#!/usr/bin/perl # Pandora FMS server monitoring plugin use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(strftime); use PandoraFMS::DB; use constant DATASERVER => 0; use constant ALERTSERVER => 21; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); my $RDBMS = "mysql"; #### # Erase blank spaces before and after the string #################################################### sub trim($){ my $string = shift; if (empty ($string)){ return ""; } chomp ($string); return $string; } ##### # Empty ################################### sub empty($){ my $str = shift; if (! (defined ($str)) ){ return 1; } if(looks_like_number($str)){ return 0; } if ($str =~ /^\ *[\n\r]{0,2}\ *$/) { return 1; } return 0; } ##### ## General configuration file parser ## ## log=/PATH/TO/LOG/FILE ## ####################################### sub parse_configuration($){ my $conf_file = shift; my %config; open (FILE,"<", "$conf_file") or return undef; while (){ if (($_ =~ /^ *$/) || ($_ =~ /^#/ )){ # skip blank lines and comments next; } my @parsed = split /\ /, $_, 2; $config{trim($parsed[0])} = trim($parsed[1]); } close (FILE); return %config; } sub disk_free ($) { my $target = $_[0]; # Try to use df command with Posix parameters... my $command = "df -k -P ".$target." | tail -1 | awk '{ print \$4/1024}'"; my $output = trim(`$command`); return $output; } sub load_average { my $load_average; my $OSNAME = $^O; if ($OSNAME eq "freebsd"){ $load_average = ((split(/\s+/, `/sbin/sysctl -n vm.loadavg`))[1]); } # by default LINUX calls else { $load_average = `cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{ print \$1 }'`; } return trim($load_average); } sub free_mem { my $free_mem; my $OSNAME = $^O; if ($OSNAME eq "freebsd"){ my ($pages_free, $page_size) = `/sbin/sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_page_size vm.stats.vm.v_free_count`; # in kilobytes $free_mem = $pages_free * $page_size / 1024; } elsif ($OSNAME eq "netbsd"){ $free_mem = `cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemFree | awk '{ print \$2 }'`; } # by default LINUX calls else { $free_mem = `free | grep Mem | awk '{ print \$4 }'`; } return trim($free_mem); } sub pandora_self_monitoring ($$) { my ($pa_config, $dbh) = @_; my $timezone_offset = 0; # PENDING (TODO) ! my $utimestamp = time (); my $timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()); my $xml_output = ""; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" Status\n"; $xml_output .=" generic_proc\n"; $xml_output .=" 1\n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; my $load_average = load_average(); $load_average = '' unless defined ($load_average); my $free_mem = free_mem(); $free_mem = '' unless defined ($free_mem); my $free_disk_spool = disk_free ($pa_config->{"incomingdir"}); $free_disk_spool = '' unless defined ($free_disk_spool); my $my_data_server = trim(get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id_server FROM tserver WHERE server_type = ? AND name = '".$pa_config->{"servername"}."'", DATASERVER)); # Number of unknown agents my $agents_unknown = 0; if (defined ($my_data_server)) { $agents_unknown = trim(get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT tagente_estado.id_agente) " . "FROM tagente_estado, tagente, tagente_modulo " . "WHERE tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente.id_agente = tagente_estado.id_agente " . "AND tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo " . "AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 " . "AND running_by = $my_data_server " . " AND estado = 3")); $agents_unknown = 0 if (!defined($agents_unknown)); } my $queued_modules = trim(get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT SUM(queued_modules) FROM tserver WHERE name = '".$pa_config->{"servername"}."'")); if (!defined($queued_modules)) { $queued_modules = 0; } my $queued_alerts = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT count(id) FROM talert_execution_queue"); if (!defined($queued_alerts)) { $queued_alerts = 0; } my $alert_server_status = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT status FROM tserver WHERE server_type = ?", ALERTSERVER); if (!defined($alert_server_status || $alert_server_status eq "") ) { $alert_server_status = 0; } my $dbmaintance; if ($RDBMS eq 'postgresql') { $dbmaintance = trim(get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) " . "FROM tconfig " . "WHERE token = 'db_maintance' " . "AND NULLIF(value, '')::int > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400")); } elsif ($RDBMS eq 'oracle') { $dbmaintance = trim (get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*) " . "FROM tconfig " . "WHERE token = 'db_maintance' AND DBMS_LOB.substr(value, 100, 1) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400")); } else { $dbmaintance = trim (get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT COUNT(*)" . "FROM tconfig " . "WHERE token = 'db_maintance' AND value > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400")); } $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" Database Maintenance\n"; $xml_output .=" generic_proc\n"; $xml_output .=" $dbmaintance\n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" Queued_Modules\n"; $xml_output .=" generic_data\n"; $xml_output .=" $queued_modules\n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" Queued_Alerts\n"; $xml_output .=" generic_data\n"; $xml_output .=" $queued_alerts\n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" Alert_Server_Status\n"; $xml_output .=" generic_proc\n"; $xml_output .=" $alert_server_status\n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" Agents_Unknown\n"; $xml_output .=" generic_data\n"; $xml_output .=" $agents_unknown\n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" System_Load_AVG\n"; $xml_output .=" generic_data\n"; $xml_output .=" $load_average\n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" Free_RAM\n"; $xml_output .=" generic_data\n"; $xml_output .=" $free_mem\n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; $xml_output .=" FreeDisk_SpoolDir\n"; $xml_output .=" generic_data\n"; $xml_output .=" $free_disk_spool\n"; $xml_output .=" \n"; return $xml_output; } ####################################### # # # MAIN # # ####################################### if ($#ARGV < 0) { print STDERR "Needed 1 argument as last\nUsage:\n$0 pandora_server.conf\n"; exit 1; } my %config = parse_configuration($ARGV[0]); $config{version} = "6.0"; $config{'servername'} = trim (`hostname`) if (!(defined ($config{'servername'}))); $RDBMS = $config{dbengine}; # ($rdbms, $db_name, $db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_pass) my $dbh = db_connect($RDBMS, $config{dbname}, $config{dbhost}, $config{dbport}, $config{dbuser}, $config{dbpass}); my $xml_output = pandora_self_monitoring(\%config, $dbh); db_disconnect($dbh); print $xml_output; exit 0;