#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ EXCHANGE MAIL PLUGIN Author: Alejandro Sanchez Carrion Copyright: Copyright 2024, PandoraFMS Maintainer: Operations Department Status: Production Version: 1.0 """ from exchangelib import Credentials,Configuration, Account, DELEGATE, OAUTH2, IMPERSONATION,Message, Mailbox from exchangelib import OAuth2Credentials from exchangelib.version import Version, EXCHANGE_O365 from exchangelib.protocol import BaseProtocol, NoVerifyHTTPAdapter BaseProtocol.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS = NoVerifyHTTPAdapter import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings() import pandoraPlugintools as ppt import argparse,sys,re,json,os,traceback from datetime import datetime,timedelta,timezone __author__ = "Alejandro Sánchez Carrion" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, PandoraFMS" __maintainer__ = "Operations department" __status__ = "Production" __version__= '1.0' info = f""" Pandora FMS Exchange Mail Version = 1.0 Description = This plugin can search for matches in your mail and find the number of matches, as well as list them. Manual execution ./exchange_mail \ --auth \ --server \ --smtp_address \ --client_id \ --tenant_id \ --secret \ [--user ] \ [--password ] \ [--subject ] \ [--sender ] \ [--date_start ] \ [--date_end ] \ [--mail_list ] \ [--module_prefix ] \ [--agent_prefix ] \ [--group ] \ [--interval ] \ [--temporal ] \ [--data_dir ] \ [--transfer_mode ] \ [--tentacle_client ] \ [--tentacle_opts ] \ [--tentacle_port ] \ [--tentacle_address ] \ [--log_file ] there are three parameters with which to filter the mails subject email date You can use only one and filter from that or use the following combinations: subject subject + sender subject + sender + date """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description= info, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--server' , help="Server name" , default = "outlook.office365.com" , type=str) parser.add_argument('--smtp_address' , help="SMTP address" , required = True , type=str) parser.add_argument('--user' , help="User name" , default="" , type=str) parser.add_argument('--password' , help="Password" , default="" , type=str) parser.add_argument('--client_id' , help="Client_id" , default="" , type=str) parser.add_argument('--tenant_id' , help="Tenant_id" , default="" , type=str) parser.add_argument('--secret' , help="Secret" , default="" , type=str) parser.add_argument('--subject' , help="Select match in subjects" , default=None , type=str) parser.add_argument('--sender' , help="Select coincidences from email" , default=None , type=str) parser.add_argument('--date_start' , help="Search for matches from a certain date,Each date must be separated by a hyphen and in quotation marks, with the following format: 'year-month-day-hour-minute'. example: '2021-1-12-0-0'", default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument('--date_end' , help="Search for matches from a certain date,Each date must be separated by a hyphen and in quotation marks, with the following format: 'year-month-day-hour-minute'. example: '2021-6-12-0-0'", default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument('--mail_list' , help='List mail coincidences' , default=0 ,type=int ) parser.add_argument('--module_prefix' , help='Prefix for the modules. Example : meraki.' , default="" , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--agent_prefix' , help='Prefix for the agents. Example : meraki.' , default="" , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--group' , help='PandoraFMS destination group (default exchange)' , default='' , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--interval' , help='Agent monitoring interval' , default=300 , type=int ) parser.add_argument('--temporal' , help='PandoraFMS temporal dir' , default='/tmp' , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--data_dir' , help='PandoraFMS data dir ' , default='/var/spool/pandora/data_in/' , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--transfer_mode' , help='Data transfer mode, local or tentacle' , default="tentacle" , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--tentacle_client' , help='Tentacle client path, by default tentacle_client' , default="tentacle_client" , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--tentacle_opts' , help='Additional tentacle options' , default="" , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--tentacle_port' , help='Tentacle port' , default=41121 , type=int ) parser.add_argument('--tentacle_address' , help='Tentacle adress' , default="" , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--log_file' , help='Log file path' , default='/tmp/exchangemail_logfile.txt' , type=str ) parser.add_argument('--auth', choices=['basic', 'oauth'], help='Auth type', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() ############### ## VARIABLES ## ############### server = args.server smtp_address = args.smtp_address user = args.user password = args.password client_id = args.client_id tenant_id = args.tenant_id secret = args.secret subject = args.subject sender = args.sender date_start = args.date_start date_end = args.date_end mail_list = args.mail_list module_prefix = args.module_prefix agent_prefix = args.agent_prefix temporal = args.temporal group = args.group interval = args.interval data_dir = args.data_dir transfer_mode = args.transfer_mode tentacle_address = args.tentacle_address tentacle_port = args.tentacle_port tentacle_client = args.tentacle_client tentacle_opts = args.tentacle_opts log_file = args.log_file ############### ## FUNCTIONS ## ############### def Oauth_session(credentials): """ Creates an OAuth session with an Exchange server using the provided credentials. Args: credentials (Credentials): Credentials object containing information for OAuth authentication. Returns: Account: An Account object representing the OAuth session with the Exchange server. """ try: config = Configuration(server=server,credentials=credentials, auth_type=OAUTH2,version=Version(build=EXCHANGE_O365),) account = Account( smtp_address, credentials=credentials, config=config, autodiscover=False, access_type=IMPERSONATION) return account except Exception as e: print(0) write_to_log(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}", log_file) sys.exit() def basic_session(credentials): """ Creates a basic session with an Exchange server using the provided credentials. Args: credentials (Credentials): Credentials object containing information for authentication. Returns: Account: An Account object representing the basic session with the Exchange server. """ try: config = Configuration(server=server, credentials=credentials) account = Account( primary_smtp_address=args.smtp_address, autodiscover=False, config=config, access_type=DELEGATE ) return account except Exception as e: print(0) write_to_log(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}", log_file) sys.exit() def create_module(name, module_type, description, value, unit=""): """ Creates a generic module based on a template. Args: module_prefix (str): The prefix for the module name. name_suffix (str): The suffix to be appended to the module name. module_type (str): The type of the module. description (str): The description of the module. value: The value of the module. unit (str, optional): The unit of measurement for the module. Defaults to "". Returns: dict: A dictionary representing the generic module. """ return { "name": f'{module_prefix}{name}', "type": module_type, "desc": description, "value": value, "unit": unit } def create_agent(count,list_mail = None): """ Creates an agent with specified parameters and transfers it to a target address. Args: count (int): Number of mails matching the filter used in the run. list_mail (str, optional): List of mails matching the filter used in the run. Default is None. Returns: None """ modules = [] modules.append(create_module(f"{module_prefix}.Coincidences_count", "generic_data", "Number of mails matching the filter used in the run", count)) if list_mail is not None : modules.append(create_module(f"{module_prefix}.Coincidences_list", "generic_data_string", "List of mails matching the filter used in the run", list_mail)) agent = { "agent_name" : ppt.generate_md5(agent_prefix + smtp_address), "agent_alias" : agent_prefix + smtp_address, "parent_agent_name" : "", "description" : "", "version" : "", "os_name" : "", "os_version" : "", "timestamp" : now(), "address" : server, "group" : group, "interval" : interval, "agent_mode" : "1" } xml_content = ppt.print_agent(agent, modules) xml_file = ppt.write_xml(xml_content, agent["agent_name"]) ppt.transfer_xml( xml_file, transfer_mode=transfer_mode, tentacle_ip=tentacle_address, tentacle_port=tentacle_port ) write_to_log("Agent: " + agent_prefix + smtp_address + " getting mail data.", log_file) def parse_result(list_email,sep="")-> list: """ Parses a list of email elements and converts them into a list of dictionaries. Args: list_email (list): List of email elements to be parsed. sep (str): Separator to join elements into a string. Default is an empty string. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary has a single key "value" containing the joined string. """ result=[] for line in list_email: str_line=sep.join(str(elem) for elem in line) str_dict={"value":str_line} result.append(str_dict) return result def now( utimestamp: bool = False ): """ Get the current time in the specified format or as a Unix timestamp. Args: utimestamp (bool): Set to True to get the Unix timestamp (epoch time). print_flag (bool): Set to True to print the time to standard output. Returns: str: The current time in the desired format or as a Unix timestamp. """ today = datetime.today() if utimestamp: time = datetime.timestamp(today) else: time = today.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') return time def write_to_log(variable_content, log_file_path): """ Writes the content of a variable to a log file with timestamp. Args: variable_content: Content of the variable to be logged. log_file_path (str): Path to the log file. """ timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_entry = f"{timestamp} - {variable_content}\n" try: with open(log_file_path, 'a') as log_file: log_file.write(log_entry) except IOError as e: print(f"Error writing to log file: {e}") if args.auth == 'basic': credentials = Credentials(username=user, password=password) account = basic_session(credentials) elif args.auth == 'oauth': credentials = OAuth2Credentials(client_id=client_id, client_secret=secret, tenant_id=tenant_id) account = Oauth_session(credentials) else: print(0) write_to_log(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}", log_file) sys.exit() try: ## Only one parameter if subject and sender==None and date_start==None and date_end == None: filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(subject__contains=args.subject) if subject==None and sender and date_start==None and date_end == None: filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(sender__icontains=sender) if subject==None and sender==None and date_start and date_end : date_start=date_start.split("-") date_end=date_end.split("-") filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(datetime_received__range=(datetime(int(date_start[0].strip()), int(date_start[1].strip()), int(date_start[2].strip()), int(date_start[3].strip()), int(date_start[4].strip())).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc),datetime(int(date_end[0].strip()), int(date_end[1].strip()), int(date_end[2].strip()), int(date_end[3].strip()), int(date_end[4].strip())).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc))) ## Subject + sender if subject and sender and date_start==None and date_end==None : filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(sender__icontains=sender,subject__contains=subject) ## All parameters if subject and sender and date_start and date_end : date_start=date_start.split("-") date_end=date_end.split("-") filtered_items = account.inbox.filter(datetime_received__range=(datetime(int(date_start[0].strip()), int(date_start[1].strip()), int(date_start[2].strip()), int(date_start[3].strip()), int(date_start[4].strip())).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc),datetime(int(date_end[0].strip()), int(date_end[1].strip()), int(date_end[2].strip()), int(date_end[3].strip()), int(date_end[4].strip())).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)),sender__icontains=args.sender,subject__contains=args.subject) # List Number email coincidences list_mail=[] # Count number messages coincidences count=0 for item in filtered_items: count=count+1 if mail_list != 0: list_mail.append("("+str(item.datetime_received) + ") - "+str(item.subject)+" - "+str(item.sender)) #print(item.subject, item.sender, item.datetime_received) if mail_list!= 0: list_mail = parse_result(list_mail) create_agent(count,list_mail) else: create_agent(count) except Exception as e: print(0) write_to_log(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}", log_file) sys.exit() print(1)