#!/bin/sh # Pandora FMS Server Installer (c) 2008-2023 Pandora FMS # Linux/FreeBSD Version (generic), for SuSe, Debian/Ubuntu and FreeBSD only # other Linux distros could not work properly without modifications # Please see http://www.pandorafms.org # v5.0 Build 130207 # This code is licensed under GPL 2.0 license. # ********************************************************************** PI_VERSION="7.0NG.776" PI_BUILD="240507" MODE=$1 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then shift fi # Defaults PREFIX=/usr PANDORA_SPOOL=/var/spool/pandora PANDORA_HOME=$PREFIX/share/pandora_server PANDORA_CFG_DIR=/etc/pandora PANDORA_LOG=/var/log/pandora PANDORA_SERVER=/etc/init.d/pandora_server TENTACLE_SERVER=/etc/init.d/tentacle_serverd PANDORA_CFG_FILE=$PANDORA_CFG_DIR/pandora_server.conf PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST=conf/pandora_server.conf.new PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST_SEC=conf/pandora_server_sec.conf.template PANDORA_INIT_SCRIPT=util/pandora_server TENTACLE_CFG_DIR=/etc/tentacle TENTACLE_CFG_FILE=$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR/tentacle_server.conf TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST=conf/tentacle_server.conf.new TENTACLE_INIT_SCRIPT=util/tentacle_serverd PERL=perl MANDIR=$PREFIX/share/man/man1 INITDIR=/etc/init.d WITHOUT_TENTACLE=0 # # set_global_vars # Check platform and set DISTRO, OS_VERSION and LINUX. # Also, define some platform sepcific variables (e.g. PANDORA_RC_VAR for (Free|Net)BSD) # and override some of defaults defined above if needed. # set_global_vars () { # Default LINUX=NO OS_VERSION=`uname -r` DISTRO=`uname -s` # set correct value for LINUX_DISTRO case $DISTRO in Linux) # Default for Linux LINUX=YES DISTRO="GENERIC" # Get Linux Distro type and version # We assume we are on Linux unless told otherwise if [ -f "/etc/SuSE-release" ] then OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/SuSE-release | grep VERSION | cut -f 3 -d " "` DISTRO=SUSE elif [ -f "/etc/lsb-release" ] && [ ! -f "/etc/redhat-release" ] then OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DISTRIB_RELEASE | cut -f 2 -d "="` DISTRO=UBUNTU OS_VERSION="UBUNTU $OS_VERSION" elif [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ] then OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/debian_version` OS_VERSION="DEBIAN $OS_VERSION" DISTRO=DEBIAN elif [ -f "/etc/fedora-release" ] then OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/fedora-release | cut -f 4 -d " "` OS_VERSION="FEDORA $OS_VERSION" DISTRO=FEDORA fi ;; Darwin|AIX) # For future reference, Darwin doesn't have /etc/init.d but uses LaunchDaemons. # AIX doesn't have /etc/init.d ;; SunOS) # Some Solaris and other Unices don't have /etc/init.d, some have /usr/spool instead of /var/spool DISTRO="Solaris" ;; FreeBSD) PREFIX=/usr/local PANDORA_HOME=$PREFIX/share/pandora_server PANDORA_CFG_DIR=$PREFIX/etc/pandora PANDORA_SERVER=$PREFIX/etc/rc.d/pandora_server TENTACLE_SERVER=$PREFIX/etc/rc.d/tentacle_server PANDORA_CFG_FILE=$PANDORA_CFG_DIR/pandora_server.conf PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST=$DISTRO/pandora_server.conf.new PANDORA_INIT_SCRIPT=$DISTRO/pandora_server TENTACLE_CFG_DIR=$PREFIX/etc/tentacle TENTACLE_CFG_FILE=$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR/tentacle_server.conf TENTACLE_INIT_SCRIPT=$DISTRO/tentacle_server MANDIR=$PREFIX/man/man1 INITDIR=$PREFIX/etc/rc.d PERL=/usr/local/bin/perl PANDORA_RC_VAR="pandora_server_enable" TENTACLE_RC_VAR="tentacle_server_enable" ;; NetBSD) PREFIX=/usr/local PANDORA_HOME=$PREFIX/share/pandora_server PANDORA_CFG_DIR=$PREFIX/etc/pandora PANDORA_SERVER=/etc/rc.d/pandora_server TENTACLE_CFG_DIR=$PREFIX/etc/tentacle TENTACLE_CFG_FILE=$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR/tentacle_server.conf TENTACLE_SERVER=/etc/rc.d/tentacle_server PANDORA_CFG_FILE=$PANDORA_CFG_DIR/pandora_server.conf PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST=$DISTRO/pandora_server.conf.new PANDORA_INIT_SCRIPT=$DISTRO/pandora_server TENTACLE_INIT_SCRIPT=$DISTRO/tentacle_server PERL=/usr/pkg/bin/perl INITDIR=/etc/rc.d PANDORA_RC_VAR="pandora_server" TENTACLE_RC_VAR="tentacle_server" ;; esac } # # install_startup_script [options...] SRC # copy SRC into the $INITDIR and do additional required operation according to $DISTRO # if $INITDIR is not set or empty, do nothing. # If $DESTDIR is set, skip enabling service # OPTIONS: # -s SPRIO specify startup priority for service # install_startup_script () { [ "$INITDIR" ] || return 1 if [ "$1" = "-s" ] then SPRIO=$2 shift;shift fi SRC=$1 SCRIPT_NAME=`basename $SRC` echo "Copying the daemon script into $INITDIR" [ -d $DESTDIR$INITDIR ] || mkdir -p $DESTDIR$INITDIR cp $SRC $DESTDIR$INITDIR [ "$DESTDIR" ] && return case $DISTRO in UBUNTU|DEBIAN) echo "Linking startup script to /etc/rc2.d" update-rc.d $SCRIPT_NAME defaults ;; SUSE) echo "Creating startup daemons" insserv $SCRIPT_NAME ;; FeeBSD|NetBSD) chmod 555 $DESTDIR$INITDIR/$SCRIPT_NAME ;; *) if [ "$LINUX" = YES ] then # Pandora FMS Server install (Other Distros) INITLV=`grep '[0-9]:initdefault' /etc/inittab | cut -f 2 -d ':'` : ${INITLV:=2} echo "Linking startup script to /etc/rc.d/rc$INITLV.d/S$SPRIO$SCRIPT_NAME" ln -s $INITDIR/$SCRIPT_NAME /etc/rc.d/rc$INITLV.d/S$SPRIO$SCRIPT_NAME fi ;; esac } install () { set_global_vars FORCE=0 BINARIES=0 # parse options while : do case $1 in --force) FORCE=1;; --from-binary) BINARIES=1;; --no-tentacle) WITHOUT_TENTACLE=1;; --destdir) DESTDIR=$2;shift;; *) break;; esac shift done # Alternative destdir has been selected if [ ! -z "$DESTDIR" ] then # Files from previous installation were found if [ -d "/usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS" ] then GREEN='\033[01;32m' NONE='\033[0m' echo -e -n "Files from a previous installation were found in ${GREEN}/usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/${NONE}. " read -p "That directory will be deleted in order to preserve integrity. Do you wish to proceed? (y/N): " USERAPPROVAL if [ "${USERAPPROVAL,,}" = "y" ]; then rm -rf "/usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS" echo -e "Previous PandoraFMS directory deleted successfully" else echo -e -n "Files in ${GREEN}/usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/${NONE} will not be deleted. This may cause issues. " read -p "Do you want to proceed with the installation anyway? (y/N): " USERAPPROVAL if [ "${USERAPPROVAL,,}" = "y" ]; then echo "Proceeding with the installation anyway. This may cause problems in the future due to the existence of files from previous installations." else echo "Installation aborted. You chose not to proceed." exit 1 fi fi fi fi if [ "$LINUX" = YES ] then echo "$DISTRO distribution detected" else echo "$DISTRO detected" fi if [ ! $BINARIES -eq 1 ] # Do not compile files if binary is distributed then $PERL Makefile.PL INSTALLMAN1DIR=none WITHOUT_TENTACLE=$WITHOUT_TENTACLE > output 2>&1 #&& sleep 2 && cat output | grep "found" | wc -l DEPENDENCIAS=`cat output | grep "found" | wc -l` if [ $DEPENDENCIAS -gt 0 ] && [ $FORCE -eq 0 ] then echo "You are missing the following dependencies" echo " " cat output | awk -F ": prerequisite" '{print $2}' | awk -F " " '{print $1}' echo "The complete installation guide is at: https://pandorafms.com/docs/" echo " " echo "Debian-based distribution do:" echo " # apt-get install snmp snmpd libjson-perllibio-socket-inet6-perl libsocket6-perl libxml-simple-perl libxml-twig-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libdbi-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libhtml-parser-perl wmi-client snmp-mibs-downloader" echo " " echo "For CentOS / RHEL do: " echo " " echo " # yum install perl-XML-Simple* perl-XML-Twig perl-JSON perl-IO-Socket* perl-Socket6 perl-Time-modules* perl-NetAddr-IP* perl-DateTime* perl-ExtUtils perl-DBI nmap " echo " " echo "For OpenSUSE / SLES do : " echo " " echo " # zypper install nmap perl-DBD-mysql perl-DBI perl-HTML-Parser perl-JSON perl-HTML-Encoding perl-HTML-Tree perl-NetAddr-IP perl-IO-Socket-INET6 perl-Socket6 perl-TimeDate perl-XML-Simple perl-XML-Twig perl-libwww-perl mysql-client" echo " " echo " You also will need to install (optionally) wmiclient from rpm (download from our website)" echo " " echo "For FreeBSD do : " echo " " echo " Install following tools from ports or packages." echo " Recommended: p5-DBI p5-NetAddr-IP p5-XML-Simple p5-XML-Twig p5-HTML-Parser p5-DBD-mysql p5-Socket6 p5-IO-Socket-INET6 p5-JSON" echo " Optional: nmap" echo " " echo "To get them from source through CPAN do" echo " " echo " $ cpan Time::Local DBI Socket6 XML::Simple XML::Twig IO::Socket Time::HiRes NetAddr::IP HTML::Entities IO::Socket::INET6 JSON" echo " " rm output exit 1 fi rm output echo "Installing binaries and libraries" make make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install echo "Checking binaries at /usr/local/bin -> /usr/bin" if [ ! -f "$DESTDIR/usr/bin/pandora_server" ] then if [ ! -f "$DESTDIR/usr/local/bin/pandora_server" ] then echo "ERROR compiling Pandora FMS Server from sources. Aborting" exit 1 fi if [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] && [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then [ -d $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ] || mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/pandora_server $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/pandora_exec $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/tentacle_server $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/tentacle_client $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin fi fi fi echo "Creating common Pandora FMS directories" id pandora 2> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo " " echo "User pandora does exist, make sure the SSH directories are correct" elif [ "$DESTDIR" ] then # chown can fail with fakeroot installation echo "User 'pandora' does not exist. All chown operations may fail." echo "You should manualy set proper ownership to $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL if needed." echo else echo "Are you sure we can create a standard 'pandora' user locally? [y/N]" read AREYOUSURE if [ "$AREYOUSURE" = "y" ]; then if [ "$DISTRO" = "FreeBSD" ] then echo "pandora:41121:::::Pandora FMS:/home/pandora:/usr/sbin/nologin:" | adduser -f - -w no 2> /dev/null else useradd pandora mkdir /home/pandora 2> /dev/null mkdir /home/pandora/.ssh 2> /dev/null chown -R pandora /home/pandora fi else echo "Please create the 'pandora' user manually according to your authentication scheme, then start again the installation" echo "Aborting..." exit 1 fi fi mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/conf 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/conf mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/md5 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/md5 mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/collections 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/collections mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/netflow 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/netflow mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/sflow 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/sflow mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/trans 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/trans mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/commands 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/commands mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/discovery 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/discovery mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/agent 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/agent mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PANDORA_LOG 2> /dev/null chown -R pandora:apache $DESTDIR$PANDORA_LOG 2> /dev/null chmod 2774 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_LOG 2> /dev/null echo "Giving proper permission to /var/spool/pandora" for group in "www-data" wwwrun www apache do IDGROUP=`id -g "$group" 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then GROUPNAME=`grep ":$IDGROUP:" /etc/group | awk -F":" '{print $1}'` break fi done if [ -z "$GROUPNAME" ] then echo "No web server user found, some functionality might not perform correctly" GROUPNAME=0 fi # when fakeroot installation, this can fail chown -R pandora:$GROUPNAME $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL 2>/dev/null chown apache:$GROUPNAME $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/customer_key 2>/dev/null # Copy open discovery plugins to data_in if [ -d "$DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/discovery" ]; then echo ">Installing the open discovery scripts to $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/discovery..." for disco_folder in $(ls "discovery/"); do if [ -d "discovery/"$disco_folder ]; then if [ -d "$DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/discovery/$disco_folder" ]; then rm -Rf "$DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/discovery/$disco_folder" fi cp -Rf "discovery/"$disco_folder "$DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/discovery/$disco_folder" chmod -R 770 "$DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/discovery/$disco_folder" fi done else echo ">ERROR: Failed to copy open discovery scripts to $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/discovery/discovery - Folder not found" fi echo "Creating setup directory in $PANDORA_CFG_DIR" mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_DIR 2> /dev/null if [ -f "$DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE" ] then echo cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_DIR cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_DIR else echo cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE chmod 770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE fi echo "Creating sec setup directory in $PANDORA_CFG_DIR/conf.d" mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_DIR/conf.d 2> /dev/null echo cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST_SEC $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_DIR/conf.d/ cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST_SEC $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_DIR/conf.d/ echo "Installing Pandora Server manual" [ -d $DESTDIR$MANDIR ] || mkdir -p $DESTDIR$MANDIR cp man/man1/pandora_server.1.gz $DESTDIR$MANDIR install_startup_script -s 90 $PANDORA_INIT_SCRIPT if [ -d /etc/logrotate.d ] then if [ -f $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d/pandora_server ] then echo "A logrotate.d entry for Pandora FMS log management already exists, skipping creation" else echo "Creating logrotate.d entry for Pandora FMS log management" [ -d $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d ] || mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d cp util/pandora_server_logrotate $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d/pandora_server fi else echo "Please add a log rotation schedule manually to your log rotation daemon (if any)" fi if [ $WITHOUT_TENTACLE -eq 0 ] then # tentacle_server is already installed by "make install" install_startup_script -s 80 $TENTACLE_INIT_SCRIPT # Create the directory to locate the Tentacle configuration file echo "Creating setup Tentacle directory in $TENTACLE_CFG_DIR" mkdir -p $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR 2> /dev/null if [ -f "$DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE" ] then echo cp $TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR cp $TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR # Add agents deployment filters if not added yet filter_changed=0 tentacle_filters=$(grep -E '^\s*filters\s*.*$' "$DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g') if ! [[ $tentacle_filters =~ \.\*\\\\\.agent_setup\\\\\.exe:agent ]] then sed -i -e "s/$tentacle_filters/$tentacle_filters;.*\\\\.agent_setup\\\\.exe:agent/" "$DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE" filter_changed=1 fi tentacle_filters=$(grep -E '^\s*filters\s*.*$' "$DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g') if ! [[ $tentacle_filters =~ \.\*\\\\\.agent_setup\\\\\.tar\\\\\.gz:agent ]] then sed -i -e "s/$tentacle_filters/$tentacle_filters;.*\\\\.agent_setup\\\\.tar\\\\.gz:agent/" "$DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE" filter_changed=1 fi if [ $filter_changed -eq 1 ] then echo "Tentacle filter updated for agent deployment feature." echo "Please restart 'tentacle_serverd' service." fi else echo cp $TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE cp $TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE chmod 774 $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE fi echo "Installing Tentacle Server manual" cp man/man1/tentacle_server.1.gz $DESTDIR$MANDIR fi echo "Creating Pandora FMS distribution directory in $PANDORA_HOME" mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME 2> /dev/null cp -R util $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME find $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME -type l -delete case $DISTRO in FreeBSD) # adjust shebang for pl_script in `find $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME/util -name "*.pl"` do cat $pl_script | sed 's/^#!\/usr\/bin\/perl/#!\/usr\/local\/bin\/perl/g' > ${pl_script}.new mv ${pl_script}.new $pl_script chmod a+x $pl_script done for sh_script in `find $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME/util -name "*.sh"` do cat $sh_script | sed 's/^#!\/bin\/bash/#!\/usr\/local\/bin\/bash/g' > ${sh_script}.new mv ${sh_script}.new $sh_script chmod a+x $sh_script done # install pandora_ha INSTALL_DIR="$DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/" echo ">Installing the pandora_ha binary to $INSTALL_DIR..." cp -f $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME/util/pandora_ha.pl "$INSTALL_DIR/pandora_ha" chmod +x "$INSTALL_DIR/pandora_ha" ;; *) SYSTEMD_DIR=$DESTDIR/etc/systemd/system PID_DIR=$DESTDIR/var/run INSTALL_DIR="$DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/" echo ">Installing the pandora_ha binary to $INSTALL_DIR..." cp -f util/pandora_ha.pl "$INSTALL_DIR/pandora_ha" chmod +x "$INSTALL_DIR/pandora_ha" echo ">Installing pandora_ha service to $INSTALL_DIR..." [ -d "$PID_DIR" ] || mkdir -p "$PID_DIR" [ -d "$SYSTEMD_DIR" ] || mkdir -p "$SYSTEMD_DIR" cat > $SYSTEMD_DIR/pandora_ha.service <<-EOF [Unit] Description=Pandora FMS Daemon Watchdog [Service] Type=forking User=$USER PIDFile=$PID_DIR/pandora_ha.pid Restart=always ExecStart=${INSTALL_DIR}pandora_ha -d -p $PID_DIR/pandora_ha.pid $PANDORA_CONF [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF ;; esac # install cron job if [ -d /etc/cron.hourly ] then [ ! -d $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly ] && mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly echo "Creating the Cron script to run Pandora DB tool each hour" echo "#!/bin/bash" > $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly/pandora_db echo "perl $PANDORA_HOME/util/pandora_db.pl /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf" >> $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly/pandora_db chmod +x $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly/pandora_db elif [ "$DISTRO" = "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" = "NetBSD" ] then if [ "$DESTDIR" ] then echo "Skip adding cron entry for pandora_db.pl when performing fakeroot installation." else grep pandora_db.pl /etc/crontab > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "# Pandora FMS" >> /etc/crontab echo "2 * * * * root perl $PANDORA_HOME/util/pandora_db.pl $PANDORA_CFG_FILE" >> /etc/crontab else echo "The crontab for pandora_db.pl is already configured." fi fi else echo "You're probably not using cron for automatic scheduling. You should schedule the following command to run frequently (hourly) on your master server:" echo " perl $PANDORA_HOME/util/pandora_db.pl $PANDORA_CFG_FILE" fi echo echo "Now you have to edit your $PANDORA_CFG_FILE file to change the database password (default is pandora) with the one set in include/config.php of your Pandora FMS Console." echo "After setting password you can start your Pandora FMS Server!!" if [ "$DISTRO" = "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" = "NetBSD" ] then echo " " echo "Define '$PANDORA_RC_VAR=\"YES\"' in /etc/rc.conf to enable pandora server daemon." [ "$WITHOUT_TENTACLE" = 0 ] && \ echo "Define '$TENTACLE_RC_VAR=\"YES\"' in /etc/rc.conf to enable tentacle server daemon." fi } uninstall () { set_global_vars if [ "$LINUX" != "YES" ] && [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] && [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then echo "This is not a Linux-based distro. Uninstaller is currently not working for your OS" exit 1 fi echo "Removing PERL libs and man files" PERL_SITELIB=/usr/lib/perl5 if [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then PERL_SITELIB=$(eval $($PERL -V:sitelib);echo $sitelib); fi PERL_SITEMAN3DIR=`eval \`$PERL -V:siteman3dir\`;echo $siteman3dir`; [ -d $DESTDIR/$PERL_SITELIB/PandoraFMS ] && rm -rf $DESTDIR/$PERL_SITELIB/PandoraFMS rm -f $DESTDIR/$PERL_SITEMAN3DIR/PandoraFMS::* 2>/dev/null echo "Removing Pandora Servers" if [ -d $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_out ]; then rm -Rf $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in else rm -Rf $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL fi echo "If the user Pandora is not being used for any other operations, please delete using the following commands:" if [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then echo " rmuser pandora" else echo " userdel pandora" echo " rm -Rf /home/pandora/" fi ## Just to clarify here. Some people (like me) are using the pandora user ## for other purposes and/or using an LDAP-based user management ## I would hate to have a script clear out this users' information without any notification rm -Rf $DESTDIR$PANDORA_LOG 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE 2> /dev/null rm -f "$DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE.new" 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE 2> /dev/null rm -f "$DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE.new" 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SERVER 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/pandora_server 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/pandora_exec 2> /dev/null # Do not remove tentacle files if agent is still installed... [ -e $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/pandora_agent ] || rm -f $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/tentacle_server 2> /dev/null [ -e $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/pandora_agent ] || rm -f $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/tentacle_client 2> /dev/null rm -Rf $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly/pandora_db rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d/pandora_server if [ "$DESTDIR" ] then # do nothing with "fakeroot" uninstallation : elif [ "$DISTRO" = "UBUNTU" ] || [ "$DISTRO" = "DEBIAN" ] then update-rc.d -f pandora_server remove update-rc.d -f tentacle_serverd remove elif [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then TMP_CRONTAB=/tmp/crontab.tmp egrep -v "Pandora FMS|pandora_db.pl" /etc/crontab > $TMP_CRONTAB cp $TMP_CRONTAB /etc/crontab rm $TMP_CRONTAB fi rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/rc2.d/S90pandora_server 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S90pandora_server 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/rc2.d/S80tentacle_serverd 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S80tentacle_serverd 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$MANDIR/pandora_server.1.gz 2>/dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$MANDIR/tentacle_server.1.gz 2>/dev/null echo "Done" } help () { echo " --install To install Pandora FMS Servers on this system (You have to be root)" echo " --uninstall To uninstall and remove Pandora FMS Servers on this System" echo " " echo " Additional second parameter (after --install) " echo " " echo " --force Ignore dependency problems and do the install" echo " --no-tentacle Skip tentacle server installation (by default tentacle server installed)" echo " --destdir DIR Specify root directory for \"fakeroot\" installation" echo " --from-binary No compile Pandora Server and not execute Makefiles" echo " " } # Script banner at start echo " " echo "Pandora FMS Server Installer $PI_VERSION $PI_BUILD (c) 2008-2023 Pandora FMS" echo "This program is licensed under GPL2 Terms. http://pandorafms.com" echo " " case "$MODE" in '--install') install "$@" exit 0 ;; '--uninstall') uninstall "$@" exit 0 ;; *) help esac