loadConfig(); DB::getInstance($this->getConfig('db_engine', 'mysql')); session_start(); $this->session = $_SESSION; session_write_close(); } public static function getInstance() { if (!(self::$instance instanceof self)) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } private function loadConfig() { global $config; $this->config = &$config; } public function getRequest($name, $default = null) { $return = $default; if (isset($_POST[$name])) { $return = $_POST[$name]; } else { if (isset($_GET[$name])) { $return = $_GET[$name]; } } return $return; } public function safeOutput($value) { require_once($this->getConfig('homedir') . '/include/functions_io.php'); return io_safe_output($value); } public function safeInput($value) { require_once($this->getConfig('homedir') . '/include/functions_io.php'); return io_safe_input($value); } public function getConfig($name, $default = null) { if (!isset($this->config[$name])) { return $default; } else { return $this->config[$name]; } } public function setSessionBase($name, $value) { session_start(); $_SESSION[$name] = $value; session_write_close(); } public function setSession($name, $value) { $this->session[$name] = $value; session_start(); $_SESSION = $this->session; session_write_close(); } public function getSession($name, $default = null) { if (!isset($this->session[$name])) { return $default; } else { return $this->session[$name]; } } public function sessionDestroy() { session_start(); session_destroy(); } public function getPageSize() { return 10; } public function checkACL($access = "AR", $group_id = 0) { if (check_acl($this->getConfig('id_user'), $group_id, $access)) { return true; } else { db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation", "Trying to access to Mobile Page"); return false; } } } ?>