#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; sub get_param($) { my $param = shift; my $value = undef; $param = "-".$param; for(my $i=0; $i<$#ARGV; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq "--") { if ($param eq "--") { $value = join(' ', @ARGV[$i+1..$#ARGV]); } last; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq $param) { $value = $ARGV[$i+1]; last; } } return $value; } ########################################################################## # Show help ########################################################################## sub show_help { print "\nSpecific Pandora FMS Intel DCM Discovery\n"; print "(c) Pandora FMS 2011-2023 \n\n"; print "Usage:\n\n"; print " $0 -h -u -p -s \n"; exit; } if ($#ARGV == -1){ show_help(); } my $host = get_param("h"); my $user = get_param("u"); my $pass = get_param("p"); my $sensor = get_param("s"); my $extraopts = get_param("-"); my $cmd = "ipmi-sensors -h $host -u $user -p $pass -s $sensor $extraopts --ignore-not-available-sensors --no-header-output --comma-separated-output --output-event-bitmask"; my $res = `$cmd`; if (defined $res and "$res" ne "") { my ($sensor_id, $name, $type, $value, $units, $eventmask) = split(/,/, $res); #Output the value if ($value eq 'N/A') { if ($eventmask =~ /([0-9A-Fa-f]+)h/) { print hex $1; } else { print $eventmask; } } else { print $value; } } else { print STDERR "Error processing command: $cmd\n"; }