$datelimit"; $result = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); if ($result === false) $result = array (); foreach ($result as $row) { $utimestamp = $row['utimestamp']; for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) { if ($utimestamp <= $data[$i]['timestamp_top'] && $utimestamp >= $data[$i]['timestamp_bottom']) { $real_event[$i] = 1; } } } } if ($show_alert == 1) { $alert_high = false; $alert_low = false; // If we want to show alerts limits $alert_high = get_db_value ('MAX(max_value)', 'talert_template_modules', 'id_agent_module', (int) $id_agente_modulo); $alert_low = get_db_value ('MIN(min_value)', 'talert_template_modules', 'id_agent_module', (int) $id_agente_modulo); // if no valid alert defined to render limits, disable it if (($alert_low === false || $alert_low === NULL) && ($alert_high === false || $alert_high === NULL)) { $show_alert = 0; } } // Get the first data outsite (to the left---more old) of the interval given $previous = (float) get_previous_data ($id_agente_modulo, $datelimit); $result = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tagente_datos', array ('id_agente' => $id_agente, 'id_agente_modulo' => $id_agente_modulo, "utimestamp > $datelimit", "utimestamp < $date", 'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'), array ('datos', 'utimestamp')); if ($result === false) graphic_error (); foreach ($result as $row) { $datos = $row["datos"]; $utimestamp = $row["utimestamp"]; for ($j = 0; $j <= $resolution; $j++) { if ($utimestamp <= $data[$j]['timestamp_top'] && $utimestamp > $data[$j]['timestamp_bottom']) { $data[$j]['sum']=$data[$j]['sum']+$datos; $data[$j]['count']++; // Init min value if ($data[$j]['min'] == 0) $data[$j]['min'] = $datos; else { // Check min value if ($datos < $data[$j]['min']) $data[$j]['min'] = $datos; } // Check max value if ($datos > $data[$j]['max']) $data[$j]['max'] = $datos; break; } } } // Calculate Average value for $data[][0] for ($j = 0; $j <= $resolution; $j++) { if ($data[$j]['count'] > 0){ $real_data[$i][$j] = $weight_list[$i] * ($data[$j]['sum']/$data[$j]['count']); $data[$j]['sum'] = $data[$j]['sum']/$data[$j]['count']; } else { $data[$j]['sum'] = $previous; $real_data[$i][$j] = $previous * $weight_list[$i]; $data[$j]['min'] = $previous; $data[$j]['max'] = $previous; } // Get max value for all graph if ($data[$j]['max'] > $max_value ){ $max_value = $data[$j]['max']; } // This stores in mod_data max values for each module if ($mod_data[$i] < $data[$j]['max']) { $mod_data[$i] = $data[$j]['max']; } // Take prev. value // TODO: CHeck if there are more than 24hours between // data, if there are > 24h, module down. $previous = $data[$j]['sum']; } } for ($i = 0; $i < $module_number; $i++) { if ($weight_list[$i] != 1) $module_list_name[$i] .= " (x". format_numeric ($weight_list[$i], 1).")"; } if ($period <= 3600) $title_period = __('Last hour'); elseif ($period <= 86400) $title_period = __('Last day'); elseif ($period <= 604800) $title_period = __('Last week'); elseif ($period <= 2419200) $title_period = __('Last month'); else $title_period = __('Last %s days', format_numeric (($period / (3600 * 24)), 2)); if ($max_value <= 0) { graphic_error (); } $engine = get_graph_engine ($period); $engine->width = $width; $engine->height = $height; $engine->data = &$real_data; $engine->legend = &$legend; $engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath']; $engine->title = ' '.strtoupper ($nombre_agente)." - ".__('Module').' '.$title; $engine->subtitle = ' '.__('Period').': '.$title_period; $engine->show_title = !$pure; $engine->stacked = $stacked; $engine->legend = $module_list_name; $engine->xaxis_interval = $resolution; $events = $show_event ? $real_event : false; $alerts = $show_alert ? array ('low' => $alert_low, 'high' => $alert_high) : false; $engine->combined_graph ($data, $events, $alerts, $unit_name, $max_value, $stacked); } function grafico_modulo_sparse ($id_agente_modulo, $period, $show_event, $width, $height , $title, $unit_name, $show_alert, $avg_only = 0, $pure = false, $date = 0) { global $config; if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time (); $resolution = $config["graph_res"] * 50; // Number of "slices" we want in graph $datelimit = $date - $period; $real_event = array (); $interval = (int) ($period / $resolution); // Each interval is $interval seconds length $nombre_agente = get_agentmodule_agent_name ($id_agente_modulo); $id_agente = dame_agente_id ($nombre_agente); $nombre_modulo = get_agentmodule_name ($id_agente_modulo); // Init tables for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) { $data[$i]['sum'] = 0; $data[$i]['count'] = 0; $data[$i]['timestamp_bottom'] = $datelimit + ($interval * $i); $data[$i]['timestamp_top'] = $datelimit + ($interval * ($i + 1)); $data[$i]['min'] = 0; $data[$i]['max'] = 0; $data[$i]['last'] = 0; $data[$i]['events'] = 0; } $all_data = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tagente_datos', array ('id_agente_modulo' => (int) $id_agente_modulo, "utimestamp > $datelimit", "utimestamp < $date", 'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'), array ('datos', 'utimestamp')); if ($all_data === false) graphic_error (); $max_value = 0; $min_value = 0; $start = 0; foreach ($all_data as $module_data) { $utimestamp = $module_data['utimestamp']; $real_data = $module_data['datos']; for ($i = $start; $i <= $resolution; $i++) { if ($utimestamp <= $data[$i]['timestamp_top'] && $utimestamp >= $data[$i]['timestamp_bottom']) { $start = $i; $data[$i]['sum'] += $real_data; $data[$i]['count']++; $data[$i]['last'] = $real_data; // Init min value if ($data[$i]['min'] == 0 || $real_data < $data[$i]['min']) $data[$i]['min'] = $real_data; // Check max value if ($real_data > $data[$i]['max']) $data[$i]['max'] = $real_data; // Get max value for all graph if ($data[$i]['max'] > $max_value) $max_value = $data[$i]['max']; // Get min value for all graph $max_value = max ($max_value, $data[$i]['max']); $min_value = min ($min_value, $data[$i]['min']); if ($show_alert == 1) { $alert_high = false; $alert_low = false; // If we want to show alerts limits $alert_high = get_db_value ('MAX(max_value)', 'talert_template_modules', 'id_agent_module', (int) $id_agente_modulo); $alert_low = get_db_value ('MIN(min_value)', 'talert_template_modules', 'id_agent_module', (int) $id_agente_modulo); // if no valid alert defined to render limits, disable it if (($alert_low === false || $alert_low === NULL) && ($alert_high === false || $alert_high === NULL)) { $show_alert = 0; } } } if ($show_event) { // If we want to show events in graphs $events = get_db_value_filter ('COUNT(*)', 'tevento', array ('id_agentmodule' => $id_agente_modulo, 'utimestamp >= '.$data[$i]['timestamp_bottom'], 'utimestamp < '.$data[$i]['timestamp_top'])); if ($events) $data[$i]['events']++; } } } // Get the first data outsite (to the left---more old) of the interval given $previous = (float) get_previous_data ($id_agente_modulo, $datelimit); for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) { if ($data[$i]['count']) { $data[$i]['sum'] = $data[$i]['sum'] / $data[$i]['count']; $previous = $data[$i]['last']; } else { $data[$i]['sum'] = $previous; $data[$i]['min'] = $previous; $data[$i]['max'] = $previous; /* Previous does not change here*/ } } if ($period <= 3600) $title_period = __('Last hour'); elseif ($period <= 86400) $title_period = __('Last day'); elseif ($period <= 604800) $title_period = __('Last week'); elseif ($period <= 2419200) $title_period = __('Last month'); else $title_period = __('Last %s days', format_numeric (($period / (3600 * 24)), 2)); $engine = get_graph_engine ($period); $engine->width = $width; $engine->height = $height; $engine->data = &$data; $engine->xaxis_interval = $resolution; if ($title == '') $title = get_agentmodule_name ($id_agente_modulo); $engine->title = ' '.strtoupper ($nombre_agente)." - ".__('Module').' '.$title; $engine->subtitle = ' '.__('Period').': '.$title_period; $engine->show_title = !$pure; $engine->max_value = $max_value; $engine->min_value = $min_value; $engine->events = (bool) $show_event; $engine->alert_top = $show_alert ? $alert_high : false; $engine->alert_bottom = $show_alert ? $alert_low : false;; if (! $pure) { $engine->legend = &$legend; } $engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath']; $engine->sparse_graph ($period, $avg_only, $min_value, $max_value, $unit_name); } function graphic_agentmodules ($id_agent, $width, $height) { global $config; $data = array (); $sql = sprintf ('SELECT ttipo_modulo.nombre,COUNT(id_agente_modulo) FROM tagente_modulo,ttipo_modulo WHERE id_tipo_modulo = id_tipo AND id_agente = %d GROUP BY id_tipo_modulo', $id_agent); $modules = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); foreach ($modules as $module) { $data[$module['nombre']] = $module[1]; } generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data); } function graphic_agentaccess ($id_agent, $width, $height, $period = 0) { global $config; $resolution = $config["graph_res"] * ($period * 2 / $width); // Number of "slices" we want in graph $interval = (int) ($period / $resolution); $date = get_system_time (); $datelimit = $date - $period; $periodtime = floor ($period / $interval); $time = array (); $data = array (); for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) { $time[$i]['timestamp_bottom'] = $datelimit + ($periodtime * $i); $time[$i]['timestamp_top'] = $datelimit + ($periodtime * ($i + 1)); $data[$time[$i]['timestamp_bottom']] = 0; } $result = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tagent_access', array ('id_agent' => $id_agent, "utimestamp > $datelimit", "utimestamp < $date"), array ('utimestamp')); if ($result === false) $result = array (); $max_value = 0; foreach ($result as $access) { $utimestamp = $access['utimestamp']; for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) { if ($utimestamp <= $time[$i]['timestamp_top'] && $utimestamp >= $time[$i]['timestamp_bottom']) { $data[$time[$i]['timestamp_bottom']]++; $max_value = max ($max_value, $data[$time[$i]['timestamp_bottom']]); } } } $engine = get_graph_engine ($period); $engine->width = $width; $engine->height = $height; $engine->data = &$data; $engine->max_value = $max_value; $engine->show_title = false; $engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath']; $engine->xaxis_interval = floor ($width / 72); $engine->yaxis_interval = $max_value; $engine->xaxis_format = 'date'; $engine->watermark = false; $engine->show_grid = false; $engine->single_graph (); } function graph_incidents_status () { $data = array (0, 0, 0, 0); $data = array (); $data[__('Open Incident')] = 0; $data[__('Closed Incident')] = 0; $data[__('Outdated')] = 0; $data[__('Invalid')] = 0; $incidents = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tincidencia', array ('estado' => array (0, 2, 3, 13)), array ('estado')); if ($incidents === false) $incidents = array (); foreach ($incidents as $incident) { if ($incident["estado"] == 0) $data[__("Open Incident")]++; if ($incident["estado"] == 2) $data[__("Closed Incident")]++; if ($incident["estado"] == 3) $data[__("Outdated")]++; if ($incident["estado"] == 13) $data[__("Invalid")]++; } generic_pie_graph (370, 180, $data); } function grafico_incidente_prioridad () { $data_tmp = array (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia), prioridad FROM tincidencia GROUP BY prioridad ORDER BY 2 DESC'; $incidents = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); foreach ($incidents as $incident) { if ($incident['prioridad'] < 5) $data_tmp[$incident[1]] = $incident[0]; else $data_tmp[5] += $incident[0]; } $data = array (__('Informative') => $data_tmp[0], __('Low') => $data_tmp[1], __('Medium') => $data_tmp[2], __('Serious') => $data_tmp[3], __('Very serious') => $data_tmp[4], __('Maintenance') => $data_tmp[5]); generic_pie_graph (320, 200, $data); } function graphic_incident_group () { $data = array (); $max_items = 5; $sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia), nombre FROM tincidencia,tgrupo WHERE tgrupo.id_grupo = tincidencia.id_grupo GROUP BY tgrupo.id_grupo ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items); $incidents = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); foreach ($incidents as $incident) { $name = $incident[1].' ('.$incident[0].')'; $data[$name] = $incident[0]; } generic_pie_graph (320, 200, $data); } function graphic_incident_user () { $data = array (); $max_items = 5; $sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia), id_usuario FROM tincidencia GROUP BY id_usuario ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items); $incidents = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); foreach ($incidents as $incident) { $name = $incident[1].' ('.$incident[0].')'; $data[$name] = $incident[0]; } generic_pie_graph (320, 200, $data); } function graphic_user_activity ($width = 350, $height = 230) { $data = array (); $max_items = 5; $sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_usuario), id_usuario FROM tsesion GROUP BY id_usuario ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items); $logins = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); foreach ($logins as $login) { $data[$login[1]] = $login[0]; } generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data); } function graphic_incident_source ($width = 320, $height = 200) { $data = array (); $max_items = 5; $sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia), origen FROM tincidencia GROUP BY `origen` ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items); $origins = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); foreach ($origins as $origin) { $data[$origin[1]] = $origin[0]; } generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data); } function graph_db_agentes_modulos ($width, $height) { $data = array (); $modules = get_db_all_rows_sql ('SELECT COUNT(id_agente_modulo),id_agente FROM tagente_modulo GROUP BY id_agente ORDER BY 1 DESC'); if ($modules === false) $modules = array (); foreach ($modules as $module) { $agent_name = get_agent_name ($module['id_agente'], "none"); $data[$agent_name] = $module[0]; } generic_horizontal_bar_graph ($width, $height, $data); } function grafico_eventos_usuario ($width, $height) { $data = array (); $max_items = 5; $sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_evento),id_usuario FROM tevento GROUP BY id_usuario ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items); $events = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); foreach ($events as $event) { $data[$event[1]] = $event[0]; } generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data); } function grafico_eventos_total ($filter = "") { $filter = str_replace ( "\\" , "", $filter); $data = array (); $legend = array (); $total = 0; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 0 $filter"; $data[__('Maintenance')] = get_db_sql ($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 1 $filter"; $data[__('Informational')] = get_db_sql ($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 2 $filter"; $data[__('Normal')] = get_db_sql ($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 3 $filter"; $data[__('Warning')] = get_db_sql ($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 4 $filter"; $data[__('Critical')] = get_db_sql ($sql); asort ($data); generic_pie_graph (320, 200, $data); } function graph_event_module ($width = 300, $height = 200, $id_agent) { $data = array (); $max_items = 6; $sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_evento),nombre FROM tevento, tagente_modulo WHERE id_agentmodule = id_agente_modulo AND disabled = 0 AND tevento.id_agente = %d GROUP BY id_agentmodule LIMIT %d', $id_agent, $max_items); $events = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); if ($events === false) { graphic_error (); return; } foreach ($events as $event) { $data[$event['nombre'].' ('.$event[0].')'] = $event[0]; } /* System events */ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tevento WHERE id_agentmodule = 0 AND id_agente = $id_agent"; $value = get_db_sql ($sql); if ($value > 0) { $data[__('System').' ('.$value.')'] = $value; } asort ($data); // Take only the first $max_items values if (sizeof ($data) >= $max_items) { $data = array_slice ($data, 0, $max_items); } generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data, array ('zoom' => 75, 'show_legend' => false)); } function grafico_eventos_grupo ($width = 300, $height = 200, $url = "") { global $config; $url = html_entity_decode (rawurldecode ($url), ENT_QUOTES); //It was urlencoded, so we urldecode it $data = array (); $loop = 0; $badstrings = array (";", "SELECT ", "DELETE ", "UPDATE ", "INSERT ", "EXEC"); //remove bad strings from the query so queries like ; DELETE FROM don't pass $url = str_ireplace ($badstrings, "", $url); //This will give the distinct id_agente, give the id_grupo that goes //with it and then the number of times it occured. GROUP BY statement //is required if both DISTINCT() and COUNT() are in the statement $sql = sprintf ('SELECT DISTINCT(id_agente) AS id_agente, id_grupo, COUNT(id_agente) AS count FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 %s GROUP BY id_agente ORDER BY count DESC', $url); $result = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); if ($result === false) { $result = array(); } foreach ($result as $row) { if (!give_acl ($config["id_user"], $row["id_grupo"], "AR") == 1) continue; if ($loop > 5) { if (!isset ($data[__('Other')])) $data[__('Other')] = 0; $data[__('Other')] += $row["count"]; } else { if ($row["id_agente"] == 0) { $name = __('SYSTEM')." (".$row["count"].")"; } else { $name = mb_substr (get_agent_name ($row["id_agente"], "lower"), 0, 14)." (".$row["count"].")"; } $data[$name] = $row["count"]; } $loop++; } error_reporting (0); generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data, array ('show_legend' => false)); } function generic_single_graph ($width = 380, $height = 200, &$data, $interval = 1) { global $config; if (sizeof ($data) == 0) graphic_error (); $engine = get_graph_engine (); $engine->width = $width; $engine->height = $height; $engine->data = &$data; $engine->max_value = max ($data); $engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath']; $engine->xaxis_interval = $interval; $engine->single_graph (); } function generic_vertical_bar_graph ($width = 380, $height = 200, &$data, &$legend) { global $config; if (sizeof ($data) == 0) graphic_error (); $engine = get_graph_engine (); $engine->width = $width; $engine->height = $height; $engine->data = &$data; $engine->max_value = max ($data); $engine->legend = &$legend; $engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath']; $engine->vertical_bar_graph (); } function generic_horizontal_bar_graph ($width = 380, $height = 200, &$data, $legend = false) { global $config; if (sizeof ($data) == 0) graphic_error (); $engine = get_graph_engine (); $engine->width = $width; $engine->height = $height; $engine->data = &$data; $engine->legend = &$legend; $engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath']; $engine->horizontal_bar_graph (); } function generic_pie_graph ($width = 300, $height = 200, &$data, $options = false) { global $config; if (sizeof ($data) == 0) graphic_error (); $show_title = false; $show_legend = true; $zoom = 85; if (is_array ($options)) { if (isset ($options['show_title'])) $show_title = (bool) $options['show_title']; if (isset ($options['show_legend'])) $show_legend = (bool) $options['show_legend']; if (isset ($options['zoom'])) $zoom = (bool) $options['zoom']; } $engine = get_graph_engine (); $engine->width = $width; $engine->height = $height; $engine->data = &$data; $engine->zoom = $zoom; $engine->legend = array_keys ($data); $engine->show_legend = $show_legend; $engine->show_title = $show_title; $engine->zoom = 50; $engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath']; $engine->pie_graph (); } function grafico_db_agentes_paquetes ($width = 380, $height = 300) { $data = array (); $legend = array (); $agents = get_group_agents (array_keys (get_user_groups ()), false, "none"); $count = get_agent_modules_data_count (array_keys ($agents)); unset ($count["total"]); arsort ($count, SORT_NUMERIC); $count = array_slice ($count, 0, 8, true); foreach ($count as $agent_id => $value) { $data[$agents[$agent_id]] = $value; } generic_horizontal_bar_graph ($width, $height, $data, $legend); } function grafico_db_agentes_purge ($id_agent, $width, $height) { if ($id_agent < 1) { $id_agent = -1; $query = ""; } else { $modules = get_agent_modules ($id_agent); $query = sprintf (" AND id_agente_modulo IN (%s)", implode (",", array_keys ($modules))); } // All data (now) $time["all"] = get_system_time (); // 1 day ago $time["1day"] = $time["all"] - 86400; // 1 week ago $time["1week"] = $time["all"] - 604800; // 1 month ago $time["1month"] = $time["all"] - 2592000; // Three months ago $time["3month"] = $time["all"] - 7776000; $data[__("Today")] = get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1day"], $query)); $data["1 ".__("Week")] = get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1week"], $query)); $data["1 ".__("Month")] = get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1month"], $query)); $data["3 ".__("Months")] = get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3month"], $query)); $data[__("Older")] = get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE 1=1 %s", $query)); $data[__("Today")] += get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1day"], $query)); $data["1 ".__("Week")] += get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1week"], $query)); $data["1 ".__("Month")] += get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1month"], $query)); $data["3 ".__("Months")] += get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3month"], $query)); $data[__("Older")] += get_db_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE 1=1 %s", $query)); $data[__("Older")] = $data[__("Older")] - $data["3 ".__("Months")]; generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data); } // *************************************************************************** // Draw a dynamic progress bar using GDlib directly // *************************************************************************** function progress_bar ($progress, $width, $height, $mode = 1) { global $config; if ($progress > 100 || $progress < 0) { graphic_error ('outof.png'); } $engine = get_graph_engine (); $engine->width = $width; $engine->height = $height; $engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath']; if ($mode == 0) { $engine->background_color = '#E6E6D2'; $engine->show_title = false; if ($progress > 70) $color = '#B0FF54'; elseif ($progress > 50) $color = '#FFE654'; elseif ($progress > 30) $color = '#FF9A54'; else $color = '#EE0000'; } else { $engine->background_color = '#FFFFFF'; $engine->show_title = true; $engine->title = format_numeric ($progress).' %'; $color = '#2C5196'; } $engine->progress_bar ($progress, $color); } function grafico_modulo_boolean ($id_agente_modulo, $period, $show_event, $width, $height , $title, $unit_name, $show_alert, $avg_only = 0, $pure=0, $date = 0 ) { global $config; $resolution = $config['graph_res'] * 50; // Number of "slices" we want in graph if (! $date) $date = get_system_time (); $datelimit = $date - $period; // limit date $interval = (int) ($period / $resolution); // Each interval is $interval seconds length $nombre_agente = get_agentmodule_agent_name ($id_agente_modulo); $id_agente = dame_agente_id ($nombre_agente); $nombre_modulo = get_agentmodule_name ($id_agente_modulo); if ($show_event == 1) $real_event = array (); if ($show_alert == 1) { $alert_high = false; $alert_low = false; // If we want to show alerts limits $alert_high = get_db_value ('MAX(max_value)', 'talert_template_modules', 'id_agent_module', (int) $id_agente_modulo); $alert_low = get_db_value ('MIN(min_value)', 'talert_template_modules', 'id_agent_module', (int) $id_agente_modulo); // if no valid alert defined to render limits, disable it if (($alert_low === false || $alert_low === NULL) && ($alert_high === false || $alert_high === NULL)) { $show_alert = 0; } } // interval - This is the number of "rows" we are divided the time // to fill data. more interval, more resolution, and slower. // periodo - Gap of time, in seconds. This is now to (now-periodo) secs // Init tables for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) { $data[$i]['sum'] = 0; // SUM of all values for this interval $data[$i]['count'] = 0; // counter $data[$i]['timestamp_bottom'] = $datelimit + ($interval * $i); // [2] Top limit for this range $data[$i]['timestamp_top'] = $datelimit + ($interval * ($i + 1)); // [3] Botom limit $data[$i]['min'] = 1; // MIN $data[$i]['max'] = 0; // MAX $data[$i]['last'] = 0; // Last value $data[$i]['events'] = 0; // Event } // Init other general variables if ($show_event == 1) { // If we want to show events in graphs $sql = "SELECT utimestamp FROM tevento WHERE id_agente = $id_agente AND utimestamp > $datelimit"; $result = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); foreach ($result as $row) { $utimestamp = $row['utimestamp']; for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) { if ($utimestamp <= $data[$i]['timestamp_top'] && $utimestamp >= $data[$i]['timestamp_bottom']) { $data['events']++; } } } } // Init other general variables $max_value = 0; $all_data = get_db_all_rows_filter ('tagente_datos', array ('id_agente' => $id_agente, 'id_agente_modulo' => $id_agente_modulo, "utimestamp > $datelimit", "utimestamp < $date", 'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'), array ('datos', 'utimestamp')); if ($all_data === false) { $all_data = array (); } foreach ($all_data as $module_data) { $real_data = intval ($module_data["datos"]) ? 1 : 0; $utimestamp = $module_data["utimestamp"]; for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) { if ($utimestamp <= $data[$i]['timestamp_top'] && $utimestamp >= $data[$i]['timestamp_bottom']) { $data[$i]['sum'] += $real_data; $data[$i]['count']++; $data[$i]['last'] = $real_data; $data[$i]['min'] = min ($data[$i]['min'], $real_data); $data[$i]['max'] = max ($data[$i]['max'], $real_data); } } } $previous = (float) get_previous_data ($id_agente_modulo, $datelimit); // Calculate Average value for $data[][0] for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) { if ($data[$i]['count'] == 0) { $data[$i]['sum'] = $previous; $data[$i]['min'] = $previous; $data[$i]['max'] = $previous; $data[$i]['last'] = $previous; $previous = $data[$i]['sum']; } else { $previous = $data[$i]['sum']; if ($data[$i]['count'] > 1) { $previous = $data[$i]['last']; $data[$i]['sum'] = floor ($data[$i]['sum'] / $data[$i]['count']); } } // Get max value for all graph $max_value = max ($max_value, $data[$i]['max']); } $grafica = array (); foreach ($data as $d) { $grafica[$d['timestamp_bottom']] = $d['sum']; } if ($period <= 3600) $title_period = __('Last hour'); elseif ($period <= 86400) $title_period = __('Last day'); elseif ($period <= 604800) $title_period = __('Last week'); elseif ($period <= 2419200) $title_period = __('Last month'); else $title_period = __('Last %s days', format_numeric (($period / (3600 * 24)), 2)); $engine = get_graph_engine ($period); $engine->width = $width; $engine->height = $height; $engine->data = &$grafica; $engine->max_value = $max_value; $engine->legend = array ($nombre_modulo); $engine->title = ' '.strtoupper ($nombre_agente)." - ".__('Module').' '.$title; $engine->subtitle = ' '.__('Period').': '.$title_period; $engine->show_title = !$pure; $engine->events = $show_event ? $real_event : false; $engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath']; $engine->alert_top = $show_alert ? $alert_high : false; $engine->alert_bottom = $show_alert ? $alert_low : false;; if ($period < 10000) $engine->xaxis_interval = 20; else $engine->xaxis_interval = $resolution * 4; $engine->yaxis_interval = 1; $engine->xaxis_format = 'date'; $engine->single_graph (); return; } // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** // MAIN Code - Parse get parameters // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** // Generic parameter handling // ************************** $id_agent = (int) get_parameter ('id_agent'); $tipo = (string) get_parameter ('tipo'); $pure = (bool) get_parameter ('pure'); $period = (int) get_parameter ('period', 86400); $interval = (int) get_parameter ('interval', 300); $id = (string) get_parameter ('id'); $weight_l = (string) get_parameter ('weight_l'); $width = (int) get_parameter ('width', 450); $height = (int) get_parameter ('height', 200); $label = (string) get_parameter ('label', ''); $color = (string) get_parameter ('color', '#226677'); $percent = (int) get_parameter ('percent', 100); $zoom = (int) get_parameter ('zoom', 100); $zoom /= 100; if ($zoom <= 0 || $zoom > 1) $zoom = 1; $unit_name = (string) get_parameter ('unit_name'); $draw_events = (int) get_parameter ('draw_events'); $avg_only = (int) get_parameter ('avg_only'); $draw_alerts = (int) get_parameter ('draw_alerts'); $value1 = get_parameter ('value1'); $value2 = get_parameter ('value2'); $value3 = get_parameter("value3", 0); $stacked = get_parameter ("stacked", 0); $date = get_parameter ("date"); $graphic_type = (string) get_parameter ('tipo'); $mode = get_parameter ("mode", 1); if ($graphic_type) { switch ($graphic_type) { case 'sparse': grafico_modulo_sparse ($id, $period, $draw_events, $width, $height, $label, $unit_name, $draw_alerts, $avg_only, $pure, $date); break; case "boolean": grafico_modulo_boolean ($id, $period, $draw_events, $width, $height , $label, $unit_name, $draw_alerts, 1, $pure, $date); break; case "estado_incidente": graph_incidents_status (); break; case "prioridad_incidente": grafico_incidente_prioridad (); break; case "db_agente_modulo": graph_db_agentes_modulos ($width, $height); break; case "db_agente_paquetes": grafico_db_agentes_paquetes ($width, $height); break; case "db_agente_purge": grafico_db_agentes_purge ($id, $width, $height); break; case "event_module": graph_event_module ($width, $height, $id_agent); break; case "group_events": grafico_eventos_grupo ($width, $height); break; case "user_events": grafico_eventos_usuario ($width, $height); break; case "total_events": grafico_eventos_total (); break; case "group_incident": graphic_incident_group (); break; case "user_incident": graphic_incident_user (); break; case "source_incident": graphic_incident_source (); break; case "user_activity": graphic_user_activity ($width, $height); break; case "agentaccess": graphic_agentaccess ($id, $width, $height, $period); break; case "agentmodules": graphic_agentmodules ($id, $width, $height); break; case "progress": $percent = (int) get_parameter ('percent'); progress_bar ($percent,$width,$height, $mode); break; case "combined": // Split id to get all parameters $module_list = array(); $module_list = split (",", $id); $weight_list = array(); $weight_list = split (",", $weight_l); graphic_combined_module ($module_list, $weight_list, $period, $width, $height, $label, $unit_name, $draw_events, $draw_alerts, $pure, $stacked, $date); break; case "alerts_fired_pipe": $data = array (); $data[__('Alerts fired')] = (float) get_parameter ('fired'); $data[__('Alerts not fired')] = (float) get_parameter ('not_fired'); generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data); break; case 'monitors_health_pipe': $data = array (); $data[__('Monitors OK')] = (float) get_parameter ('not_down'); $data[__('Monitors BAD')] = (float) get_parameter ('down'); generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data); break; default: graphic_error (); } } else { graphic_error (); } ?>