package PandoraFMS::DataServer; ########################################################################## # Pandora FMS Data Server. # Pandora FMS. the Flexible Monitoring System. ########################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ########################################################################## use strict; use warnings; use threads; use threads::shared; use Thread::Semaphore; use Time::Local; use XML::Simple; use POSIX qw(setsid strftime); # For Reverse Geocoding use LWP::Simple; # Default lib dir for RPM and DEB packages use lib '/usr/lib/perl5'; use PandoraFMS::Tools; use PandoraFMS::DB; use PandoraFMS::Core; use PandoraFMS::ProducerConsumerServer; # Inherits from PandoraFMS::ProducerConsumerServer our @ISA = qw(PandoraFMS::ProducerConsumerServer); # Global variables my @TaskQueue :shared; my %PendingTasks :shared; my $Sem :shared = Thread::Semaphore->new; my $TaskSem :shared = Thread::Semaphore->new (0); my $AgentSem :shared = Thread::Semaphore->new (1); my $ModuleSem :shared = Thread::Semaphore->new (1); ######################################################################################## # Data Server class constructor. ######################################################################################## sub new ($$;$) { my ($class, $config, $dbh) = @_; return undef unless $config->{'dataserver'} == 1; # Call the constructor of the parent class my $self = $class->SUPER::new($config, 0, \&PandoraFMS::DataServer::data_producer, \&PandoraFMS::DataServer::data_consumer, $dbh); bless $self, $class; return $self; } ############################################################################### # Run. ############################################################################### sub run ($) { my $self = shift; my $pa_config = $self->getConfig (); print_message ($pa_config, " [*] Starting Pandora FMS Data Server.", 1); $self->setNumThreads ($pa_config->{'dataserver_threads'}); $self->SUPER::run (\@TaskQueue, \%PendingTasks, $Sem, $TaskSem); } ############################################################################### # Data producer. ############################################################################### sub data_producer ($) { my $self = shift; my $pa_config = $self->getConfig (); my @tasks; my @files; # Open the incoming directory opendir (DIR, $pa_config->{'incomingdir'}) || die "[FATAL] Cannot open Incoming data directory at " . $pa_config->{'incomingdir'} . ": $!"; # Do not read more than max_queue_files files my $file_count = 0; while (my $file = readdir (DIR)) { if ($file_count > $pa_config->{"max_queue_files"}) { last; } push (@files, $file); $file_count++; } closedir(DIR); # Temporarily disable warnings (some files may have been deleted) { no warnings; @files = sort { -C $pa_config->{'incomingdir'} . "/$b" <=> -C $pa_config->{'incomingdir'} . "/$a" } (@files); } # Queue files my $queue_count = 0; foreach my $file_name (@files) { if ($queue_count > $pa_config->{"max_queue_files"}) { last; } # For backward compatibility if ($file_name =~ /^.*\.checksum$/) { unlink("$pa_config->{'incomingdir'}/$file_name"); next; } # Data files must have the extension .data next if ($file_name !~ /^.*\.data$/); $queue_count++; push (@tasks, $file_name); } return @tasks; } ############################################################################### # Data consumer. ############################################################################### sub data_consumer ($$) { my ($self, $task) = @_; my ($pa_config, $dbh) = ($self->getConfig (), $self->getDBH ()); my $file_name = $pa_config->{'incomingdir'}; my $xml_err; # Fix path $file_name .= "/" unless (substr ($file_name, -1, 1) eq '/'); $file_name .= $task; # Double check that the file exists return unless (-f $file_name); # Try to parse the XML 2 times, with a delay between tries of 2 seconds my $xml_data; for (0..1) { eval { threads->yield; $xml_data = XMLin ($file_name, forcearray => 'module'); }; # Invalid XML if ($@) { $xml_err = $@; sleep (2); next; } # Ignore the timestamp in the XML and use the file timestamp instead $xml_data->{'timestamp'} = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime((stat($file_name))[9])) if ($pa_config->{'use_xml_timestamp'} eq '1' || ! defined ($xml_data->{'timestamp'})); # Double check that the file exists return unless (-f $file_name); unlink ($file_name); process_xml_data ($self->getConfig (), $file_name, $xml_data, $self->getServerID (), $self->getDBH ()); return; } rename($file_name, $file_name . '_BADXML'); pandora_event ($pa_config, "Unable to process XML data file '$file_name': $xml_err", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'error', 0, $dbh); } ############################################################################### # Process XML data coming from an agent. ############################################################################### sub process_xml_data ($$$$$) { my ($pa_config, $file_name, $data, $server_id, $dbh) = @_; my ($agent_name, $agent_version, $timestamp, $interval, $os_version, $timezone_offset) = ($data->{'agent_name'}, $data->{'version'}, $data->{'timestamp'}, $data->{'interval'}, $data->{'os_version'}, $data->{'timezone_offset'}); # Timezone offset must be an integer beween -12 and +12 if (!defined($timezone_offset) || $timezone_offset !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) { $timezone_offset = 0; # Default value } # Parent Agent Name my $parent_id = 0; # Default value for unknown parent my $parent_agent_name = $data->{'parent_agent_name'}; if (defined ($parent_agent_name)) { $parent_id = get_agent_id ($dbh, $parent_agent_name); if ($parent_id < 1) { # Unknown parent $parent_id = 0; } logger($pa_config,"Parent_agent_name: $parent_agent_name parent_id: $parent_id",10); } my $valid_position_data = 1; # Get GIS information my ($longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description) = ( $data->{'longitude'}, $data->{'latitude'}, $data->{'altitude'}, $data->{'position_description'}); if ($pa_config->{'activate_gis'}) { # Validate the GIS informtation if (!defined($altitude) || $altitude !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) { $altitude = ''; # Default value # This could be a valid position data, not always will get altitude } if (!defined($longitude) || $longitude !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) { $longitude = ''; # Default value $valid_position_data = 0; } if (!defined($latitude) || $latitude !~ /[-+]?[0-9,11,12]/) { $latitude = ''; # Default value $valid_position_data = 0; } if ((!defined($position_description)) && ($latitude != '')) { #FIXME: Validate the data with a regexp # This code gets description (Reverse Geocoding) from a current GPS coordinates using Google maps API # This requires a connection to internet and could be very slow and have a huge impact in performance. # Other methods for reverse geocoding are OpenStreetmaps, in nternet or in a local server if ($pa_config->{'google_maps_description'}){ my $content = get (''.$latitude.','.$longitude.'&output=csv&sensor=false'); my @address = split (/\"/,$content); $position_description = $address[1]; } elsif ($pa_config->{'openstreetmaps_description'}){ # Sample Query: # Email address is sent by courtesy to OpenStreetmaps people. # I read the API :-), thanks guys for your work. # Change here URL to make request to a local openstreetmap server my $content = get (''.$latitude.'&lon='.$longitude.'&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&'); # Yep, I need to parse the XML output. my $xs1 = XML::Simple->new(); my $doc = $xs1->XMLin($content); $position_description = safe_input ($doc->{result}{content}); } else { $position_description = ''; # Default value } } logger($pa_config, "Getting GIS Data=timezone_offset=$timezone_offset longitude=$longitude latitude=$latitude altitude=$altitude position_description=$position_description", 8); } # Unknown agent! if (! defined ($agent_name) || $agent_name eq '') { logger($pa_config, "$file_name has data from an unnamed agent", 3); return; } # Get current datetime from system if value AUTO is coming in the XML if ( $data->{'timestamp'} =~ /AUTO/ ){ $timestamp = strftime ("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()); } else { if ($timezone_offset != 0) { # Modify the timestamp with the timezone_offset logger($pa_config, "Unmodified timestamp = $timestamp", 5); $timestamp =~ /(\d+)[\/|\-](\d+)[\/|\-](\d+) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/; logger($pa_config, "Unmodified timestamp = $1/$2/$3 $4:$5:$6", 5); my $utimestamp = ($timezone_offset * 3600); eval { $utimestamp += timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 -1 , $1 - 1900); }; if ($@) { logger($pa_config,"WARNING: Invalid timestamp ($@) using server timestamp.", 4); $timestamp = strftime ("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()); } logger($pa_config, "Seconds timestamp = $timestamp modified timestamp in seconds $utimestamp with timezone_offset = $timezone_offset", 5); $timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($utimestamp)); } logger($pa_config, "Modified timestamp = $timestamp with timezone_offset = $timezone_offset", 5); } # Check some variables $interval = 300 if (! defined ($interval) || $interval eq ''); $os_version = 'N/A' if (! defined ($os_version) || $os_version eq ''); # Get agent address from the XML if available my $address = '' ; $address = $data->{'address'} if (defined ($data->{'address'})); # Get agent id $AgentSem->down (); my $agent_id = get_agent_id ($dbh, $agent_name); if ($agent_id < 1) { if ($pa_config->{'autocreate'} == 0) { logger($pa_config, "ERROR: There is no agent defined with name $agent_name", 3); $AgentSem->up (); return; } # Get OS, group and description my $os = pandora_get_os ($data->{'os_name'}); my $group_id = -1; $group_id = get_group_id ($dbh, $data->{'group'}) if (defined ($data->{'group'})); if ($group_id == -1) { $group_id = $pa_config->{'autocreate_group'}; if (! defined (get_group_name ($dbh, $group_id))) { logger($pa_config, "Group id $group_id does not exist (check autocreate_group config token)", 3); $AgentSem->up (); return; } } my $description = ''; $description = $data->{'description'} if (defined ($data->{'description'})); # Create the agent if ($valid_position_data == 1 && $pa_config->{'activate_gis'} != 0 ) { logger($pa_config, "Creating agent $agent_name at long: $longitude lat: $latitude alt: $altitude", 5); $agent_id = pandora_create_agent($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $agent_name, $address, $group_id, $parent_id, $os, $description, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description); } else { # Ignore agent positional data logger($pa_config, "Creating agent $agent_name", 5); $agent_id = pandora_create_agent($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, $agent_name, $address, $group_id, $parent_id, $os, $description, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset); } if (! defined ($agent_id)) { $AgentSem->up (); return; } } $AgentSem->up (); # Check if agent is disabled and return if it's disabled. Disabled agents doesnt process data # in order to avoid not only events, also possible invalid data coming from agents. my $agent = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = ?', $agent_id); if (!defined ($agent)) { logger($pa_config, "Error retrieving information for agent ID $agent_id",10); return; } return if ($agent->{'disabled'} == 1); # Do not overwrite agent parameters if the agent is in normal mode if ($agent->{'modo'} == 0) {; $interval = $agent->{'intervalo'}; $os_version = $agent->{'os_version'}; $agent_version = $agent->{'agent_version'}; $timezone_offset = $agent->{'timezone_offset'}; } else { # Update agent address if necessary if ($address ne '' && $address ne $agent->{'direccion'}) { pandora_update_agent_address ($pa_config, $agent_id, $agent_name, $address, $dbh); } } if ($valid_position_data == 1 && $pa_config->{'activate_gis'} != 0) { if (!defined($parent_agent_name)){ $parent_agent_name = ""; } logger($pa_config,"Parent_agent_name $parent_agent_name",10); if ($pa_config->{'update_parent'} == 1 && $parent_id != 0) { logger($pa_config,"Parent_agent_name $parent_agent_name",10); logger($pa_config, "Updating agent $agent_name at long: $longitude lat: $latitude alt: $altitude parent_id: $parent_id", 5); # Update agent information including position information and the paret pandora_update_agent($pa_config, $timestamp, $agent_id, $os_version, $agent_version, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description, $parent_id); } else { logger($pa_config, "Updating agent $agent_name at long: $longitude lat: $latitude alt: $altitude", 5); # Update agent information including position information } pandora_update_agent($pa_config, $timestamp, $agent_id, $os_version, $agent_version, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $position_description); } else { if ($pa_config->{'update_parent'} == 1 && $parent_id != 0) { logger($pa_config, "Updating agent $agent_name parent_id: $parent_id", 5); # Update agent information including the parent without position information pandora_update_agent($pa_config, $timestamp, $agent_id, $os_version, $agent_version, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset, undef, undef, undef, undef, $parent_id); } else { logger($pa_config, "Updating agent $agent_name", 5); # Update agent information without position information ignoring the parent pandora_update_agent($pa_config, $timestamp, $agent_id, $os_version, $agent_version, $interval, $dbh, $timezone_offset); } } pandora_module_keep_alive ($pa_config, $agent_id, $agent_name, $server_id, $dbh); # Process modules foreach my $module_data (@{$data->{'module'}}) { my $module_name = get_tag_value ($module_data, 'name', ''); # Unnamed module next if ($module_name eq ''); my $module_type = get_tag_value ($module_data, 'type', 'generic_data'); # Single data if (! defined ($module_data->{'datalist'})) { my $data_timestamp = get_tag_value ($module_data, 'timestamp', $timestamp); process_module_data ($pa_config, $module_data, $server_id, $agent_name, $module_name, $module_type, $interval, $data_timestamp, $dbh); next; } # Data list foreach my $list (@{$module_data->{'datalist'}}) { # Empty list next unless defined ($list->{'data'}); foreach my $data (@{$list->{'data'}}) { # No value next unless defined ($data->{'value'}); $module_data->{'data'} = $data->{'value'}; my $data_timestamp = get_tag_value ($module_data, 'timestamp', $timestamp); process_module_data ($pa_config, $module_data, $server_id, $agent_name, $module_name, $module_type, $interval, $data_timestamp, $dbh); } } } # Process inventory modules enterprise_hook('process_inventory_data', [$pa_config, $data, $server_id, $agent_name, $interval, $timestamp, $dbh]); } ########################################################################## # Process module data, creating module if necessary. ########################################################################## sub process_module_data ($$$$$$$$$) { my ($pa_config, $data, $server_id, $agent_name, $module_name, $module_type, $interval, $timestamp, $dbh) = @_; # Get agent data my $agent = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE nombre = ?', safe_input($agent_name)); if (! defined ($agent)) { logger($pa_config, "Invalid agent '$agent_name' for module '$module_name'.", 3); return; } # Get module parameters, matching column names in tagente_modulo my $module_conf; $module_conf->{'max'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'max', undef); $module_conf->{'min'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'min', undef); $module_conf->{'descripcion'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'description', undef); $module_conf->{'post_process'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'post_process', undef); $module_conf->{'module_interval'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'module_interval', undef); $module_conf->{'min_critical'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'min_critical', undef); $module_conf->{'max_critical'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'max_critical', undef); $module_conf->{'min_warning'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'min_warning', undef); $module_conf->{'max_warning'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'max_warning', undef); $module_conf->{'disabled'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'disabled', undef); $module_conf->{'min_ff_event'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'min_ff_event', undef); # Calculate the module interval in seconds $module_conf->{'module_interval'} *= $interval if (defined ($module_conf->{'module_interval'})); # Allow , as a decimal separator $module_conf->{'post_process'} =~ s/,/./ if (defined ($module_conf->{'post_process'})); # Get module data or create it if it does not exist $ModuleSem->down (); my $module = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = ? AND ' . db_text ('nombre') . ' = ?', $agent->{'id_agente'}, safe_input($module_name)); if (! defined ($module)) { # Do not auto create modules if ($pa_config->{'autocreate'} ne '1') { logger($pa_config, "Module '$module_name' not found for agent '$agent_name' and module auto-creation disabled.", 10); $ModuleSem->up (); return; } # Is the agent learning? if ($agent->{'modo'} ne '1') { logger($pa_config, "Learning mode disabled. Skipping module '$module_name' agent '$agent_name'.", 10); $ModuleSem->up (); return; } # Get the module type my $module_id = get_module_id ($dbh, $module_type); if ($module_id <= 0) { logger($pa_config, "Invalid module type '$module_type' for module '$module_name' agent '$agent_name'.", 3); $ModuleSem->up (); return; } # Set default values $module_conf->{'max'} = 0 unless defined ($module_conf->{'max'}); $module_conf->{'min'} = 0 unless defined ($module_conf->{'min'}); $module_conf->{'descripcion'} = '' unless defined ($module_conf->{'descripcion'}); $module_conf->{'post_process'} = 0 unless defined ($module_conf->{'post_process'}); $module_conf->{'module_interval'} = $interval unless defined ($module_conf->{'module_interval'}); # 1 * $interval $module_conf->{'min_critical'} = 0 unless defined ($module_conf->{'min_critical'}); $module_conf->{'max_critical'} = 0 unless defined ($module_conf->{'max_critical'}); $module_conf->{'min_warning'} = 0 unless defined ($module_conf->{'min_warning'}); $module_conf->{'max_warning'} = 0 unless defined ($module_conf->{'max_warning'}); $module_conf->{'disabled'} = 0 unless defined ($module_conf->{'disabled'}); $module_conf->{'min_ff_event'} = 0 unless defined ($module_conf->{'min_ff_event'}); # Create the module pandora_create_module ($pa_config, $agent->{'id_agente'}, $module_id, $module_name, $module_conf->{'max'}, $module_conf->{'min'}, $module_conf->{'post_process'}, $module_conf->{'descripcion'}, $module_conf->{'module_interval'}, $dbh); $module = get_db_single_row ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = ? AND ' . db_text('nombre') . ' = ?', $agent->{'id_agente'}, safe_input($module_name)); if (! defined ($module)) { logger($pa_config, "Could not create module '$module_name' for agent '$agent_name'.", 3); $ModuleSem->up (); return; } } else { # Control NULL columns $module->{'descripcion'} = '' unless defined ($module->{'descripcion'}); # Set default values $module_conf->{'max'} = $module->{'max'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'max'}); $module_conf->{'min'} = $module->{'min'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'min'}); $module_conf->{'descripcion'} = $module->{'descripcion'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'descripcion'}); $module_conf->{'post_process'} = $module->{'post_process'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'post_process'}); $module_conf->{'module_interval'} = $module->{'module_interval'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'module_interval'}); $module_conf->{'min_critical'} = $module->{'min_critical'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'min_critical'}); $module_conf->{'max_critical'} = $module->{'max_critical'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'max_critical'}); $module_conf->{'min_warning'} = $module->{'min_warning'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'min_warning'}); $module_conf->{'max_warning'} = $module->{'max_warning'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'max_warning'}); $module_conf->{'disabled'} = $module->{'disabled'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'disabled'}); $module_conf->{'min_ff_event'} = $module->{'min_ff_event'} unless defined ($module_conf->{'min_ff_event'}); # The group name has to be translated to a group ID my $conf_group_id = -1; if (defined $module_conf->{'group'}) { my $conf_group_id = get_group_id ($dbh, $module_conf->{'group'}); } $module_conf->{'id_module_group'} = ($conf_group_id == -1) ? $module->{'id_module_group'} : $conf_group_id; } # Update module configuration if in learning mode and not a policy module if ($agent->{'modo'} eq '1' && $module->{'id_policy_module'} == 0) { update_module_configuration ($pa_config, $dbh, $module, $module_conf); } $ModuleSem->up (); # Module disabled! if ($module->{'disabled'} eq '1') { logger($pa_config, "Skipping disabled module '$module_name' agent '$agent_name'.", 10); return; } # Parse the timestamp and process the module if ($timestamp !~ /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ && $timestamp !~ /(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/) { logger($pa_config, "Invalid timestamp '$timestamp' from module '$module_name' agent '$agent_name'.", 3); return; } my $utimestamp; eval { $utimestamp = timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900); }; if ($@) { logger($pa_config, "Invalid timestamp '$timestamp' from module '$module_name' agent '$agent_name'.", 3); return; } #my $value = get_tag_value ($data, 'data', ''); my $data_object = get_module_data($data, $module_type); my $extra_macros = get_macros_for_data($data, $module_type); # Get module status from XML data file if available $module->{'status'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'status', undef); pandora_process_module ($pa_config, $data_object, $agent, $module, $module_type, $timestamp, $utimestamp, $server_id, $dbh, $extra_macros); } ########################################################################## # Retrieve module data from the XML tree. ########################################################################## sub get_module_data($$){ my ($data, $module_type) = @_; my %data_object; # Log4x modules hava extended information if ($module_type eq 'log4x') { foreach my $attr ('severity','message', 'stacktrace'){ $data_object{$attr} = get_tag_value ($data, $attr, ''); } } else { $data_object{'data'} = get_tag_value ($data, 'data', ''); } return \%data_object; } ########################################################################## # Retrieve module data from the XML tree. ########################################################################## sub get_macros_for_data($$){ my ($data, $module_type) = @_; my %macros; if ($module_type eq 'log4x') { foreach my $attr ('severity','message', 'stacktrace') { $macros{'_' . $attr . '_'} = get_tag_value ($data, $attr, ''); } } return \%macros; } ########################################################################## # Update module configuration in tagente_modulo if necessary. ########################################################################## sub update_module_configuration ($$$$) { my ($pa_config, $dbh, $module, $module_conf) = @_; # Update if at least one of the configuration tokens has changed foreach my $conf_token ('min', 'max', 'descripcion', 'post_process', 'module_interval', 'min_critical', 'max_critical', 'min_warning', 'max_warning', 'disabled', 'min_ff_event') { if ($module->{$conf_token} ne $module_conf->{$conf_token}) { logger ($pa_config, "Updating configuration for module '" . $module->{'nombre'} . "'.", 10); db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE tagente_modulo SET min = ?, max = ?, descripcion = ?, post_process = ?, module_interval = ?, min_critical = ?, max_critical = ?, min_warning = ?, max_warning = ?, disabled = ?, min_ff_event = ? WHERE id_agente_modulo = ?', $module_conf->{'min'}, $module_conf->{'max'}, $module_conf->{'descripcion'} eq '' ? $module->{'descripcion'} : $module_conf->{'descripcion'}, $module_conf->{'post_process'}, $module_conf->{'module_interval'}, $module_conf->{'min_critical'}, $module_conf->{'max_critical'}, $module_conf->{'min_warning'}, $module_conf->{'max_warning'}, $module_conf->{'disabled'}, $module_conf->{'min_ff_event'}, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}); return; } } } 1; __END__