// Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
// Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the  GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

 * @package Include
 * @subpackage Network components

global $config;

 * Include modules functions
include_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_modules.php');
include_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_agents.php');
include_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_users.php');

 * Get a list of network components.
 * @param int Module type id of the requested components.
 * @param mixed Aditional filters to the components. It can be an indexed array
 * (keys would be the field name and value the expected value, and would be
 * joined with an AND operator). Examples:
 * <code>
 * $components = network_components_get_network_components ($id_module, array ('id_module_group', 10));
 * $components = network_components_get_network_components ($id_module, 'id_module_group = 10'));
 * </code>
 * @param mixed Fields to retrieve on each component.
 * @return array A list of network components matching. Empty array is returned
 * if none matches.
function network_components_get_network_components ($id_module, $filter = false, $fields = false) {
	global $config;
	if (! is_array ($filter))
		$filter = array ();
	if (! empty ($id_module))
		$filter['id_modulo'] = (int) $id_module;
	switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
		case "mysql":
		case "postgresql":
			$components = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tnetwork_component',
				$filter, $fields);
		case "oracle":
			if (count ($fields) > 1) {
				$fields = implode(',',$fields);
			if (isset($filter['offset'])) {
				$components = oracle_recode_query ('SELECT ' . $fields . ' FROM tnetwork_component', $filter, 'AND', false);		
				if ($components != false) {
					for ($i=0; $i < count($components); $i++) {
			else {
				$components = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tnetwork_component',
					$filter, $fields);
	if ($components === false)
		return array ();
	return $components;

 * Get the name of a network components group.
 * @param int Network components group id.
 * @return string The name of the components group. 
function network_components_get_group_name ($id_network_component_group) {
	if (empty ($id_network_component_group))
		return false;
	return @db_get_value ('name', 'tnetwork_component_group', 'id_sg', $id_network_component_group);

 * Get a network component group.
 * @param int Group id to be fetched.
 * @param array Extra filter.
 * @param array Fields to be fetched.
 * @return array A network component group matching id and filter.
function network_components_get_group ($id_network_component_group, $filter = false, $fields = false) {
	if (empty ($id_network_component_group))
		return false;
	if (! is_array ($filter))
		$filter = array ();
	$filter['id_sg'] = (int) $id_network_component_group;
	return db_get_row_filter ('tnetwork_component_group', $filter, $fields);

 * Get a list of network component groups.
 * The values returned can be passed directly to html_print_select(). Child groups
 * are indented, so ordering on html_print_select() is NOT recommendable.
 * @param int id_module_components If provided, groups must have at least one component
 * of the module provided. Parents will be included in that case even if they don't have
 * components directly.
 * @param bool localComponent expecial comportation for local component.
 * @return array An ordered list of component groups with childs indented.
function network_components_get_groups ($id_module_components = 0, $localComponent = false) {
	/* Special vars to keep track of indentation level */
	static $level = 0;
	static $id_parent = 0;
	global $config;
	$groups = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tnetwork_component_group',
		array ('parent' => $id_parent),
		array ('id_sg', 'name'));
	if ($groups === false)
		return array ();
	$retval = array ();
	/* Magic indentation is here */
	$prefix = str_repeat ('&nbsp;', $level * 3);
	foreach ($groups as $group) {
		$tmp = $id_parent;
		$id_parent = (int) $group['id_sg'];
		$childs = network_components_get_groups ($id_module_components, $localComponent);
		$id_parent = $tmp;
		if ($localComponent) {
			if (! empty ($childs)) {
				$retval[$group['id_sg']] = $prefix.$group['name'];
				$retval = $retval + $childs;
			else {
				switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
					case "mysql":
					case "postgresql":
						$count = db_get_value_filter ('COUNT(*)', 'tlocal_component',
						array ('id_network_component_group' => (int) $group['id_sg']));
					case "oracle":
						$count = db_get_value_filter ('count(*)', 'tlocal_component',
						array ('id_network_component_group' => (int) $group['id_sg']));						
				if ($count > 0)
					$retval[$group['id_sg']] = $prefix.$group['name'];
		else {
			if (! empty ($childs) || $id_module_components == 0) {
				$retval[$group['id_sg']] = $prefix.$group['name'];
				$retval = $retval + $childs;
			else {
				/* If components id module is provided, only groups with components
				that belongs to this id module are returned */
				if ($id_module_components) {
					switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
						case "mysql":
						case "postgresql":
							$count = db_get_value_filter ('COUNT(*)', 'tnetwork_component',
							array ('id_group' => (int) $group['id_sg'],
							'id_modulo' => $id_module_components));
						case "oracle":
							$count = db_get_value_filter ('count(*)', 'tnetwork_component',
							array ('id_group' => (int) $group['id_sg'],
							'id_modulo' => $id_module_components));
					if ($count > 0)
						$retval[$group['id_sg']] = $prefix.$group['name'];
	return $retval;

 * Get a network component.
 * @param int Component id to be fetched.
 * @param array Extra filter.
 * @param array Fields to be fetched.
 * @return array A network component matching id and filter.
function network_components_get_network_component ($id_network_component, $filter = false, $fields = false) {
	if (empty ($id_network_component))
		return false;
	if (! is_array ($filter))
		$filter = array ();
	$filter['id_nc'] = (int) $id_network_component;
	$network_component = db_get_row_filter ('tnetwork_component', $filter, $fields);
	if(!empty($network_component) && $network_component['id_category'] != 0) {
		$network_component['category_name'] = (string) db_get_value('name','tcategory','id',$network_component['id_category']);
	return $network_component;

 * Creates a network component.
 * @param string Component name.
 * @param string Component type.
 * @param string Component group id.
 * @param array Extra values to be set.
 * @return int New component id. False on error.
function network_components_create_network_component ($name, $type, $id_group, $values = false) {
	global $config;
	switch ($config['dbtype']) {
		case "oracle":
			if (empty($values['tcp_rcv']))
				$values['tcp_rcv'] = " ";
	if (empty ($name))
		return false;
	if (empty ($type))
		return false;
	if (! is_array ($values))
		$values = array ();
	$values['name'] = $name;
	$values['type'] = (int) $type;
	$values['id_group'] = (int) $id_group;
	return @db_process_sql_insert ('tnetwork_component',

 * Updates a network component.
 * @param int Component id.
 * @param array Values to be set.
 * @return bool True if updated. False on error.
function network_components_update_network_component ($id_network_component, $values = false) {
	if (empty ($id_network_component))
		return false;
	$component = network_components_get_network_component ($id_network_component);
	if (empty ($component))
		return false;
	if (! is_array ($values))
		return false;
	return (@db_process_sql_update ('tnetwork_component',
		array ('id_nc' => (int) $id_network_component)) !== false);

 * Deletes a network component.
 * @param int Component id.
 * @param array Extra filter.
 * @return bool True if deleted. False on error.
function network_components_delete_network_component ($id_network_component) {
	if (empty ($id_network_component))
		return false;
	$filter = array ();
	$filter['id_nc'] = $id_network_component;
	@db_process_sql_delete ('tnetwork_profile_component', $filter);
	return (@db_process_sql_delete ('tnetwork_component', $filter) !== false);

 * Creates a module in an agent from a network component.
 * @param int Component id to be created.
 * @param int Agent id to create module in.
 * @return array New agent module id if created. False if could not be created
function network_components_create_module_from_network_component ($id_network_component, $id_agent) {
	if (! users_access_to_agent ($id_agent, 'AW'))
		return false;
	$component = network_components_get_network_component ($id_network_component,
		array ('name',
			'description AS descripcion',
			'type AS id_tipo_modulo',
	if (empty ($component))
		return false;
	$values = $component;
	$len = count ($values) / 2;
	for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
		unset ($values[$i]);
	$name = $values['name'];
	unset ($values['name']);
	$values['ip_target'] = agents_get_address ($id_agent);
	return modules_create_agent_module ($id_agent, $name, $values);

 * Get the name of a network component.
 * @param int Component id to get.
 * @return Component name with the given id. False if not available or readable.
function network_components_get_name ($id_network_component) {
	if (empty ($id_network_component))
		return false;
	return @db_get_value ('name', 'tnetwork_component', 'id', $id_network_component);

 * Duplicate local compoment.
 * @param integer id_local_component Id of localc component for duplicate.
function network_components_duplicate_network_component ($id_local_component) {
	$network = network_components_get_network_component ($id_local_component);
	if ($network === false)
		return false;
	$name = __('Copy of').' '.$network['name'];
	return network_components_create_network_component ($name, $network['type'], $network['id_group'], $network);