'type' => 'simple_graph',
'id_agent' => $id_agent,
'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module,
'time_lapse' => $time_lapse,
'type_graph' => $simple_type_graph,
'fullscale' => $fullscale,
$id_item = db_process_sql_insert('tcontainer_item', $values);
if ($add_custom) {
$time_lapse = get_parameter('time_lapse');
$id_custom = get_parameter('id_custom');
$fullscale = get_parameter('fullscale');
if ($fullscale != 'false') {
$fullscale = 1;
} else {
$fullscale = 0;
$values = [
'id_container' => $id_container2,
'type' => 'custom_graph',
'time_lapse' => $time_lapse,
'id_graph' => $id_custom,
'fullscale' => $fullscale,
$id_item = db_process_sql_insert('tcontainer_item', $values);
if ($add_dynamic) {
$time_lapse = get_parameter('time_lapse');
$group = get_parameter('group', 0);
$module_group = get_parameter('module_group', 0);
$agent_alias = get_parameter('agent_alias', '');
$module_name = get_parameter('module_name', '');
$tag = get_parameter('tag', 0);
$simple_type_graph2 = get_parameter('simple_type_graph2');
$fullscale = get_parameter('fullscale');
if ($fullscale != 'false') {
$fullscale = 1;
} else {
$fullscale = 0;
$values = [
'id_container' => $id_container2,
'type' => 'dynamic_graph',
'time_lapse' => $time_lapse,
'id_group' => $group,
'id_module_group' => $module_group,
'agent' => $agent_alias,
'module' => $module_name,
'id_tag' => $tag,
'type_graph' => $simple_type_graph2,
'fullscale' => $fullscale,
$id_item = db_process_sql_insert('tcontainer_item', $values);
$add_container = (bool) get_parameter('add_container', 0);
$edit_container = (bool) get_parameter('edit_container', 0);
$update_container = (bool) get_parameter('update_container', 0);
$delete_item = (bool) get_parameter('delete_item', 0);
if ($edit_container) {
$name = io_safe_input(get_parameter('name', ''));
if (!empty($name)) {
$id_parent = get_parameter('id_parent', 0);
$description = io_safe_input(get_parameter('description', ''));
$id_group = get_parameter('container_id_group', 0);
} else {
$tcontainer = db_get_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tcontainer WHERE id_container = '.$id_container);
$name = $tcontainer['name'];
$id_parent = $tcontainer['parent'];
$description = $tcontainer['description'];
$id_group = $tcontainer['id_group'];
if ($add_container) {
$values = [
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
'parent' => $id_parent,
'id_group' => $id_group,
$id_container = db_process_sql_insert('tcontainer', $values);
if ($update_container) {
if ($id_container === $id_parent) {
$success = false;
} else {
$values = [
'name' => $name,
'description' => $description,
'parent' => $id_parent,
'id_group' => $id_group,
$success = db_process_sql_update('tcontainer', $values, ['id_container' => $id_container]);
if ($delete_item) {
$id_item = get_parameter('id_item', 0);
$success = db_process_sql_delete('tcontainer_item', ['id_ci' => $id_item]);
$buttons['graph_container'] = [
'active' => false,
'text' => ''.html_print_image('images/graph-container.png', true, ['title' => __('Graph container')]).' ',
// Header
ui_print_page_header(__('Create container'), '', false, '', false, $buttons);
if ($add_container) {
ui_print_result_message($id_container, __('Container stored successfully'), __('There was a problem storing container'));
if ($update_container) {
ui_print_result_message($success, __('Update the container'), __('Bad update the container'));
echo "
if ($edit_container) {
echo "
if ($edit_container) {
if ($id_container !== '1') {
echo "
} else {
echo "
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
if ($edit_container) {
$period = SECONDS_15DAYS;
$periods = [];
$periods[-1] = __('custom');
$periods[SECONDS_1HOUR] = __('1 hour');
$periods[SECONDS_2HOUR] = sprintf(__('%s hours'), '2 ');
$periods[SECONDS_6HOURS] = sprintf(__('%s hours'), '6 ');
$periods[SECONDS_12HOURS] = sprintf(__('%s hours'), '12 ');
$periods[SECONDS_1DAY] = __('1 day');
$periods[SECONDS_2DAY] = sprintf(__('%s days'), '2 ');
$periods[SECONDS_5DAY] = sprintf(__('%s days'), '5 ');
$periods[SECONDS_1WEEK] = __('1 week');
$periods[SECONDS_15DAYS] = __('15 days');
$periods[SECONDS_1MONTH] = __('1 month');
$type_graphs = [];
$type_graphs[0] = __('Area');
$type_graphs[1] = __('Line');
$single_table = "";
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= __('Time lapse');
$single_table .= ui_print_help_tip(__('This is the interval or period of time with which the graph data will be obtained. For example, a week means data from a week ago from now. '), true);
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= '';
$single_table .= html_print_extended_select_for_time(
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= __('Agent');
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= '';
$params = [];
$params['show_helptip'] = false;
$params['input_name'] = 'agent';
$params['value'] = '';
$params['return'] = true;
$params['javascript_is_function_select'] = true;
$params['selectbox_id'] = 'id_agent_module';
$params['add_none_module'] = true;
$params['use_hidden_input_idagent'] = true;
$params['hidden_input_idagent_id'] = 'hidden-id_agent';
$single_table .= ui_print_agent_autocomplete_input($params);
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= __('Module');
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= '';
if ($idAgent) {
$single_table .= html_print_select_from_sql($sql_modules, 'id_agent_module', $idAgentModule, '', '', '0', true);
} else {
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= __('Select an Agent first');
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= __('Type of graph');
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= '';
$single_table .= html_print_select($type_graphs, 'simple_type_graph', '', '', '', 0, true);
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= __('Show full scale graph (TIP)').ui_print_help_tip('This option may cause performance issues', true);
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= '';
$single_table .= html_print_checkbox('fullscale', 1, false, true);
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= '';
$single_table .= '';
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= "";
$single_table .= " ";
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= ' ';
$single_table .= '
echo "";
echo '';
echo '';
echo ui_toggle($single_table, 'Simple module graph', '', '', true);
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
echo '
$table = new stdClass();
$table->id = 'custom_graph_table';
$table->width = '100%';
$table->cellspacing = 4;
$table->cellpadding = 4;
$table->class = 'dat';
$table->styleTable = 'font-weight: bold;';
$table->style[0] = 'width: 13%';
$table->data = [];
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Time lapse');
$data[0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('This is the interval or period of time with which the graph data will be obtained. For example, a week means data from a week ago from now. '), true);
$data[1] = html_print_extended_select_for_time('period_custom', $period, '', '', '0', 10, true, false, true, '', false, $periods);
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Custom graph');
$list_custom_graphs = custom_graphs_get_user($config['id_user'], false, true, 'RR');
$graphs = [];
foreach ($list_custom_graphs as $custom_graph) {
$graphs[$custom_graph['id_graph']] = $custom_graph['name'];
$data[1] = html_print_select($graphs, 'id_custom_graph', $idCustomGraph, '', __('None'), 0, true);
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Show full scale graph (TIP)').ui_print_help_tip('This option may cause performance issues', true);
$data[1] = html_print_checkbox('fullscale_2', 1, false, true);
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = '';
$data[1] = " ";
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
echo "";
echo '';
echo '';
echo ui_toggle(html_print_table($table, true), 'Custom graph', '', '', true);
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
echo '
$table = new stdClass();
$table->id = 'dynamic_rules_table';
$table->width = '100%';
$table->cellspacing = 4;
$table->cellpadding = 4;
$table->class = 'dat';
$table->styleTable = 'font-weight: bold;';
$table->style[0] = 'width: 13%';
$table->data = [];
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Time lapse');
$data[0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('This is the interval or period of time with which the graph data will be obtained. For example, a week means data from a week ago from now. '), true);
$data[1] = html_print_extended_select_for_time('period_dynamic', $period, '', '', '0', 10, true, false, true, '', false, $periods);
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Group');
$data[1] = html_print_select_groups($config['id_user'], 'RW', $return_all_groups, 'container_id_group', $id_group, '', '', '', true);
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Module group');
$data[1] = html_print_select_from_sql(
'SELECT * FROM tmodule_group ORDER BY name',
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Agent');
$data[1] = html_print_input_text('text_agent', $textAgent, '', 30, 100, true);
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Module');
$data[1] = html_print_input_text('text_agent_module', $textModule, '', 30, 100, true);
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Tag');
$select_tags = tags_search_tag(false, false, true);
$data[1] = html_print_select(
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Type of graph');
$data[1] = html_print_select($type_graphs, 'simple_type_graph2', '', '', '', 0, true);
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = __('Show full scale graph (TIP)').ui_print_help_tip('This option may cause performance issues', true);
$data[1] = html_print_checkbox('fullscale_3', 1, false, true);
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$data = [];
$data[0] = '';
$data[1] = " ";
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
echo "";
echo '';
echo '';
echo ui_toggle(html_print_table($table, true), 'Dynamic rules for simple module graph', '', '', true);
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
echo '
$total_item = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM tcontainer_item WHERE id_container = '.$id_container);
$result_item = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT * FROM tcontainer_item WHERE id_container = '.$id_container.' LIMIT 10 OFFSET '.$offset);
if (!$result_item) {
echo "".__('There are no defined item container').'
} else {
ui_pagination($total_item[0]['count(*)'], false, $offset, 10);
$table = new stdClass();
$table->width = '100%';
$table->class = 'databox data';
$table->id = 'item_table';
$table->align = [];
$table->head = [];
$table->head[0] = __('Agent/Module');
$table->head[1] = __('Custom graph');
$table->head[2] = __('Group');
$table->head[3] = __('M.Group');
$table->head[4] = __('Agent');
$table->head[5] = __('Module');
$table->head[6] = __('Tag');
$table->head[7] = __('Delete');
$table->data = [];
foreach ($result_item as $item) {
$data = [];
switch ($item['type']) {
case 'simple_graph':
$agent_alias = ui_print_truncate_text(agents_get_alias($item['id_agent'], 20, false));
$module_name = ui_print_truncate_text(modules_get_agentmodule_name($item['id_agent_module']), 20, false);
$module_name = $data[0] = $agent_alias.' / '.$module_name;
$data[1] = '';
$data[2] = '';
$data[3] = '';
$data[4] = '';
$data[5] = '';
$data[6] = '';
case 'custom_graph':
$data[0] = '';
$name = db_get_value_filter('name', 'tgraph', ['id_graph' => $item['id_graph']]);
$data[1] = ui_print_truncate_text(io_safe_output($name), 35, false);
$data[2] = '';
$data[3] = '';
$data[4] = '';
$data[5] = '';
$data[6] = '';
case 'dynamic_graph':
$data[0] = '';
$data[1] = '';
$data[2] = ui_print_group_icon($item['id_group'], true);
if ($item['id_module_group'] === '0') {
$data[3] = 'All';
} else {
$data[3] = io_safe_output(db_get_value_filter('name', 'tmodule_group', ['id_mg' => $item['id_module_group']]));
$data[4] = io_safe_output($item['agent']);
$data[5] = io_safe_output($item['module']);
if ($item['id_tag'] === '0') {
$data[6] = 'Any';
} else {
$data[6] = io_safe_output(db_get_value_filter('name', 'ttag', ['id_tag' => $item['id_tag']]));
$data[7] = ''.html_print_image('images/cross.png', true, ['alt' => __('Delete'), 'title' => __('Delete')]).' ';
array_push($table->data, $data);
echo html_print_input_hidden('id_agent', 0);