list_status = [ -1 => __('All'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL => __('Normal'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING => __('Warning'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD => __('Critical'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN => __('Unknown'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL => __('Not normal'), // default AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT => __('Not init'), ]; $this->columns = ['agent' => 1]; if ($system->checkACL($this->acl)) { $this->correct_acl = true; } else { $this->correct_acl = false; } } public function ajax($parameter2=false) { $system = System::getInstance(); if (!$this->correct_acl) { return; } else { switch ($parameter2) { case 'get_modules': $this->getFilters(); $page = $system->getRequest('page', 0); $modules = []; $end = 1; $listModules = $this->getListModules($page, true); if (!empty($listModules['modules'])) { $end = 0; $modules = $listModules['modules']; } echo json_encode(['end' => $end, 'modules' => $modules]); break; } } } public function setFilters($filters) { if (isset($filters['id_agent'])) { $this->id_agent = $filters['id_agent']; } if (isset($filters['all_modules'])) { $this->all_modules = $filters['all_modules']; } if (isset($filters['status'])) { $this->status = $filters['status']; } } public function disabledColumns($columns=null) { if (!empty($columns)) { foreach ($columns as $column) { $this->columns[$column] = 0; } } } private function getFilters() { $system = System::getInstance(); $user = User::getInstance(); $this->default_filters['module_group'] = true; $this->default_filters['group'] = true; $this->default_filters['status'] = true; $this->default_filters['free_search'] = true; $this->default_filters['tag'] = true; $this->free_search = $system->getRequest('free_search', ''); if ($this->free_search != '') { $this->default = false; $this->default_filters['free_search'] = false; } $this->status = $system->getRequest('status', __('Status')); if (($this->status === __('Status')) || ($this->status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_ALL)) { $this->status = AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_ALL; } else { $this->default = false; $this->default_filters['status'] = false; } $this->group = (int) $system->getRequest('group', __('Group')); if (!$user->isInGroup($this->acl, $this->group)) { $this->group = 0; } if (($this->group === __('Group')) || ($this->group == 0)) { $this->group = 0; } else { $this->default = false; $this->default_filters['group'] = false; } $this->module_group = (int) $system->getRequest('module_group', __('Module group')); if (($this->module_group === __('Module group')) || ($this->module_group === -1) || ($this->module_group == 0) ) { $this->module_group = -1; } else { $this->default = false; $this->module_group = (int) $this->module_group; $this->default_filters['module_group'] = false; } $this->tag = (int) $system->getRequest('tag', __('Tag')); if (($this->tag === __('Tag')) || ($this->tag == 0)) { $this->tag = 0; } else { $this->default = false; $this->default_filters['tag'] = false; } } public function show() { if (!$this->correct_acl) { $this->show_fail_acl(); } else { $this->getFilters(); $this->show_modules(); } } private function show_fail_acl() { $error['type'] = 'onStart'; $error['title_text'] = __('You don\'t have access to this page'); $error['content_text'] = System::getDefaultACLFailText(); if (class_exists('HomeEnterprise')) { $home = new HomeEnterprise(); } else { $home = new Home(); } $home->show($error); } private function show_modules() { $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $ui->createPage(); $ui->createDefaultHeader( __('Modules'), $ui->createHeaderButton( [ 'icon' => 'back', 'pos' => 'left', 'text' => __('Back'), 'href' => 'index.php?page=home', ] ) ); $ui->showFooter(false); $ui->beginContent(); $filter_title = sprintf( __('Filter Modules by %s'), $this->filterEventsGetString() ); $ui->contentBeginCollapsible($filter_title); $ui->beginForm('index.php?page=modules'); $system = System::getInstance(); $groups = users_get_groups_for_select( $system->getConfig('id_user'), 'AR', true, true, false, 'id_grupo' ); $options = [ 'name' => 'group', 'title' => __('Group'), 'label' => __('Group'), 'items' => $groups, 'selected' => $this->group, ]; $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $options = [ 'name' => 'status', 'title' => __('Status'), 'label' => __('Status'), 'items' => $this->list_status, 'selected' => $this->status, ]; $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $module_groups = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tmodule_group ORDER BY name' ); $module_groups = io_safe_output($module_groups); array_unshift($module_groups, ['id_mg' => 0, 'name' => __('All')]); $options = [ 'name' => 'module_group', 'title' => __('Module group'), 'label' => __('Module group'), 'item_id' => 'id_mg', 'item_value' => 'name', 'items' => $module_groups, 'selected' => $this->module_group, ]; $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $tags = tags_get_user_tags(); array_unshift($tags, __('All')); $options = [ 'name' => 'tag', 'title' => __('Tag'), 'label' => __('Tag'), 'items' => $tags, 'selected' => $this->tag, ]; $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $options = [ 'name' => 'free_search', 'value' => $this->free_search, 'placeholder' => __('Free search'), ]; $ui->formAddInputSearch($options); $options = [ 'icon' => 'refresh', 'icon_pos' => 'right', 'text' => __('Apply Filter'), ]; $ui->formAddSubmitButton($options); $html = $ui->getEndForm(); $ui->contentCollapsibleAddItem($html); $ui->contentEndCollapsible(); $this->listModulesHtml(); $ui->endContent(); $ui->showPage(); } private function getListModules($page=0, $ajax=false) { global $config; $system = System::getInstance(); $user = User::getInstance(); $id_type_web_content_string = db_get_value( 'id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo', 'nombre', 'web_content_string' ); $total = 0; $modules = []; $modules_db = []; $sql_conditions_base = ' WHERE 1=1'; // Part SQL for the id_agent $sql_conditions_agent = ''; if ($this->id_agent != 0) { $sql_conditions_agent = ' AND tagente_modulo.id_agente = '.$this->id_agent; } // Part SQL for the Group if ($this->group != 0) { $sql_conditions_group = ' AND tagente.id_grupo = '.$this->group; } else { $user_groups = implode(',', $user->getIdGroups($this->acl)); $sql_conditions_group = ' AND tagente.id_grupo IN ('.$user_groups.')'; } // Part SQL for the Tag $sql_conditions_tags = tags_get_acl_tags( $user->getIdUser(), $user->getIdGroups($this->acl), $this->acl, 'module_condition', 'AND', 'tagente_modulo' ); $sql_conditions = ' AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 AND tagente.disabled = 0'; // Part SQL for the module_group if ($this->module_group > -1) { $sql_conditions .= sprintf( " AND tagente_modulo.id_module_group = '%d'", $this->module_group ); } // Part SQL for the free search if ($this->free_search != '') { $sql_conditions .= sprintf( " AND (tagente.nombre LIKE '%%%s%%' OR tagente_modulo.nombre LIKE '%%%s%%' OR tagente_modulo.descripcion LIKE '%%%s%%')", $this->free_search, $this->free_search, $this->free_search ); } // Part SQL fro Status if ($this->status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL) { // Normal $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado = 0 AND (utimestamp > 0 OR (tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo IN(21,22,23,100))) '; } else if ($this->status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD) { // Critical $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado = 1 AND utimestamp > 0'; } else if ($this->status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING) { // Warning $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado = 2 AND utimestamp > 0'; } else if ($this->status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL) { // Not normal $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado <> 0'; } else if ($this->status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN) { // Unknown $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado = 3 AND tagente_estado.utimestamp <> 0'; } else if ($this->status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT) { // Not init $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.utimestamp = 0 AND tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo NOT IN (21,22,23,100)'; } if ($this->status != AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT) { // When filter is not "not init" // Not show not init modules. It's only operation view $sql_conditions .= ' AND (tagente_estado.utimestamp != 0 OR tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo IN (21,22,23,100))'; } if ($this->tag > 0) { $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo IN ( SELECT ttag_module.id_agente_modulo FROM ttag_module WHERE ttag_module.id_tag = '.$this->tag.')'; } $sql_conditions_all = $sql_conditions_base.$sql_conditions_agent.$sql_conditions.$sql_conditions_group.$sql_conditions_tags; $sql_select = "SELECT (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( SEPARATOR ',') FROM ttag WHERE ttag.id_tag IN ( SELECT ttag_module.id_tag FROM ttag_module WHERE ttag_module.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo)) AS tags, tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo, tagente.intervalo AS agent_interval, tagente.nombre AS agent_name, tagente.alias AS agent_alias, tagente_modulo.nombre AS module_name, tagente_modulo.history_data, tagente_modulo.flag AS flag, tagente.id_grupo AS id_group, tagente.id_agente AS id_agent, tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo AS module_type, tagente_modulo.module_interval, tagente_estado.datos, tagente_estado.estado, tagente_modulo.min_warning, tagente_modulo.max_warning, tagente_modulo.str_warning, tagente_modulo.unit, tagente_modulo.min_critical, tagente_modulo.max_critical, tagente_modulo.str_critical, tagente_modulo.extended_info, tagente_modulo.critical_inverse, tagente_modulo.warning_inverse, tagente_modulo.critical_instructions, tagente_modulo.warning_instructions, tagente_modulo.unknown_instructions, tagente_estado.utimestamp AS utimestamp"; $sql_total = 'SELECT count(*)'; $sql = ' FROM tagente INNER JOIN tagente_modulo ON tagente_modulo.id_agente = tagente.id_agente INNER JOIN tagente_estado ON tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON tagente.id_agente = tasg.id_agent LEFT JOIN ttag_module ON ttag_module.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo'.$sql_conditions_all; $sql_limit = 'ORDER BY tagente.nombre ASC '; if (!$this->all_modules) { $sql_limit = ' LIMIT '.(int) ($page * $system->getPageSize()).','.(int) $system->getPageSize(); } if ($system->getConfig('metaconsole')) { $servers = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tmetaconsole_setup WHERE disabled = 0' ); if ($servers === false) { $servers = []; } // $modules_db = array(); $total = 0; foreach ($servers as $server) { if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR) { continue; } $temp_modules = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_select.$sql.$sql_limit); foreach ($temp_modules as $result_element_key => $result_element_value) { $result_element_value['server_id'] = $server['id']; $result_element_value['server_name'] = $server['server_name']; array_push($modules_db, $result_element_value); } $total += db_get_value_sql($sql_total.$sql); metaconsole_restore_db(); } } else { $total = db_get_value_sql($sql_total.$sql); $modules_db = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_select.$sql.$sql_limit); } if (empty($modules_db)) { $modules_db = []; } else { $modules = []; foreach ($modules_db as $module) { $row = []; $image_status = ''; if ($module['utimestamp'] == 0 && (($module['module_type'] < 21 || $module['module_type'] > 23) && $module['module_type'] != 100) ) { $image_status = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_NO_DATA, __('NOT INIT'), true ); } else if ($module['estado'] == 0) { $image_status = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_OK, __('NORMAL').': '.$module['datos'], true ); } else if ($module['estado'] == 1) { $image_status = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_CRITICAL, __('CRITICAL').': '.$module['datos'], true ); } else if ($module['estado'] == 2) { $image_status = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_WARNING, __('WARNING').': '.$module['datos'], true ); } else { $last_status = modules_get_agentmodule_last_status( $module['id_agente_modulo'] ); switch ($last_status) { case 0: $image_status = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('NORMAL').': '.$module['datos'], true ); break; case 1: $image_status = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('CRITICAL').': '.$module['datos'], true ); break; case 2: $image_status = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('WARNING').': '.$module['datos'], true ); break; } } $row[0] = $row[__('Module name')] = ''.$image_status.''.''.ui_print_truncate_text($module['module_name'], 30, false).''; if ($this->columns['agent']) { $row[1] = $row[__('Agent name')] = ''.ui_print_truncate_text($module['agent_alias'], 50, false).''; } if ($module['utimestamp'] == 0 && (($module['module_type'] < 21 || $module['module_type'] > 23) && $module['module_type'] != 100) ) { $row[5] = $row[__('Status')] = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_NO_DATA, __('NOT INIT'), true ); } else if ($module['estado'] == 0) { $row[5] = $row[__('Status')] = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_OK, __('NORMAL').': '.$module['datos'], true ); } else if ($module['estado'] == 1) { $row[5] = $row[__('Status')] = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_CRITICAL, __('CRITICAL').': '.$module['datos'], true ); } else if ($module['estado'] == 2) { $row[5] = $row[__('Status')] = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_WARNING, __('WARNING').': '.$module['datos'], true ); } else { $last_status = modules_get_agentmodule_last_status( $module['id_agente_modulo'] ); switch ($last_status) { case 0: $row[5] = $row[__('Status')] = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('NORMAL').': '.$module['datos'], true ); break; case 1: $row[5] = $row[__('Status')] = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('CRITICAL').': '.$module['datos'], true ); break; case 2: $row[5] = $row[__('Status')] = ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('WARNING').': '.$module['datos'], true ); break; } } $row[__('Interval')] = ($module['module_interval'] == 0) ? human_time_description_raw($module['agent_interval'], false, 'tiny') : human_time_description_raw($module['module_interval'], false, 'tiny'); $row[4] = $row[__('Interval')] = ''.$row[__('Interval')].''; $row[6] = $row[__('Timestamp')] = ''.ui_print_timestamp($module['utimestamp'], true, ['units' => 'tiny']).''; if (is_numeric($module['datos'])) { $output = format_numeric($module['datos']); // Show units ONLY in numeric data types if (isset($module['unit'])) { $output .= ' '.''.io_safe_output($module['unit']).''; } } else { $is_web_content_string = (bool) db_get_value_filter( 'id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', [ 'id_agente_modulo' => $module['id_agente_modulo'], 'id_tipo_modulo' => $id_type_web_content_string, ] ); // Fixed the goliat sends the strings from web // without HTML entities if ($is_web_content_string) { $module['datos'] = io_safe_input($module['datos']); } // Fixed the data from Selenium Plugin if ($module['datos'] != strip_tags($module['datos'])) { $module['datos'] = io_safe_input($module['datos']); } if ($is_web_content_string) { $module_value = $module['datos']; } else { $module_value = io_safe_output($module['datos']); } $sub_string = substr(io_safe_output($module['datos']), 0, 12); if ($module_value == $sub_string) { $output = $module_value; } else { $output = $sub_string; } } $is_snapshot = is_snapshot_data($module['datos']); $is_large_image = is_text_to_black_string($module['datos']); if (($config['command_snapshot']) && ($is_snapshot || $is_large_image)) { $link = ui_get_snapshot_link( [ 'id_module' => $module['id_agente_modulo'], 'module_name' => $module['module_name'], ] ); $row[7] = ui_get_snapshot_image($link, $is_snapshot).'  '; } else { if ($system->getConfig('metaconsole')) { $row[__('Data')] = ''; $row[__('Data')] .= ''; $row[__('Data')] .= 'id_agent.'">'; $row[__('Data')] .= $output.''; $row[7] = $row[__('Data')]; } else { $row[7] = $row[__('Data')] = ''.''.''.$output.''.''; } } if (!$ajax) { unset($row[0]); if ($this->columns['agent']) { unset($row[1]); } unset($row[2]); unset($row[4]); unset($row[5]); unset($row[6]); unset($row[7]); } $modules[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $row; } } return [ 'modules' => $modules, 'total' => $total, ]; } public function listModulesHtml($page=0, $return=false) { $system = System::getInstance(); $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $listModules = $this->getListModules($page); // $ui->debug($listModules, true); if ($listModules['total'] == 0) { $html = '

'.__('No modules').'

'; if (!$return) { $ui->contentAddHtml($html); } else { return $html; } } else { if (!$return) { $table = new Table(); $table->id = 'list_Modules'; $table->importFromHash($listModules['modules']); $ui->contentAddHtml($table->getHTML()); } else { // ~ foreach ($listModules['modules'] as $key => $module) { // ~ $listModules['modules'][$key][__('Status')] .= // ~ ''; // ~ } $table = new Table(); $table->id = 'list_agent_Modules'; $table->importFromHash($listModules['modules']); $html = $table->getHTML(); return $html; } if (!$this->all_modules) { if ($system->getPageSize() < $listModules['total']) { $ui->contentAddHtml( '
'.html_print_image('images/spinner.gif', true, false, false, false, false, true).' '.__('Loading...').'
' ); $this->addJavascriptAddBottom(); } } } $ui->contentAddLinkListener('list_Modules'); } private function addJavascriptAddBottom() { $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $ui->contentAddHtml( "' ); } private function filterEventsGetString() { if ($this->default) { return __('(Default)'); } else { $filters_to_serialize = []; if (!$this->default_filters['group']) { $filters_to_serialize[] = sprintf( __('Group: %s'), groups_get_name($this->group, true) ); } if (!$this->default_filters['module_group']) { $module_group = db_get_value( 'name', 'tmodule_group', 'id_mg', $this->module_group ); $module_group = io_safe_output($module_group); $filters_to_serialize[] = sprintf( __('Module group: %s'), $module_group ); } if (!$this->default_filters['status']) { $filters_to_serialize[] = sprintf( __('Status: %s'), $this->list_status[$this->status] ); } if (!$this->default_filters['free_search']) { $filters_to_serialize[] = sprintf( __('Free Search: %s'), $this->free_search ); } if (!$this->default_filters['tag']) { $tag_name = tags_get_name($this->tag); $filters_to_serialize[] = sprintf( __('Tag: %s'), $tag_name ); } $string = '('.implode(' - ', $filters_to_serialize).')'; return $string; } } }