url = ui_get_full_url( 'index.php?sec=gextensions&sec2=tools/diagnostics' ); $this->ajaxController = $page; $this->pdf = $pdf; $this->product_name = io_safe_output(get_product_name()); } /** * Allowed methods to be called using AJAX request. * * @var array */ public $AJAXMethods = [ 'getStatusInfo', 'getPHPSetup', 'getDatabaseSizeStats', 'getDatabaseHealthStatus', 'getDatabaseStatusInfo', 'getSystemInfo', 'getMySQLPerformanceMetrics', 'getTablesFragmentation', 'getPandoraFMSLogsDates', 'getLicenceInformation', 'getAttachmentFolder', 'getInfoTagenteDatos', 'getServerThreads', 'getShowEngine', 'datatablesDraw', 'getChartAjax', 'formFeedback', 'createdScheduleFeedbackTask', ]; /** * Checks if target method is available to be called using AJAX. * * @param string $method Target method. * * @return boolean True allowed, false not. */ public function ajaxMethod(string $method):bool { return in_array($method, $this->AJAXMethods); } /** * Show view diagnostics. * * @return void */ public function run() { global $config; if ($this->pdf === true) { $this->exportPDF(); exit; } ui_require_css_file('diagnostics'); $pdf_url = $this->url.'&pdf=true'; $pdf_img = html_print_image( 'images/pdf.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Export to PDF'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ); $header_buttons = [ 'csv' => [ 'active' => false, 'text' => ''.$pdf_img.'', ], ]; // Header. ui_print_page_header( __('%s Diagnostic tool', $this->product_name), 'images/gm_massive_operations.png', false, '', true, $header_buttons ); // Print all Methods Diagnostic Info. echo $this->printMethodsDiagnostigsInfo(); // Print all charts Monitoring. echo $this->printCharts(); echo ''; } /** * Print Methods: * Info status pandoraFms. * PHP setup. * Database size stats. * Database health status. * Database status info. * System Info. * MySQL Performance metrics. * Tables fragmentation in the Pandora FMS database. * Pandora FMS logs dates. * Pandora FMS Licence Information. * Status of the attachment folder. * Information from the tagente_datos table. * Pandora FMS server threads. * * @return string Html. */ public function printMethodsDiagnostigsInfo():string { $infoMethods = [ 'getStatusInfo', 'getPHPSetup', 'getDatabaseSizeStats', 'getDatabaseHealthStatus', 'getDatabaseStatusInfo', 'getSystemInfo', 'getMySQLPerformanceMetrics', 'getTablesFragmentation', 'getPandoraFMSLogsDates', 'getLicenceInformation', 'getAttachmentFolder', 'getInfoTagenteDatos', 'getServerThreads', ]; if ($this->pdf === true) { $infoMethods[] = 'getShowEngine'; } $return = ''; foreach ($infoMethods as $key => $method) { switch ($method) { case 'getStatusInfo': $title = __('Info status %s', $this->product_name); break; case 'getPHPSetup': $title = __('PHP setup'); break; case 'getDatabaseSizeStats': $title = __('Database size stats'); break; case 'getDatabaseHealthStatus': $title = __('Database health status'); break; case 'getDatabaseStatusInfo': $title = __('Database status info'); break; case 'getSystemInfo': $title = __('System Info'); break; case 'getMySQLPerformanceMetrics': $title = __('MySQL Performance metrics'); break; case 'getTablesFragmentation': $title = __( 'Tables fragmentation in the %s database', $this->product_name ); break; case 'getPandoraFMSLogsDates': $title = __('%s logs dates', $this->product_name); break; case 'getLicenceInformation': $title = __('%s Licence Information', $this->product_name); break; case 'getAttachmentFolder': $title = __('Status of the attachment folder'); break; case 'getInfoTagenteDatos': $title = __('Information from the tagente_datos table'); break; case 'getServerThreads': $title = __('%s server threads', $this->product_name); break; case 'getShowEngine': $title = __('SQL show engine innodb status'); break; default: // Not possible. $title = ''; break; } $return .= '
'; $return .= $this->printData($method, $title); $return .= '
'; } if ($this->pdf === true) { return $return; } else { return false; } } /** * Print table graps: * Graph of the Agents Unknown module. * Graph of the Database Maintenance module. * Graph of the Free Disk Spool Dir module. * Graph of the Free RAM module. * Graph of the Queued Modules module. * Graph of the Status module. * Graph of the System Load AVG module. * Graph of the Execution Time module. * * @return string */ public function printCharts() { /* * Agent id with name Master Server. */ $agentIdMasterServer = $this->getAgentIdMasterServer(); $result = ''; if ($agentIdMasterServer !== 0) { $agentMonitoring = [ 'chartAgentsUnknown' => [ 'title' => __( 'Graph of the Agents Unknown module.' ), 'nameModule' => 'Agents_Unknown', 'idAgent' => $agentIdMasterServer, ], 'chartDatabaseMain' => [ 'title' => __( 'Graph of the Database Maintenance module.' ), 'nameModule' => 'Database Maintenance', 'idAgent' => $agentIdMasterServer, ], 'chartFreeDiskSpoolDir' => [ 'title' => __( 'Graph of the Free Disk Spool Dir module.' ), 'nameModule' => 'FreeDisk_SpoolDir', 'idAgent' => $agentIdMasterServer, ], 'chartFreeRAM' => [ 'title' => __('Graph of the Free RAM module.'), 'nameModule' => 'Free_RAM', 'idAgent' => $agentIdMasterServer, ], 'chartQueuedModules' => [ 'title' => __( 'Graph of the Queued Modules module.' ), 'nameModule' => 'Queued_Modules', 'idAgent' => $agentIdMasterServer, ], 'chartStatus' => [ 'title' => __('Graph of the Status module.'), 'nameModule' => 'Status', 'idAgent' => $agentIdMasterServer, ], 'chartSystemLoadAVG' => [ 'title' => __( 'Graph of the System Load AVG module.' ), 'nameModule' => 'System_Load_AVG', 'idAgent' => $agentIdMasterServer, ], 'chartExecutionTime' => [ 'title' => __( 'Graph of the Execution Time module.' ), 'nameModule' => 'Execution_time', 'idAgent' => $agentIdMasterServer, ], ]; $return .= '
'; $return .= __( 'Graphs modules that represent the self-monitoring system' ); $return .= '
'; $return .= '
'; foreach ($agentMonitoring as $key => $value) { $return .= $this->printDataCharts($value); } $return .= '
'; } return $return; } /** * Info status pandoraFms. * * @return string */ public function getStatusInfo(): string { global $config; global $build_version; global $pandora_version; $sql = sprintf( "SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `tupdate_settings` WHERE `key` = '%s' OR `key` = '%s' OR `key` = '%s'", 'current_update', 'customer_key', 'updating_code_path' ); $values_key = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); $values_key = array_reduce( $values_key, function ($carry, $item) { if ($item['key'] === 'customer_key') { $customer = substr($item['value'], 0, 5); $customer .= '...'; $customer .= substr($item['value'], -5); $item['value'] = $customer; } $carry[$item['key']] = $item['value']; return $carry; } ); $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'buildVersion' => [ 'name' => __('%s Build', $this->product_name), 'value' => $build_version, ], 'version' => [ 'name' => __('%s Version', $this->product_name), 'value' => $pandora_version, ], 'mr' => [ 'name' => __('Minor Release'), 'value' => $config['MR'], ], 'homeDir' => [ 'name' => __('Homedir'), 'value' => $config['homedir'], ], 'homeUrl' => [ 'name' => __('HomeUrl'), 'value' => $config['homeurl'], ], 'isEnterprise' => [ 'name' => __('Enterprise installed'), 'value' => (enterprise_installed()) ? __('true') : __('false'), ], 'customerKey' => [ 'name' => __('Update Key'), 'value' => $values_key['customer_key'], ], 'updatingCode' => [ 'name' => __('Updating code path'), 'value' => $values_key['updating_code_path'], ], 'currentUpdate' => [ 'name' => __('Current Update #'), 'value' => $values_key['current_update'], ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * PHP Status. * * @return string */ public function getPHPSetup(): string { global $config; $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'phpVersion' => [ 'name' => __('PHP Version'), 'value' => phpversion(), ], 'maxExecutionTime' => [ 'name' => __('PHP Max execution time'), 'value' => ini_get('max_execution_time'), ], 'maxInputTime' => [ 'name' => __('PHP Max input time'), 'value' => ini_get('max_input_time'), ], 'memoryLimit' => [ 'name' => __('PHP Memory limit'), 'value' => ini_get('memory_limit'), ], 'sessionLifetime' => [ 'name' => __('Session cookie lifetime'), 'value' => ini_get('session.cookie_lifetime'), ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Database size stats. * * @return string */ public function getDatabaseSizeStats(): string { global $config; $countAgents = db_get_value_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente'); $countModules = db_get_value_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_modulo'); $countGroups = db_get_value_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tgrupo'); $countModuleData = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos' ); $countAgentAccess = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagent_access' ); $countEvents = db_get_value_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tevento'); if (enterprise_installed() === true) { $countTraps = db_get_value_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ttrap'); } $countUsers = db_get_value_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tusuario'); $countSessions = db_get_value_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsesion'); $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'countAgents' => [ 'name' => __('Total agents'), 'value' => $countAgents, ], 'countModules' => [ 'name' => __('Total modules'), 'value' => $countModules, ], 'countGroups' => [ 'name' => __('Total groups'), 'value' => $countGroups, ], 'countModuleData' => [ 'name' => __('Total module data records'), 'value' => $countModuleData, ], 'countAgentAccess' => [ 'name' => __('Total agent access record'), 'value' => $countAgentAccess, ], 'countEvents' => [ 'name' => __('Total events'), 'value' => $countEvents, ], 'countTraps' => [ 'name' => __('Total traps'), 'value' => $countTraps, ], 'countUsers' => [ 'name' => __('Total users'), 'value' => $countUsers, ], 'countSessions' => [ 'name' => __('Total sessions'), 'value' => $countSessions, ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Database health status. * * @return string */ public function getDatabaseHealthStatus(): string { global $config; // Count agents unknowns. $sqlUnknownAgents = 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT tagente.id_agente) FROM tagente_estado, tagente, tagente_modulo WHERE tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo = tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 AND tagente_estado.id_agente = tagente.id_agente AND tagente_estado.estado = 3'; $unknownAgents = db_get_sql($sqlUnknownAgents); // Count modules not initialize. $sqlNotInitAgents = 'SELECT COUNT(tagente_estado.estado) FROM tagente_estado WHERE tagente_estado.estado = 4'; $notInitAgents = db_get_sql($sqlNotInitAgents); $dateDbMantenaince = $config['db_maintance']; $currentTime = time(); $pandoraDbLastRun = __('%s DB has never been executed', get_product_name()); if ($dateDbMantenaince !== false) { $difference = ($currentTime - $dateDbMantenaince); $pandoraDbLastRun = human_time_description_raw( $difference, true ); $pandoraDbLastRun .= ' '.__('Ago'); } $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'unknownAgents' => [ 'name' => __('Total unknown agents'), 'value' => $unknownAgents, ], 'notInitAgents' => [ 'name' => __('Total not-init modules'), 'value' => $notInitAgents, ], 'pandoraDbLastRun' => [ 'name' => __('%s DB Last run', get_product_name()), 'value' => $pandoraDbLastRun, ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Database status info. * * @return string */ public function getDatabaseStatusInfo(): string { global $config; // Size BBDD. $dbSizeSql = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT ROUND(SUM(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024,3) FROM information_schema.TABLES' ); // Add unit size. $dbSize = $dbSizeSql.' M'; $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'dbSchemeFirstVersion' => [ 'name' => __('DB Schema Version (first installed)'), 'value' => $config['db_scheme_first_version'], ], 'dbSchemeVersion' => [ 'name' => __('DB Schema Version (actual)'), 'value' => $config['db_scheme_version'], ], 'dbSchemeBuild' => [ 'name' => __('DB Schema Build'), 'value' => $config['db_scheme_build'], ], 'dbSize' => [ 'name' => __('DB Size'), 'value' => $dbSize, ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Database status info. * * @return string */ public function getSystemInfo(): string { global $config; $result = []; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { $cpuModelName = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | tail -1 | cut -f 2 -d ":"'; $cpuProcessor = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "processor" | wc -l'; $ramMemTotal = 'cat /proc/meminfo | grep "MemTotal"'; exec( "ifconfig | awk '{ print $2}' | grep -E -o '([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}'", $output ); $ips = implode(', ', $output); $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'cpuInfo' => [ 'name' => __('CPU'), 'value' => exec($cpuModelName).' x '.exec($cpuProcessor), ], 'ramInfo' => [ 'name' => __('RAM'), 'value' => exec($ramMemTotal), ], 'osInfo' => [ 'name' => __('Os'), 'value' => exec('uname -a'), ], 'hostnameInfo' => [ 'name' => __('Hostname'), 'value' => exec('hostname'), ], 'ipInfo' => [ 'name' => __('Ip'), 'value' => $ips, ], ], ]; } else { $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'osInfo' => [ 'name' => __('OS'), 'value' => exec('ver'), ], 'hostnameInfo' => [ 'name' => __('Hostname'), 'value' => exec('hostname'), ], 'ipInfo' => [ 'name' => __('Ip'), 'value' => exec('ipconfig | findstr IPv4'), ], ], ]; } return json_encode($result); } /** * MySQL Performance metrics. * * @return string */ public function getMySQLPerformanceMetrics(): string { global $config; $variablesMsql = db_get_all_rows_sql('SHOW VARIABLES'); $variablesMsql = array_reduce( $variablesMsql, function ($carry, $item) { $bytes = 1048576; $mega = 1024; switch ($item['Variable_name']) { case 'innodb_buffer_pool_size': $name = __('InnoDB buffer pool size'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $bytes); $status = (($item['Value'] / $bytes) >= 250) ? 1 : 0; $message = __( 'It has to be 40% of the server memory not recommended to be greater or less' ); break; case 'innodb_file_per_table': $name = __('InnoDB file per table'); $value = $item['Value']; $status = ($item['Value'] === 'ON') ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Recommended ON'); break; case 'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit': $name = __('InnoDB flush log at trx-commit'); $value = $item['Value']; $status = ($item['Value'] == 2) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Recommended Value').' 2'; break; case 'innodb_lock_wait_timeout': $name = __('InnoDB lock wait timeout'); $value = $item['Value']; $status = ($item['Value'] >= 90) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 90s'; break; case 'innodb_log_buffer_size': $name = __('InnoDB log buffer size'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $bytes); $status = (($item['Value'] / $bytes) >= 16) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 16M'; break; case 'innodb_log_file_size': $name = __('InnoDB log file size'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $bytes); $status = (($item['Value'] / $bytes) >= 64) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 64M'; break; case 'max_allowed_packet': $name = __('Maximun allowed packet'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $bytes); $status = (($item['Value'] / $bytes) >= 32) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 32M'; break; case 'max_connections': $name = __('Maximun connections'); $value = $item['Value']; $status = (($item['Value']) >= 90) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value'); $message .= ' 90 '; $message .= __('conections'); break; case 'query_cache_limit': $name = __('Query cache limit'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $bytes); $status = (($item['Value'] / $bytes) >= 8) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 8M'; break; case 'query_cache_min_res_unit': $name = __('Query cache min-res-unit'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $mega); $status = (($item['Value'] / $mega) >= 2) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 2M'; break; case 'query_cache_size': $name = __('Query cache size'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $bytes); $status = (($item['Value'] / $bytes) >= 32) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 32M'; break; case 'query_cache_type': $name = __('Query cache type'); $value = $item['Value']; $status = ($item['Value'] === 'ON') ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Recommended ON'); break; case 'read_buffer_size': $name = __('Read buffer size'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $mega); $status = (($item['Value'] / $mega) >= 32) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 32K'; break; case 'read_rnd_buffer_size': $name = __('Read rnd-buffer size'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $mega); $status = (($item['Value'] / $mega) >= 32) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 32K'; break; case 'sort_buffer_size': $name = __('Sort buffer size'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $mega); $status = (($item['Value'] / $mega) >= 32) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 32K'; break; case 'sql_mode': $name = __('Sql mode'); $value = ($item['Value']); $status = (empty($item['Value']) === true) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Must be empty'); break; case 'thread_cache_size': $name = __('Thread cache size'); $value = $item['Value']; $status = ($item['Value'] >= 8) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 8'; break; case 'thread_stack': $name = __('Thread stack'); $value = ($item['Value'] / $mega); $status = (($item['Value'] / $mega) >= 256) ? 1 : 0; $message = __('Min. Recommended Value').' 256'; break; default: $name = ''; $value = 0; break; } if (empty($name) !== true) { $carry[$item['Variable_name']] = [ 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'status' => $status, 'message' => $message, ]; } return $carry; }, [] ); $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => $variablesMsql, ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Tables fragmentation in the Pandora FMS database. * * @return string */ public function getTablesFragmentation(): string { global $config; // Estimated fragmentation percentage as maximum. $tFragmentationMax = 10; // Extract the fragmentation value. $tFragmentationValue = db_get_sql( sprintf( "SELECT (data_free/(index_length+data_length)) as frag_ratio FROM information_schema.tables WHERE DATA_FREE > 0 AND table_name='tagente_datos' AND table_schema='%s'", $config['dbname'] ) ); // Check if it meets the fragmentation value. $status_tables_frag = ''; if ($tFragmentationValue > $tFragmentationMax) { $tFragmentationMsg = __( 'Table fragmentation is higher than recommended. They should be defragmented.' ); $tFragmentationStatus = 0; } else { $tFragmentationMsg = __('Table fragmentation is correct.'); $tFragmentationStatus = 1; } $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'tablesFragmentationMax' => [ 'name' => __( 'Tables fragmentation (maximum recommended value)' ), 'value' => $tFragmentationMax.'%', ], 'tablesFragmentationValue' => [ 'name' => __('Tables fragmentation (current value)'), 'value' => number_format($tFragmentationValue, 2).'%', ], 'tablesFragmentationStatus' => [ 'name' => __('Table fragmentation status'), 'value' => $status_tables_frag, 'status' => $tFragmentationStatus, ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Pandora FMS logs dates. * * @return string */ public function getPandoraFMSLogsDates(): string { global $config; $unit = 'M'; $pathServerLogs = '/var/log/pandora/pandora_server.log'; $servers = $this->getLogInfo($pathServerLogs); $pathErrLogs = '/var/log/pandora/pandora_server.error'; $errors = $this->getLogInfo($pathErrLogs); $pathConsoleLogs = $config['homedir'].'/log/console.log'; $console = $this->getLogInfo($pathConsoleLogs); $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'sizeServerLog' => [ 'name' => __('Size server logs (current value)'), 'value' => $servers['value'].' '.$unit, ], 'statusServerLog' => [ 'name' => __('Status server logs'), 'value' => $servers['message'], 'status' => $servers['status'], ], 'sizeErrorLog' => [ 'name' => __('Size error logs (current value)'), 'value' => $errors['value'].' '.$unit, ], 'statusErrorLog' => [ 'name' => __('Status error logs'), 'value' => $errors['message'], 'status' => $errors['status'], ], 'sizeConsoleLog' => [ 'name' => __('Size console logs (current value)'), 'value' => $console['value'].' '.$unit, ], 'statusConsoleLog' => [ 'name' => __('Status console logs'), 'value' => $console['message'], 'status' => $console['status'], ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Pandora FMS Licence Information. * * @return string */ public function getLicenceInformation(): string { global $config; // Extract customer key. $sql = sprintf( "SELECT `value` FROM `tupdate_settings` WHERE `key` = '%s'", 'customer_key' ); $customerKey = db_get_value_sql($sql); // Extract Info license. enterprise_include_once('include/functions_license.php'); $license = enterprise_hook('license_get_info'); // Agent Capacity. $agentCount = db_get_value_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM tagente'); $agentsCapacity = __('License capacity is less than 90 percent'); $agentsCapacitySt = 1; if ($agentCount > ($license['limit'] * 90 / 100)) { $agentsCapacity = __('License capacity exceeds 90 percent'); $agentsCapacitySt = 0; } // Modules average. $modulesCount = db_get_value_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM tagente_modulo'); $average = ($modulesCount / $agentCount); $averageMsg = __( 'The average of modules per agent is more than 40. You can have performance problems' ); $averageSt = 0; if ($average <= 40) { $averageMsg = __( 'The average of modules per agent is less than 40' ); $averageSt = 1; } // Modules Networks average. $totalNetworkModules = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT count(*) FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_tipo_modulo BETWEEN 6 AND 18' ); $totalModuleIntervalTime = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT SUM(module_interval) FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_tipo_modulo BETWEEN 6 AND 18' ); $averageTime = 0; if ($totalModuleIntervalTime !== false) { $averageTime = number_format( ((int) $totalNetworkModules / (int) $totalModuleIntervalTime), 3 ); } $moduleNetworkmsg = __( sprintf( 'The system is not overloaded (average time %f)', $averageTime ) ); $moduleNetworkst = 1; if ($averageTime === 0) { $moduleNetworkmsg = __('The system has no load'); $moduleNetworkst = 0; } else if ($averageTime > 180) { $moduleNetworkmsg = __( sprintf( 'The system is overloaded (average time %f) and a very fine configuration is required', $averageTime ) ); $moduleNetworkst = 0; } $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'customerKey' => [ 'name' => __('Customer key'), 'value' => $customerKey, ], 'customerExpires' => [ 'name' => __('Support expires'), 'value' => $license['expiry_date'], ], 'customerLimit' => [ 'name' => __('Platform Limit'), 'value' => $license['limit'].' '.__('Agents'), ], 'customerPfCount' => [ 'name' => __('Current Platform Count'), 'value' => $license['count'].' '.__('Agents'), ], 'customerPfCountEnabled' => [ 'name' => __('Current Platform Count (enabled: items)'), 'value' => $license['count_enabled'].' '.__('Agents'), ], 'customerPfCountDisabled' => [ 'name' => __('Current Platform Count (disabled: items)'), 'value' => $license['count_disabled'].' '.__('Agents'), ], 'customerMode' => [ 'name' => __('License Mode'), 'value' => $license['license_mode'], ], 'customerNMS' => [ 'name' => __('Network Management System'), 'value' => ($license['nms'] > 0) ? __('On') : __('Off'), ], 'customerSatellite' => [ 'name' => __('Satellite'), 'value' => ($license['dhpm'] > 0) ? __('On') : __('Off'), ], 'customerLicenseTo' => [ 'name' => __('Licensed to'), 'value' => $license['licensed_to'], ], 'customerCapacity' => [ 'name' => __('Status of agents capacity'), 'value' => $agentsCapacity, 'status' => $agentsCapacitySt, ], 'customerAverage' => [ 'name' => __('Status of average modules per agent'), 'value' => $averageMsg, 'status' => $averageSt, ], 'customerAverageNetwork' => [ 'name' => __('Interval average of the network modules'), 'value' => $moduleNetworkmsg, 'status' => $moduleNetworkst, ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Status of the attachment folder. * * @return string */ public function getAttachmentFolder(): string { global $config; // Count files in attachment. $attachmentFiles = count( glob( $config['homedir'].'/attachment/{*.*}', GLOB_BRACE ) ); // Check status attachment. $attachmentMsg = __( 'The attached folder contains more than 700 files.' ); $attachmentSt = 0; if ($attachmentFiles <= 700) { $attachmentMsg = __( 'The attached folder contains less than 700 files.' ); $attachmentSt = 1; } $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'attachFiles' => [ 'name' => __('Total files in the attached folder'), 'value' => $attachmentFiles, ], 'attachStatus' => [ 'name' => __('Status of the attachment folder'), 'value' => $attachmentMsg, 'status' => $attachmentSt, ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Information from the tagente_datos table. * * @return string */ public function getInfoTagenteDatos(): string { global $config; $agentDataCount = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos' ); $taMsg = __( 'The tagente_datos table contains too much data. A historical database is recommended.' ); $taStatus = 0; if ($agentDataCount <= 3000000) { $taMsg = __( 'The tagente_datos table contains an acceptable amount of data.' ); $taStatus = 1; } $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => [ 'agentDataCount' => [ 'name' => __('Total data in tagente_datos table'), 'value' => $agentDataCount, ], 'agentDataStatus' => [ 'name' => __('Tagente_datos table status'), 'value' => $taMsg, 'status' => $taStatus, ], ], ]; return json_encode($result); } /** * Pandora FMS server threads. * * @return string */ public function getServerThreads(): string { global $config; $result = []; $totalServerThreads = 0; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { $totalServerThreads = shell_exec( 'ps -T aux | grep pandora_server | grep -v grep | wc -l' ); } include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_servers.php'; $sql = 'SELECT `name`, server_type, threads FROM tserver'; $servers = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if (isset($servers) === true && is_array($servers) === true) { $sum_threads = 0; foreach ($servers as $key => $value) { $result['data']['threads_server_'.$value['server_type']] = [ 'name' => __('Threads').' '.\servers_get_server_string_name( $value['server_type'] ), 'value' => $value['threads'], ]; $sum_threads += $value['threads']; } $result['data']['total_threads'] = [ 'name' => __('Total threads'), 'value' => $sum_threads, 'status' => ($sum_threads < $totalServerThreads) ? 2 : 1, ]; if ($sum_threads < $totalServerThreads) { $result['data']['total_threads']['message'] = __( 'Current pandora_server running threads' ); } else { __( 'There\'s more pandora_server threads than configured, are you running multiple servers simultaneusly?.' ); } } return json_encode($result); } /** * SQL show engine innodb status. * * @return string */ public function getShowEngine(): string { global $config; try { // Trick to avoid showing error in case // you don't have enough permissions. $backup = error_reporting(); error_reporting(0); $innodb = db_get_all_rows_sql('show engine innodb status'); error_reporting($backup); } catch (Exception $e) { $innodb['Status'] = $e->getMessage(); } $result = []; if (isset($innodb[0]['Status']) === true && $innodb[0]['Status'] !== false ) { $lenght = strlen($innodb[0]['Status']); $data = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $lenght; $i = ($i + 300)) { $str = substr($innodb[0]['Status'], $i, ($i + 300)); $data['showEngine-'.$i] = [ 'name' => '', 'value' => '
', ]; } $result = [ 'error' => false, 'data' => $data, 'id' => 'showEngine', ]; } return json_encode($result); } /** * Agent Id whit name is equal to Server Name. * * @return integer Id agent module. */ public function getAgentIdMasterServer(): int { global $config; $serverName = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT `name` FROM tserver WHERE `name` IS NOT NULL AND `master` > 0 ORDER BY `master` DESC' ); $agentId = (int) db_get_value_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE nombre = "%s"', $serverName ) ); if (isset($agentId) === false || is_numeric($agentId) === false) { $agentId = 0; } return $agentId; } /** * Graph. * * @param integer $id Id agent. * @param string $name Name module. * @param boolean $image Chart interactive or only image. * @param boolean $base64 Image or base64. * * @return string */ public function getChart( int $id, string $name, bool $image=false, bool $base64=false ): string { global $config; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_graph.php'; $data = modules_get_agentmodule_id($name, $id); $params = [ 'agent_module_id' => $data['id_agente_modulo'], 'period' => SECONDS_1MONTH, 'date' => time(), 'height' => '200', 'only_image' => $image, 'return_img_base_64' => $base64, ]; return grafico_modulo_sparse($params); } /** * Check pandoradb installed. * * @return string */ public function checkPandoraDB(): string { global $config; $result = ''; if (isset($config['db_maintenance']) === false) { $result .= '(*) '; $result .= __( 'Please check your %s Server setup and make sure that the database maintenance daemon is running.', get_product_name() ); $result .= ' '; $result .= __( 'It\' is very important to keep the database up-to-date to get the best performance and results in %s', get_product_name() ); } return $result; } /** * Draw table. * * @param string $method Method. * @param string $title Title. * * @return string Return html. */ public function printData(string $method, string $title): string { global $config; if (is_ajax()) { // TODO: Call method. $result = $method; } else { // Datatables list. try { $columns = [ [ 'class' => 'datatables-td-title', 'text' => 'name', ], [ 'class' => 'datatables-td-max', 'text' => 'value', ], 'message', ]; $columnNames = [ [ 'style' => 'display:none;', 'text' => '', ], [ 'style' => 'display:none', 'text' => '', ], [ 'style' => 'display:none', 'text' => '', ], ]; $tableId = $method.'_'.uniqid(); // Load datatables user interface. if ($this->pdf === false) { $result = ui_print_datatable( [ 'id' => $tableId, 'class' => 'info_table caption_table', 'style' => 'width: 100%', 'columns' => $columns, 'column_names' => $columnNames, 'ajax_data' => [ 'method' => 'datatablesDraw', 'name' => $method, ], 'ajax_url' => $this->ajaxController, 'paging' => 0, 'no_sortable_columns' => [-1], 'caption' => $title, 'print' => true, ] ); } else { $data = json_decode( $this->datatablesDraw($method, true), true ); $table = new stdClass(); $table->width = '100%'; $table->class = 'pdf-report'; $table->style = []; $table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bolder;'; // FIX tables break content. if ($data['idTable'] === 'showEngine') { $table->styleTable = 'page-break-inside: auto;'; } else { $table->autosize = 1; } $table->head = []; $table->head_colspan[0] = 3; $table->head[0] = $title; $table->data = []; if (isset($data) === true && is_array($data) === true && count($data) > 0 ) { $i = 0; foreach ($data['data'] as $key => $value) { $table->data[$i][0] = $value['name']; $table->data[$i][1] = $value['value']; $table->data[$i][2] = $value['message']; $i++; } } $result = html_print_table($table, true); } } catch (Exception $e) { $result = $e->getMessage(); } } return $result; } /** * Prepare params for getCarts. * * @return void */ public function getChartAjax():void { global $config; $params = json_decode( io_safe_output(get_parameter('params', '')), true ); $return = ''; if (isset($params['idAgent']) === true && empty($params['idAgent']) === false && isset($params['nameModule']) && empty($params['nameModule']) === false ) { $return = $this->getChart( $params['idAgent'], $params['nameModule'] ); } exit($return); } /** * Paint table with charts. * * @param array $params Info charts. * * @return string Html. */ public function printDataCharts(array $params): string { global $config; if (!$params) { $params = get_parameter('params'); } if (is_ajax()) { // TODO: Call method. $return = $method; } else { // Datatables list. try { $id = str_replace( ' ', '', io_safe_output($params['nameModule']) ); if ($this->pdf === false) { $return = '
'; $settings = [ 'type' => 'POST', 'dataType' => 'html', 'url' => ui_get_full_url( 'ajax.php', false, false, false ), 'data' => [ 'page' => $this->ajaxController, 'method' => 'getChartAjax', 'params' => json_encode($params), ], ]; ?> width = '100%'; $table->class = 'pdf-report'; $table->style = []; $table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bolder;'; $table->autosize = 1; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = $params['nameModule']; $table->data = []; $table->data[0] = $this->getChart( $params['idAgent'], $params['nameModule'], true, false ); $return = html_print_table($table, true); } } catch (Exception $e) { $return = $e->getMessage(); } } return $return; } /** * Private function for Info size path. * * @param string $path Route file. * * @return array With values size file and message and status. */ private function getLogInfo(string $path): array { global $config; // Vars. $mega = 1048576; $tenMega = 10485760; $result = [ 'value' => 0, 'message' => '', 'status' => 0, ]; if (file_exists($path) === true) { $fileSize = filesize($path); $sizeServerLog = number_format($fileSize); $sizeServerLog = (0 + str_replace(',', '', $sizeServerLog)); $value = number_format(($fileSize / $mega), 3); $message = __('You have more than 10 MB of logs'); $status = 0; if ($sizeServerLog <= $tenMega) { $message = __('You have less than 10 MB of logs'); $status = 1; } $result = [ 'value' => $value, 'message' => $message, 'status' => $status, ]; } return $result; } /** * Undocumented function * * @param string|null $method Method data requested. * @param boolean $return Type return. * * @return string|null */ public function datatablesDraw( ?string $method=null, bool $return=false ):?string { if (isset($method) === false) { $method = get_parameter('name', ''); } if (method_exists($this, $method) === true) { $data = json_decode($this->{$method}(), true); } $result = []; if (isset($data) === true && is_array($data) === true && count($data) > 0 ) { $items = $data['data']; $dataReduce = array_reduce( array_keys($data['data']), function ($carry, $key) use ($items) { // Transforms array of arrays $data into an array // of objects, making a post-process of certain fields. if (isset($items[$key]['status']) === true) { $acumValue = $items[$key]['value']; if ($items[$key]['status'] === 2) { $items[$key]['value'] = html_print_image( 'images/icono-warning.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Warning'), 'style' => 'width:15px;', ] ); } else if ($items[$key]['status'] === 1) { $items[$key]['value'] = html_print_image( 'images/exito.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Succesfuly'), 'style' => 'width:15px;', ] ); } else { $items[$key]['value'] = html_print_image( 'images/error_1.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Error'), 'style' => 'width:15px;', ] ); } $items[$key]['value'] .= ' '.$acumValue; } // FIX for customer key. if ($key === 'customerKey') { $customerKey = ui_print_truncate_text( $items[$key]['value'], 30, false, true, false ); $spanValue = ''.$customerKey.''; $items[$key]['value'] = $spanValue; } if (isset($items[$key]['message']) === false) { $items[$key]['message'] = ''; } $carry[] = (object) $items[$key]; return $carry; } ); $result = [ 'data' => $dataReduce, 'recordsTotal' => count($dataReduce), 'recordsFiltered' => count($dataReduce), 'idTable' => (isset($data['id']) === true) ? $data['id'] : '', ]; } // Datatables format: RecordsTotal && recordsfiltered. if ($return === false) { echo json_encode($result); return null; } else { return json_encode($result); } } /** * Print Diagnostics Form feedback. * * @return void */ public function formFeedback(): void { $form = [ 'action' => '#', 'id' => 'modal_form_feedback', 'onsubmit' => 'return false;', 'class' => 'modal', 'extra' => 'novalidate', ]; $inputs = []; $inputs[] = [ 'label' => __('What happened?'), 'id' => 'div-what-happened', 'class' => 'flex-row', 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'what-happened', 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => '', 'return' => true, 'rows' => 1, 'columns' => 1, 'size' => 25, 'attributes' => 'required="required"', ], ]; $inputs[] = [ 'label' => __('Your email'), 'class' => 'flex-row-baseline', 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'email', 'id' => 'email', 'type' => 'email', 'size' => 42, 'required' => 'required', ], ]; $inputs[] = [ 'label' => __('Include installation data'), 'class' => 'flex-row-vcenter', 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'include_installation_data', 'id' => 'include_installation_data', 'type' => 'switch', 'value' => 1, ], ]; exit( $this->printForm( [ 'form' => $form, 'inputs' => $inputs, ], true ) ); } /** * Create cron task form feedback. * * @return void Json result AJAX request. */ public function createdScheduleFeedbackTask():void { global $config; $mail_feedback = 'feedback@artica.es'; $email = $mail_feedback; $subject = $this->product_name.' Report '.$config['pandora_uid']; $text = get_parameter('what-happened', ''); $attachment = get_parameter_switch('include_installation_data', 0); $email_from = get_parameter_switch('email', ''); $title = __('Hello Feedback-Men'); $product_name = io_safe_output(get_product_name()); if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM') !== 1) { $email = get_mail_admin(); $name_admin = get_name_admin(); $subject = __('Feedback').' '.$product_name.' '.$config['pandora_uid']; $title = __('Hello').' '.$name_admin; } $p1 = __( 'User %s is reporting an issue in its %s experience', $email_from, $product_name ); $p1 .= ':'; $p2 = $text; if ($attachment === 1) { $msg_attch = __('Find some files attached to this mail'); $msg_attch .= '. '; $msg_attch .= __( 'PDF is the diagnostic information retrieved at report time' ); $msg_attch .= '. '; $msg_attch .= __('CSV contains the statuses of every product file'); $msg_attch .= '. '; } $p3 = __( 'If you think this report must be escalated, feel free to forward this mail to "%s"', $mail_feedback ); $legal = __('LEGAL WARNING'); $legal1 = __( 'The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above' ); $legal1 .= '. '; $legal2 = __( 'If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited' ); $legal2 .= '. '; $legal3 = __( 'If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it' ); $legal3 .= '. '; $legal4 = __( 'Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it' ); $legal4 .= '.'; $patterns = [ '/__title__/', '/__p1__/', '/__p2__/', '/__attachment__/', '/__p3__/', '/__legal__/', '/__legal1__/', '/__legal2__/', '/__legal3__/', '/__legal4__/', ]; $substitutions = [ $title, $p1, $p2, $msg_attch, $p3, $legal, $legal1, $legal2, $legal3, $legal4, ]; $html_template = file_get_contents( $config['homedir'].'/include/templates/feedback_send_mail.html' ); $text = preg_replace($patterns, $substitutions, $html_template); $idUserTask = db_get_value( 'id', 'tuser_task', 'function_name', 'cron_task_feedback_send_mail' ); // Params for send mail with cron. $parameters = [ 0 => '0', 1 => $email, 2 => $subject, 3 => $text, 4 => $attachment, 'first_execution' => strtotime('now'), ]; // Values insert task cron. $values = [ 'id_usuario' => $config['id_user'], 'id_user_task' => $idUserTask, 'args' => serialize($parameters), 'scheduled' => 'no', 'id_grupo' => 0, ]; $result = db_process_sql_insert( 'tuser_task_scheduled', $values ); $error = 1; if ($result === false) { $error = 0; } $return = [ 'error' => $error, 'title' => [ __('Failed'), __('Success'), ], 'text' => [ ui_print_error_message(__('Invalid cron task'), '', true), ui_print_success_message(__('Sending of information has been processed'), '', true), ], ]; exit(json_encode($return)); } /** * Print Diagnostics PDF report. * * @param string|null $filename Filename. * * @return mixed */ public function exportPDF(?string $filename=null) { global $config; $this->pdf = true; enterprise_include_once('/include/class/Pdf.class.php'); $mpdf = new Pdf([]); // Ignore pending HTML outputs. while (@ob_end_clean()) { $ignore_me; } // ADD style. $mpdf->addStyle($config['homedir'].'/include/styles/diagnostics.css'); // ADD Metadata. $product_name = io_safe_output(get_product_name()); $mpdf->setMetadata( __('Diagnostics Info'), $product_name.' Enteprise', $product_name, __( 'Automated %s report for user defined report', $product_name ) ); // ADD Header. $mpdf->setHeaderHTML(__('Diagnostics Info')); // ADD content to report. $mpdf->addHTML( $this->printMethodsDiagnostigsInfo() ); $mpdf->addHTML( $this->printCharts() ); // ADD Footer. $mpdf->setFooterHTML(); // Write html filename. $mpdf->writePDFfile($filename); return; } /** * Send Csv md5 files. * * @return string */ public function csvMd5Files():string { global $config; // Extract files. $files = $this->recursiveDirValidation($config['homedir']); // Type divider. $divider = html_entity_decode($config['csv_divider']); // BOM. $result = pack('C*', 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF); $result .= __('Path').$divider.__('MD5')."\n"; foreach ($files as $key => $value) { $result .= $key.$divider.$value."\n"; } return $result; } /** * Function to return array with name file -> MD%. * * @param string $dir Directory. * * @return array Result all files in directory recursively. */ private function recursiveDirValidation(string $dir):array { $result = []; $dir_content = scandir($dir); // Dont check attachment. if (strpos($dir, $config['homedir'].'/attachment') === false) { if (is_array($dir_content) === true) { foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) { if ('.' === $file || '..' === $file) { continue; } if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$file) === true) { $result += $this->recursiveDirValidation( $dir.'/'.$file ); } else { $result[$dir.'/'.$file] = md5_file($dir.'/'.$file); } } } } return $result; } /** * Send PHP info in report. * * @param string $filename Download dir report. * * @return void */ public function phpInfoReports(string $filename) { global $config; $this->pdf = true; // Extract info PHP. ob_start(); phpinfo(); $php_info = ob_get_clean(); enterprise_include_once('/include/class/Pdf.class.php'); $mpdf = new Pdf([]); // ADD Metadata. $product_name = io_safe_output(get_product_name()); $mpdf->setMetadata( __('PHP Info'), $product_name.' Enteprise', $product_name, __( 'Automated %s report for user defined report', $product_name ) ); // ADD Header. $mpdf->setHeaderHTML(__('PHP Info')); // ADD content to report. $mpdf->addHTML($php_info); // ADD Footer. $mpdf->setFooterHTML(); // Write html filename. $mpdf->writePDFfile($filename); } }