import sys import json from datetime import datetime import hashlib #### # Define some global variables ######################################################################################### # Entity to character mapping. Contains a few tweaks to make it backward compatible with the previous safe_input implementation. _ENT2CHR = { '#x00': chr(0), '#x01': chr(1), '#x02': chr(2), '#x03': chr(3), '#x04': chr(4), '#x05': chr(5), '#x06': chr(6), '#x07': chr(7), '#x08': chr(8), '#x09': chr(9), '#x0a': chr(10), '#x0b': chr(11), '#x0c': chr(12), '#x0d': chr(13), '#x0e': chr(14), '#x0f': chr(15), '#x10': chr(16), '#x11': chr(17), '#x12': chr(18), '#x13': chr(19), '#x14': chr(20), '#x15': chr(21), '#x16': chr(22), '#x17': chr(23), '#x18': chr(24), '#x19': chr(25), '#x1a': chr(26), '#x1b': chr(27), '#x1c': chr(28), '#x1d': chr(29), '#x1e': chr(30), '#x1f': chr(31), '#x20': chr(32), 'quot': chr(34), 'amp': chr(38), '#039': chr(39), '#40': chr(40), '#41': chr(41), 'lt': chr(60), 'gt': chr(62), '#92': chr(92), '#x80': chr(128), '#x81': chr(129), '#x82': chr(130), '#x83': chr(131), '#x84': chr(132), '#x85': chr(133), '#x86': chr(134), '#x87': chr(135), '#x88': chr(136), '#x89': chr(137), '#x8a': chr(138), '#x8b': chr(139), '#x8c': chr(140), '#x8d': chr(141), '#x8e': chr(142), '#x8f': chr(143), '#x90': chr(144), '#x91': chr(145), '#x92': chr(146), '#x93': chr(147), '#x94': chr(148), '#x95': chr(149), '#x96': chr(150), '#x97': chr(151), '#x98': chr(152), '#x99': chr(153), '#x9a': chr(154), '#x9b': chr(155), '#x9c': chr(156), '#x9d': chr(157), '#x9e': chr(158), '#x9f': chr(159), '#xa0': chr(160), '#xa1': chr(161), '#xa2': chr(162), '#xa3': chr(163), '#xa4': chr(164), '#xa5': chr(165), '#xa6': chr(166), '#xa7': chr(167), '#xa8': chr(168), '#xa9': chr(169), '#xaa': chr(170), '#xab': chr(171), '#xac': chr(172), '#xad': chr(173), '#xae': chr(174), '#xaf': chr(175), '#xb0': chr(176), '#xb1': chr(177), '#xb2': chr(178), '#xb3': chr(179), '#xb4': chr(180), '#xb5': chr(181), '#xb6': chr(182), '#xb7': chr(183), '#xb8': chr(184), '#xb9': chr(185), '#xba': chr(186), '#xbb': chr(187), '#xbc': chr(188), '#xbd': chr(189), '#xbe': chr(190), 'Aacute': chr(193), 'Auml': chr(196), 'Eacute': chr(201), 'Euml': chr(203), 'Iacute': chr(205), 'Iuml': chr(207), 'Ntilde': chr(209), 'Oacute': chr(211), 'Ouml': chr(214), 'Uacute': chr(218), 'Uuml': chr(220), 'aacute': chr(225), 'auml': chr(228), 'eacute': chr(233), 'euml': chr(235), 'iacute': chr(237), 'iuml': chr(239), 'ntilde': chr(241), 'oacute': chr(243), 'ouml': chr(246), 'uacute': chr(250), 'uuml': chr(252), 'OElig': chr(338), 'oelig': chr(339), 'Scaron': chr(352), 'scaron': chr(353), 'Yuml': chr(376), 'fnof': chr(402), 'circ': chr(710), 'tilde': chr(732), 'Alpha': chr(913), 'Beta': chr(914), 'Gamma': chr(915), 'Delta': chr(916), 'Epsilon': chr(917), 'Zeta': chr(918), 'Eta': chr(919), 'Theta': chr(920), 'Iota': chr(921), 'Kappa': chr(922), 'Lambda': chr(923), 'Mu': chr(924), 'Nu': chr(925), 'Xi': chr(926), 'Omicron': chr(927), 'Pi': chr(928), 'Rho': chr(929), 'Sigma': chr(931), 'Tau': chr(932), 'Upsilon': chr(933), 'Phi': chr(934), 'Chi': chr(935), 'Psi': chr(936), 'Omega': chr(937), 'alpha': chr(945), 'beta': chr(946), 'gamma': chr(947), 'delta': chr(948), 'epsilon': chr(949), 'zeta': chr(950), 'eta': chr(951), 'theta': chr(952), 'iota': chr(953), 'kappa': chr(954), 'lambda': chr(955), 'mu': chr(956), 'nu': chr(957), 'xi': chr(958), 'omicron': chr(959), 'pi': chr(960), 'rho': chr(961), 'sigmaf': chr(962), 'sigma': chr(963), 'tau': chr(964), 'upsilon': chr(965), 'phi': chr(966), 'chi': chr(967), 'psi': chr(968), 'omega': chr(969), 'thetasym': chr(977), 'upsih': chr(978), 'piv': chr(982), 'ensp': chr(8194), 'emsp': chr(8195), 'thinsp': chr(8201), 'zwnj': chr(8204), 'zwj': chr(8205), 'lrm': chr(8206), 'rlm': chr(8207), 'ndash': chr(8211), 'mdash': chr(8212), 'lsquo': chr(8216), 'rsquo': chr(8217), 'sbquo': chr(8218), 'ldquo': chr(8220), 'rdquo': chr(8221), 'bdquo': chr(8222), 'dagger': chr(8224), 'Dagger': chr(8225), 'bull': chr(8226), 'hellip': chr(8230), 'permil': chr(8240), 'prime': chr(8242), 'Prime': chr(8243), 'lsaquo': chr(8249), 'rsaquo': chr(8250), 'oline': chr(8254), 'frasl': chr(8260), 'euro': chr(8364), 'image': chr(8465), 'weierp': chr(8472), 'real': chr(8476), 'trade': chr(8482), 'alefsym': chr(8501), 'larr': chr(8592), 'uarr': chr(8593), 'rarr': chr(8594), 'darr': chr(8595), 'harr': chr(8596), 'crarr': chr(8629), 'lArr': chr(8656), 'uArr': chr(8657), 'rArr': chr(8658), 'dArr': chr(8659), 'hArr': chr(8660), 'forall': chr(8704), 'part': chr(8706), 'exist': chr(8707), 'empty': chr(8709), 'nabla': chr(8711), 'isin': chr(8712), 'notin': chr(8713), 'ni': chr(8715), 'prod': chr(8719), 'sum': chr(8721), 'minus': chr(8722), 'lowast': chr(8727), 'radic': chr(8730), 'prop': chr(8733), 'infin': chr(8734), 'ang': chr(8736), 'and': chr(8743), 'or': chr(8744), 'cap': chr(8745), 'cup': chr(8746), 'int': chr(8747), 'there4': chr(8756), 'sim': chr(8764), 'cong': chr(8773), 'asymp': chr(8776), 'ne': chr(8800), 'equiv': chr(8801), 'le': chr(8804), 'ge': chr(8805), 'sub': chr(8834), 'sup': chr(8835), 'nsub': chr(8836), 'sube': chr(8838), 'supe': chr(8839), 'oplus': chr(8853), 'otimes': chr(8855), 'perp': chr(8869), 'sdot': chr(8901), 'lceil': chr(8968), 'rceil': chr(8969), 'lfloor': chr(8970), 'rfloor': chr(8971), 'lang': chr(9001), 'rang': chr(9002), 'loz': chr(9674), 'spades': chr(9824), 'clubs': chr(9827), 'hearts': chr(9829), 'diams': chr(9830), } # Construct the character to entity mapping. _CHR2ENT = {v: "&" + k + ";" for k, v in _ENT2CHR.items()} #### # Convert the input_string encoded in html entity to clear char string. ######################################################################################### def safe_input( input_string: str = "" ) -> str: ''' Convert the input_string encoded in html entity to clear char string. ''' if not input_string: return "" return "".join(_CHR2ENT.get(char, char) for char in input_string) #### # Convert the html entities to input_string encoded to rebuild char string. ######################################################################################### def safe_output( input_string: str = "" ) -> str: ''' Convert the html entities to input_string encoded to rebuild char string. ''' if not input_string: return "" for char, entity in _CHR2ENT.items(): input_string = input_string.replace(entity, char) return input_string #### # Prints dictionary in formatted json string. ######################################################################################### def debug_dict( jsontxt = "" ): """ Prints any list, dict, string, float or integer as a json """ try: debug_json = json.dumps(jsontxt, indent=4) print (debug_json) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(f"debug_dict: Failed to dump. Error: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"debug_dict: Unexpected error: {e}") #### # Assign to a key in a dict a given value. ######################################################################################### def set_dict_key_value( input_dict: dict = {}, input_key: str = "", input_value = None ): """ Assign to a key in a dict a given value """ key = input_key.strip() if len(key) > 0: input_dict[key] = input_value #### # Return MD5 hash string. ######################################################################################### def generate_md5( input_string: str = "" ) -> str: """ Generates an MD5 hash for the given input string. Args: input_string (str): The string for which the MD5 hash will be generated. Returns: str: The MD5 hash of the input string as a hexadecimal string. """ try: md5_hash = hashlib.md5(input_string.encode()).hexdigest() except: md5_hash = "" return md5_hash #### # Returns or print current time in date format or utimestamp. ######################################################################################### def now( print_flag: int = 0, utimestamp: int = 0 ) -> str: """ Returns time in yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS format by default. Use 1 as an argument to get epoch time (utimestamp) """ today = if utimestamp: time = datetime.timestamp(today) else: time = today.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') if print_flag: print(time) return time #### # Translate macros in string from a dict. ######################################################################################### def translate_macros( macro_dic: dict = {}, data: str = "" ) -> str: """ Expects a macro dictionary key:value (macro_name:macro_value) and a string to replace macro. It will replace the macro_name for the macro_value in any string. """ for macro_name, macro_value in macro_dic.items(): data = data.replace(macro_name, macro_value) return data #### # Parse configuration file line by line based on separator and return dict. ######################################################################################### def parse_configuration( file: str = "/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf", separator: str = " ", default_values: dict = {} ) -> dict: """ Parse configuration. Reads configuration file and stores its data as dict. Args: - file (str): configuration file path. Defaults to "/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf". \n - separator (str, optional): Separator for option and value. Defaults to " ". Returns: - dict: containing all keys and values from file. """ config = {} try: with open (file, "r") as conf: lines = for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith("#") or len(line.strip()) < 1 : continue else: option, value = line.strip().split(separator, maxsplit=1) config[option.strip()] = value.strip() except Exception as e: print (f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}") for option, value in default_values.items(): if option.strip() not in config: config[option.strip()] = value.strip() return config #### # Parse csv file line by line and return list. ######################################################################################### def parse_csv_file( file: str = "", separator: str = ';', count_parameters: int = 0, debug: bool = False ) -> list: """ Parse csv configuration. Reads configuration file and stores its data in a list. Args: - file (str): configuration csv file path. \n - separator (str, optional): Separator for option and value. Defaults to ";". - coun_parameters (int): min number of parameters each line shold have. Default None - debug (bool): print errors on lines Returns: - List: containing a list for of values for each csv line. """ csv_arr = [] try: with open (file, "r") as csv: lines = for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith("#") or len(line.strip()) < 1 : continue else: value = line.strip().split(separator) if len(value) >= count_parameters: csv_arr.append(value) elif debug==True: print(f'Csv line: {line} does not match minimun parameter defined: {count_parameters}',file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: print (f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}") return csv_arr #### # Parse given variable to integer. ######################################################################################### def parse_int( var = None ) -> int: """ Parse given variable to integer. Args: var (any): The variable to be parsed as an integer. Returns: int: The parsed integer value. If parsing fails, returns 0. """ try: return int(var) except: return 0 #### # Parse given variable to float. ######################################################################################### def parse_float( var = None ) -> float: """ Parse given variable to float. Args: var (any): The variable to be parsed as an float. Returns: float: The parsed float value. If parsing fails, returns 0. """ try: return float(var) except: return 0 #### # Parse given variable to string. ######################################################################################### def parse_str( var = None ) -> str: """ Parse given variable to string. Args: var (any): The variable to be parsed as an string. Returns: str: The parsed string value. If parsing fails, returns "". """ try: return str(var) except: return "" #### # Parse given variable to bool. ######################################################################################### def parse_bool( var = None ) -> bool: """ Parse given variable to bool. Args: var (any): The variable to be parsed as an bool. Returns: bool: The parsed bool value. If parsing fails, returns False. """ try: return bool(var) except: return False