/* Pandora agents service for Win32. Copyright (C) 2006 Artica ST. Written by Esteban Sanchez. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "pandora_windows_service.h" #include "pandora.h" #include "pandora_strutils.h" #include "windows_service.h" #include "modules/pandora_module_factory.h" #include "ssh/pandora_ssh_client.h" #include "misc/pandora_file.h" #include "windows/pandora_windows_info.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Pandora; using namespace Pandora_Modules; using namespace Pandora_Strutils; Pandora_Windows_Service::Pandora_Windows_Service (const char * svc_name, const char * svc_display_name, const char * svc_description) : Windows_Service (svc_name, svc_display_name, svc_description) { this->setInitFunction ((void (Windows_Service::*) ()) &Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_init); this->setRunFunction ((void (Windows_Service::*) ()) &Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run); execution_number = 0; this->modules = NULL; this->conf = NULL; } Pandora_Windows_Service::~Pandora_Windows_Service () { if (this->conf != NULL) { delete this->conf; } if (this->modules != NULL) { delete this->modules; } } void Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_init () { int interval_ms = 60000; string conf_file, interval; setPandoraDebug (true); pandoraDebug ("Init begin"); conf_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); conf_file += "pandora_agent.conf"; this->conf = new Pandora_Agent_Conf (conf_file); this->modules = new Pandora_Module_List (conf_file); /* Get the interval value (in minutes) and set it to the service */ interval = conf->getValue ("interval"); if (interval != "") { try { interval_ms = strtoint (interval) * 1000 /* miliseconds */; } catch (Invalid_Conversion e) { } } srand ((unsigned) time (0)); this->setSleepTime (interval_ms); pandoraDebug ("Init end"); } TiXmlElement * Pandora_Windows_Service::getXmlHeader () { TiXmlElement *agent; SYSTEMTIME st; char timestamp[20]; string value; agent = new TiXmlElement ("agent_data"); /* TODO: Get the name of the machine if there is no agent_name*/ value = conf->getValue ("agent_name"); agent->SetAttribute ("agent_name", value); /* TODO: Get the real version of the agent */ agent->SetAttribute ("version", "1.2Beta"); GetSystemTime(&st); sprintf (timestamp, "%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d", st.wDay, st.wMonth, st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond); agent->SetAttribute ("timestamp", timestamp); value = conf->getValue ("interval"); agent->SetAttribute ("interval", value); value = Pandora_Windows_Info::getOSName (); agent->SetAttribute ("os", value); value = Pandora_Windows_Info::getOSVersion (); agent->SetAttribute ("os_version", value); return agent; } void Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run () { TiXmlDocument *doc; TiXmlElement *local_xml, *agent; string xml_filename, remote_host; string remote_filepath, random_integer; string tmp_filename, tmp_filepath, interval; string pubkey_file, privkey_file; bool saved; pandoraDebug ("Run begin"); agent = getXmlHeader (); execution_number++; if (this->modules != NULL) { this->modules->goFirst (); while (! this->modules->isLast ()) { Pandora_Module *module; string result; module = this->modules->getCurrentValue (); pandoraDebug ("Run %s", module->getName ().c_str ()); module->run (); local_xml = module->getXml (); if (local_xml != NULL) { agent->InsertEndChild (*local_xml); delete local_xml; } this->modules->goNext (); } } random_integer = inttostr (rand()); tmp_filename = conf->getValue ("agent_name"); tmp_filename += "." + random_integer + ".data"; xml_filename = conf->getValue ("temporal"); if (xml_filename[xml_filename.length () - 1] != '\\') { xml_filename += "\\"; } tmp_filepath = xml_filename + tmp_filename; /* Copy the XML to a temporal file */ pandoraDebug ("Copying XML on %s", tmp_filepath.c_str ()); doc = new TiXmlDocument (tmp_filepath); doc->InsertEndChild (*agent); saved = doc->SaveFile(); delete doc; delete agent; if (!saved) { pandoraLog ("Error when saving the XML in %s", tmp_filepath.c_str ()); return; } remote_host = conf->getValue ("server_ip"); ssh_client = new SSH::Pandora_Ssh_Client (); pandoraDebug ("Connecting with %s", remote_host.c_str ()); try { pubkey_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); pubkey_file += "key\\id_dsa.pub"; privkey_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); privkey_file += "key\\id_dsa"; ssh_client->connectWithPublicKey (remote_host.c_str (), 22, "babel", pubkey_file, privkey_file, ""); } catch (SSH::Authentication_Failed e) { delete ssh_client; pandoraLog ("Pandora Agent: Authentication Failed when connecting to %s", remote_host.c_str ()); try { Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp_filepath); } catch (Pandora_File::Delete_Error e) { } return; } catch (Pandora_Exception e) { delete ssh_client; pandoraLog ("Pandora Agent: Failed when copying to %s", remote_host.c_str ()); try { Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp_filepath); } catch (Pandora_File::Delete_Error e) { } return; } remote_filepath = conf->getValue ("server_path"); if (remote_filepath[remote_filepath.length () - 1] != '/') { remote_filepath += "/"; } pandoraDebug ("Remote copying XML %s on server %s at %s%s", tmp_filepath.c_str (), remote_host.c_str (), remote_filepath.c_str (), tmp_filename.c_str ()); try { ssh_client->scpFileFilename (remote_filepath + tmp_filename, tmp_filepath); } catch (Pandora_Exception e) { pandoraLog ("Unable to copy at %s%s", remote_filepath.c_str (), tmp_filename.c_str ()); ssh_client->disconnect(); delete ssh_client; try { Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp_filepath); } catch (Pandora_File::Delete_Error e) { } return; } ssh_client->disconnect(); delete ssh_client; try { Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp_filepath); } catch (Pandora_File::Delete_Error e) { } pandoraDebug ("Execution number %d", execution_number); return; }