2011-11-01 Junichi Satoh * android/res/values-ja/strings.xml: Updated the help text. 2011-10-31 Miguel de Dios * android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener.java: fixed type of memory module. * android/res/values/strings.xml, android/res/values-en/strings.xml, android/res/values-es/strings.xml: rewrote the help text for to erase the references to proximity module. 2011-10-29 Junichi Satoh * android/res/values-ja/strings.xml: Updated the help text. 2011-10-28 Miguel de Dios * android/AndroidManifest.xml: updated the number of version. * android/res/values/strings.xml, android/res/values-en/strings.xml, android/res/values-es/strings.xml: added the help text in other languages. 2011-10-27 Sancho Lerena * res/values/strings.xml: Default string for "help" screen. 2011-10-24 Miguel de Dios * android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener.java: fixed the location and change to show the percent memory free. 2011-10-24 Junichi Satoh * android/res/values-ja/strings.xml: Added Japanese strings. 2011-10-20 Miguel de Dios * AndroidManifest.xml: added new activies and permission of batery. * src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent.java, src/pandroid/agent/Setup.java, src/pandroid/agent/Status.java, src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener.java, src/pandroid/agent/EventReceiver.java, src/pandroid/agent/Help.java, src/pandroid/agent/About.java: wip. * res/values/strings.xml, res/values-en/strings.xml, res/values-es/strings.xml: added strings and translations into spanish. * res/menu/options_menu.xml: added a menu file. * res/drawable-ldpi/help.png, res/drawable-ldpi/about.png, res/drawable-ldpi/pandorafms_logo.png: added image files. * res/layout/setup.xml, res/layout/status.xml, res/layout/help.xml, res/layout/about.xml: wip and added the need layout for new activies. 2011-10-12 Miguel de Dios * android/.classpath, android/libs/commons-lang3-3.0.1.jar: added the library "org.apache.commons.lang". * android/AndroidManifest.xml: added the activities Status and Setup. And apply theme the no titlebar to main activity. * android/res/drawable-hdpi/logo.png, android/res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png, android/res/drawable-mdpi/logo.png, android/res/drawable-mdpi/icon.png: removed the images with same size or quality for the subtypes devices. * android/res/layout/setup.xml, android/res/layout/status.xml: added the layouts for the new activies. * android/res/values/strings.xml: added the new strings. * android/src/pandroid/agent/Setup.java, android/src/pandroid/agent/Status.java: added the new activies. * android/src/pandroid/agent/Core.java: added utility class for the proyect. * android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent.java: added the lost comment header with the license. started to modify to show as tabactivity and other changes. * android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentTentacle.java: added the lost comment header with the license. * android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener.java: added the lost comment header with the license. And wip for the new data to monitorice. * android/src/pandroid/agent/EventReceiver.java: added the lost comment header with the license. And added some traces. 2011-09-29 Miguel de Dios * android/default.properties, android/AndroidManifest.xml: added permission to READ_PHONE_STATE and level up the SDK. * android/bin/*, android/gen/pandroid/agent/R.java: erased non source or config files. 2011-09-26 Dario Rodriguez * win32/bin/PandoraAgent.exe, win32/bin/util/tentacle_server.exe: Added lastest version of executables compiled 2011-09-26 Dario Rodriguez * pandora_windows_service.cc: Fixed a problem sending XML with broker mode enabled (the "master" agent didn't report). 2011-09-26 Sancho Lerena * unix/pandora_agent_installer, unix/README, unix/pandora_agent: More version strings fixed. * unix/HP-UX/pandora_agent.conf: Bad Disk module in HPUX * unix/DEBIAN/control unix/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh unix/pandora_agent.spec unix/pandora_agent.redhat.spec: Updated version (4.0). 2011-09-26 Vanessa Gil * win32/windows/pandora_wmi.cc: Removed trace. 2011-09-16 Dario Rodriguez * win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc: Fixed a problem generating broker conf files with wrong agent names. 2011-09-15 Vanessa Gil * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Fixed problem sending xml file. 2011-09-08 Vanessa Gil * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Added example about module preconditions. 2011-09-06 Vanessa Gil * win32/pandora_agent_conf.php: Fixed error creating broker agent. 2011-09-05 Ramon Novoa * unix/plugins/inventory: Added support for hwinfo. 2011-09-01 Vanessa Gil * win32/pandora_windows_service.php: Add information about the parent agent name to xml file. 2011-09-01 Sancho Lerena * unix/plugins/grep_log, shellscript/linux/plugins/grep_log: Restored previous code because it needs to start searching on the last position known. First time plugin starts, seek to the final position to avoid fire old events detected in the log. Plugin only gives new events once starts to work 2011-08-31 Juan Manuel Ramon Vigo * unix/plugins/grep_log shellscript/linux/plugins/grep_log: Changed parse_log function in order to retrieve token correctly. 2011-08-22 Sergio Martin * win32/bin/PandoraAgent.exe: Updated the executable with the last code build fixing "runWMIQuery error" for bug 3394721 2011-08-18 Sergio Martin * win32/windows/pandora_windows_info.h win32/windows/pandora_wmi.cc win32/windows/pandora_wmi.h win32/windows/pandora_windows_info.cc win32/bin/PandoraAgent.exe win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Added to the windows agent the address token with manual (specified address) and auto (detecting from WMI the address) modes 2011-08-10 Vanessa Gil * unix/pandora_agent.php: Fixed error reading collections of the configuration file. 2011-08-09 Miguel de Dios * DEBIAN/control: fixed the name of package and update version number. 2011-08-03 Vanessa Gil * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf unix/SunOS/pandora_agent.conf unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent.conf unix/HP-UX/pandora_agent.conf unix/AIX/pandora_agent.conf: Changed comment delayed startup line. 2011-07-29 Koichiro Kikuchi * unix/pandora_agent: Don't remove 1st line of the result of the PROC_CMDS, 1st line isn't a header. Also fixed and simplified some commands. 2011-07-18 Sergio Martin * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf: Change default memory modules to get it with free command and using postprocessing to unit conversion. Bug: 3284422 2011-07-14 Vanessa Gil * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Add example lines with drone agents and additional configuration files. 2011-07-14 Vanessa Gil * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf unix/SunOS/pandora_agent.conf unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent.conf unix/HP-UX/pandora_agent.conf unix/NT4/pandora_agent.conf: Add example lines with drone agents and additional configuration files. 2011-07-14 Vanessa Gil * unix/pandora_agent: Created runtime enviroment variables for unix agents 2011-07-14 Vanessa Gil * win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc win32/pandora_windows_service.cc win32/main.cc: Created runtime enviroment variables for agents and fixed bug in drone agents. 2011-07-11 Vanessa Gil * win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Allow drone agents in Windows. 2011-07-08 Vanessa Gil * unix/pandora_agent: Allow drone agents in Unix. 2011-06-28 Sergio Martin * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf: Typo fixed 2011-06-28 Sancho Lerena * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf: Some changes in comments. * unix/pandora_agent: Updated version. 2011-06-28 Sergio Martin * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf unix/pandora_agent: Changed the ip_address token name to address to compatibility with the server works 2011-06-28 Sergio Martin * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf unix/pandora_agent: Added ip_address token to conf file and auto and manual mode into agent script. Added gis_exec token to obtain gis coordinates executing a script 2011-06-27 Vanessa Gil * unix/pandora_agent: Create configuration file for drone agents in Unix. 2011-06-21 Vanessa Gil * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc win32/modules/pandora_module.cc win32/modules/pandora_module.h win32/modules/pandora_module_factory.cc unix/pandora_agent: Allow the windows and unix agent to include preconditions on modules. 2011-06-09 Vanessa Gil * unix/pandora_agent: Clean the code: parse configuration files. 2011-06-07 Vanessa Gil * win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc win32/pandora_agent_conf.h win32/modules/pandora_module_list.cc win32/modules/pandora_module_list.h: Allow the windows agent to include additional configuration files. 2011-06-01 Vanessa Gil * unix/pandora_agent: Allow the agent to include additional configuration files. 2011-04-05 Vanessa Gil * win32/modules/pandora_module_exec.cc, win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Fixed get module output part of over 4096 byte. 2011-03-17 Dario Rodriguez * unix/pandora_agent: Fixed a typo with logfile parameter. Also fixed the gathering of secondary_server_opts parameters when transfer mode is Tentacle. Thanks to KIKUCHI Koichiro for the report. 2011-03-02 Ramon Novoa * win32/modules/pandora_module_factory.cc, unix/pandora_agent: Changed module_post_process to module_postprocess to match the documentation. 2011-03-01 Ramon Novoa * win32/modules/pandora_module.h, win32/modules/pandora_module_factory.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module.cc, unix/pandora_agent, shellscript/linux/pandora_agent: Set the module min, max and post_process in the XML data file. 2011-02-14 Ramon Novoa * embedded/INSTALL: Added instructions to cross-compile for OpenWRT (x86). 2011-02-10 Sergio Martin * android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent.java android/bin/Copy of Copy of Pandroid Agent.apk android/res/drawable-ldpi/logo.png android/res/drawable-ldpi/icon.png android/res/drawable-mdpi/logo.png android/res/drawable-mdpi/icon.png: Removed an unecessary apk file, added icons and logos to low and middle quality, fixed xml file deletion, setted farscape as default host and added to the default agent name a unique identifier 2011-02-07 Sergio Martin * android/.project android/AndroidManifest.xml: Adding a neccesary directive for market on manifest and update the pandroid agent version 2011-02-07 Sergio Martin * android/AndroidManifest.xml android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent.java android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener.java android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener$2.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener$3.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener$MyLocationListener.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener$1.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$1.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$2.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$3.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$4.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$5.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$6.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$7.class android/bin/resources.ap_ android/bin/classes.dex android/res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png: Clean the code, changed the app icon, added modules to the proximity and orientation sensors and fixed little bugs 2011-02-03 Ramon Novoa * win32/installer/pandora.mpi, win32/pandora.cc, unix/pandora_agent: Free the threads semaphore when a module or plugin does not execute. 2011-02-01 Sergio Martin * android/AndroidManifest.xml android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent.java android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentTentacle.java android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener.java android/src/pandroid/agent/EventReceiver.java android/bin/Pandroid Agent v0.3.apk android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener$MyLocationListener.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener$1.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/R$id.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/R$string.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/tentacle_client.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/R$layout.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$1.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$2.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/EventReceiver.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$3.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$4.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$5.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$6.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$7.class android/bin/resources.ap_ android/bin/classes.dex android/res/layout/main.xml android/gen/pandroid/agent/R.java: Coded the heavy part of app to background in a service and changed the way of do the contact from loops to android alarms to fix the app sleep when screen off. 2011-02-01 Junichi Satoh * unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent.conf: Fixed invalid cpu usage data is returned when system has only one disk device. 2011-01-27 Junichi Satoh * unix/pandora_agent_daemon: Changed order of 'su' argument. Username should be as the 1st argument on Solaris. 2011-01-26 Sergio Martin * android android/default.properties android/.classpath android/proguard.cfg android/assets android/.project android/AndroidManifest.xml android/src android/src/pandroid android/src/pandroid/agent android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentTentacle.java android/src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent.java android/bin android/bin/pandroid android/bin/pandroid/agent android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$8.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$9.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/R$id.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$MyLocationListener.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/R$string.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/tentacle_client.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/R$attr.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/R.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/R$layout.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$1.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$2.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$3.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$4.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/R$drawable.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$5.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$6.class android/bin/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgent$7.class android/bin/resources.ap_ android/bin/Copy of Copy of Pandroid Agent.apk android/bin/classes.dex android/res android/res/values android/res/values/strings.xml android/res/drawable-hdpi android/res/drawable-hdpi/logo.png android/res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png android/res/drawable-ldpi android/res/drawable-ldpi/icon.png android/res/drawable-mdpi android/res/drawable-mdpi/icon.png android/res/layout android/res/layout/main.xml android/gen android/gen/pandroid android/gen/pandroid/agent android/gen/pandroid/agent/R.java: Created the first android agent with report of battery level and basic GPS location coordinates report 2011-01-26 Sergio Martin * android bsd-ipso bsd-ipso/AUTHORS bsd-ipso/pandora_agent_daemon bsd-ipso/pandora_agent.conf bsd-ipso/pandora_user.conf bsd-ipso/COPYING bsd-ipso/pandora_agent.sh bsd-ipso/README aix aix/pandora_agent_installer aix/pandora_agent aix/AUTHORS aix/pandora_agent_daemon aix/pandora_agent.conf aix/pandora_user.conf aix/COPYING aix/README mac_osx mac_osx/pandora_agent_installer mac_osx/plugins mac_osx/plugins/ipmi2xml mac_osx/plugins/ipmi2xml/ipmi2xml.php mac_osx/plugins/ipmi2xml/README.txt mac_osx/plugins/XServeRAID mac_osx/plugins/XServeRAID/xserve-raid-tools-1.2-1.uwhep.sl4.i386.rpm mac_osx/plugins/XServeRAID/xserve-raid-tools-1.2-1.rhel3.i386.rpm mac_osx/plugins/XServeRAID/pandora_agent.conf mac_osx/plugins/XServeRAID/check_xserve mac_osx/plugins/XServeRAID/xserve-raid-tools-1.2.tar.gz mac_osx/plugins/XServeRAID/README.txt mac_osx/plugins/SGE mac_osx/plugins/SGE/SGEStatus.sh mac_osx/plugins/SGE/README mac_osx/plugins/grep_log mac_osx/plugins/ppc_sensors mac_osx/pandora_agent mac_osx/AUTHORS mac_osx/pandora_agent.conf mac_osx/ChangeLog mac_osx/COPYING mac_osx/pandora_fms mac_osx/pandora_fms/StartupParameters.plist mac_osx/pandora_fms/pandora_fms mac_osx/Pandora FMS.pmdoc mac_osx/Pandora FMS.pmdoc/01pandora-contents.xml mac_osx/Pandora FMS.pmdoc/01pandora.xml mac_osx/Pandora FMS.pmdoc/index.xml mac_osx/README mac_osx/tentacle_client shellscript shellscript/linux shellscript/bsd-ipso shellscript/hp-ux shellscript/aix shellscript/meta_agent shellscript/mac_osx shellscript/solaris shellscript/openWRT openWRT openWRT/pandora_agent_async openWRT/pandora_serialread openWRT/contrib openWRT/contrib/pandora_agent_installer openWRT/contrib/S55pandora openWRT/contrib/pandora_agent_daemon openWRT/pandora_getsync openWRT/pandora_agent openWRT/AUTHORS openWRT/pandora_agent.conf openWRT/pandora_arduino.c openWRT/pandora_user.conf openWRT/COPYING openWRT/README.openwrt openWRT/README linux linux/pandora_agent_installer linux/plugins linux/plugins/inventory linux/plugins/pandora_df linux/plugins/grep_log linux/DEBIAN linux/DEBIAN/control linux/DEBIAN/postinst linux/DEBIAN/prerm linux/DEBIAN/conffiles linux/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh linux/DEBIAN/md5sums linux/pandora_agent linux/AUTHORS linux/pandora_agent_daemon linux/pandora_agent.conf linux/COPYING linux/pandora_agent.spec linux/README linux/tentacle_client hp-ux hp-ux/pandora_agent_installer hp-ux/pandora_agent hp-ux/AUTHORS hp-ux/pandora_agent_daemon hp-ux/pandora_agent.conf hp-ux/COPYING hp-ux/README meta_agent meta_agent/data_out meta_agent/pandora_agent_sim.sh meta_agent/AUTHORS meta_agent/pandora_agent_daemon meta_agent/INSTALL meta_agent/pandora_agent_1.conf meta_agent/pandora_agent_2.conf meta_agent/COPYING meta_agent/pandora_agent_3.conf meta_agent/pandora_agent_4.conf meta_agent/pandora_agent_5.conf meta_agent/README meta_agent/muestra_config.sh solaris solaris/pandora_agent_installer solaris/data_out solaris/pandora_agent solaris/AUTHORS solaris/pandora_agent_daemon solaris/pandora_agent.conf solaris/pandora_user.conf solaris/COPYING solaris/README: Reorganise the shellscript moving all the sh scripts to one folder 2010-12-27 Ramon Novoa * unix/pandora_agent, win32/pandora.cc, win32/installer/pandora.mpi: Updated version strings for the 3.2 release. 2010-12-04 Junichi Satoh * unix/plugins/pandora_update: Added support for FreeBSD. 2010-12-02 Junichi Satoh * unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/prototype: Added pandora_update. 2010-12-01 Ramon Novoa * unix/AIX/pandora_agent.conf, unix/pandora_agent, win32/ChangeLog, win32/installer/pandora.mpi, win32/pandora.cc: Updated version strings. * win32/bin/PandoraAgent.exe: Updated to r3644. 2010-11-25 Sancho Lerena * pandora_agents/unix/pandora_agent.spec: Updated version string for RPM. 2010-11-23 Raúl Mateos * Updated several strings, some of them old ones README. 2010-11-22 Raúl Mateos * LICENCE, Win32/README: Updated version 2010-11-01 Sancho Lerena * unix/tentacle_client: Updated tentacle client to 0.30 version, with support for HTTP proxies. 2010-10-29 Sancho Lerena * win32/bin/util/mibs: Added default mibs for the small snmpagent tool. * win32/bin/util/getsnmp.bat, win32/bin/util/snmpget.exe: Added tool to get snmp info from the agent using tool from a module_exec. * win32/installer/pandora.mpi: Updated installer to have snmpget and mibs in the install process. * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Fixed bug 3098165. * win32/pandora.cc: Updated version 2010-10-19 Junichi Satoh * unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/prototype: Added nagios_plugin_wrapper. 2010-10-08 Sancho Lerena * unix/pandora_agent_daemon: Kill with -9 to be sure is killed, because UDP server mode "captures" the INT signal to restart the agent when receibe REFRESH AGENT on UDP client. * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf: New config tokens to support UDP server options. * unix/pandora_agent: UDP Server mode implemented in the Unix/Perl agent, only for REFRESH AGENT option, no remote commands possible. 2010-10-06 Junichi Satoh * unix/pandora_agent: Added FreeBSD specific commands. 2010-09-27 Junichi Satoh * unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent: Fixed a typo. 2010-09-27 Junichi Satoh * unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent: Changed PID detection method to support "jail", FreeBSD virtualization. 2010-09-27 Junichi Satoh * unix/pandora_agent_installer: Set PANDORA_USER="root" when it is not defined. 2010-09-20 Ramon Novoa * unix/pandora_agent, win32/modules/pandora_module.cc: Added module_interval information to the data XML. 2010-09-17 Junichi Satoh * unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/README, unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/copyright, unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/make_solaris_package.sh, unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/prototype: Added agent package builder for Solaris. 2010-08-17 Junichi Satoh * unix/pandora_agent_daemon, unix/tentacle_client: Added support for Solaris virtualization, "zone". 2010-08-04 Dario Rodriguez * win32/bin/collections: Added collections directory. 2010-08-04 Dario Rodriguez * win32/installer/pandora.mpi: Added collections directory in the windows installer. 2010-07-30 Dario Rodriguez * unix/pandora_agent: Added code to change the nice parameter of the pandora_agent process. 2010-07-28 Junichi Satoh * unix/SunOS/pandora_agent.conf: Fixed a typo. 2010-07-21 Dario Rodriguez * unix/pandora_agent: Added code to change the nice parameter of the pandora_agent process. 2010-07-21 Dario Rodriguez * win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc, pandora_agent_conf.h: Added logic to search existing collections in config file, and checking for ".." substrings in path for security reasons. * win32/pandora_windows_service.h, pandora_windows_service.cc: Added logic to remove incoherences between collections directory and collection list of config file. 2010-07-20 Dario Rodriguez * win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc, pandora_agent_conf.h: Added a variable to control if the collection is added to the PATH. * win32/pandora_windows_service.h, pandora_windows_service.cc: Added logic to check if the collection is added to the PATH or not. 2010-07-16 Dario Rodriguez * win32/misc/pandora_file.cc: fixed error that caused double free. 2010-07-16 Dario Rodriguez * win32/misc/pandora_file.cc: fixed unclosed directory with function closedir and control posible delete errors. 2010-07-16 Dario Rodriguez * win32/bin/util/unzip.exe: Added to bin/utils to use it to unzip collections. 2010-07-16 Dario Rodriguez * win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc, pandora_agent_conf.h: Added functionality to get collection from configuration file. * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc, pandora_windows_service.h: Added support for unzip collections. 2010-07-14 Dario Rodriguez * win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc, pandora_agent_conf.h: Added functionality to get collection from configuration file. * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc, pandora_windows_service.h: Added support for manage collections. 2010-07-09 Dario Rodriguez * win32/configure.in, Makefile.am: Modified to compile executable with version information embedded * win32/versioninfo.rc: Added version information file for win32 executable Fixes: #3007874 2010-07-07 Dario Rodriguez * win32/pandora_windows_service.h: Added constant for default port for ftp and ssh * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Added support for change ssh and ftp port 2010-07-05 Junichi Satoh * unix/pandora_agent_installer: Fixed typo and directory permission for FreeBSD. * unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent: Simplified. 2010-06-18 Ramon Novoa * unix/pandora_exec: Added to repository. pandora_exec script. * unix/pandora_agent_installer, unix/DEBIAN/postinst, unix/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh, unix/pandora_agent.spec: Added the pandora_exec script to the installation. * unix/pandora_agent_daemon: Added support for running the agent as an unprivileged user. * unix/pandora_agent: Added timeout support for module_exec modules. 2010-06-14 Junichi Satoh * unix/pandora_agent_installer: Set execute bit to startup script for FreeBSD. 2010-06-09 Miguel de Dios * unix/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh: added the code to include the man pages into DEB package. 2010-06-09 Ramon Novoa * unix/man, unix/man/man1, unix/man/man1/pandora_agent.1.gz, unix/man/man1/tentacle_client.1.gz: Added to repository. 2010-06-09 Ramon Novoa * man, man/man1, man/man1/pandora_agent.1.gz, man/man1/tentacle_client.1.gz: Removed from repository. 2010-06-08 Ramon Novoa * unix/DEBIAN/control, unix/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh, unix/pandora_agent.spec, unix/pandora_agent, win32/installer/pandora.mpi, win32/pandora.cc: Updated version strings. 2010-06-07 Junichi Satoh * unix/pandora_agent_installer: Added support for FreeBSD. * unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent: Added startup script for FreeBSD. * unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent.conf: Added configuration file for FreeBSD. 2010-06-01 Miguel de Dios * unix/DEBIAN/prerm: disabled the erase conf file and plugin dir. * unix/DEBIAN/conffiles: added plugin directory. * unix/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh: cleaned source code, and now make the plugin empty dir for package builder. 2010-05-20 Ramon Novoa * unix/DEBIAN/control, unix/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh: Renamed deb package. 2010-05-20 Ramon Novoa * unix/pandora_agent: Updated agent version. 2010-05-20 Sergio Martin * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf: Improved the agent modules memused and proctotal 2010-05-20 Ramon Novoa * unix/pandora_agent: Updated agent version. 2010-05-20 Ramon Novoa * unix/pandora_agent_installer, unix/DEBIAN/control, unix/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh, unix/pandora_agent.spec, unix/pandora_agent, linux/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh, linux/pandora_agent.spec: Updated for the release of Pandora FMS 3.1 RC1. 2010-05-20 Miguel de Dios * DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh: fixed the permissions to DEBIAN temp package. 2010-05-18 Sancho Lerena * unix/pandora_agent_installer: New version of installer. Now allow to install the agent and all its dependencies, configuration and logfiles inside a specific directory, for example: /opt/pandora. That directory will contain all data, even the logs. Default configuration file and launcher daemon script are modified in realtime to have that custom defined directory. Removed "with-links" method. * *.conf: Minor modification to use the new method of install in a custom directory. * unix/pandora_agent_daemon: Build update and some small modifications to use the custom directory. 2010-05-17 Sergio Martin * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Improved the default modules memused and proctotal for bug 3002626 2010-05-16 Raúl Mateos * linux/pandora_agent_installer, linux/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh, linux/DEBIAN/control, linux/pandora_agent, linux/pandora_agent_daemon, linux/pandora_agent.conf: Updated build. Updated year. 2010-05-12 Sergio Martin * unix/pandora_agent_installer linux/pandora_agent_installer man/man1/tentacle_client.1.gz: Improved man pages installer splitting tentacle man page and write it on unix folder * unix/man unix/man/man1 unix/man/man1/tentacle_client.1 man/man1/pandora_agent.1 man/man1/tentacle.1.gz: Deleted old man pages 2010-05-11 Sergio Martin * linux/pandora_agent_installer man/man1/pandora_agent.1.gz man/man1/tentacle.1.gz: Added the man pages of tentacle and pandora agent and modified the agent installer script to install them 2010-02-22 Pablo de la Concepción * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added parameters position_description and parent_agent_name, and updated loadaverage with a more efficient version. * unix/pandora_agent: Added POD documentation, modified to only add to the XML the minimum parameters (positional parameters, parent_agent_name,...) are not sent with default values if not deffined in the config file. Updated verion and build. * man/man1/pandora_agent.1: ManPage generated from unix/pandora_agent first version of the manpage. 2010-02-17 Sancho Lerena * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf, linux/pandora_agent.conf: Modified way to get loadaverage, taken from Enriquegm from the forums. 2010-02-16 Pablo de la Concepción Updated tentacle from the tentacle repository and generated manpage. TODO:Make the installer install the manpages * unix/tentacle_client: Added pod documentation to generate manpages. * man/man1/tentacle_client.1: First version of the manpages for tentacle_client 2010-02-09 Sancho Lerena * unix/pandora_agent_daemon * unix/pandora_agent.spec * linux/pandora_agent_daemon * linux/pandora_agent.spec: Fixed some compatibility issues with CentOS LSB and RPM package. 2010-01-12 Pablo de la Concepción * unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf, unix/AIX/pandora_agent.conf, unix/HP-UX/pandora_agent.conf, unix/pandora_agent, unix/SunOS/pandora_agent.conf: Updated unix agent to send GIS information (altitude, latitude, longitude, and timezone_offset) 2009-12-29 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Some ugly warnings are fixed. * linux/pandora_agent.spec: /spool../data_out was not correctly working, fixed. 2009-12-28 Sancho Lerena * pandora_agent.spec: Fixed missing var/spool/pandora/data_out directory :-/ 2009-12-18 Sancho Lerena * unix/pandora_agent_installer, * linux/DEBIAN/control, * linux/pandora_agent.spec: Updated versions. * unix/pandora_agent: Fixed bug #2887050. Updated version 2009-12-17 Miguel de Dios * linux/DEBIAN/postinst: change the code to insert as service the agent. Fixes: 2911327 2009-12-16 Raul Mateos * linux/pandora_agent, linux/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh: Preparing release changing version to final. Clean code. 2009-12-09 Raul Mateos * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added comments to all modules. This will help in reporting (reporting get the module's descriptions) and it's a good habit. 2009-12-07 Raul Mateos * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Use tabs instead spaces. Small text fix. 2009-11-29 Raul Mateos * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Added Ubuntu specific stop scripts. Added link removing with update-rc.d. Changed temp directory (it added duplicated data_out directories). Use tabs instead spaces. * linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Use log file in /var/log/pandora/ directory. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Changed temp directory to the one created by installer. * linux/DEBIAN/control, DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh: Changed string from rc2 to RC3. 2009-11-19 Sancho Lerena * unix/pandora_agent_installer: Updated help to avoid confussion about force install mode. * unix/pandora_agent.spec: Create temp directory. Fixed. 2009-11-10 Sancho Lerena * linux/DEBIAN/control: Updated to RC2. * linux/DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh: /usr/bin/pandora_agent was not being copied FIXED. DEB package tested and running fine in latest Debian Stable. 2009-11-04 Raul Mateos * pandora_agent_daemon: Changed "Uso" string to "Usage" string. Unify headers and customized according to each UNIX/Linux versions. 2009-11-04 Miguel de Dios * DEBIAN/make_deb_package.sh: move the script to make the deb package into the DEBIAN and change some things into the sourcecode for the directory change. 2009-10-30 Miguel de Dios * DEBIAN/control, DEBIAN/md5sums, DEBIAN/postinst, DEBIAN/prerm, DEBIAN/conffiles: debian base files for to make a .deb package. * make_deb_package.sh: shell script for make automatically the deb package for standard installation in a Debian Lenny, this script make a package "pandorafms.agent_3.0.0.rc1.deb". 2009-10-26 Sancho Lerena * Updated conf files: temporal variable to use /tmp by default. Updated spec revision. 2009-10-17 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Fixed problems in small term with PID detection. * unix/Linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Same as above. 2009-09-30 Sancho Lerena * win32/installer/pandora.mpi: Updated installer. * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Fixed "accidental" deletion of /var/spool/pandora uninstalling the agent, now only delete /var/spool/pandora/data_out 2009-09-25 Evi Vanoost * mac_osx/pandora_fms/pandora_fms, mac_osx/pandora_fms/StartupParameters.plist: Updated for 3.0 * mac_osx/tentacle_client: Added for 3.0 * mac_osx/pandora_agent: Copied from Linux and modified * mac_osx/pandora_agent.conf: Slight modifications for 3.0 * mac_osx/pandora_agent_installer: Copied from Linux and modified * mac_osx/Pandora FMS.pmdoc: PackageMaker definition file to create Mac Packages for easy (automatic) deployment * mac_osx/Pandora Agent 3.0 for Mac: Package (installer) for Mac. This is an easy (click-to-run) package. 2009-09-24 Sancho Lerena zslerena@artica.es> * linux/agent_installer: Fixed a typo in old setup backup cmd. 2009-09-18 sancho Lerena * unix: Added subdir with local daemon script and sample conf file for each supported system: Linux, AIX, Solaris and HPUX. * Installer now detects OS and install startup scripts and conf depending on OS. * Updated RPM spec for Linux agent. * Plugins: Let here (at this time) only "common" plugins, in the future will be common plugins and OS dependendant plugins. 2009-09-14 Ramon Novoa * unix, unix/pandora_agent_installer, unix/plugins, unix/pandora_agent, unix/pandora_agent_daemon, unix/AUTHORS, unix/pandora_agent.conf, unix/COPYING, unix/pandora_agent.spec, unix/tentacle_client, unix/README: Added to repository. Generic Pandora FMS Unix agent written in PERL. The skeleton files where copied from the linux subdirectory. 2009-09-01 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent.spec: Using chkconfig to manage service instalation/deinstallation. 2009-08-22 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent.spec: Update uninstall process. 2009-08-20 Sancho Lerena * bsd-ipso/pandora_agent.sh aix/pandora_agent mac_osx/pandora_agent openWRT/pandora_agent hp-ux/pandora_agent win32/udp_server/udp_server.cc win32/udp_server/udp_server.h meta_agent/pandora_agent_sim.sh solaris/pandora_agent: Header updates. 2009-08-19 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.spec: Changed email. 2009-08-18 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent.spec: Fixed some permissions. * pandora_agent.conf, pandora_agent: Support for description and group passed to the server. Also implemented AUTOTIME, where timestamp used is the server localtime instead agent datetime. Also placed new token for module_postprocess data to be passed to server. 2009-08-14 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Fixed problems with .conf backup * linux/plugins/arp_attack: New agent plugin to detect ARP attacks. * linux/plugins/iptables_plugin: New agent plugin for Netfilter. * linux/plugins/apache_status: new agent plugin (apache status). * linux/plugins/inventory: Added users and process. Fixed weird problem with inexistant XML attribute VALUE ¿?. Now works fine. * linux/plugins/pandora_df: New agent plugin (disk space). 2009-08-12 sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent: Added LSB tags to startup daemon for SUSE 2009-08-11 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Some fixes and support for Ubuntu/SUSE specific installer. * linux/plugins/grep_log: Support for more than module over the same file. * linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Fixed problems with PID control, rewrite function, now should works on any linux distro. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added new inventory plugin and minor changes in default modules. * linux/pandora_agent: Updated version and build 2009-08-11 Miguel de Dios * ChangeLog: sorry, I had got a mistake with copy&paste. 2009-08-11 Miguel de Dios * linux/plugins/inventory: Added the capacity for search services in init, details file system, and modify the software scanner to extract the description. 2009-08-03 Ramon Novoa * linux/plugins/inventory: Added to repository. Inventory plugin. 2009-07-22 Ramon Novoa * linux/plugins/pandora_df: Properly close the XML tag. 2009-07-16 Ramon Novoa * linux/plugins/pandora_ps, linux/plugins/pandora_df: Added to repository. New ps and df plugins. 2009-07-02 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.spec: Fixed a typo. 2009-07-02 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.spec: RPM spec file for 3.0 version. This spec file builds packages for: Centos5,Fedora11,RHEL5, SLE9, SLE10, OpenSuse 10.3, OpenSuse 11.0. 2009-06-11 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Changed the uninstall options cause if you had the agent in the same machine as the server and the agent is deleted, it would delete /etc/pandora/ (which includes pandora_server.conf) instead of just pandora_agent.conf. 2009-05-05 Evi Vanoost * mac_osx/plugins/ipmi2xml/impi2xml.php, linux/plugins/ipmi2xml/impi2xml.php: Updated for latest ipmitool and works with Apple XServe "Nehalem". See blog post for adapting it * mac_osx/plugins/ipmi2xml/README.txt, linux/plugins/ipmi2xml/README.txt: Updated documentation for dependencies 2009-04-29 Jorge Gonzalez * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: fixed typos. 2009-04-02 Sancho Lerena * pandora_agent_installer: Some corrections for new tentacle install. * pandora_agent_daemon: Some corrections for startup script. 2009-04-02 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Added tentacle_client installation * linux/tentacle_client: Added to repository. Tentacle_client is now installed along with the Agent. 2009-03-16 Manuel Arostegui * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Added example of a UDP server to allow start/stop process. * win32/Changelog: Updated. 2009-03-13 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Commented SNMPGET example module it is not useful in a default installation since it will always fail. * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Added example for the new features such as watchdog and asynchronous mode. 2009-02-24 Ramon Novoa * win32/modules/pandora_module_proc.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module_proc.h, win32/modules/pandora_module_factory.cc, win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Fixed some 'work in progress' code from previous commit. * win32/pandora.cc: Updated version string. 2009-02-24 Jorge Gonzalez * linux/pandora_agent.conf: fixed typo. 2009-01-26 Ramon Novoa * win32/modules/pandora_module.h, win32/modules/pandora_module_factory.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module.cc: Added support for async data types. * win32/modules/pandora_module_proc.cc: Removed unnecessary call to Pandora_Wmi::runProgram. 2009-01-21 Ramon Novoa * win32/bin/PandoraAgent.exe: Updated to r1371. 2009-01-20 Ramon Novoa * win32/ftp/pandora_ftp_client.cc, win32/ftp/pandora_ftp_client.h, win32/windows/pandora_wmi.cc, win32/pandora_windows_service.h, win32/pandora.h, win32/udp_server/udp_server.cc, win32/misc/pandora_file.cc, win32/misc/pandora_file.h, win32/ssh/pandora_ssh_client.cc, win32/ssh/pandora_ssh_client.h, win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Removed some exceptions that made the agent crash when the watchdog thread was running. 2008-12-24 Ramon Novoa * win32/pandora_windows_service.h, win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf, win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Added local transfer mode. 2008-12-24 Ramon Novoa * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Do not send XML if server address is not set. 2008-12-16 Ramon Novoa * win32/modules/pandora_module_wmiquery.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module_wmiquery.h: Added to repository. WMI query module. * win32/windows/pandora_wmi.cc, win32/windows/pandora_wmi.h, win32/modules/pandora_module.h, win32/modules/pandora_module_factory.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module_list.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module.cc, win32/PandoraAgent.dev: Added support for WMI query module. 2008-12-11 Evi Vanoost * linux/plugins/SGE: Added the SGE plugin * mac_osx/plugins/SGE: Renamed the SGE plugin to be consistent with Linux * mac_osx/pandora_agent, mac_osx/pandora_agent.conf, mac_osx/pandora_agent_installer, mac_osx/pandora_fms/StartupParameters.list mac_osx/pandora_fms/pandora_fms: Updated to latest (2.0) client code. Fixed installer issues where it would overwrite previous config. 2008-12-11 Ramon Novoa * win32/pandora_windows_service.h, win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Added support for a secondary server . 2008-12-11 Ramon Novoa * win32/windows/pandora_wmi.cc, win32/pandora_windows_service.h, win32/PandoraAgent.dev, win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Added an UDP Server. The agent can receive remote commands. * win32/udp_server, win32/udp_server/udp_server.cc, win32/udp_server/udp_server.h: Added to repository. UDP Server. 2008-12-10 Ramon Novoa * linux/pandora_agent, linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added support for a secondary server. 2008-11-25 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent: Fixed problem parsing async_string. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Sample of async_string module. 2008-09-04 Evi Vanoost * mac_osx/plugins/XServeRAID: Updated for 2.0 type agents. Added license information * mac_osx/plugins/SGE: Added SGE plugin. This is a shell script that will output the status of an SGE computing cluster. Best installed on the SGE Master * mac_osx/plugins/ppc_sensors: Updated for 2.0 type agents. Added license information * mac_osx/plugins/ipmi2xml: Renamed .txt to .php (what it should be). Updated to 2.0 type agents. Added license information 2008-09-03 SAncho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Added link to startup for linux agent. 2008-07-31 Ramon Novoa * win32/bin/PandoraAgent.exe: Updated to r989. 2008-07-31 Ramon Novoa * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Small fixes. * win32/modules/pandora_module.cc: time() and localtime() are used instead of GetSystemTime(). * win32/pandora.h: Changed all instances of "Pandora" to "Pandora FMS". 2008-07-30 Ramon Novoa * win32/windows/pandora_wmi.cc: Fixed typo bug. 2008-07-24 Ramon Novoa * win32/windows/pandora_wmi.cc: Fixed WMI query timestamp limit for log events. 2008-07-22 Ramon Novoa * win32/modules/pandora_module.cc: Fixed a bug that made the agent crash when a module returned data of the wrong type. 2008-07-17 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Removed enabled debug by default. Debug set to 0. * ChangeLog: Minor style correction. 2008-07-09 Evi Vanoost * pandora_agents/mac_osx: Updated pieces here and there including the installer and startup scripts to make them more compatible and reliable 2008-07-08 Evi Vanoost * pandora_agents/tools pandora_agents/linux/plugins pandora_agents/mac_osx/plugins: Moved tools into the plugin sections of compatible agents. The plugins in subdirectories have dependencies that can be found in the README file while plugins directly in the directory can be used directly when Pandora agent prerequisites are met (Perl & Bash) * pandora_agents/mac_osx/pandora_user.conf pandora_agents/mac_osx/plugins/ppc_sensors: Moved pandora_user.conf into the new plugins section * pandora_server/pandora_server_installer: Refined the installer so that it doesn't try installing certain parts on systems (usually non-Linux) that don't support cronjobs or /etc/init.d startup. It will just fail with a message for now. Also updated the error messages that appear so that they are more clear (eg. what Perl modules and how to use cpan). 2008-07-08 Sancho Lerena * linux/plugins/grep_log: Changed default type to "async_string" 2008-07-07 Evi Vanoost * pandora_agents/tools pandora_agents/linux/plugins pandora_agents/mac_osx/plugins: Moved tools into the plugin sections of compatible agents. The plugins in subdirectories have dependencies that can be found in the README file while plugins directly in the directory can be used directly when Pandora agent prerequisites are met (Perl & Bash) * pandora_agents/mac_osx/pandora_user.conf pandora_agents/mac_osx/plugins/ppc_sensors: Moved pandora_user.conf into the new plugins section 2008-06-30 Sancho Lerena * pandora_agents/win32/installer/pandora_2.0.mpi: New installer for 2.0 2008-06-20 Ramon Novoa * openWRT/pandora_agent, openWRT/pandora_agent.conf: Added support for Tentacle. 2008-06-19 Ramon Novoa * win32/bin/PandoraAgent.exe: Updated to r888. 2008-06-19 Ramon Novoa * win32/windows/pandora_wmi.cc, win32/windows/pandora_wmi.h, win32/modules/pandora_module.h, win32/modules/pandora_module_logevent.cc, win32/modules/pandora_data.cc, win32/modules/pandora_data.h, win32/modules/pandora_module.cc: Data timestamps are taken from the log file itself. 2008-06-18 Ramon Novoa * win32/modules/pandora_module_logevent.cc: Fixed execution interval. 2008-06-18 Ramon Novoa * win32/modules/pandora_module_logevent.cc: Now returns "empty" data when no data is available. 2008-06-13 Ramon Novoa * win32/bin/PandoraAgent.exe: Updated to r857. 2008-06-13 Ramon Novoa * win32/PandoraAgent.dev: Updated. * win32/windows/pandora_wmi.cc, win32/windows/pandora_wmi.h, win32/pandora_windows_service.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module.h, win32/modules/pandora_module_logevent.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module_logevent.h, win32/modules/pandora_module_factory.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module_list.cc, win32/modules/pandora_module.c: Added a new module that checks for log events using WMI queries. * bin/pandora_agent.conf: Added encoding option and a Logevent module declaration example. 2008-06-11 Ramon Novoa * win32/pandora_strutils.cc, win32/pandora_strutils.h, win32/modules/pandora_module.cc: Added support for floating-point numbers. 2008-06-11 Ramon Novoa * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Added remote_config option. 2008-06-10 Ramon Novoa * win32/bin/PandoraAgent.exe: Updated to r849. 2008-06-10 Ramon Novoa * win32/pandora.cc: Updated version information. 2008-06-10 Ramon Novoa * win32/PandoraAgent.dev: Updated. * win32/misc/md5.c, win32/misc/md5.h: Added to repository. Implementation of MD5 (RFC 1321). * win32/misc/pandora_file.cc, win32/misc/pandora_file.h: Added remote configuration checking related functions. * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc, win32/pandora_windows_service.h: Added support for remote configuration checking. 2008-06-09 Sancho Lerena macOS agent update. 2008-06-09 Ramon Novoa * linux/plugins/grep_log: Fixed command line parameter check. * linux/pandora_agent: Added support for remote configuration. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added remote_config option. 2008-05-29 Sancho Lerena * openWRT/README.openwrt: Some additional information about wput command replacing old SSH transfer method. * openWRT/pandora_agent: Updated to use ftp(wput) instead of buggy ssh. * openWRT/pandora_agent.conf: Deleted ssh method and unused stuff for this little agent. * linux/plugins/grep_log: Updated plugin to use a module name for each call, passed as 2th argument. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Deleted checksum reference and commented plugin sample, and using the new syntax for plugin. 2008-05-27 Ramon Novoa * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added a plugin declaration example. 2008-05-25 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent: New cron mode, new ftp mode that do not use .netrc anymore, uses password embedded into .conf. Also a few fixes and removed checksum mode (deprecated!). * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Updated .conf 2008-05-19 Ramon Novoa * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Added plugin installation. * linux/plugins: Added to repository. Plugins directory. * linux/plugins/grep_log: Added to repository. Plugin to search log files for a matching pattern. * linux/pandora_agent: Added support for plugin execution. Removed support for pandora_user.conf. * linux/pandora_user.conf: Deleted from repository. Not used anymore. 2008-04-09 Sancho lerena * README, AUTHORS, COPYING: Updated on all agents. 2008-04-08 Sancho Lerena * openWRT/pandora_arduino.c: Code for arduino, able to manage pandora agent signals using serial interface. 2008-03-19 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.spec: Adapted to the new 1.3.X version of the Pandora Agents. 2008-03-14 Ramon Novoa * win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Added support for Tentacle file transfers. * win32/pandora_windows_service.h: Added support for Tentacle file transfers. 2008-03-11 Ramon Novoa * linux/pandora_agent: Added support for Tentacle file transfers. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added Tentacle specific options. 2008-03-11 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Added pidof checking to check the PID of the process. 2008-02-02 Sancho lerena * pandora_arduino.c: Added microcode for arduino. * AUTHORS: Added Jorge to autors, was missing. * pandora_serialread: Added sleep to improve serial read. 2008-01-10 Sancho Lerena * Win32: Deleted old installer exes. 2008-01-08 Sancho Lerena * mac_osx/*: Added code for Mac OsX Agent contributed by Evi Vanoost. 2008-01-02 Sancho lerena * openWRT/*: Added code for new ASYNC agent for OpenWRT/Arduino agent, this would be the new SYNC/ASYNC agent for Pandora FMS 2.0. This is first development version, DO NOT TEST YET. It has several code specific for OpenWRT enviroment. 2007-09-14 Sancho Lerena * Deleted a lot of old stuff (licenses, readmes, etc). Put on agent root dir 2007-08-29 Raul Mateos * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Added comments about usage and samples. 2007-08-27 Raul Mateos * win32/installer/How_to_create_installer.txt: Changed mpi name. Added libcurl.dll and more info. 2007-08-23 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Fixed problem with /var/log/pandora * linux/README: Added, replacing old INSTALL file. * linux/pandora_agent: Fixed problem with old path /var/log/pandora_agent.log 2007-08-20 Sancho Lerena New version of Pandora Agent for Windows (beta2). * win32/bin/key/id_dsa*: Added sample keys. * win32/installer/logo.png: Updated logo for installer. * win32/installer/Pandora_Windows_Agent-1.3.0 Beta2-Setup.exe: New installer binary. * win32/installer/Pandora_Windows_Agent-1.2.1-Setup.exe: Deleted old one * win32/installer/pandora1.2.1.mpi: Updated (and need to be renamed on next commit) 2007-08-02 Sancho Lerena * bdd_ipso/pandora_agent.conf: Some modules updated. 2007-08-01 Sancho Lerena * bsd_ipso/*: Some fixes. Added harm_mode to avoid be unpolite with IPSO in some heavy loaded systems (IMPERATIVE!). Some fixes. 2007-07-05 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent: Fixed small but important bug. which makes the ftp transfer mode useless. * aix/pandora_agent: Fixed small but important bug. which makes the ftp transfer mode useless. * solaris/pandora_agent: Fixed small but important bug. which makes the ftp transfer mode useless. 2007-07-03 Manuel Arostegui * hp-ux/pandora_agent_installer: Added to repository. HP-UX Pandora Agent Installer. * hp-ux/data_out: Removed, no longer necesary in 1.3 version and later. 2007-07-02 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent: Fixed bug: #1746327 2007-06-29 Raul Mateos * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Changed log and temp paths. 2007-06-25 Manuel Arostegui * aix/pandora_agent.conf: Added missing line agent_name option 2007-06-25 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Fixed problems with old "contrib" subdir. * */pandora_agent: Removed from/to time run functionality. Added renice call, fixed some default vars and fixed DEBUG mode behaviour. * */pandora_agent.conf: Default are to no renice and not debug. 2007-06-18 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent_installer: Fixed a bug related with the copy of the pandora_agent_daemon file. 2007-06-18 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agents.spec: Renamed to pandora_agent.spec * linux/pandora_agent.spec: Ready to 1.3 version packagement. 2007-06-14 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Changed to disable by default the delayed start up. * aix/pandora_agent.conf: Changed to disable by default the delayed start up. * solaris/pandora_agent.conf: Changed to disable by default the delayed start up. 2007-06-14 Manuel Arostegui * linux/INSTALL: Added how to use the new installer. * aix/pandora_agent_installer: Changed few things to make it works with the new name of the agent. * aix/pandora_agent: This is the old pandora_agent.sh which has been renamed to pandora_agent * aix/pandora_agent_daemon: Changed few thing to make it works with the new name of the agent. * aix/INSTALL: Added how to use the new installer. * aix/pandora_agent.sh: Renamed to pandora_agent. * hp-ux/pandora_agent: This is the old pandora_agent.sh which has been renamed to pandora_agent * hp-ux/pandora_agent_daemon: Changed few thing to make it works with the new name of the agent. * hp-ux/INSTALL: Added how to use the new installer. * hp-ux/pandora_agent.sh: Renamed to pandora_agent. * solaris/pandora_agent_installer: Changed few thing to make it works with the new name of the agent. * solaris/pandora_agent: This is the old pandora_agent.sh which has been renamed to pandora_agent * solaris/pandora_agent_daemon: Changed few thing to make it works with the new name of the agent. * solaris/INSTALL: Added how to use the new installer. * solaris/pandora_agent.sh: Renamed to pandora_agent. 2007-06-14 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent_installer, pandora_agent_daemon: moved to root directory of the agent directory. * linux/contrib: Deleted directory from the agent main directory: * linux/contrib/pandora_agent_daemon, pandora_agent_installer: Deleted from the contrib dir. 2007-06-12 Manuel Arostegui * linux/contrib/pandora_agent_installer: Changed a PATH to adapt the script to the 1.3 version. * linux/contrib/pandora_agent_daemon: Added nohup. * linux/pandora_agent: Added features like: Maximum and Minimum hours where the agent can run between. Delayed startup for the agent. Added NICE option to protect CPU. Added "local" as a new transfer mode. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Changed in order to adapt it to the new features of the agent. * aix/pandora_agent_installer: Added to repository: Pandora Agent Installer for AIX Systems. * aix/pandora_agent_daemon: Added nohup and fixed a small bug related with an "exit" in the beggining of the script. * aix/pandora_agent.conf: Changed in order to adapt it to the new features of the agent. * aix/pandora_agent.sh: Added features like: Maximum and Minimum hours where the agent can run between. Delayed startup for the agent. Added NICE option to protect CPU. Added "ftp" and "local" as a new transfer mode. Added the chance of choosing the remote ssh port to use. * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Changed version number. * solaris/pandora_agent_installer: Added to repository: Pandora Agent Installer for Solaris Systems. * solaris/pandora_agent_daemon: Added nohup. * solaris/pandora_agent.conf: Changed in order to adapt it to the new features of the agent. * solaris/pandora_agent.sh: Added the banner in the start up. Added features like: Maximum and Minimum hours where the agent can run between. Delayed startup for the agent. Added NICE option to protect CPU. Added "ftp" and "local" as a new transfer mode. Added the chance of choosing the remote ssh port to use. 2007-04-23 Manuel Arostegui * linux/contrib/pandora_agent_installer: Removed an unnecessary directory. 2007-04-22 Sancho Lerena * linux/contrib/pandora_agent_installer: Fixed small bugs. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Fixed small bug. This version of installer works fine in a Ubuntu 6.10 Server 2007-04-21 Sancho Lerena * pandora_agent_daemon moved to contrib dir. * deleted Doc dir. * moved pandora_agent_installer to contrib dir. * Added LICENCE with GPL data. * Deleted README with old text stuff. * Moved pandora_agent.sh to pandora_agent * pandora_agent: Added feature: TRANSFER_MODE. * pandora_agent.conf: Added feature token. 2007-04-19 Sancho Lerena At the moment, only linux agent changes, need to be propagated to other Unix agents: * Local development changes for pandora_agent.sh, and for pandora_agent.conf. Will be changed for production release. * Added contrib dir. * Added installer: pandora_agent_installer 2007-04-11 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agents.spec: Added links from init.d to rc0.d, rc6.d, rc3.d and rc5.d 2007-04-11 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release. * bsd-ipso/pandora_agent.conf: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release * aix/pandora_agent.conf: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release * hp-ux/pandora_agent.conf: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release * meta_agent/pandora_agent_1.conf, pandora_agent_2.conf, pandora_agent_3.conf, pandora_agent_4.conf, pandora_agent_5.conf: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release * solaris/pandora_agent.conf: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release 2007-04-11 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.conf, pandora_agents.spec: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release. * bsd-ipso/pandora_agent_daemon, pandora_agent.conf, pandora_agent.sh: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release. * aix/pandora_agent_daemon, pandora_agent.conf, pandora_agent.sh: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release. * hp-ux/pandora_agent_daemon, pandora_agent.conf, pandora_agent.sh: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release. * win32/bin/pandora_agent.conf: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release. * meta_agent/pandora_agent_sim.sh, pandora_agent_daemon, pandora_agent_1.conf, pandora_agent_2.conf, pandora_agent_3.conf, pandora_agent_4.conf, pandora_agent_5.conf: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release. * solaris/pandora_agent_daemon, pandora_agent.conf, pandora_agent.sh: Changed PATHS to adapt them to the upcoming 1.3 release. 2007-02-02 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agents.spec: More polished spec file. 2007-01-08 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agents.spec: Changed group. 2007-01-05 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Some adjustements for a generic daemon launcher. Need to be improved with some code from Dagget and Manu. 2007-01-04 Sancho Lerena * Linux/pandora_agent.sh: Solved problem with encoding. Now XML its parsed before sending it, replacing all & characters. 2007-01-03 Sancho Lerena * Linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added more tokens to config file. Added logfile, temporal and encoding issues. * Linux/pandora_agent.sh: Many changes on agent. Solved problems with encoding, changed all paths, fixed minor bugs, and some work with XML. 2007-01-03 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agents.spec: Added dependencies 2007-01-02 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agents.spec: Added new PATHS for config files and binary ones. Fixed perms. Change Summary due to a typo bug. 2007-01-01 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agents.spec: Added to repository. Spec file for pandora agents RPM package. Launch scripts are installed under /usr/local/bin/ and configuration files are in /usr/local/etc/pandora 2006-12-05 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent.sh: Added support for SSH port (contrib from Dagget). * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added server_port feature. 2006-11-27 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.sh: Added new distro detection 2006-11-23 Raul Mateos * linux/pandora_agent.sh, linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Update license, translated text from spanish to english, updated build. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Solved small bug with vmstat. 2006-11-15 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Updated header for LSB compatibility (thanks to patch send by Jose Angel de Bustos. 2006-09-20 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent.sh: Inserted code for detect Linux Distro, and get versions (ported from babel agent code). 2006-08-30 Sancho Lerena * pandora_agent/ChangeLog: Created and added to repository