conf->token('online'); if ($online === true) { $target = '/var/www/html/updatemanager/repo/test'; } else if (substr($target, 0, 1) !== '/') { $target = __DIR__.'/../../'.$target; } // OUM 1. system('rm -rf '.$path); mkdir($path, 0777, true); mkdir($path.'/extras'); mkdir($path.'/extras/delete_files'); system('echo -e "la cosa del vivir\nmola mucho\n" >'.$path.'1'); system('cd '.$path.' && zip '.$target.'/ -r * >/dev/null'); system('cp '.$target.'/ /tmp/'); system('mv '.$target.'/ '.$target.'/test_1.oum'); $this->ums_dbh->insert( 'um_packages', [ 'version' => 1, 'description' => 'test1', 'file_name' => '../test/test_1.oum', 'status' => 'testing', ] ); // OUM 2. system('rm -rf '.$path); mkdir($path, 0777, true); mkdir($path.'/extras'); mkdir($path.'/extras/delete_files'); mkdir($path.'/extras/mr'); system('echo "file2" > '.$path.'2'); system('echo -e "create table tete (id int);\n" >'.$path.'extras/mr/1.sql'); system('cd '.$path.' && zip '.$target.'/ -r * >/dev/null'); system('mv '.$target.'/ '.$target.'/test_2.oum'); $this->ums_dbh->insert( 'um_packages', [ 'version' => 2, 'description' => 'test2', 'file_name' => '../test/test_2.oum', 'status' => 'testing', ] ); // OUM 3. system('rm -rf '.$path); mkdir($path, 0777, true); mkdir($path.'/extras'); mkdir($path.'/extras/delete_files'); mkdir($path.'/extras/mr'); system('echo "file3" > '.$path.'3'); file_put_contents($path.'extras/delete_files/delete_files.txt', "1\n"); system('echo -e "create table toum1 (id int);\n" >'.$path.'extras/mr/2.sql'); system('echo -e "create table toum2 (id int);\n" >>'.$path.'extras/mr/2.sql'); system('cd '.$path.' && zip '.$target.'/ -r * >/dev/null'); system('mv '.$target.'/ '.$target.'/test_3.oum'); $this->ums_dbh->insert( 'um_packages', [ 'version' => 3, 'description' => 'test3', 'file_name' => '../test/test_3.oum', 'status' => 'testing', ] ); // OUM 4. system('rm -rf '.$path); mkdir($path, 0777, true); mkdir($path.'/extras'); mkdir($path.'/extras/delete_files'); mkdir($path.'/extras/mr'); system('echo "file4" > '.$path.'4'); file_put_contents($path.'extras/delete_files/delete_files.txt', "1\n"); system('echo -e "drop table toum1;\n" >'.$path.'extras/mr/3.sql'); system('cd '.$path.' && zip '.$target.'/ -r * >/dev/null'); system('mv '.$target.'/ '.$target.'/test_4.oum'); $this->ums_dbh->insert( 'um_packages', [ 'version' => 4, 'description' => 'test4', 'file_name' => '../test/test_4.oum', 'status' => 'testing', ] ); $this->ums_dbh->insert( 'um_packages', [ 'version' => 5, 'description' => 'test5', 'file_name' => 'unexistent.oum', 'status' => 'published', ] ); // Cleanup. system('rm -rf '.$path); } /** * Base settings. * * @return void */ public function setup(): void { // Load the conf. try { $this->conf = new \Config(__DIR__.'/../conf/test.ini'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail($e->getMessage()); } // Verify endpoint has all needed stuff, like licenses and OUM packages. $this->ums_dbh = new \DB( $this->conf->token('dbhost'), $this->conf->token('dbname'), $this->conf->token('dbuser'), $this->conf->token('dbpass') ); if ((bool) $this->ums_dbh === false) { $this->fail( 'Failed to prepare environment '.$this->conf->token('dbhost') ); } // Cleanup. foreach (['Development', 'Customer'] as $company) { $id = $this->ums_dbh->select_value( 'SELECT id FROM um_licenses WHERE company=?', [$company] ); if ($id > 0) { $this->ums_dbh->delete( 'um_licenses', $id ); } } // Load minimum examples. $this->ums_dbh->insert( 'um_licenses', [ 'company' => 'Development', 'license_key' => 4, 'expiry_date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time()).' + 365 day')), 'developer' => 1, ] ); $this->ums_dbh->insert( 'um_licenses', [ 'company' => 'Customer', 'license_key' => 5, 'expiry_date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time()).' + 365 day')), 'developer' => 0, ] ); $rs = \License::all_licenses( $this->ums_dbh, 1, 0, ['company' => 'Development'], [ 'column' => 'company', 'dir' => 'asc', ], ['*'] ); $this->development_license = $rs[0]['license_key']; $this->assertEquals(1, $rs[0]['developer'], 'Not a developer license'); $rs = \License::all_licenses( $this->ums_dbh, 1, 0, ['company' => 'Customer'], [ 'column' => 'company', 'dir' => 'asc', ], ['*'] ); $this->customer_license = $rs[0]['license_key']; $this->base = $this->conf->token('homedir'); system('rm -rf '.$this->base.'/open'); system('rm -rf '.$this->base.'/enterprise'); $this->generateOUMs(); } /** * Cleanup. * * @return void */ public function teardown():void { foreach (['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5'] as $t) { $id = $this->ums_dbh->select_value( 'SELECT id FROM um_packages WHERE description=?', [$t] ); $this->ums_dbh->delete( 'um_packages', $id ); } // Cleanup. foreach (['Development', 'Customer'] as $company) { $id = $this->ums_dbh->select_value( 'SELECT id FROM um_licenses WHERE company=?', [$company] ); if ($id > 0) { $this->ums_dbh->delete( 'um_licenses', $id ); } } system('rm -rf '.sys_get_temp_dir().'/oum'); system('rm -rf '.$this->base.'/open'); system('rm -rf '.$this->base.'/enterprise'); system('rm -rf '.$this->base); system('rm -f '.sys_get_temp_dir().'/test*.oum'); } /** * Test client. * * @return void */ public function testInvalidClient() { try { $this->umc_invalid = new Client([]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->umc_invalid = new Client( [ 'host' => $this->conf->token('umc_host'), 'port' => $this->conf->token('umc_port'), 'remote_config' => sys_get_temp_dir().'/oum', 'endpoint' => 'notexists', 'license' => 'UNKNOWN', 'insecure' => false, 'dbconnection' => null, 'homedir' => $this->base.'/unexistent', 'proxy' => [ 'user' => '', 'host' => '', 'port' => '', 'password' => '', ], ] ); $this->assertFalse( $this->umc_invalid->test() ); $this->umc_invalid = new Client( [ 'host' => $this->conf->token('umc_host'), 'port' => $this->conf->token('umc_port'), 'endpoint' => 'notexists', 'license' => 'UNKNOWN', 'insecure' => true, 'homedir' => $this->base.'/unexistent', ] ); $this->assertNull( $this->umc_invalid->listUpdates() ); return; } $this->fail('Expected exception not found'); } /** * Test opensource updates. * * @return void */ public function atestOpen() { if (is_dir($this->base.'/open/') === false) { mkdir($this->base.'/open/', 0777, true); } $dbh_open = new \mysqli( $this->conf->token('dbhost'), $this->conf->token('dbuser'), $this->conf->token('dbpass') ); if ($dbh_open->select_db('open') === false) { $dbh_open->query('create database open'); $dbh_open->select_db('open'); } $umc_open = new Client( [ 'host' => $this->conf->token('umc_host'), 'port' => $this->conf->token('umc_port'), 'endpoint' => ($this->conf->token('endpoint') ?? ''), 'license' => 'PANDORA-FREE', 'insecure' => true, 'homedir' => $this->base.'/open', 'dbconnection' => $dbh_open, 'registration_code' => 'unregistered', 'current_package' => 0, 'MR' => 0, ] ); $this->assertEquals( true, $umc_open->test(), ($umc_open->getLastError() ?? '') ); $open = $umc_open->listUpdates(); $this->assertEquals( '190916', $open[0]['version'], ($umc_open->getLastError() ?? '') ); $this->assertEquals( false, $umc_open->updateNextVersion(), ($umc_open->getLastError() ?? '') ); if (strpos( ($umc_open->getLastError() ?? ''), 'open.tusuario' ) <= 0 ) { $this->fail(($umc_open->getLastError() ?? '')); } $this->assertEquals(0, $umc_open->getMR()); $umc_open->getDBH()->query('DROP DATABASE `open`'); } /** * Test enterprise updates. * * @return void */ public function testEnterprise() { if (is_dir($this->base.'/enterprise/') === false) { mkdir($this->base.'/enterprise/', 0777, true); } $dbh_ent = new \mysqli( $this->conf->token('dbhost'), $this->conf->token('dbuser'), $this->conf->token('dbpass') ); if ($dbh_ent->select_db('ent') === false) { $dbh_ent->query('create database ent'); $dbh_ent->select_db('ent'); $dbh_ent->query( 'create table tconfig( `id_config` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `token` varchar(100), `value` text NOT NULL, primary key (`id_config`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' ); } $umc_enterprise = new Client( [ 'host' => $this->conf->token('umc_host'), 'port' => $this->conf->token('umc_port'), 'remote_config' => sys_get_temp_dir().'/oum', 'endpoint' => $this->conf->token('endpoint'), 'license' => $this->development_license, 'insecure' => true, 'homedir' => $this->base.'/enterprise', 'dbconnection' => $dbh_ent, 'tmp' => sys_get_temp_dir(), ] ); $this->assertEquals( true, $umc_enterprise->test(), ($umc_enterprise->getLastError() ?? '') ); $ent = $umc_enterprise->listUpdates(); $this->assertEquals( 1, $ent[0]['version'], ($umc_enterprise->getLastError() ?? '') ); $this->assertEquals( true, $umc_enterprise->updateNextVersion(), ($umc_enterprise->getLastError() ?? '') ); $this->assertEquals( 1, $umc_enterprise->getVersion(), ($umc_enterprise->getLastError() ?? '') ); $this->assertEquals(0, $umc_enterprise->getMR()); try { $umc_enterprise->updateLastVersion(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo $e->getTraceAsString(); $this->fail('Failed while updating: '.$e->getMessage()); } $this->assertEquals( 4, $umc_enterprise->getVersion(), ($umc_enterprise->getLastError() ?? '') ); // Verify MR had worked. $this->assertEquals(3, $umc_enterprise->getMR()); // Verify delete files has worked. $this->assertTrue( file_exists($this->base.'/enterprise/3'), 'File '.$this->base.'/enterprise/3 should exist' ); $this->assertFalse( file_exists($this->base.'/enterprise/1'), 'File '.$this->base.'/enterprise/1 should not exist' ); // Customer. $umc_enterprise = new Client( [ 'host' => $this->conf->token('umc_host'), 'port' => $this->conf->token('umc_port'), 'remote_config' => sys_get_temp_dir().'/oum', 'endpoint' => $this->conf->token('endpoint'), 'license' => $this->customer_license, 'insecure' => true, 'homedir' => $this->base.'/enterprise', 'dbconnection' => $dbh_ent, 'tmp' => sys_get_temp_dir(), ] ); $this->assertFalse( $umc_enterprise->updateNextVersion() ); // Cleanup. $umc_enterprise->getDBH()->query('DROP DATABASE `ent`'); } }