"; if (empty($graph)) { echo "var graph = null;\n"; return; } else { echo "var graph = \n"; } } echo "{\n"; echo "'nodes' : \n"; echo "[\n"; $first = true; foreach ($graph['nodes'] as $id => $node) { if (!$first) { echo ",\n"; } $first = false; echo "{ 'id' : ".$id.", 'name' : '".$node['label']."', 'url' : '".$node['url']."', 'tooltip' : '".$node['tooltip']."', 'default_tooltip' : 1, 'tooltip_content' : ' ".html_print_image('images/spinner.gif', true)."', 'color' : '".$node['color']."'}\n"; } echo "],\n"; echo "'links' : \n"; echo "[\n"; $first = true; foreach ($graph['lines'] as $line) { if (!$first) { echo ",\n"; } $first = false; echo "{ 'source' : ".$line['source'].", 'target' : ".$line['target']."}\n"; } echo "]\n"; echo "}\n"; if ($js_tags) { echo ";\n"; echo ''; } } function networkmap_generate_hash( $pandora_name, $group=0, $simple=0, $font_size=12, $layout='radial', $nooverlap=0, $zoom=1, $ranksep=2.5, $center=0, $regen=1, $pure=0, $id_networkmap=0, $show_snmp_modules=0, $cut_names=true, $relative=false, $text_filter='' ) { $graph = networkmap_generate_dot( $pandora_name, $group, $simple, $font_size, $layout, $nooverlap, $zoom, $ranksep, $center, $regen, $pure, $id_networkmap, $show_snmp_modules, $cut_names, $relative, $text_filter, false, null, false, $strict_user ); $return = []; if (!empty($graph)) { $graph = str_replace("\r", "\n", $graph); $graph = str_replace("\n", ' ', $graph); // Removed the head preg_match('/graph networkmap {(.*)}/', $graph, $matches); $graph = $matches[1]; // Get the lines and nodes $tokens = preg_split('/; /', $graph); foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (empty($token)) { continue; } // Ignore the head rests. if (preg_match('/(.+)\s*\[(.*)\]/', $token) != 0) { $items[] = $token; } } $lines = $nodes = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $matches = null; preg_match('/(.+)\s*\[(.*)\]/', $item, $matches); if (empty($matches)) { continue; } $id_item = trim($matches[1]); $content_item = trim($matches[2]); // Check if is a edge or node if (strstr($id_item, '--') !== false) { // edge $lines[$id_item] = $content_item; } else { // node $id_item = (int) $id_item; $nodes[$id_item] = $content_item; } } foreach ($nodes as $key => $node) { if ($key != 0) { // Get label $matches = null; preg_match('/label=(.*),/', $node, $matches); $label = $matches[1]; $matches = null; preg_match( '/\\(.*?)\<\/TD\>\<\/TR\>/', $label, $matches ); $label = str_replace($matches[0], '', $label); $matches = null; preg_match( '/\\(.*?)\<\/TD\>\<\/TR\>/', $label, $matches ); $label = $matches[1]; // Get color $matches = null; preg_match('/color="([^"]*)/', $node, $matches); $color = $matches[1]; // Get tooltip $matches = null; preg_match('/tooltip="([^"]*)/', $node, $matches); $tooltip = $matches[1]; // Get URL $matches = null; preg_match('/URL="([^"]*)/', $node, $matches); $url = $matches[1]; $return['nodes'][$key]['label'] = $label; $return['nodes'][$key]['color'] = $color; $return['nodes'][$key]['tooltip'] = $tooltip; $return['nodes'][$key]['url'] = $url; } else { // Get tooltip $matches = null; preg_match('/tooltip="([^"]*)/', $node, $matches); $tooltip = $matches[1]; // Get URL $matches = null; preg_match('/URL="([^"]*)/', $node, $matches); $url = $matches[1]; $return['nodes'][$key]['label'] = 'Pandora FMS'; $return['nodes'][$key]['color'] = '#7EBE3F'; $return['nodes'][$key]['tooltip'] = $tooltip; $return['nodes'][$key]['url'] = $url; } } ksort($return['nodes']); foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { $data = []; $points = explode(' -- ', $key); $data['source'] = (int) $points[0]; $data['target'] = (int) $points[1]; $return['lines'][] = $data; } } return $return; } function networkmap_check_exists_edge_between_nodes($edges, $node_a, $node_b) { $relation = false; if (is_array($edges[$node_a])) { if (array_search($node_b, $edges[$node_a]) !== false) { $relation = true; } } else { if ($edges[$node_a] == $node_b) { $relation = true; } } if (is_array($edges[$node_b])) { if (array_search($node_a, $edges[$node_b]) !== false) { $relation = true; } } else { if ($edges[$node_b] == $node_a) { $relation = true; } } return $relation; } function networkmap_generate_dot( $pandora_name, $group=0, $simple=0, $font_size=12, $layout='radial', $nooverlap=0, $zoom=1, $ranksep=2.5, $center=0, $regen=1, $pure=0, $id_networkmap=0, $show_snmp_modules=0, $cut_names=true, $relative=false, $text_filter='', $ip_mask=null, $dont_show_subgroups=false, $strict_user=false, $size_canvas=null, $old_mode=false, $map_filter=[] ) { global $config; $nooverlap = 1; $parents = []; $orphans = []; $filter = []; $filter['disabled'] = 0; if (!empty($text_filter)) { $filter[] = '(nombre COLLATE utf8_general_ci LIKE "%'.$text_filter.'%")'; } if ($group >= 1) { if ($dont_show_subgroups) { $filter['id_grupo'] = $group; } else { $childrens = groups_get_childrens($group, null, true); if (!empty($childrens)) { $childrens = array_keys($childrens); $filter['id_grupo'] = $childrens; $filter['id_grupo'][] = $group; } else { $filter['id_grupo'] = $group; } } // Order by id_parent ascendant for to avoid the bugs // because the first agents to process in the next // foreach loop are without parent (id_parent = 0) // Get agents data $agents = agents_get_agents( $filter, [ 'id_grupo', 'nombre', 'id_os', 'id_parent', 'id_agente', 'normal_count', 'warning_count', 'critical_count', 'unknown_count', 'total_count', 'notinit_count', ], 'AR', [ 'field' => 'id_parent', 'order' => 'ASC', ] ); } else if ($group == -666) { $agents = false; } else if (!empty($ip_mask)) { $agents = networkmap_get_new_nodes_from_ip_mask( $ip_mask, [ 'id_grupo', 'nombre', 'id_os', 'id_parent', 'id_agente', 'normal_count', 'warning_count', 'critical_count', 'unknown_count', 'total_count', 'notinit_count', ], $strict_user ); } else { $agents = agents_get_agents( $filter, [ 'id_grupo', 'nombre', 'id_os', 'id_parent', 'id_agente', 'normal_count', 'warning_count', 'critical_count', 'unknown_count', 'total_count', 'notinit_count', ], 'AR', [ 'field' => 'id_parent', 'order' => 'ASC', ] ); } if ($agents === false) { // return false; $agents = []; } // Open Graph $graph = networkmap_open_graph( $layout, $nooverlap, $pure, $zoom, $ranksep, $font_size, $size_canvas, $map_filter ); // Parse agents $nodes = []; // Add node refs $node_ref = []; $modules_node_ref = []; $node_count = 0; foreach ($agents as $agent) { $node_count++; $node_ref[$agent['id_agente']] = $node_count; $agent['id_node'] = $node_count; $agent['type'] = 'agent'; // Add node $nodes[$node_count] = $agent; $filter = []; $filter['disabled'] = 0; // Get agent modules data $modules = agents_get_modules($agent['id_agente'], '*', $filter, true, true); if ($modules === false) { $modules = []; } // Parse modules foreach ($modules as $key => $module) { $node_count ++; $modules_node_ref[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $node_count; $module['id_node'] = $node_count; $module['type'] = 'module'; // Try to get the interface name if (preg_match('/(.+)_ifOperStatus$/', (string) $module['nombre'], $matches)) { if ($matches[1]) { $module['nombre'] = $matches[1]; // Save node parent information to define edges later $parents[$node_count] = $module['parent'] = $agent['id_node']; // Add node $nodes[$node_count] = $module; } } else { $have_relations_a = db_get_value('id', 'tmodule_relationship', 'module_a', $module['id_agente_modulo']); $have_relations_b = db_get_value('id', 'tmodule_relationship', 'module_b', $module['id_agente_modulo']); if ($have_relations_a || $have_relations_b) { // Save node parent information to define edges later $parents[$node_count] = $module['parent'] = $agent['id_node']; // Add node $nodes[$node_count] = $module; } } } } foreach ($modules_node_ref as $id_module => $node_count) { $module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type($id_module); } // Addded the relationship of parents of agents foreach ($agents as $agent) { if ($agent['id_parent'] != '0' && array_key_exists($agent['id_parent'], $node_ref)) { $parents[$node_ref[$agent['id_agente']]] = $node_ref[$agent['id_parent']]; } else { $orphans[$node_ref[$agent['id_agente']]] = 1; } } // Create a central node if orphan nodes exist if (count($orphans) || empty($nodes)) { $graph .= networkmap_create_pandora_node($pandora_name, $font_size, $simple, $stats); } // Define edges for orphan nodes foreach (array_keys($orphans) as $node) { $graph .= networkmap_create_edge('0', $node, $layout, $nooverlap, $pure, $zoom, $ranksep, $simple, $regen, $font_size, $group, 'operation/agentes/networkmap', 'topology', $id_networkmap); } // Create void statistics array $stats = []; $count = 0; $group_nodes = 10; $graph .= networkmap_create_transparent_node($count); foreach (array_keys($orphans) as $node) { if ($group_nodes == 0) { $count++; $graph .= networkmap_create_transparent_node($count); $group_nodes = 10; } $graph .= networkmap_create_transparent_edge( 'transp_'.$count, $node ); $group_nodes--; } // Create nodes foreach ($nodes as $node_id => $node) { if ($center > 0 && ! networkmap_is_descendant($node_id, $center, $parents)) { unset($parents[$node_id]); unset($orphans[$node_id]); unset($nodes[$node_id]); continue; } switch ($node['type']) { case 'agent': $graph .= networkmap_create_agent_node( $node, $simple, $font_size, $cut_names, $relative )."\n\t\t"; $stats['agents'][] = $node['id_agente']; break; case 'module': $graph .= networkmap_create_module_node( $node, $simple, $font_size )."\n\t\t"; $stats['modules'][] = $node['id_agente_modulo']; break; } } // Define edges foreach ($parents as $node => $parent_id) { // Verify that the parent is in the graph if (isset($nodes[$parent_id])) { $graph .= networkmap_create_edge( $parent_id, $node, $layout, $nooverlap, $pure, $zoom, $ranksep, $simple, $regen, $font_size, $group, 'operation/agentes/networkmap', 'topology', $id_networkmap ); } else { $orphans[$node] = 1; } } // Define edges for the module interfaces relations // Get the remote_snmp_proc relations $relations = modules_get_relations(); if ($relations === false) { $relations = []; } foreach ($relations as $key => $relation) { $module_a = $relation['module_a']; $agent_a = modules_get_agentmodule_agent($module_a); $module_b = $relation['module_b']; $agent_b = modules_get_agentmodule_agent($module_b); if (isset($modules_node_ref[$module_a]) && isset($modules_node_ref[$module_b]) ) { $graph .= networkmap_create_edge( $modules_node_ref[$module_a], $modules_node_ref[$module_b], $layout, $nooverlap, $pure, $zoom, $ranksep, $simple, $regen, $font_size, $group, 'operation/agentes/networkmap', 'topology', $id_networkmap ); } else if (isset($node_ref[$agent_a]) && isset($modules_node_ref[$module_b]) ) { $graph .= networkmap_create_edge( $node_ref[$agent_a], $modules_node_ref[$module_b], $layout, $nooverlap, $pure, $zoom, $ranksep, $simple, $regen, $font_size, $group, 'operation/agentes/networkmap', 'topology', $id_networkmap ); } else if (isset($node_ref[$agent_b]) && isset($modules_node_ref[$module_a]) ) { $graph .= networkmap_create_edge( $node_ref[$agent_b], $modules_node_ref[$module_a], $layout, $nooverlap, $pure, $zoom, $ranksep, $simple, $regen, $font_size, $group, 'operation/agentes/networkmap', 'topology', $id_networkmap ); } else if (isset($node_ref[$agent_a]) && isset($node_ref[$agent_b]) ) { $graph .= networkmap_create_edge( $node_ref[$agent_a], $node_ref[$agent_b], $layout, $nooverlap, $pure, $zoom, $ranksep, $simple, $regen, $font_size, $group, 'operation/agentes/networkmap', 'topology', $id_networkmap ); } } // Close graph $graph .= networkmap_close_graph(); return $graph; } // Returns an edge definition function networkmap_create_edge($head, $tail, $layout, $nooverlap, $pure, $zoom, $ranksep, $simple, $regen, $font_size, $group, $sec2='operation/agentes/networkmap', $tab='topology', $id_networkmap=0) { if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $url = ''; } else { $url = 'index.php?sec=estado&'.'sec2='.$sec2.'&'.'tab='.$tab.'&'.'recenter_networkmap=1&'.'center='.$head.'&'.'layout='.$layout.'&'.'nooverlap='.$nooverlap.'&'.'pure='.$pure.'&'.'zoom='.$zoom.'&'.'ranksep='.$ranksep.'&'.'simple='.$simple.'&'.'regen=1'.'&'.'font_size='.$font_size.'&'.'group='.$group.'&'.'id_networkmap='.$id_networkmap; } // edgeURL allows node navigation $edge = "\n".$head.' -- '.$tail.'[color="#BDBDBD", headclip=false, tailclip=false, edgeURL=""];'."\n"; return $edge; } function networkmap_create_transparent_edge($head, $tail) { // edgeURL allows node navigation $edge = "\n".$head.' -- '.$tail.'[color="#00000000", headclip=false, tailclip=false, edgeURL=""];'."\n"; return $edge; } // Returns a group node definition function networkmap_create_group_node($group, $simple=0, $font_size=10, $metaconsole=false, $id_server=null, $strict_user=false) { global $config; global $hack_networkmap_mobile; $status = groups_get_status($group['id_grupo'], $strict_user); // Set node status switch ($status) { case 0: $status_color = COL_NORMAL; // Normal monitor break; case 1: $status_color = COL_CRITICAL; // Critical monitor break; case 2: $status_color = COL_WARNING; // Warning monitor break; case 4: $status_color = COL_ALERTFIRED; // Alert fired break; default: $status_color = COL_UNKNOWN; // Unknown monitor break; } $icon = groups_get_icon($group['id_grupo']); if ($simple == 0) { // Set node icon if ($hack_networkmap_mobile) { $img_node = $config['homedir'].'/images/groups_small/'.$icon.'.png'; if (!file_exists($img_node)) { $img_node = '-'; } $img_node = ''; } else if (file_exists(html_print_image('images/groups_small/'.$icon.'.png', true, false, true, true))) { $img_node = html_print_image('images/groups_small/'.$icon.'.png', true, false, false, true); } else { $img_node = '-'; } if (strlen(groups_get_name($group['id_grupo'])) > 40) { $name = substr(groups_get_name($group['id_grupo']), 0, 40).'...'; } else { $name = groups_get_name($group['id_grupo']); } if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $url = ''; $url_tooltip = ''; } else { $url = 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&refr=60&group_id='.$group['id_grupo']; $url_tooltip = 'ajax.php?page=operation/agentes/ver_agente&get_group_status_tooltip=1&id_group='.$group['id_grupo']; } $node = "\n".$group['id_node'].' [ color="'.$status_color.'", fontsize='.$font_size.', style="filled", fixedsize=true, width=0.30, height=0.30, '.'label=<
>, shape="invtrapezium", URL="'.$url.'", tooltip="'.$url_tooltip.'"];'."\n"; } else { if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $url = ''; $url_tooltip = ''; } else { $url = 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&refr=60&group_id='.$group['id_grupo']; $url_tooltip = 'ajax.php?page=operation/agentes/ver_agente&get_group_status_tooltip=1&id_group='.$group['id_grupo']; } $node = "\n".$group['id_node'].' [ color="'.$status_color.'", fontsize='.$font_size.', shape="invtrapezium", URL="'.$url.'", style="filled", fixedsize=true, width=0.20, height=0.20, label="", tooltip="'.$url_tooltip.'"];'."\n"; } return $node; } // Returns a node definition function networkmap_create_agent_node($agent, $simple=0, $font_size=10, $cut_names=true, $relative=false, $metaconsole=false, $id_server=null, $strict_user=false) { global $config; global $hack_networkmap_mobile; if ($strict_user) { include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_tags.php'; $acltags = tags_get_user_groups_and_tags($config['id_user'], 'AR', $strict_user); $agent_filter = ['id' => $agent['id_agente']]; $strict_data['normal_count'] = (int) groups_get_normal_monitors($agent['id_grupo'], $agent_filter, [], $strict_user, $acltags); $strict_data['warning_count'] = (int) groups_get_warning_monitors($agent['id_grupo'], $agent_filter, [], $strict_user, $acltags); $strict_data['critical_count'] = (int) groups_get_critical_monitors($agent['id_grupo'], $agent_filter, [], $strict_user, $acltags); $strict_data['unknown_count'] = (int) groups_get_unknown_monitors($agent['id_grupo'], $agent_filter, [], $strict_user, $acltags); $strict_data['notinit_count'] = (int) groups_get_not_init_monitors($agent['id_grupo'], $agent_filter, [], $strict_user, $acltags); $strict_data['total_count'] = (int) groups_get_total_monitors($agent['id_grupo'], $agent_filter, [], $strict_user, $acltags); $status = agents_get_status_from_counts($strict_data); } else { $status = agents_get_status_from_counts($agent); } if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $server_data = db_get_row( 'tmetaconsole_setup', 'id', $agent['id_server'] ); } if (empty($server_data)) { $server_name = ''; $server_id = ''; $url_hash = ''; $console_url = ''; } else { $server_name = $server_data['server_name']; $server_id = $server_data['id']; $console_url = $server_data['server_url'].'/'; $url_hash = metaconsole_get_servers_url_hash($server_data); } // Set node status switch ($status) { case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $status_color = COL_NORMAL; break; case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $status_color = COL_CRITICAL; break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: $status_color = COL_WARNING; break; case AGENT_STATUS_ALERT_FIRED: $status_color = COL_ALERTFIRED; break; // Juanma (05/05/2014) Fix: Correct color for not init agents! case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $status_color = COL_NOTINIT; break; default: // Unknown monitor $status_color = COL_UNKNOWN; break; } // Short name $name = io_safe_output($agent['nombre']); if ((strlen($name) > 16) && ($cut_names)) { $name = ui_print_truncate_text($name, 16, false, true, false); } if ($simple == 0) { if ($hack_networkmap_mobile) { $img_node = ui_print_os_icon($agent['id_os'], false, true, true, true, true, true); $img_node = $config['homedir'].'/'.$img_node; $img_node = ''; } else { // Set node icon $img_node = ui_print_os_icon($agent['id_os'], false, true, true, true, true, $relative); $img_node = str_replace($config['homeurl'].'/', '', $img_node); $img_node = str_replace($config['homeurl'], '', $img_node); if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $img_node = str_replace('../../', '', $img_node); } if ($relative) { $img_node = html_print_image($img_node, true, false, false, true); } else { $img_node = html_print_image($img_node, true, false, false, false); } } if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { if (can_user_access_node()) { $url = ui_meta_get_url_console_child( $id_server, 'estado', 'operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$agent['id_agente'] ); } else { $url = ''; } $url_tooltip = '../../ajax.php?'.'page=operation/agentes/ver_agente&'.'get_agent_status_tooltip=1&'.'id_agent='.$agent['id_agente'].'&'.'metaconsole=1&'.'id_server='.$agent['id_server']; } else { $url = 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$agent['id_agente']; $url_tooltip = 'ajax.php?page=operation/agentes/ver_agente&get_agent_status_tooltip=1&id_agent='.$agent['id_agente']; } $node = "\n".$agent['id_node'].' [ parent="'.$agent['id_parent'].'", color="'.$status_color.'", fontsize='.$font_size.', style="filled", fixedsize=true, width=0.40, height=0.40, label=<
>, shape="doublecircle", URL="'.$url.'", tooltip="'.$url_tooltip.'"];'."\n"; } else { $ajax_prefix = ''; $meta_params = ''; if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $ajax_prefix = '../../'; $meta_params = '&metaconsole=1&id_server='.$id_server; } if (can_user_access_node()) { $url_node_link = ', URL="'.$console_url.'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$agent['id_agente'].$url_hash.'"'; } else { $url_node_link = ''; } $node = $agent['id_node'].' [ parent="'.$agent['id_parent'].'", color="'.$status_color.'", fontsize='.$font_size.', shape="doublecircle"'.$url_node_link.', style="filled", fixedsize=true, width=0.20, height=0.20, label="", tooltip="'.$ajax_prefix.'ajax.php?page=operation/agentes/ver_agente&get_agent_status_tooltip=1&id_agent='.$agent['id_agente'].$meta_params.'"];'."\n"; } return $node; } function networkmap_create_module_group_node($module_group, $simple=0, $font_size=10, $metaconsole=false, $id_server=null) { global $config; global $hack_networkmap_mobile; // Set node status switch ($module_group['status']) { case 0: $status_color = COL_NORMAL; // Normal monitor break; case 1: $status_color = COL_CRITICAL; // Critical monitor break; case 2: $status_color = COL_WARNING; // Warning monitor break; case 4: $status_color = COL_ALERTFIRED; // Alert fired break; default: $status_color = COL_UNKNOWN; // Unknown monitor break; } if ($simple == 0) { if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $url = ''; $url_tooltip = ''; } else { $url = ''; $url_tooltip = ''; } $node = $module_group['id_node'].' [ color="'.$status_color.'", fontsize='.$font_size.', style="filled", '.'fixedsize=true, width=0.30, height=0.30, '.'label=<
>, shape="square", URL="'.$url.'", tooltip="'.$url_tooltip.'"];'; } else { if ($hack_networkmap_mobile) { $img_node = ui_print_moduletype_icon($module['id_tipo_modulo'], true, true, false, true); $img_node = $config['homedir'].'/'.$img_node; $img_node = ''; } else { $img_node = ui_print_moduletype_icon($module['id_tipo_modulo'], true, true, false); } if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $url = ''; $url_tooltip = ''; } else { $url = ''; $url_tooltip = ''; } $node = $module_group['id_node'].' [ color="'.$status_color.'", fontsize='.$font_size.', shape="square", URL="'.$url.'", '.'style="filled", fixedsize=true, width=0.20, '.'height=0.20, label="", tooltip="'.$url_tooltip.'"];'; } return $node; } // Returns a module node definition function networkmap_create_module_node($module, $simple=0, $font_size=10, $metaconsole=false, $id_server=null) { global $config; global $hack_networkmap_mobile; if (isset($module['status'])) { $status = $module['status']; } else { $status = modules_get_agentmodule_status( $module['id_agente_modulo'], false, $metaconsole, $id_server ); } // Set node status switch ($status) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: $status_color = COL_NORMAL; // Normal monitor break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: $status_color = COL_CRITICAL; // Critical monitor break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: $status_color = COL_WARNING; // Warning monitor break; case AGENT_STATUS_ALERT_FIRED: $status_color = COL_ALERTFIRED; // Alert fired break; default: $status_color = COL_UNKNOWN; // Unknown monitor break; } if ($hack_networkmap_mobile) { $img_node = ui_print_moduletype_icon($module['id_tipo_modulo'], true, true, false, true); $img_node = $config['homedir'].'/'.$img_node; $img_node = ''; } else { $img_node = ui_print_moduletype_icon($module['id_tipo_modulo'], true, true, false); } if ($simple == 0) { if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $url = ''; $url_tooltip = '../../ajax.php?'.'page=operation/agentes/ver_agente&'.'get_agentmodule_status_tooltip=1&'.'id_module='.$module['id_agente_modulo'].'&metaconsole=1'.'&id_server='.$module['id_server']; } else { $url = 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$module['id_agente']; $url_tooltip = 'ajax.php?page=operation/agentes/ver_agente&get_agentmodule_status_tooltip=1&id_module='.$module['id_agente_modulo']; } $node = $module['id_node'].' [ id_agent="'.$module['id_agente'].'", color="'.$status_color.'", fontsize='.$font_size.', style="filled", '.'fixedsize=true, width=0.30, height=0.30, '.'label=<
>, shape="circle", URL="'.$url.'", tooltip="'.$url_tooltip.'"];'; } else { if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $url = 'TODO'; $url_tooltip = '../../ajax.php?page=operation/agentes/ver_agente'.'&get_agentmodule_status_tooltip=1'.'&id_module='.$module['id_agente_modulo'].'&metaconsole=1'.'&id_server='.$module['id_server']; } else { $url = 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$module['id_agente']; $url_tooltip = 'ajax.php?page=operation/agentes/ver_agente&get_agentmodule_status_tooltip=1&id_module='.$module['id_agente_modulo']; } $node = $module['id_node'].' [ '.'id_agent="'.$module['id_agente'].'", '.'color="'.$status_color.'", '.'fontsize='.$font_size.', '.'shape="circle", '.'URL="'.$url.'", '.'style="filled", '.'fixedsize=true, '.'width=0.20, '.'height=0.20, '.'label="", '.'tooltip="'.$url_tooltip.'"'.'];'; } return $node; } // Returns the definition of the central module function networkmap_create_pandora_node($name, $font_size=10, $simple=0, $stats=[]) { global $hack_networkmap_mobile; global $config; // $stats_json = base64_encode(json_encode($stats)); $summary = []; if (isset($stats['policies'])) { $summary['policies'] = count($stats['policies']); } if (isset($stats['groups'])) { // TODO: GET STATUS OF THE GROUPS AND ADD IT TO SUMMARY $summary['groups'] = count($stats['groups']); } if (isset($stats['agents'])) { // TODO: GET STATUS OF THE AGENTS AND ADD IT TO SUMMARY $summary['agents'] = count($stats['agents']); } if (isset($stats['modules'])) { // TODO: GET STATUS OF THE MODULES AND ADD IT TO SUMMARY $summary['modules'] = count($stats['modules']); } $stats_json = base64_encode(json_encode($summary)); $img_src = ui_get_logo_to_center_networkmap(); if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $url_tooltip = '../../ajax.php?'.'page=include/ajax/networkmap.ajax&'.'action=get_networkmap_summary&'.'stats='.$stats_json.'&'.'metaconsole=1'; $url = ''; $color = '#052938'; } else { $url_tooltip = 'ajax.php?page=include/ajax/networkmap.ajax&action=get_networkmap_summary&stats='.$stats_json.'", URL="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/group_view'; $url = 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/group_view'; $color = '#373737'; } if ($hack_networkmap_mobile) { $img = ''."".''; } else { $image = html_print_image(ui_get_logo_to_center_networkmap(), true, false, false, true); // $image = str_replace('"',"'",$image); $img = ''.$image.''; } $name = "".$name.''; $label = "".$img.$name.'
'; if ($simple == 1) { $label = ''; } $node = '0 [ color="'.$color.'", fontsize='.$font_size.', style="filled", fixedsize=true, width=0.8, height=0.6, label=<'.$label.'>, shape="ellipse", tooltip="'.$url_tooltip.'", URL="'.$url.'" ];'; return $node; } function networkmap_create_transparent_node($count=0) { $node = 'transp_'.$count.' [ color="#00000000", style="filled", fixedsize=true, width=0.8, height=0.6, label=<>, shape="ellipse"];'; return $node; } // Opens a group definition function networkmap_open_group($id) { $img = 'images/'.groups_get_icon($id).'.png'; $name = groups_get_name($id); $group = 'subgraph cluster_'.$id.' { style=filled; color=darkolivegreen3; label=<
'.html_print_image($img, true).''.$name.'
>; tooltip="'.$name.'"; URL="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&group_id='.$id.'";'; return $group; } // Closes a group definition function networkmap_close_group() { return '}'; } // Opens a graph definition function networkmap_open_graph( $layout, $nooverlap, $pure, $zoom, $ranksep, $font_size, $size_canvas, $map_filter=[] ) { global $config; $overlap = 'compress'; if (isset($config['networkmap_max_width'])) { $size_x = ($config['networkmap_max_width'] / 100); $size_y = ($size_x * 0.8); } else { $size_x = 8; $size_y = 5.4; $size = ''; } if ($zoom > 0) { $size_x *= $zoom; $size_y *= $zoom; } $size = $size_x.','.$size_y; if (!is_null($size_canvas)) { $size = ($size_canvas['x'] / 100).','.($size_canvas['y'] / 100); } // Graphviz custom values if (isset($map_filter['node_sep'])) { $node_sep = $map_filter['node_sep']; } else { $node_sep = 0.25; } if (isset($map_filter['rank_sep'])) { $rank_sep = $map_filter['rank_sep']; } else { if ($layout == 'radial') { $rank_sep = 1.0; } else { $rank_sep = 0.5; } } if (isset($map_filter['mindist'])) { $mindist = $map_filter['mindist']; } else { $mindist = 1.0; } if (isset($map_filter['kval'])) { $kval = $map_filter['kval']; } else { $kval = 0.3; } // BEWARE: graphwiz DONT use single ('), you need double (") $head = 'graph networkmap { dpi=100; bgcolor="transparent"; labeljust=l; margin=0; pad="0.75,0.75";'; if ($nooverlap != '') { $head .= 'overlap="false";'; $head .= 'outputorder=edgesfirst;'; } if ($layout == 'flat' || $layout == 'spring1' || $layout == 'spring2') { if ($nooverlap != '') { $head .= 'overlap="scalexy";'; } if ($layout == 'flat') { $head .= "ranksep=\"$rank_sep\";"; } if ($layout == 'spring2') { $head .= "K=\"$kval\";"; } } if ($layout == 'radial') { $head .= "ranksep=\"$rank_sep\";"; } if ($layout == 'circular') { $head .= "mindist=\"$mindist\";"; } $head .= 'ratio=fill;'; $head .= 'root=0;'; $head .= "nodesep=\"$node_sep\";"; $head .= "size=\"$size\";"; $head .= "\n"; return $head; } // Closes a graph definition function networkmap_close_graph() { return '}'; } // Returns the filter used to achieve the desired layout function networkmap_get_filter($layout) { switch ($layout) { case 'flat': return 'dot'; break; case 'radial': return 'twopi'; break; case 'circular': return 'circo'; break; case 'spring1': return 'neato'; break; case 'spring2': return 'fdp'; break; default: return 'twopi'; break; } } /** * Creates a networkmap. * * @param string Network map name. * @param string Network map type (topology, groups or policies). * @param layout Network map layout (circular, flat, radial, spring1 or spring2). * @param bool overlapping activate flag. * @param bool simple view activate flag. * @param bool regenerate file activate flag. * @param int font size. * @param int group id filter (0 for all). * @param int module group id filter (0 for all). * @param int policy id filter (0 for all). * @param string depth level. * @param bool only modules with alerts flag. * @param bool hide policy modules flag * @param float zoom factor * * @return mixed New networkmap id if created. False if it could not be created. */ function networkmap_create_networkmap($values) { global $config; // The name is required if (! isset($values['name'])) { return false; } // Set defaults for the empty values set_unless_defined($values['type'], 'topology'); set_unless_defined($values['layout'], 'radial'); set_unless_defined($values['nooverlap'], true); set_unless_defined($values['simple'], false); set_unless_defined($values['regenerate'], true); set_unless_defined($values['font_size'], 12); set_unless_defined($values['store_group'], 0); set_unless_defined($values['id_group'], 0); set_unless_defined($values['regenerate'], true); set_unless_defined($values['id_module_group'], 0); set_unless_defined($values['depth'], 'all'); set_unless_defined($values['only_modules_with_alerts'], false); set_unless_defined($values['hide_policy_modules'], false); set_unless_defined($values['zoom'], 1); set_unless_defined($values['distance_nodes'], 2.5); set_unless_defined($values['center'], 0); set_unless_defined($values['id_user'], $config['id_user']); set_unless_defined($values['text_filter'], ''); set_unless_defined($values['regenerate'], true); set_unless_defined($values['dont_show_subgroups'], 0); set_unless_defined($values['show_groups'], false); set_unless_defined($values['pandoras_children'], false); set_unless_defined($values['show_modules'], false); set_unless_defined($values['show_snmp_modules'], 0); set_unless_defined($values['l2_network'], 0); set_unless_defined($values['server_name'], ''); return @db_process_sql_insert('tnetwork_map', $values); } /** * Get a network map report. * * @param int Networkmap id to get. * @param array Extra filter. * @param array Fields to get. * @param bool Get only the map if is of the user ( $config['id_user']) * * @return Networkmap with the given id. False if not available or readable. */ function networkmap_get_networkmap($id_networkmap, $filter=false, $fields=false, $check_user=true) { global $config; $id_networkmap = safe_int($id_networkmap); if (empty($id_networkmap)) { return false; } if (! is_array($filter)) { $filter = []; } $filter['id_networkmap'] = $id_networkmap; if ($check_user) { // If hte user has admin flag don't filter by user $user_info = users_get_user_by_id($config['id_user']); if (!$user_info['is_admin']) { // $filter['id_user'] = $config['id_user']; } } $networkmap = db_get_row_filter('tnetwork_map', $filter, $fields); return $networkmap; } /** * Get a user networkmaps. * * @param int Networkmap id to get. * @param array Extra filter. * @param array Fields to get. * * @return Networkmap with the given id. False if not available or readable. */ function networkmap_get_networkmaps( $id_user=null, $type=null, $optgrouped=true, $strict_user=false ) { global $config; if (empty($id_user)) { $id_user = $config['id_user']; } // Configure filters $where = []; $where['type'] = MAP_TYPE_NETWORKMAP; $where['id_group'] = array_keys(users_get_groups($id_user)); if (!empty($type)) { $where['subtype'] = $type; } $where['order'][0]['field'] = 'type'; $where['order'][0]['order'] = 'DESC'; $where['order'][1]['field'] = 'name'; $where['order'][1]['order'] = 'ASC'; $networkmaps_raw = db_get_all_rows_filter('tmap', $where); if (empty($networkmaps_raw)) { return []; } $networkmaps = []; foreach ($networkmaps_raw as $networkmapitem) { if ($optgrouped) { $networkmaps[$networkmapitem['id']] = [ 'name' => $networkmapitem['name'], 'optgroup' => networkmap_type_to_str_type($networkmapitem['subtype']), ]; } else { $networkmaps[$networkmapitem['id']] = $networkmapitem['name']; } } return $networkmaps; } function networkmap_type_to_str_type($type) { switch ($type) { case MAP_SUBTYPE_GROUPS: return __('Groups'); break; case MAP_SUBTYPE_POLICIES: return __('Policies'); break; case MAP_SUBTYPE_RADIAL_DYNAMIC: return __('Radial dynamic'); break; case MAP_SUBTYPE_TOPOLOGY: return __('Topology'); break; } } /** * Deletes a network map if the property is that user. * * @param string User id that call this funtion. * @param int Map id to be deleted. * * @return boolean True if the map was deleted, false the map is not yours. */ function networkmap_delete_user_networkmap($id_user='', $id_networkmap) { if ($id_user == '') { $id_user = $config['id_user']; } $id_networkmap = safe_int($id_networkmap); if (empty($id_networkmap)) { return false; } $networkmap = networkmap_get_networkmap($id_networkmap); if ($networkmap === false) { return false; } return @db_process_sql_delete('tnetwork_map', ['id_networkmap' => $id_networkmap, 'id_user' => $id_user]); } /** * Updates a network map. * * @param int Map id. * @param array Extra values to be set. * * @return boolean True if the map was updated. False otherwise. */ function networkmap_update_networkmap($id_networkmap, $values) { $networkmap = networkmap_get_networkmap($id_networkmap); if ($networkmap === false) { return false; } return (db_process_sql_update( 'tnetwork_map', $values, ['id_networkmap' => $id_networkmap] )) !== false; } /** * Get different networkmaps types for creation. * * @return array Networkmap diferent types. */ function networkmap_get_types($strict_user=false) { $networkmap_types = []; $is_enterprise = enterprise_include_once('include/functions_policies.php'); $networkmap_types['topology'] = __('Create a new topology map'); $networkmap_types['groups'] = __('Create a new group map'); $networkmap_types['dynamic'] = __('Create a new dynamic map'); if (!$strict_user) { $networkmap_types['radial_dynamic'] = __('Create a new radial dynamic map'); } if (($is_enterprise !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) && (!$strict_user)) { $enterprise_types = enterprise_hook('policies_get_networkmap_types'); $networkmap_types = array_merge($networkmap_types, $enterprise_types); } return $networkmap_types; } /** * Get networkmaps types. * * @return array Networkmap diferent types. */ function networkmap_get_filter_types($strict_user=false) { $networkmap_types = []; $is_enterprise = enterprise_include_once('include/functions_policies.php'); $networkmap_types['topology'] = __('Topology'); $networkmap_types['groups'] = __('Group'); $networkmap_types['dynamic'] = __('Dynamic'); if (!$strict_user) { $networkmap_types['radial_dynamic'] = __('Radial dynamic'); } if (($is_enterprise !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) && (!$strict_user)) { $enterprise_types = enterprise_hook('policies_get_networkmap_filter_types'); $networkmap_types = array_merge($networkmap_types, $enterprise_types); } return $networkmap_types; } function networkmap_cidr_match($ip, $cidr_mask) { // copy from open source code // https://gist.github.com/linickx/1309388 $chunks = explode('/', $cidr_mask); $subnet = $chunks[0]; $bits = $chunks[1]; $ip = ip2long($ip); $subnet = ip2long($subnet); $mask = (-1 << (32 - $bits)); $subnet &= $mask; // nb: in case the supplied subnet wasn't correctly aligned return ($ip & $mask) == $subnet; } function networkmap_get_new_nodes_from_ip_mask( $ip_mask, $fields=[], $strict_user=false ) { $list_ip_masks = explode(',', $ip_mask); $list_address = db_get_all_rows_in_table('taddress'); if (empty($address)) { $address = []; } if ($strict_user) { $filter['group_by'] = 'tagente.id_agente'; $fields = ['tagente.id_agente']; $acltags = tags_get_user_groups_and_tags($config['id_user'], 'AR', $strict_user); $user_agents = tags_get_all_user_agents(false, $config['id_user'], $acltags, $filter, $fields, false, $strict_user, true); foreach ($all_user_agents as $agent) { $user_agents[$agent['id_agente']] = $agent['id_agente']; } } $agents = []; foreach ($list_address as $address) { foreach ($list_ip_masks as $ip_mask) { if (networkmap_cidr_match($address['ip'], $ip_mask)) { $id_agent = db_get_value_filter( 'id_agent', 'taddress_agent', ['id_a' => $address['id_a']] ); if (empty($id_agent)) { continue; } if (empty($fields)) { if ($strict_user) { if (array_key_exists($id_agent, $user_agents)) { $agents[] = db_get_value_filter('id_agent', 'taddress_agent', ['id_a' => $address['id_a']]); } } else { $agents[] = db_get_value_filter('id_agent', 'taddress_agent', ['id_a' => $address['id_a']]); } } else { if ($strict_user) { if (array_key_exists($id_agent, $user_agents)) { $agents[] = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agent, $fields); } } else { $agents[] = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agent, $fields); } } } } } return $agents; } function modules_get_all_interfaces($id_agent) { $return = []; $fields = $fields_param; $modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo', ['id_agente' => $id_agent] ); if (empty($modules)) { $modules = []; } foreach ($modules as $module) { if (preg_match('/(.+)_ifOperStatus$/', (string) $module['nombre'], $matches)) { if ($matches[1]) { $return[] = $module; } } } return $return; } ?>