# Python: module plugintools for PandoraFMS Developers pandoraPluginTools is a library that aims to help the creation of scripts and their integration in Pandora FMS. [PluginTools Reference Documentation](https://pandorafms.com/guides/public/books/plugintools) The package includes the following modules. Each one has different functions that facilitate and automate the data integration in Pandora FMS: **general** Module containing general purpose functions, useful in the creation of plugins for PandoraFMS. **threads** Module containing threading purpose functions, useful to run parallel functions. **agents** Module that contains functions oriented to the creation of Pandora FMS agents **modules** Module that contains functions oriented to the creation of Pandora FMS modules. **transfer** Module containing functions oriented to file transfer and data sending to Pandora FMS server. **discovery** Module containing functions oriented to the creation of Pandora FMS discovery plugins. **http** Module containing functions oriented to HTTP API calls. ## Example ``` python import pandoraPluginTools as ppt ## Define agent server_name = "WIN-SERV" agent=ppt.init_agent({ "agent_name" : ppt.generate_md5(server_name), "agent_alias" : server_name, "description" : "Default Windows server" }) ## Define modules modules=[] data = 10 modules.append({ "name" : "CPU usage", "type" : "generic_data", "value": data, "desc" : "Percentage of CPU utilization", "unit" : "%" }) ## Generate and transfer XML xml_content = ppt.print_agent(agent, modules) xml_file = ppt.write_xml(xml_content, agent["agent_name"]) ppt.transfer_xml( xml_file, transfer_mode="tentacle", tentacle_ip="", tentacle_port="41121", ) ``` The package has the following dependencies: - Hashlib - datetime.datetime - hashlib - json - os - print_agent - print_log_module - print_module - queue.Queue - requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth - requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth - requests.sessions.Session - requests_ntlm.HttpNtlmAuth - shutil - subprocess.Popen - sys - threading.Thread