<?php // Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas // Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // Load global vars global $config; require_once ('include/functions_gis.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_agents.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_groups.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_modules.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_users.php'); enterprise_include_once ('include/functions_metaconsole.php'); ui_require_javascript_file('openlayers.pandora'); enterprise_include_once ('operation/agentes/ver_agente.php'); check_login (); if (is_ajax ()) { $get_agent_json = (bool) get_parameter ('get_agent_json'); $get_agent_modules_json = (bool) get_parameter ('get_agent_modules_json'); $get_agent_status_tooltip = (bool) get_parameter ("get_agent_status_tooltip"); $get_agents_group_json = (bool) get_parameter ("get_agents_group_json"); $get_agent_modules_json_for_multiple_agents = (bool) get_parameter("get_agent_modules_json_for_multiple_agents"); $get_agent_modules_alerts_json_for_multiple_agents = (bool) get_parameter("get_agent_modules_alerts_json_for_multiple_agents"); $get_agents_json_for_multiple_modules = (bool) get_parameter("get_agents_json_for_multiple_modules"); $get_agent_modules_json_for_multiple_agents_id = (bool) get_parameter("get_agent_modules_json_for_multiple_agents_id"); $get_agentmodule_status_tooltip = (bool) get_parameter ("get_agentmodule_status_tooltip"); $get_group_status_tooltip = (bool) get_parameter ("get_group_status_tooltip"); $get_agent_id = (bool) get_parameter ("get_agent_id"); if ($get_agents_group_json) { $id_group = (int) get_parameter('id_group'); $recursion = (int) get_parameter ('recursion', 0); $custom_condition = get_parameter('custom_condition', ''); $privilege = (string) get_parameter ('privilege', "AR"); // Is is possible add keys prefix to avoid auto sorting in js object conversion $keys_prefix = (string) get_parameter ('keys_prefix', ''); $status_agents = (int)get_parameter('status_agents', AGENT_STATUS_ALL); if ($id_group > 0) { $groups = array($id_group); if ($recursion) { $groups = array_merge($groups, groups_get_id_recursive($id_group, true)); } } else { $groups_orig = users_get_groups(false, $privilege); $groups = array_keys($groups_orig); } $filter = " WHERE id_grupo IN (" . implode(',', $groups) . ") "; $filter .= io_safe_output($custom_condition); switch ($status_agents) { case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $filter .= " AND normal_count = total_count"; break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: $filter .= " AND critical_count = 0 AND warning_count > 0"; break; case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $filter .= " AND critical_count > 0"; break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $filter .= " AND critical_count = 0 AND warning_count = 0 AND unknown_count > 0"; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL: $filter .= " AND normal_count <> total_count"; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $filter .= " AND notinit_count = total_count"; break; } $filter .= " ORDER BY nombre ASC"; $agents = db_get_all_rows_sql("SELECT id_agente, nombre FROM tagente" . $filter); // Add keys prefix if ($keys_prefix !== "") { foreach ($agents as $k => $v) { $agents[$keys_prefix . $k] = $v; unset($agents[$k]); } } echo json_encode($agents); return; } if ($get_agent_json) { $id_agent = (int) get_parameter ('id_agent'); $agent = db_get_row ('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agent); echo json_encode ($agent); return; } if ($get_agent_modules_json_for_multiple_agents_id) { $idAgents = get_parameter('id_agent'); $modules = db_get_all_rows_sql(' SELECT nombre, id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente IN (' . implode(',', $idAgents) . ')'); $return = array(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $return[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $module['nombre']; } echo json_encode($return); return; } if ($get_agents_json_for_multiple_modules) { $nameModules = get_parameter('module_name'); $selection_mode = get_parameter('selection_mode','common'); $groups = users_get_groups ($config["id_user"], "AW", false); $group_id_list = ($groups ? join(",",array_keys($groups)):"0"); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(t1.nombre) as name FROM tagente t1, tagente_modulo t2 WHERE t1.id_agente = t2.id_agente AND t1.id_grupo IN (' . $group_id_list .') AND t2.nombre IN (\'' . implode('\',\'', $nameModules) . '\')'; if ($selection_mode == 'common') { $sql .= 'AND ( SELECT count(t3.nombre) FROM tagente t3, tagente_modulo t4 WHERE t3.id_agente = t4.id_agente AND t1.nombre = t3.nombre AND t4.nombre IN (\'' . implode('\',\'', $nameModules) . '\')) = '.count($nameModules); } $sql .= ' ORDER BY t1.nombre'; $nameAgents = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($nameAgents == false) $nameAgents = array(); foreach ($nameAgents as $nameAgent) { $names[] = $nameAgent['name']; } echo json_encode($names); return; } if ($get_agent_modules_alerts_json_for_multiple_agents) { $idAgents = get_parameter('id_agent'); $id_template = get_parameter('template'); $selection_mode = get_parameter('selection_mode','common'); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(nombre) FROM tagente_modulo t1, talert_template_modules t2 WHERE t2.id_agent_module = t1.id_agente_modulo AND delete_pending = 0 AND id_alert_template = '.$id_template.' AND id_agente IN (' . implode(',', $idAgents) . ')'; if ($selection_mode == 'common') { $sql .= ' AND ( SELECT count(nombre) FROM tagente_modulo t3, talert_template_modules t4 WHERE t4.id_agent_module = t3.id_agente_modulo AND delete_pending = 0 AND t1.nombre = t3.nombre AND id_agente IN (' . implode(',', $idAgents) . ') AND id_alert_template = '.$id_template.') = (' . count($idAgents) . ')'; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY t1.nombre'; $nameModules = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($nameModules == false) { $nameModules = array(); } $result = array(); foreach($nameModules as $nameModule) { $result[] = io_safe_output($nameModule['nombre']); } echo json_encode($result); return; } if ($get_agent_modules_json_for_multiple_agents) { $idAgents = get_parameter('id_agent'); $custom_condition = get_parameter('custom_condition', ''); $selection_mode = get_parameter('selection_mode', 'common'); $serialized = get_parameter('serialized', ''); $id_server = (int)get_parameter('id_server', 0); $metaconsole_server_name = null; if ($id_server != 0) { $metaconsole_server_name = db_get_value('server_name', 'tmetaconsole_setup', 'id', $id_server); } $all = (string)get_parameter('all', 'all'); switch ($all) { default: case 'all': $enabled = '1 = 1'; break; case 'enabled': $enabled = 'disabled = 0'; break; } if ($config ['metaconsole'] == 1 and defined('METACONSOLE')) { $result = array(); $nameModules = array(); $temp = array(); $first = true; $temp_element = array(); $counter = 0; $first_elements = array(); foreach ($idAgents as $idA) { if (empty($metaconsole_server_name)) { $row = explode ('|', $idA); $server_name = $row[0]; $id_agent = $row [1]; } else { $id_agent = $idA; $server_name = $metaconsole_server_name; } // New iteration $counter++; //Metaconsole db connection $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { //ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } //Get agent's modules $temp = agents_get_modules ($id_agent); // Keep first element to search for common modules in next iterations if (empty($nameModules) && $first == true) { $first_elements = $temp; } $temp = array_intersect($temp, $first_elements); // Add elements to array if (!empty($temp)) { // Add agent and server foreach ($temp as $element_key => $element_value) { //$temp_element[$element_key . '|' . $id_agent . '|' . $server_name] = $element_value; if (!isset($temp_element[$element_value]) && $first) $temp_element[$element_value] = $element_key . '|' . $id_agent . '|' . $server_name; else if (isset($temp_element[$element_value])) $temp_element[$element_value] .= ';' . $element_key . '|' . $id_agent . '|' . $server_name; } } // If the result array is empty then there aren't common modules else if (!$first) unset($temp_element); // First iteration flag if (empty($nameModules) && $first == true) $first = false; // In last iteration we have all elements agents-servers serialized and ready to be used if ($counter == count($idAgents)) { if (!empty($temp_element)) foreach ($temp_element as $temp_ele_key => $temp_ele_val) { $nameModules[$temp_ele_val] = $temp_ele_key; } } //If there's only one agent selected, get out of this loop /*if (count($idAgents) <= 1) { //Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); break; }*/ //$nameModules = array_intersect ($nameModules, $temp); //Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); } foreach ($nameModules as $nameModule_key => $nameModule_value) { $result[$nameModule_key] = ui_print_truncate_text(io_safe_output($nameModule_value), 'module_medium', false, true); } } else { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(nombre) FROM tagente_modulo t1 WHERE ' . $enabled . io_safe_output($custom_condition) . ' AND delete_pending = 0 AND id_agente IN (' . implode(',', $idAgents) . ')'; if ($selection_mode == 'common') { $sql .= ' AND ( SELECT count(nombre) FROM tagente_modulo t2 WHERE delete_pending = 0 AND t1.nombre = t2.nombre AND id_agente IN (' . implode(',', $idAgents) . ')) = (' . count($idAgents) . ')'; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY nombre'; $nameModules = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($nameModules == false) { $nameModules = array(); } $result = array(); foreach ($nameModules as $nameModule) { if (empty($serialized)) $result[io_safe_output($nameModule['nombre'])] = ui_print_truncate_text( io_safe_output($nameModule['nombre']), 'module_medium', false, true); else $result[io_safe_output($nameModule['nombre']).'$*$'.implode('|', $idAgents)] = ui_print_truncate_text(io_safe_output($nameModule['nombre']), 'module_medium', false, true); } } echo json_encode($result); return; } if ($get_agent_modules_json) { $id_agent = (int) get_parameter ('id_agent'); $filter = io_safe_output((string) get_parameter ('filter')); $fields = (string) get_parameter ('fields'); $indexed = (bool) get_parameter ('indexed', true); $agentName = (string) get_parameter ('agent_name', null); $server_name = (string) get_parameter ('server_name', null); $server_id = (int) get_parameter ('server_id', 0); /* This will force to get local modules although metaconsole is active, by default get all modules from all nodes */ $force_local_modules = (int) get_parameter ('force_local_modules', 0); if ($agentName != null) { $search = array(); $search['name'] = io_safe_output($agentName); } else $search = false; if ($config ['metaconsole'] == 1 and !$force_local_modules and defined('METACONSOLE')) { if (enterprise_include_once ('include/functions_metaconsole.php') !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if ($server_id > 0) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($server_id); } if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) == NOERR) { /* Get all agents if no agent was given */ if ($id_agent == 0) $id_agent = array_keys( agents_get_group_agents( array_keys (users_get_groups ()), $search, "none")); $agent_modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, ($fields != '' ? explode (',', $fields) : "*"), ($filter != '' ? $filter : false), $indexed); } // Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); } } else { /* Get all agents if no agent was given */ if ($id_agent == 0) $id_agent = array_keys( agents_get_group_agents( array_keys(users_get_groups ()), $search, "none")); $agent_modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, ($fields != '' ? explode (',', $fields) : "*"), ($filter != '' ? $filter : false), $indexed); } foreach ($agent_modules as $key => $module) { $agent_modules[$key]['nombre'] = io_safe_output($module['nombre']); } //Hack to translate text "any" in PHP to javascript //$agent_modules['any_text'] = __('Any'); echo json_encode ($agent_modules); return; } if ($get_agent_status_tooltip) { $id_agent = (int) get_parameter ('id_agent'); $metaconsole = (bool)get_parameter('metaconsole', false); $id_server = (int)get_parameter('id_server', 0); //Metaconsole $server = null; if ($metaconsole) { $server = db_get_row('tmetaconsole_setup', 'id', $id_server); if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR) { return; } $agent = db_get_row ('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agent); metaconsole_restore_db(); } else { $agent = db_get_row ('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agent); } echo '<h3>'.$agent['nombre'].'</h3>'; echo '<strong>'.__('Main IP').':</strong> '.$agent['direccion'].'<br />'; echo '<strong>'.__('Group').':</strong> '; $hack_metaconsole = ''; if ($metaconsole) { $hack_metaconsole = '../../'; } echo html_print_image($hack_metaconsole . 'images/groups_small/'.groups_get_icon ($agent['id_grupo']).'.png', true); echo groups_get_name ($agent['id_grupo']).'<br />'; echo '<strong>'.__('Last contact').':</strong> '.human_time_comparation($agent['ultimo_contacto']).'<br />'; echo '<strong>'.__('Last remote contact').':</strong> '.human_time_comparation($agent['ultimo_contacto_remoto']).'<br />'; # Fix : Only show agents with module with tags of user profile $_user_tags = tags_get_user_tags($config['id_user'], 'RR'); $_sql_post = ''; if (is_array($_user_tags) && !empty($_user_tags)) { $_tags = implode(',', array_keys($_user_tags)); $_sql_post .= ' AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo IN (SELECT a.id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo a, ttag_module b WHERE a.id_agente_modulo=b.id_agente_modulo AND b.id_tag IN (' . $_tags . ')) '; } $sql = sprintf ('SELECT tagente_modulo.descripcion, tagente_modulo.nombre FROM tagente_estado, tagente_modulo WHERE tagente_modulo.id_agente = %d AND tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 AND tagente_estado.estado = 1', $id_agent); $sql .= $_sql_post; if ($metaconsole) { if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR) { return; } $bad_modules = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); metaconsole_restore_db(); } else { $bad_modules = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); } $sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = %d AND disabled = 0', $id_agent); if ($metaconsole) { if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR) { return; } $total_modules = db_get_sql ($sql); metaconsole_restore_db(); } else { $total_modules = db_get_sql ($sql); } if ($bad_modules === false) $size_bad_modules = 0; else $size_bad_modules = sizeof ($bad_modules); // Modules down if ($size_bad_modules > 0) { echo '<strong>'.__('Monitors down').':</strong> '.$size_bad_modules.' / '.$total_modules; echo '<ul>'; foreach ($bad_modules as $module) { echo '<li>'; echo ui_print_truncate_text($module['nombre'], 'module_small'); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } // Alerts (if present) $sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(talert_template_modules.id) FROM talert_template_modules, tagente_modulo, tagente WHERE tagente.id_agente = %d AND tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente.id_agente = tagente_modulo.id_agente AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo = talert_template_modules.id_agent_module AND talert_template_modules.times_fired > 0 ', $id_agent); if ($metaconsole) { if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR) { return; } $alert_modules = db_get_sql ($sql); metaconsole_restore_db(); } else { $alert_modules = db_get_sql ($sql); } if ($alert_modules > 0) { $sql = sprintf ('SELECT tagente_modulo.nombre, talert_template_modules.last_fired FROM talert_template_modules, tagente_modulo, tagente WHERE tagente.id_agente = %d AND tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente.id_agente = tagente_modulo.id_agente AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo = talert_template_modules.id_agent_module AND talert_template_modules.times_fired > 0 ', $id_agent); if ($metaconsole) { if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR) { return; } $alerts = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); metaconsole_restore_db(); } else { $alerts = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); } echo '<strong>'.__('Alerts fired').':</strong>'; echo "<ul>"; foreach ($alerts as $alert_item) { echo '<li>'; echo ui_print_truncate_text($alert_item['nombre']).' -> '; echo human_time_comparation($alert_item['last_fired']); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } return; } if ($get_agentmodule_status_tooltip) { $id_module = (int) get_parameter ('id_module'); $metaconsole = (bool)get_parameter('metaconsole'); $id_server = (int)get_parameter('id_server'); if ($metaconsole) { $server = db_get_row('tmetaconsole_setup', 'id', $id_server); if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR) { return; } } $module = db_get_row ('tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_module); echo '<h3>'; echo html_print_image("images/brick.png", true) . ' '; echo ui_print_truncate_text($module['nombre'], 'module_small', false, true, false).'</h3>'; echo '<strong>'.__('Type').':</strong> '; $agentmoduletype = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($module['id_agente_modulo']); echo modules_get_moduletype_name ($agentmoduletype).' '; echo html_print_image("images/" . modules_get_type_icon ($agentmoduletype), true) . '<br />'; echo '<strong>'.__('Module group').':</strong> '; $modulegroup = modules_get_modulegroup_name (modules_get_agentmodule_modulegroup ($module['id_agente_modulo'])); if ($modulegroup === false) { echo __('None').'<br />'; } else { echo $modulegroup.'<br />'; } echo '<strong>'.__('Agent').':</strong> '; echo ui_print_truncate_text(modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name($module['id_agente_modulo']), 'agent_small', false, true, false).'<br />'; if ($module['id_tipo_modulo'] == 18) { echo '<strong>'.__('Address').':</strong> '; // Get the IP/IPs from the module description // Always the IP is the last part of the description (after the last space) $ips = explode(' ', $module['descripcion']); $ips = $ips[count($ips)-1]; $ips = explode(',', $ips); if (count($ips) == 1) { echo $ips[0]; } else { echo '<ul style="display:inline;">'; foreach ($ips as $ip) { echo "<li>$ip</li>"; } echo '</ul>'; } } if ($metaconsole) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return; } if ($get_group_status_tooltip) { $id_group = (int) get_parameter ('id_group'); $group = db_get_row ('tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $id_group); echo '<h3>' . html_print_image("images/groups_small/" . groups_get_icon ($group['id_grupo']) . ".png", true); echo ui_print_truncate_text($group['nombre'], GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, false, true, false) . '</h3>'; echo '<strong>'.__('Parent').':</strong> '; if ($group['parent'] == 0) { echo __('None') . '<br />'; } else { $group_parent = db_get_row ('tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $group['parent']); echo html_print_image("images/groups_small/" . groups_get_icon ($group['parent']) . ".png", true); echo $group_parent['nombre'] . '<br />'; } echo '<strong>' . __('Sons') . ':</strong> '; $groups_sons = db_get_all_fields_in_table ('tgrupo', 'parent', $group['id_grupo']); if ($groups_sons === false) { echo __('None').'<br />'; } else { echo '<br /><br />'; foreach($groups_sons as $group_son) { echo html_print_image("images/groups_small/" . groups_get_icon ($group_son['id_grupo']) . ".png", true); echo $group_son['nombre'].'<br />'; } } return; } if ($get_agent_id) { $agent_name = (string) get_parameter ("agent_name"); echo agents_get_agent_id ($agent_name); return; } return; } $id_agente = (int) get_parameter ("id_agente", 0); if (empty ($id_agente)) { return; } $agent = db_get_row ('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agente); // get group for this id_agente $id_grupo = $agent['id_grupo']; $is_extra = enterprise_hook('policies_is_agent_extra_policy', array($id_agente)); if ($is_extra === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $is_extra = false; } if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], $id_grupo, "AR", $id_agente) && !$is_extra) { db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation", "Trying to access (read) to agent ".agents_get_name($id_agente)); include ("general/noaccess.php"); return; } // Check for Network FLAG change request $flag = get_parameter('flag', ''); if ($flag !== '') { if ($flag == 1 && check_acl ($config['id_user'], $id_grupo, "AW")) { $id_agent_module = get_parameter('id_agente_modulo'); db_process_sql_update('tagente_modulo', array('flag' => 1), array('id_agente_modulo' => $id_agent_module)); } } // Check for Network FLAG change request $flag_agent = get_parameter('flag_agent',''); if ($flag_agent !== '') { if ($flag_agent == 1 && check_acl ($config['id_user'], $id_grupo, "AW")) { db_process_sql_update('tagente_modulo', array('flag' => 1), array('id_agente' =>$id_agente)); } } if ($agent["icon_path"]) { $icon = gis_get_agent_icon_map($agent["id_agente"], true); } else { $icon = 'images/bricks.png'; } ///-------------Code for the tabs in the header of agent page----------- $tab = get_parameter ("tab", "main"); /* Manage tab */ $managetab = ""; if (check_acl ($config['id_user'],$id_grupo, "AW") || $is_extra) { $managetab['text'] ='<a href="index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&id_agente='.$id_agente.'">' . html_print_image("images/setup.png", true, array ("title" => __('Manage'))) . '</a>'; if ($tab == 'manage') $managetab['active'] = true; else $managetab['active'] = false; $managetab['godmode'] = 1; } /* Main tab */ $maintab['text'] = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$id_agente.'">' . html_print_image("images/agent_mc.png", true, array("title" => __('Main'))) . '</a>'; if ($tab == 'main') $maintab['active'] = true; else $maintab['active'] = false; /* Alert tab */ $alerttab['text'] = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$id_agente.'&tab=alert">' . html_print_image("images/op_alerts.png", true, array("title" => __('Alerts'))) . '</a>'; if ($tab == 'alert') $alerttab['active'] = true; else $alerttab['active'] = false; /* Inventory */ $inventorytab = enterprise_hook ('inventory_tab'); if ($inventorytab == -1) $inventorytab = ""; /* Collection */ $collectiontab = enterprise_hook('collection_tab'); if ($collectiontab == -1) $collectiontab = ""; /* Policy */ $policyTab = enterprise_hook('policy_tab'); if ($policyTab == -1) $policyTab = ""; /* GIS tab */ $gistab=""; if ($config['activate_gis']) { $gistab['text'] = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&tab=gis&id_agente='.$id_agente.'">' .html_print_image("images/op_gis.png", true, array( "title" => __('GIS data'))) .'</a>'; if ($tab == 'gis') $gistab['active'] = true; else $gistab['active'] = false; } /* Incident tab */ $total_incidents = agents_get_count_incidents($id_agente); if ($config['integria_enabled'] == 0 and $total_incidents > 0) { $incidenttab['text'] = '<a href="index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&tab=incident&id_agente='.$id_agente.'">' . html_print_image ("images/book_edit.png", true, array ("title" =>__('Incidents'))) . '</a>'; if ($tab == 'incident') $incidenttab['active'] = true; else $incidenttab['active'] = false; } /* Url address tab */ if ($agent['url_address'] != '') { $urladdresstab['text'] = '<a href="index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&tab=url_address&id_agente='.$id_agente.'">' . html_print_image ("images/link.png", true, array ("title" =>__('Url address'))) . '</a>'; } if ($tab == 'url_address') $urladdresstab['active'] = true; else $urladdresstab['active'] = false; /* Custom fields tab */ $custom_fields['text'] = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&tab=custom_fields&id_agente='.$id_agente.'">' . html_print_image("images/custom_field.png", true, array("title" => __('Custom fields'))) . '</a>'; if ($tab == 'custom_fields') { $custom_fields['active'] = true; } else { $custom_fields['active'] = false; } /* Graphs tab */ $graphs['text'] = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&tab=graphs&id_agente='.$id_agente.'">' . html_print_image("images/chart.png", true, array("title" => __('Graphs'))) . '</a>'; if ($tab == 'graphs') { $graphs['active'] = true; } else { $graphs['active'] = false; } $onheader = array('manage' => $managetab, 'main' => $maintab, 'alert' => $alerttab, 'inventory' => $inventorytab, 'collection' => $collectiontab, 'gis' => $gistab, 'custom' => $custom_fields, 'graphs' => $graphs, 'policy' => $policyTab); //Added after it exists // If the agent has incidents associated if ($total_incidents) { $onheader['incident'] = $incidenttab; } if ($agent['url_address'] != '') { $onheader['url_address'] = $urladdresstab; } //Tabs for extensions foreach ($config['extensions'] as $extension) { if (isset($extension['extension_ope_tab'])) { //VMware extension is only available for VMware OS if ($extension['extension_ope_tab']['id'] === "vmware_manager") { //Check if OS is vmware $id_remote_field = db_get_value ("id_field", "tagent_custom_fields", "name", "vmware_type"); $vmware_type = db_get_value_filter("description", "tagent_custom_data", array("id_field" => $id_remote_field, "id_agent" => $agent["id_agente"])); if ($vmware_type != "vm") { continue; } } //RHEV extension is only available for RHEV Virtual Machines if ($extension['extension_ope_tab']['id'] === "rhev_manager") { //Get id for remote field "rhev_type" $id_remote_field = db_get_value("id_field", "tagent_custom_fields", "name", "rhev_type"); //Get rhev type for this agent $rhev_type = db_get_value_filter ("description", "tagent_custom_data", array ("id_field" => $id_remote_field, "id_agent" => $agent['id_agente'])); //Check if rhev type is a vm if ($rhev_type != "vm") { continue; } } $image = $extension['extension_ope_tab']['icon']; $name = $extension['extension_ope_tab']['name']; $id = $extension['extension_ope_tab']['id']; $id_extension = get_parameter('id_extension', ''); if ($id_extension == $id) { $active = true; } else { $active = false; } $url = 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&tab=extension&id_agente='.$id_agente . '&id_extension=' . $id; $extension_tab = array('text' => '<a href="' . $url .'">' . html_print_image ($image, true, array ( "title" => $name)) . '</a>', 'active' => $active); $onheader = $onheader + array($id => $extension_tab); } } $header_description = ''; switch($tab) { case "main": break; case "data": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Last data'); break; case "alert": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Alerts'); break; case "inventory": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Inventory'); break; case "collection": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Collection'); break; case "gis": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Gis'); break; case "custom_fields": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Custom fields'); break; case "graphs": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Graphs'); break; case "policy": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Policy'); break; case "incident": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Incident'); break; case "url_address": $header_description = ' - ' . __('Url address'); break; } ui_print_page_header(agents_get_name($id_agente) . $header_description, $icon, false, "", false, $onheader); switch ($tab) { case "custom_fields": require ("custom_fields.php"); break; case "gis": require ("gis_view.php"); break; case "manage": require ("estado_generalagente.php"); break; case "main": require ("estado_generalagente.php"); echo "<a name='monitors'></a>"; require ("estado_monitores.php"); echo "<a name='alerts'></a>"; require ("alerts_status.php"); echo "<a name='events'></a>"; require ("status_events.php"); break; case "data_view": require ("datos_agente.php"); break; case "alert": require ("alerts_status.php"); break; case "inventory": enterprise_include ("operation/agentes/agent_inventory.php"); break; case "collection": enterprise_include ("operation/agentes/collection_view.php"); break; case "policy": enterprise_include ("operation/agentes/policy_view.php"); break; case "graphs"; require("operation/agentes/graphs.php"); break; case "incident": require("godmode/agentes/agent_incidents.php"); break; case "url_address": require("operation/agentes/url_address.php"); break; case "extension": $found = false; foreach($config['extensions'] as $extension) { if (isset($extension['extension_ope_tab'])) { $id = $extension['extension_ope_tab']['id']; $function = $extension['extension_ope_tab']['function']; $id_extension = get_parameter('id_extension', ''); if ($id_extension == $id) { call_user_func_array($function, array()); $found = true; } } } if (!$found) { ui_print_error_message ("Invalid tab specified in ".__FILE__.":".__LINE__); } break; } ?>