".__('Visual console')." » ".__('Map'); echo " " . $map['map_name'] . "  "; if ($config["pure"] == 0) { echo ''; print_image ("images/fullscreen.png", false, array ("title" => __('Full screen mode'))); echo ""; } else { echo ''; print_image ("images/normalscreen.png", false, array ("title" => __('Back to normal mode'))); echo ""; } echo " "; if (give_acl ($config["id_user"], $map['group_id'], "AW")) echo ''.print_image ("images/setup.png", true, array ("title" => __('Setup'))).''; echo ""; printMap('map', $map['zoom_level'], $numZoomLevels, $map['initial_latitude'], $map['initial_longitude'], $baselayers, $controls); if ($layers != false) { foreach ($layers as $layer) { makeLayer($layer['layer_name'], $layer['view_layer'], null, $layer['id_tmap_layer']); // calling get_group_agents with none to obtain the names in the same case as they are in the DB. $agentNames = get_group_agents($layer['tgrupo_id_grupo'],false,'none'); foreach ($agentNames as $agentName) { $idAgent = get_agent_id($agentName); $coords = get_agent_last_coords($idAgent); if ($coords['last_latitude'] == null) continue; $icon = get_agent_icon_map($idAgent, true); if ($show_history == 'y') { addPath($layer['layer_name'], $idAgent); } addPoint($layer['layer_name'], $agentName, $coords['last_latitude'], $coords['last_longitude'], $icon, 20, 20, $idAgent, 'point_agent_info'); } } $timestampLastOperation = get_db_value_sql("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"); activateSelectControl(); activateAjaxRefresh($layers, $timestampLastOperation); } ?>

"; } else { echo "
"; }