab'; $tab_name = __('Inventory'); break; case 'policy': $help_header = 'policy_tab'; $tab_name = __('Policies'); break; case 'plugins': $help_header = 'plugins_tab'; $tab_name = __('Agent plugins'); break; case 'module': $type_module_t = get_parameter('moduletype', ''); $tab_name = __('Modules'); if ($type_module_t === 'webux') { $help_header = 'wux_console'; } else { $help_header = 'local_module_tab'; } break; case 'alert': $help_header = 'manage_alert_list'; $tab_name = __('Alerts'); break; case 'template': $tab_name = __('Module templates'); break; case 'gis': $tab_name = __('Gis'); $help_header = 'gis_tab'; break; case 'incident': $tab_name = __('Incidents'); break; case 'remote_configuration': $tab_name = __('Remote configuration'); break; case 'agent_wizard': switch (get_parameter('wizard_section')) { case 'snmp_explorer': $help_header = 'agent_snmp_explorer_tab'; $tab_name = __('SNMP Wizard'); break; case 'snmp_interfaces_explorer': $tab_name = __('SNMP Interfaces Wizard'); $help_header = 'agent_snmp_interfaces_explorer_tab'; break; case 'wmi_explorer': $tab_name = __('WMI Wizard'); $help_header = 'agent_snmp_wmi_explorer_tab'; break; default: // Default. break; } break; case 'extension': $id_extension = get_parameter('id_extension', ''); switch ($id_extension) { case 'snmp_explorer': $tab_description = '- '.__('SNMP explorer'); $help_header = 'snmp_explorer'; break; default: // Default. break; } break; default: // Default. break; } $helper = ($help_header === 'main_tab') ? 'main_tab' : ''; $pure = (int) get_parameter('pure'); if ($pure === 0) { ui_print_standard_header( __('Agent setup view').' ( '.strtolower(agents_get_alias($id_agente)).' )', 'images/agent.png', false, $helper, false, $onheader, [ [ 'link' => '', 'label' => __('Resources'), ], [ 'link' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/modificar_agente', 'label' => __('Manage agents'), ], [ 'link' => '', 'label' => $tab_name, ], ] ); } } else { ui_print_standard_header( __('Create agent'), 'images/agent.png', false, '', false, [], [ [ 'link' => '', 'label' => __('Resources'), ], [ 'link' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/modificar_agente', 'label' => __('Manage agents'), ], ] ); } $delete_conf_file = (bool) get_parameter('delete_conf_file'); if ($delete_conf_file) { $correct = false; // Delete remote configuration. if (isset($config['remote_config'])) { $agent_md5 = md5(io_safe_output(agents_get_name($id_agente, 'none')), false); if (file_exists($config['remote_config'].'/md5/'.$agent_md5.'.md5')) { // Agent remote configuration editor. $file_name = $config['remote_config'].'/conf/'.$agent_md5.'.conf'; $correct = @unlink($file_name); $file_name = $config['remote_config'].'/md5/'.$agent_md5.'.md5'; $correct = @unlink($file_name); } } ui_print_result_message( $correct, __('Conf file deleted successfully'), __('Could not delete conf file'), [ 'autoclose' => true ] ); } // Show agent creation results. if ($create_agent) { if (!isset($agent_creation_error)) { $agent_creation_error = __('Could not be created'); } ui_print_result_message( $agent_created_ok, __('Successfully created'), $agent_creation_error ); if ($mssg_warning) { ui_print_warning_message(__('The ip or dns name entered cannot be resolved')); } } // Fix / Normalize module data. if (isset($_GET['fix_module'])) { $id_module = get_parameter_get('fix_module', 0); // Get info about this module. $media = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average($id_module, 30758400); // Get average over the year. $media *= 1.3; $error = ''; $result = true; // If the value of media is 0 or something went wrong, don't delete. if (!empty($media)) { $where = [ 'datos' => '>'.$media, 'id_agente_modulo' => $id_module, ]; $res = db_process_sql_delete('tagente_datos', $where); if ($res === false) { $result = false; $error = modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module); } else if ($res <= 0) { $result = false; $error = ' - '.__('No data to normalize'); } } else { $result = false; $error = ' - '.__('No data to normalize'); } ui_print_result_message( $result, __('Deleted data above %f', $media), __('Error normalizing module %s', $error) ); } $update_agent = (bool) get_parameter('update_agent'); // Update AGENT. if ($update_agent) { // If modified some agent paramenter. $mssg_warning = 0; $id_agente = (int) get_parameter_post('id_agente'); $nombre_agente = str_replace('`', '‘', (string) get_parameter_post('agente', '')); $alias_safe_output = strip_tags(io_safe_output(get_parameter('alias', ''))); $alias = io_safe_input(trim(preg_replace('/[\/\\\|%#&$]/', '', $alias_safe_output))); $alias_as_name = (int) get_parameter_post('alias_as_name', 0); $direccion_agente = (string) get_parameter_post('direccion', ''); $unique_ip = (int) get_parameter_post('unique_ip', 0); // Safe_output only validate ip. $direccion_agente = trim(io_safe_output($direccion_agente)); if (!validate_address($direccion_agente)) { $mssg_warning = 1; } // Safe-input before validate ip. $direccion_agente = io_safe_input($direccion_agente); $address_list = (string) get_parameter_post('address_list', ''); if ($address_list != $direccion_agente && $direccion_agente == agents_get_address($id_agente) && $address_list != agents_get_address($id_agente) ) { /* * If we selected another IP in the drop down list to be 'primary': * a) field is not the same as selectbox * b) field has not changed from current IP * c) selectbox is not the current IP. */ if (!empty($address_list)) { $direccion_agente = $address_list; } } $grupo = (int) get_parameter_post('grupo', 0); $intervalo = (int) get_parameter_post('intervalo', SECONDS_5MINUTES); $comentarios = str_replace('`', '‘', (string) get_parameter_post('comentarios', '')); $modo = (int) get_parameter_post('modo', 0); // Mode: Learning, Normal or Autodisabled. $id_os = (int) get_parameter_post('id_os'); $disabled = (bool) get_parameter_post('disabled'); $server_name = (string) get_parameter_post('server_name', ''); $id_parent = (int) get_parameter_post('id_agent_parent'); $custom_id_safe_output = strip_tags(io_safe_output(get_parameter('custom_id', ''))); $custom_id = io_safe_input(trim(preg_replace('/[\/\\\|%#&$]/', '', $custom_id_safe_output))); // $custom_id = (string) get_parameter_post('custom_id', ''); $cascade_protection = (int) get_parameter_post('cascade_protection', 0); $cascade_protection_module = (int) get_parameter('cascade_protection_module', 0); $safe_mode_module = (int) get_parameter('safe_mode_module', 0); $icon_path = (string) get_parameter_post('icon_path', ''); $update_gis_data = (int) get_parameter_post('update_gis_data', 0); $url_description = (string) get_parameter('url_description'); $quiet = (int) get_parameter('quiet', 0); $cps = get_parameter_switch('cps', -1); $old_values = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agente); $fields = db_get_all_fields_in_table('tagent_custom_fields'); $secondary_groups = (array) get_parameter('secondary_groups_selected', ''); $satellite_server = (int) get_parameter('satellite_server', 0); $fixed_ip = (int) get_parameter_switch('fixed_ip', 0); if ($fields === false) { $fields = []; } $field_values = []; foreach ($fields as $field) { $field_value = get_parameter_post('customvalue_'.$field['id_field'], ''); if ($field['is_link_enabled']) { if ($field_value[1] !== '') { $parsed_url = parse_url($field_value[1]); if (empty($parsed_url['scheme']) === true) { $field_value[1] = 'http://'.ltrim($field_value[1], '/'); } } $field_value = json_encode($field_value); } else { $field_value = (string) $field_value; } $field_values[$field['id_field']] = $field_value; } foreach ($field_values as $key => $value) { $old_value = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagent_custom_data', [ 'id_agent' => $id_agente, 'id_field' => $key, ] ); if ($old_value === false) { // Create custom field if not exist. $update_custom = db_process_sql_insert( 'tagent_custom_data', [ 'id_field' => $key, 'id_agent' => $id_agente, 'description' => $value, ] ); } else { $update_custom = db_process_sql_update( 'tagent_custom_data', ['description' => $value], [ 'id_field' => $key, 'id_agent' => $id_agente, ] ); if ($update_custom == 1) { $update_custom_result = 1; } } } if ($mssg_warning) { ui_print_warning_message(__('The ip or dns name entered cannot be resolved')); } // Verify if there is another agent with the same name but different ID. if ($alias == '') { ui_print_error_message(__('No agent alias specified')); // If there is an agent with the same name, but a different ID. } if ($direccion_agente !== $address_list && (bool) $unique_ip === true && $direccion_agente != '') { $sql = 'SELECT direccion FROM tagente WHERE direccion = "'.$direccion_agente.'"'; $exists_ip = db_get_row_sql($sql); } $old_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agente); if ($grupo <= 0) { ui_print_error_message(__('The group id %d is incorrect.', $grupo)); } else if ($old_group !== $grupo && group_allow_more_agents($grupo, true, 'update') === false) { ui_print_error_message(__('Agent cannot be updated due to the maximum agent limit for this group')); } else if ($exists_ip) { ui_print_error_message(__('Duplicate main IP address')); } else { // If different IP is specified than previous, add the IP. if ($direccion_agente != '' && $direccion_agente != agents_get_address($id_agente) ) { agents_add_address($id_agente, $direccion_agente); } $action_delete_ip = (bool) get_parameter('delete_ip', false); // If IP is set for deletion, delete first. if ($action_delete_ip) { $delete_ip = get_parameter_post('address_list'); if (empty($direccion_agente) === true) { $direccion_agente = agents_delete_address($id_agente, $delete_ip, true); } else { $direccion_agente = agents_delete_address($id_agente, $delete_ip, true); } } $values = [ 'disabled' => $disabled, 'id_parent' => $id_parent, 'id_os' => $id_os, 'modo' => $modo, 'alias' => $alias, 'alias_as_name' => $alias_as_name, 'direccion' => $direccion_agente, 'id_grupo' => $grupo, 'intervalo' => $intervalo, 'comentarios' => $comentarios, 'cascade_protection' => $cascade_protection, 'cascade_protection_module' => $cascade_protection_module, 'server_name' => $server_name, 'custom_id' => $custom_id, 'icon_path' => $icon_path, 'update_gis_data' => $update_gis_data, 'url_address' => $url_description, 'quiet' => $quiet, 'cps' => $cps, 'safe_mode_module' => $safe_mode_module, 'satellite_server' => $satellite_server, 'fixed_ip' => $fixed_ip, ]; if ($config['metaconsole_agent_cache'] == 1) { $values['update_module_count'] = 1; // Force an update of the agent cache. } $result = db_process_sql_update('tagente', $values, ['id_agente' => $id_agente]); if ($result === false && $update_custom_result == false) { ui_print_error_message( __('There was a problem updating the agent') ); } else { // Update the agent from the metaconsole cache. enterprise_include_once('include/functions_agents.php'); enterprise_hook('agent_update_from_cache', [$id_agente, $values, $server_name]); // Update the configuration files. if ($old_values['intervalo'] != $intervalo) { enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_update_config_token', [ $id_agente, 'interval', $intervalo, ] ); } if ($old_values['disabled'] != $disabled) { enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_update_config_token', [ $id_agente, 'standby', ($disabled) ? '1' : '0', ] ); // Validate alerts for disabled agents. if ($disabled) { alerts_validate_alert_agent($id_agente); } } $info = '{ "id_agente":"'.$id_agente.'", "alias":"'.$alias.'", "Group":"'.$grupo.'", "Interval" : "'.$intervalo.'", "Comments":"'.$comentarios.'", "Mode":"'.$modo.'", "ID OS":"'.$id_os.'", "Disabled":"'.$disabled.'", "Server Name":"'.$server_name.'", "ID parent":"'.$id_parent.'", "Custom ID":"'.$custom_id.'", "Cascade Protection":"'.$cascade_protection.'", "Cascade protection module":"'.$cascade_protection_module.'", "Icon Path":"'.$icon_path.'", "Update GIS data":"'.$update_gis_data.'", "Url description":"'.$url_description.'", "Quiet":"'.(int) $quiet.'", "Cps":"'.(int) $cps.'"}'; $secondary_groups_selected = enterprise_hook( 'agents_get_secondary_groups', [$id_agente] ); $delete_secondary_groups = []; foreach ($secondary_groups_selected['plain'] as $v_selected) { if (in_array($v_selected, $secondary_groups) === false) { array_push($delete_secondary_groups, $v_selected); } } // Create the secondary groups. enterprise_hook( 'agents_update_secondary_groups', [ $id_agente, $secondary_groups, $delete_secondary_groups, true, ] ); ui_update_name_fav_element($id_agente, 'Agents', $alias); ui_print_success_message(__('Successfully updated')); db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_AGENT_MANAGEMENT, 'Updated agent '.io_safe_output($alias), false, false, $info ); } } } // Read agent data // This should be at the end of all operation checks, to read the changes - $id_agente doesn't have to be retrieved. if ($id_agente) { // This has been done in the beginning of the page, but if an agent was created, this id might change. $id_grupo = agents_get_agent_group($id_agente); if (!check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $all_groups, 'AW') && !check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $all_groups, 'AD')) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_ACL_VIOLATION, 'Trying to admin an agent without access' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; exit; } $agent = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agente, false, false); if (empty($agent)) { // Close out the page. ui_print_error_message(__('There was a problem loading the agent')); return; } $intervalo = $agent['intervalo']; // Define interval in seconds. $nombre_agente = $agent['nombre']; if (empty($alias) === true) { $alias = $agent['alias']; if (empty($alias) === true) { $alias = $nombre_agente; } } $alias_as_name = $agent['alias_as_name']; $direccion_agente = $agent['direccion']; $grupo = $agent['id_grupo']; $ultima_act = $agent['ultimo_contacto']; $comentarios = $agent['comentarios']; $server_name = $agent['server_name']; $modo = $agent['modo']; $id_os = $agent['id_os']; $disabled = $agent['disabled']; $id_parent = $agent['id_parent']; $custom_id = $agent['custom_id']; $cascade_protection = $agent['cascade_protection']; $cascade_protection_module = $agent['cascade_protection_module']; $icon_path = $agent['icon_path']; $update_gis_data = $agent['update_gis_data']; $url_description = $agent['url_address']; $quiet = $agent['quiet']; $cps = $agent['cps']; $safe_mode_module = $agent['safe_mode_module']; $safe_mode = ($safe_mode_module) ? 1 : 0; $satellite_server = (int) $agent['satellite_server']; $fixed_ip = (int) $agent['fixed_ip']; } $update_module = (bool) get_parameter('update_module'); $create_module = (bool) get_parameter('create_module'); $delete_module = (bool) get_parameter('delete_module'); $enable_module = (int) get_parameter('enable_module'); $disable_module = (int) get_parameter('disable_module'); // It is the id_agent_module to duplicate. $duplicate_module = (int) get_parameter('duplicate_module'); $edit_module = (bool) get_parameter('edit_module'); // GET DATA for MODULE UPDATE OR MODULE INSERT. if ($update_module === true || $create_module === true) { $id_grupo = agents_get_agent_group($id_agente); $all_groups = agents_get_all_groups_agent($id_agente, $id_grupo); if (! check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $all_groups, 'AW')) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_ACL_VIOLATION, 'Trying to create a module without admin rights' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; exit; } $id_agent_module = (int) get_parameter('id_agent_module'); $id_module_type = (int) get_parameter('id_module_type'); $name = (string) get_parameter('name'); $description = (string) get_parameter('description'); $id_module_group = (int) get_parameter('id_module_group'); $flag = (bool) get_parameter('flag'); /* * Don't read as (float) because it lost it's decimals when put into MySQL * where are very big and PHP uses scientific notation, p.e: * 1.23E-10 is 0.000000000123. */ $post_process = (string) get_parameter('post_process', 0.0); $prediction_module = (int) get_parameter('prediction_module'); $max_timeout = (int) get_parameter('max_timeout'); $max_retries = (int) get_parameter('max_retries'); $min = (int) get_parameter('min'); $max = (int) get_parameter('max'); $interval = (int) get_parameter('module_interval', $intervalo); $ff_interval = (int) get_parameter('module_ff_interval'); $quiet_module = (int) get_parameter('quiet_module'); $cps_module = (int) get_parameter('cps_module'); $id_plugin = (int) get_parameter('id_plugin'); $id_export = (int) get_parameter('id_export'); $disabled = (bool) get_parameter('disabled'); $tcp_send = (string) get_parameter('tcp_send'); $tcp_rcv = (string) get_parameter('tcp_rcv'); $tcp_port = (int) get_parameter('tcp_port'); // Correction in order to not insert 0 as port. $is_port_empty = get_parameter('tcp_port', ''); if ($is_port_empty === '') { $tcp_port = null; } $configuration_data = (string) get_parameter('configuration_data'); $old_configuration_data = (string) get_parameter('old_configuration_data'); $new_configuration_data = ''; $custom_string_1_default = ''; $custom_string_2_default = ''; $custom_string_3_default = ''; $custom_integer_1_default = 0; $custom_integer_2_default = 0; if ($update_module) { $module = modules_get_agentmodule($id_agent_module); $custom_string_1_default = $module['custom_string_1']; $custom_string_2_default = $module['custom_string_2']; $custom_string_3_default = $module['custom_string_3']; $custom_integer_1_default = $module['custom_integer_1']; $custom_integer_2_default = $module['custom_integer_2']; } if ($id_module_type === 25) { // Web analysis, from MODULE_WUX. $custom_string_1 = base64_encode((string) get_parameter('custom_string_1')); // If the custom_string_1 parameter come empty, set the content // of the module (it is base64_encoded). if (empty($custom_string_1) === true) { $custom_string_1 = $custom_string_1_default; } $custom_integer_1 = (int) get_parameter('custom_integer_1', $custom_integer_1_default); } else { $custom_string_1 = (string) get_parameter('custom_string_1', $custom_string_1_default); $custom_integer_1 = (int) get_parameter('prediction_module', $custom_integer_1_default); } $custom_string_2 = (string) get_parameter('custom_string_2', $custom_string_2_default); $custom_string_3 = (string) get_parameter('custom_string_3', $custom_string_3_default); $custom_integer_2 = (int) get_parameter('custom_integer_2', 0); // Get macros. $macros = (string) get_parameter('macros'); $macros_names = (array) get_parameter('macro_name', []); if (empty($macros) === false) { $macros = json_decode(base64_decode($macros), true); foreach ($macros as $k => $m) { $m_hide = '0'; if (isset($m['hide'])) { $m_hide = $m['hide']; } if ($m_hide == '1') { $macros[$k]['value'] = io_input_password(get_parameter($m['macro'], '')); } else { $macros[$k]['value'] = get_parameter($m['macro'], ''); } } $macros = io_json_mb_encode($macros); $conf_array = explode("\n", io_safe_output($configuration_data)); foreach ($conf_array as $line) { if (preg_match('/^module_name\s*(.*)/', $line, $match)) { $new_configuration_data .= 'module_name '; $new_configuration_data .= io_safe_output($name)."\n"; } else if (!preg_match('/^module_macro_field.*/', $line, $match)) { // We delete from conf all the module macros starting with _field. $new_configuration_data .= $line."\n"; } } $values_macros = []; $values_macros['macros'] = base64_encode($macros); $macros_for_data = enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_get_macros_data_conf', [$values_macros] ); if ($macros_for_data != '') { $new_configuration_data = str_replace('module_end', $macros_for_data.'module_end', $new_configuration_data); } $configuration_data = str_replace( '\\', '\', io_safe_input($new_configuration_data) ); } // Services are an enterprise feature, // so we got the parameters using this function. enterprise_hook('get_service_synthetic_parameters'); $agent_name = (string) get_parameter( 'agent_name', agents_get_name($id_agente) ); $snmp_community = (string) get_parameter('snmp_community'); $snmp_oid = (string) get_parameter('snmp_oid'); // Change double quotes by single. $snmp_oid = preg_replace('/"/', ''', $snmp_oid); if (empty($snmp_oid) === true) { // The user did not set any OID manually but did a SNMP walk. $snmp_oid = (string) get_parameter('select_snmp_oid'); } if ($id_module_type >= 15 && $id_module_type <= 18) { // New support for snmp v3. $tcp_send = (string) get_parameter('snmp_version'); $plugin_user = (string) get_parameter('snmp3_auth_user'); $plugin_pass = io_input_password( (string) get_parameter('snmp3_auth_pass') ); $plugin_parameter = (string) get_parameter('snmp3_auth_method', 'MD5'); $custom_string_1 = (string) get_parameter('snmp3_privacy_method', 'DES'); $custom_string_2 = io_input_password( (string) get_parameter('snmp3_privacy_pass') ); $custom_string_3 = (string) get_parameter('snmp3_security_level', 'noAuthNoPriv'); } else if ($id_module_type >= 34 && $id_module_type <= 37) { $tcp_send = (string) get_parameter('command_text'); $custom_string_1 = (string) get_parameter( 'command_credential_identifier' ); $custom_string_2 = (string) get_parameter('command_os'); } else { $plugin_user = (string) get_parameter('plugin_user'); if (get_parameter('id_module_component_type') == 7) { $plugin_pass = (int) get_parameter('plugin_pass'); } else { $plugin_pass = io_input_password( (string) get_parameter('plugin_pass') ); } $plugin_parameter = (string) get_parameter('plugin_parameter'); } $parent_module_id = (int) get_parameter('parent_module_id'); $ip_target = (string) get_parameter('ip_target'); // No autofill if the module is a webserver module. if ($ip_target == '' && $id_module_type < MODULE_TYPE_WEB_DATA && $id_module_type > MODULE_TYPE_WEB_CONTENT_STRING ) { $ip_target = 'auto'; } $custom_id = (string) get_parameter('custom_id'); $history_data = (int) get_parameter('history_data'); $dynamic_interval = (int) get_parameter('dynamic_interval'); $dynamic_max = (int) get_parameter('dynamic_max'); $dynamic_min = (int) get_parameter('dynamic_min'); $dynamic_two_tailed = (int) get_parameter('dynamic_two_tailed'); $min_warning = (float) get_parameter('min_warning'); $max_warning = (float) get_parameter('max_warning'); $str_warning = (string) get_parameter('str_warning'); $min_critical = (float) get_parameter('min_critical'); $max_critical = (float) get_parameter('max_critical'); $str_critical = (string) get_parameter('str_critical'); $ff_event = (int) get_parameter('ff_event'); $ff_event_normal = (int) get_parameter('ff_event_normal'); $ff_event_warning = (int) get_parameter('ff_event_warning'); $ff_event_critical = (int) get_parameter('ff_event_critical'); $ff_type = (int) get_parameter('ff_type'); $each_ff = (int) get_parameter('each_ff', $module['each_ff']); $ff_timeout = (int) get_parameter('ff_timeout'); $unit = (string) get_parameter('unit'); $warning_time = (float) get_parameter('warning_time'); if ($unit === '0') { $unit = ''; } $id_tag = (array) get_parameter('id_tag_selected'); $serialize_ops = (string) get_parameter('serialize_ops'); $critical_instructions = (string) get_parameter('critical_instructions'); $warning_instructions = (string) get_parameter('warning_instructions'); $unknown_instructions = (string) get_parameter('unknown_instructions'); // Warning thresholds. $warning_threshold_check_type = get_parameter('warning_thresholds_checks'); if ($warning_threshold_check_type === 'normal_warning') { $percentage_warning = 0; $warning_inverse = 0; } else if ($warning_threshold_check_type === 'warning_inverse') { $warning_inverse = (int) get_parameter('warning_inverse_string_sent'); $percentage_warning = 0; } else { $percentage_warning = (int) get_parameter('warning_inverse_string_sent'); $warning_inverse = 0; } // Critical thresholds. $critical_threshold_check_type = get_parameter('critical_thresholds_checks'); if ($critical_threshold_check_type === 'normal_critical') { $percentage_critical = 0; $critical_inverse = 0; } else if ($critical_threshold_check_type === 'critical_inverse') { $critical_inverse = (int) get_parameter('critical_inverse_string_sent'); $percentage_critical = 0; } else { $percentage_critical = (int) get_parameter('critical_inverse_string_sent'); $critical_inverse = 0; } // Inverse string checkbox. if ($id_module_type === MODULE_TYPE_GENERIC_DATA_STRING || $id_module_type === MODULE_TYPE_ASYNC_STRING || $id_module_type === MODULE_TYPE_REMOTE_TCP_STRING || $id_module_type === MODULE_TYPE_REMOTE_CMD_STRING || $id_module_type === MODULE_TYPE_REMOTE_SNMP_STRING ) { // Warning inverse string checkbox. $warning_string_checkbox = get_parameter('warning_inverse_string'); if (!empty($warning_string_checkbox) && $warning_string_checkbox === 'warning_inverse_string') { $warning_inverse = (int) get_parameter('warning_inverse_string_sent'); } else { $warning_inverse = 0; } // Critial inverse string checkbox. $critical_string_checkbox = get_parameter('critical_inverse_string'); if (!empty($critical_string_checkbox) && $critical_string_checkbox === 'critical_inverse_string') { $critical_inverse = (int) get_parameter('critical_inverse_string_sent'); } else { $critical_inverse = 0; } } $id_category = (int) get_parameter('id_category'); $hour_from = get_parameter('hour_from'); $minute_from = get_parameter('minute_from'); $mday_from = get_parameter('mday_from'); $month_from = get_parameter('month_from'); $wday_from = get_parameter('wday_from'); $hour_to = get_parameter('hour_to'); $minute_to = get_parameter('minute_to'); $mday_to = get_parameter('mday_to'); $month_to = get_parameter('month_to'); $wday_to = get_parameter('wday_to'); $http_user = get_parameter('http_user'); $http_pass = get_parameter('http_pass'); if ($hour_to != '*') { $hour_to = '-'.$hour_to; } else { $hour_to = ''; } if ($minute_to != '*') { $minute_to = '-'.$minute_to; } else { $minute_to = ''; } if ($mday_to != '*') { $mday_to = '-'.$mday_to; } else { $mday_to = ''; } if ($month_to != '*') { $month_to = '-'.$month_to; } else { $month_to = ''; } if ($wday_to != '*') { $wday_to = '-'.$wday_to; } else { $wday_to = ''; } $cron_interval = $minute_from.$minute_to.' '.$hour_from.$hour_to.' '.$mday_from.$mday_to.' '.$month_from.$month_to.' '.$wday_from.$wday_to; if (cron_check_syntax($cron_interval) === false) { $cron_interval = ''; } if ($prediction_module !== MODULE_PREDICTION_SYNTHETIC) { unset($serialize_ops); enterprise_hook( 'modules_delete_synthetic_operations', [$id_agent_module] ); } if ($prediction_module === MODULE_PREDICTION_PLANNING) { $custom_string_2 = get_parameter('estimation_type', 'estimation_calculation'); if ($custom_string_2 === 'estimation_calculation') { $custom_string_1 = get_parameter('estimation_days', -1); } else { $custom_string_1 = get_parameter('estimation_interval', '300'); } } $active_snmp_v3 = get_parameter('active_snmp_v3'); /* * if ($active_snmp_v3) { * // LOST CODE?. * * } */ $throw_unknown_events = (bool) get_parameter('throw_unknown_events', false); // Set the event type that can show. $disabled_types_event = [EVENTS_GOING_UNKNOWN => (int) $throw_unknown_events]; $disabled_types_event = io_json_mb_encode($disabled_types_event); $module_macro_names = (array) get_parameter('module_macro_names', []); $module_macro_values = (array) get_parameter('module_macro_values', []); $module_macros = modules_get_module_macros_json($module_macro_names, $module_macro_values); // Make changes in the conf file if necessary. enterprise_include_once('include/functions_config_agents.php'); $module_in_policy = enterprise_hook('policies_is_module_in_policy', [$id_agent_module]); $module_linked = enterprise_hook('policies_is_module_linked', [$id_agent_module]); } // Initialize result of the action (insert or update). $success_action = NOERR; // MODULE UPDATE. if ($update_module) { $id_agent_module = (int) get_parameter('id_agent_module'); $values = [ 'id_agente_modulo' => $id_agent_module, 'descripcion' => $description, 'id_module_group' => $id_module_group, 'nombre' => $name, 'max' => $max, 'min' => $min, 'module_interval' => $interval, 'module_ff_interval' => $ff_interval, 'tcp_port' => $tcp_port, 'tcp_send' => $tcp_send, 'tcp_rcv' => $tcp_rcv, 'snmp_community' => $snmp_community, 'snmp_oid' => $snmp_oid, 'ip_target' => $ip_target, 'flag' => $flag, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'id_export' => $id_export, 'plugin_user' => $plugin_user, 'plugin_pass' => $plugin_pass, 'plugin_parameter' => $plugin_parameter, 'id_plugin' => $id_plugin, 'post_process' => $post_process, 'prediction_module' => $prediction_module, 'max_timeout' => $max_timeout, 'max_retries' => $max_retries, 'custom_id' => $custom_id, 'history_data' => $history_data, 'dynamic_interval' => $dynamic_interval, 'dynamic_max' => $dynamic_max, 'dynamic_min' => $dynamic_min, 'dynamic_two_tailed' => $dynamic_two_tailed, 'parent_module_id' => $parent_module_id, 'min_warning' => $min_warning, 'max_warning' => $max_warning, 'str_warning' => $str_warning, 'min_critical' => $min_critical, 'max_critical' => $max_critical, 'str_critical' => $str_critical, 'custom_string_1' => $custom_string_1, 'custom_string_2' => $custom_string_2, 'custom_string_3' => $custom_string_3, 'custom_integer_1' => $custom_integer_1, 'custom_integer_2' => $custom_integer_2, 'min_ff_event' => $ff_event, 'min_ff_event_normal' => $ff_event_normal, 'min_ff_event_warning' => $ff_event_warning, 'min_ff_event_critical' => $ff_event_critical, 'ff_type' => $ff_type, 'each_ff' => $each_ff, 'ff_timeout' => $ff_timeout, 'unit' => io_safe_output($unit), 'macros' => $macros, 'quiet' => $quiet_module, 'cps' => $cps_module, 'critical_instructions' => $critical_instructions, 'warning_instructions' => $warning_instructions, 'unknown_instructions' => $unknown_instructions, 'critical_inverse' => $critical_inverse, 'warning_inverse' => $warning_inverse, 'percentage_critical' => $percentage_critical, 'percentage_warning' => $percentage_warning, 'cron_interval' => $cron_interval, 'id_category' => $id_category, 'disabled_types_event' => addslashes($disabled_types_event), 'module_macros' => $module_macros, 'warning_time' => $warning_time, ]; if ($id_module_type === 30 || $id_module_type === 31 || $id_module_type === 32 || $id_module_type === 33 || $id_module_type === 38 ) { $plugin_parameter_split = explode(' ', $values['plugin_parameter']); $values['plugin_parameter'] = ''; foreach ($plugin_parameter_split as $key => $value) { if ((int) $key === 1) { if ($http_user) { $values['plugin_parameter'] .= 'http_auth_user '.$http_user.' '; } if ($http_pass) { $values['plugin_parameter'] .= 'http_auth_pass '.$http_pass.' '; } $values['plugin_parameter'] .= $value.' '; } else { $values['plugin_parameter'] .= $value.' '; } } } // In local modules, the interval is updated by agent. $module_kind = (int) get_parameter('moduletype'); if ($module_kind === MODULE_DATA) { unset($values['module_interval']); } if ($prediction_module === MODULE_PREDICTION_SYNTHETIC && empty($serialize_ops) === true ) { $result = false; } else { $check_dynamic = db_get_row_sql( 'SELECT dynamic_interval, dynamic_max, dynamic_min, dynamic_two_tailed FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo ='.$id_agent_module ); if (($check_dynamic['dynamic_interval'] == $dynamic_interval) && ($check_dynamic['dynamic_max'] == $dynamic_max) && ($check_dynamic['dynamic_min'] == $dynamic_min) && ($check_dynamic['dynamic_two_tailed'] == $dynamic_two_tailed) ) { $result = modules_update_agent_module($id_agent_module, $values, false, $id_tag); } else { $values['dynamic_next'] = 0; $result = modules_update_agent_module($id_agent_module, $values, false, $id_tag); } } if (is_error($result) === true) { switch ($result) { case ERR_EXIST: $msg = __('There was a problem updating module. Another module already exists with the same name.'); break; case ERR_INCOMPLETE: $msg = __('There was a problem updating module. Some required fields are missed: (name)'); break; case ERR_NOCHANGES: $msg = __('There was a problem updating module. "No change"'); break; case ERR_DB: case ERR_GENERIC: default: $msg = __('There was a problem updating module. Processing error'); break; } // I save the result of the action (insert or update). $success_action = $result; $result = false; ui_print_error_message($msg); $edit_module = true; db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_AGENT_MANAGEMENT, "Fail to try update module '".io_safe_output($name)."' for agent ".io_safe_output($agent['alias']) ); } else { if ($prediction_module === MODULE_PREDICTION_SYNTHETIC) { enterprise_hook( 'modules_create_synthetic_operations', [ $id_agent_module, $serialize_ops, ] ); } // Update the module interval. cron_update_module_interval($id_agent_module, $cron_interval); ui_print_success_message(__('Module successfully updated')); $id_agent_module = false; $edit_module = false; $agent = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agente); db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_AGENT_MANAGEMENT, "Updated module '".io_safe_output($name)."' for agent ".io_safe_output($agent['alias']), false, false, io_json_mb_encode($values) ); } } // MODULE INSERT. if ($create_module) { // Old configuration data must always be empty in case of creation. $old_configuration_data = ''; if (isset($_POST['combo_snmp_oid']) === true) { $combo_snmp_oid = get_parameter_post('combo_snmp_oid'); } if (empty($snmp_oid) === true) { $snmp_oid = $combo_snmp_oid; } $id_module = (int) get_parameter('id_module'); $values = [ 'id_tipo_modulo' => $id_module_type, 'descripcion' => $description, 'max' => $max, 'min' => $min, 'snmp_oid' => $snmp_oid, 'snmp_community' => $snmp_community, 'id_module_group' => $id_module_group, 'module_interval' => $interval, 'module_ff_interval' => $ff_interval, 'ip_target' => $ip_target, 'tcp_port' => $tcp_port, 'tcp_rcv' => $tcp_rcv, 'tcp_send' => $tcp_send, 'id_export' => $id_export, 'plugin_user' => $plugin_user, 'plugin_pass' => $plugin_pass, 'plugin_parameter' => $plugin_parameter, 'id_plugin' => $id_plugin, 'post_process' => $post_process, 'prediction_module' => $prediction_module, 'max_timeout' => $max_timeout, 'max_retries' => $max_retries, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'id_modulo' => $id_module, 'custom_id' => $custom_id, 'history_data' => $history_data, 'dynamic_interval' => $dynamic_interval, 'dynamic_max' => $dynamic_max, 'dynamic_min' => $dynamic_min, 'dynamic_two_tailed' => $dynamic_two_tailed, 'parent_module_id' => $parent_module_id, 'min_warning' => $min_warning, 'max_warning' => $max_warning, 'str_warning' => $str_warning, 'min_critical' => $min_critical, 'max_critical' => $max_critical, 'str_critical' => $str_critical, 'custom_string_1' => $custom_string_1, 'custom_string_2' => $custom_string_2, 'custom_string_3' => $custom_string_3, 'custom_integer_1' => $custom_integer_1, 'custom_integer_2' => $custom_integer_2, 'min_ff_event' => $ff_event, 'min_ff_event_normal' => $ff_event_normal, 'min_ff_event_warning' => $ff_event_warning, 'min_ff_event_critical' => $ff_event_critical, 'ff_type' => $ff_type, 'each_ff' => $each_ff, 'ff_timeout' => $ff_timeout, 'unit' => io_safe_output($unit), 'macros' => $macros, 'quiet' => $quiet_module, 'cps' => $cps_module, 'critical_instructions' => $critical_instructions, 'warning_instructions' => $warning_instructions, 'unknown_instructions' => $unknown_instructions, 'critical_inverse' => $critical_inverse, 'warning_inverse' => $warning_inverse, 'percentage_critical' => $percentage_critical, 'percentage_warning' => $percentage_warning, 'cron_interval' => $cron_interval, 'id_category' => $id_category, 'disabled_types_event' => addslashes($disabled_types_event), 'module_macros' => $module_macros, 'warning_time' => $warning_time, ]; if ($id_module_type === 30 || $id_module_type === 31 || $id_module_type === 32 || $id_module_type === 33 || $id_module_type === 38 ) { $plugin_parameter_split = explode(' ', $values['plugin_parameter']); $values['plugin_parameter'] = ''; foreach ($plugin_parameter_split as $key => $value) { if ((int) $key === 1) { if ($http_user) { $values['plugin_parameter'] .= 'http_auth_user '.$http_user.' '; } if ($http_pass) { $values['plugin_parameter'] .= 'http_auth_pass '.$http_pass.' '; } } $values['plugin_parameter'] .= $value.' '; } } if ((int) $prediction_module === MODULE_PREDICTION_SYNTHETIC && empty($serialize_ops) === true) { $id_agent_module = false; } else { $id_agent_module = modules_create_agent_module( $id_agente, $name, $values, false, $id_tag ); } if (is_error($id_agent_module) === true) { switch ($id_agent_module) { case ERR_EXIST: $msg = __('There was a problem adding module. Another module already exists with the same name.'); break; case ERR_INCOMPLETE: $msg = __('There was a problem adding module. Some required fields are missed : (name)'); break; case ERR_DB: case ERR_GENERIC: default: $msg = __('There was a problem adding module. Processing error'); break; } // I save the result of the action (insert or update). $success_action = $id_agent_module; $id_agent_module = false; ui_print_error_message($msg); $edit_module = true; $moduletype = $id_module; db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_AGENT_MANAGEMENT, "Fail to try added module '".io_safe_output($name)."' for agent ".io_safe_output($agent['alias']) ); } else { if ($prediction_module === MODULE_PREDICTION_SYNTHETIC) { enterprise_hook( 'modules_create_synthetic_operations', [ $id_agent_module, $serialize_ops, ] ); } // Update the module interval. cron_update_module_interval($id_agent_module, $cron_interval); ui_print_success_message(__('Module added successfully')); $id_agent_module = false; $edit_module = false; $info = ''; $agent = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agente); db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_AGENT_MANAGEMENT, "Added module '".db_escape_string_sql($name)."' for agent ".io_safe_output($agent['alias']), false, true, io_json_mb_encode($values) ); } } // MODULE ENABLE/DISABLE // =====================. /* if ($enable_module) { $result = modules_change_disabled($enable_module, 0); $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name($enable_module); // Write for conf disable if remote_config. $configuration_data = enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_get_module_from_conf', [ $id_agente, io_safe_output($module_name), ] ); // Force disable. $disabled = 0; // Force Update when disabled for save disabled in conf. $old_configuration_data = $configuration_data; // Successfull action. $success_action = $result; $success_action = $result; if ($result === NOERR) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MODULE_MANAGEMENT, 'Enable #'.$enable_module.' | '.$module_name.' | '.io_safe_output($agent['alias']) ); } else { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MODULE_MANAGEMENT, 'Fail to enable #'.$enable_module.' | '.$module_name.' | '.io_safe_output($agent['alias']) ); } } if ($disable_module) { $result = modules_change_disabled($disable_module, 1); $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name($disable_module); // Write for conf disable if remote_config. $configuration_data = enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_get_module_from_conf', [ $id_agente, io_safe_output($module_name), ] ); // Force disable. $disabled = 1; // Force Update when disabled for save disabled in conf. $old_configuration_data = $configuration_data; // Successfull action. $success_action = $result; if ($result === NOERR) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MODULE_MANAGEMENT, 'Disable #'.$disable_module.' | '.$module_name.' | '.io_safe_output($agent['alias']) ); } else { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MODULE_MANAGEMENT, 'Fail to disable #'.$disable_module.' | '.$module_name.' | '.io_safe_output($agent['alias']) ); } } */ // Fix to stop the module from being added to the agent's conf // when an error occurred while updating or inserting. or enable disable module. if ($update_module || $create_module || $enable_module || $disable_module ) { if ((!$module_in_policy && !$module_linked) || ($module_in_policy && !$module_linked) ) { if ($success_action > 0) { enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_write_module_in_conf', [ $id_agente, io_safe_output($old_configuration_data), io_safe_output($configuration_data), $disabled, ] ); } } } // MODULE DELETION // =================. if ($delete_module) { // DELETE agent module ! $id_borrar_modulo = (int) get_parameter_get('delete_module', 0); $module_data = db_get_row_sql( 'SELECT tam.id_agente, tam.nombre FROM tagente_modulo tam, tagente_estado tae WHERE tam.id_agente_modulo = tae.id_agente_modulo AND tam.id_agente_modulo = '.$id_borrar_modulo ); $id_grupo = (int) agents_get_agent_group($id_agente); $all_groups = agents_get_all_groups_agent($id_agente, $id_grupo); if (! check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $all_groups, 'AW')) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_ACL_VIOLATION, 'Trying to delete a module without admin rights' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; exit; } if (empty($module_data) || $id_borrar_modulo < 1) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_HACK_ATTEMPT, 'Expected variable from form is not correct' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; exit; } // Before delete the main module, check and delete the childrens from the original module. module_check_childrens_and_delete($id_borrar_modulo); // Also call base function to delete modules. modules_delete_agent_module($id_borrar_modulo); // Check for errors. if ($error != 0) { ui_print_error_message(__('There was a problem deleting the module')); } else { echo ''; $agent = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agente); db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_AGENT_MANAGEMENT, "Deleted module '".io_safe_output($module_data['nombre'])."' for agent ".io_safe_output($agent['alias']) ); } } // MODULE DUPLICATION. if (!empty($duplicate_module)) { // DUPLICATE agent module ! $id_duplicate_module = $duplicate_module; $original_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_duplicate_module); $copy_name = io_safe_input(sprintf(__('copy of %s'), io_safe_output($original_name))); $cont = 0; $exists = true; while ($exists) { $exists = (bool) db_get_value( 'id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', 'nombre', $copy_name ); if ($exists) { $cont++; $copy_name = io_safe_input( sprintf(__('copy of %s (%d)'), io_safe_output($original_name), $cont) ); } } $result = modules_copy_agent_module_to_agent( $id_duplicate_module, modules_get_agentmodule_agent($id_duplicate_module), $copy_name ); $agent = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agente); if ($result) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_AGENT_MANAGEMENT, "Duplicate module '".$id_duplicate_module."' for agent ".$agent['alias'].' with the new id for clon '.$result ); } else { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_AGENT_MANAGEMENT, "Fail to try duplicate module '".$id_duplicate_module."' for agent ".$agent['alias'] ); } } // MODULE ENABLE/DISABLE. if ($enable_module) { $result = modules_change_disabled($enable_module, 0); $modulo_nombre = db_get_row_sql('SELECT nombre FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$enable_module.''); $modulo_nombre = io_safe_output($modulo_nombre['nombre']); if ($result === NOERR) { enterprise_hook('config_agents_enable_module_conf', [$id_agente, $enable_module]); db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MODULE_MANAGEMENT, 'Enable #'.$enable_module.' | '.$modulo_nombre.' | '.$agent['alias'] ); } else { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MODULE_MANAGEMENT, 'Fail to enable #'.$enable_module.' | '.$modulo_nombre.' | '.$agent['alias'] ); } ui_print_result_message( $result, __('Successfully enabled'), __('Could not be enabled') ); } if ($disable_module) { $result = modules_change_disabled($disable_module, 1); $modulo_nombre = db_get_row_sql('SELECT nombre FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$disable_module.''); $modulo_nombre = io_safe_output($modulo_nombre['nombre']); if ($result === NOERR) { enterprise_hook('config_agents_disable_module_conf', [$id_agente, $disable_module]); db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MODULE_MANAGEMENT, 'Disable #'.$disable_module.' | '.$modulo_nombre.' | '.$agent['alias'] ); } else { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MODULE_MANAGEMENT, 'Fail to disable #'.$disable_module.' | '.$modulo_nombre.' | '.$agent['alias'] ); } ui_print_result_message( $result, __('Successfully disabled'), __('Could not be disabled') ); } // UPDATE GIS. $updateGIS = (bool) get_parameter('update_gis', 0); if ($updateGIS === true) { $updateGisData = get_parameter('update_gis_data'); $lastLatitude = get_parameter('latitude'); $lastLongitude = get_parameter('longitude'); $lastAltitude = get_parameter('altitude'); $idAgente = get_parameter('id_agente'); $previusAgentGISData = db_get_row_sql( ' SELECT * FROM tgis_data_status WHERE tagente_id_agente = '.$idAgente ); db_process_sql_update( 'tagente', ['update_gis_data' => $updateGisData], ['id_agente' => $idAgente] ); if ($previusAgentGISData !== false) { db_process_sql_insert( 'tgis_data_history', [ 'longitude' => $previusAgentGISData['stored_longitude'], 'latitude' => $previusAgentGISData['stored_latitude'], 'altitude' => $previusAgentGISData['stored_altitude'], 'start_timestamp' => $previusAgentGISData['start_timestamp'], 'end_timestamp' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'description' => __('Save by %s Console', get_product_name()), 'manual_placement' => $previusAgentGISData['manual_placement'], 'number_of_packages' => $previusAgentGISData['number_of_packages'], 'tagente_id_agente' => $previusAgentGISData['tagente_id_agente'], ] ); db_process_sql_update( 'tgis_data_status', [ 'tagente_id_agente' => $idAgente, 'current_longitude' => $lastLongitude, 'current_latitude' => $lastLatitude, 'current_altitude' => $lastAltitude, 'stored_longitude' => $lastLongitude, 'stored_latitude' => $lastLatitude, 'stored_altitude' => $lastAltitude, 'start_timestamp' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'manual_placement' => 1, 'description' => __('Update by %s Console', get_product_name()), ], ['tagente_id_agente' => $idAgente] ); } else { db_process_sql_insert( 'tgis_data_status', [ 'tagente_id_agente' => $idAgente, 'current_longitude' => $lastLongitude, 'current_latitude' => $lastLatitude, 'current_altitude' => $lastAltitude, 'stored_longitude' => $lastLongitude, 'stored_latitude' => $lastLatitude, 'stored_altitude' => $lastAltitude, 'manual_placement' => 1, 'description' => __('Insert by %s Console', get_product_name()), ] ); } } // ----------------------------------- // Load page depending on tab selected // ----------------------------------- if ($_SESSION['create_module'] && $config['welcome_state'] == 1) { $edit_module = true; } switch ($tab) { case 'main': include 'agent_manager.php'; break; case 'module': if ($id_agent_module || $edit_module) { include 'module_manager_editor.php'; } else { include 'module_manager.php'; } break; case 'alert': /* * Because $id_agente is set, it will show only agent alerts * This var is for not display create button on alert list */ $dont_display_alert_create_bttn = true; include 'godmode/alerts/alert_list.php'; break; case 'template': include 'agent_template.php'; break; case 'gis': include 'agent_conf_gis.php'; break; case 'incident': include 'agent_incidents.php'; break; case 'ncm': enterprise_hook('ncm_agent_tab', [$id_agente]); break; case 'remote_configuration': enterprise_include('godmode/agentes/agent_disk_conf_editor.php'); break; case 'extension': $found = false; foreach ($config['extensions'] as $extension) { if (isset($extension['extension_god_tab'])) { $id = $extension['extension_god_tab']['id']; $function = $extension['extension_god_tab']['function']; $id_extension = get_parameter('id_extension', ''); if ($id_extension == $id) { call_user_func_array($function, []); $found = true; } } } if (!$found) { ui_print_error_message(__('Invalid tab specified')); } break; case 'agent_wizard': include 'agent_wizard.php'; break; case 'inventory': include 'inventory_manager.php'; break; case 'policy': enterprise_include('operation/agentes/policy_manager.php'); break; default: if (enterprise_hook('switch_agent_tab', [$tab])) { // This will make sure that blank pages will have at least some // debug info in them - do not translate debug. ui_print_error_message(__('Invalid tab specified')); } break; } ?>