'.$file_name.' ('.__('File is too large than PHP memory allocated in the system.').')

'; $code .= '

'.__('The preview file is imposible.').'

'; } else if ($file_size > ($config['max_log_size'] * 1000)) { $data = file_get_contents($file_name, false, null, ($file_size - ($config['max_log_size'] * 1000))); $code .= "

$file_name (".format_numeric(filesize($file_name) / 1024).' KB) '.ui_print_help_tip(__('The folder /var/log/pandora must have pandora:apache and its content too.'), true).'

'; $code .= "

'; } else { $data = file_get_contents($file_name); $code .= "

$file_name (".format_numeric(filesize($file_name) / 1024).' KB) '.ui_print_help_tip(__('The folder /var/log/pandora must have pandora:apache and its content too.'), true).'

'; $code .= "

'; } if ($toggle === true) { ui_toggle( $code, ''.$file_name.'', $file_name, 'a', false, false, '', 'white-box-content no_border', 'filter-datatable-main box-flat white_table_graph' ); } else { echo $code; } } } function pandoralogs_extension_main() { global $config; if (! check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM') && ! is_user_admin($config['id_user'])) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_ACL_VIOLATION, 'Trying to access Setup Management' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; return; } // Header. ui_print_standard_header( __('Extensions'), 'images/extensions.png', false, '', true, [], [ [ 'link' => '', 'label' => __('Admin tools'), ], [ 'link' => '', 'label' => __('Extension manager'), ], [ 'link' => '', 'label' => __('System logfile viewer'), ], ] ); ui_print_info_message( __('Use this tool to view your %s logfiles directly on the console', get_product_name()).'
'.__('You can choose the amount of information shown in general setup (Log size limit in system logs viewer extension), '.($config['max_log_size'] * 1000).'B at the moment') ); $logs_directory = (!empty($config['server_log_dir'])) ? io_safe_output($config['server_log_dir']) : '/var/log/pandora'; // Do not attempt to show console log if disabled. if ($config['console_log_enabled']) { view_logfile($config['homedir'].'/log/console.log', true); } view_logfile('/var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log', true); view_logfile($logs_directory.'/pandora_server.log', true); view_logfile($logs_directory.'/pandora_server.error', true); } extensions_add_godmode_menu_option(__('System logfiles'), 'PM', '', null, 'v1r1'); extensions_add_godmode_function('pandoralogs_extension_main');