#!/usr/bin/perl ########################################################################## # Pandora Network Server ########################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ########################################################################## # Includes list use strict; use warnings; use Date::Manip; # Needed to manipulate DateTime formats of input, output and compare use Time::Local; # DateTime basic manipulation use Net::Ping::External qw(ping); # For ICMP conectivity use Net::Ping; # For ICMP latency use Time::HiRes; # For high precission timedate functions (Net::Ping) use IO::Socket; # For TCP/UDP access use SNMP; # For SNMP access (libnet-snmp-perl package! use threads; # Pandora Modules use pandora_config; use pandora_tools; use pandora_db; # FLUSH in each IO (only for debug, very slooow) # ENABLED in DEBUGMODE # DISABLE FOR PRODUCTION $| = 1; my %pa_config; # Inicio del bucle principal de programa pandora_init(\%pa_config, "Pandora Network Server"); # Read config file for Global variables pandora_loadconfig (\%pa_config,1); # Audit server starting pandora_audit (\%pa_config, "Pandora Network Daemon starting", "SYSTEM", "System"); # Daemonize of configured if ( $pa_config{"daemon"} eq "1" ) { print " [*] Backgrounding...\n"; &daemonize; } # Runs main program (have a infinite loop inside) threads->new( \&pandora_network_subsystem, \%pa_config, 1); sleep(1); threads->new( \&pandora_network_subsystem, \%pa_config, 2); sleep(1); threads->new( \&pandora_network_subsystem, \%pa_config, 3); while ( 1 ){ sleep(3600); threads->yield; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--------------------- Main Perl Code below this line----------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ########################################################################## # SUB pandora_network_subsystem # Subsystem to process network modules # This module runs each X seconds (server threshold) checking for network modules status ########################################################################## sub pandora_network_subsystem { # Init vars my $pa_config = $_[0]; my $nettype = $_[1]; # 1 for ICMP, 2 for TCP/UDO, 3 for SNMP my $nettypedesc; # Connect ONCE to Database, we pass DBI handler to all subprocess. my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:pandora:$pa_config->{'dbhost'}:3306", $pa_config->{'dbuser'}, $pa_config->{'dbpass'}, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }); my $id_agente; my $id_agente_modulo; my $id_tipo_modulo; my $max; my $min; my $module_interval; my $nombre; my $tcp_port; my $tcp_rcv; my $tcp_send; my $snmp_oid; my $snmp_community; my $ip_target; my $id_module_group; my $timestamp_viejo; # Stores timestamp from tagente_estado table my $id_agente_estado; # ID from tagente_estado table my $estado_cambio; # store tagente_estado cambio field my $estado_estado; # Store tagente_estado estado field my $agent_name; # Agent name my $agent_interval; # Agent interval my $agent_disabled; # Contains disabled field of tagente my $module_result; # Result of module exec. my $module_data; # data for modulestado and dbInsert my $agent_osdata; # Agent os data my $server_id; # My server id my $flag; my @sql_data2; my @sql_data; my @sql_data3; my $query_sql; my $query_sql2; my $query_sql3; my $exec_sql; my $exec_sql2; my $exec_sql3; my $buffer; my $opmode = 1; # network server code for pandora_updateserver function while ( 1 ) { logger ($pa_config,"Loop in Network Module Subsystem",10); # For each element # -read net type module (type 5, 6 or 7) or group cathegory 2 # -read its last tagente_modulo table entry # -if tagente_estado + module_interval timestamp<= present timestamp # run module, sleep 15 secs. and continue # if ok, store data and status # next element # Calculate ID Agent from a select where module_type (id_tipo_modulo) > 4 (network modules) # Check for MASTER SERVERS only: check another agents if their servers are gone $server_id = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}."_Net", $dbh); $buffer = ""; if ($pa_config->{"pandora_master"} == 1){ my $id_server; # I am the master, we need to check another agents # if their server is down # So look for servers down and keep their id_server $query_sql2 = "select * from tagente where disabled = 0 and id_server != $server_id"; $exec_sql2 = $dbh->prepare($query_sql2); $exec_sql2 ->execute; while (@sql_data2 = $exec_sql2->fetchrow_array()) { $id_agente = $sql_data2[0]; $id_server = $sql_data2[14]; # Check if Network Server of that agent is down if (give_networkserver_status($pa_config, $id_server, $dbh) == 0) { # I'm the master server, and there is an agent # with its agent down, so ADD to list $buffer = $buffer." OR id_agente = $id_agente "; logger ($pa_config, "Added id_agente $id_agente for Master Network Server ".$pa_config->{"servername"}."_Net"." agent pool",5); } } $exec_sql2->finish(); } # First: Checkout for enabled agents owned by this server $query_sql2 = "select * from tagente where ( disabled = 0 and id_server = $server_id ) ".$buffer; $exec_sql2 = $dbh->prepare($query_sql2); $exec_sql2 ->execute; while (@sql_data2 = $exec_sql2->fetchrow_array()) { $id_agente = $sql_data2[0]; $agent_name = $sql_data2[1]; $agent_interval = $sql_data2[7]; $agent_disabled = $sql_data2[12]; $agent_osdata =$sql_data2[8]; # Second: Checkout for agent_modules with type > 4 (network modules) and # owned by our selected agent # $nettype 1 for ICMP, 2 for TCP/UDO, 3 for SNMP if ($nettype == 1){ # ICMP $query_sql = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_tipo_modulo > 5 and id_tipo_modulo < 8 and id_agente = $id_agente"; $nettypedesc="ICMP"; } elsif ($nettype == 2){ # UDP/TCP $query_sql = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_tipo_modulo > 7 and id_tipo_modulo < 13 and id_agente = $id_agente"; $nettypedesc="TCP/UDP"; } elsif ($nettype == 3) { # SNMP $query_sql = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_tipo_modulo > 14 and id_tipo_modulo < 19 and id_agente = $id_agente"; $nettypedesc="SNMP"; } else { # This section of code never will be executed $query_sql = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_tipo_modulo > 4 and id_agente = $id_agente"; $nettypedesc="Global Network"; } $exec_sql = $dbh->prepare($query_sql); $exec_sql ->execute; while (@sql_data = $exec_sql->fetchrow_array()) { $id_agente_modulo = $sql_data[0]; $id_agente= $sql_data[1]; $id_tipo_modulo = $sql_data[2]; $nombre = $sql_data[4]; $min = $sql_data[6]; $max = $sql_data[5]; $module_interval = $sql_data[7]; $tcp_port = $sql_data[8]; $tcp_send = $sql_data[9]; $tcp_rcv = $sql_data[10]; $snmp_community = $sql_data[11]; $snmp_oid = $sql_data[12]; $ip_target = $sql_data[13]; $id_module_group = $sql_data[14]; $flag = $sql_data[15]; if ($module_interval == 0) { # If module interval not defined, get value for agent interval instead $module_interval = $agent_interval; } # Look for an entry in tagente_estado $query_sql3 = "select * from tagente_estado where id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo"; $exec_sql3 = $dbh->prepare($query_sql3); $exec_sql3 ->execute; if ($exec_sql3->rows > 0) { # Exist entry in tagente_estado @sql_data3 = $exec_sql3->fetchrow_array(); $timestamp_viejo = $sql_data3[7]; # Now use last_try (for network agents) $id_agente_estado = $sql_data3[0]; $estado_cambio = $sql_data3[4]; $estado_estado = $sql_data3[5]; } else { $id_agente_estado = -1; $estado_estado = -1; } $exec_sql3->finish(); # if timestamp of tagente_modulo + module_interval <= timestamp actual, exec module my $fecha_estatus = ParseDate($timestamp_viejo); my $fecha_mysql = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); # If we need to updat my $fecha_actual = ParseDate( $fecha_mysql ); my $err; my $fecha_flag; my $fecha_limite = DateCalc($fecha_estatus,"+ $module_interval seconds",\$err); # Comprobar que est�por encima (sumando esta) del minimo de alertas # Comprobar que est�por debajo (sumando esta) del m�imo de alertas $fecha_flag = Date_Cmp($fecha_actual,$fecha_limite); if (( $fecha_flag >= 0) || ($flag == 1)) { # Exec module, we are out time limit ! # thread # my $threadid = threads->new( \&exec_network_module, $id_agente, $id_agente_estado, $id_tipo_modulo, $fecha_mysql, $nombre, $min, $max, $agent_interval, $tcp_port, $tcp_send, $tcp_rcv, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid, $ip_target, $module_result, $module_data, $estado_cambio, $estado_estado, $agent_name, $agent_osdata, $id_agente_modulo, $pa_config, $dbh); # $threadid->detach; if ($flag == 1){ # Reset flag to 0 $query_sql3 = "update tagente_modulo set flag=0 where id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo"; $exec_sql3 = $dbh->prepare($query_sql3); $exec_sql3 ->execute; $exec_sql3->finish(); } logger ($pa_config, "Network Module Subsystem ($nettypedesc): Exec Netmodule '$nombre'",5); exec_network_module( $id_agente, $id_agente_estado, $id_tipo_modulo, $fecha_mysql, $nombre, $min, $max, $agent_interval, $tcp_port, $tcp_send, $tcp_rcv, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid, $ip_target, $module_result, $module_data, $estado_cambio, $estado_estado, $agent_name, $agent_osdata, $id_agente_modulo, $pa_config, $dbh); } # Timelimit if } # while $exec_sql->finish(); } $exec_sql2->finish(); pandora_serverkeepaliver($pa_config,$opmode,$dbh); threads->yield; sleep($pa_config->{"server_threshold"}); } $dbh->disconnect(); } ########################################################################## # SUB pandora_query_snmp (pa_config, oid, community, target, error, dbh) # Makes a call to SNMP modules to get a value, ########################################################################## sub pandora_query_snmp { my $pa_config = $_[0]; my $snmp_oid = $_[1]; my $snmp_community =$_[2]; my $snmp_target = $_[3]; # $_[4] contains error var. my $dbh = $_[5]; my $output =""; $ENV{'MIBS'}="ALL"; #Load all available MIBs my $SESSION = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $snmp_target, Community => $snmp_community, Version => 1); if ((!defined($SESSION))&& ($snmp_community != "") && ($snmp_oid != "")) { logger($pa_config, "SNMP ERROR SESSION", 4); $_[4]="1"; } else { # Perl uses different OID syntax than SNMPWALK or PHP's SNMP # for example: # SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr for PERL SNMP # is equivalent to SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 in SNMP and PHP/SNMP # So we parse last byte and cut off if = 0 and delete 1 if != 0 my $perl_oid = $snmp_oid; if ($perl_oid =~ m/(.*)\.([0-9]*)\z/){ my $local_oid = $1; my $local_oid_idx = $2; if ($local_oid_idx == 0){ $perl_oid = $local_oid; # Strip .0 from orig. OID } else { $local_oid_idx--; $perl_oid = $local_oid.".".$local_oid_idx; } } my $OIDLIST = new SNMP::VarList([$perl_oid]); # Pass the VarList to getnext building an array of the output my @OIDINFO = $SESSION->getnext($OIDLIST); $output = $OIDINFO[0]; if ((!defined($output)) || ($output eq "")){ $_[4]="1"; } else { $_[4]="0"; } } # Too much DEBUG for me :-) # logger($pa_config, "SNMP RESULT $snmp_oid $snmp_target - > $output \n",10); return $output; } ########################################################################## # SUB exec_network_module (many parameters...) # Execute network module task in separated thread ########################################################################## sub exec_network_module { my $id_agente = $_[0]; my $id_agente_estado = $_[1]; my $id_tipo_modulo= $_[2]; my $fecha_mysql= $_[3]; my $nombre= $_[4]; my $min= $_[5]; my $max= $_[6]; my $agent_interval= $_[7]; my $tcp_port = $_[8]; my $tcp_send = $_[9]; my $tcp_rcv = $_[10]; my $mysnmp_community = $_[11]; my $mysnmp_oid = $_[12]; my $ip_target = $_[13]; my $module_result = $_[14]; my $module_data = $_[15]; my $estado_cambio = $_[16]; my $estado_estado = $_[17]; my $agent_name = $_[18]; my $agent_osdata = $_[19]; my $id_agente_modulo = $_[20]; my $pa_config = $_[21]; my $dbh = $_[22]; my $error = "1"; my $query_sql2; my $temp=0; my $tam; my $temp2; $module_result = 1; # Fail by default # ICMP Modules # ------------ if ($id_tipo_modulo == 6){ # ICMP (Connectivity only: Boolean) $temp = ping(hostname => $ip_target, timeout => $pa_config->{'networktimeout'}); if ($temp eq "1" ){ $module_result = 0; # Successful $module_data = 1; } else { $module_result = 0; # Error, cannot connect $module_data = 0; } } elsif ($id_tipo_modulo == 7){ # ICMP (data for latency in ms) # This module only could be executed if executed as root if ($> == 0){ my $nm = Net::Ping->new("icmp"); my $icmp_return; my $icmp_reply; my $icmp_ip; $nm->hires(); ($icmp_return, $icmp_reply, $icmp_ip) = $nm->ping ($ip_target,$pa_config->{"networktimeout"}); if ($icmp_return) { $module_data = $icmp_reply * 1000; # milliseconds $module_result = 0; # Successful } else { $module_result = 1; # Error. $module_data = 0; } $nm->close(); } else { $module_result = 0; # Done but, with zero value $module_data = 0; } # SNMP Modules (Proc, inc, data, string) # ------------ } elsif (($id_tipo_modulo == 15) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 18) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 16) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 17)) { # SNMP module if ($mysnmp_oid ne ""){ $temp2 = pandora_query_snmp ($pa_config, $mysnmp_oid, $mysnmp_community, $ip_target, $error, $dbh); } else { $error = 1 } # SUB pandora_query_snmp (pa_config, oid, community, target, error, dbh) if ($error == 0) { # A correct SNMP Query $module_result = 0; if (($id_tipo_modulo == 15) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 18) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 16) ){ # Numeric SNMP modules and PROC if ($temp2 =~ /[A-Za-z\.\,\-\/\\\(\)\[\]]/){ $module_result = 1; # Alphanumeric dada, not numeric } else { $module_data = int($temp2); $module_result = 0; # Successful } } else { # String SNMP $module_data = $temp2; $module_result=0; } } else { # Failed SNMP-GET $module_result = 1; # No data, cannot connect } # TCP Module # ---------- } elsif (($id_tipo_modulo == 8) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 9) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 10) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 11)) { # TCP Module if (($tcp_port < 65536) && ($tcp_port > 0)){ # Port check my $handle=IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>$ip_target, Timeout=>$pa_config->{'networktimeout'}, PeerPort=>$tcp_port, Blocking=>0 ); if (defined($handle)){ if ($tcp_send ne ""){ # its Expected to sending data ? # Send data $handle->autoflush(1); $tcp_send =~ s/\^M/\r\n/g; # Replace Carriage rerturn and line feed de los guevos $handle->send($tcp_send); } if (($tcp_rcv ne "") || ($id_tipo_modulo == 10) || ($id_tipo_modulo ==8) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 11)) { # its Expected to receive data ? # Receive data, non-blocking !!!! (VERY IMPORTANT!) for ($tam=0; $tam<($pa_config->{'networktimeout'}/2); $tam++){ $handle->recv($temp,16000,0x40); $temp2 = $temp2.$temp; if ($temp ne ""){ $tam++; # If doesnt receive data, increase counter } sleep(1); } if ($id_tipo_modulo == 9){ # only for TCP Proc if ($temp2 =~ /$tcp_rcv/i){ # String match ! $module_data = 1; $module_result =0; } else { $module_data = 0; $module_result =0; } } elsif ($id_tipo_modulo == 10 ){ # TCP String (no int conversion)! $module_data = $temp2; $module_result =0; } else { # TCP Data numeric (inc or data) if ($temp2 ne ""){ if ($temp2 =~ /[A-Za-z\.\,\-\/\\\(\)\[\]]/){ $module_result=1; # init $module_data = 0; # invalid data } else { $module_data = int($temp2); $module_result = 0; # Successful } } $module_result = 0; # Successful } } else { # No expected data to receive, if connected and tcp_proc type successful if ($id_tipo_modulo == 9){ # TCP Proc $module_result = 0; $module_data = 1; } } $handle->close(); } else { # Cannot connect (open sock failed) $module_result = 1; # Fail if ($id_tipo_modulo == 9){ # TCP Proc $module_result = 0; $module_data = 0; # Failed, but data exists } } } else { $module_result = 1; } } elsif ($id_tipo_modulo == 12){ # UDP Proc if (($tcp_port < 65536) && ($tcp_port > 0)){ my $p = Net::Ping->new("udp", $pa_config->{"networktimeout"}); my $icmp_return; my $icmp_reply; my $icmp_ip; ($icmp_return, $icmp_reply, $icmp_ip) = $p->ping ($ip_target,$pa_config->{"networktimeout"}); if ($icmp_return) { # Return value $module_result = 0; $module_data = 1; } else { $module_result = 0; # Cannot connect $module_data = 0; } $p->close(); } else { $module_result = 1; } } # module_generic_data_inc (part, timestamp, agent_name) # recreate hash for module_generic functions if ($module_result == 0) { my %part; $part{'name'}[0]=$nombre; $part{'description'}[0]=""; $part{'data'}[0]=$module_data; $part{'max'}[0]=$max; $part{'min'}[0]=$min; my $tipo_modulo = dame_nombretipomodulo_idagentemodulo($pa_config, $id_tipo_modulo,$dbh); if (($tipo_modulo eq 'remote_snmp') || ($tipo_modulo eq 'remote_icmp') || ($tipo_modulo eq 'remote_tcp') || ($tipo_modulo eq 'remote_udp')) { module_generic_data($pa_config, \%part,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh); } elsif ($tipo_modulo =~ /\_inc/ ) { module_generic_data_inc($pa_config, \%part,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh); } elsif ($tipo_modulo =~ /\_string/) { module_generic_data_string($pa_config, \%part,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh); } elsif ($tipo_modulo =~ /\_proc/){ module_generic_proc($pa_config, \%part,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh); } else { logger ($pa_config, "Problem with unknown module type '$tipo_modulo'",0); goto skipdb_execmod; } # Update agent last contact # Insert Pandora version as agent version pandora_lastagentcontact ($pa_config,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$agent_osdata,$pa_config->{'version'},$agent_interval,$dbh); } else { # Modules who cannot connect or something go bad, update last_try field my $timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); my $query_act = "update tagente_estado set last_try = '$timestamp' where id_agente_estado = $id_agente_estado "; my $a_idages = $dbh->prepare($query_act); $a_idages->execute; $a_idages->finish(); } skipdb_execmod: #$dbh->disconnect(); }