Configuration management

This tool is used to several purposes:

Copy module / alert configuration

  1. Select source group and click on "filter" button.
  2. Select source agent and click on "get info" button
  3. Select one or more modules in source agent.
  4. Select destination agents for copy operation.
  5. Select targets: Module for only copy modules, Alert for only copy alerts (if destination agents don't have a module with the same name defined in source agent, tool cannot replicate alert). You could select both to first create module and after replicate alert (if defined).
  6. Click on "copy" button.

Delete module / alert configuration

This will delete all destination modules/alerts with the same name that has been selected in source agent / modules. All alerts associated to source modules will be deleted in destination agents if they have a module with the same name and alerts associated to them.

  1. Select source group and click on "filter" button.
  2. Select source agent and click on "get info" button
  3. Select one or more modules in source agent.
  4. Select destination agents for delete operation.
  5. Select targets: Modules, Alerts or both.
  6. Click on "delete" button.

Delete agents

This will delete all agent information (modules, alerts, events..) from the list of agents selected in the listbox on the bottom.

  1. Select destination agents for delete operation in the listbox on the bottom.
  2. Click on "delete agents" button.