(int) get_parameter('period', SECONDS_5MINUTES), 'width' => (int) get_parameter('width', CHART_DEFAULT_WIDTH), 'height' => (int) get_parameter('height', CHART_DEFAULT_HEIGHT), 'unit_name' => get_parameter('unit_list', array()), 'date' => (int) get_parameter('date', time()), 'only_image' => (bool) get_parameter('only_image', false), 'homeurl' => (string) get_parameter('homeurl', ''), 'ttl' => (int) get_parameter('ttl', 1), 'dashboard' => (bool) get_parameter('dashboard', false), 'vconsole' => (bool) get_parameter('vconsole', false), 'fullscale' => (bool) get_parameter('fullscale', false), 'backgroundColor' => (string) get_parameter('background_color', 'white'), 'show_alerts' => (bool) get_parameter('show_alerts'), 'show_events' => (bool) get_parameter('show_events'), 'type_graph' => get_parameter('type_g', $config['type_module_charts']), ); $params_combined = array( 'stacked' => (int) get_parameter('stacked', CUSTOM_GRAPH_LINE), 'labels' => get_parameter('name_list', array()), 'modules_series' => get_parameter('modules_param', array()), 'id_graph' => (int) get_parameter('id_graph', 0), 'return' => 1 ); echo graphic_combined_module( get_parameter('modules_param', array()), $params, $params_combined ); return; } if ($print_sparse_graph) { ob_clean(); $params =array( 'agent_module_id' => (int)get_parameter('agent_module_id'), 'period' => (int) get_parameter('period', SECONDS_5MINUTES), 'show_events' => (bool) get_parameter('show_events'), 'title' => (string) get_parameter('title'), 'unit_name' => (string) get_parameter('unit_name'), 'show_alerts' => (bool) get_parameter('show_alerts'), 'avg_only' => (int) get_parameter('avg_only'), 'pure' => (bool) get_parameter('pure'), 'date' => (int) get_parameter('date', time()), 'unit' => (string) get_parameter('unit'), 'baseline' => (int) get_parameter('baseline'), 'return_data' => (int) get_parameter('return_data'), 'show_title' => (bool) get_parameter('show_title', true), 'only_image' => (bool) get_parameter('only_image'), 'homeurl' => (string) get_parameter('homeurl'), 'ttl' => (int) get_parameter('ttl', 1), 'projection' => (bool) get_parameter('projection'), 'adapt_key' => (string) get_parameter('adapt_key'), 'compare' => (bool) get_parameter('compare'), 'show_unknown' => (bool) get_parameter('show_unknown'), 'menu' => (bool) get_parameter('menu', true), 'backgroundColor' => (string) get_parameter('background_color', 'white'), 'percentil' => get_parameter('percentil', null), 'dashboard' => (bool) get_parameter('dashboard'), 'vconsole' => (bool) get_parameter('vconsole'), 'type_graph' => get_parameter('type_g', $config['type_module_charts']), 'fullscale' => get_parameter('fullscale', 0), 'id_widget_dashboard' => false, 'force_interval' => '', 'time_interval' => 300, 'array_data_create' => 0 ); echo grafico_modulo_sparse($params); return; } if ($get_graphs){ $id_container = get_parameter('id_container',0); //config token max_graph $max_graph = $config['max_graph_container']; $result_items = db_get_all_rows_sql("SELECT * FROM tcontainer_item WHERE id_container = " . $id_container); if (!empty($result_items)){ $hash = get_parameter('hash',0); $period = get_parameter('time',0); $periods = array (); $periods[1] = __('none'); $periods[SECONDS_1HOUR] = __('1 hour'); $periods[SECONDS_2HOUR] = sprintf(__('%s hours'), '2 '); $periods[SECONDS_6HOURS] = sprintf(__('%s hours'), '6 '); $periods[SECONDS_12HOURS] = sprintf(__('%s hours'), '12 '); $periods[SECONDS_1DAY] = __('1 day'); $periods[SECONDS_2DAY] = sprintf(__('%s days'), '2 '); $periods[SECONDS_5DAY] = sprintf(__('%s days'), '5 '); $periods[SECONDS_1WEEK] = __('1 week'); $periods[SECONDS_15DAYS] = __('15 days'); $periods[SECONDS_1MONTH] = __('1 month'); $table = ''; $single_table = "
"; $single_table .= __('Time container lapse'); // $single_table .= ui_print_help_tip(__('This is the range, or period of time over which the report renders the information for this report type. For example, a week means data from a week ago from now. '),true); $single_table .= " | "; $single_table .= ""; $single_table .= html_print_extended_select_for_time('period_container_'.$hash, $period, '', '', '0', 10, true,'font-size: 9pt;width: 130px;',true,'',false,$periods,'vertical-align: middle;'); $single_table .= " | "; $single_table .= "