$id_agent]; $enterprise_class = '\PandoraFMS\Enterprise\Agent'; if (is_numeric($id_agent) === true && $id_agent > 0 ) { parent::__construct( $table, $filter, $enterprise_class ); if ($load_modules === true) { $rows = \db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo', $filter ); if (is_array($rows) === true) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->modules[] = Module::build($row); } } $this->modulesLoaded = true; } } else { // Create empty skel. parent::__construct($table, null, $enterprise_class); // New agent has no modules. $this->modulesLoaded = true; } // Customize certain fields. $this->fields['group'] = new Group($this->fields['id_grupo']); } /** * Return last value (status) of the agent. * * @param boolean $force Force recalculation. * * @return integer Status of the agent. */ public function lastStatus(bool $force=false) { if ($force === true) { return \agents_get_status( $this->id_agente() ); } return \agents_get_status_from_counts( $this->toArray() ); } /** * Return last value (status) of the agent. * * @return integer Status of the agent. */ public function lastValue() { return $this->lastStatus(); } /** * Overrides Entity method. * * @param integer $id_group Target group Id. * * @return integer|null Group Id or null. */ public function id_grupo(?int $id_group=null) { if ($id_group === null) { return $this->fields['id_grupo']; } else { $this->fields['id_grupo'] = $id_group; $this->fields['group'] = new Group($this->fields['id_grupo']); } } /** * Saves current definition to database. * * @param boolean $alias_as_name Use alias as agent name. * * @return mixed Affected rows of false in case of error. * @throws \Exception On error. */ public function save(bool $alias_as_name=false) { if (empty($this->fields['nombre']) === true) { if ($alias_as_name === true && (empty($this->fields['alias']) === true) ) { throw new \Exception( get_class($this).' error, nor "alias" nor "nombre" are set' ); } else { // Use alias instead. $this->fields['nombre'] = $this->fields['alias']; } } if ($this->fields['id_agente'] > 0) { // Agent update. $updates = $this->fields; // Remove shortcuts from values. unset($updates['group']); $rs = \db_process_sql_update( 'tagente', $updates, ['id_agente' => $this->fields['id_agente']] ); if ($rs === false) { global $config; throw new \Exception( __METHOD__.' error: '.$config['dbconnection']->error ); } } else { // Agent creation. $updates = $this->fields; // Remove shortcuts from values. unset($updates['group']); // Clean null fields. foreach ($updates as $k => $v) { if ($v === null) { unset($updates[$k]); } } $rs = \agents_create_agent( $updates['nombre'], $updates['id_grupo'], $updates['intervalo'], $updates['direccion'], $updates, $alias_as_name ); if ($rs === false) { global $config; $error = $config['dbconnection']->error; if (empty($error) === true) { if (empty($updates['intervalo']) === true) { $error = 'Missing agent interval'; } else if (empty($updates['id_group']) === true) { $error = 'Missing id_group'; } else if (empty($updates['id_group']) === true) { $error = 'Missing id_group'; } } throw new \Exception( __METHOD__.' error: '.$error ); } $this->fields['id_agente'] = $rs; } if ($this->fields['group']->id_grupo() === null) { // Customize certain fields. $this->fields['group'] = new Group($this->fields['id_grupo']); } return true; } /** * Calculates cascade protection service value for this service. * * @param integer|null $id_node Meta searching node will use this field. * * @return integer CPS value. * @throws \Exception On error. */ public function calculateCPS(?int $id_node=null) { if ($this->cps() < 0) { return $this->cps(); } // 1. check parents. $direct_parents = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_service, cps, cascade_protection, name FROM `tservice_element` te INNER JOIN `tservice` t ON te.id_service = t.id WHERE te.id_agent = %d', $this->id_agente() ), false, false ); // Here could happen 2 things. // 1. Metaconsole service is using this method impersonating node DB. // 2. Node service is trying to find parents into metaconsole. if (is_metaconsole() === false && has_metaconsole() === true ) { // Node searching metaconsole. $mc_parents = []; global $config; $mc_db_conn = \enterprise_hook( 'metaconsole_load_external_db', [ [ 'dbhost' => $config['replication_dbhost'], 'dbuser' => $config['replication_dbuser'], 'dbpass' => io_output_password( $config['replication_dbpass'] ), 'dbname' => $config['replication_dbname'], ], ] ); if ($mc_db_conn === NOERR) { $mc_parents = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_service, cps, cascade_protection, name FROM `tservice_element` te INNER JOIN `tservice` t ON te.id_service = t.id WHERE te.id_agent = %d', $this->id_agente() ), false, false ); } // Restore the default connection. \enterprise_hook('metaconsole_restore_db'); } else if ($id_node > 0) { // Impersonated node. \enterprise_hook('metaconsole_restore_db'); $mc_parents = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_service, cps, cascade_protection, name FROM `tservice_element` te INNER JOIN `tservice` t ON te.id_service = t.id WHERE te.id_agent = %d', $this->id_agente() ), false, false ); // Restore impersonation. \enterprise_include_once('include/functions_metaconsole.php'); $r = \enterprise_hook( 'metaconsole_connect', [ null, $id_node, ] ); if ($r !== NOERR) { throw new \Exception(__('Cannot connect to node %d', $r)); } } $cps = 0; if (is_array(($direct_parents ?? null)) === false) { $direct_parents = []; } if (is_array(($mc_parents ?? null)) === false) { $mc_parents = []; } // Merge all parents (node and meta). $parents = array_merge($direct_parents, $mc_parents); foreach ($parents as $parent) { $cps += $parent['cps']; if (((bool) $parent['cascade_protection']) === true) { $cps++; } } return $cps; } /** * Creates a module in current agent. * * @param array $params Module definition (each db field). * * @return integer Id of new module. * @throws \Exception On error. */ public function addModule(array $params) { $err = __METHOD__.' error: '; if (empty($params['nombre']) === true) { throw new \Exception( $err.' module name is mandatory' ); } $params['id_agente'] = $this->fields['id_agente']; $id_module = modules_create_agent_module( $this->fields['id_agente'], $params['nombre'], $params ); if ($id_module === false) { global $config; throw new \Exception( $err.$config['dbconnection']->error ); } return $id_module; } /** * Alias for field 'nombre'. * * @param string|null $name Name or empty if get operation. * * @return string|null Name or empty if set operation. */ public function name(?string $name=null) { if ($name === null) { return $this->nombre(); } $this->nombre($name); } /** * Return a list of interfaces. * * @param array $filter Filter interfaces by name in array. * * @return array Of interfaces and modules PandoraFMS\Modules. */ public function getInterfaces(array $filter=[]) { $modules = $this->searchModules( ['nombre' => '%ifOperStatus%'] ); $interfaces = []; foreach ($modules as $module) { $matches = []; if (preg_match( '/^(.*?)_ifOperStatus$/', $module->name(), $matches ) > 0 ) { $interface = $matches[1]; } if (empty($interface) === true) { continue; } if (empty($filter) === false && in_array($interface, $filter) !== true ) { continue; } $name_filters = [ 'ifOperStatus' => ['nombre' => $interface.'_ifOperStatus'], 'ifInOctets' => ['nombre' => $interface.'_ifInOctets'], 'ifOutOctets' => ['nombre' => $interface.'_ifOutOctets'], 'ifHCInOctets' => ['nombre' => $interface.'_ifHCInOctets'], 'ifHCOutOctets' => ['nombre' => $interface.'_ifHCOutOctets'], ]; $ifOperStatus = $this->searchModules( $name_filters['ifOperStatus'] ); $ifInOctets = $this->searchModules( $name_filters['ifInOctets'] ); $ifOutOctets = $this->searchModules( $name_filters['ifOutOctets'] ); $ifHCInOctets = $this->searchModules( $name_filters['ifHCInOctets'] ); $ifHCOutOctets = $this->searchModules( $name_filters['ifHCOutOctets'] ); $interfaces[$interface] = [ 'ifOperStatus' => array_shift($ifOperStatus), 'ifInOctets' => array_shift($ifInOctets), 'ifOutOctets' => array_shift($ifOutOctets), 'ifHCInOctets' => array_shift($ifHCInOctets), 'ifHCOutOctets' => array_shift($ifHCOutOctets), ]; } return $interfaces; } /** * Retrieves status, in and out modules from given interface name. * * @param string $interface Interface name. * * @return array|null With status, in and out modules. Null if no iface. */ public function getInterfaceMetrics(string $interface):?array { $modules = $this->getInterfaces([$interface]); if (empty($modules) === true) { return null; } $modules = $modules[$interface]; $in = null; $out = null; $status = $modules['ifOperStatus']; if (empty($modules['ifHCInOctets']) === false) { $in = $modules['ifHCInOctets']; } else if (empty($modules['ifInOctets']) === false) { $in = $modules['ifInOctets']; } if (empty($modules['ifHCOutOctets']) === false) { $out = $modules['ifHCOutOctets']; } else if (empty($modules['ifOutOctets']) === false) { $out = $modules['ifOutOctets']; } return [ 'in' => $in, 'out' => $out, 'status' => $status, ]; } /** * Search for modules into this agent. * * @param array $filter Filters. * @param integer $limit Limit search results. * * @return array Of PandoraFMS\Module Modules found. */ public function searchModules(array $filter, int $limit=0) { $filter['id_agente'] = $this->id_agente(); if ($this->modulesLoaded === true) { // Search in $this->modules. $results = []; foreach ($this->modules as $module) { $found = true; foreach ($filter as $field => $value) { if ($module->{$field}() != $value) { $found = false; break; } } if ($found === true) { $results[] = $module; } } return $results; } else { // Search in db. $return = Module::search($filter, $limit); if (is_array($return) === false) { return []; } return $return; } } /** * Delete agent from db. * * @return void */ public function delete() { // This function also mark modules for deletion. \agents_delete_agent( $this->fields['id_agente'] ); // Delete modules. if ($this->modules !== null) { foreach ($this->modules as $module) { $module->delete(); } } unset($this->fields); unset($this->modules); } }