-- Insert new RDS APP SET @current_app_type = 7; SET @short_name = 'pandorafms.aws.rds'; SET @name = 'Amazon RDS'; SET @section = 'cloud'; SET @description = 'Monitor AWS RDS instances'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_aws_rds'); INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/aws_rds'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileRDS_''); -- Insert new MySQL APP SET @short_name = 'pandorafms.mysql'; SET @name = 'MySQL'; SET @section = 'app'; SET @description = 'Monitor MySQL databases'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app_mysql := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_mysql'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES ('', @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileConf_' --target_databases '_tempfileTargetDatabases_' --target_agents '_tempfileTargetAgents_' --custom_queries '_tempfileCustomQueries_''); -- Insert new Oracle APP SET @short_name = 'pandorafms.oracle'; SET @name = 'Oracle'; SET @section = 'app'; SET @description = 'Monitor Oracle databases'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app_oracle := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_oracle'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES ('', @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileConf_' --target_databases '_tempfileTargetDatabases_' --target_agents '_tempfileTargetAgents_' --custom_queries '_tempfileCustomQueries_''); -- Migrate current RDS tasks configurations INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tentacleIP_', 'custom', '', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tentaclePort_', 'custom', '41121', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tentacleExtraOpt_', 'custom', '', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_credentials_', 'credentials.aws', `auth_strings`, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `trecon_task`.`type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_threads_', 'custom', 1, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_useProxy_', 'custom', 0, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_proxyUrl_', 'custom', '', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_sslCheck_', 'custom', 0, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_rdsInstance_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.dbtargets')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_rdsZones_', 'custom', '[]', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_rdsZonesInstance_', 'custom', '[]', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_rdsInstanceSummary_', 'custom', 0, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_rdsCpuPerfSummary_', 'custom', 0, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_rdsIopsPerfSummary_', 'custom', 0, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_rdsDiskPerfSummary_', 'custom', 0, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_rdsNetworkPerfSummary_', 'custom', 0, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tempfileRDS_', 'custom', 'interval=__taskInterval__ agents_group_name=__taskGroup__ advance_monitoring=_rdsInstanceSummary_ cpu_summary=_rdsCpuPerfSummary_ iops_summary=_rdsIopsPerfSummary_ disk_summary=_rdsDiskPerfSummary_ network_summary=_rdsNetworkPerfSummary_ aws_instances=_rdsInstance_ aws_regions=_rdsZones_ creds_b64=_credentials_ temporal=__temp__ transfer_mode=tentacle tentacle_ip=_tentacleIP_ tentacle_port=_tentaclePort_ tentacle_opts=_tentacleExtraOpt_ threads=_threads_ stats_agent=_statsAgent_ stats_agent_name=_statsAgentName_', 1 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_statsAgent_', 'custom', 0, 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_statsAgentName_', 'custom', '', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type ; -- Migrate current RDS tasks to MySQL tasks INSERT IGNORE INTO `trecon_task` ( `id_rt`, `name`, `description`, `id_group`, `utimestamp`, `status`, `interval_sweep`, `id_recon_server`, `disabled`, `summary`, `type`, `id_app`, `setup_complete`, `field1` ) SELECT '', CONCAT('MySQL - ', `name`), CONCAT('Migrated from - ', `name`), `id_group`, `utimestamp`, `status`, `interval_sweep`, `id_recon_server`, `disabled`, `summary`, `type`, @id_app_mysql, 0, `field1` FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.dbengine')) = 'mysql' ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_dbstrings_', 'custom', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.dbtargets')),'","',','),'["',''),'"]',''),'[',''),']',''), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_dbuser_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.dbuser')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_dbpass_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.dbpass')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_threads_', 'custom', '1', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_engineAgent_', 'custom', '', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_prefixModuleName_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.prefix_module_name')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_scanDatabases_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.scan_databases')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_agentPerDatabase_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.agent_per_database')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_prefixAgent_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.prefix_agent')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_checkUptime_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.check_uptime')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_queryStats_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.query_stats')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_checkConnections_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.check_connections')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_checkInnodb_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.check_innodb')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_checkCache_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.check_cache')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_executeCustomQueries_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.execute_custom_queries')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_customQueries_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.custom_queries')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tempfileConf_', 'custom', 'agents_group_id = __taskGroupID__ interval = __taskInterval__ user = _dbuser_ password = _dbpass_ threads = _threads_ modules_prefix = _prefixModuleName_ execute_custom_queries = _executeCustomQueries_ analyze_connections = _checkConnections_ scan_databases = _scanDatabases_ agent_per_database = _agentPerDatabase_ db_agent_prefix = _prefixAgent_ innodb_stats = _checkInnodb_ engine_uptime = _checkUptime_ query_stats = _queryStats_ cache_stats = _checkCache_', 1 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tempfileTargetDatabases_', 'custom', '_dbstrings_', 1 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tempfileTargetAgents_', 'custom', '_engineAgent_', 1 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tempfileCustomQueries_', 'custom', '_customQueries_', 1 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; -- Migrate current RDS tasks to Oracle tasks INSERT IGNORE INTO `trecon_task` ( `id_rt`, `name`, `description`, `id_group`, `utimestamp`, `status`, `interval_sweep`, `id_recon_server`, `disabled`, `summary`, `type`, `id_app`, `setup_complete`, `field1` ) SELECT '', CONCAT('Oracle - ', `name`), CONCAT('Migrated from - ', `name`), `id_group`, `utimestamp`, `status`, `interval_sweep`, `id_recon_server`, `disabled`, `summary`, `type`, @id_app_oracle, 0, `field1` FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.dbengine')) = 'oracle' ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_dbstrings_', 'custom', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.dbtargets')),'","',','),'["',''),'"]',''),'[',''),']',''), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_dbuser_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.dbuser')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_dbpass_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.dbpass')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_threads_', 'custom', '1', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_engineAgent_', 'custom', '', 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_prefixModuleName_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.prefix_module_name')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_checkUptime_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.check_uptime')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_queryStats_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.query_stats')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_checkConnections_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.check_connections')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_checkFragmentation_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.check_fragmentation')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_checkTablespaces_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.check_tablespaces')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_checkCache_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.check_cache')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_executeCustomQueries_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.execute_custom_queries')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_customQueries_', 'custom', JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(CONVERT(FROM_BASE64(`field1`) USING UTF8MB4), '$.custom_queries')), 0 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tempfileConf_', 'custom', 'agents_group_id = __taskGroupID__ interval = __taskInterval__ user = _dbuser_ password = _dbpass_ threads = _threads_ modules_prefix = _prefixModuleName_ execute_custom_queries = _executeCustomQueries_ analyze_connections = _checkConnections_ engine_uptime = _checkUptime_ query_stats = _queryStats_ cache_stats = _checkCache_ fragmentation_ratio = _checkFragmentation_ check_tablescpaces = _checkTablespaces_', 1 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tempfileTargetDatabases_', 'custom', '_dbstrings_', 1 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tempfileTargetAgents_', 'custom', '_engineAgent_', 1 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros` (`id_task`, `macro`, `type`, `value`, `temp_conf`) SELECT `id_rt`, '_tempfileCustomQueries_', 'custom', '_customQueries_', 1 FROM `trecon_task` WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; -- Migrate current RDS tasks UPDATE `trecon_task` SET `setup_complete` = 1, `type` = 15 WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_mysql ; UPDATE `trecon_task` SET `setup_complete` = 1, `type` = 15 WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` = @id_app_oracle ; UPDATE `trecon_task` SET `id_app` = @id_app, `setup_complete` = 1, `type` = 15 WHERE `type` = @current_app_type AND `id_app` IS NULL ;