' . __('Event') . ''; echo '' . __('Type') . ':
'; events_print_type_img ($event["event_type"]); echo ' '; if ($event["event_type"] == "system") { echo __('System'); } elseif ($event["id_agente"] > 0) { // Agent name echo agents_get_name ($event["id_agente"]); } else { echo ''; } echo '
'; echo '' . __('Timestamp') . ':
'; ui_print_timestamp ($event['utimestamp']); echo '
'; echo '' . __('Description') . ':
'; echo $event['evento']; return; } if ($validate_event) { $id = (int) get_parameter ("id"); $similars = (bool) get_parameter ('similars'); $comment = (string) get_parameter ('comment'); $new_status = get_parameter ('new_status'); // Set off the standby mode when close an event if ($new_status == 1) { $event = events_get_event ($id); alerts_agent_module_standby ($event['id_alert_am'], 0); } $return = events_change_status ($id, $new_status, $meta); if ($return) echo 'ok'; else echo 'error'; return; } if ($delete_event) { $id = (array) get_parameter ("id"); $similars = (bool) get_parameter ('similars'); $return = events_delete_event ($id, $similars, $meta, $history); if ($return) echo 'ok'; else echo 'error'; return; } if ($get_events_fired) { $id = get_parameter('id_row'); $idGroup = get_parameter('id_group'); $query = ' AND id_evento > ' . $id; $type = array(); $alert = get_parameter('alert_fired'); if ($alert == 'true') { $resultAlert = alerts_get_event_status_group($idGroup, 'alert_fired', $query); } $critical = get_parameter('critical'); if ($critical == 'true') { $resultCritical = alerts_get_event_status_group($idGroup, 'going_up_critical', $query); } $warning = get_parameter('warning'); if ($warning == 'true') { $resultWarning = alerts_get_event_status_group($idGroup, 'going_up_warning', $query); } if ($resultAlert) { $return = array('fired' => $resultAlert, 'sound' => $config['sound_alert']); } else if ($resultCritical) { $return = array('fired' => $resultCritical, 'sound' => $config['sound_critical']); } else if ($resultWarning) { $return = array('fired' => $resultWarning, 'sound' => $config['sound_warning']); } else { $return = array('fired' => 0); } echo json_encode($return); } return; } $offset = (int) get_parameter ("offset", 0); $ev_group = (int) get_parameter ("ev_group", 0); //0 all $event_type = get_parameter ("event_type", ''); // 0 all $severity = (int) get_parameter ("severity", -1); // -1 all $status = (int) get_parameter ("status", 3); // -1 all, 0 only new, 1 only validated, 2 only in process, 3 only not validated, $id_agent = (int) get_parameter ("id_agent", 0); $pagination = (int) get_parameter ("pagination", $config["block_size"]); $event_view_hr = (int) get_parameter ("event_view_hr", $history ? 0 : $config["event_view_hr"]); $id_user_ack = get_parameter ("id_user_ack", 0); $group_rep = (int) get_parameter ("group_rep", 1); $delete = (bool) get_parameter ("delete"); $validate = (bool) get_parameter ("validate", 0); $section = (string) get_parameter ("section", "list"); $text_agent = (string) get_parameter('text_agent', __("All")); $filter_only_alert = (int) get_parameter('filter_only_alert', -1); $filter_id = (int) get_parameter('filter_id', 0); $id_name = (string) get_parameter('id_name', ''); $id_group = (int) get_parameter('id_group', 0); $text_agent = (string) get_parameter("text_agent", __("All")); $tag_with_json = base64_decode(get_parameter("tag_with", '')) ; $tag_with_json_clean = io_safe_output($tag_with_json); $tag_with_base64 = base64_encode($tag_with_json_clean); $tag_with = json_decode($tag_with_json_clean, true); if (empty($tag_with)) $tag_with = array(); $tag_with = array_diff($tag_with, array(0 => 0)); $tag_without_json = base64_decode(get_parameter("tag_without", '')); $tag_without_json_clean = io_safe_output($tag_without_json); $tag_without_base64 = base64_encode($tag_without_json_clean); $tag_without = json_decode($tag_without_json_clean, true); if (empty($tag_without)) $tag_without = array(); $tag_without = array_diff($tag_without, array(0 => 0)); $search = io_safe_output(preg_replace ("/&([A-Za-z]{0,4}\w{2,3};|#[0-9]{2,3};)/", "&", rawurldecode (get_parameter ("search")))); users_get_groups ($config["id_user"], "ER"); $ids = (array) get_parameter ("eventid", -1); $params = "search=" . rawurlencode(io_safe_input($search)) . "&event_type=" . $event_type . "&severity=" . $severity . "&status=" . $status . "&ev_group=" . $ev_group . "&refr=" . $config["refr"] . "&id_agent=" . $id_agent . "&pagination=" . $pagination . "&group_rep=" . $group_rep . "&event_view_hr=" . $event_view_hr . "&id_user_ack=" . $id_user_ack . "&tag_with=". $tag_with_base64 . "&tag_without=" . $tag_without_base64 . "&filter_only_alert" . $filter_only_alert . "&offset=" . $offset . "&toogle_filter=no" . "&filter_id=" . $filter_id . "&id_name=" . $id_name . "&id_group=" . $id_group . "&history=" . (int)$history . "&section=" . $section . "&pure=" . $config["pure"]; if($meta) { $params .= "&text_agent=" . $text_agent; } $url = "index.php?sec=eventos&sec2=operation/events/events&" . $params; // Header if ($config["pure"] == 0 || $meta) { $pss = get_user_info($config['id_user']); $hashup = md5($config['id_user'] . $pss['password']); // Fullscreen $fullscreen['active'] = false; $fullscreen['text'] = '' . html_print_image("images/fullscreen.png", true, array ("title" => __('Full screen'))) .''; // Event list $list['active'] = false; $list['text'] = '' . html_print_image("images/god6.png", true, array("title" => __('Event list'))) . ''; // History event list $history_list['active'] = false; $history_list['text'] = '' . html_print_image("images/books.png", true, array("title" => __('History event list'))) . ''; // RSS $rss['active'] = false; $rss['text'] = '' . html_print_image("images/rss.png", true, array ("title" => __('RSS Events'))) .''; // Marquee $marquee['active'] = false; $marquee['text'] = '' . html_print_image("images/heart.png", true, array ("title" => __('Marquee display'))) .''; // CSV $csv['active'] = false; $csv['text'] = '' . html_print_image("images/disk.png", true, array ("title" => __('Export to CSV file'))) .''; // Sound events $sound_event['active'] = false; $sound_event['text'] = '' . html_print_image('images/music_note.png', true, array('title' => __('Sound events'))) . ''; // If the user has administrator permission display manage tab if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], 0, "EW")) { // Manage events $manage_events['active'] = false; $manage_events['text'] = '' . html_print_image("images/setup.png", true, array ("title" => __('Manage events'))) . ''; $onheader = array( 'separator' => '', 'fullscreen' => $fullscreen, 'list' => $list, 'history' => $history_list, 'rss' => $rss, 'marquee' => $marquee, 'csv' => $csv, 'sound_event' => $sound_event, 'manage_events' => $manage_events) ; } else { $onheader = array('fullscreen' => $fullscreen, 'list' => $list, 'history' => $history_list, 'rss' => $rss, 'marquee' => $marquee, 'csv' => $csv, 'sound_event' => $sound_event) ; } // If the history event is not ebabled, dont show the history tab if(!isset($config['metaconsole_events_history']) || $config['metaconsole_events_history'] != 1) { unset($onheader['history']); } switch ($section) { case 'sound_event': $onheader['sound_event']['active'] = true; $section_string = __('Sound events'); break; case 'history': $onheader['history']['active'] = true; $section_string = __('History'); break; default: $onheader['list']['active'] = true; $section_string = __('List'); break; } if (! defined ('METACONSOLE')) { unset($onheader['history']); ui_print_page_header (__("Events"), "images/lightning_go.png", false, "eventview", false, $onheader); } else { unset($onheader['rss']); unset($onheader['marquee']); unset($onheader['csv']); unset($onheader['sound_event']); unset($onheader['fullscreen']); ui_meta_print_header(__("Events"), $section_string, $onheader); } ?> " . __('Events') . " » " . __('Main event view') . " "; echo ui_print_help_icon ("eventview", true); echo " "; echo ''; html_print_image ("images/normalscreen.png", false, array("title" => __('Back to normal mode'))); echo ''; echo ""; } // Error div for ajax messages echo "
"; echo "
"; if (($section == 'validate') && ($ids[0] == -1)) { $section = 'list'; ui_print_error_message (__('No events selected')); } //Process validation (pass array or single value) if ($validate) { $ids = get_parameter ("eventid", -1); $comment = get_parameter ("comment", ''); $new_status = get_parameter ("select_validate", 1); $ids = explode(',',$ids); $standby_alert = (bool) get_parameter("standby-alert"); // Avoid to re-set inprocess events if ($new_status == 2) { foreach ($ids as $key => $id) { $event = events_get_event($id); if ($event['estado'] == 2) { unset($ids[$key]); } } } if (isset($ids[0]) && $ids[0] != -1) { $return = events_change_status ($ids, $new_status, $meta); if ($new_status == 1) { ui_print_result_message ($return, __('Successfully validated'), __('Could not be validated')); } elseif ($new_status == 2) { ui_print_result_message ($return, __('Successfully set in process'), __('Could not be set in process')); } } } //Process deletion (pass array or single value) if ($delete) { $ids = (array) get_parameter ("validate_ids", -1); if ($ids[0] != -1) { $return = events_delete_event ($ids, ($group_rep == 1), $meta); ui_print_result_message ($return, __('Successfully deleted'), __('Could not be deleted')); } require_once($config['homedir'].'/operation/events/events_list.php'); } else { switch ($section) { case 'list': case 'history': require_once($config['homedir'].'/operation/events/events_list.php'); break; } } echo "
"; echo "
"; ui_require_jquery_file ('bgiframe'); ui_require_javascript_file('pandora_events'); ?>