$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= __('Time container lapse');
// $single_table .= ui_print_help_tip(__('This is the range, or period of time over which the report renders the information for this report type. For example, a week means data from a week ago from now. '),true);
$single_table .= " | ";
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= html_print_extended_select_for_time('period_container_'.$hash, $period,
'', '', '0', 10, true,'font-size: 9pt;width: 130px;',true,'',false,$periods,'vertical-align: middle;');
$single_table .= " | ";
$single_table .= "
$single_table .= "";
$table .= $single_table;
$contador = $config['max_graph_container'];
foreach ($result_items as $key => $value) {
$table .= "";
if($period > 1){
$value['time_lapse'] = $period;
switch ($value['type']) {
case 'simple_graph':
if ($contador > 0) {
$sql_modulo = db_get_all_rows_sql("SELECT nombre, id_agente FROM
tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = ". $value['id_agent_module']);
$sql_alias = db_get_all_rows_sql("SELECT alias from tagente
WHERE id_agente = ". $sql_modulo[0]['id_agente']);
$table .= "