'; if ($disabled) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } echo $label; echo ''; echo ''; } function printItemInVisualConsole($layoutData) { $width = $layoutData['width']; $height = $max_percentile = $layoutData['height']; $top = $layoutData['pos_y']; $left = $layoutData['pos_x']; $id = $layoutData['id']; $color = $layoutData['label_color']; $label = $layoutData['label']; $id_module = $layoutData['id_agente_modulo']; $type = $layoutData['type']; $period = $layoutData['period']; $sizeStyle = ''; $borderStyle = ''; $imageSize = ''; $text = '' . $label . ''; switch ($type) { case STATIC_GRAPH: if ($layoutData['image'] != null) { $img = getImageStatusElement($layoutData); if(substr($img,0,1) == '4') { $borderStyle ='border: 2px solid #ffa300;'; $img = substr_replace($img, '', 0,1); } $imgSizes = getimagesize($img); } if (($width != 0) && ($height != 0)) { $sizeStyle = 'width: ' . $width . 'px; height: ' . $height . 'px;'; $imageSize = 'width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"'; } echo '
'; if ($layoutData['image'] != null) { if (($width != 0) && ($height != 0)) echo print_image($img, true, array("class" => "image", "id" => "image_" . $id, "width" => "$width", "height" => "$height", "style" => $borderStyle)); else echo print_image($img, true, array("class" => "image", "id" => "image_" . $id, "style" => $borderStyle)); echo '
'; } echo $text; echo "
"; break; case PERCENTILE_BAR: $module_value = get_db_sql ('SELECT datos FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . $id_module); if ( $max_percentile > 0) $percentile = $module_value / $max_percentile * 100; else $percentile = 100; $img = ''; echo '
'; echo $text . '
'; echo $img; echo '
'; break; case MODULE_GRAPH: $img = ''; echo '
'; echo $text . '
'; echo $img; echo '
'; break; case SIMPLE_VALUE: echo '
'; echo $text; echo ' ' . get_db_value ('datos', 'tagente_estado', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_module) . ''; echo '
'; break; case LABEL: echo '
'; echo $text; echo "
"; break; case ICON: if ($layoutData['image'] != null) { $img = getImageStatusElement($layoutData); $imgSizes = getimagesize($img); } if (($width != 0) && ($height != 0)) { $sizeStyle = 'width: ' . $width . 'px; height: ' . $height . 'px;'; $imageSize = 'width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"'; } echo '
'; if ($layoutData['image'] != null) { if (($width != 0) && ($height != 0)) echo print_image($img, true, array("class" => "image", "id" => "image_" . $id, "width" => "$width", "height" => "$height")); else echo print_image($img, true, array("class" => "image", "id" => "image_" . $id)); echo '
'; } echo "
"; break; } //Add the line between elements. if ($layoutData['parent_item'] != 0) { echo ''; } } /** * The function to save the new elements of agents make as wizard. * * @param array $id_agents The list of id of agents. * @param string $image The image to set the elements. * @param integer $id_layout The id of visual console to insert the elements. * @param integer $range The distance between elements. * @param integer $width Width of image. * @param integer $height Height of image. * * @return string Return the message status to insert DB. */ function process_wizard_add ($id_agents, $image, $id_layout, $range, $width = 0, $height = 0) { if (empty ($id_agents)) { print_error_message (__('No agents selected')); return false; } $id_agents = (array) $id_agents; $error = false; $pos_y = 10; $pos_x = 10; foreach ($id_agents as $id_agent) { if ($pos_x > 600) { $pos_x = 10; $pos_y = $pos_y + $range; } process_sql_insert ('tlayout_data', array ('id_layout' => $id_layout, 'pos_x' => $pos_x, 'pos_y' => $pos_y, 'label' => get_agent_name ($id_agent), 'image' => $image, 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'label_color' => '#000000') ); $pos_x = $pos_x + $range; } $return = print_success_message (__('Agent successfully added to layout'), '', true); return $return; } /** * The function to save the new elements of modules make as wizard. * * @param array $id_modules The list of id of modules. * @param string $image The image to set the elements. * @param integer $id_layout The id of visual console to insert the elements. * @param integer $range The distance between elements. * @param integer $width Width of image. * @param integer $height Height of image. * * @return string Return the message status to insert DB. */ function process_wizard_add_modules ($id_modules, $image, $id_layout, $range, $width = 0, $height = 0) { if (empty ($id_modules)) { $return = print_error_message (__('No modules selected'), '', true); return false; } $id_modules = (array) $id_modules; $error = false; $pos_y = 10; $pos_x = 10; foreach ($id_modules as $id_module) { if ($pos_x > 600) { $pos_x = 10; $pos_y = $pos_y + $range; } $id_agent = get_agentmodule_agent ($id_module); process_sql_insert ('tlayout_data', array ('id_layout' => $id_layout, 'pos_x' => $pos_x, 'pos_y' => $pos_y, 'label' => get_agentmodule_name ($id_module), 'image' => $image, 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agente_modulo' => $id_module, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'label_color' => '#000000') ); $pos_x = $pos_x + $range; } $return = print_success_message (__('Modules successfully added to layout'), '', true); return $return; } /** * Get the color of line between elements in the visual map. * * @param array $layoutData The row of element in DB. * * @return string The color as hexadecimal color in html. */ function getColorLineStatus($layoutData) { if (($layoutData['type'] == 5) || ($layoutData['type'] == 4)) { //ICON ELEMENT OR LABEL ELEMENT $color = "#cccccc"; } else { switch (getStatusElement($layoutData)) { case 3: $color = "#cccccc"; // Gray break; case 2: $color = "#20f6f6"; // Yellow break; case 0: $color = "#00ff00"; // Green break; case 4: case 1: $color = "#ff0000"; // Red break; } } return $color; } /** * Get image of element in the visual console with status. * * @param array $layoutData The row of element in DB. * * @return string The image with the relative path to pandora console directory. */ function getImageStatusElement($layoutData) { $img = "images/console/icons/" . $layoutData["image"]; if ($layoutData['type'] == 5) { //ICON ELEMENT $img .= ".png"; } else { switch (getStatusElement($layoutData)) { case 1: //Critical (BAD) $img .= "_bad.png"; break; case 4: //Critical (ALERT) $img .= "_bad.png"; break; case 0: //Normal (OK) $img .= "_ok.png"; break; case 2: //Warning $img .= "_warning.png"; break; case 3: //Unknown default: $img .= ".png"; // Default is Grey (Other) } } return $img; } /** * Get the status of element in visual console. Check the agent state or * module or layout linked. * * @param array $layoutData The row of element in DB. * * @return integer */ function getStatusElement($layoutData) { //Linked to other layout ?? - Only if not module defined if ($layoutData['id_layout_linked'] != 0) { $status = get_layout_status ($layoutData['id_layout_linked']); } else if ($layoutData["type"] == 0) { //Single object //Status for a simple module if ($layoutData['id_agente_modulo'] != 0) { $status = get_agentmodule_status ($layoutData['id_agente_modulo']); //Status for a whole agent, if agente_modulo was == 0 } else if ($layoutData['id_agent'] != 0) { $status = get_agent_status ($layoutData["id_agent"]); if ($status == -1) // get_agent_status return -1 for unknown! $status = 3; } else { $status = 3; $id_agent = 0; } } else { //If it's a graph, a progress bar or a data tag, ALWAYS report status OK //(=0) to avoid confussions here. $status = 0; } return $status; } /** * Prints visual map * * @param int $id_layout Layout id * @param bool $show_links * @param bool $draw_lines */ function print_pandora_visual_map ($id_layout, $show_links = true, $draw_lines = true, $width = null, $height = null) { global $config; $layout = get_db_row ('tlayout', 'id', $id_layout); $resizedMap = false; $proportion = 1; if (!is_null($width)) { $resizedMap = true; if (!is_null($height)) { $mapWidth = $width; $mapHeight = $height; } else { $mapWidth = $width; $proportion = $width / $layout["width"]; $mapHeight = $proportion * $layout["height"]; } $backgroundImage = 'include/Image/image_functions.php?getFile=1&thumb=1&thumb_size=' . $mapWidth . 'x' . $mapHeight . '&file=' . $config['homeurl'] . '/' . 'images/console/background/'.safe_input ($layout["background"]); } else { $mapWidth = $layout["width"]; $mapHeight = $layout["height"]; $backgroundImage = 'images/console/background/'.safe_input ($layout["background"]); } echo '
'; echo ""; $layout_datas = get_db_all_rows_field_filter ('tlayout_data', 'id_layout', $id_layout); $lines = array (); if ($layout_datas !== false) { foreach ($layout_datas as $layout_data) { $layout_data['label'] = safe_output($layout_data['label']); // **************************************************************** // Get parent status (Could be an agent, module, map, others doesnt have parent info) // **************************************************************** // Pending delete and disable modules must be ignored $delete_pending_module = get_db_value ("delete_pending", "tagente_modulo", "id_agente_modulo", $layout_data["id_agente_modulo"]); $disabled_module = get_db_value ("disabled", "tagente_modulo", "id_agente_modulo", $layout_data["id_agente_modulo"]); if($delete_pending_module == 1 || $disabled_module == 1) continue; if ($layout_data["parent_item"] != 0){ $id_agent_module_parent = get_db_value ("id_agente_modulo", "tlayout_data", "id", $layout_data["parent_item"]); $id_agent_parent = get_db_value ("id_agent", "tlayout_data", "id", $layout_data["parent_item"]); $id_layout_linked = get_db_value ("id_layout_linked", "tlayout_data", "id", $layout_data["parent_item"]); // Module if ($id_agent_module_parent != 0) { $status_parent = get_agentmodule_status ($id_agent_module_parent); // Agent } elseif ($id_agent_parent != 0) { $status_parent = get_agent_status ($id_agent_parent); } // Another layout/map elseif ($id_layout_linked != 0) { $status_parent = get_layout_status ($id_layout_linked); } else { $status_parent = 3; } } else { $id_agent_module_parent = 0; $status_parent = 3; } // **************************************************************** // Get STATUS of current object // **************************************************************** // Linked to other layout ?? - Only if not module defined if ($layout_data['id_layout_linked'] != 0) { $status = get_layout_status ($layout_data['id_layout_linked']); // Single object } elseif ($layout_data["type"] == 0) { // Status for a simple module if ($layout_data['id_agente_modulo'] != 0) { $status = get_agentmodule_status ($layout_data['id_agente_modulo']); $id_agent = get_db_value ("id_agente", "tagente_estado", "id_agente_modulo", $layout_data['id_agente_modulo']); // Status for a whole agent, if agente_modulo was == 0 } elseif ($layout_data['id_agent'] != 0) { $status = get_agent_status ($layout_data["id_agent"]); if ($status == -1) // get_agent_status return -1 for unknown! $status = 3; $id_agent = $layout_data["id_agent"]; } else { $status = 3; $id_agent = 0; } } else { // If it's a graph, a progress bar or a data tag, ALWAYS report // status OK (=0) to avoid confussions here. $status = 0; } // **************************************************************** // STATIC IMAGE (type = 0) // **************************************************************** if ($layout_data['type'] == 0) { // Link image //index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=1 if ($status == 0) // Bad monitor $z_index = 3; elseif ($status == 2) // Warning $z_index = 2; elseif ($status == 4) // Alert $z_index = 4; else $z_index = 1; // Print BAD over good // Draw image if ($resizedMap) echo '
'; else echo '
'; if (!isset ($id_agent)) $id_agent = 0; if ($show_links) { if (($id_agent > 0) && ($layout_data['id_layout_linked'] == "" || $layout_data['id_layout_linked'] == 0)) { // Link to an agent echo ''; } elseif ($layout_data['id_layout_linked'] > 0) { // Link to a map echo ''; } else { // A void object echo ''; } } $img_style = array (); $img_style["title"] = $layout_data["label"]; if (!empty ($layout_data["width"])) { $img_style["width"] = $layout_data["width"]; } if (!empty ($layout_data["height"])) { $img_style["height"] = $layout_data["height"]; } $img = "images/console/icons/".$layout_data["image"]; switch ($status) { case 1: //Critical (BAD) $img .= "_bad.png"; break; case 4: //Critical (ALERT) $img = "4".$img."_bad.png"; break; case 0: //Normal (OK) $img .= "_ok.png"; break; case 2: //Warning $img .= "_warning.png"; break; case 3: //Unknown default: $img .= ".png"; // Default is Grey (Other) } $borderStyle = ''; if(substr($img,0,1) == '4') { $img_style['border'] ='2px solid #ffa300;'; $img = substr_replace($img, '', 0,1); } if (is_file($img)) $infoImage = getimagesize($img); if (!empty ($layout_data["width"])) { if ($resizedMap) $img_style["width"] = (integer)($proportion * $layout_data["width"]); else $img_style["width"] = $layout_data["width"]; } else $img_style["width"] = (integer)($proportion * $infoImage[0]); if (!empty ($layout_data["height"])) { if ($resizedMap) $img_style["height"] = (integer)($proportion * $img_style["height"]); else $img_style["height"] = $layout_data["height"]; } else $img_style["height"] = (integer)($proportion * $infoImage[1]); print_image ($img, false, $img_style); echo ""; // Print label if valid label_color (only testing for starting with #) otherwise print nothing if ($layout_data['label_color'][0] == '#') { echo "
"; echo $layout_data['label']; } echo "
"; } switch ($layout_data['type']) { case 4: // **************************************************************** // LABEL (type = 4) // **************************************************************** $z_index = 4; if ($resizedMap) echo '
'; else echo '
'; $endTagA = false; if ($show_links) { if (!isset($id_agent)) $id_agent = 0; if (($id_agent > 0) && ($layout_data['id_layout_linked'] == "" || $layout_data['id_layout_linked'] == 0)) { // Link to an agent echo ''; $endTagA = true; } elseif ($layout_data['id_layout_linked'] > 0) { // Link to a map echo ''; $endTagA = true; } } if ($layout_data['label_color'][0] == '#') { echo "
"; echo $layout_data['label']; } if ($endTagA) echo "
"; echo "
"; break; case 5: // **************************************************************** // ICON (type = 5) // **************************************************************** $z_index = 4; if ($resizedMap) echo '
'; else echo '"; break; case 2: // **************************************************************** // SIMPLE DATA VALUE (type = 2) // **************************************************************** if ($resizedMap) echo '
'; else echo '
'; echo ''.$layout_data['label']. ' '; echo get_db_value ('datos', 'tagente_estado', 'id_agente_modulo', $layout_data['id_agente_modulo']); echo '
'; break; case 3: // **************************************************************** // Progress bar // **************************************************************** if ($resizedMap) echo '
'; else echo '
'; $valor = get_db_sql ('SELECT datos FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$layout_data['id_agente_modulo']); $width = $layout_data['width']; if ( $layout_data['height'] > 0) $percentile = $valor / $layout_data['height'] * 100; else $percentile = 100; echo $layout_data['label']; echo "
"; if ($resizedMap) echo ""; else echo ""; echo '
'; break; case 1; // **************************************************************** // Single module graph // **************************************************************** // SINGLE GRAPH (type = 1) if ($resizedMap) echo '
'; else echo '"; break; } // **************************************************************** // Lines joining objects // **************************************************************** // Get parent relationship - Create line data if ($layout_data["parent_item"] != "" && $layout_data["parent_item"] != 0) { $line['id'] = $layout_data['id']; $line['node_begin'] = 'layout-data-'.$layout_data["parent_item"]; $line['node_end'] = 'layout-data-'.$layout_data["id"]; switch ($status_parent) { default: case 3: $line["color"] = "#ccc"; // Gray break; case 2: $line["color"] = "#20f6f6"; // Yellow break; case 0: $line["color"] = "#00ff00"; // Green break; case 4: case 1: $line["color"] = "#ff0000"; // Red break; } array_push ($lines, $line); } } } if ($draw_lines) { /* If you want lines in the map, call using Javascript: draw_lines (lines, id_div); on body load, where id_div is the id of the div which holds the map */ echo ''; } // End main div echo "
"; } /** * @return array Layout data types */ function get_layout_data_types () { $types = array (); $types[0] = __('Static graph'); $types[1] = __('Module graph'); $types[2] = __('Simple value'); $types[3] = __('Percentile bar'); return $types; } /** * Get a list with the layouts for a user. * * @param int User id. * @param bool Wheter to return all the fields or only the name (to use in * print_select() directly) * @param array Additional filters to filter the layouts. * * @return array A list of layouts the user can see. */ function get_user_layouts ($id_user = 0, $only_names = false, $filter = false) { if (! is_array ($filter)) $filter = array (); $where = format_array_to_where_clause_sql ($filter); if ($where != '') { $where .= ' AND '; } $groups = get_user_groups ($id_user); $where .= sprintf ('id_group IN (%s)', implode (",", array_keys ($groups))); $layouts = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tlayout', $where); if ($layouts == false) return array (); $retval = array (); foreach ($layouts as $layout) { if ($only_names) $retval[$layout['id']] = $layout['name']; else $retval[$layout['id']] = $layout; } return $retval; } /** * Get the status of a layout. * * It gets all the data of the contained elements (including nested * layouts), and makes an AND operation to be sure that all the items * are OK. If any of them is down, then result is down (0) * * @param int Id of the layout * @param int Depth (for recursion control) * * @return bool The status of the given layout. True if it's OK, false if not. */ function get_layout_status ($id_layout = 0, $depth = 0) { $temp_status = 0; $temp_total = 0; $depth++; // For recursion depth checking // TODO: Implement this limit as a configurable item in setup if ($depth > 10){ return 3; // No status data if we need to exit by a excesive recursion } $id_layout = (int) $id_layout; $result = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tlayout_data', array ('id_layout' => $id_layout), array ('id_agente_modulo', 'parent_item', 'id_layout_linked', 'id_agent', 'type')); if ($result === false) return 0; foreach ($result as $rownum => $data) { if (($data["id_layout_linked"] == 0 && $data["id_agente_modulo"] == 0 && $data["id_agent"] == 0) || $data['type'] != 0) continue; // Other Layout (Recursive!) if (($data["id_layout_linked"] != 0) && ($data["id_agente_modulo"] == 0)) { $status = get_layout_status ($data["id_layout_linked"], $depth); // Module } elseif ($data["id_agente_modulo"] != 0) { $status = get_agentmodule_status ($data["id_agente_modulo"]); // Agent } else { $status = get_agent_status ($data["id_agent"]); } if ($status == 1) return 1; if ($status > $temp_total) $temp_total = $status; } return $temp_total; } /** * Make a text for the parent select, when the label is not empty put this for * the return text. Instead for the empty labels make the text with next form * () - ( - ) () * * @param string $label The label of item in visual map. * @param string $type The label of type in visual map. * @param string $image The image of item in visual map. * @param string $agent The agent name of item in visual map. * @param string $id_module The module name of item in visual map. * @param int $idData The id of item in visual map. * * @return string The text for the parent. */ function createInternalNameItem($label = null, $type, $image, $agent = null, $id_module, $idData) { $text = ''; if (empty($label)) { switch ($type) { case 'module_graph': case MODULE_GRAPH: $text = __('Module graph'); break; case 'percentile_bar': case PERCENTILE_BAR: $text = __('Percentile bar'); break; case 'static_graph': case STATIC_GRAPH: $text = __('Static graph') . " - " . $image; break; case 'simple_value': case SIMPLE_VALUE: $text = __('Simple Value'); break; case 'label': case LABEL: $text = __('Label'); break; case 'icon': case ICON: $text = __('Icon') . " - " . $image; break; } if (!empty($agent)) { $text .= " (" . printTruncateText($agent, 10, false); $moduleName = get_db_value('nombre', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_module); if (!empty($moduleName)) { $text .= " - " . printTruncateText($moduleName, 10, false); } $text .= ")"; } $text .= ' (' . $idData . ')'; } else { $text = $label; } return $text; } function get_items_parents($idVisual) { $items = get_db_all_rows_filter('tlayout_data',array('id_layout' => $idVisual)); if ($items == false) { $items = array(); } $return = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $agent = null; if ($item['id_agent'] != 0) { $agent = get_agent_name($item['id_agent']); } $return[$item['id']] = createInternalNameItem($item['label'], $item['type'], $item['image'], $agent, $item['id_agente_modulo'], $item['id']); } return $return; } ?>