* Both are similars: * db_get_all_rows_filter ('table', array ('disabled', 0)); * db_get_all_rows_filter ('table', 'disabled = 0'); * * Both are similars: * db_get_all_rows_filter ('table', array ('disabled' => 0, 'history_data' => 0), 'name', 'OR'); * db_get_all_rows_filter ('table', 'disabled = 0 OR history_data = 0', 'name'); * * @param mixed Fields of the table to retrieve. Can be an array or a coma * separated string. All fields are retrieved by default * * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise */ function events_get_events ($filter = false, $fields = false) { if ($filter['criticity'] == EVENT_CRIT_WARNING_OR_CRITICAL) { $filter['criticity'] = array(EVENT_CRIT_WARNING, EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL); } return db_get_all_rows_filter ('tevento', $filter, $fields); } /** * Get the event with the id pass as parameter. * * @param int $id Event id * @param mixed $fields The fields to show or by default all with false. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Event row otherwise */ function events_get_event ($id, $fields = false) { if (empty ($id)) return false; global $config; if (is_array ($fields)) { if (! in_array ('id_grupo', $fields)) $fields[] = 'id_grupo'; } $event = db_get_row ('tevento', 'id_evento', $id, $fields); if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], $event['id_grupo'], 'ER')) return false; return $event; } function events_get_events_no_grouped($sql_post, $offset = 0, $pagination = 1, $meta = false, $history = false, $total = false, $history_db = false, $order = "ASC") { global $config; $table = events_get_events_table($meta, $history); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table te WHERE 1=1 " . $sql_post; $events = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, $history_db); return $events; } function events_get_events_grouped($sql_post, $offset = 0, $pagination = 1, $meta = false, $history = false, $total = false, $history_db = false, $order = "ASC") { global $config; $table = events_get_events_table($meta, $history); if ($meta) { $groupby_extra = ', server_id'; } else { $groupby_extra = ''; } switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": db_process_sql ('SET group_concat_max_len = 9999999'); if ($total) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM $table te WHERE 1=1 " . $sql_post . " GROUP BY estado, evento, id_agentmodule" . $groupby_extra . ") AS t"; } else { $sql = "SELECT *, MAX(id_evento) AS id_evento, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT user_comment SEPARATOR '
') AS user_comment, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT id_evento SEPARATOR ',') AS similar_ids, COUNT(*) AS event_rep, MAX(utimestamp) AS timestamp_rep, MIN(utimestamp) AS timestamp_rep_min, (SELECT owner_user FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) owner_user, (SELECT id_usuario FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) id_usuario, (SELECT id_agente FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) id_agente, (SELECT criticity FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) AS criticity, (SELECT ack_utimestamp FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) AS ack_utimestamp FROM $table te WHERE 1=1 " . $sql_post . " GROUP BY estado, evento, id_agentmodule" . $groupby_extra . " ORDER BY timestamp_rep " . $order . " LIMIT " . $offset . "," . $pagination; } break; case "postgresql": if ($total) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table te WHERE 1=1 " . $sql_post . " GROUP BY estado, evento, id_agentmodule, id_evento, id_agente, id_usuario, id_grupo, estado, timestamp, utimestamp, event_type, id_alert_am, criticity, user_comment, tags, source, id_extra" . $groupby_extra; } else { $sql = "SELECT *, MAX(id_evento) AS id_evento, array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT user_comment), '
') AS user_comment, array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT id_evento), ',') AS similar_ids, COUNT(*) AS event_rep, MAX(utimestamp) AS timestamp_rep, MIN(utimestamp) AS timestamp_rep_min, (SELECT owner_user FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) owner_user, (SELECT id_usuario FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) id_usuario, (SELECT id_agente FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) id_agente, (SELECT criticity FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) AS criticity, (SELECT ack_utimestamp FROM $table WHERE id_evento = MAX(te.id_evento)) AS ack_utimestamp FROM $table te WHERE 1=1 " . $sql_post . " GROUP BY estado, evento, id_agentmodule, id_evento, id_agente, id_usuario, id_grupo, estado, timestamp, utimestamp, event_type, id_alert_am, criticity, user_comment, tags, source, id_extra, te.critical_instructions, te.warning_instructions, te.unknown_instructions, te.owner_user, te.ack_utimestamp, te.custom_data " . $groupby_extra . " ORDER BY timestamp_rep ASC LIMIT " . $pagination . " OFFSET " . $offset; } break; case "oracle": if ($total) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table te WHERE 1=1 $sql_post GROUP BY estado, to_char(evento), id_agentmodule" . $groupby_extra . ") b "; } else { $set = array(); $set['limit'] = $pagination; $set['offset'] = $offset; $sql = "SELECT ta.*, tb.event_rep, tb.timestamp_rep, tb.timestamp_rep_min, tb.user_comments, tb.similar_ids FROM $table ta INNER JOIN (SELECT MAX(id_evento) AS id_evento, COUNT(id_evento) AS event_rep, MAX(utimestamp) AS timestamp_rep, MIN(utimestamp) AS timestamp_rep_min, TAB_TO_STRING(CAST(COLLECT(TO_CHAR(user_comment) ORDER BY id_evento ASC) AS t_varchar2_tab), '
') AS user_comments, TAB_TO_STRING(CAST(COLLECT(CAST(id_evento AS VARCHAR2(4000)) ORDER BY id_evento ASC) AS t_varchar2_tab)) AS similar_ids FROM $table te WHERE 1=1 $sql_post GROUP BY estado, to_char(evento), id_agentmodule$groupby_extra) tb ON ta.id_evento = tb.id_evento ORDER BY tb.timestamp_rep ASC"; $sql = oracle_recode_query ($sql, $set); } break; } //Extract the events by filter (or not) from db $events = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, $history_db); if ($total) { return reset($events[0]); } else { // Override the column 'user_comment' with the column 'user_comments' when oracle if (!empty($events) && $config["dbtype"] == "oracle") { array_walk($events, function(&$value, $key) { set_if_defined($value['user_comment'], $value['user_comments']); }); } return $events; } } function events_get_total_events_grouped($sql_post, $meta = false, $history = false) { return events_get_events_grouped($sql_post, 0, 0, $meta, $history, true); } /** * Get all the events ids similar to a given event id. * * An event is similar then the event text (evento) and the id_agentmodule are * the same. * * @param int Event id to get similar events. * @param bool Metaconsole mode flag * @param bool History mode flag * * @return array A list of events ids. */ function events_get_similar_ids ($id, $meta = false, $history = false) { $events_table = events_get_events_table($meta, $history); $ids = array (); if($meta) { $event = events_meta_get_event($id, array ('evento', 'id_agentmodule'), $history); } else { $event = events_get_event ($id, array ('evento', 'id_agentmodule')); } if ($event === false) return $ids; $events = db_get_all_rows_filter ($events_table, array ('evento' => $event['evento'], 'id_agentmodule' => $event['id_agentmodule']), array ('id_evento')); if ($events === false) return $ids; foreach ($events as $event) $ids[] = $event['id_evento']; return $ids; } /** * Delete events in a transresponse * * @param mixed Event ID or array of events * @param bool Whether to delete similar events too. * @param bool Metaconsole mode flag * @param bool History mode flag * * @return bool Whether or not it was successful */ function events_delete_event ($id_event, $similar = true, $meta = false, $history = false) { global $config; $table_event = events_get_events_table($meta, $history); //Cleans up the selection for all unwanted values also casts any single values as an array $id_event = (array) safe_int ($id_event, 1); /* We must delete all events like the selected */ if ($similar) { foreach ($id_event as $id) { $id_event = array_merge ($id_event, events_get_similar_ids ($id, $meta, $history)); } $id_event = array_unique($id_event); } $errors = 0; foreach ($id_event as $event) { if ($meta) { $event_group = events_meta_get_group ($event, $history); } else { $event_group = events_get_group ($event); } if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], $event_group, "EM") == 0) { //Check ACL db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation", "Attempted deleting event #".$event); $errors++; } else { $ret = db_process_sql_delete($table_event, array('id_evento' => $event)); if(!$ret) { $errors++; } else { db_pandora_audit("Event deleted", "Deleted event #".$event); //ACL didn't fail nor did return continue; } } break; } if ($errors > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Change the status of one or various events * * @param mixed Event ID or array of events * @param int new status of the event * @param bool metaconsole mode flag * @param bool history mode flag * * @return bool Whether or not it was successful */ function events_change_status ($id_event, $new_status, $meta = false, $history = false) { global $config; $event_table = events_get_events_table($meta, $history); //Cleans up the selection for all unwanted values also casts any single values as an array $id_event = (array) safe_int ($id_event, 1); // Update ack info if the new status is validated if ($new_status == EVENT_STATUS_VALIDATED) { $ack_utimestamp = time(); $ack_user = $config['id_user']; } else { $acl_utimestamp = 0; $ack_user = ''; } switch ($new_status) { case EVENT_STATUS_NEW: $status_string = 'New'; break; case EVENT_STATUS_VALIDATED: $status_string = 'Validated'; break; case EVENT_STATUS_INPROCESS: $status_string = 'In process'; break; default: $status_string = ''; break; } $alerts = array(); foreach ($id_event as $k => $id) { if ($meta) { $event_group = events_meta_get_group ($id, $history); $event = events_meta_get_event ($id, false, $history); $server_id = $event['server_id']; } else { $event_group = events_get_group ($id); $event = events_get_event ($id); } if ($event['id_alert_am'] > 0 && !in_array($event['id_alert_am'], $alerts)) { $alerts[] = $event['id_alert_am']; } if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], $event_group, "EW") == 0) { db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation", "Attempted updating event #".$id); unset($id_event[$k]); } } if (empty($id_event)) { return false; } $values = array( 'estado' => $new_status, 'id_usuario' => $ack_user, 'ack_utimestamp' => $ack_utimestamp); $ret = db_process_sql_update($event_table, $values, array('id_evento' => $id_event)); if (($ret === false) || ($ret === 0)) { return false; } events_comment($id_event, '', "Change status to $status_string", $meta, $history); if ($meta && !empty($alerts)) { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($server_id); metaconsole_connect($server); } // Put the alerts in standby or not depends the new status foreach ($alerts as $alert) { switch ($new_status) { case EVENT_NEW: case EVENT_VALIDATE: alerts_agent_module_standby ($alert, 0); break; case EVENT_PROCESS: alerts_agent_module_standby ($alert, 1); break; } } if ($meta && !empty($alerts)) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return true; } /** * Change the owner of an event if the event hasn't owner * * @param mixed Event ID or array of events * @param string id_user of the new owner. If is false, the current owner will be setted * @param bool flag to force the change or not (not force is change only when it hasn't owner) * @param bool metaconsole mode flag * @param bool history mode flag * * @return bool Whether or not it was successful */ function events_change_owner ($id_event, $new_owner = false, $force = false, $meta = false, $history = false) { global $config; $event_table = events_get_events_table($meta, $history); //Cleans up the selection for all unwanted values also casts any single values as an array $id_event = (array) safe_int ($id_event, 1); foreach ($id_event as $k => $id) { if ($meta) { $event_group = events_meta_get_group ($id, $history); } else { $event_group = events_get_group ($id); } if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], $event_group, "EW") == 0) { db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation", "Attempted updating event #".$id); unset($id_event[$k]); } } if (empty($id_event)) { return false; } // If no new_owner is provided, the current user will be the owner // ** Comment this lines because if possible selected None owner in owner event. TIQUET: #2250*** //if (empty($new_owner)) { // $new_owner = $config['id_user']; //} // Only generate comment when is forced (sometimes is changed the owner when comment) if ($force) { events_comment($id_event, '', "Change owner to $new_owner", $meta, $history); } $values = array('owner_user' => $new_owner); $where = array('id_evento' => $id_event); // If not force, add to where if owner_user = '' if (!$force) { $where['owner_user'] = ''; } $ret = db_process_sql_update($event_table, $values, $where, 'AND', false); if (($ret === false) || ($ret === 0)) { return false; } return true; } function events_get_events_table($meta, $history) { if ($meta) { if ($history) { $event_table = 'tmetaconsole_event_history'; } else { $event_table = 'tmetaconsole_event'; } } else { $event_table = 'tevento'; } return $event_table; } /** * Comment events in a transresponse * * @param mixed Event ID or array of events * @param string comment to be registered * @param string action performed with the comment. Bu default just Added comment * @param bool Flag of metaconsole mode * @param bool Flag of history mode * * @return bool Whether or not it was successful */ function events_comment ($id_event, $comment = '', $action = 'Added comment', $meta = false, $history = false, $similars = true) { global $config; $event_table = events_get_events_table($meta, $history); //Cleans up the selection for all unwanted values also casts any single values as an array $id_event = (array) safe_int ($id_event, 1); foreach ($id_event as $k => $id) { if ($meta) { $event_group = events_meta_get_group ($id, $history); } else { $event_group = events_get_group ($id); } if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], $event_group, "EW") == 0) { db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation", "Attempted updating event #".$id); unset($id_event[$k]); } } if (empty($id_event)) { return false; } // If the event hasn't owner, assign the user as owner events_change_owner ($id_event); // Get the current event comments $first_event = $id_event; if (is_array($id_event)) { $first_event = reset($id_event); } $event_comments = db_get_value('user_comment', $event_table, 'id_evento', $first_event); $event_comments_array = array(); if ($event_comments == '') { $comments_format = 'new'; } else { // If comments are not stored in json, the format is old $event_comments_array = json_decode($event_comments); if (is_null($event_comments_array)) { $comments_format = 'old'; } else { $comments_format = 'new'; } } switch($comments_format) { case 'new': $comment_for_json['comment'] = $comment; $comment_for_json['action'] = $action; $comment_for_json['id_user'] = $config['id_user']; $comment_for_json['utimestamp'] = time(); $event_comments_array[] = $comment_for_json; $event_comments = io_json_mb_encode($event_comments_array); // Update comment $ret = db_process_sql_update($event_table, array('user_comment' => $event_comments), array('id_evento' => implode(',', $id_event))); break; case 'old': // Give old ugly format to comment. TODO: Change this method for aux table or json $comment = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), '
', $comment); if ($comment != '') { $commentbox = '
'; } else { $commentbox = ''; } // Don't translate 'by' word because if various users with different languages // make comments in the same console will be a mess $comment = '-- ' . $action . ' by '.$config['id_user'].' '.'['.date ($config["date_format"]).'] --
'; // Update comment switch ($config['dbtype']) { // Oldstyle SQL to avoid innecesary PHP foreach case 'mysql': $sql_validation = "UPDATE $event_table SET user_comment = concat('" . $comment . "', user_comment) WHERE id_evento in (" . implode(',', $id_event) . ")"; $ret = db_process_sql($sql_validation); break; case 'postgresql': case 'oracle': $sql_validation = "UPDATE $event_table SET user_comment='" . $comment . "' || user_comment) WHERE id_evento in (" . implode(',', $id_event) . ")"; $ret = db_process_sql($sql_validation); break; } break; } if (($ret === false) || ($ret === 0)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get group id of an event. * * @param int $id_event Event id * * @return int Group id of the given event. */ function events_get_group ($id_event) { return (int) db_get_value ('id_grupo', 'tevento', 'id_evento', (int) $id_event); } /** * Get description of an event. * * @param int $id_event Event id. * * @return string Description of the given event. */ function events_get_description ($id_event) { return (string) db_get_value ('evento', 'tevento', 'id_evento', (int) $id_event); } /** * Insert a event in the event log system. * * @param int $event * @param int $id_group * @param int $id_agent * @param int $status * @param string $id_user * @param string $event_type * @param int $priority * @param int $id_agent_module * @param int $id_aam * * @return int event id */ function events_create_event ($event, $id_group, $id_agent, $status = 0, $id_user = "", $event_type = "unknown", $priority = 0, $id_agent_module = 0, $id_aam = 0, $critical_instructions = '', $warning_instructions = '', $unknown_instructions = '', $source="Pandora", $tags="", $custom_data="", $server_id = 0) { global $config; $table_events = 'tevento'; if (defined ('METACONSOLE')) { $table_events = 'tmetaconsole_event'; switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $sql = sprintf (' INSERT INTO ' . $table_events . ' (id_agente, id_grupo, evento, timestamp, estado, utimestamp, id_usuario, event_type, criticity, id_agentmodule, id_alert_am, critical_instructions, warning_instructions, unknown_instructions, source, tags, custom_data, server_id) VALUES (%d, %d, "%s", NOW(), %d, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), "%s", "%s", %d, %d, %d, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", %d)', $id_agent, $id_group, $event, $status, $id_user, $event_type, $priority, $id_agent_module, $id_aam, $critical_instructions, $warning_instructions, $unknown_instructions, $source, $tags, $custom_data, $server_id); break; case "postgresql": $sql = sprintf (' INSERT INTO ' . $table_events . ' (id_agente, id_grupo, evento, timestamp, estado, utimestamp, id_usuario, event_type, criticity, id_agentmodule, id_alert_am, critical_instructions, warning_instructions, unknown_instructions, source, tags, custom_data, server_id) VALUES (%d, %d, "%s", NOW(), %d, ceil(date_part(\'epoch\', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)), "%s", "%s", %d, %d, %d, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", %d)', $id_agent, $id_group, $event, $status, $id_user, $event_type, $priority, $id_agent_module, $id_aam, $critical_instructions, $warning_instructions, $unknown_instructions, $source, $tags, $custom_data, $server_id); break; case "oracle": $sql = sprintf (' INSERT INTO ' . $table_events . ' (id_agente, id_grupo, evento, timestamp, estado, utimestamp, id_usuario, event_type, criticity, id_agentmodule, id_alert_am, critical_instructions, warning_instructions, unknown_instructions, source, tags, custom_data, server_id) VALUES (%d, %d, "%s", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, %d, UNIX_TIMESTAMP, "%s", "%s", %d, %d, %d, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", %d)', $id_agent, $id_group, $event, $status, $id_user, $event_type, $priority, $id_agent_module, $id_aam, $critical_instructions, $warning_instructions, $unknown_instructions, $source, $tags, $custom_data, $server_id); break; } } else { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $sql = sprintf (' INSERT INTO ' . $table_events . ' (id_agente, id_grupo, evento, timestamp, estado, utimestamp, id_usuario, event_type, criticity, id_agentmodule, id_alert_am, critical_instructions, warning_instructions, unknown_instructions, source, tags, custom_data) VALUES (%d, %d, "%s", NOW(), %d, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), "%s", "%s", %d, %d, %d, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")', $id_agent, $id_group, $event, $status, $id_user, $event_type, $priority, $id_agent_module, $id_aam, $critical_instructions, $warning_instructions, $unknown_instructions, $source, $tags, $custom_data); break; case "postgresql": $sql = sprintf (' INSERT INTO ' . $table_events . ' (id_agente, id_grupo, evento, timestamp, estado, utimestamp, id_usuario, event_type, criticity, id_agentmodule, id_alert_am, critical_instructions, warning_instructions, unknown_instructions, source, tags, custom_data) VALUES (%d, %d, "%s", NOW(), %d, ceil(date_part(\'epoch\', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)), "%s", "%s", %d, %d, %d, "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")', $id_agent, $id_group, $event, $status, $id_user, $event_type, $priority, $id_agent_module, $id_aam, $critical_instructions, $warning_instructions, $unknown_instructions, $source, $tags, $custom_data); break; case "oracle": $sql = sprintf (" INSERT INTO " . $table_events . " (id_agente, id_grupo, evento, timestamp, estado, utimestamp, id_usuario, event_type, criticity, id_agentmodule, id_alert_am, critical_instructions, warning_instructions, unknown_instructions, source, tags, custom_data) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, %d, UNIX_TIMESTAMP, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $id_agent, $id_group, $event, $status, $id_user, $event_type, $priority, $id_agent_module, $id_aam, $critical_instructions, $warning_instructions, $unknown_instructions, $source, $tags, $custom_data); break; } } return (int) db_process_sql ($sql, "insert_id"); } /** * Prints a small event table * * @param string $filter SQL WHERE clause * @param int $limit How many events to show * @param int $width How wide the table should be * @param bool $return Prints out HTML if false * @param int agent id if is the table of one agent. 0 otherwise * * @return string HTML with table element */ function events_print_event_table ($filter = "", $limit = 10, $width = 440, $return = false, $agent_id = 0, $tactical_view = false) { global $config; if ($agent_id == 0) { $agent_condition = ''; } else { $agent_condition = " id_agente = $agent_id AND "; } if ($filter == '') { $filter = '1 = 1'; } switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": $sql = sprintf ("SELECT * FROM tevento WHERE %s %s ORDER BY utimestamp DESC LIMIT %d", $agent_condition, $filter, $limit); break; case "oracle": $sql = sprintf ("SELECT * FROM tevento WHERE %s %s AND rownum <= %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC", $agent_condition, $filter, $limit); break; } $result = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); if ($result === false) { if ($return) { $returned = ui_print_info_message (__('No events'), '', true); return $returned; } else { echo ui_print_info_message (__('No events')); } } else { $table = new stdClass(); $table->id = 'latest_events_table'; $table->cellpadding = 0; $table->cellspacing = 0; $table->width = $width; $table->class = "databox data"; if (!$tactical_view) $table->title = __('Latest events'); $table->titleclass = 'tabletitle'; $table->titlestyle = 'text-transform:uppercase;'; $table->headclass = array (); $table->head = array (); $table->rowclass = array (); $table->cellclass = array (); $table->data = array (); $table->align = array (); $table->style[0] = $table->style[1] = $table->style[2] = 'width:25px;'; if ($agent_id == 0) { $table->style[3] = 'word-break: break-all;'; } $table->style[4] = 'width:120px; word-break: break-all;'; $table->head[0] = "" . __('V.') . ""; $table->align[0] = 'center'; $table->head[1] = "" . __('S.') . ""; $table->align[1] = 'center'; $table->head[2] = __('Type'); $table->headclass[2] = "datos3 f9"; $table->align[2] = "center"; $table->head[3] = __('Event name'); if ($agent_id == 0) { $table->head[4] = __('Agent name'); $table->size[4] = "15%"; } $table->head[5] = __('Timestamp'); $table->headclass[5] = "datos3 f9"; $table->align[5] = "left"; $table->size[5] = "15%"; foreach ($result as $event) { if (! check_acl ($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "ER")) { continue; } $data = array (); // Colored box switch($event["estado"]) { case 0: $img = "images/star.png"; $title = __('New event'); break; case 1: $img = "images/tick.png"; $title = __('Event validated'); break; case 2: $img = "images/hourglass.png"; $title = __('Event in process'); break; } $data[0] = html_print_image ($img, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "title" => $title)); switch ($event["criticity"]) { default: case EVENT_CRIT_MAINTENANCE: $img = "images/status_sets/default/severity_maintenance.png"; break; case EVENT_CRIT_INFORMATIONAL: $img = "images/status_sets/default/severity_informational.png"; break; case EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL: $img = "images/status_sets/default/severity_normal.png"; break; case EVENT_CRIT_WARNING: $img = "images/status_sets/default/severity_warning.png"; break; case EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL: $img = "images/status_sets/default/severity_critical.png"; break; } $data[1] = html_print_image ($img, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "width" => 12, "height" => 12, "title" => get_priority_name ($event["criticity"]))); /* Event type */ $data[2] = events_print_type_img ($event["event_type"], true); /* Event text */ $data[3] = ui_print_string_substr (io_safe_output($event["evento"]), 75, true, '7.5'); if($agent_id == 0) { if ($event["id_agente"] > 0) { // Agent name // Get class name, for the link color... $myclass = get_priority_class ($event["criticity"]); $data[4] = "". agents_get_alias($event["id_agente"]). ""; // ui_print_agent_name ($event["id_agente"], true, 25, '', true); // for System or SNMP generated alerts } elseif ($event["event_type"] == "system") { $data[4] = __('System'); } else { $data[4] = __('Alert')."SNMP"; } } // Timestamp $data[5] = ui_print_timestamp ($event["timestamp"], true, array('style' => 'font-size: 7.5pt; letter-spacing: 0.3pt;')); $class = get_priority_class ($event["criticity"]); $cell_classes[3] = $cell_classes[4] = $cell_classes[5] = $class; array_push ($table->cellclass, $cell_classes); //array_push ($table->rowclass, get_priority_class ($event["criticity"])); array_push ($table->data, $data); } $events_table = html_print_table ($table, true); $out = '
'; $out .= $events_table; if (!$tactical_view) { if ($agent_id != 0) { $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
' . __('Events -by module-') . '' . graph_event_module (180, 100, $event['id_agente']) . '
'; $out .= '
'; } else { $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
' . __('Event graph') . '' . grafico_eventos_total("", 180, 60) . '
'; $out .= '
' . __('Event graph by agent') . '' . grafico_eventos_grupo(180, 60) . '
'; $out .= '
'; } } $out .= '
'; unset ($table); if ($return) { return $out; } else { echo $out; } } } /** * Prints the event type image * * @param string $type Event type from SQL * @param bool $return Whether to return or print * @param bool $only_url Flag to return only url of image, by default false. * * @return string HTML with img */ function events_print_type_img ($type, $return = false, $only_url = false) { global $config; $output = ''; $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false); switch ($type) { case "alert_recovered": $icon = "bell.png"; break; case "alert_manual_validation": $icon = "ok.png"; break; case "going_down_critical": case "going_up_critical": //This is to be backwards compatible $icon = "module_critical.png"; break; case "going_up_normal": case "going_down_normal": //This is to be backwards compatible $icon = "module_ok.png"; break; case "going_up_warning": case "going_down_warning": $icon = "module_warning.png"; break; case "going_unknown": $icon = "module_unknown.png"; break; case "alert_fired": $icon = "bell_error.png"; break; case "system": $icon = "cog.png"; break; case "recon_host_detected": $icon = "recon.png"; break; case "new_agent": $icon = "agent.png"; break; case "configuration_change": $icon = "config.png"; break; case "unknown": default: $icon = "lightning_go.png"; break; } if ($only_url) { $output = $urlImage . "/" . "images/" . $icon; } else { $output .= html_print_image ("images/" . $icon, true, array ("title" => events_print_type_description($type, true))); } if ($return) return $output; echo $output; } /** * Prints the event type description * * @param string $type Event type from SQL * @param bool $return Whether to return or print * * @return string HTML with img */ function events_print_type_description ($type, $return = false) { $output = ''; switch ($type) { case "going_unknown": $output .= __('Going to unknown'); break; case "alert_recovered": $output .= __('Alert recovered'); break; case "alert_manual_validation": $output .= __('Alert manually validated'); break; case "going_up_warning": $output .= __('Going from critical to warning'); break; case "going_down_critical": case "going_up_critical": //This is to be backwards compatible $output .= __('Going down to critical state'); break; case "going_up_normal": case "going_down_normal": //This is to be backwards compatible $output .= __('Going up to normal state'); break; case "going_down_warning": $output .= __('Going down from normal to warning'); break; case "alert_fired": $output .= __('Alert fired'); break; case "system"; $output .= __('SYSTEM'); break; case "recon_host_detected"; $output .= __('Recon server detected a new host'); break; case "new_agent"; $output .= __('New agent created'); break; case "configuration_change"; $output .= __('Configuration change'); break; case "alert_ceased"; $output .= __('Alert ceased'); break; case "error"; $output .= __('Error'); break; case "unknown": default: $output .= __('Unknown type:').': '.$type; break; } if ($return) return $output; echo $output; } /** * Get all the events happened in a group during a period of time. * * The returned events will be in the time interval ($date - $period, $date] * * @param mixed $id_group Group id to get events for. * @param int $period Period of time in seconds to get events. * @param int $date Beginning date to get events. * * @return array An array with all the events happened. */ function events_get_group_events_steps ($begin, &$result, $id_group, $period, $date, $filter_event_validated = false, $filter_event_critical = false, $filter_event_warning = false, $filter_event_no_validated = false) { global $config; $id_group = groups_safe_acl ($config["id_user"], $id_group, "ER"); if (empty ($id_group)) { //An empty array means the user doesn't have access return false; } $datelimit = $date - $period; $sql_where = ' AND 1 = 1 '; $criticities = array(); if ($filter_event_critical) { $criticities[] = 4; } if ($filter_event_warning) { $criticities[] = 3; } if (!empty($criticities)) { $sql_where .= ' AND criticity IN (' . implode(', ', $criticities) . ')'; } if ($filter_event_validated) { $sql_where .= ' AND estado = 1 '; } if ($filter_event_no_validated) { $sql_where .= ' AND estado = 0 '; } $sql = sprintf ('SELECT *, (SELECT t2.nombre FROM tagente t2 WHERE t2.id_agente = t3.id_agente) AS agent_name, (SELECT t2.fullname FROM tusuario t2 WHERE t2.id_user = t3.id_usuario) AS user_name FROM tevento t3 WHERE utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d AND id_grupo IN (%s) ' . $sql_where . ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC', $datelimit, $date, implode (",", $id_group)); return db_get_all_row_by_steps_sql($begin, $result, $sql); } /** * Get all the events happened in an Agent during a period of time. * * The returned events will be in the time interval ($date - $period, $date] * * @param int $id_agent Agent id to get events. * @param int $period Period of time in seconds to get events. * @param int $date Beginning date to get events. * * @return array An array with all the events happened. */ function events_get_agent ($id_agent, $period, $date = 0, $history = false, $show_summary_group = false, $filter_event_severity = false, $filter_event_type = false, $filter_event_status = false, $filter_event_filter_search=false, $id_group = false, $events_group = false, $id_agent_module = false, $events_module = false) { global $config; if (!is_numeric ($date)) { $date = strtotime ($date); } if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } if($events_group){ $id_group = groups_safe_acl ($config["id_user"], $id_group, "ER"); if (empty ($id_group)) { //An empty array means the user doesn't have access return false; } } $datelimit = $date - $period; $sql_where = ''; $severity_all = 0; if (!empty($filter_event_severity)) { foreach ($filter_event_severity as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $severity_all = 1; break; case 34: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '3, 4'; break; case 20: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6'; break; case 21: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '4, 2'; break; default: break; } } if(!$severity_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND criticity IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_severity) . ')'; } } $status_all = 0; if(!empty($filter_event_status)){ foreach ($filter_event_status as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $status_all = 1; break; case 3: $filter_event_status[$key] = ('0, 2'); default: break; } } if(!$status_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND estado IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_status) . ')'; } } if (!empty($filter_event_type) && $filter_event_type[0] != 'all') { $sql_where .= ' AND ('; $type = array(); foreach ($filter_event_type as $event_type) { if ($event_type != "") { // If normal, warning, could be several (going_up_warning, going_down_warning... too complex // for the user so for him is presented only "warning, critical and normal" if ($event_type == "warning" || $event_type == "critical" || $event_type == "normal") { $type[] = " event_type LIKE '%$event_type%' "; } else if ($event_type == "not_normal") { $type[] = " (event_type LIKE '%warning%' OR event_type LIKE '%critical%' OR event_type LIKE '%unknown%') "; } else if ($event_type != "all") { $type[] = " event_type = '" . $event_type."'"; } } } $sql_where .= implode(' OR ', $type) . ')'; } if (!empty($filter_event_filter_search)) { $sql_where .= ' AND (evento LIKE "%'. io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%"'. ' OR id_evento LIKE "%' . io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%")'; } if($events_group){ $sql_where .= sprintf(' AND id_grupo IN (%s) AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d ', implode (",", $id_group), $datelimit, $date); } elseif($events_module){ $sql_where .= sprintf(' AND id_agentmodule = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d ', $id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date); } else{ $sql_where .= sprintf(' AND id_agente = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d ', $id_agent, $datelimit, $date); } if($show_summary_group){ return events_get_events_grouped($sql_where, 0, 1000, is_metaconsole(), false, false, $history); } else{ return events_get_events_no_grouped($sql_where, 0, 1000, is_metaconsole(), false, false, $history); } } /** * Decode a numeric type into type description. * * @param int $type_id Numeric type. * * @return string Type description. */ function events_get_event_types ($type_id) { $diferent_types = get_event_types (); $type_desc = ''; switch ($type_id) { case 'unknown': $type_desc = __('Unknown'); break; case 'critical': $type_desc = __('Monitor Critical'); break; case 'warning': $type_desc = __('Monitor Warning'); break; case 'normal': $type_desc = __('Monitor Normal'); break; case 'alert_fired': $type_desc = __('Alert fired'); break; case 'alert_recovered': $type_desc = __('Alert recovered'); break; case 'alert_ceased': $type_desc = __('Alert ceased'); break; case 'alert_manual_validation': $type_desc = __('Alert manual validation'); break; case 'recon_host_detected': $type_desc = __('Recon host detected'); break; case 'system': $type_desc = __('System'); break; case 'error': $type_desc = __('Error'); break; case 'configuration_change': $type_desc = __('Configuration change'); break; case 'not_normal': $type_desc = __('Not normal'); break; default: if (isset($config['text_char_long'])) { foreach ($diferent_types as $key => $type) { if ($key == $type_id) { $type_desc = ui_print_truncate_text($type, $config['text_char_long'], false, true, false); } } } break; } return $type_desc; } /** * Decode a numeric severity into severity description. * * @param int $severity_id Numeric severity. * * @return string Severity description. */ function events_get_severity_types ($severity_id) { $diferent_types = get_priorities (); $severity_desc = ''; switch ($severity_id) { case EVENT_CRIT_MAINTENANCE: $severity_desc = __('Maintenance'); break; case EVENT_CRIT_INFORMATIONAL: $severity_desc = __('Informational'); break; case EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL: $severity_desc = __('Normal'); break; case EVENT_CRIT_WARNING: $severity_desc = __('Warning'); break; case EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL: $severity_desc = __('Critical'); break; default: if (isset($config['text_char_long'])) { foreach ($diferent_types as $key => $type) { if ($key == $severity_id) { $severity_desc = ui_print_truncate_text($type, $config['text_char_long'], false, true, false); } } } break; } return $severity_desc; } /** * Return all descriptions of event status. * * @return array Status description array. */ function events_get_all_status ($report = false) { $fields = array (); if(!$report){ $fields[-1] = __('All event'); $fields[0] = __('Only new'); $fields[1] = __('Only validated'); $fields[2] = __('Only in process'); $fields[3] = __('Only not validated'); } else{ $fields[-1] = __('All event'); $fields[0] = __('New'); $fields[1] = __('Validated'); $fields[2] = __('In process'); $fields[3] = __('Not Validated'); } return $fields; } /** * Decode a numeric status into status description. * * @param int $status_id Numeric status. * * @return string Status description. */ function events_get_status ($status_id) { switch ($status_id) { case -1: $status_desc = __('All event'); break; case 0: $status_desc = __('Only new'); break; case 1: $status_desc = __('Only validated'); break; case 2: $status_desc = __('Only in process'); break; case 3: $status_desc = __('Only not validated'); break; } return $status_desc; } /** * Checks if a user has permissions to see an event filter. * * @param int $id_filter Id of the event filter. * * @return bool True if the user has permissions or false otherwise. */ function events_check_event_filter_group ($id_filter) { global $config; $id_group = db_get_value('id_group_filter', 'tevent_filter', 'id_filter', $id_filter); $own_info = get_user_info ($config['id_user']); // Get group list that user has access $groups_user = users_get_groups ($config['id_user'], "EW", $own_info['is_admin'], true); // Permissions in any group allow to edit "All group" filters if($id_group == 0 && !empty($groups_user)) { return true; } $groups_id = array(); $has_permission = false; foreach ($groups_user as $key => $groups) { if ($groups['id_grupo'] == $id_group) return true; } return false; } /** * Return an array with all the possible macros in event responses * * @return array */ function events_get_macros() { return array('_agent_address_' => __('Agent address'), '_agent_id_' => __('Agent id'), '_event_id_' => __('Event id'), '_module_address_' => __('Module Agent address'),); } /** * Get a event filter. * * @param int Filter id to be fetched. * @param array Extra filter. * @param array Fields to be fetched. * * @return array A event filter matching id and filter or false. */ function events_get_event_filter ($id_filter, $filter = false, $fields = false) { if (empty($id_filter)) { return false; } if (! is_array ($filter)) { $filter = array (); $filter['id_filter'] = (int) $id_filter; } return db_get_row_filter ('tevent_filter', $filter, $fields); } /** * Get a event filters in select format. * * @param boolean If event filters are used for manage/view operations (non admin users can see group ALL for manage) # Fix * @return array A event filter matching id and filter or false. */ function events_get_event_filter_select($manage = true) { global $config; $strict_acl = db_get_value('strict_acl', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $config['id_user']); if ($strict_acl) { $user_groups = users_get_strict_mode_groups($config['id_user'], users_can_manage_group_all()); } else { $user_groups = users_get_groups ($config['id_user'], "EW", users_can_manage_group_all(), true); } if(empty($user_groups)) { return array(); } $sql = " SELECT id_filter, id_name FROM tevent_filter WHERE id_group_filter IN (" . implode(',', array_keys ($user_groups)) . ")"; $event_filters = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($event_filters === false) { return array(); } else { $result = array(); foreach ($event_filters as $event_filter) { $result[$event_filter['id_filter']] = $event_filter['id_name']; } } return $result; } // Events pages functions to load modal window with advanced view of an event. // Called from include/ajax/events.php function events_page_responses ($event, $childrens_ids = array()) { global $config; ///////// // Responses ///////// $table_responses->cellspacing = 2; $table_responses->cellpadding = 2; $table_responses->id = 'responses_table'; $table_responses->width = '100%'; $table_responses->data = array (); $table_responses->head = array (); $table_responses->style[0] = 'width:35%; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; height: 23px;'; $table_responses->style[1] = 'text-align: left; height: 23px; text-align: right;'; $table_responses->class = "alternate rounded_cells"; if (tags_checks_event_acl ($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EM", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids)) { // Owner $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Change owner'); // Owner change can be done to users that belong to the event group with ER permission $profiles_view_events = db_get_all_rows_filter('tperfil', array('event_view' => '1'), 'id_perfil'); foreach($profiles_view_events as $k => $v) { $profiles_view_events[$k] = reset($v); } // Juanma (05/05/2014) Fix : Propagate ACL hell! $_user_groups = array_keys(users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'ER', users_can_manage_group_all())); $strict_user = db_get_value('strict_acl', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $config['id_user']); if ($strict_user) { $user_name = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $config['id_user']); $users = array(); $users[0]['id_user'] = $config['id_user']; $users[0]['fullname'] = $user_name; } else { $users = groups_get_users($_user_groups, array('id_perfil' => $profiles_view_events), true, true); } foreach($users as $u) { $owners[$u['id_user']] = $u['fullname']; } if($event['owner_user'] == '') { $owner_name = __('None'); } else { $owner_name = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['owner_user']); $owners[$event['owner_user']] = $owner_name; } $data[1] = html_print_select($owners, 'id_owner', $event['owner_user'], '', __('None'), -1, true); $data[1] .= html_print_button(__('Update'),'owner_button',false,'event_change_owner();','class="sub next"',true); $table_responses->data[] = $data; } // Status $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Change status'); $status_blocked = false; if (tags_checks_event_acl ($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EM", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids)) { // If the user has manager acls, the status can be changed to all possibilities always $status = array(0 => __('New'), 2 => __('In process'), 1 => __('Validated')); } else { switch($event['estado']) { case 0: // If the user hasnt manager acls and the event is new. The status can be changed $status = array(2 => __('In process'), 1 => __('Validated')); break; case 1: // If the user hasnt manager acls and the event is validated. The status cannot be changed $status = array(1 => __('Validated')); $status_blocked = true; break; case 2: // If the user hasnt manager acls and the event is in process. The status only can be changed to validated $status = array(1 => __('Validated')); break; } } // The change status option will be enabled only when is possible change the status $data[1] = html_print_select($status, 'estado', $event['estado'], '', '', 0, true, false, false, '', $status_blocked); if(!$status_blocked) { $data[1] .= html_print_button(__('Update'),'status_button',false,'event_change_status(\''.$event['similar_ids'] .'\');','class="sub next"',true); } $table_responses->data[] = $data; // Comments $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Comment'); $data[1] = html_print_button(__('Add comment'),'comment_button',false,'$(\'#link_comments\').trigger(\'click\');','class="sub next"',true); $table_responses->data[] = $data; if (tags_checks_event_acl($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EM", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids)) { // Delete $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Delete event'); $data[1] = '
'; $data[1] .= html_print_button(__('Delete event'),'delete_button',false,'if(!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\')) { return false; } this.form.submit();','class="sub cancel"',true); $data[1] .= html_print_input_hidden('delete', 1, true); $data[1] .= html_print_input_hidden('validate_ids', $event['id_evento'], true); $data[1] .= '
'; $table_responses->data[] = $data; } // Custom responses $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Custom responses'); $id_groups = array_keys(users_get_groups(false, "EW")); $event_responses = db_get_all_rows_filter('tevent_response', array('id_group' => $id_groups)); if (empty($event_responses)) { $data[1] = ''.__('N/A').''; } else { $responses = array(); foreach ($event_responses as $v) { $responses[$v['id']] = $v['name']; } $data[1] = html_print_select( $responses, 'select_custom_response','','','','',true, false, false); if (isset($event['server_id'])) { $server_id = $event['server_id']; } else { $server_id = 0; } $data[1] .= html_print_button(__('Execute'),'custom_response_button',false,'execute_response('.$event['id_evento'].','.$server_id.')',"class='sub next'",true); } $table_responses->data[] = $data; $responses_js = ""; $responses = '
' . html_print_table($table_responses, true) . $responses_js . '
'; return $responses; } // Replace macros in the target of a response and return it // If server_id > 0, is a metaconsole query function events_get_response_target($event_id, $response_id, $server_id, $history = false) { global $config; $event_response = db_get_row('tevent_response','id',$response_id); if ($server_id > 0) { $meta = true; } else { $meta = false; } $event_table = events_get_events_table($meta, $history); $event = db_get_row($event_table,'id_evento', $event_id); $macros = array_keys(events_get_macros()); $target = io_safe_output($event_response['target']); foreach($macros as $macro) { $subst = ''; switch($macro) { case '_agent_address_': if ($meta) { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($server_id); metaconsole_connect($server); } $subst = agents_get_address($event['id_agente']); if($meta) { metaconsole_restore_db_force(); } break; case '_agent_id_': $subst = $event['id_agente']; break; case '_event_id_': $subst = $event['id_evento']; break; case '_module_address_': if($meta) { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($server_id); metaconsole_connect($server); } $module = db_get_row("tagente_modulo",'id_agente_modulo', $event['id_agentmodule']); if ($module['ip_target'] != false) $subst = $module['ip_target']; if($meta) { metaconsole_restore_db_force(); } break; } $target = str_replace($macro,$subst,$target); } return $target; } function events_page_custom_fields ($event) { global $config; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Custom fields //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $table->cellspacing = 2; $table->cellpadding = 2; $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = array (); $table->head = array (); $table->style[0] = 'width:35%; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; height: 23px;'; $table->style[1] = 'text-align: left; height: 23px;'; $table->class = "alternate rounded_cells"; $all_customs_fields = (bool)check_acl($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "AW"); if ($all_customs_fields) { $fields = db_get_all_rows_filter('tagent_custom_fields'); } else { $fields = db_get_all_rows_filter('tagent_custom_fields', array('display_on_front' => 1)); } if ($event['id_agente'] == 0) { $fields_data = array(); } else { $fields_data = db_get_all_rows_filter('tagent_custom_data', array('id_agent' => $event['id_agente'])); if(is_array($fields_data)) { $fields_data_aux = array(); foreach($fields_data as $fd) { $fields_data_aux[$fd['id_field']] = $fd['description']; } $fields_data = $fields_data_aux; } } foreach ($fields as $field) { // Owner $data = array(); $data[0] = $field['name']; $data[1] = empty($fields_data[$field['id_field']]) ? ''.__('N/A').'' : ui_bbcode_to_html($fields_data[$field['id_field']]); $field['id_field']; $table->data[] = $data; } $custom_fields = '
'.html_print_table($table, true).'
'; return $custom_fields; } function events_page_details ($event, $server = "") { global $img_sev; global $config; // If server is provided, get the hash parameters if (!empty($server) && defined("METACONSOLE")) { $hashdata = metaconsole_get_server_hashdata($server); $hashstring = "&" . "loginhash=auto&" . "loginhash_data=" . $hashdata . "&" . "loginhash_user=" . str_rot13($config["id_user"]); $serverstring = $server['server_url'] . "/"; if (metaconsole_connect($server) !== NOERR) { return ui_print_error_message(__('There was an error connecting to the node'), '', true); } } else { $hashstring = ""; $serverstring = ""; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Details //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $table_details->width = '100%'; $table_details->data = array (); $table_details->head = array (); $table_details->cellspacing = 2; $table_details->cellpadding = 2; $table_details->style[0] = 'width:35%; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; height: 23px;'; $table_details->style[1] = 'text-align: left; height: 23px;'; $table_details->class = "alternate rounded_cells"; switch ($event['event_type']) { case 'going_unknown': case 'going_up_warning': case 'going_down_warning': case 'going_up_critical': case 'going_down_critical': break; } if ($event["id_agente"] != 0) { $agent = db_get_row('tagente','id_agente',$event["id_agente"]); } else { $agent = array(); } $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Agent details'); $data[1] = empty($agent) ? '' . __('N/A') . '' : ''; $table_details->data[] = $data; if (!empty($agent)) { $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'; if (can_user_access_node ()) { $data[1] = ui_print_agent_name($event["id_agente"], true, 'agent_medium', '', false, $serverstring, $hashstring, $agent['alias']); } else { $data[1] = ui_print_truncate_text($agent['alias'], 'agent_medium', true, true, true); } $table_details->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'.__('IP Address').'
'; $data[1] = empty($agent['direccion']) ? ''.__('N/A').'' : $agent['direccion']; $table_details->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'; $data[1] = ui_print_os_icon ($agent["id_os"], true, true).' ('.$agent["os_version"].')'; $table_details->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'.__('Last contact').'
'; $data[1] = $agent["ultimo_contacto"] == "1970-01-01 00:00:00" ? ''.__('N/A').'' : $agent["ultimo_contacto"]; $table_details->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'.__('Last remote contact').'
'; $data[1] = $agent["ultimo_contacto_remoto"] == "1970-01-01 00:00:00" ? ''.__('N/A').'' : $agent["ultimo_contacto_remoto"]; $table_details->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'.__('Custom fields').'
'; $data[1] = html_print_button(__('View custom fields'),'custom_button',false,'$(\'#link_custom_fields\').trigger(\'click\');','class="sub next"',true); $table_details->data[] = $data; } if ($event["id_agentmodule"] != 0) { $module = db_get_row_filter('tagente_modulo',array('id_agente_modulo' => $event["id_agentmodule"], 'delete_pending' => 0)); } else { $module = array(); } $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Module details'); $data[1] = empty($module) ? '' . __('N/A') . '' : ''; $table_details->data[] = $data; if (!empty($module)) { // Module name $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'; $data[1] = $module['nombre']; $table_details->data[] = $data; // Module group $data = array(); $data[0] = '
' . __('Module group') . '
'; $id_module_group = $module['id_module_group']; if ($id_module_group == 0) { $data[1] = __('No assigned'); } else { $module_group = db_get_value('name', 'tmodule_group', 'id_mg', $id_module_group); $data[1] = ''; $data[1] .= $module_group; $data[1] .= ''; } $table_details->data[] = $data; // ACL $acl_graph = false; $strict_user = (bool) db_get_value("strict_acl", "tusuario", "id_user", $config['id_user']); if (!empty($agent['id_grupo'])) { if ($strict_user) { $acl_graph = tags_check_acl_by_module($module["id_agente_modulo"], $config['id_user'], 'RR') === true; } else { $acl_graph = check_acl($config['id_user'], $agent['id_grupo'], "RR"); } } if ($acl_graph) { $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'; $module_type = -1; if (isset($module["module_type"])) { $module_type = $module["module_type"]; } $graph_type = return_graphtype ($module_type); $url = ui_get_full_url("operation/agentes/stat_win.php", false, false, false); $handle = dechex(crc32($module["id_agente_modulo"].$module["nombre"])); $win_handle = "day_$handle"; $graph_params = array( "type" => $graph_type, "period" => SECONDS_1DAY, "id" => $module["id_agente_modulo"], "label" => rawurlencode(urlencode(base64_encode($module["nombre"]))), "refresh" => SECONDS_10MINUTES ); if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $graph_params["avg_only"] = 1; // Set the server id $graph_params["server"] = $server["id"]; } $graph_params_str = http_build_query($graph_params); $link = "winopeng('$url?$graph_params_str','$win_handle')"; $data[1] = ''; $data[1] .= html_print_image('images/chart_curve.png',true); $data[1] .= ''; $table_details->data[] = $data; } } $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Alert details'); $data[1] = $event["id_alert_am"] == 0 ? '' . __('N/A') . '' : ''; $table_details->data[] = $data; if ($event["id_alert_am"] != 0) { $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'; $data[1] = ''; $standby = db_get_value('standby', 'talert_template_modules', 'id', $event["id_alert_am"]); if(!$standby) { $data[1] .= html_print_image ("images/bell.png", true, array ("title" => __('Go to data overview'))); } else { $data[1] .= html_print_image ("images/bell_pause.png", true, array ("title" => __('Go to data overview'))); } $sql = 'SELECT name FROM talert_templates WHERE id IN (SELECT id_alert_template FROM talert_template_modules WHERE id = ' . $event["id_alert_am"] . ');'; $templateName = db_get_sql($sql); $data[1] .= $templateName; $data[1] .= ''; $table_details->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = '
'; $priority_code = db_get_value('priority', 'talert_template_modules', 'id', $event["id_alert_am"]); $alert_priority = get_priority_name ($priority_code); $data[1] = html_print_image ($img_sev, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "width" => 12, "height" => 12, "title" => $alert_priority)); $data[1] .= ' '.$alert_priority; $table_details->data[] = $data; } switch($event['event_type']) { case 'going_unknown': $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Instructions'); if ($event["unknown_instructions"] != '') { $data[1] = str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["unknown_instructions"])); } else { $data[1] = '' . __('N/A') . ''; } $table_details->data[] = $data; break; case 'going_up_warning': case 'going_down_warning': $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Instructions'); if ($event["warning_instructions"] != '') { $data[1] = str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["warning_instructions"])); } else { $data[1] = '' . __('N/A') . ''; } $table_details->data[] = $data; break; case 'going_up_critical': case 'going_down_critical': $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Instructions'); if ($event["critical_instructions"] != '') { $data[1] = str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["critical_instructions"])); } else { $data[1] = '' . __('N/A') . ''; } $table_details->data[] = $data; break; case 'system': $data = array(); if ($event["critical_instructions"] != '') { $data[0] = __('Instructions'); $data[1] = str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["critical_instructions"])); } else { if ($event["warning_instructions"] != '') { $data[0] = __('Instructions'); $data[1] = str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["warning_instructions"])); } else { if ($event["unknown_instructions"] != '') { $data[0] = __('Instructions'); $data[1] = str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["unknown_instructions"])); } else { $data[0] = __('Instructions'); $data[1] = '' . __('N/A') . ''; } } } $table_details->data[] = $data; break; } $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Extra id'); if ($event["id_extra"] != '') { $data[1] = $event["id_extra"]; } else { $data[1] = '' . __('N/A') . ''; } $table_details->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Source'); if ($event["source"] != '') { $data[1] = $event["source"]; } else { $data[1] = '' . __('N/A') . ''; } $table_details->data[] = $data; $details = '
'.html_print_table($table_details, true).'
'; if (!empty($server) && defined("METACONSOLE")) metaconsole_restore_db(); return $details; } function events_page_custom_data ($event) { global $config; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Custom data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($event['custom_data'] == '') { return ''; } $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = array (); $table->head = array (); $table->style[0] = 'width:35%; font-weight: bold; text-align: left;'; $table->style[1] = 'text-align: left;'; $table->class = "alternate rounded_cells"; $json_custom_data = base64_decode ($event['custom_data']); $custom_data = json_decode ($json_custom_data); if ($custom_data === NULL) { return '
'.__('Invalid custom data: %s', $json_custom_data).'
'; } $i = 0; foreach ($custom_data as $field => $value) { $table->data[$i][0] = io_safe_output ($field); $table->data[$i][1] = io_safe_output ($value); $i++; } $custom_data = '
'.html_print_table($table, true).'
'; return $custom_data; } function events_page_general ($event) { global $img_sev; global $config; //$group_rep = $event['similar_ids'] == -1 ? 1 : count(explode(',',$event['similar_ids'])); global $group_rep; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $table_general->cellspacing = 2; $table_general->cellpadding = 2; $table_general->width = '100%'; $table_general->data = array (); $table_general->head = array (); $table_general->style[0] = 'width:35%; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; height: 23px;'; $table_general->style[1] = 'text-align: left; height: 23px;'; $table_general->class = "alternate rounded_cells"; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Event ID'); $data[1] = "#".$event["id_evento"]; $table_general->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Event name'); $data[1] = io_safe_output(io_safe_output($event["evento"])); $table_general->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Timestamp'); if ($group_rep == 1 && $event["event_rep"] > 1) { $data[1] = __('First event').': '.date ($config["date_format"], $event['timestamp_first']).'
'.__('Last event').': '.date ($config["date_format"], $event['timestamp_last']); } else { $data[1] = date ($config["date_format"], strtotime($event["timestamp"])); } $table_general->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Owner'); if (empty($event["owner_user"])) { $data[1] = ''.__('N/A').''; } else { $user_owner = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event["owner_user"]); if(empty($user_owner)) { $user_owner = $event['owner_user']; } $data[1] = $user_owner; } $table_general->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Type'); $data[1] = events_print_type_img ($event["event_type"], true).' '.events_print_type_description($event["event_type"], true); $table_general->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Repeated'); if ($group_rep != 0) { if($event["event_rep"] <= 1) { $data[1] = ''.__('No').''; } else { $data[1] = sprintf("%d Times",$event["event_rep"]); } } else { $data[1] = ''.__('No').''; } $table_general->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Severity'); $event_criticity = get_priority_name ($event["criticity"]); $data[1] = html_print_image ($img_sev, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "width" => 12, "height" => 12, "title" => $event_criticity)); $data[1] .= ' '.$event_criticity; $table_general->data[] = $data; // Get Status switch($event['estado']) { case 0: $img_st = "images/star.png"; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case 1: $img_st = "images/tick.png"; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case 2: $img_st = "images/hourglass.png"; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Status'); $data[1] = html_print_image($img_st,true).' '.$title_st; $table_general->data[] = $data; // If event is validated, show who and when acknowleded it $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Acknowledged by'); if ($event['estado'] == 1) { $user_ack = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['id_usuario']); if(empty($user_ack)) { $user_ack = $event['id_usuario']; } $date_ack = date ($config["date_format"], $event['ack_utimestamp']); $data[1] = $user_ack.' ('.$date_ack.')'; } else { $data[1] = ''.__('N/A').''; } $table_general->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Group'); $data[1] = ""; if (!$config['show_group_name']) { $data[1] = ui_print_group_icon ($event["id_grupo"], true); } $data[1] .= groups_get_name ($event["id_grupo"]); $table_general->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('Tags'); if ($event["tags"] != '') { $tags = tags_get_tags_formatted($event["tags"]); $data[1] = $tags; } else { $data[1] = '' . __('N/A') . ''; } $table_general->data[] = $data; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('ID extra'); if ($event["id_extra"] != '') { $data[1] = $event["id_extra"]; } else { $data[1] = '' . __('N/A') . ''; } $table_general->data[] = $data; $general = '
' . html_print_table($table_general,true) . '
'; return $general; } function events_page_comments ($event, $childrens_ids = array()) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Comments //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// global $config; $table_comments->width = '100%'; $table_comments->data = array (); $table_comments->head = array (); $table_comments->style[0] = 'width:35%; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;'; $table_comments->style[1] = 'text-align: left;'; $table_comments->class = "alternate rounded_cells"; $event_comments = $event["user_comment"]; $event_comments = str_replace( array("\n", ' '), "
", $event_comments); // If comments are not stored in json, the format is old $event_comments_array = json_decode($event_comments, true); // Show the comments more recent first $event_comments_array = array_reverse($event_comments_array); if (is_null($event_comments_array)) { $comments_format = 'old'; } else { $comments_format = 'new'; } switch($comments_format) { case 'new': if (empty($event_comments_array)) { $table_comments->style[0] = 'text-align:center;'; $table_comments->colspan[0][0] = 2; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('There are no comments'); $table_comments->data[] = $data; } foreach($event_comments_array as $c) { $data[0] = '' . $c['action'] . ' by ' . $c['id_user'] . ''; $data[0] .= '

' . date ($config["date_format"], $c['utimestamp']) . ''; $data[1] = $c['comment']; $table_comments->data[] = $data; } break; case 'old': $comments_array = explode('
',$event_comments); // Split comments and put in table $col = 0; $data = array(); foreach ($comments_array as $c) { switch ($col) { case 0: $row_text = preg_replace('/\s*--\s*/',"",$c); $row_text = preg_replace('/\<\/b\>/',"",$row_text); $row_text = preg_replace('/\[/',"

[",$row_text); $row_text = preg_replace('/[\[|\]]/',"",$row_text); break; case 1: $row_text = preg_replace("/[\r\n|\r|\n]/","
",io_safe_output(strip_tags($c))); break; } $data[$col] = $row_text; $col++; if($col == 2) { $col = 0; $table_comments->data[] = $data; $data = array(); } } if (count($comments_array) == 1 && $comments_array[0] == '') { $table_comments->style[0] = 'text-align:center;'; $table_comments->colspan[0][0] = 2; $data = array(); $data[0] = __('There are no comments'); $table_comments->data[] = $data; } break; } if ((tags_checks_event_acl($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EM", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids)) || (tags_checks_event_acl($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EW", $event['clean_tags'],$childrens_ids))) { $comments_form = '
'.html_print_textarea("comment", 3, 10, '', 'style="min-height: 15px; width: 100%;"', true); $comments_form .= '
'.html_print_button(__('Add comment'),'comment_button',false,'event_comment();','class="sub next"',true).'

'; } else { $comments_form = ''; } $comments = '
'.$comments_form.html_print_table($table_comments, true).'
'; return $comments; } function events_clean_tags ($tags) { if(empty($tags)) { return array(); } $event_tags = tags_get_tags_formatted ($tags, false); return explode(',',str_replace(' ','',$event_tags)); } /** * Get all the events happened in a group during a period of time. * * The returned events will be in the time interval ($date - $period, $date] * * @param mixed $id_group Group id to get events for. * @param int $period Period of time in seconds to get events. * @param int $date Beginning date to get events. * * @return array An array with all the events happened. */ function events_get_count_events_by_agent ($id_group, $period, $date, $filter_event_severity = false, $filter_event_type = false, $filter_event_status = false, $filter_event_filter_search = false) { global $config; //date if (!is_numeric ($date)) { $date = strtotime ($date); } if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } //group $id_group = groups_safe_acl ($config["id_user"], $id_group, "AR"); if (empty ($id_group)) { //An empty array means the user doesn't have access return false; } $datelimit = $date - $period; $sql_where = ''; $severity_all = 0; if (!empty($filter_event_severity)) { foreach ($filter_event_severity as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $severity_all = 1; break; case 34: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '3, 4'; break; case 20: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6'; break; case 21: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '4, 2'; break; default: break; } } if(!$severity_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND criticity IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_severity) . ')'; } } $status_all = 0; if(!empty($filter_event_status)){ foreach ($filter_event_status as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $status_all = 1; break; case 3: $filter_event_status[$key] = ('0, 2'); default: break; } } if(!$status_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND estado IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_status) . ')'; } } if (!empty($filter_event_type) && $filter_event_type[0] != 'all') { $sql_where .= ' AND ('; $type = array(); foreach ($filter_event_type as $event_type) { if ($event_type != "") { // If normal, warning, could be several (going_up_warning, going_down_warning... too complex // for the user so for him is presented only "warning, critical and normal" if ($event_type == "warning" || $event_type == "critical" || $event_type == "normal") { $type[] = " event_type LIKE '%$event_type%' "; } else if ($event_type == "not_normal") { $type[] = " (event_type LIKE '%warning%' OR event_type LIKE '%critical%' OR event_type LIKE '%unknown%') "; } else if ($event_type != "all") { $type[] = " event_type = '" . $event_type."'"; } } } $sql_where .= implode(' OR ', $type) . ')'; } if (!empty($filter_event_filter_search)) { $sql_where .= ' AND (evento LIKE "%'. io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%"'. ' OR id_evento LIKE "%' . io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%")'; } $sql = sprintf ('SELECT id_agente, (SELECT t2.nombre FROM tagente t2 WHERE t2.id_agente = t3.id_agente) AS agent_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM tevento t3 WHERE utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d AND id_grupo IN (%s) %s GROUP BY id_agente', $datelimit, $date, implode (",", $id_group), $sql_where); $rows = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); if ($rows == false) $rows = array(); $return = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $agent_name = $row['agent_name']; if (empty($row['agent_name'])) { $agent_name = __('Pandora System'); } $return[$agent_name] = $row['count']; } return $return; } /** * Get all the events happened in a group during a period of time. * * The returned events will be in the time interval ($date - $period, $date] * * @param mixed $id_group Group id to get events for. * @param int $period Period of time in seconds to get events. * @param int $date Beginning date to get events. * * @return array An array with all the events happened. */ function events_get_count_events_validated_by_user ($filter, $period, $date, $filter_event_severity = false, $filter_event_type = false, $filter_event_status = false, $filter_event_filter_search = false) { global $config; //group $sql_filter = ' AND 1=1 '; if (isset($filter['id_group'])) { $id_group = groups_safe_acl ($config["id_user"], $filter['id_group'], "AR"); if (empty ($id_group)) { //An empty array means the user doesn't have access return false; } $sql_filter .= sprintf(' AND id_grupo IN (%s) ', implode (",", $id_group)); } if (!empty($filter['id_agent'])) { $sql_filter .= sprintf(' AND id_agente = %d ', $filter['id_agent']); } if(!empty($filter['id_agentmodule'])){ $sql_filter .= sprintf(' AND id_agentmodule = %d ', $filter['id_agentmodule']); } //date if (!is_numeric ($date)) { $date = strtotime ($date); } if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } $datelimit = $date - $period; $sql_where = ''; $severity_all = 0; if (!empty($filter_event_severity)) { foreach ($filter_event_severity as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $severity_all = 1; break; case 34: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '3, 4'; break; case 20: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6'; break; case 21: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '4, 2'; break; default: break; } } if(!$severity_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND criticity IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_severity) . ')'; } } $status_all = 0; if(!empty($filter_event_status)){ foreach ($filter_event_status as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $status_all = 1; break; case 3: $filter_event_status[$key] = ('0, 2'); default: break; } } if(!$status_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND estado IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_status) . ')'; } } if (!empty($filter_event_type) && $filter_event_type[0] != 'all') { $sql_where .= ' AND ('; $type = array(); foreach ($filter_event_type as $event_type) { if ($event_type != "") { // If normal, warning, could be several (going_up_warning, going_down_warning... too complex // for the user so for him is presented only "warning, critical and normal" if ($event_type == "warning" || $event_type == "critical" || $event_type == "normal") { $type[] = " event_type LIKE '%$event_type%' "; } else if ($event_type == "not_normal") { $type[] = " (event_type LIKE '%warning%' OR event_type LIKE '%critical%' OR event_type LIKE '%unknown%') "; } else if ($event_type != "all") { $type[] = " event_type = '" . $event_type."'"; } } } $sql_where .= implode(' OR ', $type) . ')'; } if (!empty($filter_event_filter_search)) { $sql_where .= ' AND (evento LIKE "%'. io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%"'. ' OR id_evento LIKE "%' . io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%")'; } $sql = sprintf ('SELECT id_usuario, (SELECT t2.fullname FROM tusuario t2 WHERE t2.id_user = t3.id_usuario) AS user_name, COUNT(*) AS count FROM tevento t3 WHERE utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d %s %s GROUP BY id_usuario', $datelimit, $date, $sql_filter, $sql_where); $rows = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); if ($rows == false) $rows = array(); $return = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $user_name = $row['user_name']; if (empty($row['user_name'])) { $user_name = __('Unknown'); } $return[$user_name] = $row['count']; } return $return; } /** * Get all the events happened in a group during a period of time. * * The returned events will be in the time interval ($date - $period, $date] * * @param mixed $id_group Group id to get events for. * @param int $period Period of time in seconds to get events. * @param int $date Beginning date to get events. * * @return array An array with all the events happened. */ function events_get_count_events_by_criticity ($filter, $period, $date, $filter_event_severity = false, $filter_event_type = false, $filter_event_status = false, $filter_event_filter_search = false) { global $config; $sql_filter = ' AND 1=1 '; if (isset($filter['id_group'])) { $id_group = groups_safe_acl ($config["id_user"], $filter['id_group'], "AR"); if (empty ($id_group)) { //An empty array means the user doesn't have access return false; } $sql_filter .= sprintf(' AND id_grupo IN (%s) ', implode (",", $id_group)); } if (!empty($filter['id_agent'])) { $sql_filter .= sprintf(' AND id_agente = %d ', $filter['id_agent']); } if(!empty($filter['id_agentmodule'])){ $sql_filter .= sprintf(' AND id_agentmodule = %d ', $filter['id_agentmodule']); } if (!is_numeric ($date)) { $date = strtotime ($date); } if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } $datelimit = $date - $period; $sql_where = ''; $severity_all = 0; if (!empty($filter_event_severity)) { foreach ($filter_event_severity as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $severity_all = 1; break; case 34: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '3, 4'; break; case 20: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6'; break; case 21: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '4, 2'; break; default: break; } } if(!$severity_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND criticity IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_severity) . ')'; } } $status_all = 0; if(!empty($filter_event_status)){ foreach ($filter_event_status as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $status_all = 1; break; case 3: $filter_event_status[$key] = ('0, 2'); default: break; } } if(!$status_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND estado IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_status) . ')'; } } if (!empty($filter_event_type) && $filter_event_type[0] != 'all') { $sql_where .= ' AND ('; $type = array(); foreach ($filter_event_type as $event_type) { if ($event_type != "") { // If normal, warning, could be several (going_up_warning, going_down_warning... too complex // for the user so for him is presented only "warning, critical and normal" if ($event_type == "warning" || $event_type == "critical" || $event_type == "normal") { $type[] = " event_type LIKE '%$event_type%' "; } else if ($event_type == "not_normal") { $type[] = " (event_type LIKE '%warning%' OR event_type LIKE '%critical%' OR event_type LIKE '%unknown%') "; } else if ($event_type != "all") { $type[] = " event_type = '" . $event_type."'"; } } } $sql_where .= implode(' OR ', $type) . ')'; } if (!empty($filter_event_filter_search)) { $sql_where .= ' AND (evento LIKE "%'. io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%"'. ' OR id_evento LIKE "%' . io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%")'; } $sql = sprintf ('SELECT criticity, COUNT(*) AS count FROM tevento WHERE utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d %s %s GROUP BY criticity', $datelimit, $date, $sql_filter, $sql_where); $rows = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); if ($rows == false) $rows = array(); $return = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $return[get_priority_name($row['criticity'])] = $row['count']; } return $return; } /** * Get all the events happened in a group during a period of time. * * The returned events will be in the time interval ($date - $period, $date] * * @param mixed $id_group Group id to get events for. * @param int $period Period of time in seconds to get events. * @param int $date Beginning date to get events. * * @return array An array with all the events happened. */ function events_get_count_events_validated ($filter, $period = null, $date = null, $filter_event_severity = false, $filter_event_type = false, $filter_event_status = false, $filter_event_filter_search = false) { global $config; //group $sql_filter = " 1=1 "; if (isset($filter['id_group'])) { $id_group = groups_safe_acl ($config["id_user"], $filter['id_group'], "AR"); if (empty ($id_group)) { //An empty array means the user doesn't have access return false; } $sql_filter .= sprintf(" AND id_grupo IN (%s) ", implode (",", $id_group)); } //agent if (!empty($filter['id_agent'])) { $sql_filter .= sprintf(" AND id_agente = %d ", $filter['id_agent']); } //module if(!empty($filter['id_agentmodule'])){ $sql_filter .= sprintf(' AND id_agentmodule = %d ', $filter['id_agentmodule']); } //date if (!is_numeric ($date)) { $date = strtotime ($date); } if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } $date_filter = ''; if (!empty($date) && !empty($period)) { $datelimit = $date - $period; $date_filter .= sprintf (" AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d ", $datelimit, $date); } else if (!empty($period)) { $date = time(); $datelimit = $date - $period; $date_filter .= sprintf (" AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d ", $datelimit, $date); } else if (!empty($date)) { $date_filter .= sprintf (" AND utimestamp <= %d ", $date); } $sql_where = ''; $severity_all = 0; if (!empty($filter_event_severity)) { foreach ($filter_event_severity as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $severity_all = 1; break; case 34: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '3, 4'; break; case 20: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6'; break; case 21: $filter_event_severity[$key] = '4, 2'; break; default: break; } } if(!$severity_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND criticity IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_severity) . ')'; } } $status_all = 0; if(!empty($filter_event_status)){ foreach ($filter_event_status as $key => $value) { switch ($value) { case -1: $status_all = 1; break; case 3: $filter_event_status[$key] = ('0, 2'); default: break; } } if(!$status_all){ $sql_where .= ' AND estado IN (' . implode(', ', $filter_event_status) . ')'; } } if (!empty($filter_event_type) && $filter_event_type[0] != 'all') { $sql_where .= ' AND ('; $type = array(); foreach ($filter_event_type as $event_type) { if ($event_type != "") { // If normal, warning, could be several (going_up_warning, going_down_warning... too complex // for the user so for him is presented only "warning, critical and normal" if ($event_type == "warning" || $event_type == "critical" || $event_type == "normal") { $type[] = " event_type LIKE '%$event_type%' "; } else if ($event_type == "not_normal") { $type[] = " (event_type LIKE '%warning%' OR event_type LIKE '%critical%' OR event_type LIKE '%unknown%') "; } else if ($event_type != "all") { $type[] = " event_type = '" . $event_type."'"; } } } $sql_where .= implode(' OR ', $type) . ')'; } if (!empty($filter_event_filter_search)) { $sql_where .= ' AND (evento LIKE "%'. io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%"'. ' OR id_evento LIKE "%' . io_safe_input($filter_event_filter_search) . '%")'; } $sql = sprintf ("SELECT estado, COUNT(*) AS count FROM tevento WHERE %s %s GROUP BY estado", $sql_filter, $sql_where); $rows = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); if ($rows == false) $rows = array(); $return = array_reduce($rows, function($carry, $item) { $status = (int) $item['estado']; $count = (int) $item['count']; if ($status === 1) { $carry[__('Validated')] += $count; } else if ($status === 0) { $carry[__('Not validated')] += $count; } return $carry; }, array(__('Validated') => 0, __('Not validated') => 0)); return $return; } function events_checks_event_tags($event_data, $acltags) { global $config; if (empty($acltags[$event_data['id_grupo']])) { return true; } else { $tags_arr_acl = explode(',',$acltags[$event_data['id_grupo']]); $tags_arr_event = explode(',',$event_data['tags']); foreach ($tags_arr_acl as $tag) { $tag_name = tags_get_name($tag); if (in_array($tag_name, $tags_arr_event)) { return true; } else { $has_tag = false; } } if (!$has_tag) { return false; } } return false; } function events_get_events_grouped_by_agent($sql_post, $offset = 0, $pagination = 1, $meta = false, $history = false, $total = false) { global $config; $table = events_get_events_table($meta, $history); if ($meta) { $fields_extra = ', agent_name, server_id'; $groupby_extra = ', server_id'; } else { $groupby_extra = ''; $fields_extra = ''; } switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": if ($total) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (select id_agente from $table WHERE 1=1 $sql_post GROUP BY id_agente, event_type$groupby_extra ORDER BY id_agente ) AS t"; } else { $sql = "select id_agente, count(*) as total$fields_extra from $table WHERE id_agente > 0 $sql_post GROUP BY id_agente$groupby_extra ORDER BY id_agente LIMIT $offset,$pagination"; } break; case 'postgresql': if ($total) { } else { $sql = "select id_agente, count(*) as total$fields_extra from $table WHERE id_agente > 0 $sql_post GROUP BY id_agente$groupby_extra ORDER BY id_agente LIMIT $offset,$pagination"; } break; case 'oracle': if ($total) { } else { $set = array(); $set['limit'] = $pagination; $set['offset'] = $offset; $sql = "select id_agente, count(*) as total$fields_extra from $table WHERE id_agente > 0 $sql_post GROUP BY id_agente, event_type$groupby_extra ORDER BY id_agente "; $sql = oracle_recode_query ($sql, $set); } break; } $result = array(); //Extract the events by filter (or not) from db $events = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); $result = array(); if ($events) { foreach ($events as $event) { if ($meta) { $sql = "select event_type from $table WHERE agent_name = '".$event['agent_name']."' $sql_post ORDER BY utimestamp DESC "; $resultado = db_get_row_sql($sql); $id_agente = $event['agent_name']; $result[] = array('total' => $event['total'], 'id_server' => $event['server_id'], 'id_agent' => $id_agente, 'event_type' => $resultado['event_type']); } else { $sql = "select event_type from $table WHERE id_agente = ".$event['id_agente']." $sql_post ORDER BY utimestamp DESC "; $resultado = db_get_row_sql($sql); $id_agente = $event['id_agente']; $result[] = array('total' => $event['total'], 'id_agent' => $id_agente, 'event_type' => $resultado['event_type']); } } } return $result; } function events_sql_events_grouped_agents($id_agent, $server_id = -1, $event_type = '', $severity = -1, $status = 3, $search = '', $id_agent_module = 0, $event_view_hr = 8, $id_user_ack = false, $tag_with = array(), $tag_without = array(), $filter_only_alert = false, $date_from = '', $date_to = '', $id_user = false, $server_id_search = false) { global $config; $sql_post = ' 1 = 1 '; $meta = false; if (is_metaconsole()) $meta = true; switch ($status) { case 0: case 1: case 2: $sql_post .= " AND estado = " . $status; break; case 3: $sql_post .= " AND (estado = 0 OR estado = 2)"; break; } if ($search != "") { $sql_post .= " AND (evento LIKE '%". io_safe_input($search) . "%' OR id_evento LIKE '%$search%')"; } if ($event_type != "") { // If normal, warning, could be several (going_up_warning, going_down_warning... too complex // for the user so for him is presented only "warning, critical and normal" if ($event_type == "warning" || $event_type == "critical" || $event_type == "normal") { $sql_post .= " AND event_type LIKE '%$event_type%' "; } else if ($event_type == "not_normal") { $sql_post .= " AND (event_type LIKE '%warning%' OR event_type LIKE '%critical%' OR event_type LIKE '%unknown%') "; } else if ($event_type != "all") { $sql_post .= " AND event_type = '" . $event_type."'"; } } if ($severity != -1) { switch ($severity) { case EVENT_CRIT_WARNING_OR_CRITICAL: $sql_post .= " AND (criticity = " . EVENT_CRIT_WARNING . " OR criticity = " . EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL . ")"; break; case EVENT_CRIT_OR_NORMAL: $sql_post .= " AND (criticity = " . EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL . " OR criticity = " . EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL . ")"; break; case EVENT_CRIT_NOT_NORMAL: $sql_post .= " AND criticity != " . EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL; break; default: $sql_post .= " AND criticity = $severity"; break; } } // In metaconsole mode the agent search is performed by name if ($meta) { if ($id_agent != __('All')) { $sql_post .= " AND agent_name LIKE '%$id_agent%'"; } } else { switch ($id_agent) { case 0: break; case -1: // Agent doesnt exist. No results will returned $sql_post .= " AND 1 = 0"; break; default: $sql_post .= " AND id_agente = " . $id_agent; break; } } if ($meta) { //There is another filter. } else { if (!empty($text_module)) { $sql_post .= " AND id_agentmodule IN ( SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE nombre = '$text_module' )"; } } if ($id_user_ack != "0") $sql_post .= " AND id_usuario = '" . $id_user_ack . "'"; if (!isset($date_from)) { $date_from = ""; } if (!isset($date_to)) { $date_to = ""; } if (($date_from == '') && ($date_to == '')) { if ($event_view_hr > 0) { $unixtime = get_system_time () - ($event_view_hr * SECONDS_1HOUR); $sql_post .= " AND (utimestamp > " . $unixtime . ")"; } } else { if ($date_from != '') { $udate_from = strtotime($date_from . " 00:00:00"); $sql_post .= " AND (utimestamp >= " . $udate_from . ")"; } if ($date_to != '') { $udate_to = strtotime($date_to . " 23:59:59"); $sql_post .= " AND (utimestamp <= " . $udate_to . ")"; } } //Search by tag if (!empty($tag_with)) { $sql_post .= ' AND ( '; $first = true; foreach ($tag_with as $id_tag) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql_post .= " OR "; $sql_post .= "tags = '" . tags_get_name($id_tag) . "'"; } $sql_post .= ' ) '; } if (!empty($tag_without)) { $sql_post .= ' AND ( '; $first = true; foreach ($tag_without as $id_tag) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql_post .= " AND "; $sql_post .= "tags <> '" . tags_get_name($id_tag) . "'"; } $sql_post .= ' ) '; } // Filter/Only alerts if (isset($filter_only_alert)) { if ($filter_only_alert == 0) $sql_post .= " AND event_type NOT LIKE '%alert%'"; else if ($filter_only_alert == 1) $sql_post .= " AND event_type LIKE '%alert%'"; } // Tags ACLS if ($id_group > 0 && in_array ($id_group, array_keys ($groups))) { $group_array = (array) $id_group; } else { $group_array = array_keys($groups); } $tags_acls_condition = tags_get_acl_tags($id_user, $group_array, 'ER', 'event_condition', 'AND', '', $meta, array(), true); //FORCE CHECK SQL "(TAG = tag1 AND id_grupo = 1)" if (($tags_acls_condition != ERR_WRONG_PARAMETERS) && ($tags_acls_condition != ERR_ACL)&& ($tags_acls_condition != -110000)) { $sql_post .= $tags_acls_condition; } // Metaconsole fitlers if ($meta) { if ($server_id_search) { $sql_post .= " AND server_id = " . $server_id_search; } else { $enabled_nodes = db_get_all_rows_sql(' SELECT id FROM tmetaconsole_setup WHERE disabled = 0'); if (empty($enabled_nodes)) { $sql_post .= ' AND 1 = 0'; } else { if ($strict_user == 1) { $enabled_nodes_id = array(); } else { $enabled_nodes_id = array(0); } foreach ($enabled_nodes as $en) { $enabled_nodes_id[] = $en['id']; } $sql_post .= ' AND server_id IN (' . implode(',',$enabled_nodes_id) . ')'; } } } return $sql_post; } function events_list_events_grouped_agents($sql) { global $config; $table = events_get_events_table(is_metaconsole(), $history); $sql = "select * from $table WHERE $sql"; $result = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); $group_rep = 0; $meta = is_metaconsole(); //fields that the user has selected to show if ($meta) { $show_fields = events_meta_get_custom_fields_user(); } else { $show_fields = explode (',', $config['event_fields']); } //headers $i = 0; $table = new stdClass(); if(!isset($table->width)) { $table->width = '100%'; } $table->id = "eventtable"; $table->cellpadding = 4; $table->cellspacing = 4; if(!isset($table->class)) { $table->class = "databox data"; } $table->head = array (); $table->data = array (); $table->head[$i] = __('ID'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; if (in_array('server_name', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Server'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('estado', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Status'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('id_evento', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Event ID'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('evento', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Event Name'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $table->style[$i] = 'min-width: 200px; max-width: 350px; word-break: break-all;'; $i++; } if (in_array('id_agente', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Agent name'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $table->style[$i] = 'max-width: 350px; word-break: break-all;'; $i++; } if (in_array('timestamp', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Timestamp'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('id_usuario', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('User'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('owner_user', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Owner'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('id_grupo', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Group'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('event_type', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Event type'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $table->style[$i] = 'min-width: 85px;'; $i++; } if (in_array('id_agentmodule', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Agent Module'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('id_alert_am', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Alert'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('criticity', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Severity'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('user_comment', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Comment'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('tags', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Tags'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('source', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Source'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('id_extra', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Extra ID'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('ack_utimestamp', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('ACK Timestamp'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if (in_array('instructions', $show_fields)) { $table->head[$i] = __('Instructions'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($i != 0 && $allow_action) { $table->head[$i] = __('Action'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $table->size[$i] = '90px'; $i++; if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], 0, "EW") == 1 && !$readonly) { $table->head[$i] = html_print_checkbox ("all_validate_box", "1", false, true); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; } } if ($meta) { // Get info of the all servers to use it on hash auth $servers_url_hash = metaconsole_get_servers_url_hash(); $servers = metaconsole_get_servers(); } $show_delete_button = false; $show_validate_button = false; $idx = 0; //Arrange data. We already did ACL's in the query foreach ($result as $event) { $data = array (); if ($meta) { $event['server_url_hash'] = $servers_url_hash[$event['server_id']]; $event['server_url'] = $servers[$event['server_id']]['server_url']; $event['server_name'] = $servers[$event['server_id']]['server_name']; } // Clean url from events and store in array $event['clean_tags'] = events_clean_tags($event['tags']); //First pass along the class of this row $myclass = get_priority_class ($event["criticity"]); //print status $estado = $event["estado"]; // Colored box switch($estado) { case EVENT_NEW: $img_st = "images/star.png"; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case EVENT_VALIDATE: $img_st = "images/tick.png"; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case EVENT_PROCESS: $img_st = "images/hourglass.png"; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } $i = 0; $data[$i] = "#".$event["id_evento"]; $table->cellstyle[count($table->data)][$i] = 'background: #F3F3F3; color: #111 !important;'; // Pass grouped values in hidden fields to use it from modal window if ($group_rep) { $similar_ids = $event['similar_ids']; $timestamp_first = $event['timestamp_rep_min']; $timestamp_last = $event['timestamp_rep']; } else { $similar_ids = $event["id_evento"]; $timestamp_first = $event['utimestamp']; $timestamp_last = $event['utimestamp']; } // Store group data to show in extended view $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('similar_ids_' . $event["id_evento"], $similar_ids, true); $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('timestamp_first_' . $event["id_evento"], $timestamp_first, true); $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('timestamp_last_' . $event["id_evento"], $timestamp_last, true); $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('childrens_ids', json_encode($childrens_ids), true); // Store server id if is metaconsole. 0 otherwise if ($meta) { $server_id = $event['server_id']; // If meta activated, propagate the id of the event on node (source id) $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('source_id_' . $event["id_evento"], $event['id_source_event'], true); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; } else { $server_id = 0; } $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('server_id_' . $event["id_evento"], $server_id, true); if (empty($event['event_rep'])) { $event['event_rep'] = 0; } $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('event_rep_'.$event["id_evento"], $event['event_rep'], true); // Store concat comments to show in extended view $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('user_comment_'.$event["id_evento"], base64_encode($event['user_comment']), true); $i++; if (in_array('server_name',$show_fields)) { if ($meta) { if (can_user_access_node ()) { $data[$i] = "" . $event["server_name"] . ""; } else { $data[$i] = $event["server_name"]; } } else { $data[$i] = db_get_value('name','tserver'); } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('estado',$show_fields)) { $data[$i] = html_print_image ($img_st, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "title" => $title_st, "id" => 'status_img_'.$event["id_evento"])); $table->cellstyle[count($table->data)][$i] = 'background: #F3F3F3;'; $i++; } if (in_array('id_evento',$show_fields)) { $data[$i] = $event["id_evento"]; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } switch ($event["criticity"]) { default: case 0: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_maintenance.png"; break; case 1: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_informational.png"; break; case 2: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_normal.png"; break; case 3: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_warning.png"; break; case 4: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_critical.png"; break; case 5: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_minor.png"; break; case 6: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_major.png"; break; } if (in_array('evento', $show_fields)) { // Event description $data[$i] = ''; if($allow_action) { $data[$i] .= ''; } $data[$i] .= '' . ui_print_truncate_text (io_safe_output($event["evento"]), 160) . ''; if($allow_action) { $data[$i] .= ''; } $data[$i] .= ''; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('id_agente', $show_fields)) { $data[$i] = ''; if ($event["id_agente"] > 0) { // Agent name if ($meta) { $agent_link = ''; if (can_user_access_node ()) { $data[$i] = '' . $agent_link . $event["agent_name"] . ''; } else { $data[$i] = $event["agent_name"]; } } else { $data[$i] .= ui_print_agent_name($event["id_agente"], true); } } else { $data[$i] .= ''; } $data[$i] .= ''; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('timestamp', $show_fields)) { //Time $data[$i] = ''; if ($group_rep == 1) { $data[$i] .= ui_print_timestamp ($event['timestamp_rep'], true); } else { $data[$i] .= ui_print_timestamp ($event["timestamp"], true); } $data[$i] .= ''; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('id_usuario',$show_fields)) { $user_name = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['id_usuario']); if(empty($user_name)) { $user_name = $event['id_usuario']; } $data[$i] = $user_name; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('owner_user',$show_fields)) { $owner_name = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['owner_user']); if(empty($owner_name)) { $owner_name = $event['owner_user']; } $data[$i] = $owner_name; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('id_grupo',$show_fields)) { if ($meta) { $data[$i] = $event['group_name']; } else { $id_group = $event["id_grupo"]; $group_name = db_get_value('nombre', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $id_group); if ($id_group == 0) { $group_name = __('All'); } $data[$i] = $group_name; } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('event_type',$show_fields)) { $data[$i] = events_print_type_description($event["event_type"], true); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('id_agentmodule',$show_fields)) { if ($meta) { $module_link = ''; if (can_user_access_node ()) { $data[$i] = '' . $module_link . $event["module_name"] . ''; } else { $data[$i] = $event["module_name"]; } } else { $module_name = db_get_value('nombre', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $event["id_agentmodule"]); $data[$i] = '' . $module_name . ''; } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('id_alert_am',$show_fields)) { if($meta) { $data[$i] = $event["alert_template_name"]; } else { if ($event["id_alert_am"] != 0) { $sql = 'SELECT name FROM talert_templates WHERE id IN (SELECT id_alert_template FROM talert_template_modules WHERE id = ' . $event["id_alert_am"] . ');'; $templateName = db_get_sql($sql); $data[$i] = ''.$templateName.''; } else { $data[$i] = ''; } } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('criticity',$show_fields)) { $data[$i] = get_priority_name ($event["criticity"]); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('user_comment',$show_fields)) { $safe_event_user_comment = strip_tags(io_safe_output($event["user_comment"])); $line_breaks = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"); $safe_event_user_comment = str_replace($line_breaks, '
', $safe_event_user_comment); $event_user_comments = json_decode($safe_event_user_comment, true); $event_user_comment_str = ""; if (!empty($event_user_comments)) { $last_key = key(array_slice($event_user_comments, -1, 1, true)); $date_format = $config['date_format']; foreach ($event_user_comments as $key => $event_user_comment) { $event_user_comment_str .= sprintf('%s: %s
%s: %s
%s: %s
', __('Date'), date($date_format, $event_user_comment['utimestamp']), __('User'), $event_user_comment['id_user'], __('Comment'), $event_user_comment['comment']); if ($key != $last_key) { $event_user_comment_str .= '
'; } } } $comments_help_tip = ""; if (!empty($event_user_comment_str)) { $comments_help_tip = ui_print_help_tip($event_user_comment_str, true); } $data[$i] = '' . $comments_help_tip . ''; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('tags',$show_fields)) { $data[$i] = tags_get_tags_formatted($event['tags']); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('source',$show_fields)) { $data[$i] = $event["source"]; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('id_extra',$show_fields)) { $data[$i] = $event["id_extra"]; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('ack_utimestamp',$show_fields)) { if ($event["ack_utimestamp"] == 0) { $data[$i] = ''; } else { $data[$i] = date ($config["date_format"], $event['ack_utimestamp']); } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if (in_array('instructions',$show_fields)) { switch($event['event_type']) { case 'going_unknown': if(!empty($event["unknown_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["unknown_instructions"])))); } break; case 'going_up_critical': case 'going_down_critical': if(!empty($event["critical_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["critical_instructions"])))); } break; case 'going_down_warning': if(!empty($event["warning_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["warning_instructions"])))); } break; case 'system': if(!empty($event["critical_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["critical_instructions"])))); } elseif(!empty($event["warning_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["warning_instructions"])))); } elseif(!empty($event["unknown_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","
", io_safe_output($event["unknown_instructions"])))); } break; } if (!isset($data[$i])) { $data[$i] = ''; } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($i != 0 && $allow_action) { //Actions $data[$i] = ''; if(!$readonly) { // Validate event if (($event["estado"] != 1) && (tags_checks_event_acl ($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EW", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids))) { $show_validate_button = true; $data[$i] .= ''; $data[$i] .= html_print_image ("images/ok.png", true, array ("title" => __('Validate event'))); $data[$i] .= ''; } // Delete event if ((tags_checks_event_acl($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EM", $event['clean_tags'],$childrens_ids) == 1)) { if($event['estado'] != 2) { $show_delete_button = true; $data[$i] .= ''; $data[$i] .= html_print_image ("images/cross.png", true, array ("title" => __('Delete event'), "id" => 'delete_cross_' . $event['id_evento'])); $data[$i] .= ''; } else { $data[$i] .= html_print_image ("images/cross.disabled.png", true, array ("title" => __('Is not allowed delete events in process'))).' '; } } } $data[$i] .= ''; $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('event_title_'.$event["id_evento"], "#".$event["id_evento"]." - ".$event["evento"], true); $data[$i] .= html_print_image ("images/eye.png", true, array ("title" => __('Show more'))); $data[$i] .= ''; $table->cellstyle[count($table->data)][$i] = 'background: #F3F3F3;'; $i++; if(!$readonly) { if (tags_checks_event_acl ($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EM", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids) == 1) { //Checkbox // Class 'candeleted' must be the fist class to be parsed from javascript. Dont change $data[$i] = html_print_checkbox_extended ("validate_ids[]", $event['id_evento'], false, false, false, 'class="candeleted chk_val"', true); } else if (tags_checks_event_acl ($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EW", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids) == 1) { //Checkbox $data[$i] = html_print_checkbox_extended ("validate_ids[]", $event['id_evento'], false, false, false, 'class="chk_val"', true); } else if (isset($table->header[$i]) || true) { $data[$i] = ''; } } $table->cellstyle[count($table->data)][$i] = 'background: #F3F3F3;'; } array_push ($table->data, $data); $idx++; } return html_print_table($table,true); } ?>