<?php /** * Service tree view. * * @category Class * @package Pandora FMS * @subpackage Enterprise * @version 1.0.0 * @license See below * * ______ ___ _______ _______ ________ * | __ \.-----.--.--.--| |.-----.----.-----. | ___| | | __| * | __/| _ | | _ || _ | _| _ | | ___| |__ | * |___| |___._|__|__|_____||_____|__| |___._| |___| |__|_|__|_______| * * ============================================================================ * Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas * Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * ============================================================================ */ // Begin. global $config; require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/class/Tree.class.php'; use PandoraFMS\Enterprise\Service; /** * Class to handle service tree view. */ class TreeService extends Tree { /** * Some definitions. * * @var boolean */ protected $propagateCounters = true; /** * Some definitions. * * @var boolean */ protected $displayAllGroups = false; /** * If element is stored on remote node, this value will be greater than 0. * * @var integer */ public $metaID = 0; /** * Flag to avoid double connection to node. * * @var boolean */ private $connectedToNode = false; /** * Builder. * * @param mixed $type Type. * @param string $rootType RootType. * @param integer $id Id. * @param integer $rootID RootID. * @param boolean $serverID ServerID. * @param string $childrenMethod ChildrenMethod. * @param string $access Access. * @param integer $id_server_meta Id_server_meta. */ public function __construct( $type, $rootType='', $id=-1, $rootID=-1, $serverID=false, $childrenMethod='on_demand', $access='AR', $id_server_meta=0 ) { global $config; if ($id_server_meta > 0) { $this->metaID = $id_server_meta; $this->serverID = $id_server_meta; } parent::__construct( $type, $rootType, $id, $rootID, $serverID, $childrenMethod, $access, $id_server_meta ); $this->L1fieldName = 'id_group'; $this->L1extraFields = [ 'ts.name AS `name`', 'ts.id AS `sid`', ]; $this->filter['statusAgent'] = AGENT_STATUS_ALL; $this->avoid_condition = true; $this->L2inner = 'LEFT JOIN tservice_element tse ON tse.id_agent = ta.id_agente'; $this->L2condition = sprintf( ' AND tse.id_service=%d AND tse.id_server_meta=0 ', $this->id ); } /** * Setter (propagate counters). * * @param boolean $value Set. * * @return void */ public function setPropagateCounters($value) { $this->propagateCounters = (bool) $value; } /** * Set display all groups. * * @param boolean $value Set. * * @return void */ public function setDisplayAllGroups($value) { $this->displayAllGroups = (bool) $value; } /** * Generates tree data. * * @return void */ protected function getData() { if (is_metaconsole() === true && $this->metaID > 0) { // Impersonate node. \enterprise_include_once('include/functions_metaconsole.php'); \enterprise_hook( 'metaconsole_connect', [ null, $this->metaID, ] ); $this->connectedToNode = true; } if ($this->id == -1) { $this->getFirstLevel(); } else if ($this->type == 'services') { $this->getSecondLevel(); } else if ($this->type == 'agent') { $this->filter['showDisabled'] = true; $this->getThirdLevel(); } if (is_metaconsole() === true && $this->metaID > 0) { // Restore connection. \enterprise_hook('metaconsole_restore_db'); } } /** * Generates first level data. * * @return void */ protected function getFirstLevel() { global $config; $processed_items = $this->getProcessedServices(); $ids = array_keys($processed_items); $filter = ['id' => $ids]; $own_info = get_user_info($config['id_user']); if ($own_info['is_admin'] || check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM')) { $display_all_services = true; } else { $display_all_services = false; } $this->tree = []; $services = services_get_services($filter, false, $display_all_services); foreach ($services as $row) { $status = services_get_status($row, true); switch ($status) { case SERVICE_STATUS_NORMAL: $processed_items[$row['id']]['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'.'images/status_sets/default/agent_ok_ball.png'.'" data-title="NORMAL status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="NORMAL status." />'; break; case SERVICE_STATUS_CRITICAL: $processed_items[$row['id']]['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'.'images/status_sets/default/agent_critical_ball.png'.'" data-title="CRITICAL status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="CRITICAL status." />'; break; case SERVICE_STATUS_WARNING: $processed_items[$row['id']]['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'.'images/status_sets/default/agent_warning_ball.png'.'" data-title="WARNING status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="WARNING status." />'; break; case SERVICE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: default: $processed_items[$row['id']]['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'.'images/status_sets/default/agent_no_data_ball.png'.'" data-title="UNKNOWN status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="UNKNOWN status." />'; break; } } $this->tree = $processed_items; } /** * Retrieve root services. * * @return array Of root services. */ protected function getProcessedServices() { $is_favourite = $this->getServiceFavouriteFilter(); if (users_can_manage_group_all('AR')) { $groups_acl = ''; } else { $groups_acl = 'AND ts.id_group IN ('.implode(',', $this->userGroupsArray).')'; } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT ts.id, ts.id_agent_module, ts.name, ts.name as `alias`, ts.description as `description`, ts.id as `rootID`, "services" as `rootType`, "services" as `type`, ts.quiet, SUM(if((tse.id_agent<>0), 1, 0)) AS `total_agents`, SUM(if((tse.id_agente_modulo<>0), 1, 0)) AS `total_modules`, SUM(if((tse.id_service_child<>0), 1, 0)) AS `total_services`, SUM(if((tse.rules != ""), 1, 0)) AS `total_dynamic` FROM tservice ts LEFT JOIN tservice_element tse ON tse.id_service = ts.id WHERE ts.id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT id_service_child FROM tservice_element WHERE id_server_meta = 0 ) %s %s GROUP BY ts.id', $is_favourite, $groups_acl ); $stats = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); $services = []; foreach ($stats as $service) { $services[$service['id']] = $this->getProcessedItem( $services[$service['id']] ); $n_items = ($service['total_services'] + $service['total_agents']); $n_items += ($service['total_modules'] + $service['total_dynamic']); if ($n_items > 0) { $services[$service['id']]['searchChildren'] = 1; } else { $services[$service['id']]['searchChildren'] = 0; } $services[$service['id']]['counters'] = [ 'total_services' => $service['total_services'], 'total_agents' => $service['total_agents'], 'total_modules' => $service['total_modules'], ]; $services[$service['id']]['name'] = $service['name']; $services[$service['id']]['id'] = $service['id']; $services[$service['id']]['description'] = $service['description']; $services[$service['id']]['serviceDetail'] = 'index.php?sec=network&sec2=enterprise/operation/services/services&tab=service_map&id_service='.(int) $service['id']; } return $services; } /** * Retrieve first level fields. * * @deprecated 746. * * @return string With a first level fields. */ protected function getFirstLevelFields() { $fields = []; return implode(',', array_merge($fields, $this->L1extraFields)); } /** * Retrieves elements (second level) from selected rootID. * * @return void */ protected function getSecondLevel() { global $config; $service = new Service($this->id, true); $output = []; foreach ($service->children() as $item) { $tmp = []; if ($this->metaID > 0) { $tmp['metaID'] = $this->metaID; } else if ($item->id_server_meta() !== 0) { $tmp['metaID'] = $item->id_server_meta(); } $tmp['serverID'] = $tmp['metaID']; switch ($item->type()) { case SERVICE_ELEMENT_AGENT: if ($item->agent() === null) { // Skip item. continue 2; } $tmp['id'] = $item->agent()->id_agente(); $tmp['name'] = $item->agent()->nombre(); $tmp['alias'] = $item->agent()->alias(); $tmp['fired_count'] = $item->agent()->fired_count(); $tmp['normal_count'] = $item->agent()->normal_count(); $tmp['warning_count'] = $item->agent()->warning_count(); $tmp['critical_count'] = $item->agent()->critical_count(); $tmp['unknown_count'] = $item->agent()->unknown_count(); $tmp['notinit_count'] = $item->agent()->notinit_count(); $tmp['total_count'] = $item->agent()->total_count(); if ($item->agent()->quiet() > 0 || $item->agent()->cps() > 0 ) { $tmp['quiet'] = 1; } else { $tmp['quiet'] = 0; } $tmp['state_critical'] = $tmp['critical_count']; $tmp['state_warning'] = $tmp['warning_count']; $tmp['state_unknown'] = $tmp['unknown_count']; $tmp['state_notinit'] = $tmp['notinit_count']; $tmp['state_normal'] = $tmp['normal_count']; $tmp['state_total'] = $tmp['total_count']; $tmp['type'] = SERVICE_ELEMENT_AGENT; $tmp['rootID'] = $this->rootID; $tmp['rootType'] = $this->rootType; $tmp['counters'] = [ 'alerts' => $item->agent()->fired_count(), 'ok' => $item->agent()->normal_count(), 'warning' => $item->agent()->warning_count(), 'critical' => $item->agent()->critical_count(), 'unknown' => $item->agent()->unknown_count(), 'not_init' => $item->agent()->notinit_count(), 'total' => $item->agent()->total_count(), ]; switch ($item->agent()->lastStatus()) { case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $tmp['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'.'images/status_sets/default/agent_ok_ball.png'.'" data-title="NORMAL status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="NORMAL status." />'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: case AGENT_STATUS_ALERT_FIRED: $tmp['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'.'images/status_sets/default/agent_critical_ball.png'.'" data-title="CRITICAL status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="CRITICAL status." />'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: $tmp['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'.'images/status_sets/default/agent_warning_ball.png'.'" data-title="WARNING status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="WARNING status." />'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: default: $tmp['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'.'images/status_sets/default/agent_no_data_ball.png'.'" data-title="UNKNOWN status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="UNKNOWN status." />'; break; } $tmp['children'] = []; if (check_acl($config['id_user'], $item->agent()->id_grupo(), 'AR')) { $tmp['searchChildren'] = 1; } else { $tmp['searchChildren'] = 0; } $tmp['showEventsBtn'] = 1; $tmp['eventAgent'] = $item->agent()->id_agente(); $tmp['disabled'] = (bool) $item->agent()->disabled(); break; case SERVICE_ELEMENT_MODULE: if ($item->module() === null) { // Skip item. continue 2; } $tmp['id'] = $item->module()->id_agente_modulo(); $tmp['name'] = $item->module()->nombre(); $tmp['id_tipo_modulo'] = $item->module()->id_tipo_modulo(); $tmp['id_modulo'] = $item->module()->id_modulo(); $tmp['estado'] = $item->module()->lastStatus(); $tmp['datos'] = $item->module()->lastValue(); $tmp['parent'] = $item->module()->parent_module_id(); $alerts = alerts_get_alerts_module_name( $item->module()->id_agente_modulo() ); if ($alerts !== false) { // Seems to be used as 'flag'. $tmp['alerts'] = $alerts[0]['id']; } $tmp['unit'] = $item->module()->unit(); $tmp['type'] = SERVICE_ELEMENT_MODULE; $tmp['id_module_type'] = $item->module()->id_tipo_modulo(); $tmp['server_type'] = $tmp['id_module_type']; $tmp['status'] = $item->module()->lastStatus(); $tmp['value'] = modules_get_agentmodule_data_for_humans( array_merge( $item->module()->toArray(), [ 'datos' => $item->module()->lastValue() ] ) ); $title = $item->module()->lastStatusTitle(); if (is_numeric($item->module()->lastValue())) { $divisor = get_data_multiplier($item->module()->unit()); $title .= ' : '.format_for_graph( $item->module()->lastValue(), 1, '.', ',', $divisor ); } else { $title .= ' : '.substr( io_safe_output( $item->module()->lastValue() ), 0, 42 ); } $tmp['serverName'] = $item->module()->agent()->server_name(); $tmp['serverID'] = $tmp['metaID']; $tmp['statusText'] = $item->module()->lastStatusText(); $tmp['showGraphs'] = 1; $tmp['showEventsBtn'] = 1; $tmp['eventAgent'] = $item->module()->id_agente(); $tmp['disabled'] = $item->module()->disabled(); $html = '<img src="'; $html .= ui_get_full_url( '/images/status_sets/default/'.$item->module()->lastStatusImage() ); $html .= '" data-title="'.$title; $html .= '" data-use_title_for_force_title="1" '; $html .= 'class="forced_title" alt="'; $html .= $item->module()->lastStatusTitle().'" />'; $tmp['statusImageHTML'] = $html; $tmp = array_merge( $tmp, $this->getModuleGraphLinks( $tmp ) ); break; case SERVICE_ELEMENT_SERVICE: if ($item->service() === null) { // Skip item. continue 2; } $tmp['id'] = (int) $item->service()->id(); $tmp['name'] = $item->service()->name(); $tmp['alias'] = $item->service()->name(); $tmp['description'] = $item->service()->description(); $tmp['elementDescription'] = $item->description(); $tmp['disabled'] = $item->service()->disabled(); if ($this->connectedToNode === false && is_metaconsole() === true && $tmp['metaID'] > 0 ) { // Impersonate node. \enterprise_include_once('include/functions_metaconsole.php'); \enterprise_hook( 'metaconsole_connect', [ null, $tmp['metaID'], ] ); } if (check_acl($config['id_user'], $item->service()->id_group(), 'AR')) { $grandchildren = $item->service()->children(); } if ($this->connectedToNode === false && is_metaconsole() === true && $tmp['metaID'] > 0 ) { // Restore connection. \enterprise_hook('metaconsole_restore_db'); } $counters = [ 'total_modules' => 0, 'total_agents' => 0, 'total_services' => 0, 'total_dynamic' => 0, 'total' => 0, ]; if (is_array($grandchildren) === true) { $counters = array_reduce( $grandchildren, function ($carry, $item) { if ($item->type() === SERVICE_ELEMENT_MODULE) { $carry['total_modules']++; } else if ($item->type() === SERVICE_ELEMENT_AGENT) { $carry['total_agents']++; } else if ($item->type() === SERVICE_ELEMENT_SERVICE) { $carry['total_services']++; } else if ($item->type() === SERVICE_ELEMENT_DYNAMIC) { $carry['total_dynamic']++; } $carry['total']++; return $carry; }, $counters ); } if ($counters['total'] > 0) { $tmp['searchChildren'] = 1; } $tmp['type'] = 'services'; $tmp['rootType'] = 'services'; $tmp['children'] = []; $tmp['serviceDetail'] = ui_get_full_url( 'index.php?sec=network&sec2=enterprise/operation/services/services&tab=service_map&id_service='.$item->service()->id() ); $tmp['counters'] = $counters; $tmp['rootID'] = $this->rootID; switch ($item->service()->lastStatus()) { case SERVICE_STATUS_NORMAL: $tmp['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'; $tmp['statusImageHTML'] .= ui_get_full_url( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_ok_ball.png' ); $tmp['statusImageHTML'] .= '" data-title="NORMAL status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="NORMAL status." />'; break; case SERVICE_STATUS_CRITICAL: $tmp['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'; $tmp['statusImageHTML'] .= ui_get_full_url( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_critical_ball.png' ); $tmp['statusImageHTML'] .= '" data-title="CRITICAL status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="CRITICAL status." />'; break; case SERVICE_STATUS_WARNING: $tmp['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'; $tmp['statusImageHTML'] .= ui_get_full_url( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_warning_ball.png' ); $tmp['statusImageHTML'] .= '" data-title="WARNING status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="WARNING status." />'; break; case SERVICE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: default: $tmp['statusImageHTML'] = '<img src="'; $tmp['statusImageHTML'] .= ui_get_full_url( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_no_data_ball.png' ); $tmp['statusImageHTML'] .= '" data-title="UNKNOWN status." data-use_title_for_force_title="1" class="forced_title" alt="UNKNOWN status." />'; break; } break; default: // Unknown type. continue 2; } $output[] = $tmp; } $this->tree = $output; } /** * SQL query to retrieve second level items. * * @return string SQL. */ protected function getSecondLevelServicesSql() { $group_acl = $this->getGroupAclCondition(); $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT ts.id, ts.id_agent_module, ts.name, ts.name as `alias`, ts.description as `description`, tse.description as `elementDescription`, tse.id_service as `rootID`, "services" as `rootType`, "services" as `type`, ts.quiet, tse.id_server_meta, SUM(if((tse.id_agent<>0), 1, 0)) AS `total_agents`, SUM(if((tse.id_agente_modulo<>0), 1, 0)) AS `total_modules`, SUM(if((tse.id_service_child<>0), 1, 0)) AS `total_services` FROM tservice ts INNER JOIN tservice_element tse ON tse.id_service_child = ts.id WHERE tse.id_service = %d %s GROUP BY ts.id', $this->id, $group_acl ); return $sql; } /** * Retrieve SQL filter for current filte.r * * @return string SQL filter. */ protected function getServiceFavouriteFilter() { if (isset($this->filter['is_favourite']) === true && empty($this->filter['is_favourite']) === false ) { return ' AND is_favourite = 1'; } return ''; } /** * Overwrites partial functionality of general Tree.class. * * @param array $module Data of given module. * * @return array Complementary information. */ protected function getModuleGraphLinks(array $module) { $graphType = return_graphtype($module['id_module_type']); $url = ui_get_full_url( 'operation/agentes/stat_win.php', false, false, false ); $winHandle = dechex(crc32($module['id'].$module['name'])); $graph_params = [ 'type' => $graphType, 'period' => SECONDS_1DAY, 'id' => $module['id'], 'refresh' => SECONDS_10MINUTES, ]; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { // Set the server id. $graph_params['server'] = $module['serverID']; } $graph_params_str = http_build_query($graph_params); $moduleGraphURL = $url.'?'.$graph_params_str; return [ 'moduleGraph' => [ 'url' => $moduleGraphURL, 'handle' => $winHandle, ], 'snapshot' => ui_get_snapshot_link( [ 'id_module' => $module['id'], 'interval' => $module['current_interval'], 'module_name' => $module['name'], 'id_node' => (($module['serverID'] > 0) ? $module['serverID'] : 0), ], true ), ]; } /** * Needs to be defined to maintain Tree view functionality. * * @param integer $status Status. * * @return string Fixed string. */ protected function getAgentStatusFilter( $status=self::TV_DEFAULT_AGENT_STATUS ) { return ''; } }