var refreshTimer = null; var isFetching = null; var storedEvents = new Array(); var notVisited = {}; $(window).on('load', function() { initilise(); // Wait some ms to throw main function var delay = setTimeout(main, 100); resetInterval(); }); function fetchEvents() { return storedEvents; } function fetchNotVisited() { return notVisited; } function removeNotVisited(eventId) { if (notVisited[eventId] === true) delete notVisited[eventId]; } function main() { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({text: "FETCH_EVENTS"}); // Do not fetch if is fetching now if (isFetching) return; isFetching = true; var feedUrl = localStorage["ip_address"]+'/include/api.php?op=get&op2=events&return_type=json&apipass='+localStorage["api_pass"]+'&user='+localStorage["user_name"]+'&pass='+localStorage["pass"]; req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.onload = handleResponse; req.onerror = handleError;"GET", feedUrl, true); req.withCredentials = true req.send(null); } function handleError() { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({text: "FETCH_EVENTS_URL_ERROR"}); isFetching = false; } function handleResponse() { var doc = req.responseText; if (doc=="auth error") { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({text: "FETCH_EVENTS_URL_ERROR"}); } else { var n ="404 Not Found"); if (n>0) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({text: "FETCH_EVENTS_DATA_ERROR"}); } else { getEvents(doc); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({text: "FETCH_EVENTS_SUCCESS"}); } } isFetching = false; } function getEvents(reply){ var fetchedEvents = parseReplyEvents(reply); // If there is no events requested, mark all as visited if (storedEvents.length == 0) { notVisited = {}; storedEvents = fetchedEvents; return; } // Discriminate the new events newEvents=fetchNewEvents(fetchedEvents,storedEvents); var newNotVisited = {}; var notVisitedCount = 0; // Check if popup is displayed to make some actions var views = chrome.extension.getViews({ type: "popup" }); for(var k=0;k<newEvents.length;k++){ newNotVisited[newEvents[k]['id']] = true; if (views.length == 0) { notVisitedCount++; displayNotification (newEvents[k]) alertsSound(newEvents[k]); } } // Make that the old events marked as not visited remains with the // same status for(var k=0;k<fetchedEvents.length;k++){ if (notVisited[fetchedEvents[k]['id']] === true) { newNotVisited[fetchedEvents[k]['id']] = true; notVisitedCount++; } } notVisited = newNotVisited; // Update the number localStorage["new_events"] = (views.length == 0) ? notVisitedCount : 0; updateBadge(); // Store the requested events storedEvents = fetchedEvents; } function updateBadge() { if (localStorage["new_events"] != 0) { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color:[0,200,0,255]}); chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: localStorage["new_events"] }); } else { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: "" }); } } function fetchNewEvents(A,B){ var arrDiff = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < A.length; i++) { var id = false; for(var j = 0; j < B.length; j++) { if(A[i]['id'] == B[j]['id']) { id = true; break; } } if(!id) { arrDiff.push(A[i]); } } return arrDiff; } function parseReplyEvents (reply) { // Split the API response var data = JSON.parse(reply) var e_array = JSON.parse(reply).data; // Form a properly object var fetchedEvents=new Array(); for(var i=0;i<e_array.length;i++){ var event=e_array[i]; fetchedEvents.push({ 'id' : event.id_evento, 'agent_name' : event.agent_name, 'agent' : event.id_agente, 'date' : event.timestamp, 'title' : event.evento, 'module' : event.id_agentmodule, 'type' : event.event_type, 'source' : event.source, 'severity' : event.criticity_name, 'visited' : false }); } // Return the events return fetchedEvents; } function alertsSound(pEvent){ if(localStorage["sound_alert"]!="on"){ return; } switch (pEvent['severity']) { case "Critical": playSound(localStorage["critical"]); break; case "Informational": playSound(localStorage["informational"]); break; case "Maintenance": playSound(localStorage["maintenance"]); break; case "Normal": playSound(localStorage["normal"]); break; case "Warning": playSound(localStorage["warning"]); break; } } function displayNotification (pEvent) { // Check if the user is okay to get some notification if (Notification.permission === "granted") { // If it's okay create a notification getNotification(pEvent); } // Otherwise, we need to ask the user for permission // Note, Chrome does not implement the permission static property // So we have to check for NOT 'denied' instead of 'default' else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') { Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { // Whatever the user answers, we make sure we store the information if(!('permission' in Notification)) { Notification.permission = permission; } // If the user is okay, let's create a notification if (permission === "granted") getNotification(pEvent); }); } } function getNotification(pEvent){ // Build the event text var even = pEvent['type']; if (pEvent['source'] != '') even += " : " + pEvent['source']; even += ". Event occured at " + pEvent['date']; if(pEvent['module'] != 0) even += " in the module with Id "+ pEvent['module']; even += "."; var url = (pEvent['agent'] == 0) ? localStorage["ip_address"]+"/index.php?sec=eventos&sec2=operation/events/events" : localStorage["ip_address"]+"/index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=" + pEvent['agent']; var notification = new Notification( pEvent['title'], { body: even, icon: "images/icon.png" } ); // Add the link notification.onclick = function (event) { event.preventDefault();, '_blank'); } // Close notification after 10 secs setTimeout(function() {notification.close()}, 10000); } function resetInterval () { if (refreshTimer) clearInterval(refreshTimer); refreshTimer = setInterval(main, localStorage["refresh"]*1000); } function initilise(){ if (isFetching == null) isFetching = false; if(localStorage["ip_address"]==undefined){ localStorage["ip_address"]=""; } if(localStorage["api_pass"]==undefined){ localStorage["api_pass"]="doreik0"; } if(localStorage["user_name"]==undefined){ localStorage["user_name"]="demo"; } if(localStorage["pass"]==undefined){ localStorage["pass"]="demo"; } if(localStorage["critical"]==null){ localStorage["critical"]="11"; } if(localStorage["informational"]==null){ localStorage["informational"]="1"; } if(localStorage["maintenance"]==null){ localStorage["maintenance"]="10"; } if(localStorage["normal"]==null){ localStorage["normal"]="6"; } if(localStorage["warning"]==null){ localStorage["warning"]="2"; } if(localStorage["events"]==null){ localStorage["events"]=20; } if(localStorage["refresh"]==null){ localStorage["refresh"]="10"; } if(localStorage["ip_address"]==null){ localStorage["ip_address"]=""; } if(localStorage["api_pass"]==null){ localStorage["api_pass"]="doreik0"; } if(localStorage["user_name"]==null){ localStorage["user_name"]="demo"; } if(localStorage["pass"]==null){ localStorage["pass"]="demo"; } if(localStorage["sound_alert"]==null){ localStorage["sound_alert"]="on"; } if(localStorage["changed"]==null){ localStorage["changed"]="false"; } if(localStorage["new_events"]==null){ localStorage["new_events"]=parseInt(localStorage["events"]); } if(localStorage["error"]==null) { localStorage["error"] = true; } }