/* Modules ids to check types */ var id_modules_icmp = Array (6, 7); var id_modules_tcp = Array (8, 9, 10, 11); var id_modules_snmp = Array (15, 16, 17, 18); function configure_modules_form () { $("#id_module_type").change (function () { if (id_modules_icmp.in_array (this.value)) { $("tr#simple-snmp_1, tr#simple-snmp_2, tr#simple-tcp_send, tr#simple-tcp_receive").hide (); $("#text-tcp_port").attr ("disabled", "1"); } else if (id_modules_snmp.in_array (this.value)) { $("tr#simple-snmp_1, tr#simple-snmp_2").show (); $("tr#simple-tcp_send, tr#simple-tcp_receive").hide (); $("#text-tcp_port").removeAttr ("disabled"); } else if (id_modules_tcp.in_array (this.value)) { $("tr#simple-snmp_1, tr#simple-snmp_2").hide (); $("tr#simple-tcp_send, tr#simple-tcp_receive").show (); $("#text-tcp_port").removeAttr ("disabled"); } }); $("#id_module_type").trigger("change"); $("#local_component_group").change (function () { var $select = $("#local_component").hide (); $("#component").hide (); if (this.value == 0) { reset_data_module_form(); return; } $("#component_loading").show (); $(".error, #no_component").hide (); $("option[value!=0]", $select).remove (); jQuery.post ("ajax.php", {"page" : "godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor", "get_module_local_components" : 1, "id_module_component_group" : this.value, "id_module_component_type" : $("#hidden-id_module_component_type").attr ("value") }, function (data, status) { if (data == false) { $("#component_loading").hide (); $("#no_component").show (); return; } jQuery.each (data, function (i, val) { option = $("") .attr ("value", val['id']) .append (val['name']); $select.append (option); }); $("#component_loading").hide (); $select.show (); $("#component").show (); }, "json" ); } ); function reset_data_module_form() { // Delete macro fields $('.macro_field').remove(); // Hide show/hide configuration data switch $('#simple-show_configuration_data').hide(); $('#simple-hide_configuration_data').hide(); $('#configuration_data_legend').hide(); $("#textarea_configuration_data").val(''); $('#simple-configuration_data').show(); $("#text-name").val(''); $("#textarea_description").val(''); $("#checkbox-history_data").check (); $("#text-max").attr ("value", ""); $("#text-min").attr ("value", ""); $("#dynamic_interval_select").attr ("value", 0); $("#text-dynamic_min").attr ("value", 0); $("#text-dynamic_max").attr ("value", 0); $("#checkbox-dynamic_two_tailed").attr ("value", 0); $("#text-min_warning").attr ("value", 0); $("#text-max_warning").attr ("value", 0); $("#text-str_warning").attr ("value", ''); $("#text-min_critical").attr ("value", 0); $("#text-max_critical").attr ("value", 0); $("#text-str_critical").attr ("value", ''); $("#text-ff_event").attr ("value", 0); $("#text-post_process").attr("value", 0); $("#text-unit").attr("value", ''); $("#checkbox-critical_inverse").attr ("value", 0); $("#checkbox-warning_inverse").attr ("value", 0); $("#textarea_critical_instructions").attr ("value", ''); $("#textarea_warning_instructions").attr ("value", ''); $("#textarea_unknown_instructions").attr ("value", ''); } $("#local_component").change (function () { if (this.value == 0) { reset_data_module_form(); return; } $("#component_loading").show (); $(".error").hide (); jQuery.post ("ajax.php", { "page" : "godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor", "get_module_local_component" : 1, "id_module_component" : this.value }, function (data, status) { configuration_data = js_html_entity_decode (data['data']); $("#text-name").attr ("value", js_html_entity_decode (data["name"])); $("#textarea_description").attr ("value", js_html_entity_decode (data["description"])); $("#textarea_description").html(js_html_entity_decode (data["description"])); $("#textarea_configuration_data").val(configuration_data); $("#component_loading").hide (); $("#id_module_type").val(data["type"]); $("#text-max").attr ("value", data["max"]); $("#text-min").attr ("value", data["min"]); // Workaround to update the advanced select control from html and ajax if (typeof 'period_select_module_interval_update' == 'function') { period_select_module_interval_update(data["module_interval"]); } else { period_select_update('module_interval', data["module_interval"]); } $("#id_module_group").val (data["id_module_group"]); if (data["history_data"]) $("#checkbox-history_data").check (); else $("#checkbox-history_data").uncheck (); $("#dynamic_interval_select").val (data["dynamic_interval"]); $("#text-dynamic_max").attr ("value", (data["dynamic_max"] == 0) ? 0 : data["dynamic_max"]); $("#text-dynamic_min").attr ("value", (data["dynamic_min"] == 0) ? 0 : data["dynamic_min"]); if (data["dynamic_two_tailed"]) $("#checkbox-dynamic_two_tailed").check (); else $("#checkbox-dynamic_two_tailed").uncheck (); $("#text-min_warning").attr ("value", (data["min_warning"] == 0) ? 0 : data["min_warning"]); $("#text-max_warning").attr ("value", (data["max_warning"] == 0) ? 0 : data["max_warning"]); $("#text-str_warning").attr ("value", data["str_warning"]); $("#text-min_critical").attr ("value", (data["min_critical"] == 0) ? 0 : data["min_critical"]); $("#text-max_critical").attr ("value", (data["max_critical"] == 0) ? 0 : data["max_critical"]); $("#text-str_critical").attr ("value", data["str_critical"]); $("#text-ff_event").attr ("value", (data["min_ff_event"] == 0) ? 0 : data["min_ff_event"]); $("#text-post_process").attr("value", (data["post_process"] == 0) ? 0 : data["post_process"]); $("#text-unit").attr("value", (data["unit"] == '') ? 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"; }); $('#configuration_data_legend').html(legend); $('#simple-show_configuration_data').show(); $('#simple-hide_configuration_data').hide(); $('#configuration_data_legend').show(); $('#simple-configuration_data').hide(); } else { $('#simple-show_configuration_data').hide(); $('#simple-hide_configuration_data').hide(); $('#configuration_data_legend').hide(); $('#simple-configuration_data').show(); } }, "json" ); }); network_component_group_change_event(); flag_load_plugin_component = false; $("#network_component").change (function () { if (this.value == 0) return; $("#component_loading").show (); $(".error").hide (); jQuery.post ("ajax.php", { "page" : "godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor", "get_module_component" : 1, "id_module_component" : this.value }, function (data, status) { flag_load_plugin_component = true; $("#text-name").attr ("value", js_html_entity_decode (data["name"])); $("#textarea_description").html (js_html_entity_decode (data["description"])); $("#id_module_type").val(data["type"]); $("#text-max").attr ("value", data["max"]); $("#text-min").attr ("value", data["min"]); // Workaround to update the advanced select control from html and ajax if (typeof 'period_select_module_interval_update' == 'function') { period_select_module_interval_update(data["module_interval"]); } else { period_select_update('module_interval', data["module_interval"]); } $("#text-tcp_port").attr ("value", data["tcp_port"]); $("#textarea_tcp_send") .attr ("value", js_html_entity_decode (data["tcp_send"])); $("#textarea_tcp_rcv") .attr ("value", js_html_entity_decode (data["tcp_rcv"])); $("#textarea_tcp_send") .html (js_html_entity_decode (data["tcp_send"])); $("#textarea_tcp_rcv") .html (js_html_entity_decode (data["tcp_rcv"])); $("#text-snmp_community") .attr ("value", js_html_entity_decode (data["snmp_community"])); $("#text-snmp_oid") .val( js_html_entity_decode (data["snmp_oid"])); $("#oid, img#edit_oid").hide (); $("#id_module_group").val (data["id_module_group"]); $("#max_timeout").attr ("value", data["max_timeout"]); $("#max_retries").attr ("value", data["max_retries"]); if (data["id_plugin"] != undefined) { $("#id_plugin").val(data["id_plugin"]); } //$("#id_plugin").trigger('change'); $("#text-plugin_user").attr ("value", js_html_entity_decode (data["plugin_user"])); $("#password-plugin_pass").attr ("value", js_html_entity_decode (data["plugin_pass"])); $("#text-plugin_parameter").attr ("value", js_html_entity_decode (data["plugin_parameter"])); if (data["history_data"]) $("#checkbox-history_data").check (); else $("#checkbox-history_data").uncheck (); $("#dynamic_interval_select").val (data["dynamic_interval"]); $("#text-dynamic_max").attr ("value", (data["dynamic_max"] == 0) ? 0 : data["dynamic_max"]); $("#text-dynamic_min").attr ("value", (data["dynamic_min"] == 0) ? 0 : data["dynamic_min"]); if (data["dynamic_two_tailed"]) $("#checkbox-dynamic_two_tailed").check (); else $("#checkbox-dynamic_two_tailed").uncheck (); $("#text-min_warning").attr ("value", (data["min_warning"] == 0) ? 0 : data["min_warning"]); $("#text-max_warning").attr ("value", (data["max_warning"] == 0) ? 0 : data["max_warning"]); $("#text-str_warning").attr ("value", data["str_warning"]); $("#text-min_critical").attr ("value", (data["min_critical"] == 0) ? 0 : data["min_critical"]); $("#text-max_critical").attr ("value", (data["max_critical"] == 0) ? 0 : data["max_critical"]); $("#text-str_critical").attr ("value", data["str_critical"]); $("#text-ff_event").attr ("value", (data["min_ff_event"] == 0) ? 0 : data["min_ff_event"]); $("input[name=each_ff][value=" + data["each_ff"] + "]").prop('checked', true); $("#text-ff_event_normal").attr ("value", (data["min_ff_event_normal"] == 0) ? 0 : data["min_ff_event_normal"]); $("#text-ff_event_warning").attr ("value", (data["min_ff_event_warning"] == 0) ? 0 : data["min_ff_event_warning"]); $("#text-ff_event_critical").attr ("value", (data["min_ff_event_critical"] == 0) ? 0 : data["min_ff_event_critical"]); // Shows manual input if post_process field is setted if (data["post_process"] != 0) { $('#post_process_manual').show(); $('#post_process_default').hide(); } $("#text-post_process_text").attr("value", (data["post_process"] == 0) ? 0 : data["post_process"]); // Shows manual input if unit field is setted if (data["unit"] != '') { $('#unit_manual').show(); $('#unit_default').hide(); } $("#text-unit_text").attr("value", (data["unit"] == '') ? '' : data["unit"]); $("#checkbox-critical_inverse").prop ("checked", data["critical_inverse"]); $("#checkbox-warning_inverse").prop ("checked", data["warning_inverse"]); $("#component_loading").hide (); $("#id_module_type").change (); if ($("#id_category").is("select")) { $("#id_category").val (data["id_category"]); } else { $("#hidden-id_category").val(data["id_category"]); } var tags = data["tags"]; // Reset the selection of tags (put all of them into available box) $("#id_tag_selected option").each(function() { if ($(this).attr('value') != '') { $("#id_tag_selected").find("option[value='" + $(this).attr('value') + "']").remove(); $("select[name='id_tag_available[]']").append($("").val($(this).attr('value')).html($(this).text())); } }); if ($("#id_tag_available option").length > 1) { $("#id_tag_available").find("option[value='']").remove(); } if ($("#id_tag_selected option").length == 0) { $("select[name='id_tag_selected[]']").append($("").val('').html('None')); } if (tags != '') { tags = tags.split(','); // Fill the selected tags box with select ones for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++){ $("#id_tag_available option").each(function(){ if (tags[i] == $(this).text()) { $("#id_tag_available").find("option[value='" + $(this).attr('value') + "']").remove(); $("select[name='id_tag_selected[]']").append($("").val($(this).attr('value')).html($(this).text())); $("#id_tag_selected").find("option[value='']").remove(); } }); if ($("#id_tag_available option").length == 0) { $("select[name='id_tag_available[]']").append($("").val('').html('None')); } } } // Delete macro fields $('.macro_field').remove(); $('#hidden-macros').val(''); // If exist macros, load the fields if (data["macros"] != '' && data["macros"] != null) { $('#hidden-macros').val(Base64.encode(data["macros"])); var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data["macros"]); $.each(obj, function(k,macro) { add_macro_field(macro, 'simple-macro'); }); } if (data["type"] >= 15 && data["type"] <= 18) { $("#snmp_version").val(data["tcp_send"]); $("#text-snmp3_auth_user").val(data["plugin_user"]); $("#password-snmp3_auth_pass").val(data["plugin_pass"]); $("#snmp3_auth_method").val(data["plugin_parameter"]); $("#snmp3_privacy_method").val(data["custom_string_1"]); $("#password-snmp3_privacy_pass").val(data["custom_string_2"]); $("#snmp3_security_level").val(data["custom_string_3"]); if (data["tcp_send"] == "3") { $("#simple-field_snmpv3_row1").attr("style", ""); $("#simple-field_snmpv3_row2").attr("style", ""); $("#simple-field_snmpv3_row3").attr("style", ""); $("input[name=active_snmp_v3]").val(1); } } if (data["throw_unknown_events"]) $("input[name='throw_unknown_events']").check(); else $("input[name='throw_unknown_events']").uncheck(); if (data["id_plugin"] != undefined) { $("#id_plugin").trigger("change"); } }, "json" ); }); $("img#edit_oid").click (function () { $("#oid").hide (); $("#text-snmp_oid").show () .attr ("value", $("#select_snmp_oid").fieldValue ()); $(this).hide (); }); $("form#module_form").submit (function () { if ($("#text-name").val () == "") { $("#text-name").focus (); $("#message").showMessage (no_name_lang); return false; } if ($("#id_plugin").attr ("value") == 0) { $("#id_plugin").focus (); $("#message").showMessage (no_plugin_lang); return false; } moduletype = $("#hidden-moduletype").val (); if (moduletype == 5) { if ($("#prediction_module").val () == null) { $("#prediction_module").focus (); $("#message").showMessage (no_prediction_module_lang); return false; } } moduletype = $("#hidden-id_module_type").val (); if (moduletype == 25) { if ($("#custom_integer_1").val () == 0) { $("#custom_integer_1").focus (); $("#message").showMessage (no_execute_test_from); return false; } } module = $("#id_module_type").attr ("value"); if (id_modules_icmp.in_array (module) || id_modules_tcp.in_array (module) || id_modules_snmp.in_array (module)) { /* Network module */ if ($("#text-ip_target").val () == "") { $("#text-ip_target").focus (); $("#message").showMessage (no_target_lang); return false; } } if (id_modules_snmp.in_array (module)) { if ($("#text-snmp_oid").attr ("value") == "") { if ($("#select_snmp_oid").attr ("value") == "") { $("#message").showMessage (no_oid_lang); return false; } } } $("#message").hide (); return true; }); if (typeof $("#prediction_id_group").pandoraSelectGroupAgent == 'function') { $("#prediction_id_group").pandoraSelectGroupAgent ({ agentSelect: "select#prediction_id_agent", callbackBefore: function () { $("#module_loading").show (); $("#prediction_module option").remove (); return true; }, callbackAfter: function (e) { if ($("#prediction_id_agent").children ().length == 0) { $("#module_loading").hide (); return; } $("#prediction_id_agent").change (); } }); } if (typeof $("#prediction_id_agent").pandoraSelectAgentModule == 'function') { $("#prediction_id_agent").pandoraSelectAgentModule ({ moduleSelect: "select#prediction_module" }); } } // Functions to add and remove dynamic fields for macros function delete_macro_form(prefix) { var next_number = parseInt($('#next_macro').html()); // Is not possible delete first macro if (next_number == 3) { $('#delete_macro_button').hide(); } var next_row = parseInt($('#next_row').html()); $('#next_macro').html(next_number-1); $('#next_row').html(next_row-3); var nrow1 = next_row - 3; var nrow2 = next_row - 2; var nrow3 = next_row - 1; var $row1 = $('#'+prefix+nrow1).remove(); var $row2 = $('#'+prefix+nrow2).remove(); var $row3 = $('#'+prefix+nrow3).remove(); } // The callback parameter is for a callback function // that will receive the 3 rows (function(row1, row2, row3)) // to edit them before the new_macro function ends. function new_macro(prefix, callback) { $('#delete_macro_button').show(); var next_row = parseInt($('#next_row').html()); $('#next_row').html(next_row + 3); var nrow1 = next_row - 3; var nrow2 = next_row - 2; var nrow3 = next_row - 1; var nrow4 = next_row; var nrow5 = next_row + 1; var nrow6 = next_row + 2; var next_number = parseInt($('#next_macro').html()); $('#next_macro').html(next_number + 1); var current_number = next_number - 1; // Clone two last rows var $row1 = $('#' + prefix + nrow1).clone(true); var $row2 = $('#' + prefix + nrow2).clone(true); var $row3 = $('#' + prefix + nrow3).clone(true); // Change the tr ID $row1.attr('id',prefix + (nrow4)); $row2.attr('id',prefix + (nrow5)); $row3.attr('id',prefix + (nrow6)); // Change the td ID $row1.find('td').attr('id', changeTdId); $row2.find('td').attr('id', changeTdId); $row3.find('td').attr('id', changeTdId); // Insert after last field $row3.insertAfter('#' + prefix + nrow3); $row2.insertAfter('#' + prefix + nrow3); $row1.insertAfter('#' + prefix + nrow3); // Change labels for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { var label1 = $("#" + prefix + nrow4 + "-" + i).html(); var exp_reg = new RegExp('field' + current_number, 'g'); label1 = label1.replace(exp_reg,'field' + next_number); $("#" + prefix + nrow4 + "-" + i).html(label1); } for(i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { var label2 = $("#" + prefix + nrow5 + "-" + i).html(); var exp_reg = new RegExp('field' + current_number, 'g'); label2 = label2.replace(exp_reg,'field' + next_number); $("#" + prefix + nrow5 + "-" + i).html(label2); } for(i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { var label3 = $("#" + prefix + nrow6 + "-" + i).html(); var exp_reg = new RegExp('field' + current_number, 'g'); label3 = label3.replace(exp_reg,'field' + next_number); $("#" + prefix + nrow6 + "-" + i).html(label3); } // Empty the text inputs $('#text-field' + next_number + '_desc').val(''); $('#text-field' + next_number + '_help').val(''); $('#text-field' + next_number + '_value').val(''); $('#radio-field' + next_number + '_hide').val(0); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback($row1, $row2, $row3); function changeTdId() { switch(this.id) { case prefix + (nrow1) + '-0': return prefix + (nrow4) + '-0'; break; case prefix + (nrow1) + '-1': return prefix + (nrow4) + '-1'; break; case prefix + (nrow1) + '-2': return prefix + (nrow4) + '-2'; break; case prefix + (nrow1) + '-3': return prefix + (nrow4) + '-3'; break; case prefix + (nrow2) + '-0': return prefix + (nrow5) + '-0'; break; case prefix + (nrow2) + '-1': return prefix + (nrow5) + '-1'; break; case prefix + (nrow2) + '-2': return prefix + (nrow5) + '-2'; break; case prefix + (nrow2) + '-3': return prefix + (nrow5) + '-3'; break; case prefix + (nrow3) + '-0': return prefix + (nrow6) + '-0'; break; case prefix + (nrow3) + '-1': return prefix + (nrow6) + '-1'; break; case prefix + (nrow3) + '-2': return prefix + (nrow6) + '-2'; break; case prefix + (nrow3) + '-3': return prefix + (nrow6) + '-3'; break; } } } function add_macro_field(macro, row_model_id) { var macro_desc = macro['desc']; // Change the carriage returns by html returns
in help var macro_help = macro['help'].replace(/ /g, "
"); var macro_macro = macro['macro']; var macro_value = $('
').html(macro['value']).text(); var macro_hide = macro['hide']; macro_value.type = 'password'; var row_id = row_model_id + macro_macro; var $macro_field = $('#'+ row_model_id +'_field').clone(true); // Change attributes to be unique and with identificable class $macro_field.attr('id', row_id); $macro_field.attr('class', 'macro_field'); // Get the number of fields already printed var fields = $('.macro_field').length; // If is the first, we insert it after model row if (fields == 0) { $macro_field.insertAfter('#'+ row_model_id +'_field'); } // If there are more fields, we insert it after the last one else { $macro_field.insertAfter('#'+ $('.macro_field').eq(fields-1).attr('id')); } // Change the label if (macro_help == '') { $('#'+row_id).children().eq(0).html(macro_desc); } else { var field_desc = $('#'+row_id).children().eq(0).html(); field_desc = field_desc.replace('macro_desc',macro_desc); field_desc = field_desc.replace('macro_help',macro_help); $('#'+row_id).children().eq(0).html(field_desc); } // Change the text box id and value $('#'+row_id).children().eq(1).children().attr('id','text-'+macro_macro); $('#'+row_id).children().eq(1).children().attr('name',macro_macro); macro_field_hide = false; if (typeof(macro['hide']) == "string") { if (macro['hide'].length == 0) { macro_field_hide = false; } else { if (parseInt(macro['hide'])) { macro_field_hide = true; } else { macro_field_hide = false; } } } if (macro_field_hide) { $('#'+row_id).children().eq(1).children().attr('type','password'); } $('#'+row_id).children().eq(1).children().val(macro_value); $('#'+row_id).show(); } function load_plugin_macros_fields(row_model_id) { // Get plugin macros when selected and load macros fields var id_plugin = $('#id_plugin').val(); var params = []; params.push("page=include/ajax/module"); params.push("get_plugin_macros=1"); params.push("id_plugin=" + id_plugin); jQuery.ajax ({ data: params.join ("&"), type: 'POST', url: action = get_php_value('absolute_homeurl') + "ajax.php", dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { // Delete all the macro fields $('.macro_field').remove(); if (data['array'] != null) { $('#hidden-macros').val(data['base64']); jQuery.each (data['array'], function (i, macro) { if (macro['desc'] != '') { add_macro_field(macro, row_model_id); } }); //Plugin text can be larger $(".macro_field").find(":input").attr("maxlength", 1023); // Add again the hover event to the 'force_callback' elements forced_title_callback(); } } }); } function load_plugin_description(id_plugin) { jQuery.post ("ajax.php", { "page" : "godmode/servers/plugin", "get_plugin_description" : 1, "id_plugin" : id_plugin }, function (data, status) { $("#plugin_description").html(data); } ); } // Show the modal window of a module function show_module_detail_dialog(module_id, id_agente) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", data: "page=include/ajax/module&get_module_detail=1&id_agente="+id_agente+"&id_module=" + module_id, dataType: "json", success: function(data){ $("#module_details_window").hide () .empty () .append (data) .dialog ({ resizable: true, draggable: true, modal: true, overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: "black" }, width: 620, height: 500 }) .show (); } }); } function network_component_group_change_event() { $("#network_component_group").change (function () { var $select = $("#network_component").hide (); $("#component").hide (); if (this.value == 0) return; $("#component_loading").show (); $(".error, #no_component").hide (); $("option[value!=0]", $select).remove (); jQuery.post ("ajax.php", {"page" : "godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor", "get_module_components" : 1, "id_module_component_group" : this.value, "id_module_component_type" : $("#hidden-id_module_component_type").attr ("value") }, function (data, status) { if (data == false) { $("#component_loading").hide (); $("#no_component").show (); return; } jQuery.each (data, function (i, val) { option = $("") .attr ("value", val['id_nc']) .append (val['name']); $select.append (option); }); $("#component_loading").hide (); $select.show (); $("#component").show (); }, "json" ); }); } function new_macro_local_component(prefix) { $('#delete_macro_button').show(); var next_row = parseInt($('#next_row').html()); $('#next_row').html(next_row + 2); var nrow1 = next_row - 2; var nrow2 = next_row - 1; var nrow3 = next_row; var nrow4 = next_row + 1; var next_number = parseInt($('#next_macro').html()); $('#next_macro').html(next_number + 1); var current_number = next_number - 1; // Clone two last rows var $row1 = $('#' + prefix + nrow1).clone(true); var $row2 = $('#' + prefix + nrow2).clone(true); // Change the tr ID $row1.attr('id',prefix + (nrow3)); $row2.attr('id',prefix + (nrow4)); // Change the td ID $row1.find('td').attr('id', changeTdId); $row2.find('td').attr('id', changeTdId); // Insert after last field $row2.insertAfter('#' + prefix + nrow2); $row1.insertAfter('#' + prefix + nrow2); // Change labels for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { var label1 = $("#" + prefix + nrow3 + "-" + i).html(); var exp_reg = new RegExp('field' + current_number, 'g'); label1 = label1.replace(exp_reg,'field' + next_number); $("#" + prefix + nrow3 + "-" + i).html(label1); } for(i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { var label2 = $("#" + prefix + nrow4 + "-" + i).html(); var exp_reg = new RegExp('field' + current_number, 'g'); label2 = label2.replace(exp_reg,'field' + next_number); $("#" + prefix + nrow4 + "-" + i).html(label2); } // Empty the text inputs $('#text-field' + next_number + '_desc').val(''); $('#text-field' + next_number + '_help').val(''); $('#text-field' + next_number + '_value').val(''); function changeTdId() { switch(this.id) { case prefix + (nrow1) + '-0': return prefix + (nrow3) + '-0'; break; case prefix + (nrow1) + '-1': return prefix + (nrow3) + '-1'; break; case prefix + (nrow1) + '-2': return prefix + (nrow3) + '-2'; break; case prefix + (nrow1) + '-3': return prefix + (nrow3) + '-3'; break; case prefix + (nrow2) + '-0': return prefix + (nrow4) + '-0'; break; case prefix + (nrow2) + '-1': return prefix + (nrow4) + '-1'; break; case prefix + (nrow2) + '-2': return prefix + (nrow4) + '-2'; break; case prefix + (nrow2) + '-3': return prefix + (nrow4) + '-3'; break; } } } function delete_macro_local_component(prefix) { var next_number = parseInt($('#next_macro').html()); // Is not possible delete first macro if (next_number == 3) { $('#delete_macro_button').hide(); } var next_row = parseInt($('#next_row').html()); $('#next_macro').html(next_number-1); $('#next_row').html(next_row-2); var nrow1 = next_row - 2; var nrow2 = next_row - 1; var $row1 = $('#'+prefix+nrow1).remove(); var $row2 = $('#'+prefix+nrow2).remove(); } //Add a new module macro function add_macro () { var macro_count = parseInt($("#hidden-module_macro_count").val()); var delete_icon = ''; // Add inputs for the new macro $("#module_macros").append('Name \ \ Value \ \ ' + delete_icon + ''); // Update the macro count $("#hidden-module_macro_count").val(macro_count + 1); } // Delete an existing module macro function delete_macro (num) { if ($("#module_macros-" + num).length) { $("#module_macros-" + num).remove(); } // Do not decrease the macro counter or new macros may overlap existing ones! }